Unit 2- intro to international

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What did Oppenheimer say after the first explosion of the nuclear bomb in New Mexico?

"Now I am become death, the destroyer of the world"


"openness" a policy of the Soviet government allowing freer discussion of social problems, press conferences, open debates, and free speech

bi-polar world

two superpowers (USA/USSR) with massive nuclear weapons capability to dominate

1986 Chernobyl

world's worst nuclear accident- U.S.S.R did not hide this, and this signified change in Russia

Who controlled most of the middle east before world war 1

ottoman empire/turkey

cultural relativism

the practice of judging a culture by its own standards Created by Claude Levi-Strauss Cultures are equal just different

Washington Summit 1987

-Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) was created between US and USSR to eliminate nuclear and ground-launched ballistic missiles

What are the 3 phases of the cold war?

1) Escalation (1947-1962) 2) Detente (1963-1979) 3) Ending (1979-89/91)

Describe the end of the USSR

1) Gorbachev becomes president of the democratic USSR 2) USSR breaks into 11 republics( independent states) Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Moldova, Azerbaijan 3) Gorbachev loses job because U.S.S.R no longer exists Considered the end of the cold war

How did the UN intervene with the British promises

1) The UN split the land with 56 % to the Zionists(Jewish) and 44% to the Arabs 2) Truman supports Jewish people and fights Arab natives sends them to Lebanon and Jordan~ 1 million displaced

How did Russia respond to democracy?

1) There was a Kuu against Gorbachev in 1991, where he was ousted 2) Changes the constitution to give the president more power 3) Hyperinflation, a large gap b/w the rich and poor 4) Ordinary people suffer worse then those under communism 5) In 1999 Putin becomes president, rise of Russian nationalism

What caused the Cold War?

1) U.S.S.R post World War 2 spread their ideals throughout Europe and took over the Baltic area. This scared America since they did not want communist ideas to spread or the U.S.S.R coming west. (U.S.S.R starts war) 2) Truman became really harsh to U.S.S.R. not including them in talks etc. U.S capitalism also wanted to expand to European countries. 3) Find in textbook chapter 5

Britain makes 3 promises to countries during world war 1 what are they?

1)Arabs will gain independence from the Turks in exchange for their support of the British in world war 1 2) Talked to the French and said they would divide up the middle east between them- called Sykes-Picot agreement 3) Jews will establish a new state in Palestine- The Balfour declaration ** Most famous one

How many members are in OPEC?


Why was self determination half baked after world war 2?

Only really worked in Europe; African and Asia colonies had a harder time applying the concept until Third World movement

3 Mile Island Incident

A mechanical failure and a human error at this power plant in Pennsylvania combined to permit an escape of radiation over a 16 mile radius.

What characterizes the modern era?

A move towards secular view, more technology, and a belief in science.


A perspective recognizing the cultural diversity of the United States and promoting equal standing for all cultural traditions.


A policy for establishing and developing a national homeland for Jews in Palestine. Move Jews back to their homeland

1989 Revoultions

A series of revolutions in 1989 that led to the downfall of the Soviet Union. Countries including, Poland, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Yugoslavia

Where did Islamic fundamentalist movements take place the late 1970s?

Afghanistan, and Iran


Commonwealth of Independent States, a loose federation of former Soviet territories Pledged to remain separate, but friendly to each other

Wind of Change Speech

Delivered by British PM Harold Macmillan in 1960, the speech covered the rapid wave of change in Africa at that time and denounced Apartheid on behalf of Britain and the Commonwealth.

What is the post world 2 era?


When was the cold war


When was the civil rights era


When is the year of Africa?


When did the cold war start to calm down?

1963 after the Cuban missile crisis

When was the detente era, and what characterized it?

1963-1979 An easing of tension, and a shift to a multi-polar world.

How long did the Vietnam war last, and why did the U.S lose?

1964-1973 Vietnam simply would not give up Started U.S trend downward.

When did Nixon visit China?


What year did Reagan become president, and what did this mean for the cold war?

1981, this began the end of the Cold War but also tension rose again Reagan called the country evil and vowed to destroy it.

Oil Crisis

Economic crisis of 1973 that occurred when OPEC nations refused to export oil to Western nations They did this to punish U.S because of their support to Islam rather then Palestine (it was Palestine's land in the first place)

What countries are Arab in the middle east?

Egypt and Saudi Arabia

Who organized the Bandung Conference?

Egypt, Indonesia, India, Communist China, Pakistan, Burma, and Ceylon

What did the fall of the berlin wall represent?

End of Cold War


Engaging in activities aimed at influencing public officials, especially legislators, and the policies they enact.

What did Cultural relativism challenge?

Euro-Centrism Cultural relativism says Human characteristics are the same everywhere. Cultures are unique in their way and we should celebrate our differences.

What also caused the conflict in Israeli (Europe)

European politics forced Jewish people out of their country so they had to go to Jerusalem

What did Reagan term Russia

Evil Country This made him gain popularity with religious fundamentalists. Threatened to destroy the country.

Will the nuclear deterrence theory always work?

It will as long as every country has a rational leader, but not every country does. Also accidental launches could happen

When were the hostages released? Why is this important?

January 20th the day after Carter left office and Reagan was elected. Reagan told Iran to hold on to the hostages until after he got elected both to make him look good and carter look bad Reagan promised weapons in exchange for the hostages

Chairmen Mao

Leader of China in 1989 during the failed revolution. Stated you can have money but no democracy, ended the revolution by sending tanks in

How many leaders died during Reagans first term?


G7 summit (`76)

7 Richest capitalist countries attended Canada, U.S, France, Japan, UK, West Germany, Italy Dominate 2/3 of the worlds wealth Makes sure countries are on the same page and agree on major policies during crisis part of the multi-polar world

How much of Palestine was occupied by Jewish settlers.


NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

A 1949 defense alliance initiated by the US, Canada, and 10 Western European nations


A government controlled by religious leaders

Describe the Korean War

After W.W.II., Korea was divided into two parts. (N. Korea=Communist, S. Korea =Capitalism) North Korea invades South Korea. The United States intervenes, and then China also gets involved to face U.S and stop them from taking over the whole country.

What did the containment policy do?

Aided countries at the Cold War front to negate U.S.S.R pressure. (rich countries do not want to turn to communism)


An organization of countries formed in 1961 to agree on a common policy for the production and sale of petroleum. (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

When did FDR die? Who took over?

April 1945 - President Harry Truman

Why did the U.S start talking to China?

Because China has 20% of the world population.

Why is OPEC influential?

Before OPEC oil production was monopolized by U.S, Netherlands, and UK BP, Royal Dutch shell, Exxon, Mobile, Chevron, Gulf, Texaco

What characteristics are part of the escalation phase of the cold war

Bi-polar world

Why did tensions ease after the Cuban missile crisis?

Both countries realized after an almost nuclear disaster that what they were doing is dumb and they should talk

How can OPEC influence global events?

By its control of oil prices and availability Drill less oil and ^^ oil prices

What happened in 1969?

China and Russia start a border war, so China has now made enemies with U.S and Russia. (they were mad because communist Russia started talking to capitalist U.S) They realize how strong Russia is so they also start to talk to U.S as well.

How are people's attitudes and thoughts changing during the 60s and 70s?

Civil Rights Act- Found to be more important after WW2 seeing the atrocities in Europe regarding the holocaust and the lack of human rights. People started to generate more liberal/multicultural values After this ^^^ was solved, it moved to Anti-war/ counter-culture, which also led to combat draft policies, and war in Vietnam. After this ^^^ moved to environmental causes.

twin deficits in Reagan era

Federal budget and trade balance-Americans not purchasing America

Margaret Thatcher

First women Prime minister; of Britain first to meet with Gorbachev, convinced Reagan to meet with him

Spell Mikhail G's last name


What did Truman think about Russia and how did this change relations?

He hated communism, and the U.S took up an anti-Russian stance

Mikhail Gorbachev

Head of the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991. His liberalization effort improved relations with the West, but he lost power after his reforms led to the collapse of Communist governments in eastern Europe. Know how to spell his last name.

What things did the U.S have that Russia didn't?

Hydrodren bombs

Nuclear Deterrence Theory

If a country has nuclear weapons, another country will not attack for fear of nuclear retaliation.

What country is Persian in the middle east?


Name the 4 major countries of the middle east

Iran, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia

How did OPEC rise?

New countries post World 2 decided to control their own oil production.

How does communism work?

No private companies in the country run everything. Everyone gets the same pay.

How many promises did Britain keep?

One with the French

What is the West Bank?

Part of the land set aside for Arab Palestinians

Counter Culture Movement

People who rejected mainstream American society in the 60s. Based on peace, love, and individual freedom Hippie culture Sexual revolution


Persian word for king

Democratization in US-backed countries 1986-88

Philippines, South Korea, and Taiwan established democracy.

INF treaty

Reagan and Gorbachev signed this treaty, which provided for the dismantling of all intermediate range nuclear weapons in Russia and all of Europe. Considered by some to be Reagan's single most important piece of foreign policy.

SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative)

Reagan's proposed missile-defense system; featured orbiting battle stations in space that could fire laser beams to vaporize intercontinental missiles on liftoff; popularly known as "Star Wars plan", Reagan described it as an "astrodome" shield over America; scientifically impossible and astronomically expensive, the initiative was part of Reagan's plan to force the Soviets' hand. Actually just a bluff they could not actually shoot down nuclear missiles at the time

Nonalignment movement

Refers to a group of developing countries that stayed neutrality in the Cold War... chose not to side with either USSR or USA, also called the third world movement.

Why did Iraq attack Iran

Religious differences Sunni vs Shiite Want more territory, and oil wealth

1987 perestroika***

Restructuring of political and economic systems in the Soviet Union, announcement of soviet army withdrawal from Afghanistan Gorbachev did this because, the economy was growing stagnant. Economy growing stagnant since because the system took away incentive to work hard

Gentle Revolution

Revolution in Czechoslovakia for democracy 1989

Describe Detante and the multi-polar world

Russia and U.S started to talk after several crises, China did not like this so they start beefing among USSR border. US realize that China is huge so they start talking to China as well. During all of this, the 3rd world county and opec start to rise due to their massive resources in oil( they can control the oil prices by reducing oil output). Also less powerful countries like UK, France, and west Germany had power with their votes in the UN

Who was part of the Warsaw Pact?

Soviet Union, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania (eastern Europe)


Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, a plan to limit nuclear arms and also increased trade and exchange of scientific information.

What is the Gaza Strip?

Strip of land in Israel that has caused the conflict between the Palestinians and Israelis. occupied by Palestinians

Why did the cold war escalate?

Tention in North (U.S.S.R controlled) and South Korea (U.S Controlled). Korean war

Name the important decolonization countries

The Philippines from U.S- 1946 India and Pakistan from UK - 1947 Burma, Sri Lanka from UK-1948 Indonesia wins independence from Netherlands-1949 Libya from Italy-1951 Vietnam won 1/2 an independence in 1954 from France, U.S takes over and starts Vietnam war

What did the G7 summit show about the U.S economy?

The U.S economy is growing weaker they could no longer make decisions by themselves almost asking for help.

Who intervenes on cultural practices that could harm people?

The UN, and in particular the World Health organization

What is the underlying reason of 9/11?

The United States denied the self-determination of Arabs in support of Israel.

Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963

The agreement that banned atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons * Stil had underground, and underwater testing


The collapse of colonial empires. Between 1947 and 1962, practically all former colonies in Asia and Africa gained independence.

Bandung Conference

The conference in which representatives from twenty-nine governments of Asian and African nations gathered in Bandung, Indonesia to discuss peace and the role of the Third World in the Cold War, economic development, and decolonization. The conference denounced colonialism in all its manifestations and said that all countries in attendance would not align with either communism (USSR) or capitalism (US)

What result did U.S.S.R conversion to democracy have on countries around them

The countries around them who were forced into communism by Russia could also convert to democracy which they wanted.

What did the changes in middle east lead to?

The end of the cold war

What was a result of the SDI

The largest deficit, so they cut education, hospital, and shelter funds.

Why did the mujahedeen receive US support even though they were against some American ideals?

The mujahedeen wanted to establish an Afghan democracy. The mujahedeen promised to protect U.S. oil interests. The mujahedeen aimed to created a pro-U.S. alliance in the region. The mujahedeen were trying to overthrow the communists.

Late 70s backlash

The rise of traditionalist values including religious fundamentalism to combat counter cultural movement. Called themselves moral/silent majority they don't like more and more people getting rights.

What happened in 1988-89?

The soviet troops withdrew from Afghanistan, and Gorbachev introduces a new constitution that allows a multi-party system

Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988)

The war began over territorial disputes. Fighting spread throughout the Gulf region and the United States was dragged into the conflict several times, either being attacked or attacking hostile targets. The war ended in 1988, as Iraq began preparing to invade Kuwait. The area remained a volatile region.

What did Russia do to make Americans anxious, and why did it make us anxious?

They launched a satellite This made Americans nervous because they now have the technology to launch long-range missiles

How did Russia gain democracy?

They were given it, they didn't have to protest

Why did Truman support the Zionists?

To get Jewish votes

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)

Treaty was signed in 1970 under which nuclear powers agreed not to sell or give nuclear weapons to any other country and nonnuclear powers promised not to develop or acquire such weapons *Stop the spread of nuclear weapons

What started the Iran hostage crisis?

U.S refused to send the old Shah back to Iran, so Iran attacked U.S embassy and kept 53 Americans hostage

why did self-determination not happen for Palestine?

U.S supports Jewish people over Palestinians

Who supports Israel?

U.S, and it's allies

Containment policy

US policy to stop the expansion of the Soviet Union and Communism Instead of war Keep them where they are now/ acknowledge where they are and what they have.

Who were the "super powers" in the Cold War?

US, and USSR

What happened in 1979 to make U.S quarrel with USSR again?

USSR sent troops into Afghanistan to help the communist government fight off mujahedeen. Western countries boycotted the Summer Olympics 1980 in Moscow, hurt athletes more than anything else In 1984 Eastern boycotted Olympics in La

Why did the USSR and China not get on well?

USSR started talking to U.S, China thought this was weak and they wanted to rise up as the prime communist country.

Allies of U.S in the cold war

Uk, Canada, France, Japan, South Korea, Western countries

What alliance did Russia make to rival NATO

Warsaw pact

solidarity movement

a Polish trade union that was the first non - communist trade union in any country in the Warsaw Pact. The union used peaceful civil resistance for workers rights and social change against the oppressive communist government. Due to the social movement, partially free elections in Poland took place in 1989 and after the fall of the Soviet Union, the union's leadership took power in Poland. This movement was the first movement in a Soviet satellite nation to challenge the communist government.


a military terrorist group intent on replacing Israel with an Arabian state


an uprising by Palestinian Arabs (in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank) against Israel in the late 1980s and again in 2000

Post Modern

characterized by a set of values that center on "quality of life" considerations and give less attention to material gain. Traditions vs. Modernity

Manhattan Project

code name for the secret United States project set up in 1942 to develop atomic bombs for use in World War II


economic system in which all means of production (land, mines, factories, businesses) are owned by the people, private property doesn't exist, and all goods and services are shared equally Equal pay


in Afghanistan, holy warriors banded together to fight the Soviet-supported government in the late 1970s.

What is another name for the nuclear deterrence theory?

mutually assured destruction theory (MAD)

German Reunification

process in which German Democratic Republic (East Germany) joined Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) and Berlin was united into a single city

Religious Fundamentalism

religious movement whose objectives are to return to the foundations of the faith and to influence state policy seen in U.S and middle east

Iranian Revolution of 1979

rise of Islamic Fundamentalism and the overthrow of the Shah of Iran. Returning from his exile Ayatollah Khomeini returned from exile and led the revolution and established an Islamic republic of Iran (theocracy)


the easing of hostility or strained relations, especially between countries.

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