Unit 2 Math
A number that is added to another number.
Cummutative Property of Addition
Addends can be in any order and the sum remains the same.
Associative Property of Addition
Addends can be regrouped and the sum remains the same.
Adjusting one number to make a computation easier and balancing the adjustment by changing another number.
Compatible Numbers
Numbers that are easy to compute with mentally. Number are close in value to the actual numbers.
Inverse Operations
Opposite operations that undo each other such as addition and subtraction.
Rounding involves either increasing or decreasing a number to the next digit. Rounding means making a number simpler but keeping its value close to what it was. The result is less accurate, but easier to use. Can be used to estimate an answer.
Equivalent Decimals
To align decimal points in a decimal addition problem, annex zeros so that all addends have the same number of decimal places.
the answer to a subtraction problem.
the answer to an addition problem.
two numbers or expressions that have the same value.