Unit 2- Rhythm
Common time
Is also known as common time. Some times the letter C on the staff will replace the 4/4 symbol.
Symbol for the duration of a musical silence.
The upper number of the time signature
The upper number of the time signature tells how many beats (counts) will be in each measure. (The top number is 3 so there are three counts in each measure)
Whole rest
The whole rest resembles a hole in the ground.
When a 4 is the bottom number of the time signature?
When a 4 is the bottom number of the time signature the quarter note receives 1 count.
Double bar line
Written at the end of a piece of music
In 4/4 time a half note receives _________ beats?
In 4/4 time a half note receives 2 beats.
In 4/4 time a quarter note receives _________ beats?
In 4/4 time a quarter note receives 1 beat.
Value of a quarter rest in 4/4 time?
In 4/4 time a quarter rest receives 1 beat of silence.
In 4/4 time a whole note receives _________ beats?
In 4/4 time a whole note receives 4 beats.
Value of a whole rest in 4/4 time?
In 4/4 time a whole rest receives 4 beats of silence.
How many quarter notes equal one half note?
2 quarter notes equal one half note
A whole note is equal to ___________ quarter notes?
A whole note is equal to 4 quarter notes notes.
Bar of music
Another name for a measure of music
Time signature
Appears at the beginning of the piece of music after the clef sign. It contains 2 numbers one above the other.
Bar lines
Divide the staff into equal parts
Placement of the notes on the staff indicate pitch. The type of note used indicates the duration of the sound (how long it will last).
Quarter note "F"
Whole rest on the staff
Rest for a whole measure of music. The whole rest hangs down from the 4th line of the staff.
The area between two bar lines
Bar lines on the grand staff
The bar line and double bar pass through the entire staff.
The bottom number of a time signature
The bottom number of a time signature indicates the type of note that will receive 1 beat.
Half rest
The half rest resembles a hat.
Half rest on the staff
The half rest sits on the 3rd line of the staff.
Value of a half rest in 4/4 time?
A half rest is equal to a half note. In 4/4 time a half rest receives 2 beats of silence.
A whole note is equal to _______ half notes.
A whole note is equal to 2 half notes.