Unit 3: Ch. 3 Study Guide Exam 1

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Hands form "C"

3 month old

Hold open hand to face

1 month old

Lifts head while prone


Prepare to "catch themselves"

6 month old

Tripod sits

The anterior fontanel normally remains open until _______ months of life

12 to 18

The education of parents about what to expect in the next phase of development is referred to as _______ guidance


The nurse is assessing the oral cavity of a 4 month old infant. Which finding is consistent with a child of this age?

B. No teeth

The nurse is teaching the parents of a 6 month old boy about proper child dental care. Which action will the nurse indicate as the most likely to cause dental caries?

B. Putting the baby to bed with a bottle of milk of juice

The nurse is assessing an infant at his 4 month well baby check-up. The nurse notes that at birth the baby weighed 8lb (3.6kg) and was 20 in (50.8cm) in length. Which finding is most consistent with the normal infant growth and development?

B. The baby weighs 16lb (7.3kg) and is 26 in (66.0cm) in length

The mother of a 1 month old infant voices concern about her baby's respirations. She states they are rapid and irregular. Which information should the nurse provide?

B. The respirations of a 1 month old infant are normally irregular and periodically pause

The nurse is assessing the sleeping practices of the parents of a 4 month old girl who wakes repeatedly during the night. Which parent comment might reveal a cause for the night waking?

B. They put her to bed when she falls asleep

In what incidences is breastfeeding contraindicated?

Breastfeeding or feeding of expressed human milk is recommended for all infants, including sick or premature newborns (with rare exceptions). The exceptions include infants with galactosemia, maternal use of illicit drugs and a few prescription medications, maternal untreated active tuberculosis, and maternal human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in developed countries.

The nurse is examining a 6 month old girl who was born 8 weeks early. Which finding is cause for concern?

C. Head size has increased 5 in (12cm) since birth

The nurse is educating the mother of a 6 month old boy about the symptoms for teething. Which symptom would the nurse identify?

C. Increased biting and sucking

Milk production is stimulated by _______ a hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary


2 month old

Raises head and chest

The nurse is providing helpful feeding tips to the mother of a 2 week old boy. Which recommendations will best help the child feed effectively?

A. Maintain a feed-on-demand approach

The nurse is caring for the family with a 2 month old boy with colic. The mother reports feeling very stressed by the baby's constant crying. Which intervention would provide the most help in the short term?

A. Urging the baby's mother to take time for herself away from the child

The nurse is reviewing the adjusted age of an infant. What is the adjusted age and how is it calculated?

When assessing the growth and development of a premature infant, use the infants adjusted age to determine expected outcomes. To determine adjusted age, subtract the number of weeks that the infant was premature from the infant's chronological age.

The nurse is observing a 6 month old boy for developmental progress. For which typical milestone should the nurse look?

C. Puts down a little ball to pick up a stuffed toy

The nurse is educating the mother of a newborn about feeding practices. The nurse correctly advises the mother:

C. The newborn's stomach can hold between one-half to one ounce

Inconsolable crying, known as ________ lasts longer than 3 hours


The thin, yellowish fluid called _______ is produced by the breasts for the first 2 to 4 days after birth


The nurse is teaching healthy eating habits to the parents of a 7 month old girl. Which recommendation is the most valuable advice?

D. Serve new foods several times

The mother of a 1 week old boy voices concerns about her baby's weight loss since birth. At birth the baby weighed 7 lb (3.2kg), the baby currently weighs 6 lbs 1 oz (2.8kg). Which response by the nurse is most appropriate?

D. Your baby has lost a bit more than the normal amount

The sequential process by which infants and children gain various skills and function is referred to as _______ development


When providing education to a new parent about how to tell if her infant is hungry, what behavioral cues should be discussed as early cues of hunger?

Early cues of hunger in a baby include making sucking motions, sucking on hands, or putting the fist to the chin.

What are the nursing interventions that will help achieve the Healthy People 2020 objective of increasing the proportion of mothers who breastfed?

Encourage breastfeeding in all mothers beginning with prenatal visit if applicable. Provide accurate education related to breastfeeding Be available for questions or problems related to initiation and continuation of breastfeeding Consult lactation consultant as needed or available Encourage pumping of breast milk when mother returns to work in order to continue breastfeeding Refer to local breastfeeding support groups such as La Leche League


Fanning and hyperextension

Asymmetric tonic neck

Fencing position

5 month old

Grasps rattle or toy

Identify four primitive reflexes present at birth.

Primitive reflexes are subcortical and involve a whole-body response. Selected primitive reflexes present at birth include moro, root, suck, asymmetric tonic neck, plantar and palmar grasp, step, and Babinski. Except, for the Babinski, which disappears around 1 year of age, these primitive reflexes diminish over the first few months of life, giving way to protective reflexes.

4 month old

Rolls from prone to supine


Searches with the mouth

Stranger anxiety is an indicator that the infant is recognizing himself as ______ from others


What changes normally take place in the cardiovascular system during the first year of life?

The heart doubles in size over the first year of life. As the cardiovascular system matures, the average pulse rate decreases from 120-140 in the newborn to about 100 in the 1 year old. Blood pressure steadily increases over the first 12 months of life, from an average of 60/40 in the newborn to 100/50 in the 12 month old. The peripheral capillaries are closer to the surface of the skin, thus making the newborn and young infant more susceptible to heat loss. Over the first year of life, thermoregulation (the body's ability to stabilize body temperature) becomes more effective, the peripheral capillaries constrict in response to a cold environment and dilate in response to heat.

List the motor skills of the infant in order of occurrence

Transfers object from one hand to the other Sits unsupported Crawls on hands and knees Puts objects in container Pokes with index finger

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