Unit 3 Government Study Guide

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What are the four key positions on the White House Office staff?

Chief of Staff, White House Counsel, Press Secretary, National Security Advisor.


the president put aside, or refuses to spend the money Congress has appropriated for a certain purpose with Congressional approval

Executive Privilege

the right of the president and other high ranking executive officers to refuse to testify before Congress or a court


the use of ideas, information, or rumors to influence opinion Appointment to political office that rewards those persons who support the president and the party during an election; also called civil service system or Spoils System.

What is the role of the Vice President according to the Constitution?

to cast a vote in the event of a Senate deadlock and to preside over and certify the official vote count of the U.S. Electoral College.

which cabinet department employs the most people?


How are electors chosen (electoral college)

In each state: republican comes up with people and democrats come up with people

Part I Short Answer Question (choose one): 5 points 1) Defend the current Electoral College system for the election of the President against those that would like to see it changed. Why is it a good system? Why should it remain unchanged? (Be specific) 2) Propose a change in the Electoral College system for the election of the President. Be specific and thorough in your proposal. Why do you think these changes are necessary?


Part II Short Answer Question (everyone answers): 5 points 3) Choose ONE bill that was passed on the House floor in our House of Representatives simulation, and do the following: a) Briefly summarize the bill b) If you were the President of the United States and this bill came to your desk, what action would you take? Be specific and explain the reason why you would take this action and explain what the action is. Be specific and thorough.


Name three limits on presidential power

1)The judicial branch has power in oversight, and to overrule the president. 2)The president is bound to uphold and defend the constitution. 3) Presidential powers are limited by statute and constitutional amendment (no dictators for life)

Be familiar with the names of the cabinets that exist today

16 members in president cabinet, VP and 15 departments Vice President State Treasury Defense Justice Interior Agriculture Commerce Labor Health and Human Services Housing and Urban Development Transportation Energy Education -5,000 employees Veterans Affairs Homeland Security

How long can a president serve?

A president is limited to serving for 10 years in office. He or she can only be elected to two full terms according to the 22nd amendment to the US Constitution. However, if an individual becomes president through the order of succession, then they are allowed to serve an additional two years.

What is the process by which cabinet members are selected and appointed?

Appointed by president and approved by the Senate

Campaign strategy as result of the electoral college system

Candidates for president will spend the majority of their time and money in swing states such as Ohio and Florida (there are others) where the voting population is so close that the state can go either Republican or Democrat. Candidates won't spend time in states where they know they won't win. For example, a Republican candidate wouldn't go to California because it is a solid Democratic state and it is very unlikely that it will become a Republican state. It would be a waste of time and money for Candidates to campaign in states of the opposite party.

What is the president's role as commander in chief?

Declares war with the consent and approval/ alongside congress.

What are the presidential two powers that have developed over time (not listed in the Constitution)?

Executive orders is to modify how an executive branch department or agency does its job (rule change) or to modify existing laws and Executive Privilege is the right the President has to withhold information from the public for the sake of national security. Think of the NSA and how the President didn't tell us that the NSA has been tapping phone lines and "spying" on Americans because it was for national defense reasons.

Executive Office of the President

Founded by FDR, the EOP is the collection of the President's closest advisors. This was designed to help the President manage everything and includes offices like the Office of Cabinet Affairs, Office of Communications, and everything else that covers the logistics of being President.

When in history have we had both a president and vice president who were not elected to their office?... who were they?

Gerald Ford- He was the first person appointed to the Vice Presidency under the terms of the 25th Amendment, after Spiro Agnew resigned. Need VP

Identify the five constitutional roles or duties of the president

Head of State, Chief Legislator, Chief Diplomat, Chief Executive, Commander in Chief

which cabinet position is the newest?

Homeland Security

How the number of electoral votes per state are decided(electoral college)

House of Reps + 2

What happens if no candidates reaches 270 or there is a tie (electoral college)

If neither candidate gets a majority of the Electoral Votes, the election for President is decided in the House of Representatives, with each state delegation having one vote. Senators would elect the Vice-President.

How the winner-takes-all system operates(except in Maine and Nebraska) (electoral college)

If there is a tie in the electoral college for the presidential race, each state's representatives in the electoral college will vote and whomever wins the majority vote wins all the votes in the state. For example in California there are 53 electoral college votes and in the presidential election, 20 vote Republican and 33 vote Democrat. In this winner takes all system, the Democrat will win all 53 votes. However, in Maine and Nebraska, the candidate wins votes with straight up numbers. For example, if Nebraska had 4 votes and Republicans get 3 and Democrats get 1, then the Republican candidate will count 3 votes and the Democrats still get credit for the 1 vote.

Name three specific checks on presidential power

Legislative, Executive, Judicial a. Limits on Presidential power: i. Congress can override a presidential veto and impeachment ii. Courts have judicial review/oversight over president iii. Public opinion iv. Federal bureaucracy: cabinet, executive office of the president, independent agencies, regulatory commissions.

What is the president's role as chief executive?

In charge of all federal employees, appoints cabinet members, grants reprieves, pardons and amnesty

What has been the primary occupation of our past presidents

Lawyers, a lot were had army experience also, but right before presidency they were a part of Congress

Executive Agreement

Pacts between the President and the head of a foreign gov't

What is the president's role as chief legislator?

Proposes legislation he/she wish enacted, presents budget and economic report, state of the union message is delivered, and has the power to veto.

White House Office Staff

Purpose is to keep the White House running. This means chefs, maids, security staff, gardeners, IT guys, office workers, doctor, electricians, and many more.

What is the president's role as chief economic planner?

The President's role as chief economic planner is to prepare an economic report for Congress, he/she is responsible for high unemployment, production and purchasing, can control prices and wages, and prepares the federal budget

What power does the Constitution give the Vice President?

The main power that the constitution gives the vice president is to be the president of the senate a. Constitutional powers of the Vice president i. Preside over the senate a. Casts vote in the case of a tie b. He cannot participate in debate or vote otherwise c. This role has led to debate as to which branch the VP belongs to (constitution does not specify) ii. First in line of succession to the President iii. Presides over the joint session of Congress when they count electoral votes iv. Non-Constitutional (informal roles) a. Depends on the President

Electoral Vote

the official vote for president and vice president by electors in each state

Line-item veto

the power to veto only certain lines or items in a bill


a formal agreement between the governments of two or more countries

What is the order of presidential succession?

after the VP, Speaker of the House,President Pro Tempore of the Senate, cabinet officers starting with the Secretary of State, then in order that Congress established the departments (state, Treasury, Defense, Attorney General, Interior)

Popular Vote

an act of voting by the electorate of a country or area.

What is the president's role as party leader?

the president helps members of his political party get elected or appointed to office. The president campaigns for those members who have supported his policies.

25th Amendment

formally established the order of presidential succession


group pardon to individuals for an offense against government


heads of executive departments, secretaries of the executive departments, the vice president, and other top officials that help the president make decisions and policy, president appoints and senate approves, employs over 2 million people

Be familiar with the Electoral College

idea was to protect the system from an out of control citizenry (passion of the people); compromise at the Constitutional Convention was an indirect method of election

22nd Amendment

limits a president's term to 10 years


member of a party chosen in each state to formally elect the president and vice president

What are the constitutional requirements for the office of President?

natural born citizen, 35 years old, resident of the US for 14 years


postponement of legal punishment or a reduction of a person's jail sentence or fine

What are the two major functions of the Office of Management and Budget?

prepares the national budget that the president proposes to Congress each year, and reviews all legislative proposals that executive agencies prepare


release from legal punishment

12th Amendment

requires electors to cast separate ballots for President and VP; also states that if no candidate receives a majority, the House picks from the top 3 candidates for President and the top 2 candidates for VP

Executive order

rules that have the force of law, spell out many of the details of policies and programs Congress enacts

President Pro Tempore

the Senate member, elected by the Senate, who stands in as president of the Senate in the absence of the vice president

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