Unit 3: Migration

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As migrants immigrate to a rapidly growing town, the gaps they leave are filled by other migrants from more distant areas. This process is called a. absorption b. inverse relationship c. gravity model d. dispersion e. none


Europe is experiencing one of the most significant influxes of migrants and refugees in its history. Hundreds of thousands of people have fled the Middle East and Africa, risking their lives along the way. Which of the following is a factor that the BBC article "Why is EU struggling with migrants and asylum" identifies as a main reason these migrants are being pushed out of their countries? a. civil war and terror b. the promise of a better life c. arable land d. physical environmental limitations e. a and d f. all of the above

a. civil war and terror

Europe is currently experiencing a major influx of migrants and refugees in areas including MENA and other parts of Asia. Based on readings about the EU's struggle with migrants and asylum, which is not a reason for the sudden increase of immigrants in Europe? a.human rights abuse in Eritrea b. civil war in Syria c. border control in Turkey d. a and c e. only a


Using your knowledge of Ravenstein's migration laws, which does not appropriately describe migration patterns? a. Most causes of migration are for economic reasons b. Females are more migratory than males within short distances c. Migration occurs in a series of steps d. Every migration flow produces a counter-flow e. All are true


According to a recent research paper published by the Pew Institute, Asians are to become the largest immigrant group to the United States within the next 50 years. For example immigrants from China come to the United States to enroll in graduate schools and Indian migrants come to the United States to work in high tech jobs. As Pew continues, Latin American immigration has slowed because of the great recession in 2007 and because of increased border patrol, a necessary act to stem the influx of illegal immigrants. The factors that have limited Latin America migration can be classified under what migration model? a. Lee's Model of Migration b. Gravity Model c. Todar's Economic Model d. Ravenstein's Laws of Migration e. Both a and c

e: both a and c; Increased border patrol is an intervening obstacle => Lee's Model of Migration Economic recession => Todar's Model, not worth moving b/c costs > benefits, economic factors are most influential push/pull factors.

Which is not an example of a pull factor? a. economic: employment, low interest b. political: education, freedom c. social/cultural: war, radical groups d. environmental: arable land, potable water e. all of the above f. none of the above


Europe is experiencing one of the greatest waves of migrants and refugees in history. This is putting a large burden on many destination countries that are trying to manage and control immigration rates. Where are the majority of immigrants and refugees coming from? A. Middle East and Africa B. Southeast Asia C. South Asia D. All of the above E. A and C


True/False. People migrate for various reasons. During the paleolithic era, people migrated because they were foragers (environmental push/pull), which means they followed their food. During the Industrial Revolution, people migrated in search of job opportunities (economic push/pull) in booming, urbanized cities. No matter the time period or push/pull factor, the majority of migrants has always been women. Once she has enough money, she brings over her family.


True/False. Stage one of Zelinsky's Mobility Transition Model demonstrates rural to rural migration. During stage one, the majority of migration is forced; the primary source of food for people in this stage is foraging or pastoralism. Thus, the main cause of forced migration during this period is environmental pushes. A prime example of stage one of Zelinsky's Model is the 2nd Green Revolution in Europe during the 16th and 17th century.


Migrants can move internally or internationally. People migrating internally may leave an old city and move to a newer suburb. Others may travel internationally in search of jobs and a brighter future in a developed country. More migrants, according to Ravenstein, would travel short distances because of the gravity model.


According to Ravenstein's Migration laws, as distance increases, migration will a. increase b. stay the same c. decrease d. stop e. none


True or False: Push factors draw people into an area, like high employment rates, education, and freedom. Pull factors, however, provide reasons for people to leave an area, like war and genocide.


As seen on the map (sorry, can't get quizlet to upload a map), the Eastern side of the United States is much more heavily populated than the West. For most of US history, the colonists were considered to be "hugging the coast." According to The Cultural Landscape, what intervening obstacle prevented western development? A. Mississippi River B. Appalachian Mountains C. Rocky Mountains D. Ohio River E. the Native Americans

b- The Appalachian Mountains blocked western development b/c of their steep slopes, thick forests, and few gaps that allowed easy passage.

Between 100 and 1300, several push and pull factors influenced the migration of people, especially between Rome and China. For example, the Silk Road wouldn't let people into China, so the Middle East was a leeway from Rome to China. Additionally, many people didn't inhabit Northern Russia because it was too cold. There was much religious discrimination towards Jews and Middle Eastern people in the Roman Empire, so those people steered away from Rome. When the Germanic tribes migrated from North to South and the Huns migrated from East to West, both towards Rome, what was a shared pull factor? A. trade B. better land (grazing, agriculture, etc.) C. power (over Roman empire) D. jobs

b. better land

Most of the movements within America is considered voluntary migration. There are two distinctive time periods, however, when involuntary migration has occurred. Involuntary migration is a migrant has been compelled to move because of political or environmental factors. During which time period, where people forced to move because of political factors? A. Manifest Destiny B. Dust Bowl C. Trails of Tears D. Depression Era E. Industrialization

c- Trails of Tears- when Native Americans were forced to move into Indian Territory

The Syrian refugee crisis has been the subject of much of the media. They have been influenced by the political turmoil caused by Assad's regime and Syrian terror forces. The _________ Model describes the push factors of Syria and the pull factors of European nations. The ___________ Model describes why individual people decide to stay in the region given economic, and social influences. a. Gravity, Ravenstein b. Todar, Gravity c. Gravity, Todar d. Zelinsky, Gravity e. None of the above

c. Gravity model describes the push and pull factors of a region, and the Todar model describes the individual decisions of Migration.

This year was a bad year. A severe drought killed all of your crops and you've racked up debts from just trying to feed yourself. You consider selling your farm and moving into a nearby big city. There, you could potentially get a job; however, the city is crowded, dangerous, dirty, and most of all, really expensive to get a rent. If you don't move, then at least you'd have a place to stay. After contemplating this, you decide to not risk going to the city and hope this year's weather is a bit nicer. This is an example of: a. Gravity Model b. Zelinsky Model c. Todar's Model d. Ravenstein's Law e. Stouffer's Theory

c: Todar's Model

According to Zelinsky's model, international migration is more likely to occur in which stage of the model? A. stage 1 B. stage 2 C. stage 3 D. stage 4

c: stage 3

Which of the following Zelinsky's Stages are not matched with its correct description? A. Stage 1 has little migration and a natural rate of increase of 0. This stage occurs before urbanization takes place. B. Stage 2 has high emigration rates and a high natural rate of increase. Urbanization is occurring during this stage. C. Stage 3 has a higher immigration rate than emigration rate. Metropolitan regions start to form as people migrate from city to city. D. Stage 4 has less migration than Stage 3. Metropolitan regions start to decrease in size as people move back to rural areas.

d) Urban to suburban and rural to urban migration takes place. Metropolitan regions get bigger.

Modern day scientists have been able to find that the source of the black plague in Europe that killed the third of the population at that time originated in India, where many people were immune to the disease. Apply your knowledge about migration patterns during this time period (Roman/Chinese Dominance) to determine the type of migration that caused this. A. Circular Migration B. Step Migration C. Chain Migration D. a and b E. None of the above

A circular b/c of the Silk Road => increased trade, people were in contact with different parts of the world, and then came back to their homelands where they spread the disease.

In the system known as pastoralism, humans look after flocks of animals to provide them with everything that they need. This often results in nomadic societies that travel from place to place. They follow the animals throughout their seasonal migratory patterns. This results in what kind of migration? A. Step Migration B. Chain Migration C. Pull Migration D. Circular Migration E. None of the above

Answer: D; circular migration; because these people are following animals' migration patterns, they basically go in circles every year

According to one of Ravenstein's laws, an urban resident is ________ to migrate than a rural resident. a. more likely b. less likely c. both the same


The International Organization for Migration (IOM) calls Europe the most dangerous destination and the Mediterranean the most dangerous border crossing for irregular migration in the world. Despite the dangers posed to migrants, the EU's response is more focused on securing borders than protecting migrants' and refugees' rights as the number of illegal border-crossing detections started to increase dramatically in 2011. What group makes up the largest group of migrants seeking a better life in other European countries? A. Afghans escaping war with Taliban rebels B. Syrians escaping civil war C. Eritreans escaping forced labor D. Iraqis escaping poverty E. B and D


The Schengen Zone is considered one of the signature achievements of European integration. Which of these are not true regarding policies of or issues with the Schengen Zone? A. Germany had reinstated border controls along its border with Austria after receiving a significant amount of migrants over one weekend. Several other countries like the Netherlands also soon followed with their own border controls. B. The Schengen zone does not allow the member countries to eliminate border controls for immigration. C. The Schengen zone is visa-free, meaning citizens can move between member countries without a visa. D. Migrants leaving their first country of entry are violating the Dublin Regulation and are putting an enormous strain on the Schengen zone. E. All of these are true


Today, it is speculated that 66% of Germany's immigrants are helpful to the country, as they contribute their hard work and talents to the country. However, 69% are considered deadweights and a strain in Italy. Most of the immigrants have refuged from the Syrian war since 2011. What could be an answer to why the immigrants in Germany are seemingly more "useful" to the country than those in Italy? A. Germany has a greater gravitational pull on the more "intelligent" immigrants, or a brain drain, allowing those who are more educated want to travel to Germany more than Italy. B. Italy is closer to the Middle East compared to Germany, so the refugees are more influenced to move to places that are closer, causing Italy to have a higher mass immigration of low-skilled workers. C. Germany makes immigrants take a test to make sure they are skilled enough, which is why so much of Germany's immigrants are a help to the country. D. Those who can afford to flee to Germany are usually skillful enough to contribute to skilled jobs.


While it is true that a large cohort of refugees are immigrating from MENA to Europe, it is also true that all regions in Europe are not affected the same, and react differently. Which of the following statements about how the regions react or are impacted is not true? A. Workers from border countries experiencing a heavy influx of refugees are moving toward the north and west in search of work B. In an effort to help the border countries manage the influx of refugees, the inner countries are continuing to keep borders controls wide open within the Schengen Zone, and there has not been any talk of reinstating border controls C. Many countries in Europe, regardless of location, display a prejudice against Muslim refugees, sometimes denying them entrance or showing a preference for non-Muslim migrants due to tension between the majority population and Muslim immigrants D. Harder to access, wealthier countries often have better run asylum centers and more generous resettlement policies than border countries do, even though less refugees are able to make it to these countries.


Shortly after the domestication of plants and animals, the paleolithic period came to an end, beginning the Neolithic Period. Foraging and hunting was replaced by pastoralists and farmers. Towese small advancements, people were still lacking in technology limiting their access ns, political groups, and ethnic groups began to form as small bands and nomadic groups decided to settle on arable land. Despite thto food and other necessities forcing them to migrate. Which of the four push/ pull factors affected migration the most during the Neolithic Period? A. Political B. Environmental C. Economic D. Social/Cultural

B Environmental

Applying what we know about the relationship between the demographic transition model and Zelinsky's Model of Migration, an area in stage 2 of Zelinsky's Model Would have which of the following characteristics? A. High CBR and CDR => Low NRI, population not increasing B. High CBR and Low CDR => Increasing NRI, massive population growth C. Low CBR and CDR => Low NRI, population is stable, may even start to go down D. None of the above

B because increases in tech allow for agricultural => more food => less people dying, CDR goes down. CBR still high because lots of people still needed for farming

When conquering cities, small tribes looking to get power usually choose already weak empires to attack. A prime example of this would be Germanic tribes attacking Western Rome when it was in a tumultuous state. In the 14th century, the Turks decided to expand their power, they attacked the Byzantine Empire, a shell of what it once was, weakened by the fourth Christian crusade. This would qualify as what kind of pull for these tribes? A. Economic B. Political C. Social D. Environmental E. It is not a pull.

B. Political

a is currently classified as being in the third stage of the Demographic Transition Model. Using your knowledge of the relationship between the Dem. Model and Zelinsky's Model, what kind of economy would you expect India to be in currently? A. Primary B. Secondary C. Tertiary D. Quaternary

B: The Demographic Transition Model is directly correlated to the Zelinsky Model in the way that the third stage of the Trans Model is also the third stage of the Zel. Model. This indicates that the region is in an industrial stage where the populous is more focused on the production of goods rather than services.

(The graph is y = 1/x, quizlet won't let me upload the image) What do the x and y axis on the above graph represent? a. x is time, y is distance b. x is number of migrants, y is distance c. x is distance, y is number of migrants c. none of these


The global recession has caused high unemployment rates and limited job opportunities in destination countries of the United States and Europe. This causes immigrants to reconsider whether the risks of leaving their home country are really worth the potential benefits. What would be a result of this shift in mentality? A. Increased chain migration to destination countries B. Increased net in-migration for destination countries C. Net out-migration instead of net in-migration for some destination countries D. None of the above E. Both a and b


The society in Europe can be classified as a greying society, with the number of elderly dependencies increasing per capita. Relating this stage of the demographic transition to the Zelinsky Model of Migration, we would also see what else in this region? A. Mainly Inter-rural migration B. Primary Economies C. Counter-urbanization D. Both a and b E. None of the above

C counter urbanization; greying society = stage 4 or 5 of DTM = Zelinsky stage 4, people move out of urban areas into suburban for a better lifestyle, but with longer commutes

The Dublin Regulation is a crucial policy in the migration crisis of Europe. Based on your readings, which of the following statements is true? Migrants must travel to secondary countries in order to have an equal amount of migrants seeking asylum. Otherwise, the number of migrants would be overwhelmingly larger in frontline countries. Entry points have unilateral responsibility for the migrants as soon as they enter an European country. Many countries have ignored the Dublin Regulation, allowing migrants to move to secondary states. A. Only B and C B. All are true C. None are true.


As the Pew Research center reports, the number of Hispanic and Latin American immigrants into the United States has slowed in the past years. Which of the following issues is the primary reason for this slowed migration? A. A decreased economic pull from the United States B. Increased border patrol at the US/Mexican Border C. Changing population demographic in Latin America D. All of the above E. Only b and c

D, recession in 2007 => economy goes down, less people want to come here, costs > benefits; increased border patrol stops illegal immigrants; population demographic is changing, not as many young people

Now observing that India is an extreme hub for communications technology and IT department development. What inference can you draw about its economy now? A. Primary B. Secondary C. Tertiary D. Quaternary

D: Even though the models do beg to differ in the fact that India is not actually a rising quaternary economy, the fact is that many companies such as Bank of America, Microsoft, etc. are outsourcing their communications and information services to countries such as India. This goes against the models theories and shows how distance is being overcome by technology, even affecting models that seem like laws.

According to the Gravity Model, which of the following places are most likely the destination of migrants? a. A place that is close b. A place that is far c. A place that is a major center of economic activity d. Only a and c e. None of the above

D: only a and c

Because of the mass migration of refugees fleeing from the wars in the Middle East, their ideas are brought into the continent. What could potentially happen to the future of Europe? A. Religions will eventually shift from Christianity to Muslim - social B. Overuse of the soil will cause erosion to drain away all the good soil - environmental C. Middle Eastern people could potentially take over government positions - political D. New businesses will rise and flourish as the refugees will help introduce their products to the business world - economic E all of the above F. only A, B, and D


Rapid population growth has limited economic advancements, leading to immigration. Europeans, Latin Americans, and Asians all began leaving in large numbers after they entered stage 2 of the demographic transition model. Which of the following are considered pull factors of the United States for these regions? a. Limited employment rates in developing regions (economic) b. Lack of religious freedom and unstable governments (political) c. Social radical groups posing threats to victims and targets (social) d. All of these are true e. None of the above


The IOM (International Organization for Migration) estimates that more than 464,000 migrants have crossed into Europe by sea for the first nine months of 2015. Syrians are the major cohort that has migrated, as seen on the news. What is one main push factor of their homeland and one main pull factor of Europe that has caused this event? A. push: economic pull: social B. push: social pull: political C. push: political pull: economic D. only a and c E. only b and c F. all of the above


Which of these factors was the main cause of migration out of Sub-Saharan after the release of African colonies? A. Revolutionary movements B. Unstable governments C. Pull factors of economic opportunities in European countries of which the citizens spoke the language D. Ethnic conflicts caused by the borders that European countries set up while negotiating the Berlin conference. E. All of the above


Which of these factors caused Abraham's migration to Israel? A. Economy B. Environmental C. War D. Society E. It was a pull factor

E. It was a pull factor

T/F: Because of the ongoing civil war in Syria caused by the Arab Springs in 2011, nearly 11 million people have been displaced from their homes. Fleeing for their lives in rubber dinghies across the Mediterranean trying to find asylum and safe haven in Europe. With Europe displaying a greying society, it undoubtedly needs these people to fill opening jobs and to relieve stress on the working class, however, many countries, such as Hungary fear for the safety of their own citizens and have closed their borders. Many opposed to this migration state that since the Dublin Regulation allows for free movement of people between countries in the EU, even if refugees are evenly distributed, they will undoubtedly flock to the wealthier nations.


True or False: During the change from the Paleolithic period to the Neolithic period, technology began to increase dramatically with the increase of domestication of plants and animals as a pull factor. Because of this rise in technology that advanced during this period, migration began to move very quickly. People began to move voluntarily from place to place.


T/F: Todar's model focuses on the pull-factors of different places, the distance between those, and migrant groups as whole, while the Gravity Model focuses on individual decisions on whether or not to move to a certain location.

False- basically "Todar" and "Gravity" should be switched

Most Syrian refugees head out with the intention of going to Germany, UK, and many other wealthier European countries, but many of them later decide to stay Eastern Europe for multiple reasons. This is an example of: A. Intervening opportunities B. Anti-migration obstacles C. Procrastination D. Ravenstein's 6th law

Intervening Opportunities

The current movement of people mostly from MENA to Europe involves the world's largest movement of people since the end of WW II. Over 2 million people are fleeing the instability of the current violence in Syria and Iraq looking for better, more stable lives in Europe. Because of these circumstances most social scientists would call these people which of the following? A. Cohorts B. Migrant Workers C. Refugees D. Internally Displaced Labor E. Involuntary Radicalized Migrants


Currently, there is an ongoing migration crisis happening in Europe with hundreds of thousands of people fleeing from countries in MENA. Most refugees come from Syria due to political turmoil between the Assad regime and rebel forces. With the collapse of all order in 2011 after the Arab Springs and the rise of new terrorist and radical organizations, such as the Islamic State, a total of 11 million people have now been internally or externally displaced, causing an influx of refugees into the European Union. Using Ravenstein's laws, we can make a nomothetic statement and say that most of these refugees are young males.


T/F: According to our readings on migration patterns in the United States, because of increased migration into this country, especially by Asian immigrants coming from China and India, within four decades, the United States won't have a majority group in terms of race.


True or False: After many European nations gave up their colonial possessions in Africa, many of the middle class citizens of those colonies migrated back to Europe. People who stayed in the these colonies were either too poor to migrate or rich enough to try to claim power during the confused raising of governments.


True or False: Around 100-1300 B.C.E, larger cities began to form and draw people from the surrounding areas. They developed a larger geographic gravity, and became centers for trade and festivals. These social intervening opportunities presented travelers with more job options and many families moved to these areas in hopes of better futures. These cities were an example of a pull factor.


True or False? Throughout history, there has been a concept of old and new immigrants. Old immigrants are considered mainly Protestants, and new immigrants are mainly considered Catholic.


True/False. Animism, or the belief in spirits, starts during the Neolithic period in about 8,000 BCE. This leads to the development of various religions. Religion can be both a cultural push and a cultural pull factor. For example, on one hand, religion can form cohorts within communities (pull factor). On the other hand, differences in religious beliefs can result in discrimination, which is a push factor.


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