Unit 3: The early Republic

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John Adams was a. the first Vice President of the United States 1789 b. President from 1797-1801 c. was a popular Federalist d. All of the above

All of the above

The elastic clause of the U.S. Constitution gives congress the power 1."make rules for the government and regulations of the land and naval forces;..." 2. "regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states , and with the Indian tribes;...." 3. "lay and collect taxes, duties, imports and excises,..." 4. "make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers,..."

"make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers,..."

How did Supreme Court decisions under Chief Justice John Marshall affect government in the United States? (1) Federal power increased at the expense of the states. (2) Strict limits were placed on congressional use of the elastic clause. (3) The impeachment of federal judges was declared unconstitutional. (4) State powers under the 10th Amendment were expanded.

Federal power increased at the expense of the states.

How did President George Washington react to the conflict between France and England in 1793? (1) He used the opportunity to begin the war for American independence. (2) He declared the neutrality of the United States. (3) He aided the French because they had supported the American Revolution. (4) He negotiated a peace settlement between the warring nations.

He declared the neutrality of the United States.

In the early 1800's, the need for a water route to help farmers ship their products to market was one reason for the (1) Gadsden Purchase (2) Louisiana Purchase (3) Mexican Cession (4) Missouri Compromise

Louisiana Purchase

On what grounds would strict constructionists of the United States Constitution have questioned the purchase of the Louisiana Territory? (1) It violated the guarantee of states' rights. (2) The president was not specifically given the power to purchase new land. (3) Congress was opposed to expansion west of the Mississippi River. (4) The Constitution applied only to the original thirteen states.

The president was not specifically given the power to purchase new land.

A loose interpretation of the Constitution was applied when (1) George Washington appointed John Jay to the Supreme Court (2) John Adams signed the Alien and Sedition Acts (3) Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory (4) James Monroe delivered his State of the Union message

Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory

Which role of the president is considered part of the unwritten constitution? (1) nominating federal judges (2) signing or vetoing legislation (3) acting as the leader of his political party (4) serving as commander in chief of the armed forces

acting as the leader of his political party

The major benefit of having the elastic clause in the U.S. Constitution is that it 1.allows he government to respond to changing conditions 2. protects the rights of the racial minorities 3. prevents one branch of government from becoming too powerful 4. establishes a postal service

allows he government to respond to changing conditions

Which proposal was included in Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton's financial plans in the 1790s? (1) incentives to encourage agricultural expansion (2) creation of a national bank (3) direct taxes on the states to support government operations (4) free trade with other nations

creation of a national bank

Thomas Jefferson opposed Alexander Hamilton's plan to create a national bank primarily because the plan would (1) weaken the nation's currency (2) increase the national debt (3) promote the interests of farmers (4) depend on a loose interpretation of the Constitution

depend on a loose interpretation of the Constitution

As Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton was most noted for (1) devising a plan to pay off the nation's debts (2) beginning a system to tax exports (3) arranging necessary loans from European nations (4) raising revenue from the sale of western lands

devising a plan to pay off the nation's debts

Most historians consider Alexander Hamilton to have been a successful Secretary of the Treasury because he (1) expanded trade with all nations (2) established a sound financial plan for the new nation (3) eliminated tariffs between the states (4) opposed payment of previous federal government debts

established a sound financial plan for the new nation

During the 1790's, one way Congress applied the elastic clause was by a. establishing a national bank b.creating a national postal system c. adding Vermont and Kentucky as states d. approving the Jay Treaty with Great Britain

establishing a national bank

"The Congress shall have Power . . . To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested [granted] by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof. . . ." This section of the United States Constitution was frequently used during the 20th century to (1) expand federal control of interstate commerce (2) reduce the number of federal courts (3) overturn decisions of the electoral college (4) impeach the president

expand federal control of interstate commerce

Which action is considered part of the unwritten constitution? (1) ratification of a treaty by the Senate (2) formation of the first two political parties (3) creation of a system of federal courts including the Supreme Court (4) presidential veto of a bill passed by Congress

formation of the first two political parties

'Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world ..." — President George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796 The United States was able to follow this advice from President Washington for several decades primarily because of (1) industrial and agricultural self-sufficiency (2) strong support from other Western Hemisphere nations (3) geographic isolation from Europe (4) peaceful relations between the European powers

geographic isolation from Europe

One major reason that Alexander Hamilton proposed a national bank was to (1) improve the economic position of the United States government (2) help state governments collect taxes (3) make loans available to owners of small farms (4) reduce foreign investment in the United States

improve the economic position of the United States government

The creation of the first political parties in the united states resulted from a controversy over a. declaring independence from Great Britain b. recognizing women's equality c. expanding slavery into the newly acquired territories d. interpreting the Constitution

interpreting the Constitution

Which action during Washington's administration led to the Whiskey Rebellion in western Pennsylvania? (1) passage of a new excise tax (2) establishment of a presidential cabinet (3) creation of the Bank of the United States (4) ban on slavery in the Northwest Territory

passage of a new excise tax

Soon after the Constitution was adopted, disagreements arose over the proper role of government in the economy. These disagreements led to the development of the first a. corporations b. political parties c. cabinet offices d. civil rights movements

political parties

Disagreement between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson over the interpretation of the Constitution led to the development 1.Great Compromise 2. President's Cabinet 3 National Judicial system 4. political party system

political party system

The implied powers suggested by the United States Constitution show that the writers recognized the a. powers of governments needed to be able to adapt to change b. rights of the states had to be protected c. powers of the Supreme Court needed to be checked d. rights of the citizens were the first concern of the government.

powers of governments needed to be able to adapt to change

The unwritten constitution is best defined as the (1) amendments to the United States Constitution (2) powers that the Constitution reserves for the states (3) powers that the Constitution denies to Congress and to the states (4) practices of the government that are based on custom and tradition

practices of the government that are based on custom and tradition

A major foreign policy success of President Thomas Jefferson's administration was the (1) purchase of the Louisiana Territory (2) support for the Alien and Sedition Acts (3) victory in the war of 1812 (4) passage of the Embargo Act

purchase of the Louisiana Territory

As a strict constructionist, President Thomas Jefferson questioned the constitutional right to (1) receive diplomats from foreign nations (2) purchase the Louisiana Territory (3) grant pardons to convicted criminals (4) veto legislation passed by Congress

purchase the Louisiana Territory

President George Washington's principal reason for issuing the Proclamation of Neutrality (1793) was to (1) repay France for help in the Revolutionary War (2) protect United States interests in the Caribbean area (3) safeguard the newly won independence (4) punish the British for failing to withdraw from American territory

safeguard the newly won independence

Conflicts between Jeffersonians and Hamiltonians during President George Washington's first administration led directly to the (1) end of the Era of Good Feelings (2) decision to replace the Articles of Confederation (3) addition of the elastic clause to the Constitution (4) start of the first political parties

start of the first political parties

Alexander Hamilton's argument that the government has the power to create a National Bank is based on which part of the constitution? a. the Preamble b. the elastic clause c. guarantee of the states d. Bill of Rights

the elastic clause

One reason James Madison and Thomas Jefferson objected to Alexander Hamilton's financial policies was that they believed (1) the establishment of a national bank was unconstitutional (2) a laissez-faire policy would not help the country's economy (3) the government should encourage industrial development (4) high tariffs were needed to protect America's economic interests

the establishment of a national bank was unconstitutional

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