UNIT 4 Psychology

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When under a great deal of stress, the body secrets these hormones in which of the following orders

CRH, ACTH, cortisol

which one of these peanut characters would be considered low self-efficacy

Charlie Brown

Ed is a 75-year-old divorcee and his friend Mitch is a 76-year-old married individual. When faced with depression and overwhelming stressful events, who is more likely to attempt suicide


who among the following is at the greatest risk for cancer

Kathy, who works outside, smokes and is depressed

Who would be most at risk for CHD when looking only at the type of work they do?

Mark, who has a job with high psychological demand and low decision control

who is more likely to attempt suicide when faced with depression and stressful events; Rene, an African-American struggling single parent or Tanya a Caucasian, college student?


Somatoform disorders are characterized by

a complaint of physical problems such as paralysis, pain, or persistent belief that one has a serious disease that does not exhist

Maggie wandered into the bedroom of her parents when she was 10 years old and saw her father in bed with someone other than her mother. Ever since that moment, Maggie has been blind. Doctors cannot find any physical cause for her blindness. Maggie is most likely suffering from

a conversion disorder

According to Ellis, a situation like failing a test, which results in stress is called a(n)

activation event

Mark sees an attacker approaching him with a knife. During his reaction, he experiences increased energy and a faster heart rate. This is caused most directly by

adrenaline and noradrenaline

While crossing the street Jennifer looks to her left and sees an oncoming truck. She first experiences the

alarm reaction

Psychological factors that can moderate the way an individual handles stress include

all of the above

" a merry heart doeth good like a medicine" is supported by research which shows a sense of humor can

all of these

Grace has a few close friends outside her immediate family. She is interested in others and shows warmth towards them, she in unwilling to enter into any relationships without an assurance of full acceptance. This would describe

an avoidant personality disorder

Vaccinations often introduce a small amount of antigen so the immune system produces_____, which remain in the bloodstream for years to fight off the disease in case of re-exposure


Kristen has a cold, and her body reacts to the virus in her system. The virus is considered a(n)


Jeffrey is a con artist who swindled. even his own grandmother out of her live savings. He shows no remorse and claims it was her own fault for being so gullible. Jeffrey exhibits the charactericts of the _____ personality disorder


Vacationing in Paris versus vacationing in Rome could be an example of a _____ conflict.


Dawn wants to be a veterinarian because she wants to help animals remain healthy. On the other hand, she knows she does not like to see animals suffering from illnesses. This produces a(n) _____ conflict


People with high self-efficacy expectations

are able to withstand stress

Anna's doctor is looking at the activity in her prefrontal cortex and the size of her ventricles to determine possible causes of her schizophrenia. Anna's doctor endorses the _____ view of schizophrenia


the disorder characterized by extreme mood swings from ecstatic elation to deep depression is

bipolar disorder

The quotation "living on the edge" best reflects which of the following?

borderline personality

Illness and disease are affected

by genetic predispositions

The development of mutant cells that take root in the body is known as


Psychological hardiness is characterized by

challenge, commitment, and control

According to Kobasa, a professor who takes an active part in the college's future endeavors in addition to the normal teaching duties exhibits


Twin studies reveal higher rates of ____ for anxiety disorders among identical twins than among fraternal twins


The leading cause of death in the United States is

coronary hearth disease

Because DID is more commonly found in the United States and Canada, it can be said that DID is


In regards to personality disorders, the learning perspective is to _____ as the biological perspective is to ______.

development environment; inherited traits

An important neurotransmitter involved in schizophrenic symptoms is


A(n) _______ attribution is one in which the blame is placed on someone or something other than the self


Boris has been under a great deal of stress. Which of the following is most likely true?

his immune system is weakened

Gender differences in response to stress are thought to be related to _____


You recently interviewed for a new job but did not get it. When you attribute the rejection to the factor that you "messed up" in the interview, the style of attribution is


People with avoidant personalities tend to be ______.

introverted and neurotic


is the most widely used classification system for psychological disorders, is multi-axial, groups mental disorders on the basis of observable behaviors or symptoms

Which statement most accurately depicts the role of "predictability" as discovered in research on stress?

it decreases the impact of stress

All of the following are irrational beliefs many people have (according to Ellis) EXCEPT

it is unreasonable to expect complete competence at everything we do

One of the most difficult consequences of agoraphobia is that those who suffer from the disorder are often unable to

keep a job

George has suddenly developed an inability to see at night. Doctors cannot identify a medical reason for his blindness. Although his family is very concerned about his loss of night vision, he appears to have accepted his limitations and shows little concern. Psychologists would label this indifference feature of George's behavior as

la belle indifference

Research evidence supports the theory that _____ is a frequent characteristic of people with antisocial personality disorder

lack of guilt

Learning theory suggests that depression can result from

learned helplessness

Psychomotor retardation is associated with

major depression

Lewis has been kicked in the head. When it becomes inflamed,

more blood flows to that region

The difference between the symptoms of a depressed mood and an episode of major depression is that the symptoms of major depression are

more intense

Which of the following is true concerning African Americans and cancer

more likely to contract most forms than European Americans

the view that recognized many factors, including biological, psychological, sociocultural, and environmental factors affect our health is known as

multifactorial approach

Greg is attempting to decide whether he should stay home or exercise at the gym. He wants to stay home because he likes to relax, but then he will feel guilty that he is not exercising. If he were to go to the gym, he would be glad that he is exercising but unhappy because he does not enjoy the exercise itself. This is _______ conflict.

multiple approach-avoidance

Psychological problems faced by people with cancer do NOT include which of the following??

nausea and vomiting

Hockey players who exhibit a high level of aggressive behavior in the rink are considered


THe DSM-IV groups disorders on the basis of

observable symptoms

A recurrent, intrusive thought that causes anxiety and is difficult to control is a(n)


Kevin keeps thinking he is an evil, unclean person who is capable of committing murder even though he would never do such a thing. he tries to put the thoughts out of his mind by washing his hands 15 to 20 times a day. Kevin demonstrates

obsessive compulsive disorder

A woman has difficulty concentrating on her job at work because of her preoccupation with the possibility that she has left the stove on or the iron plugged in at home. She imagines that her house will catch fire because of her mistake. She confides in her doctor. what diagnosis is the doctor likely to consider/

obsessive-compulsive diroder

You are experiencing an abrupt attack of acute anxiety in which you have SOB, heavy sweating, and pounding of the heart. The attack does not appear to be triggered by a specific object or situation. You are most likely experiencing a(n)

panic disorder

Jerry is experiencing hallucinations. He hears voices telling him which people to avoid because they are out to get him. He believes that he is a wealthy heir related to the Trump family. He avoids his actual family and exhibits confusion and fear. Jerry is most likely experiencing ________ schizophrenia


Grant believes that he has been sent to Earth to save mankind. He believes that women are evil and that any male who speaks to, or associates with, a female is doomed to a life as a servant to the female's wishes. Recently he has told you that the females on campus went to silence him and he has become agitated and fearful. Nothing will convince him that his ideas are untrue. This would describe

paranoid schizophrenia

Which of the following does not belong?


Jesse has migraine headaches. Which of the following is characteristics of migraine headaches

perception of unusual odor

Which group is more likely to commit suicide when depressed


The most likely psychological disorder to occur among soldiers returning from Iraq after many months of battle is

post traumatic stress disorder

Gulf War veterans are at risk for feelings of anxiety and helplessness caused by the traumatic experience of the war. This is

post-traumatic stress disorder

Katie studies the relationship between psychological factors and the workings of the immunes system. This field of study is called


The learning perspective argues that for some people, schizophrenic behavior is


Depressed people often make global attributions to explain failures. For example, a global explanation for a relationship failure might be,

"All the good ones are already married."

Mr. Smith lives at the end of the street. He has never married and lives alone. He does not seem to have any friends and often says odd things. His behavior is peculiar. These descriptions match

schizotypal personality disoder

A man preparing for his professional licensing examination becomes agitated and threatens to kill himself if he doesn't pass the exam on the first try. He is subsequently admitted for psychiatric examination, and the doctor learns the young man has neglected everything because he is terrified of failing his examination. The doctor most likely believes that the man exhibits _____ behavior


You are drinking too much, smoking too much, fighting with your family. you realize that these behavior are _____ and decide to seek help


Adam believes that he can bring about positive change in his life through his own efforts. Adam would have high


Isen et al (2010) showed that young boys had lower ____ which was connected with antisocial tendencies.

skin conductance

Some sociocultural theorists suggest that schizophrenia cannot be adequately treated unless _____ are resolved

social ills

Introverts and people who live alone are more prone to developing the common cold under stress because of a lack of

social support

A demand made on an organism to adapt is called


Rats who were implanted with cancer cells and then exposed to inescapable shocks demonstrated that

stress resulted in death rate five times that of non-shocked rats

Throughout human history, people have assumed that psychological disorders resulted from

supernatural forces

Your best friend discloses the fact that they are thinking of committing suicide. What should you do?

take them seriously; show you care and encourage them to seek help

Inflammation is caused by

the immune system

Individuals who experience more car accidents are often arrive early for appointments are _____ personalities

Type A

which personality type is associated with migraine headaches more so than muscle-tension headaches

Type A

Karen is a highly driven person. She is competitive, impatient, and often aggressive. Her behavior would be considered

Type A personality

Betsy paces herself in her work, tends to be less impatient, and also tends to be less ambitious. She fits a ____ pattern.

Type B

Individuals who are relaxed, patient, forgiving and focus on the quality of life are

Type B

Edgar was upset about something a friend said to him the previous day. He figured that he'd better not mention it to this friend because then this friend would be angry with him. This is an example of the _____ on stress

irrational thoughts

While anxiety is an appropriate response to a threat, it becomes evidence of a disorder when it

is excessive

Some people with conversion disorder seem unconcerned with their symptoms, even when they experience considerable disability such as paralysis. The feature of conversion disorder has been called

la belle indifference

Floyd's therapist believes that his hallucinations and delusions are more rewarding to Floyd than social interactions. Floyd's therapist endorses the ______ view of schizophrenia


Which of the following targets cognitions to reduce the state of arousal caused by stress


A student is starting a math exam. After reading the first question, they convince themselves taht they will fail even though they studied for the test. What should this student do?

take a deep breath and tell themselves I can do this. I am prepared

Sarah is a Japanese American. If she eats a diet typical of other Americans, she can expect

the same death rate as other Americans despite genes

"She was just in a bad mood. I'll ask her again when she is in a better mood." This is an example of a(n) _______ attribution


Whether people consider the causes of failure o be internal or external depends on the type of _______ style they use.


Kathy hurt her back. She is afraid to go to the doctor because she is worried it is serious, but she is also concerned that it will only worsen without treatment. This is

avoidance-avoidance conflict

Elation and depression are both aspects of _____ disorder.


Irrational events can create or compound stress by

both a and b

The argument that feelings of anxiety and helplessness are rooted in one's beliefs is consisted with the ______ view.


Dominic learned that there is a system in the body that recognizes and destroys foreign agents. This system is properly called the

immune system

One theory about the way humor functions to help people cope with stress is that humor is correlated with

immune system efficiency

In panic disorder, biological imbalances might initially trigger an attack. however, later feelings of helplessness can increase fear. This description demonstrates the _______ biological and psychological factors in mental disorders

interaction of

For a patient suffering with painful arthritis the doctor may prescribe

a daily dose of the Comedy Hour

William feels as if he has too much to do and not enough time to accomplish these things. These thoughts are considered

daily hassles

Individuals who are more likely to exhibit irrational beliefs that can put them at a higher risk for anxiety and depression are

dependent on social approval and perfectionist

The "common cold" of psychological disorders is


Which one of the following is a physiological feature that accompanies anxiety?

elevated blood pressure

Eric has high blood pressure, and his doctors have found on specific cause. This is most properly called

essential hypertension

Hans Selye termed stress that is healthful


When an individual can no longer cope with ongoing stress and becomes ill, they have reached the _____ stage of the general adaptation syndrome.


The symptoms of rapid or "pressured" speech, the tendency to switch from topic to topic, and an inability to listen to the comments of others are often observed in patients with bipolar disorder. These symptoms are often referred to as

flight of ideas

Free-floating anxiety is a

generalized anxiety disorder

In concordance rates for a psychological disorder are higher for identical twins than they are for fraternal twins, then the likelihood that both twins share a disorder is

greater for the identical twins

Jerry has poor social skills and lives on his own. When he is under stress,

he is more likely to develop an infectious disease

The branch of psychology that studies the relationships between psychological factors and the prevention and treatment of physical health problems is

health psychology

Your neighbor confides that she is worried because she believes that a variety of government agencies have bugged her phone and are out to get her. this kind of thinking suggests

ideas of persecution

Lili has a headache after a day of frustrating events. Most likely she is experiencing a ______ headache.


Eric experiences reoccurring panic attacks. he has become so afraid of having another panic attack he refuse to leave his home. Eric exhibits

panic disorder with agoraphobia

Paul is concerned about his risk for cancer. Which of the following is true of the development of cancer

people who normally develop cancerous cells

Peter has decided to manage his stress related to his statistics class by talking to his professor, his TA and joining a study group. Peter is engaging

problem-focused coping

The DSM-IV classification system contains information about

psychological disorders

You are suddenly overcome with fear and feel like you are having a heart attack because of the chest pains, dizziness, and weakness. After several minutes the episode passes, but you experience several unexpected reoccurrence over the next few months. This indicates

unusual behavior that is likely abnormal

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