Unit 4 Quiz Questions

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You have been put in charge of developing a vaccination strategy for pertussis (whooping cough), which is emerging on some college campuses. What percent of students would need to be vaccinated in order for herd immunity to be effective? The Ro for pertussis is 18. Assume all vaccinations are effective. 75% 90% 5% 25% 95% 50% 100% 10%


The first law of thermodynamics states that ____________. A) only eukaryotic cells can produce ATP B) energy cannot be created or destroyed C) energy transfers are 100% efficient


Remember that, as a rule, temperatures decrease with altitude. If you were studying the effects of climate change on the geographic ranges of species living in the mountains and your climate records showed that mean temperatures were increasing, you would predict that species ranges would show a shift toward: A) higher elevations. B) lower elevations. C) unpredictable elevations; the precise response would depend on individual species, with no clear trends or averages. D) intermediate elevations. E) None of the choices are correct.


Which of the following is NOT associated with increased emergence of new infectious diseases? A) increased human population size B) wars C) natural disasters D) increased global travel E) improved hygiene, such as frequent hand washing F) human exploration of wild areas


____________ are organisms that derive energy from sunlight. Heterotrophs Chemoheterotrophs Phototrophs Chemoautotrophs


The energy currency of a cell is ____________. proteins ATP DNA fats sugars


Which of the following organisms can fix nitrogen? A) animals B) bacteria C) fungi D) plants


(True or false) Some plant nutrients are more mobile in soil than others.


A disease that has always infected people in one geographic region continues to infect people in that region, with the infection prevalence remaining approximately the same. This describes: A) a zoonosis B) a disease epidemic C) an endemic disease D) a pandemic


What is the total amount of chemical energy produced by photosynthesis or chemosynthesis in a particular ecosystem? A) net primary production B) respiration C) total primary production D) gross primary production


Which of the following statements most accurately explains a hypothesis for why biodiversity is high at the equator and low at the poles? A) The high latitudes and poles have nutrient-poor soils. B) The tropics are unlikely to undergo primary succession, but primary succession is common in polar regions. C) As area increases, species richness decreases. D) The amount of primary producer biomass is higher near the equator and lower at the poles. E) The equator experiences a greater rate of disturbance events per unit time, compared to the relative constant rate of disturbance at high latitudes.


How many kilograms of biomass at the primary producer level would be required to support 20 kilograms of biomass at the tertiary consumer level? A) 20 B) 200 C) 10 D) 2000 E) 20,000 F) 2,000,000


(True or False) Bacteria can transfer genes horizontally, meaning that antibiotic resistance that evolves in one species can spread to another.


(True or False) Human introductions of Burmese pythons into the USA has had the effect of reducing population sizes of small mammals in the Everglades National Park in southern Florida.


(True or False) AIDS is no longer a serious health threat in the United States.


Dr. Ben Dantzer, a faculty member here at Michigan, studies red squirrels that live in the boreal forest. The boreal forest contains coniferous trees, which produce seeds but not flowers. In his study sites, white spruce is by far the most common tree species, and is eaten by the red squirrels. Which of the following can be used to describe the red squirrels? (Check all that apply) A) heterotroph B) primary consumer C) gymnosperm D) angiosperm E) eukaryote F) herbivore G) dominant species H) primary producer

A, B, E, F

Antibiotics can kill _____ in the human body, which may sometimes lead to health problems such as inflammatory bowel disease. A) harmful bacteria B) both harmful and beneficial bacteria C) beneficial bacteria D) fungi E) archaeons


A study in Minnesota prairies assessed the effect of several different experimental treatments on change in plant biomass. Plants in Minnesota prairies are mostly angiosperms. Which of the following characteristics would you expect these prairie plant angiosperms to have? A) Xylem & phloem, seeds, pollen, flowers, but no fruits B) Nucleus, chloroplasts, mitochondria, and multicellular haploid and diploid life stages, but no flowers C) Flowers, fruits, nucleus, and chloroplasts, but not mitochondria D) Seeds, pollen, xylem & phloem, and multicellular haploid and diploid life stages E) Chloroplasts, mitochondria, fruits, flowers, but no vascular tissue


The rate of exchange of carbon between the atmosphere and the oceans represents a carbon: A) biomass. B) precipitation. C) sink. D) reservoir. E) flux.


(True or False) There is a cure for AIDS.


Which of the following organisms can incorporate atmospheric carbon into C6H12O6 (glucose), thereby playing a major role in a food web? primary consumers herbivores decomposers secondary consumers primary producers

Primary producers

A researcher discovers a new bacterium that lives on the seafloor near hydrothermal vents. This organism reduces CO2 to form C6H12O6 (glucose), and also derives energy from H2 (by oxidation). This bacterium is a: photoautotroph. chemoheterotroph. chemoautotroph. photoheterotroph.


In what biome would you expect to find the greatest diversity of insects? A) tropical rain forest B) desert C) tundra D) deciduous forest E) savanna


An abundance of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in an aquatic environment leads to __________ levels of dissolved oxygen due to __________. A) low; high rates of photosynthesis by producer populations B) low; high rates of cellular respiration by decomposer populations C) high; high rates of photosynthesis by producer populations D) high; the abundance of anaerobic bacteria


Which of the following is the most common group of organisms that transmits vector-borne diseases between people? A) Leeches B) arthropods C) mice D) crustaceans E) bats F) nematodes

B (Mosquitos and Malaria)

Hemlock trees are the largest and most common trees in some forests. They play an ecologically vital role by creating a cool microclimate and providing habitat for many other species. Based on this information, hemlock trees can be considered: (choose all that apply) A) trophic omnivores B) ecosystem engineers C) primary consumers D) keystone species E) primary producers F) dominant species

B, D, E

Models created by scientists to simulate surface temperature changes were most accurate when they included ... A) None of these are accurate B) Human activities only C) Human activities and natural processes D) Natural processes only


A researcher has a petri dish containing several species of bacteria, but no viruses. She notices that the population of E. coli in her petri dish has no antibiotic resistance. Two weeks later, she reassesses the bacteria and finds that the E. coli have acquired antibiotic resistance. How could this have happened? A) Spontaneous mutations conveying antibiotic- resistance arose in the E. coli population of the petri dish. B) E. coli acquired the genes conveying antibiotic resistance through conjugation with other bacterial cells. C) E. coli acquired the genes conveying antibiotic resistance through transformation. D) All of the answer options are correct.


(True or false) Even in the United States, individuals with access to high quality medical care sometimes die from infections that are caused by antibiotic resistant microbes. (This is based on the McKenna article.)


Which of the following domains of life contain photosynthetic organisms? (Choose all that apply) A) Eukarya B) Bacteria C) Archaea

A, B

Which of the following correctly describes a type of viral genome? (Choose all that apply) A) single-stranded DNA B) double-stranded RNA C) double-stranded DNA D) single-stranded RNA E) a double helix with one DNA strand and one RNA strand

A, B, C, D

In a trophic pyramid (refer to Figure 25.14 below), why is the biomass of primary consumers larger than the biomass of secondary consumers? A) From the bottom to the top of a trophic pyramid, organisms get smaller and smaller. B) Primary consumers eat mostly carbohydrates, so they have a greater biomass than secondary consumers, which eat mostly meat. C) From the bottom to the top of a trophic pyramid, energy is released as heat and is used to do work, so each higher trophic level can only access ~10% of the energy from the level below. D) Primary consumers are much more diverse, so they can occupy a much higher biomass than secondary consumers.


A small infectious agent that contains a nucleic acid genome packaged inside a protein coat is called a: A) bacteria B) virus C) tRNA D) archaea


Which of the following phenomena could increase the concentration of a greenhouse gas in the atmosphere? Make sure the answer you pick properly matches the phenomenon with the cause of the phenomenon. See figures 25.6 (pages 516-517) and 25.8 (page 518). Pick one answer. A) Oceanic crust weathering, a natural cause of atmospheric increases in carbon dioxide B) The weathering of rock, a natural cause of atmospheric increases in carbon dioxide C) Photosynthesis, a natural cause of atmospheric increases in carbon dioxide D) Burning fossil fuels, a natural cause of atmospheric increases in carbon dioxide E) Volcanism, a natural cause of atmospheric increases in carbon dioxide F) The greenhouse effect, an anthropogenic (human) cause of atmospheric increases in carbon dioxide


(True or false) Nothing can be done to change the impact of future human activity on the environment.


(True or false) Sunlight is required for plant growth. When light energy is absorbed by a leaf, after a series of chemical reactions, the light energy is transformed into potential energy stored in the glucose molecule.


(True or false) The laws of conservation state that energy and matter can neither be destroyed nor created.


Organisms that derive their energy from the sun and carbon from carbon dioxide are ____________. photoheterotrophs chemoautotrophs photoautotrophs chemoheterotrophs


Which of the following terms is used to indicate an organism that eats organisms that create organic molecules using energy captured from the sun? A) keystone species B) primary consumer C) dominant species D) primary producer E) decomposer


The name of the proteins that tag infectious particles for disposal by the immune system is: A) germ cells B) stem cells C) antibodies D) antigens


Why does it take less land devoted to agriculture to support a human eating a vegetarian diet than a human eating a diet composed of half plants and half animals? A) Plants do not produce ATP like animals do, so plants contain more energy. B) 90% of the energy is transferred from primary producers to primary consumers, but only 10% of the energy is transferred between primary & secondary consumers. C) Energy transfer between trophic levels is inefficient. D) Because plants are composed of mostly carbohydrates, they do not contain chemical potential energy. Animal tissue is composed of fats and protein, which contains large quantities of chemical potential energy. E) Plants carry out photosynthesis whereas animals carry out cellular respiration


Xylem sap is fluid that circulates around a plant that contains inorganic nutrients and water. Imagine you are comparing the nutrient content of xylem sap from two plants: one with mycorrhizae and one without mycorrhizae. How would you expect the nutrient content of these two xylem samples to differ? A) Xylem sap from the non-mycorrhizae sample will have more phosphorus. B) Xylem sap from the mycorrhizae sample will have less phosphorus. C) Xylem sap from the mycorrhizae sample will have more phosphorus. D) The amount of phosphorus will be the same in both samples.


Which of the following is true of gross primary production, net primary production and cellular respiration? Choose all valid statements. Read carefully, as there are multiple gross primary production and net primary production questions on this quiz. A) Both animals and plants can contribute to gross primary production, but plants do not contribute to cellular respiration B) Plants contribute to net primary production, but plants do not contribute to gross primary production C) Gross primary production can be measured in terms of energy per unit time per unit area D) Gross primary production can be measured in terms of mass per unit time per unit area E) Cellular respiration only happens in the dark, when there is no sunlight to power photosynthesis

C, D

(True or False) The invention of immunizations had no effect on decreasing human deaths due to infectious diseases.


(True or false) Cellular respiration is a process unique to animals, and does not occur in plant cells.


True or false: all currently emerging infectious diseases are caused by viruses.


A cougar chases its prey. Running is a form of ____________. potential energy chemical energy heat loss entropy kinetic energy

Kinetic Energy

Bacteria that respire anaerobically, using nitrate (NO3-) as a terminal electron acceptor instead of oxygen (02), contribute to a process in the nitrogen cycle called denitrification. The products of this reaction facilitate the return of nitrogen gas to the atmosphere, rather than soil or aquatic environments. Why is this process detrimental to agriculture? A) Nitrogen gas cannot be used by plants for biosynthesis of organic compounds like proteins and nucleic acids. B) There isn't enough nitrogen gas in the atmosphere so plants also have to use nitrogen transformed by denitrification. C) Nitrogen can be found in many forms; plants can use any of these forms so denitrification is not detrimental to agriculture.


Fungal cell walls are composed of what material? A) Chitin B) Cellulose and chitin C) Cellulose D) Lignin, cellulose, and chitin E) Lignin F) Lignin and cellulose G) Lignin and chitin


What is the advantage of a fungal body being composed of numerous thin hyphae instead of one or two very thick hyphae? A) A greater surface area is available for absorption of nutrients. B) Better support is provided by numerous hyphae. C) More exposure to the sun allows for increased photosynthesis. D) All the answer options are correct. E) Less energy is required to produce the thin hyphae.


What is the estimated cost of damage caused by eutrophication in the US? (Hint: see the reading guide) A) $2.2 billion annually B) $1.1 million annually C) $2.2 million annually D) $1.1 billion annually


What is true of an indirect effect in community ecology? The organisms in this question are those in the "Of Mice and Mast" article that you read for pre-discussion. In "Of Mice and Mast," the authors refer to "indirect interactions;" these lead to indirect effects. A) All of these choices are true of an indirect effect in community ecology. B) The increase in Lyme disease risk to humans following an oak mast is an example of an indirect effect. C) The positive correlation between tick prevalence and oak tree mast is an example of an indirect effect. D) An indirect effect is when a species (A) affects another species (B), and that species (B) affects another species (C), such that species A affects species C through the B-C relationship. E) The increase in tick prevalence with oak tree mast is an example of an indirect effect.


What would happen in an ecosystem if decomposer populations went extinct? (Choose all that apply) A) There would be more nitrogen in organic forms than in inorganic forms. B) Oxygen concentrations would increase, because plant productivity would increase. C) GPP would decrease and plant respiration would increase, so NPP would not change. D) NPP and respiration would both increase. E) There would be more nitrogen in inorganic forms than in organic forms. F) Because decomposers do cellular respiration, CO2 concentration would steadily decrease until [CO2] = 0.


Which of the following is associated with increased emergence of new infectious diseases? A) human exploration of wild areas B) development of immunization C) development of sewage treatment and sanitation D) discovery of antibiotics


Tadpoles (larval stage of frogs) develop from fertilized eggs laid by female frogs in shallow ponds. Southern Toad (ST) and Eastern Spadefoot (ES) tadpoles are large, whereas Spring Peeper (SP) tadpoles are small. All 3 of these species use the same food resources (algae & phytoplankton). Newts are predators that feed on frogs and tadpoles. In ponds where newts are absent, the Eastern Spadefoot (ES) tadpoles and frogs tend to dominate the pond, and there is low species diversity. In ponds with newts, there is a more even distribution of the 3 species of frogs, along with a wide variety of arthropods, small fishes, and even some snakes and small birds which come to feed. In this system, the newts are acting as what?

A keystone species

All of the following effects of recent climate change have already occurred EXCEPT A) coral bleaching events B) mass extinctions of mammals C) melting of glaciers and sea ice D) rising sea levels E) changes in geographic ranges of some species


Cellular respiration produces ______ from ________. Organic molecules are a source of ______ energy that cellular respiration transfers into _____ and transforms into _____. A) Carbon dioxide and water; oxygen and sunlight; kinetic; usable chemical energy in the form of glucose; heat energy that the cell can use to do work B) Carbon dioxide and water; organic molecules and oxygen; chemical potential; usable chemical energy in the form of ATP; heat energy that cannot do work C) Glucose and oxygen; carbon dioxide and water; chemical potential; usable chemical energy in the form of ATP; heat energy that cannot do work (NOT THIS)


From what you know about the global nitrogen cycle, what is one major way that humans alter this cycle? A) by changing rates of nitrogen loss to the atmosphere B) by making nitrogen fertilizers and applying them to large areas C) by preventing the decomposition of organic nitrogen into ammonium D) by reducing the fixation of nitrogen by Rhizobium bacteria E) by reducing the nitrogen available to terrestrial ecosystems


Which of the following represents a way that viruses are classified? (Choose all that apply) A) The type of host they infect B) Whether they are single or double-stranded C) Whether they are in Domain Archaea or Domain Bacteria D) Whether they use DNA or RNA as their nucleic acid

B, C, D

Before antibiotics, how many women died giving birth? (Refer to the McKenna article to answer this question) A) 1 woman for every 10,000 women who gave birth B) 1 woman for every 100 women who gave birth C) 5 women for every 1,000 women who gave birth D) 1 woman for every 1,000 women who gave birth E) 5 women for every 10,000 women who gave birth F) 5 women for every 100 women who gave birth


Consider the "Climate Change" pre-discussion work Figure 1 (Figure 2.11: Global energy budget under present-day climate conditions). In this figure, the arrows indicate: (Pick one answer.) A) The flow of energy through ecosystems, focusing on the transfers during trophic interactions B) The cycling of matter through the ecosystems of earth, focusing on water and carbon C) The movement of solar and heat energy through the atmosphere and toward or away from the surface of the earth D) The heat energy moving out of the earth's atmosphere (in Watts per meter squared) is about half of the solar energy (in Watts per meter squared) moving into the atmosphere, because of the greenhouse effect E) The change in greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere


In the early 2000s, there were thick kelp forests in the Pacific Ocean. Kelp is a photosynthetic brown algae that can grow very tall and thick, and is used as food by herbivores such as sea urchins and as a habitat by many species. In 2013-2015, a toxic algal bloom, unusually warm waters, and the outbreak of a new disease killed many starfish and created unfavorable conditions for kelp. As a result, kelp forests are 93% smaller now than they were in 2006. Sea urchins eat kelp, and sea otters eat sea urchins. Sea otters are preyed upon by killer whales (orcas). If killer whales move away from this coastal area because of the reduced kelp forests, what do you expect will occur soon after the whales leave? A) Sea otter populations will decrease, causing an increase in urchin populations, which will result in additional destruction of the remaining kelp forests. B) Sea otters will have an indirect positive effect on sea urchins, which will further decrease kelp forests. C) Sea otter populations will increase, causing a decrease in urchin populations, which may allow kelp forests to recover.


____________________________ form the base of all terrestrial food webs. Bacteria Prokaryotes Decomposers Photosynthetic organisms Fungi Insects

Photosynthetic Organisms

(True or false) A growing body of scientific research links antibiotic use in agriculture to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. (Refer to the McKenna article to answer this question)


The primary mode of transmission of the virus that causes the disease AIDS is ___________________ A) direct contact with an infected animal. B) coughing and sneezing. C) sexual contact with an infected person. D) water contaminated with human feces. E) the bite of an infected mosquito.


Viral diseases of humans are difficult to treat with drugs because.... A) viruses are too small to be acted upon by drugs. B) viral particles spontaneously self-assemble and cannot be stopped by any pharmaceuticals. C) viral replication primarily involves human enzymes so it is difficult to make a non-toxic drug that blocks viral replication. D) we cannot make chemicals to attack viral replication, transcription, and translation enzymes because they are so different from the eukaryotic enzymes. E) All of the choices are correct.


How are the nutrients contained within dead organisms made available to primary producers? A) decomposition B) grazing C) herbivory D) predation E) respiration


Which of the following is considered a carbon reservoir? (Select all that apply.) A) the Atlantic Ocean B) Redwood National Park C) the Great Barrier Reef D) all the organisms on Earth

A, B, C, D

The ecological footprint is an attempt to quantify the amount of land required to provide ____________ for its citizens. (Select all that apply.) A) energy B) materials C) money D) services E) food F) None of the choices are correct.

A, B, D, E

Which of the following groups of organisms can be considered consumers? (Choose all that apply) A) herbivores B) heterotrophs C) autotrophs D) primary producers E) predators

A, B, E

When we think about the carbon cycle and human activities, it is important to differentiate between scientific facts and hypotheses. A scientific fact is an objective and verifiable observation; a hypothesis is a testable, possible explanation for a natural phenomenon. Which of the following can be considered a scientific fact? (Select all that apply.) A) The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased since 1950. B) Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide will cause mean global temperature to increase by 2 degrees Celsius over the next century. C) The burning of fossil fuels contributes substantially to the ongoing rise of atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub>. D) In the past, atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> levels reached levels higher than those observed today.

A, C, D

Imagine that you have a garden full of sunflowers in your backyard. Unfortunately, you don't have much time to tend to the garden. You eventually notice that two small birch trees sprout and begin to grow among the sunflowers. The birch trees are slower growers than the sunflowers, but by the fifth summer they start to shade the sunflowers. The progression of your garden from sunflowers to birch trees is an example of: A) evolution. B) parasitism. C) None of the responses is correct. D) succession. E) a keystone species.


Why is the flux of carbon into and out of the atmosphere imbalanced, such that there is a net flux of carbon into the atmosphere at this time? See figures 25.6 (pages 516-517) and 25.8 (page 518). Choose all relevant answers. A) Uncertainty in our measurements of natural fluxes causes a slight difference in the net fluxes into and out of the atmosphere. B) Although natural fluxes are mostly balanced, human activities cause a net flux of carbon into the atmosphere. C) Humans move carbon from sedimentary reservoirs into the atmosphere at a rate that is an order of magnitude (~10 times) greater than natural rates of this movement due to volcanoes and natural oxidation of coal; this leads to a net imbalance in the fluxes into and out of the atmosphere. D) The amount of solar energy entering the outer atmosphere is greater than that leaving the outer atmosphere.

B, C

If plants use CO2 during photosynthesis to build sugars, why hasn't all the atmospheric CO2 been used up? Select all that apply. A) Plants actually don't use CO2 during photosynthesis; they use O2 as a reactant. B) Respiration produces CO2. C) Photosynthesis also produces CO2. D) All cells, in all organisms, undergo cellular respiration to generate ATP, and carbon dioxide is released during these chemical reactions.

B, D

Which one of the following characteristics is true of ALL viruses? (Select all that apply.) A) They contain a DNA genome. B) They must infect a host cell to reproduce. C) They are surrounded by a lipid envelope. D) They have a protein coat called a capsid.

B, D

Which of the following is true of gross primary production, net primary production and cellular respiration? Choose all valid statements. Read carefully, as there are multiple gross primary production and net primary production questions on this quiz. A) Net primary production is always greater than the amount of production lost due to cellular respiration B) Gross primary production is always greater than net primary production C) Gross primary production is equal to the net primary production, minus the energy lost due to cellular respiration D) Plants contribute to gross primary production, but plants do not lose production due to cellular respiration E) Gross primary production is equal to the sum of the net primary production and the amount of production lost due to cellular respiration

B, E

Terrestrial photosynthesis uses carbon in ________ from the ______ and energy from ______ to produce _______ that have ________ energy. A) Glucose; soil; glucose; organic molecules; chemical potential B) Carbon dioxide; soil; plants; organic molecules; heat C) Carbon dioxide; air; sunlight; organic molecules; chemical potential D) Glucose; plants; sunlight; organic molecules; heat


Organisms that derive their energy and carbon from organic compounds are ____________. chemoheterotrophs chemoautotrophs photoautotrophs photoheterotrophs


Estimates are that more than 35 million people currently live with HIV. Which of the following are ways that people who are alive today and infected with HIV may have acquired the virus? Choose all that apply. A) Through bite of infected mosquito B) Water C) Contact with semen of an infected human D) Skin Contact E) Contact with vaginal secretions of an infected human F) Consumption of human breast milk from an infected human G) Contact with blood of an SIV-infected chimpanzee H) Contact with saliva of an infected human I) Consumption of meat of SIV-infected chimpanzee J) Contact with blood of infected human

C, E, F, J

Which of the statements below is true regarding the movement of carbon between organisms in a food web, and the transfer of energy between organisms in different trophic levels? (Select all that apply.) A) Neither energy nor carbon can be continuously cycled. B) Energy can be continuously cycled, but carbon cannot. C) Both energy and carbon can be continuously cycled. D) Carbon can be continuously cycled, but energy cannot. E) Carbon in the feces of a top predator can be decomposed and used by primary producers in the form of CO2; the energy in the feces is used by the decomposers and is released as heat.

D, E

This figure shows the life cycle of Lyme disease. Based on this life cycle and your knowledge of Lyme disease and ecological interactions, which of the following statements are true? Choose all that apply. A) There is no vaccine against Lyme disease because vaccines are only effective against viruses. B) Lyme disease is caused by a single stranded RNA virus. C)An increase in dogs in an area is likely to lead to an increase in Lyme cases in humans in that same year. D) Lyme disease is a vector-borne disease. E) Ticks need to feed on multiple mammalian hosts in order to complete their life cycle.


Clostridium difficile is a bacterium that is often found in low abundance in the gastrointestinal tract of healthy individuals. It is also a common cause of hospital-acquired infections. Most individuals who become ill with C. difficile do so following antibiotic treatment and these C. difficile infections often do not respond to standard antibiotic therpay. This information suggests that: A) C. difficile is not well adapted to the human gastrointestinal tract. B) C. difficile thrives when a diversity of other microbe species are present in the human gut. C) C. difficile is not pathogenic (disease-causing) in humans. D) none of these options are accurate E) C. difficile is often resistant to the antibiotics used to treat the infection.


Which of the following statements about viruses is FALSE? A) Most are obligate parasites (i.e. require a host to replicate/reproduce). B) They are very common. C) They are very small in size. D) They recognize host cells by their unique glycoproteins. E) They represent a fourth domain of life.


How do primary producers directly return CO2 to the atmospheric reservoir (pool)? A) Photosynthesis B) Nitrogen fixation C) Gross Primary Productivity D) Excretion E) Biosynthesis F) Cellular respiration G) Uptake H) Defecation I) Carbon fixation


Which of the following is FALSE about movement of energy & nutrients through ecosystems? A) Photoautotrophs and chemoautotrophs are responsible for the energy transformations that put energy into food webs. B) The carbon and nitrogen cycles both have important atmospheric reservoirs. C) Decomposition is an important flux in both the carbon and nitrogen cycles. D) Energy & nutrients can both move through ecosystems by consumption, but only nutrients can be cycled from consumers to primary producers. E) Species interactions are of critical importance in cycling nutrients through ecosystems. F) The amount of primary producer biomass available to primary consumers is GPP; the amount of energy that can be incorporated into primary consumer biomass is NPP.


True or false: Currently, atmospheric CO2 levels are the highest they have ever been in Earth's 4.5 billion-year history. Refer to Figure 25.11.


True or false: Photosynthesis and respiration were the main causes of fluctuations in atmospheric CO2 levels over the last 500 million years.


True or false: to be considered "emerging", a disease's incidence needs to increase by at least 10% in 10 years.


(T/F) The hemlock wooly adelgid, Adelges tsugae, (an insect) was introduced into Virginia in a shipment of lumber that came from Asia in the 1950s. This insect feeds exclusively on the sap of hemlock trees, which are gymnosperms. The hemlock wooly adelgid established many populations in Virginia's hemlock forests and has spread north and south to colonize hemlock populations in 18 other US states. If we sequenced the mitochondrial DNA from the hemlock wooly adelgid and constructed a phylogeny, the mitochondrial DNA sequences of the insect would be more similar to the DNA sequences of free living alpha-proteobacteria compared to the nuclear DNA sequences of hemlock wooly adelgids.


Because energy transfer is not 100% efficient across trophic levels, an average of about ____________% of energy and biomass available at one trophic level is available at the next.


Consider figure 25.6 (pages 516-517) in How Life Works (Movement of carbon between reservoirs). How does this figure relate to the greenhouse effect? Pick one answer. A) The arrows indicate that all the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have increased since the beginning of the industrial revolution. B) The arrows indicate that human fossil fuel use and land use change have unbalanced the flux of carbon to and from the atmosphere, such that the net flux is now adding carbon to the atmosphere. C) The arrows indicate that the heat moving into the atmosphere is more than the heat moving out of the atmosphere, and this is causing the earth to warm. D) The arrows indicate that human actions have unbalanced the flux of water vapor to and from the atmosphere, such that the net flux is now adding water vapor, a greenhouse gas, to the atmosphere. E) The arrows show that the movement of solar energy through the atmosphere and into a sedimentary reservoir is decreasing, and this is causing the earth to warm.


This question relates to the Bruno NY Times piece. How much has the Caribbean warmed during the author's lifetime? A) 4 degrees C B) 2 degrees F C) 4 degrees F D) 1 degree F E) 2 degrees C


When do we expect to see the first impacts of climate change on species and ecosystems? A) We do not expect climate change to impact species and ecosystems. B) Climate change is already impacting species and ecosystems. C) In 10 years D) In 100 years E) In 1000 years


Which of the following could initiate a trophic cascade in a terrestrial community? A) Introduction of a species who has a mutualistic relationship with an herbivore who already lives in the community B) Introduction of a tertiary consumer to a community that previously just had primary and secondary consumers C) Removal of a dominant species from the community D) Removal of a primary consumer from the community E) Introduction of a new plant species that thrives in the location where it is introduced


You own 300 acres of temperate forest in northern Michigan. Which one of the following actions would increase the net primary productivity of that area the MOST? A) Adding 500 herbivorous beetles to the area. B) Planting 500 new trees, of a variety of different species. C) Fertilizing the entire area with iron (Fe). D) Adding 500 rabbits to the area. E) All of the choices would decrease net primary productivity. F) All of the choices would increase net primary productivity about equally.


A pathogen that requires an organism such as an arthropod to move from one host to another is known as a/an A) disease with a high R0 B) zoonotic disease (zoonosis) C) vector-borne disease D) reservoir-driven disease E) facultative parasite


In the early 2000s, there were thick kelp forests in the Pacific Ocean. Kelp is a photosynthetic brown algae that can grow very tall and thick, and is used as food by herbivores such as sea urchins and as a habitat by many species. In 2013-2015, a toxic algal bloom, unusually warm waters, and the outbreak of a new disease killed many starfish and created unfavorable conditions for kelp. As a result, kelp forests are 93% smaller now than they were in 2006. Shrinking kelp forests will likely... A) result in smaller herbivore populations, which will result in higher secondary consumer populations. B) cause a trophic cascade in this community. C) allow predators to more easily see small fishes and crustaceans, so predation rates on prey that require kelp cover will increase. D) open up more space for other sessile organisms, so the keystone species may shift from kelp to predators such as sea anemones and killer whales. A and B) cause a trophic cascade in this community AND result in smaller herbivore populations, which will result in higher secondary consumer populations.


The "Anthropocene Period": A) refers to the period when the earliest primate ancestors appeared in the fossil record. B) refers specifically to the period of time following the extinction of the dinosaurs. C) is a new proposed named to reflect the impact of humans on the planet. D) is so named to reflect increasing global surface temperatures. E) is Latin for "modern era."


The highest rates of primary production in the oceans happen ____, while the highest rates of primary production on land happen______. A) in the ocean around Antarctica; in evergreen forests at 50-70 degrees north latitude B) only in tropical areas; mostly in tropical areas C) in coastal areas; in areas around the equator D) at the bottom of the ocean where the nutrients are found; at 30 degrees north and south latitude, where it is very warm and there is a lot of sunlight E) in the middle of the ocean; in areas around the equator


Which of the following statements regarding cyanobacteria is FALSE? A) They produce oxygen as a waste product of photosynthesis B) Cyanobacteria gave rise to the chloroplasts found in photosynthetic eukaryotes C) Once they oxygenated the atmosphere, cyanobacteria created conditions that were toxic to their own growth, and are now very rare. D) Photosynthesis most likely first arose in the cyanobacteria E) While their common name is "blue-green algae", they are a member of domain Bacteria.


During the cold snap we had in Ann Arbor, Michigan in Winter 2015, your friend said that obviously global warming is not occurring because of the cold weather. He tells you he does not believe in climate change. Based on what you know about climate change, what would be the most biologically accurate response to your friend's comment? A) Fluctuations in temperature are not normal and have never occurred during the Earth's history. B) The strongest evidence for climate change comes from looking at short term fluctuations in weather, such as this cold snap. C) You agree with your friend; the weather is getting much colder, not warmer, and lots of data supports this assertion. D) Climate change is not short term changes in the weather, and climate change causes increased variability in several measures of climate including temperature, precipitation, and wind.


Ostfeld et al. state that the "...focus of community ecology has been on pairwise interactions between species..." Which of the following is NOT a TYPE of pairwise interaction or an EXAMPLE or a pairwise interaction? Note that the organisms in this question refer to the interactions in the "Of Mice and Mast" article that you read for pre-discussion. A) Parasitism B) The interaction between oak trees and white-footed mice C) Predation D) The interaction between oak trees and the Lyme disease bacteria (Borrelia burgdorferi) E) The interaction between ticks and humans F) The interaction between ticks and deer G) The interaction between oak trees and deer H) The interaction between white-footed mice and the I) Lyme disease bacteria (Borrelia burgorferi) J) The interaction between ticks and white-footed mice


Recent studies indicate that the addition of iron to areas of the ocean could increase productivity. Increased productivity could be beneficial for many reasons. What may be one of the LARGEST negative impacts that could occur with "fertilizing the oceans with iron"? A) Increased productivity would cause more detritus to be deposited on the ocean floor, burying & killing many deep-sea organisms. B) Increased productivity would provide more energy for higher levels on the trophic pyramid. C) Increased productivity could result in depletion of carbon dioxide in ocean waters. D) Increased productivity could result in higher respiration rates and regions of depleted oxygen (dead zones) in the ocean.


Refer to Figure 48.22 in your textbook. The number of mammal species is highest ... A) in the grassland biome B) 30 degrees south of the equator C) at the North and South Pole D) in the tropics E) 30 degrees north of the equator


What is the difference between a pool and a flux in a biogeochemical cycle? A) Pools are generally very large, whereas fluxes move very small amounts of matter. B) Pools represent matter, whereas fluxes represent the movement of energy. C) Pools are aquatic, whereas fluxes are terrestrial. D) Pools are measured in units of mass, whereas fluxes are measured in units of mass per time. E) Pools are stable and do not change, whereas fluxes move energy through the system.


Which is true of Lyme disease? Pick the one, best answer. A) Lyme disease causes substantially high death rates in black legged tick populations B) Lyme disease is a disease of conservation concern, because ticks transfer it among the mice and deer populations in deciduous forests C) Lyme disease is caused by a virus that infects bats D) Lyme disease is caused by a type of bacterium that normally lives in deciduous forest communities, but sometimes moves into human populations E) Lyme disease is caused by a eukaryotic parasite that ticks transfer from animal hosts to human hosts


Which of the following are NOT correct about the HIV virus? Choose all incorrect statements. A) HIV has reverse transcriptase B) HIV is an enveloped virus C) HIV has a viral protein coat D) HIV attacks the immune system directly by infecting T cells E) HIV has a DNA genome F) HIV is a retrovirus G) HIV infection can be cured by vaccination

E, G

In addition to the protein capsid, what other components make up an HIV virus particle? Choose the most complete and accurate answer. A) DNA genome and lipid bilayer envelope B) RNA genome and lipid bilayer envelope C) DNA genome, reverse transcriptase and other viral proteins, lipid bilayer envelope D) DNA genome, reverse transcriptase and other viral proteins E) RNA genome, RNA transcriptase and other viral proteins F) RNA genome, reverse transcriptase and other viral proteins, lipid bilayer envelope


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