Unit 4 Review

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define the term cognitive development and list some typical cognitive skills

Cognitive development is the development of the mind ; the development of the basic functions of feeling and deciphering.

Explain the implications of Harlow's and Ainsworth's studies of attachment.

Harlow studied monkeys. He placed monkeys with cloth mothers and with mothers made of wire who fed them and even though the wire monkeys fed them the monkeys always went to the cloth monkey. In Ainsworth's experiments she took infants and seperated them from there parents and saw how they reacted. Harlow's experiements help us realize that nuturing is a strong part of why we have attachment and Ainsowrth's studies help us get the three types of attatchment.

Discuss the significance of crises in Erikson's developmental theory and the consequences of not resolving them.

If things go unsolved in Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory one remains fixed in a certain stages which can result in certain psychological issues.

Define the term object permanence and explain its importance in early infant cognition.

Object permanance is important in the life of a child because it helps them be able to remember where things are and lessons unhealthy attachment as they begin to realize things that leave do come back.

Discuss the controversy regarding the extent of the role of peers in influencing various aspects of child development.

Peers have an influence in every stage of child hood development. In the early years peers are seen as buddys and playmates and as we age they begin to be seen as those who define us , and judge us - who we strive to be. Finally they become the ones which we build relationships with.

Identify the major themes in Erikson's theory of personality development.

Psychosocial devlopment was a theory of development created by Erik Erikson What the term psychosocial means is that psychological aspects are influenced by the social aspects which go on around us . Erikson believed that we develop i stages and as we mature we enter different stages of our lives. The stages include : trust vs mistrust, , which occurs from ages 0 to 1 during infancy, autonomy vs shame and doubt , which occurs n toddler years from ages 1 -2 , initiative vs guilt, which occurs at preschool age from ages 3 to 5, competence vs insecurity , which occurs at elementary age from 6 to 12 years, identy vs role confusion which occurs in adolescents from ages 12 to 20, intimacy vs isolation which occurs in young adulthood from 20s to 40s . generation vs stagnation , which occurs in middle adulthood from thr 40's to the 60;s and integrity s despair , which occurs from 60 up and in late adulthood.

describe what is meant by the term psychosocial and list some influences on childhood psychosocial development.

Psychosocial devlopment was a theory of development created by Erik Erikson What the term psychosocial means is that psychological aspects are influenced by the social aspects which go on around us . Erikson believed that we develop i stages and as we mature we enter different stages of our lives. The stages include : trust vs mistrust, , which occurs from ages 0 to 1 during infancy, autonomy vs shame and doubt , which occurs n toddler years from ages 1 -2 , initiative vs guilt, which occurs at preschool age from ages 3 to 5, competence vs insecurity , which occurs at elementary age from 6 to 12 years, identy vs role confusion which occurs in adolescents from ages 12 to 20, intimacy vs isolation which occurs in young adulthood from 20s to 40s . generation vs stagnation , which occurs in middle adulthood from thr 40's to the 60;s and integrity s despair , which occurs from 60 up and in late adulthood.

Define the term "temperament" and discuss the evidence for its biological basis.

" In psychology, temperament refers to those aspects of an individual's personality, such as introversion or extroversion, that are often regarded as innate rather than learned. A great many classificatory schemes for temperament have been developed; none, though, has achieved general consensus in academia." Wikipedia Personality traits are also polygenic. This means that multiple genes are involved in determining a trait. In other words, there is no one 'personality gene.' These two factors make the study of genetic personality traits extremely complicated. Because personality is a complex trait, most researchers recognize that the genetic portion of our personality cannot be completely separated from environmental influences. (http://study.com/academy/lesson/is-personality-genetic-dnas-influence-on-temperament.html)

Define the term moral development and discuss some of the challenges involved in studying it

"Moral development focuses on the emergence, change, and understanding of morality from infancy through adulthood. In the field of moral development, morality is defined as principles for how individuals ought to treat one another, with respect to justice, others' welfare, and rights." ( Wikipedia) Some issues ith moral development is that Kohlberg's theory of moral devlopment was basically developed on an all male population.

Studying child Devlopment

- the study of child development is central to many applications of psychology - research in developmental psychology makes some unusual demands on investigators; it can involve following study subjects for several years

List the motor development milestones of the first two years of life

1 to 5 months is random sounds 6 to 8 months is babbling 10 to 13 months is first words 12 to 18 months is 2 word sentences

list the milestones that lead up to a baby's mastery of crawling

A baby's masteing of crawling has many stages before hand. First they must be born . Than they must be able to sit up by themseleves, and than the parents themseleves must allow them to be indepedent , and finally they will learn to crawl after much practice and falling.

Define the term longitudinal and give an example of a longitudinal study

A longitudinal study is a study which studies a group of people over a long period of time. For example if one wants to see the effect of milk on children into adulthood they would pick a group of children who drink milk and follow them through out their lifetime. Longitudinal studies are quite effective but very expensive and prone to death and withdrawl.

Describe Baumrind's parenting style theory along with possible confounding factors.

According to Baumrind's parenting style theory there are four different types of parenting. Authoritative parenting which in it the relationship is reciprocal , responsive ; high in bidirectional communication permissive parenting - relationship is indulgent and low in control attempts authoritarian parenting : relationship is controlling, power assertive ; high in undirectional communication and rejecting-neglecting parenting in which the relationship is rejected or neglected and parents are uninvolved in the kids life. Possible factors for parenting styles include how we were treated as kids as well as traits in us and our personalities.

Discuss the importance of the prenatal period in fostering healthy development.

Development is quite important in a child's life and it begins even before the child is born. A child is first an embryo and is than a zygote and at 6 weeks becomes a fetus. When this happens a protecitve covering called the placenta builds around the fetus ; however there are substamces which can get around the placenta. These substances are called tetragons. Tetraogens can cause issues in later child development, For example babies whose mothers drank alcohol during the prenatal period oftern have smaller brains and learning disbailities along with health issues.

Describe Piaget's theory, including the names of the stages and the milestones of each

Sensorimotor, 0-2 years, coordination of senses with motor response, sensory curiosity about the world. Language used for demands and catalouging . Object permanace developed Preoperational , 2-7 years, symbolic thinking , use of proper syntax and grammar to express dull concepts. Imagination and intuition are strong , but complex abstract thought still difficult. Conservation devloped Concrete operational , 7 - 11 years, concepts attatched to concrete situations . Time , space, and quanity are understoof and can be applied, but not as indepedent concepts Formal operations, 11 and up, theoretical, hypothetica; and counterfactual thinking. Abstract logic and reasoning. Strategy and planning become possible. Concepts learned in one context can be applied to another.

Describe the major theories of moral development and discuss the limitations of each.

The major theories of moral development are : the psychosocial thery, the psychosexualtheory, and kohlbergs stages of moral development. The psychosocial theory of moral development was created by Erik Erikson based off Freud's ideals. Some limitations of this theory are that it does not perform cross cultural and we must trust his classifications of each age group. The psychosexual theory of moral development was created by Sigmund Freud. The stages are : Oral, anal, phallic, latent , and genital. These stages correspond with the area of the most pleasure during the age range they are at. Some limitations of Freud's theory are that its basis is only in male development and they are difficult to be scientifically tested. One of the limitations in Kohlberg's theory of moral development is that it was based off an entirely male population. Kohlberg's steps are preconventional, conventional , and post-conventional - each of which has 2 stages.

describe the ways in which psychologists carry out studies of psychological development

The types of studies in development include: lab experiments, field experiments, case studies, correlation, interviews, questionnares, observations, content analysis, and pilot studies. Types of observational studies include longitudinal studies and cross sectional studies. Cross sectional studies compare different populations at one point in time. In a longitudinal study people are observed over a long period of time.

identify the major realms of child and lifespan development

There are 5 realms of child development. Physical health , well being , and movement skills, and social and emotional development, and approaches to learning, and thinking abilities and general knowledge, and communication , language , and literacy.

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