Unit 4 Terms

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claimed absolute power and the divine right of kings. Fought Roundheads during English Civil War

Protestant Wind

helped the English defeat the Spanish Armada. Since the Protestant English defeated the Catholic Spanish.


A term for Irish Catholic peasants who murdered Protestant landlords. It was used to describe the followers of Charles II and became one of the names of the two major political parties in England.

William Laud

An archbishop who teamed up with King Charles I by creating a new bible for the Scots to read. Caused riots and was tried for treason and died in 1637

Act of Settlement 1701

Created by William and Mary to elect Sophia of hanover to become queen to the English and Irish throne because William and Mary could not have kids. Mary's sister Anne, could not have any surviving children either. Anyone who becomes a Roman Catholic, or who marries a Roman Catholic, becomes disqualified to inherit the throne under the Act of Settlement. The act also placed limits on both the role of foreigners in the British government and the power of the monarch with respect to the Parliament of England, though some of those provisions have been altered by subsequent legislation.

Oliver Cromwell

Dictator of England after King Charles II's death (Lord Protector of the Commonwealth). Was leader of Parliament's army during the civil wars (1642-1646) and won many wars. He was hated by royalists for his role in the trial and execution of Charles I. He was also unpopular with many parliamentarians who disliked the 'tyranny' of the army and after realising he could not work with them, Cromwell disbanded the Rump Parliament in 1653.

Titus Oates

English conspirator who claimed that there was a Jesuit plot to assassinate Charles II (1649-1705), made up stories that Charles II's wife was plotting against him because he was a true Anglican and was having an affair with his brother James. He took his accusations to court and caused much hysteria.

Gunpowder Plot

Failed assassination of King James I. A conspiracy in 1605 in England to blow up James I and the Houses of Parliament to avenge the persecution of Catholics in England.

James I

He was the first to call himself King of Great Britain. His rule was important because it was the first time England and Scotland had agreed to have the same monarch.

Petition of Right

a major English constitutional document that sets out specific liberties of the subject that the king is prohibited from infringing. contains restrictions on non-Parliamentary taxation, forced billeting of soldiers, imprisonment without cause, and restricts the use of martial law.

Bill of Rights

act of parliament passed to invite William and Mary to become joint sovereigns of England. It lays down limits on the powers of the crown and sets out the rights of Parliament and rules for freedom of speech in Parliament, the requirement for regular elections to Parliament and the right to petition the monarch without fear of retribution. It reestablished the liberty of Protestants to have arms for their defence within the rule of law.

Dutch Estates General

body of delegates representing the United Provinces of the Netherlands. Originally designed to facilitate control by a foreign ruler, the States General after a time became an important vehicle for the awakening of the Netherlands' national consciousness.

Charles II

comes into office as a known catholic and wants to get religious tolerance back in England and almost causes a war. As soon as he rescinds his declaration, Parliament passes the Test Act.


constitutional monarchism and opposition to absolute rule.


is a school of theology based on the teachings of Dutch theologian Jacob Arminius, for whom it is named. It stands in contrast to Calvinism. This grace purportedly restores man's free will which was impaired by the effects of original sin and enables him to choose or refuse the salvation offered by God in Jesus Christ.


term for "steward" or "lieutenant".

Rembrandt van Rijn

was a Dutch painter and etcher. He is generally considered one of the greatest painters and printmakers in European art and the most important in Dutch history., This man was a great Dutch artist of the 1600's. He painted portraits of middle class citizens. he used sharp contrast of light and dark to draw attention to his focus. he is the most well known artist of the 1600's.

English Civil War

was a series of armed conflicts and political problems between Parliamentarians (Roundheads) and Royalists (Cavaliers). The first (1642-46) and second (1648-49) civil wars pitted the supporters of King Charles I against the supporters of the Long Parliament, while the third war (1649-51) saw fighting between supporters of King Charles II and supporters of the Rump Parliament. The Civil War ended with the Parliamentary victory at the Battle of Worcester on 3 September 1651.

Pride's Purge

was an event that took place in December 1648, during the Second English Civil War, when troops under the command of Colonel Thomas Pride forcibly removed from the Long Parliament all those who were not supporters of the Grandees in the New Model Army and the Independents. It is arguably the only military coup d'état in English history.

New Model Army

was formed in 1645 by the Parliamentarians in the English Civil War, and was disbanded in 1660 after the Restoration. It differed from other armies in the series of civil wars referred to as the Wars of the Three Kingdoms in that it was intended as an army liable for service anywhere in the country (including in Scotland and Ireland), rather than being tied to a single area or garrison.Was raised partly from among veteran soldiers who already had deeply held Puritan religious convictions, and partly from conscripts who brought with them many commonly held beliefs about religion or society.

Charles I

was the King of England and Scotland, of the House of Stuart, crowned 27 March 1625. Controversy and disputes dogged Charles throughout his reign. They eventually led to civil wars, first with the Scots from 1637 and later in England (1642-46 and 1648). The wars deeply divided people at the time, and historians still disagree about the real causes of the conflict, but it is clear that Charles was not a successful ruler.

Glorious Revolution

was the overthrow of King James II of England by a union of English Parliamentarians with the Dutch stadtholder William III of Orange-Nassau (William of Orange). William's successful invasion of England with a Dutch fleet and army led to his ascending of the English throne as William III of England jointly with his wife Mary II of England.

Commonwealth of England

was the period from 1649 onwards when England, along later with Ireland and Scotland,[1] was ruled as a republic, following the defeat of King Charles I in the Second English Civil War and his execution.


were a group of Protestant English agrarian communists,[1][2] begun by Gerrard Winstanley as True Levellers in 1649, who became known as Diggers, because of their attempts to farm on common land.


were a political movement during the English Civil War which emphasised popular sovereignty, extended suffrage, equality before the law, and religious tolerance, all of which were expressed in the manifesto "Agreement of the People".


"Roundhead" was the nickname given to the supporters of Parliament during the English Civil War.

James II

King of Scots, King of England, and King of Ireland on 6 February 1685, and Duke of Normandy on 31 December 1660. Some of his citizens did not like his religious ideas, leading a group of them to disobey and fight against him. This was called the Glorious Revolution because no one was killed. He was also drove out of England for birthing a catholic heir.

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