Unit 7: New Frontiers

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Chinese Exclusion Act

1882, halted Chinese immigration to America; Started when people of the West Coast attributed declining wages and economic troubles to the hated Chinese workers; In order to appease them Congress passed this. Banned Chinese immigration in US -- except students, teachers, merchants, tourists, and government officials -- because the United States thought of them as a threat. Caused chinese population in America to decrease.

American Federation of Labor

1886; founded by Samuel Gompers; sought better wages, hrs, working conditions; skilled laborers, arose out of dissatisfaction with the Knights of Labor, rejected socialist and communist ideas, non-violent. It strove to help workers get better wages, hours, and working conditions. They used the walkout and the boycott. This caused the Knights of Labor to lose many participants

Dawes Severalty Act

Bill that promised Indians tracts of land to farm in order to assimilate them into white culture. The bill was resisted, uneffective, and disastrous to Indian tribes. Provided for the gradual elimination of most tribal ownership of land and the allotment of tracts to individual owners: 160 acres to the head of a family, 80 acres to a single adult or orphan, 40 acres to each dependent child. Adult owners were given United States citizenship, but unlike other citizens, they could not gain full title to their property for twenty-five years (supposedly to prevent them from selling the land to speculators)

Vertical Integration

Practice where a single entity controls the entire process of a product, from the raw materials to distribution. An approach typical of traditional mass production in which a company controls all phases of a highly complex production process.

Jim Crow Laws

System of racial segregation in the American south from the end of reconstruction until the mid twentieth century. Based on the concept of "separate but equal" facilities for blacks and whites, the Jim Crow system sought to prevent racial mixing in public, including restaurants, movie theaters, and public transportation. An informal system, it was generally perpetuated by custom, violence, and intimidation

Battle of Wounded Knee

US soldiers massacred 300 unarmed Native American in 1890. This ended the Indian Wars. The last major armed conflict between the Lakota Sioux and the United States, subsequently described as a "massacre" by General Nelson A. Miles in a letter to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.

Fort Laramie Treaty

1851 treaty with indian nations located near fort laramie in wyoming. the treaty asked each indian nation to keep to a limited area in return for money, domestic animals, agricultural tools, and other goods (reservations- theirs forever) An agreement between the United States and the Lakota nation, Yanktonai Sioux, Santee Sioux, and Arapaho signed in 1868 at Fort Laramie in the Wyoming Territory, guaranteeing to the Lakota ownership of the Black Hills, and further land and hunting rights in South Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana. The Powder River Country was to be henceforth closed to all whites. The treaty ended Red Cloud's War.

Oklahoma Land Rush

1889; former Indian lands;opened up for settlement, resulting in a race to lay claim for a homestead (Boomers and Sooners) opened the Oklahoma Territory to occupation by white settlers in 1889, displacing the Native Americans. Guthrie was the first town created out of the initial rush

Horatio Alger

19th-century American author, best known for his many formulaic juvenile novels about impoverished boys and their rise from humble backgrounds to lives of middle-class security and comfort through hard work, determination, courage, and honesty. perpetrated the myth that anyone could make it in Gilded Age America

Andrew Carnegie

A Scottish-born American industrialist and philanthropist who founded the Carnegie Steel Company in 1892. By 1901, his company dominated the American steel industry. Steel king; integrated every phase of his steel-making operation. Ships, railroads, etc. pioneered "Vertical Integration" ; his goal was to improve efficiency by making supplies more reliable controlling the quality of the product at all stages of production and eliminating the middle man

Booker T. Washington

A former slave. Encouraged blacks to keep to themselves and focus on the daily tasks of survival, rather than leading a grand uprising. Believed that building a strong economic base was more critical at that time than planning an uprising or fighting for equal rights. Washington also stated in his famous "Atlanta Compromise" speech in 1895 that blacks had to accept segregation in the short term as they focused on economic gain to achieve political equality in the future. Served as important role models for later leaders of the civil rights movement.

"New Immigrants"

A new wave of immigrants, from eastern and southern Europe, frightened Americans because of the emigrant's customs, different faiths, illiteracy, and poverty.They were a new group of immigrants coming into the United States that consisted of Italians, Slavs, Greeks, Jews, and Armenians. They came from both Southern and Eastern Europe, and also from the Middle East. In the 1890s, their numbers first began to increase, and the numbers continued to increase for the next three decades. Most of the immigrants came from peasant and poor backgrounds and boosted America's foreign-born population by 18 million. They were often discriminated against.

Helen Hunt Jackson

A writer. Author of the 1881 book A Century of Dishonor. The book exposed the U.S. governments many broken promises to the Native Americans. For example the government wanted Native Americans to assimilate, i.e. give up their beliefs and ways of life, that way to become part of the white culture.

Horizontal Integration

Absorption into a single firm of several firms involved in the same level of production and sharing resources at that level used by John D. Rockefeller. An act of joining or consolidating with ones competitors to create a monopoly. Rockefeller was excellent with using this technique to monopolize certain markets. It is responsible for the majority of his wealth.

Sitting Bull

American Indian medicine man, chief, and political leader of his tribe at the time of the Custer massacre during the Sioux War Leader of the Sioux tribe, he led his people against the United States policies. He was killed by Indian agency police on a reservation, during an attempt to support the Ghost Dance movement

Frederick Jackson Turner

American historian in the early 20th century best known for his essay *"The Significance of the Frontier in American History"* in which he argued that the spirit and success of the United States was directly tied to the country's westward expansion. Said that humanity would continue to progress as long as there was new land to move into. The frontier provided a place for homeless and solved social problems.

Thomas Edison

American inventor best known for inventing the electric light bulb, acoustic recording on wax cylinders, and motion pictures. Invented the phonograph and by 1900 it was used in over 150,000 homes. His invention made going to the symphony obsolete. He also invented the light bulb. This invention changed the way of life for thousands of Americans.

Sand Creek Massacre

An atrocity in the American Indian Wars that occurred on November 29, 1864, when a 700-man force of Colorado Territory militia attacked and destroyed a peaceful village of Cheyenne and Arapaho in southeastern Colorado Territory,[3] killing and mutilating an estimated 70-163 Native Americans, about two-thirds of whom were women and children.

Social Darwinism

Applied Darwin's theory of natural selection and "survival of the fittest" to human society -- the poor are poor because they are not as fit to survive. Used as an argument against social reforms to help the poor., A social application of Charles Darwin's biological theory of evolution by natural selection, this late-nineteenth century theory encouraged the notion of human competitio and opposed intervention in the natural human order. Social Darwinists justified the increasing inequality of late-nineteeth-century industrial American society as natural.

J.P. Morgan

Banker who buys out Carnegie Steel and renames it to U.S. Steel. Was a philanthropist in a way; he gave all the money needed for WWI and was payed back. Was one of the "Robber barons". An influential banker and businessman who bought and reorganized companies. His US Steel company would buy Carnegie steel and become the largest business in the world in 1901

Railroad Consolidation

Combining short lines into one longer line; by 1853 four major lines connected the NE to the NW; allowed extended growth of railroads; lessened the dependence of the West on the Mississippi; weakened connection between NW and S large companies absorbed smaller ones, integrated rail networks, standardized schedules and gauge, rise of trunk lines dominating regions

Custer's Last Stand

Custer pursuing Sioux indians, but underestimated their force. His whole group was killed in the Battle of Little Bighorn. Worsened relations between Native Americans and the U.S. government. Following the battle, the government increased its efforts to drive Native Americans off of their lands and onto reservations. Within five years of the Battle of Little Bighorn, almost all Sioux and Cheyenne would live on reservations.

Interstate Commerce Act

Established the ICC (Interstate Commerce Commission) - monitors the business operation of carriers transporting goods and people between states - created to regulate railroad prices United States federal law that was designed to regulate the railroad industry, particularly its monopolistic practices. The Act required that railroad rates be "reasonable and just," but did not empower the government to fix specific rates.

Comstock Lode

First discovered in 1858 by Henry Comstock, some of the most plentiful and valuable silver was found here, causing many Californians to migrate here, and settle Nevada. The first major U.S. discovery of silver ore, located under what is now Virginia City, Nevada, on the eastern slope of Mount Davidson, a peak in the Virginia Range. After the discovery was made public in 1859, prospectors rushed to the area and scrambled to stake their claims. Mining camps soon thrived in the vicinity, which became bustling centers of fabulous wealth.

Sherman Antitrust Act

First federal action against monopolies, it was signed into law by Harrison and was extensively used by Theodore Roosevelt for trust-busting. However, it was initially misused against labor unions. The first federal law that placed limits on concentrations of power deemed harmful to trade and competition. At first unsuccessful, but important in setting the stage for more strict government regulations of big business

Industrial Workers of the World

Founded in 1905, this radical union, also known as the Wobblies aimed to unite the American working class into one union to promote labor's interests. It worked to organize unskilled and foreign-born laborers, advocated social revolution, and led several major strikes. Stressed solidarity.

Samuel Gompers

He was the creator of the American Federation of Labor. He provided a stable and unified union for skilled workers. Fought for more wages, better working conditions, and less hours. Used walkouts and boycotts. Believed that if workers make good pay, it will make everyone prosperous.

Eugene V. Debs

Head of the American Railway Union and director of the Pullman strike; he was imprisoned along with his associates for ignoring a federal court injunction to stop striking. While in prison, he read Socialist literature and emerged as a Socialist leader in America.

Settlement Houses

House where immigrants came to live upon entering the U.S. At Settlement Houses, instruction was given in English and how to get a job, among other things. The first Settlement House was the Hull House, which was opened by Jane Addams in Chicago in 1889. These centers were usually run by educated middle class women. The houses became centers for reform in the women's and labor movements.

Ellis Island

Immigration station for European immigrants located in the New York Harbor 1892-1954, Many European immigrants passed through Ellis Island, while many Asian immigrants passed through Angel Island., Opened in 1892 as a immigration center. New arrivals had to pass rigorous medical and document examinations and pay entry before being allowed into the U.S.

Standard Oil Trust

In 1881, the name of John D. Rockefeller's company, which controlled 90 percent of the oil refinery business in the United States. Various companies that he had acquired (consolidation), all managed by a board of trustees that Rockefeller and the company controlled

U.S. Steel

In 1900, Andrew Carnegie sold Carnegie Steel to a group headed by J. P. Morgan. They formed this company, which was the largest enterprise in the world, employing 168,000 people, and controlling more than three-fifths of the nation's steel business. (p. 323)

Farming Frontier

In the 1830s and 1840s pioneer families moved west to start homesteads and begin farming. Government programs allowed settlers to purchase inexpensive parcels of land. Very much due to the Homestead Act of 1862, which offered 160 acres of free public land to any family that settled there for a period of 5 years.

Terence V. Powderly

Knights of Labor leader, opposed strikes, producer-consumer cooperation, temperance, welcomed blacks and women (allowing segregation). Denounced the abuse of the working class by the wealthy and advocated a "cooperative commonwealth." He shunned socialism yet urged laborers to save to purchase places of employment, like mines or stores. This would create a utopia because labor would own the enterprises, and labor-capital conflict would disappear.

Social Gospel

Movement led by Washington Gladden - taught religion and human dignity would help the middle class over come problems of industrialization Reform movement led by Protestant ministers who used religious doctrine to demand better housing and living conditions for the urban poor. Popular at the turn of the twentieth century, it was closely linked to the settlement house movement, which brought middle-class, Anglo-American service volunteers into contact with immigrants and working people.

Railroad Strike of 1877

One of the worst outbreaks of labor violence erupted in 1877, during economic depression, when railroad companies cut wages in order to reduce costs. It shut down 2/3 of country's rail trackage. Strike quickly becoming national in scale. For the first time since 1830s federal troops used to end labor violence. More then 100 people killed. Ended primarily due to federal government intervention, the use of state militias, and the employment of strikebreakers by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company. The Great Railroad Strike was typical of most strikes during this era. The availability of laborers and government support for businesses limited workers' ability to gain concessions from their employers.

W.E.B. DuBois

Opposed Booker T. Washington. Wanted social and political integration as well as higher education for 10% of African Americans-what he called a "Talented Tenth". Founder of the Niagara Movement which led to the creation of the NAACP. A former slave. Encouraged blacks to keep to themselves and focus on the daily tasks of survival, rather than leading a grand uprising. Believed that building a strong economic base was more critical at that time than planning an uprising or fighting for equal rights. Washington also stated in his famous "Atlanta Compromise" speech in 1895 that blacks had to accept segregation in the short term as they focused on economic gain to achieve political equality in the future. Served as important role models for later leaders of the civil rights movement.

New South Creed

Phrase used to describe the South's supposed emergence from the Civil War as a region no longer dependent upon slave labor because it was industrializing. Idea that promoted industry, diversification of agriculture, white and black cooperation, need for new men to lead South, need for harmonious relations with the North

Frontier Thesis

The argument by Frederick Jackson Turner that the frontier experience helped make American socity more democratic; emphasized cheap, unsettled land and the absence of a landed aristocracy. Concluded that the West (Frontier) personified the story of America. He displayed the importance of how the Frontier line had always sparked individual strength and democracy. He believed that the West was the most important component of the American story.

Mining Frontier

The discovery of gold in CA in 1848 caused the first flood of newcomers to the West. A series of gold strikes and silver strikes in what became the states of Colorado, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Arizona, and South Dakota kept a steady flow of hopeful young prospectors pushing into the Western mountains.

Angel Island

The immigration station on the west coast where Asian immigrants, mostly Chinese gained admission to the U.S. at San Francisco Bay. Between 1910 and 1940 50k Chinese immigrants entered through Angel Island. Questioning and conditions at Angel Island were much harsher than Ellis Island in New York.

Cattle Frontier

The migration of many people west to take up cattle ranching, which was a quick way to make cash. All you needed was a couple cows which you allowed to graze until fat & then shipped off to the east coast where meat was in high demand. This was a temporary frontier because soon the supply of cattle overwhelmed the demand. Raised cows cheaply in Texas and sold them at higher prices in other areas; great profit but at the mercy of unstable markets; harsh climate and overgrazing pushed many to bankruptcy; ranch wars between farmers and open-grazing ranchers

Plains Indians

The most widespread Indian groups in the West. They were made up of many different tribal and language groups. Some lived more or less sedentary lives as farmers, but many subsisted largely through hunting buffalo.The tribes moved through grasslands following the herds, on small but powerful horses and constructed tepees as temporary dwellings. Buffalo, or Bison, created the economic basis for them. Formidable warriors.


The policy, generally around immigration but also dealing with social and economic aspects of daily life, that favors native-born or long-term resident individuals in the United States at the expense of immigrants. Native-born Americans who wanted to slow or stop immigration. Partially racism. Some argued that the new immigrants were inferior to the Americans. Some viewed immigrants with contempt as they viewed blacks and indians. Their evidence for claims were the slums in which they lived

Gospel of Wealth

This was a book written by Carnegie that described the responsibility of the rich to be philanthropists. This softened the harshness of Social Darwinism as well as promoted the idea of philanthropy. The belief that, as the guardians of society's wealth, the rich have a duty to serve society; promoted by Andrew Carnegie; Carnegie donated more than $350 million to libraries, school, peace initiatives, and the arts

John D. Rockefeller

Was an American industrialist and philanthropist. Revolutionized the petroleum industry and defined the structure of modern philanthropy.A man who started from meager beginnings and eventually created an oil empire. In Ohio in 1870 he organized the Standard Oil Company. By 1877 he controlled 95% of all of the refineries in the United States. It achieved important economies both home and abroad by it's large scale methods of production and distribution. He also organized the trust and started the Horizontal Merger.

Boss Tweed

William Tweed, head of Tammany Hall, NYC's powerful democratic political machine in 1868. Between 1868 and 1869 he led the Tweed Reign, a group of corrupt politicians in defrauding the city. Example: Responsible for the construction of the NY court house; actual construction cost $3million. Project cost tax payers $13million. Disgraced American politician who was convicted for stealing millions of dollars from New York City taxpayers through political corruption; head of Tammany Hall.

A Century of Dishonor

Written by Helen Hunt Jackson in 1881 to expose the atrocities the United States committed against Native Americans in the 19th century. Detailed the injustices made to Native Americans during US expansion and assimilation of them

Plessy v. Ferguson

a 1896 Supreme Court decision which legalized state ordered segregation so long as the facilities for blacks and whites were equal. Slaughterhouse Cases. A series of post-Civil War Supreme Court cases containing the first judicial pronouncements on the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments.

Ghost Dance Movement

a Native American movement that called for a return to traditional ways of life and challenged white dominance in society Most conspicuous feature. Inspired ecstatic, mystical visions- including images of the retreat of white people from the plains and a restoration of the great buffalo herds. White agents on the Sioux reservation, bewildered by and fearful of the dances, warned the army that they might be the prelude to hostilities.

Jane Addams

a middle-class woman dedicated to uplifting the urban masses; college educated (one of first generation); established the Hull House in Chicago in 1889 (most prominent American settlement house, mostly for immigrants); condemned war and poverty; won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931

Pullman Strike

a nonviolent strike which brought about a shut down of western railroads, which took place against the Pullman Palace Car Company in Chicago in 1894, because of the poor wages of the Pullman workers. It was ended by the president due to the interference with the mail system, and brought a bad image upon unions.

Homestead Strike

a violent strike of 1892 at the Homestead Works in Pittsburgh over a lock out follwing a decision to cut wages by nearly 20%, and ended with the destruction of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel workers, probably the largest craft union at the time. Union workers had had a friendly relationship with Carnegie's company until Henry Frick became President and wanted to cut costs. Inspired many workers, but it also underscored how difficult it was for any union to prevail against the combined power of the corporation and the government.

National Labor Union

founded by William Sylvis (1866); supported 8-hour workday, convict labor, federal department of labor, banking reform, immigration restrictions to increase wages, women; excluded blacks, First large scale national of labors was the national labor union formed in 1866. In 1868 the NLU persuaded congress to Legalize an 8 hour day for government workers. Some refused to admit African Americans as members in their union.


killing of blacks by white mobs because they were accused of committing crimes or because they had angered the whites, most were done secretly by small mobs. The practice of an angry mob hanging a percieved criminal without regard to due process

Knights of Labor

one of the most important American labor organizations of the 19th century, demanded an end to child and convict labor, equal pay for women, a progressive income tax, and the cooperative employer-employee ownership of mines and factories, 1st effort to create National union. Open to everyone but lawyers and bankers. Vague program, no clear goals, weak leadership and organization. Failed

Political Machine

political entities controlled by a boss that wielded enormous influence over the government of urban cities. § Very corrupt, controlled tax rates, gave tax breaks to their allies and controlled prices and business, etc. § Stole millions from taxpayers using fraud and overinflation § Did minor philanthropy to boost their public image § Gave money to support businesses, immigrants, and the poor in return for their votes.

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