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The Truman Doctrine was developed as a response to problems where?

Greece and Turkey's problems led to the development of the Truman Doctrine.

What was the dominant social theme of the 1950s?


What was the result of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka decision?

declared state laws establishing segregated schools unconstitutional

The building of the Berlin War in 1961 was meant to keep East Germans from doing what?

defecting to the west

John F. Kennedy's plan to balance out nuclear capability with conventional military strength was known as ___________ _________________.

flexible response

What did the counterculture movement stand for?

freedom and power against the authoritarian establishment

The Deep South responded to court-ordered desegregation by doing what?

massive resistance

The most significant social trend in the postwar era in America was what?

move to the suburbs

The Soviet Union first learned of the American atomic bomb how?

the use of espionage

Which operation called for the use of Agent Orange to defoliate the jungle?

Operation Ranch Hand

Which operation called for the sustained bombings of North Vietnam?

Operation Rolling Thunder

What was the purpose of the Bay of Pigs invasion?

Overthrow Castro and his Communist regime

The Black Panther Party embraced the basic ideals of the Black Power movement, but what made them different from the rest of the movement?

They were primarily focused on cities and urban manifestation.

Soviet bitterness toward the United States immediately after World War II was primarily a result of the US's refusal to do what?

United States' refusal to provide economic aid to the Soviet Union.

In what year did the Cuban Missile Crisis occur


What year was considered the turning point in terms of public opposition to the war in Vietnam?


What were the important stimuli to American economic growth in the late 1940s and early 1950s?

$37 billion dollars in savings, the pent up demand for consumer goods, heavy government spending, the Korean war

On what date was President Kennedy assassinated and where?

11/22/63 Dallas Texas

The NATO Treaty was signed in what year?


Approximately how many American lives were lost during Vietnam


What did the Marshall Plan propose?

A federal rescue plan developed to allow the United States to assist European nations on both sides of the war

As a result of Cold War military reforms, the dominant branch of the American armed forces became the

Air Force

What did George Kennan's "containment" policy propose?

American vigilance regarding soviet expansion tendencies

The National Security Act of 1947 established which government agency?


What were the components of President Truman's Fair Deal program?

Called for higher minimum wage, housing and full employment.

In its decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the Supreme Court declared

Declared separate educational facilities to be inherently unequal

What points were part of the 1962 Port Huron Statement issued by the student group Students for a Democratic Society?

Diplomacy rather than militancy, create communities with meaningful work, respect for the environment and universal disarmament were part of the Port Huron Statement.

Drugs were an important part of the counterculture movement, why is this so?

Drugs were important because they were symbolic. A person's willingness to do something illegal to take risks.

During the Cold War, President Eisenhower did what?

Ended Korean War, authorized spy plane flights over Soviet Union, remained calm in times of stress, and accepted Soviet Domination of Europe

What prompted the growth of radicalism in the American Counterculture of the 1960s?

Faith and idealism toward liberal reforms declined

The tone for the so-called "beat" movement was set by which novelist?

Jack Kerouac

Who was the leading figure of the Red Scare of the early 1950s?

Joseph McCarthy

President Eisenhower had to send in federal troops in 1957 to enforce the desegregation of the public schools where?

Little Rock, Arkansas

Which US president was responsible for the escalation of the Vietnam conflict?

Lyndon B. Johnson

Who was considered the father of the Black Power movement?

Malcom X

By 1960, the most racially integrated institution in American society was the


What was Vietnamization?

Nixon's plan to transition combat duties to the South Vietnamese Army.

Which agreement ended open hostilities between the US and the North Vietnamese

Paris Peace Agreement

What were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg executed for?

Passing atomic secrets

The case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka overturned which previous Supreme Court decision?

Plessy v. Ferguson

Sputnik, the earth satellite put into orbit by the Soviet Union in 1957, was capable of doing what?

Sending signals, beeping

An organization founded by Martin Luther King, Jr. to promote civil rights was the

South Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

By 1946, Great Britain and the United States were refusing to permit the _____ to take _______ from _____

Soviet Union; reparations; the industrial westwn zones in Germany

Critical to John F. Kennedy's victory in the election of 1960 was his success in what media related event?

Success in televised debates against Richard Nixon.

For the United States, the turning point of the Vietnam War was the

Tet Offensive

Which book helped to launch the Women's Movement?

The Feminist Mystique

The one significant legislative achievement of the Eisenhower years was the

The Highway Act of 1956

The defense policy statement known as NSC-68 advocated what?

The Soviet Union wanted to take over the world and was a threat to the United States. increased size of military

What events were instrumental in turning the tide of public opinion towards widespread protest?

The Tet Offensive and My Lai

When the Soviet Union shot down a United States spy plane in 1960, the event became known as

The U-2 Crisis

Which two American ships were involved in the Gulf of Tonkin incident?

The USS Maddox and the C. Turner Joy

What was the major technological innovation of the Vietnam War and how was it used?

The helicopter was the major technological innovation of the Vietnam War. It was used for trip movement, Medi-vac (air ambulances), gun ships, equipped with machine guns and missile and they were used to move supplies

The National Defense Education Act was passed in response to what?

The launch of Sputnik

Which individual invented the concept of mass construction of suburban homes?

William Leviett

How were the 1950s in America were characterized?

a new affluence in economic times

In contrast to Eisenhower, Kennedy's staff was heavily populated with what types of people?

academics and intellectuals

What was the North Vietnamese objective with their "Protracted War" strategy

get the U.S. down with a war that they could not win militarily and create unfavorable political conditions. The North Vietnamese was too powerful for the U.S. to handle.

What tactics did the North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong use to defeat the Americans

guerilla warfare

In the Korean War, the Chinese threatened a massive invasion of Korea if the United States did what?

invaded north korea

The foreign policy of Lyndon Johnson was considered a continuation of what?

kennedys foreign policy

What were the effects of Agent Orange on humans?

leukemia, sarcoma, prostate cancer, amyloidosis, Parkinson's, spina bifida in offspring of those affected, liver cancer, etc. cellular damage, chromosomal damage in offspring.

In the final analysis, what was the most significant result of the Korean War?

massive American armament

Why did the US government reinstate the Draft?

needed people to make up for the lack of personnel.

When the Soviet Union sealed off the city of Berlin in 1948, President Harry Truman responded by doing what?

organizing a gigantic airlift of supplies to Berlin

What did Martin Luther King, Jr.'s philosophy of protest stress?


Why were the Buddhist monks burning themselves in the streets of Vietnam?

perform a ritual suicide in protest against governmental anti-Buddhist policies and Ngo Dinh Nhu.

What were Black Power advocates working for?

racial separation in order to preserve unique African American Identities.

"If they weren't Vietcong before we got there, they sure as hell were by the time we left", what is this quote referring to?

search and destroy tactics

What one thing was critical to life in the suburbs in the 1950s?


Between 1940 and 1960, American wives were required to do what?

take jobs outside the home

Why did the United States fight the war in Vietnam?

to stop the spread of communism

The crucial issue discussed at the Potsdam Conference involved what?

war reparations

Why did the US lose the Vietnam War?

we underestimated the enemy, we could not stop the spread of troops and supplies along the Ho Chi Minh Trail, could not weaken the enemy, drugs, low morale, and desertion

The fundamental disagreement at the beginning of the Cold War involved the question of what?

who'd control postwar Europe

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