Unit 8 Exam (CH 34-37)

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On earth, most organic molecules are produced by a) hydrolysis b) photosynthesis c) glycolysis d) cellular respiration


What biome do you live in? Describe your climate and the factors that have produced that climate. What plants and animals are typical of this biome? If you live in an urban or agricultural area, how have human interventions changed the natural biome?

*After identifying your biome by looking at the map in Figure 34.8, review Module 34.5 on climate and the module that describes your biome (Modules 34.9-34.17)*

For which chemicals are biogeographical cycles global? Explain.

Chemicals with a gaseous form in the atmosphere, such as carbon and nitrogen, have a global biogeochemical cycle.

Describe the factors that might produce the following three types of dispersion patterns in populations.

Clumped is the most common dispersion pattern, usually associated with unevenly distributed resources or social grouping. Uniform dispersion may be related to territories or inhibitory interactions between plants. A random dispersion is least common and may occur when no particular factor influences the distribution of organisms.

A chorus of frogs fills the air on a spring evening. The frog calls are courtship signals. What are the functions of courtship behaviors? How might a behavioral ecologist explain the proximate cause of this behavior? The ultimate cause?

Courtship behaviors reduce aggression between potential mates and confirm their species, sex, and physical condition. Environmental changes such as rainfall, temperature, and day length probably lead frogs to start calling, so these would be the proximate causes. The ultimate cause relates to evolution. Fitness (reproductive success) is enhanced for frogs that engage in courtship behaviors.

What are some factors that might have a density-dependent limiting effect on population growth?

Food and resource limitation, such as food or nesting sites; accumulation of toxic wastes; disease; increase in predation; stress responses, such as seen in some rodents

Almost all the behaviors of a housefly are innate. What are some advantages and disadvantages to the fly of innate behaviors compared with behaviors that are mainly learned?

Main advantage: Flies do not live long. Innate behaviors can be performed the first time without learning, enabling flies to find food, mates, and so on without practice. Main disadvantage: Innate behaviors are rigid; flies cannot learn to adapt to specific situations.

What roles do bacteria play in the nitrogen cycle?

Nitrogen fixation of atmospheric N2 into ammonium; decomposition of detritus into ammonium; nitrification of ammonium into nitrate; denitrification (by denitrifies) of nitrates into N2.

Explain how seed dispersal by animals is an example of mutualism in some cases.

Plants benefit by having their seeds distributed away from the parent. Animals benefit when the seeds contain food, as in fleshy fruits.

Phytoplankton are the major photosynthesis in a) the benthic realm of the ocean b) the ocean photic zone c) the intertidal zone d) the aphotic zone of a lake


Tropical rain forests are the most diverse biomes. What factors contribute to this diversity?

Tropical rainforests have a warm, moist climate, with favorable growing conditions year-round. The diverse plant growth provides various habitats for other organisms.

Use Figures 34.5C and 34.18 to predict how global warming (rapid increase in Earth's average temperature; see Module 7.14) might affect the water cycle.

Warmer air causes more evaporation from the land and sea, and a warmer atmosphere holds more moisture. As a result, some areas would experience torrential rainstorms. In areas where rainfall is typically low, increased evaporation would lead to increasingly dry soils and drought.

Movement corridors a) can be harmful because they allow for the spread of disease b) can be harmful because they allow for gene flow c) increase inbreeding d) reduce dispersal


Which of the following options correctly pairs a biome and its characteristics? a) tundra= very cold winters; only the upper layer of the soil thaws during summer b) temperate broadleaf forest= mild winters, moderate rainfall, predominantly dicot vegetation c) savanna= long, cold winters, vegetation dominated by conifers d) chaparral= mild, rainy winters; long, hot, but wet summers


Ground permanently frozen

arctic tundra

Living things that live in the polar ice biome include a) lichens, jaguars, gulls, and polar bears b) mosses, lichens, seals, and polar bears c) mosses, ferns, gulls, and penguins d) penguins, seals, moose, and springtails


According to the data on ecological footprints, a) the carrying capacity of the world is 10 billion b) earth's resources are sufficient to sustain future generations at current levels of consumption c) the ecological footprint of the US is more than twice the world average d) nations with the largest ecological footprints have the fastest population growth rates


Limited to small coastal areas


Which of the following represents a demographic transition? a) a population switches form exponential to logistic growth b) there are equal numbers of individuals in all age groups c) a population exhibits boom-and-bust cycles d) a population switches from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates


Which of the following represents a demographic transition? a) a population switches from exponential to logistic growth b) a population reaches a fertility rate of zero c) there are equal numbers of individuals in all age-groups d) a population switches from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates


An unchangeable series of actions triggered by a specific stimulus is referred to as a ____ action pattern.


Animal behavior is a product of both its environment and its ____.


A random movement in response to a stimulus is referred to as ____.


in spatial learning, animals establish memories of ____ in their environment that associate the locations of food, nest sites, prospective mates, and potential hazards.


____ is a regular back and forth movement that animals partake in between two geographic areas.


Spruce, fir, pine, and hemlock trees


____ is a response to a response directed toward or away from a stimulus.


Match each description with the correct biome. 1) the most complex and diverse biome 2) ground permanently frozen 3) deciduous trees such as hickory and birch 4) limited to small coastal areas 5) spruce, fir, pine, and hemlock trees 6) home of ants, antelopes, and lions 7) North American plains a) chaparral b) savanna c) taiga d) temperate broadleaf forest e) temperate grassland f) tropical rain forest g) arctic tundra

tropical rain forest

What makes the Gobi Desert of Asia a desert? a) the growing season there is very short b) it is hot c) temperatures vary little from summer to winter d) it is dry


When a mother breastfeeds her newborn baby, the infant will immediately begin to suckle. This is an example of a) imprinted behavior b) classical conditioning c) habituation d) innate behavior


Which of the following groups is (are) absolutely essential to the functioning of an ecosystem? a) producers b) producers and herbivores c) producers, herbivores, and carnivores d) producers and decomposers


In Module 35.3, you learned that Norway rat offspring whose mothers don't interact much with them grow up to be fearful and anxious in new situations. Suggest a possible ultimate cause for this link between maternal behavior and stress response of offspring. (Hint: under what circumstances might high reactivity to stress be more adaptive that being relaxed?)

In a stressful environment, for example, where predators are abundant, rats that behave cautiously are more likely to survive long enough to reproduce.

What is rapid eutrophication? What steps might be taken to slow this process?

Rapid eutrophication occurs when bodies of water recessive nutrient pollution (for example, from agricultural runoff) that results in blooms of cyanobacteria and algae. Respiration from these organisms and their decomposers depletes oxygen levels, leading to fish kills. Reducing this type of pollution will require controlling the sources of excess inorganic nutrients, for example, runoff from feedlots and fertilizers.

What is a survivorship? What does a survivorship curve show? Explain what the three survivorship curves tell us about humans, squirrels, and clams.

Survivorship is the fraction of individuals in a given age interval that survive to the next interval. It is a measure of the probability of surviving at any given age. A survivorship curve shows the fraction of individuals in a population surviving at each age interval during the life span. Clams produce large numbers of offspring, most of which die young, with a few living a full life span. Few humans die young; most live out a full life span and die of old age. Squirrels have approximately constant mortality and about an equal chance of surviving at all ages.

While on a walk through a forest, you notice birds in trees, earthworms in the soil, and fungi on plant litter on the forest floor. Based on your observations, you conclude that each of these organisms occupies a different a) ecosystem b) biosphere c) a biome d) habitat


Deciduous trees such as hickory and birch

temperate broadleaf forest

North American plains

temperate grassland

In Southeast Asia, there's an old saying: "There is only one tiger to a hill." In terms of energy flow in ecosystems, explain why big predatory animals such as tigers and sharks are relatively rare.

These animals are secondary or tertiary consumers, at the top of the energy pyramid. Stepwise energy loss means not much energy is left for them; thus, they are rare and require large territories in which to hunt.

A ____ is an area, usually fixed in location, that one or more individuals defend and from which other members of the same species are usually excluded.


Ants carry dead ants out of the anthill and dump them on a "trash pile". If a live ant is painted with a chemical from dead ants, other ants repeatedly carry it, kicking and struggling, to the trash pile, until the substance wears off. Which of the following best explains this behavior? a) the chemical triggers a fixed action pattern b) the ants have become imprinted on the chemical c) the ants continue the behavior until they become habituated d) the ants can learn only by trial and error


Camouflage typically evolves as a result of a) predation b) herbivory c) interspecific competition d) mutualism


Changes in the seasons are caused by a) the tilt of Earth's axis toward or away from the sun b) annual cycles of temperature and rainfall c) variation in the distance between earth and the sun d) an annual cycle in the sun's energy output


If an ecosystem has a carrying capacity of 1,000 individuals for a given species, and 2,000 individuals of that species are present, the population a) size will decrease b) size will slowly increase c) will show a clumped dispersion pattern d) size is at equilibrium


*After reading the paragraph, answer the question(s) that follow. Biosphere II is a huge dome-covered self-contained structure located outside Tucson, Arizona. Biosphere II was built to try to duplicate Earth's biosphere and ecosystems in miniature and to use the information gained from the experiment to help design similar habitats on the Moon and Mars. The habitat contained small versions of many of Earth's ecosystems, including an ocean with a coral reef, mangrove wetlands, a grassland, a desert, an agricultural system, and a human habitat. Eight men and women were sealed inside the habitat for a proposed two-year stay. The air, water, and food for the "biospherians" all came from inside the sealed habitat, and their only contact with the outside was through computers and telephones. Before the two years were up, however, the experiment failed. Supplemental oxygen was pumped into the facility and food supplies were provided through the airlocks. What caused the failure of the experiment? It was traced to nutrient pollution. The soil in some of the biosphere ecosystems was unusually rich in nutrients. These excess nutrients caused a huge population explosion in decomposer bacteria, which led to oxygen depletion. *To stabilize the environment in the habitat and enable it to become self-sufficient again, it would be helpful to a) add producers to absorb excess carbon dioxide and produce oxygen b) add nitrates and phosphates to the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems c) add consumers to absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen d) add decomposers to recycle nutrients in the soil and water


A survivorship curve is a a) graph that plots an individual's likelihood of being alive as a function of age b) graph that shows the effect of predation on a prey population c) model for population growth that incorporates reproductive rates d) model for population growth that incorporates the concept of carrying capacity e) graph that plots an individual's likelihood of reproducing as a function of age


A type 1 survivorship curve is the result of which of the following life history traits? a) parents providing extended care for their young b) death rates remaining constant over the life span c) large numbers of offspring being produced d) a short life span for most individuals e) infant mortality being much greater than adult mortality


About how much of the energy in the producers of an ecosystem will be available to secondary consumers in this ecosystem? a) about 10% b) about 1% c) about 50% d) 100%


Ants carry dead ants out of the anthill and dump them on a "trash pile". If a live ant any painted with a chemical from dead ants, other ants repeatedly carry it, kicking and struggling, to the trash pile, until the substances wears off. Which of the following best explains this behavior? a) the chemical is a sign stimulus for a fixed action pattern b) the ants have become imprinted on the chemical c) the ants continue the behavior until they become habituated d) the chemical triggers a negative taxis


In terms of population dynamics, what is the "boom-and-bust" cycling? a) a situation in which a population oscillates around carrying capacity of its environment b) a situation in which the movement of limiting nutrients through an ecosystem is pulsatile rather than steady c) a situation in which a growing population overshoots the carrying capacity of its environment and experiences a crash before stabilizing d) a situation in which sex ratios in a population exhibit reciprocal oscillations


Refers to an individual's success at perpetuating its genes by producing its own offspring and by helping close relatives, who likely share many of those genes, to produce offspring. a) inclusive fitness b) exact fitness c) fitness d) exclusive fitness


Skyrocketing growth of the human population appears to be mainly a result of a) a drop in death rate due to sanitation and health care b) better nutrition boosting the birth rate c) the concentration of humans in cities d) social changes that make it desirable to have more children


The prokaryotes that cause tooth decay have a ____ relationship with humans. a) parasitic b) predatory c) competitive d) mutualistic


To figure out the human population density of your community, you would need to know the number of people living there and a) the land area in which they live b) the birth rate of the population c) the dispersion pattern of the population d) the carrying capacity


Which of the following statements about movement corridors is true? a) movement corridors can connect otherwise isolated habitat patches b) movement corridors can prevent the spread of disease c) movement corridors can promote inbreeding in declining populations d) movement corridors are detrimental to species that migrate between habitats seasonally


Why do the tropics and the windward side of mountains receive more rainfall than areas around latitudes 30 degrees north and south and the leeward side of mountains? a) rising warm, moist air cools and drops its moisture as rain b) descending air condenses, creating clouds and rain c) there is more solar radiation in the tropics and on the windward side of mountains d) earth's rotation creates seasonal differences in rainfall


You have seen that Earth's terrestrial biomes reflect regional variations in climate. But what determines these climatic variations? Interpret the following diagrams in reference to how each represents effects on global patterns of temperature, rainfall and winds. a) solar radiation and latitude b) earth's orbit around the sun c) global patterns of air circulation and rainfall

a) the shape of Earth results in uneven heating, such that the tropics are warm and polar regions are cold b) the seasonal difference of winter and summer in temperature and polar regions are produced as Earth tips toward or away from the sun during its orbit around the sun c) intense solar radiation in the tropics evaporates moisture; warm air rises, cools, and drops its moisture as rain; air circulates, cools, and drops around 30 degrees N and S, warming as it descends and evaporating moisture from land, which creates arid regions in the temperature zones

With regard to its rate of growth, a population that is growing logistically a) grows fastest when density is lowest b) has a high intrinsic rate of increase c) grows fastest at an intermediate population density d) grows fastest as it approaches carrying capacity


*After reading the paragraph, answer the question(s) that follow. Biosphere II is a huge dome-covered self-contained structure located outside Tucson, Arizona. Biosphere II was built to try to duplicate Earth's biosphere and ecosystems in miniature and to use the information gained from the experiment to help design similar habitats on the Moon and Mars. The habitat contained small versions of many of Earth's ecosystems, including an ocean with a coral reef, mangrove wetlands, a grassland, a desert, an agricultural system, and a human habitat. Eight men and women were sealed inside the habitat for a proposed two-year stay. The air, water, and food for the "biospherians" all came from inside the sealed habitat, and their only contact with the outside was through computers and telephones. Before the two years were up, however, the experiment failed. Supplemental oxygen was pumped into the facility and food supplies were provided through the airlocks. What caused the failure of the experiment? It was traced to nutrient pollution. The soil in some of the biosphere ecosystems was unusually rich in nutrients. These excess nutrients caused a huge population explosion in decomposer bacteria, which led to oxygen depletion. How could a population explosion of bacteria lead to oxygen depletion? a) the excess decomposers prevented plants from performing photosynthesis b) the excess consumers used the oxygen for cellular respiration c) the excess producers used the oxygen to complete photosynthesis d) the excess decomposers removed all the nutrients from the habitat


A big difference between imitation and imprinting is that a) imitation does not involve learning b) imitation is not limited to a sensitive period c) imitation does not involve a reward d) imprinting does not involve learning


A biology teacher takes fish, algae, pond weed, invertebrates, and bottom muck from a local pond and establishes them in an aquarium. When the system is stable, the teacher seals it into a large, airtight glass box and leaves the box in a sunny location. After three months, the organisms in the aquarium appear alive and healthy. Which of the following statements about the experiment is true? a) no energy has entered or left the glass box during the three months b) some of the energy in the system has moved from one organism to another during the three months c) the air in the glass box contains no carbon dioxide d) during the three months, the biomass of animal life was greater than the biomass of plant life


A hypothetical community on a barren mid-Atlantic island consists of two fish-eating seabirds (the booby and the noddy), the fungi and microorganisms that live on the birds' dung, a tick that feeds on these two birds, a cactus, a moth that feeds on cast-off feathers, a beetle that lives on dung organisms, and spiders that eat the other arthropods. There are no other plants and no lichens. Which of the following choices incorrectly pairs a member of this assemblage with its position in the trophic structure? a) moth, detritivore b) booby, primary consumer c) fungi, detritivores d) cactus, producer


A population of fungi in a yard produces 10 mushrooms in year 1, 20 in year 2, and 40 in year 3. If this trend continues, by year 5 there will be ____ mushrooms. a) 320 b) 160 c) 40 d) 80


An ecologist monitoring the number of gorillas in a wildlife refuge over a 5-year period is studying ecology at what level? a) organism b) population c) community d) ecosystem


The death by bubonic plague of about one-third of Europe's population during the fourteenth century is a good example of a) a density-independent effect b) a density-dependent effect c) carrying capacity d) abiotic factors limiting population size


The term (K-N) / K a) increases in value as N approaches K b) is zero when population size equals carrying capacity c) is greatest when K is very large d) is the carrying capacity for a population


To ensure adequate nitrogen fro a crop, a farmer would want to decrease ____ by soil bacteria. a) nitrification b) denitrification c) nitrogen fixation d) a and c


When a New England farm is abandoned, its formerly plowed fields first become weedy meadows, then shrubby areas, and finally forest. This sequence of plant communities is an example of a) evolution b) secondary succession c) a trophic chain d) primary succession


When two different populations in a community benefit from their relationship with each other, the result is called a) competition b) mutualism c) benefism d) parasitism


Which of the following is an example of a population? a) the various plants found in prairies in the western US b) all of the students in your classroom c) all students attending colleges and universities in your state d) all of the microorganisms on your skin


Which of the following organisms is mismatched with its trophic level? a) algae-producer b) phytoplankton-primary consumer c) carnivorous fish larvae-secondary consumer d) eagle-tertiary or quaternary consumer


Which of the following substances is cycled between organic matter and abiotic reservoirs? a) nucleic acid b) carbon c) fat d) protein


With regard to its rate of growth, a population that is growing logistically a) grows fastest when density is lowest b) grows fastest at an intermediate population density c) has a high intrinsic rate of increase d) grows fastest as it approaches carrying capacity


You arrive back in the US after having visited a foreign country located on another continent. The customs agent stops the person in front of you and confiscates the fruit basket this person is bringing home. Being the knowledgeable person you are, you calmly explain to your enraged fellow traveler that the reason for the detainment is that the fruit basket may be a) carrying endangered fruit b) contaminated with sufficient DDT to cause serious harm to anyone who eats the fruit c) carrying an exotic species that could damage North American ecosystems d) contaminated with CFCs that will damage the ozone layer about North America


*After reading the paragraph, answer the question(s) that follow. Introduced species are a problem all over the world, and there are many examples in the United States. Several years ago, a fisherman caught a northern snakehead fish in a pond in Crofton, Maryland (a suburb of Washington, DC). Snakeheads are a favorite food of immigrants from China, and live fish can frequently be found in Asian markets. It's suspected that the fish in the Crofton pond were purchased locally and then intentionally released. Snakeheads are top predators, and 90% of the northern snakeheads' diet consists of other fishes. The northern snakehead can breathe out of water and travel short distances (about 100 feet) across land. They also breed rapidly. Females can lay more than 100,000 eggs per year. Juveniles have also been identified in the Potomac River and other rivers in Pennsylvania. When snakeheads enter aquatic ecosystems, biodiversity in these ecosystems would most likely a) remain the same, because the snakeheads will merge without problems into established communities b) remain the same, since local species will prey on the snakeheads and remove them c) decrease, since the snakehead will prey on native species d) increase, since another species has been added to the environment


According to this figure, which organisms have the highest concentration of PCBs, and why? a) herring gulls, because they are at the bottom of the food chain b) phytoplankton, because they are at the bottom of the food chain c) herring gulls, because they are at the top of the food chain d) smelt, because they are in the middle of the food chain


After seeds have sprouted, gardeners often pull up some of the seedlings so that only a few grow to maturity. How does this practice help produce the best yield? a) by increasing K b) by adding a density-independent factor to the environment c) by reducing intraspecific competition d) by decreasing R


After seeds have sprouted, gardeners often pull up some of the seedlings so that only a few grow to maturity. How does this practice help produce the best yield? a) by increasing K b) by decreasing R c) by reducing infraspecific competition d) by adding a density-independent factor to the environment


An adult human jumps into a raging river to try and save a child who is drowning. This is an example of a) survival of the fittest b) ingrained behavior c) altruistic behavior d) imprinted behavior


An ecologist hypothesizes that predation by a particular owl species is the major factor controlling the population of a particular rabbit species. The first step in testing this hypothesis would be to determine a) what food the rabbits eat b) whether populations of the rabbit that live outside the range of the owl have higher population densities c) whether the owls eat the rabbits d) to which diseases the rabbit population is subject


An insectivorous bird has the choice of eating (1) meadow beetles, which are abundant and large but expose the bird to hawk predation; (2) under-a-rock beetles, which are large and fatty but hard to obtain; and (3) under-a-leaf beetles, which are easy to obtain but small. The bird has nestlings to feed. As an optimal forager, it will a) eat one kind of beetle at a time (first under-a-leaf, then meadow, then under-a-rock), switching to a new kind when the old kind becomes scarce b) concentrate on under-a-rock beetles because they are energy-rich c) eat all three kinds of beetles, balancing the energy spent and the risks incurred against the energy gained d) concentrate on under-a-leaf beetles because they are easy and safe


Geese of a certain species tend to start migrating south on about the same date over much of Canada, apparently in response to an environmental cue. Which of the following environmental factors is most likely to be responsible? a) a critical snow depth b) changing winds c) shortening day length d) rising barometric pressure


In a hypothetical food chain consisting of grass, grasshoppers, sparrows, and hawks, the grasshoppers are a) primary producers b) secondary consumers c) primary consumers d) secondary producers


Pheasants do not feed their chicks. Immediately after hatching, a pheasant chick starts pecking at seeds and insects on the ground. How might a behavioral ecologist explain the ultimate cause of this behavior? a) pecking is a fixed action pattern b) pheasants learned to peck, and their offspring inherited this behavior c) pheasants that pecked as chicks survived and reproduced best d) pecking is a result of imprinting during a sensitive period


Pine trees in a forest tend to shade and kill pine seedlings that sprout nearby. This causes the pine trees to a) increase exponentially b) grow in a clumped pattern c) grow in a uniform pattern d) exceed their carrying capacity


The term (K-N) / K a) is the carrying capacity for a population b) is greatest when K is very large c) is zero when population size equals carrying capacity d) increases in value as N approaches K


To figure out the human population density of your community, you would need to know the number of people living there and a) the dispersion pattern of the population b) the birth rate of the population c) the land area in which they live d) whether population growth is logistic or exponential


When nest-building Fisher's lovebird cuts long strips of vegetation and carries them to the nest site one at a time in her beak. The peach-faced lovebird cuts short strips and carries them to the nest tucked under back feathers. Hybrid offspring cut intermediate-sized strips and attempt to tuck them under back feathers before carrying them in their beak. What does this demonstrate about behavior? a) behavior can be learned from parents b) environment is important in forming behaviors c) there is a genetic basis to behavior d) lovebirds can be trained easily


Which arrow shows CO2 released as a product of cellular respiration? a) arrow A b) arrow B c) arrow C d) arrow D


Which of the following best illustrates ecological succession? a) a mouse eats seeds, and an owl eats the mouse b) decomposition in soil releases nitrogen that plants can use c) grasses grow in a deserted field, followed by shrubs and then trees d) imported pheasants increase in numbers, while local quail disappear


Which of the following sea creatures might be described as a pelagic animal of the photic zone? a) a coral reef fish b) an intertidal snail c) a deep-sea squid d) a harbor seal


Which trophic level in this food chain represents the secondary consumer? a) trophic level A b) trophic level B c) trophic level C d) trophic level D


*After reading the paragraph, answer the question(s) that follow. The largest estuary in the United States is the Chesapeake Bay, which extends through six states, including Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. The bay is one of the most productive natural areas in the world. It's home to thousands of plants and animals, including many commercially important species. The water of the bay is relatively shallow. Many areas are no more than 10 feet deep, with an average depth of 30 feet. Light penetrates the shallow water and supports the submerged plants that provide food and shelter for the many species living in the bay ecosystem. However, like many estuaries, the bay receives large amounts of fertilizer runoff from farms, lawns, and wastewater treatment facilities. Which of the following is the most probable sequence of events when fertilizer runoff reaches the Bay? a) phytoplankton population increases, more food for fish and shellfish, fish and shellfish populations increase b) submerged vegetation increases, more food for fish and shellfish, fish and shellfish populations increase c) submerged vegetation decreases, fish and shellfish feed on decaying plants, phytoplankton feed on fish and shellfish, commercial fisheries decline d) phytoplankton population increases, blocks sunlight to submerged vegetation, submerged vegetation dies, fish and shellfish populations decrease


A blue jay that aids its parents in raising its siblings is increasing its a) reproductive success b) status in dominance hierarchy c) altruistic behavior d) inclusive fitness


A ranking of individuals based on social interactions is referred to as what? a) agonistic behavior b) foraging success c) ordering d) dominance hierarchy


According to data on ecological footprints a) nations with the largest ecological footprints have the fastest population growth rates b) earth's resources are sufficient to sustain future generations at current levels of consumption c) the carrying capacity of the world is 10 billion d) the ecological footprint of the US is more than twice the world average


Agonistic behavior a) usually causes serious injury to one or both of the combatants b) is the result of habituation c) increases the number of individuals who mate d) is used to establish dominance hierarchies


Although many chimpanzee populations live in environments containing oil palm nuts, members of only a few populations use stones to crack open the nuts. The most likely explanation for this behavioral difference between populations is that a) members of different populations differ in manual dexterity b) members of different populations have different nutritional requirements c) members of different populations differ in learning ability d) the use of stones to crack nuts has arisen and spread through social learning in only some populations


Assume that there are five alligators per acre in a swamp in northern Florida. This is a measure of the alligator population's a) intrinsic rate of increase b) range c) dispersion d) density


G = rN represents which model of population growth? a) logistic b) quadrantal c) static d) exponential


If an overlap develops between the ranges of two closely related species, and if the species occupy the same niche in the zone of overlap, what will probably happen in the zone of overlap? a) both species will coexist, provided the environment in the zone of overlap is different from that in either individual range b) both species will coexist, provided the environment in the zone of overlap is similar to that of one of the individual ranges c) a new species will arise by hybridization d) one species will take over most or all of the zone of overlap


Several primates have been taught to communicate with humans using sign language. This supports the view that animals other than humans undergo what process? a) imitation b) association c) trail and error d) cognition


Skyrocketing growth rate of the human population appears to be mainly a result of a) social changes that make it desirable to have more children b) better nutrition boosting the birth rate c) the concentration of humans in cities d) a drop in death rate due to sanitation and health care


Some populations, especially those with high genetic variability and short life spans, may avoid extinction as the climate changes through a) genetic shift b) feedback inhibition c) distribution of populations d) evolutionary adaptation


The immediate results of the widespread use of pesticides and fertilizers included ____, but long-term results included ____. a) the increased spread of malaria...delayed resistance to pesticides b) terrible declines in agricultural productivity...worldwide distribution of DDT c) global declines in undesirable pests, such as mice, rats, cows and sharks...increases in these pests d) dramatic increases in crop yields...the evolution of pest resistance


The maximum number of individuals a habitat can support is called the a) density-dependent factor b) community size c) reproductive potential d) carrying capacity


The open ocean and tropical rain forests contribute the most to Earth's net primary production because a) both have high rates of net primary production b) both cover huge surface areas of Earth c) nutrients cycle fastest in these two ecosystems d) the ocean covers a huge surface area and the tropical rain forest has a high rate of production


The pattern of distribution for a certain species of kelp is clumped. We will expect that the pattern of distribution for a population of snails that live on the kelp would be a) random b) evenly-distributed c) absolute d) clumped


What is the age structure of a population? a) the curve that results when the likelihood of dying is plotted as a function of age b) the curve that results when the likelihood of being alive is plotted as a function of age c) the difference in the age distribution of a population at two different points in time d) the proportion of individuals in different age groups


You're a member of a family that's been displaced from your home. You're trying to select a new country in which to settle to gain better economic opportunities. You know that Nigeria is a large country with rich natural resources and are considering it for your new home. You've learned some basic principles of population growth and did some research on the Internet. Among the data you found was the following diagram of the current age structure of the country. Based on the age structure of the country, which of the following situations would be most likely over the next 20 years? a) a demographic shift to approximate zero population growth b) a decline in housing prices based on lack of demand c) strong economic gains stimulated by population growth d) a decreased demand for medical services due to the small number of elderly citizens e) an increased demand for resources based on population growth


You're a member of a family that's been displaced from your home. You're trying to select a new country in which to settle to gain better economic opportunities. You know that Nigeria is a large country with rich natural resources and are considering it for your new home. You've learned some basic principles of population growth and did some research on the Internet. Among the data you found was the following diagram of the current age structure of the country. The age structure data for Nigeria shows that the country has many more individuals under the age of 15 than over the age of 40. What does this imply about the future population of Nigeria? a) the population will probably decrease b) the number of older people will probably increase rapidly c) the population will probably increase, but slowly d) the population will probably remain stable e) the population will probably grow rapidly


Home of ants, antelopes, and lions


Imprinting occurs during a time ____ period.


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Chapter 6 Congenital Diseases and Disorders

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Ch. 26 Child w/Genitourinary Dysfunction

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Chapter 8 - Strategy Formulation and Execution

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Ch 13 & 19 Physiology of Training & factors affecting performance

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