Unit 8: The Ancien Regime and the Agricultural Revolution

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what did Emperor Peter the Great's successor, Catherine the Great give permission to the nobility to do?

His successor, Catherine the Great, gave permission for nobility to take authority over their serfs in exchange for the landlord's political cooperation

which inventors revolutionized European society with their inventions?

Inventors like Richard Arkwright, inventor of the water frame, and james Watt, inventor of the steam engine, revolutionized European society by making cotton available to poor people with their speedy and efficient process

what was life in eastern europe marked by?

Life in eastern europe was marked by serfdom and landlord domination

This crop was cheap, easy to grow, durable, and could be grown in all seasons. It became the staple food for the peasantry and improved their standard of living.


what were among the most important and life changing agricultural innovations?

Animal husbandry, crop rotation, and irrigation methods were among the most important and life-changing innovations

what was another agricultural change that would alter the lives of all people?

Another agricultural change that would alter the lives of all people was the cultivation of the tuber, or the potato

Jethro Tull

seed drill

Despite the many perils of childhood and child rearing, children would soon be viewed as integral members of society


Eastern europe remained much more feudalistic as the Industrial Revolution and Enlightenment failed to take a strong root there


For the first time, certain luxury items like cotton and coffee were available to people of all social classes. Life was sweeter in every way


Free peasants, such as English tillers and tenants, enjoyed legal rights as English citizens, but had no say in the courts


In eastern europe, the family structure was vastly different


In eastern europe, things were different. Nobles completely controlled the lives of their serfs, demeaning many hours of labor with no pay


In the east, the agricultural revolution was barely felt In the west, it changed everything


Many children were abandoned or left at foundling hospitals or orphanages because the parents could not and would not support them


Many other smaller revolts happened all over europe, but aristocratic tradition and the power of nobility and monarchy always seemed to prevail


Most peasants were opposed to change in any way or any thing that would unsettle the status quo


Peasants and serfs had different rights depending on where they lived and the type of monarchy under which they governed


Since many barriers were placed on women, they were in charge of one task, to maintain a running and efficient household (eastern europe)


The agricultural revolution drastically altered the lives of all members of European society under the Ancien Regime


because of mortality rates being so high, the family would usually include who to keep the household together?

Since mortality rates were so high, the family usually included step children to keep the household together

what led to urbanization and the introduction of industrialization in the West?

Since the west experienced the Enclosure Act, it forced people off the lands and out of traditional farming methods and livelihoods

why was the dutch not plagued with internal religious disputes as much as other european countries were?

Since they were a religiously tolerant region, they were not plagued with internal religious disputes, as much of the European counterparts were

what did the expansion of European commerce?

The expansion of European commerce, exacerbated by the age of discovery, accelerated the growth of a worldwide economic market

who was usually the artisan? who sold the wares or assisted in the upkeep of the business?

The father was usually the artisan and the wife sold the wares or assisted in the upkeep of the business

what was the purpose of the spinning jenny?

The spinning jenny would allow for eight threats to be spun at once, providing a more cost-effective and efficient process

Women whose husbands died early were eager to remarry for fear of living alone and possibly being cast as a witch.


Child rearing and childbirth meant economic hardship and sometimes death


what was the main reason why family size was small in western europe?

A main reason why family size was small was due to high mortality rates and late marriage years

what is a nuclear household?

A nuclear household is one that consists of just the parents and their children, in contrast to the larger extended families typical of the time period

when was absolute monarch established and reaffirmed?

Absolute monarchy was established and reaffirmed over the course of the 17th and 18th centuries until the French Revolution of 1789

How many peasant revolts occurred throughout Russia between 1762 and 1769

Between 1762 and 1769 over 50 peasant revolts occurred throughout Russia

what percent of the population did aristocrats represent and what did they control?

Aristocrats represented only 5% of the population, but controlled and governed the majority of the land and its tillers or farmer

what happened as machines were increasingly taking the place of farmers?

As machines were increasingly taking the place of farmers, people were forced to move from farms to the growing cities

what did some of the peasants sometimes do to try to get rights?

At times they would unite together to demand more rights, like access to lands, courts, or grievance procedures, but it was often unsuccessful

what rights and privileges did the peasants and serfs have?

Blatantly underrepresented, the peasants and serfs only had the rights and privileges that were guaranteed to their low social class

cotton manufacturing was especially vital to which country?

Cotton manufacturing was especially vital to the English economy

how did crop rotation revolutionize farming?

Crop rotation by Charles "The Turnip" Townshend revolutionized farming by implementing a new way of using fallow land. Instead of leaving the land fallow or unusable during different seasons, he introduced the method of plating various vegetables like the turnip to replenish the soil This new soil allowed for a year-round harvest, which not only produced more, but also produced a variety of goods

How did England emerge as one of the leaders in textiles?

Due to mercantilism and plantation slave labor, England was able to emerge as one of the leaders in textiles

what was feudalism?

Feudalism was the form of government in which nobles gave land to its tenants in exchange for military service and protection. Each person knew their duties and place in society, including their rights and privileges

how big was the family size in eastern europe?

Family size ranged from 9 to 20 with many generations living under one roof (eastern europe)

what bound people to land for most of pre-industrial Europe?

Family, tradition, and servitude bound people to land for most of pre-industrial Europe

for years, what did historians view pre-industrial society as that has been proven false?

For years historians viewed pre-industrial society as one marked by large extended families in both Western and Eastern Europe. Now, it has been argued that this was only the case in eastern europe

what did high demand couple with to take off?

High demand coupled with a large supply of raw cotton allowed merchants and industry to take off

how were peasants treated in france?

In France, the peasants had to comply to forced labor or corvee and pay feudal dues

How did the lives of peasants differ between Eastern and Western Europe?

In the East, peasant life was bound to land and tradition

How did the lives of peasants differ in Eastern Europe with that of Western Europe?

In the East, peasant life was bound to land and tradition Peasants in the west married later with smaller nuclear families The west witnessed an increase in urbanization

what did family economy consist of?

It consisted of a family in which all members contributed to some degree, and it ranged from artisan work, cottage industries, or agricultural work

what did the Ancien Regime include?

It included an era of industrialization and urbanization spurred by the agricultural revolution that would change the social patterns of European households forever

How did the Agricultural Revolution alter the lives of members of European society?

It redefined the spheres between men and women It transformed family life on the farms It consolidated power in the hands of nobility

why was the potato great?

It was cheap, easy to grow, durable, and could be grown in all seasons. It became the staple food for the peasantry and improved the standard of living

where was medieval or feudal society rooted?

Medieval, or feudal society, was rooted in agriculture, as all non-aristocracy and clergy worked the land under a feudal society

when did men and women typically marry? (western europe)

Men typically did not marry until their late twenties, and women not until their early twenties (western europe)

why was there many generations living under one roof?

Most likely this was due to the forbidding of marriage between members of different estates

what did most of the young teens work as?

Most of these young teens worked as servants and were viewed as an integral member of the family, earning wages and skills along the way

what new inventions would dramatically alter the textile and agricultural communities and households?

New inventions such as the seed drill and the spinning jenny would dramatically alter textile and agricultural communities and households

oftentimes, who prompted the revolts?

Oftentimes, the revolts were prompted by the monarchs themselves, as seen by the Russian Emperor Peter the Great, who unfairly gave favored nobles entire villages to control

where do peasant revolts play a significant role in?

Peasant revolts play a significant role in the timeline of peasant and serfdom history

how different were peasants from southeastern europe treated?

Peasants of southeastern europe were treated vastly different due to a lack of labor resulting from the agricultural and industrial revolutions (it was because of this labor deficiency that the peasants were free

Between 1762 and 1769, over fifty peasant revolts occurred throughout Russia. The most famous was _____________, which was brutally ended by the Russian authorities.

Pugachev's Rebellion

where was te worst place for serfs to live and why?

Seemingly the worst place for serfs to live was in Russia because the nobles based their wealth on the number of male serfs or souls they owned, and not on how much land they obtained

what did teens usually leave home to do? (western europe)

Teens usually left the home to work as apprentices or servants in different households because they earned more money that way (western europe)

which century would prove to be the most significant era of change regarding family life and structure

The 18th century would prove to be the most significant era of change regarding family life and structure. The Ancien Regime would no longer govern its people through traditional and absolute ways

what does the Ancien Regime refer to?

The Ancien Regime, or old regime, refers to a period of time prior to the French Revolution

who were amongst the first to implement and pioneer innovations in agriculture and why?

The Dutch were amongst the first to implement and pioneer innovations in agriculture because they were rich in overseas land and resources

______________ consolidated lands from the peasantry and forcibly removed them from their homes and livelihoods.

The Enclosure Movement

what was the age of discovery seeking for?

The age of discovery was a period of exploration seeking God, glory, and gold

what was the basic structure of production and consumption in pre-industrial Europe?

The basic structure of production and consumption in pre-industrial Europe was the family economy

why was the birth of a baby not always welcome?

The birth of a baby was not always welcome, as they were often illegitimate children or presented an economic hardship on the family

what was the columbian exchange?

The columbian exchange were the goods bought and sold as a result of the age of discovery

what did the commercial revolution witness an explosion of?

The commercial revolution witnessed an explosion in household and luxury goods from the age of discovery

what were the dutch faced with?

The dutch were faced with unsuitable lands to farm, thus prompting them to discover more efficient ways of farming

how did the enclosure movement create more profit?

The enclosure movement consolidated lands and, using methods like crop rotation, was able to produce more, which created more profit

what did the enclosure movement consolidate and remove land from?

The enclosure movement consolidated lands from the peasantry and forcibly removed them from their homes and livelihoods

what did the enclosure movement of the late 17th century maximize?

The enclosure movement of the late 17th century maximized the profits of the landed nobility as people were kicked off their lands and the open field system was replaced

what would the enlightenment inspire the elite classes to do in regards to their children?

The enlightenment would inspire the elite classes to teach their children and guide them with morals and values to lead the next generation

what was the most famous rebellion in Russia? How did it end

The most famous rebellion in Russia was Pugachev's Rebellion, which was brutally ended by the Russian authorities

why was the power of the aristocracy growing during the age of absolutism?

The power of the aristocracy was growing during the Age of Absolutism, as the monarchs recognized the need to compromise

what did the new methods in farming and agriculture mark?

The new methods in farming and agriculture marked a significant turn of events regarding tradition and livelihoods

what could the nobles demand the serfs to do?

The nobles could demand the serfs to work for them for six days a week without respite, and extreme punishment was common throughout the lands

what did the peasants sought to restore?

The peasants sought to restore traditional or customary rights, especially during the 18th century (this was important as they were beginning to lose most of their traditional rights and customs due to the emergence of the agricultural revolution)

what was the purpose of the seed drill?

The seed drill allowed for a quicker and more efficient means of planting seeds

serfs from where were legally bound to their plot of land and to a particular lord? did they have freedom?

The serfs of Germany, Austria, and Russia were legally bound to their plot of land and to a particular lord. They had no freedom, as they were property of their owners

how did the English Game Laws enacted in 1671 alter the traditional methods of hunting?

These laws drastically altered the traditional methods of hunting game for the peasantry, as they were no longer allowed to hunt for food

How did the new innovations, ideas, and inventions change the lives of the working class?

They created a focus on cottage industries They resulted in urbanization Machines replaced human labor

what were true about eastern europe?

They had fewer artisan households and less of an opportunity for economic advancement They were stuck in the feudalistic era with really no ability to earn extra money Women's roles were limited to the farm or in the house

what did women in eastern europe usually do?

They served their husbands and also assisted them with their work

what did the new market force?

This new market forced new and improved innovations in agriculture that would have lasting and drastic effects on society

why is the period called the age of absolutism?

This period is called the age of absolutism because monarchs reigned with absolute power. This agreement between aristocracy and monarchy strengthened the ties of the elite social classes and made it difficult for the peasantry to revolt or reform

what would remain the most important factor for all peasants?

Tradition remain the most important factor for all peasants

what was the utmost concern for the peasantry?

Tradition was of utmost concern for the peasantry

The Commercial Revolution included an explosion in household and luxury goods from the Age of Discovery.


what happened to the peasants under the ancien regime?

Under the ancien regime, or the old and established form of government, the enclosure movement was enacted, forcing the peasants to move off of their lands and seek work elsewhere

which part of europe transitioned into smaller, nuclear households?

Western europe transitioned into smaller, nuclear households

what happened in 1671 that gave landowners exclusive hunting rights and privileges

When the English Game Laws were enacted in 1671 it gave landowners exclusive hunting rights and privileges

what happened when the new ideas and improvements from the age of discovery and columbian exchange spread across the globe?

When the new ideas and improvements from the age of discovery and columbian exchange spread across the globe, they influenced everything in their path

what happened to the people with the abolishment of feudalism in Western Europe and the arrival of the enclosure movement?

With the abolishment of feudalism in Western Europe and the arrival of the enclosure movement, people were now faced with the uncertainty of what to do with regarding work and its conflicts with tradition

what happened with urbanization?

With urbanization, the spheres between men and women were redefined

what happened to women without a marriage and dowry?

Without a marriage and a dowry, women were left vulnerable and weak

what prompted women to seek work outside the household at a very early age in order to get enough money for survival>

Without a marriage and a dowry, women were left vulnerable and weak

why were women whose husbands died early eager to remarry?

Women whose husbands died early were eager to remarry for the fear of living alone and possibly being cast as a witch

what would young women normally become?

Young women would normally become a servant and after roughly ten years or so, would settle down to raise a family

Charles Townshend

crop rotation

How did the Agricultural Revolution alter the lives of members of European society?

it redefined the spheres between men and women It transformed family life on the farms It consolidated power in the hands of the nobility

who did the english quickly learn from and follow suit in regards to discover more efficient ways of farming?

the dutch

James Watt

the steam engine

Richard Arkwright

the water frame

A typical household in western europe consisted of roughly five to six members and included a married couple, a few young children, and their servants


Although feudalism was no longer the social structure in Western Europe, there was still a hierarchical model that was widely accepted


Although some monarchs, like Peter the Great, introduced Western ideas, Russia lacked the measures and resources that their Western counterparts had


Any further action to improve the conditions of peasants of eastern europe were forgotten for a generation because the monarchs, nobility, and privileged simply had too much power


The nobility wanted to ensure stability and a large pool of workers. The family economy was characterized by a household of workers, everyone in the family worked to provide, depending on their skills and ages


The peasants would drift from landlord to landlord with no intention of returning to a former land owner, because there was always work somewhere else. Although, they increasingly became dependent on landlords due to the commercial revolution, it was never to the extent of or as extreme as the serfs in Russia and east europe


The potato was brought in from the new world and, now with new and more efficient farming methods, could feed a family for one year based on one acre of harvest


Men and women typically married before 20 and as a result, had larger families (eastern europe)

true (eastern europe)

Most women could not afford to stay home and breastfeed, as their work was required on the farm or in the shop

true. as a result they employed wet nurses to solve this problem

As well as a developing euro-centric view, especially regarding views towards the Jews ,due to the commercial revolution and agricultural capitalism, many economies grew throughout most of Europe

true. this in turn strengthened family structures as they began to focus on their disposable income, children, and livelihoods

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