Unit 9

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Andrew Johnson

Lincoln's assassination made VP __________ ________ (Democrat) the new President. He still wanted to reunify the nation as soon as possible, but he did not command the same respect for blacks as Lincoln, he was actually a southerner himself that had been poor before politics. Hated rich white folks. He opposed black citizenship/suffrage, wanted to give each state the power to do as they pleased.

40 acres and a mule

Sherman and others supported giving former slaves "____ _____ ____ ___ ______"; fed. gov't would confiscate land in South, distribute among freedmen, idea met with much opposition, as the action was unconstitutional, and also rejected by some freedmen (never passed).

Boss Tweed

Most famous scandal was _____ __________'s ring in Tammany Hall in New York, whose ring would manipulate elections and city officials and make millions. Put in prison after scandal uncovered & exposed. Put awat by Samuel Tilden.


Politicians called _____________, wanted to change the "New South" to how it was before. By 1874, Reps lost control of House, as many other Southern states had gone to this party. Plat form was lower taxes, won support by making race the top priority.


Spoils system gave fed. jobs to many untrustworthy people who were involved in ______________, including VP Schuyler Colfax, financier Jay Gould, and Grant's bro-in-law. Most famous was Boss Tweeds ring whose would manipulate elections and city officials and make millions, before being put in prison after exposed.

Ku Klux Klan

____ _____ _______ was the most infamous gang, formed in TN in 1866, burned houses, schools, churches, main goal was to prevent blacks from voting using violence & intimidation. KKK restricted by Enforcement Acts/KKK Acts in 1870, 1871.

Poll Taxes

______ ______ were one loophole to get around the 15th Amendment. Required you to pay to vote.


_______ Amendment said states could not disenfranchise a person because they were black or used to be a slave.


_______ supported public school systems came to the South in the 1870s, provided more women with jobs, most states chose to segregate schools. Made education more expensive, was a racist system, but did educate many Southerners.

Panic of 1873

________ ____ _______: many banks failed, economy in North also in bad shape, led to some fed. pressure & attention being diverted from the South, one of the first steps ending Reconst.

John Wilkes Booth

________ _______ _______ assassinated Abraham Lincoln in 1865.

Jim Crow Laws

________ ________ ________ were laws that delt with the segregation of blacks and whites.

Black Codes

_________ _________ are laws that limited the rights of former slaves, attempt to limit their rights, keep them as landless workers, limited the number of jobs that blacks could work in, etc. Racist whites often used violence & intimidation to enforce these laws, practically recreate the old South as close as possible.

Radical Republicans

__________ _________ pushed for full citizenship and suffrage for freedmen, supported Sherman's plan to take land and give to former slaves. They pushed the Wade-Davis Bill through Congress, which required states to guarantee suffrage, and 50% of voters to swear loyalty to US (much higher than Lincoln's 10% Plan), Lincoln killed Wade-Davis Bill through pocket veto.

Literacy Tests

__________ _________ were one loophole to get around the 15th Amendment. Tested your reading, writing, understanding skills.


__________ were Southern whites who sided with the Reps & Freedmen, often out of spite, as they were usually from the poor and middle class whites in the Old South.

Plessy v. Ferguson

___________ __ ___________ (1896): Plaintiff Homer Plessy challenged segregated rail cars. Supreme Court ruled in decision that Jim Crow Laws were not unconstitutional, as long as state government maintained "separate but equal" facilities (even though that wasn't the case.)

Tenant Farming

___________ _________: Paid cash rent to landlord, then farmed the land however he saw fit, by far the best arrangement, only available to those that had cash.

Samuel Tilden

___________ __________ lost the election of 1876. He was famous for fighting corruption in NYC, putting away Boss Tweed.

Enforcement Acts

____________ _________ made it a federal crime to interfere with another's right to vote, hundreds of Klansmen indicted in 1872, contained Klan for many years.

Abraham Lincoln

____________ _____________ was the 16th president of the United States of America. Republican; Didn't want to punish any of the South. Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth in 1865.


______________ were Northerners who moved South seeking to improve their economic or political situation, often resented by Southern whites, were usually young and literate—provided opportunity to advance in South.

Rutherford B. Hayes

_________________ ___ ________ won the election of 1876. Had been in Congress from OH, also a US general in Civil War and pulled troops out of the South as a part of the Compromise of 1877.


__________________: Landowner chooses crop, provides supplies and housing, in return for a "share" of the crop from the sharecropper, who usually wound up in a cycle of debt because the "share" was rarely worth the price of supplies and housing.


_______________________ means to take away someones right to vote.

Civil Rights Act of 1866

the _______ ________ _____ ___ ______: Outlawed black codes, give federal guarantees of civil rights. Vetoed by Andrew Johnson, led to first time in US history that Congress had ever overridden a veto with a 2/3 vote.

New South

"______ ________" describes time after Civil War, no more slavery, attempt to increase industrialization in Southern cities. Textile mills in NC, SC, GA, Lumber production in NC & VA, Coal, Iron, and oil processing made Nashville, TN & Birmingham, AL into urban centers, Farming became more diverse: Increase in grain, tobacco, fruit, and cotton.


Andrew Johnson palnned to fire Edwin Stanton (the last Radical Republican in the Cabinet), so Congress passed the Tenure of Office Act which made firing Stanton illegal, but Johnson did it anyway so he was _____________ by the House of Representatives. Ulimatly was not removed.


Cotton selling price dropped in the 1880s because of decreased demand from Britain, and the increased supply, the 1890s saw ________________ become a problem.


Gen. Grant (R) barely won the _______ Pres. election over Horatio Seymour (D).

Ulysses S. Grant

Gen. ___________ ___ _________ (R) barely won the 1868 Pres. election over Horatio Seymour (D). He was disappointing as Pres; his admin. marred by scandal/corruption, after his use of the spoils system gave fed. jobs to many untrustworthy people.


Liberal Republicans & Democrats banded together to run against Grant for Pres. in ________, nominated Horace Greeley, who ran on a platform to end military reconst. & remove corruption from politics, Grant won easily, but confidence in public officials dwindled.


Rad. Reps. pushed the _________-_______ Bill through Congress, which required states to guarantee suffrage, and 50% of voters to swear loyalty to US (much higher than Lincoln's 10% Plan).


The Election of _________ was Tilden (D) & Hayes (R). Different winner with every recount (did not win any Southern states); led to the Compromise of 1877 and the end of the reconstruction.

Thaddeus Stevens

The Radical Republican were led by __________ _________ in HR and Charles Sumner in Sen. who wanted to punish the South for the war.

10 Percent

The ___ ________ plan said that States could rejoin Union and set up a new state gov't if 10% of voters would swear loyalty to Union (and ratify 13th Am.). This plan was ultimatly not passed.


The ____ Amendment granted equal protection of the law to all citizens, define anyone born in the US as a citizen, said states could lose representation in Congress if they violated law, and prevented states from taking away life, liberty, or property without due process of law.


The ____ Amendment stated that slavery is not allowed anywhere in the United States of America

Military Reconstruction Act of 1867

The _______ ___________ ______ ___ _______ divided the South into 5 districts for military occupation; set up guidelines for new state gov'ts & state constitutions, required each state to grant black men suffrage, and ratify 14th Amendment to become fully readmitted to the Union.


The _______ mid-term election was held to elect representatives for the Congress. There was a major party shift from Democrat to Republican.

Freedmen's Bureau

The ________ _________ was an idea supported by Rad. Reps. in Congress and President. Fed. gov't program to help provide food, clothing, medical care, and education in the South to former slaves and represented blacks in court. Was neglected by Andrew Johnson.

Grandfather Clause

The ___________ ___________ allowed the poor & illiterate to vote if their grandfather could vote before 1866.

Tenure of Office Act

The ____________ ___ ________ ____ made it illegal to remove certain office-holders without the approval of the Senate.

Compromise of 1877

The _____________ ____ _______ ended the Reconstruction. Hayes becomes president and withdraws all federal troops from the South, Southern states given federal money to help with RRs and ports, and a Southerner was given a cabinet position.

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