Unit 9: Empires in the Americas FINAL

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According to one of the Aztec legends, the god of the sun and warfare, __________________ , told them to found a city of their own. They found such a place on a small island in Lake Texcoco, at the center of the valley. There, in 1325, they founded their city, which they named ___________________

Huitzilopochtli, Tenochtitlan*

According to Aztec belief, __________________ made the sun rise every day. When the sun set, he had to _________ ____ _________ __ ______ to get to the next day. To make sure that he was strong enough for this ordeal, he needed the nourishment of __________ __________. Without regular offerings of it, Huitzilopochtli would be too weak to fight. The sun would ____ ______, the world would be plunged ______ ____________, and all life would perish. For this reason, Aztec priests practiced __________ _____________ on a massive scale.

Huitzilopochtli, battle the forces of evil, human blood, not rise, into darkness, human sacrifice*

According to one of the Aztec legends, the god of the sun and warfare, ____________________, told them to found a city of their own. He said to look for a place where an eagle perched on a cactus, holding a ________ in its mouth. They found such a place on a small island in Lake Texcoco, at the center of the valley. There, in 1325, they founded their city, which they named _________________.

Huitzilopochtli, snake, Tenochtitlán

Under his leadership, the Inca conquered all of ______ and then moved into neighboring lands. By 1500, the Inca ruled an empire that stretched 2,500 miles along the __________ _______ of South America. The Inca called this empire "_______ __ ____ ______ _____________."

Peru, western coast, Land of the Four Quarters*

Francisco Pizarro

Spanish conquistador who led an expedition that conquered the Inca Empire. He captured and killed Incan emperor Atahualpa and claimed lands for Spain.

Hernando Cortes

Spanish conquistador who overthrew Aztec empire and claimed Mexico for Spain

The homeland of the Maya stretched from southern __________ into northern __________ ___________.

Mexico, Central America

Under _________________, the Aztec Empire began to weaken. Now, with the population of Tenochtitlán growing ever greater, Montezuma called for even more ___________ and ______________. A number of _____________ rose up against Aztec oppression. This began a period of unrest and rebellion, which the military struggled to put down.

Montezuma, tribute, sacrifice, provinces*


One son of Huayna Capac, who claimed entire Incan empire and created civil war, but won against brother

The first major civilization of central Mexico was _________________, a city-state whose ruins lie just outside Mexico City. The heart of the city was a central avenue lined with more than 20 _____________ dedicated to various gods. The biggest of these was the giant _____________ __ ___ _____.

Teotihuacan, pyramids, Pyramid of the Sun*

Montezuma II

emperor of the Aztecs*


extended family group; undertook big tasks for family

The main demand the Incan state placed on its subjects was for tribute, usually in the form of _________. The labor tribute was known as ______. It required all able-bodied citizens to ______ ___ ____ ________ a certain number of days every year.

labor, mita, work for the state*

At the height of the Aztec Empire, ___________ leaders held great power in Aztec society. Along with ______________ _________ and ____________, these military leaders made up the noble class. Many nobles owned vast ___________, which they ruled over like lords, living a life of great wealth and luxury.

military, government officials, priests, estates*

The Inca had a ____________ _________ but used force only when necessary. Before attacking, they typically offered enemy states an ___________ ___________. They would allow them to keep their own customs and rulers in exchange for __________ to the Incan state. Because of this treatment, many states gave up ____________ ____________. Even when force was used, the Inca took a similar approach. Once an area was defeated, they made every effort to ______ _____ __________ of the newly conquered people.

powerful military, honorable surrender, loyalty, without resisting, gain the loyalty*

After centuries of growth, the city abruptly declined. Regardless of the causes, the city was virtually abandoned by 750. The vast ruins astonished later settlers in the area, who named the site Teotihuacán, which means "_______ __ _____ _______."

City of the Gods*

The period from A. D. 250 to 900 is known as the ________ ________ of Maya civilization. During this time, the Maya built spectacular cities such as ______, a major center in northern Guatemala. Other important sites included _________, ______________, ________, and ___________ _____

Classic Period, Tikal, Copan, Palenque, Uxmal, Chichen Itza*

During this early period, the Inca developed traditions and beliefs that helped launch and unify their empire. One of these traditions was the belief that the Incan ruler was descended from the sun god, ______, who would bring prosperity and greatness to the Incan state. Only men from one of __ _________ ____________ believed to be descendants of the sun god could be selected as Incan leaders.

Inti, 11 noble lineages*

For the next three centuries, the Toltecs ruled over the heart of Mexico from their capital at ______. The Toltecs were an extremely ___________ people whose empire was based on ______________. They worshiped a fierce war god who demanded blood and _________ ____________ from his followers. Sometime after 1000, a Toltec ruler named _____________ tried to change the Toltec religion. He also encouraged them to worship a different god, __________________ , or the Feathered Serpent. Followers of the war god rebelled, however, forcing Topiltzin and his followers into exile on the ______________ ______________.

Tula, warlike, conquest, human sacrifice, Topiltzin, Quetzalcoatl, Yucatan Peninsula*

The Aztecs arrived in the __________ __ __________ around a.d. 1200. The valley contained a number of small city-states that had survived the collapse of Toltec rule. The Aztecs, who were then called the ___________, were a poor, nomadic people from the harsh deserts of northern Mexico. Fierce and ambitious, they soon adapted to local ways, finding work as soldiers-for-hire to local rulers.

Valley of Mexico, Mexica

The primary Incan god was a creator god called _____________. Next in importance was the sun god, _____. Because the Incan ruler was considered a descendant of Inti, sun worship amounted to worship of the ______.

Viracocha, Inti, king*

Popul Vuh

a book containing a version of the Mayan story of creation


a book the Mayans used to to record important historical events*


a hard, glassy volcanic rock used by early peoples to make sharp weapons


a powerful, ambitious leader that helped the Inca empire grow*


a set of knotted strings that could be used to record data*

Triple Alliance

alliance between Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tlacopan*

The Maya believed that time was a burden carried on the back of a god. At the end of a day, month, or year, one god would ___ ____ ________ ______ and another would ______ __ ___. A day would be lucky or unlucky, depending on the _________ of the god

burden, lay the burden down, pick it up, nature*

The remarkable history of the Maya ended in mystery. In the late 800s, the Maya suddenly abandoned many of their _______. Invaders from the north, the __________, moved into the lands occupied by the Maya. These warlike peoples from central Mexico _________ ___ ___________. The _____ _________________ of Maya cities like Tikal and Copan disappeared.

cities, Toltec, changed the culture, high civilization*

To exercise control over their empire, the Inca built many _______ in conquered areas. The architecture of government buildings was the ______ ___ ______ the empire, making the presence of the government apparent. All roads ____ __ ____ _________, Cuzco. The heart of the Incan empire, Cuzco was a splendid city of temples, plazas, and palaces.

cities, same all over, led to the capital*

Each of these was an independent _____-_______, ruled by a ____-_______ and serving as a center for _____________ ceremonies and ________. Maya cities featured giant _____________, ____________, ___________, and elaborate stone carvings dedicated to the _______ and to important rulers.

city-state, god-king, religious, trade, pyramids, temples, palaces, gods*

The Maya astronomers were able to attain such great precision by using a math system that included the _________ __ ______.. The Maya used a _______ ________ for zero, dots for the numbers one to four, and a bar for five. The Maya number system was a ______-___ system. They used the numerical system primarily for ______________ and ________________ _____.

concept of zero, shell symbol, base-20, calendar, astronomical work*

The Maya believed in many gods. There were gods of ______, of ________, of _____, and of _____. Gods could be _______ or ______, and sometimes both. Gods also were associated with the four directions and with different colors: _______ for north, _______ for west, _________ for south, ____ for east, and ________ in the center. The Maya believed that each day was a __________ ____ whose behavior could be predicted with the help of a system of calendars.

corn, death, good, evil, white, black, yellow, red, green, living god*

Over time, Montezuma tried to lessen the ____________ __ ____ __________. For example, he reduced the demand for tribute payment by cutting the number of ___________ __ ____ ________ ________________. Many Aztecs saw _____ ________ in every unusual occurrence. The most worrying event, however, was the __________ __ ____ __________. For many Aztecs, these fair-skinned, bearded strangers from across the sea brought to mind the legend of the return of ___________________.

pressure on the provinces, officials in the Aztec government, bad omens, arrival of the Spanish, Quetzalcoatl*

For nearly a century, the Aztecs had been demanding tribute and sacrificial victims from the _______________ under their control. Now, with the population of Tenochtitlán growing ever greater, Montezuma called for even more ___________ and sacrifice. A number of provinces rose up against Aztec oppression. This began a period of _________ and rebellion, which the military struggled to put down.

provinces, tribute, unrest

The most spectacular project was the Incan ______ __________. Along the roads, the Inca built _____________________ to provide shelter for weary travelers. A system of runners, known as ___________, traveled these roads as a kind of _________ __________, carrying messages from one end of the empire to the other.

road system, guesthouses, chasquis, postal service*

Over the years, the Aztecs gradually increased in ______________ and number. In 1428, they joined with two other city-states Texcoco and Tlacopan to form the ___________ ____________. This alliance became the leading power in the _________ __ __________ and soon gained control over ______________ _________.

strength Triple Alliance, Valley of Mexico, neighboring regions*


the Feathered Serpent*


the labor tribute*

By the 700s, ___________ had broken out among the various Maya city states. This disrupted _______ and produced ___________ _______________. In addition, ________________ _________ and ______-__________ may have damaged the environment, and this led to food shortages, famine, and disease. By the time the Spanish arrived in the early 1500s, the Maya were divided into small, weak city-states that gave little hint of their former glory.

warfare, trade, economic hardship, population growth, over farming*

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