Unit One Intro to Patho and Cellular Regulation

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An individual in the exhaustion stage of the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) may experience which physiological response?​

hypotension (according to the module-- I disputed this because it isn't right)

Match the cellular adaptation to the example provided.​

Hypertrophy - occurs in the heart due to long-term high blood pressure​ Dysplasia - Immature, undifferentiated cells that are often pre-cancerous​ Atrophy - occurs in muscles that have been immobile for a long time Hyperplasia - Large muscles resulting from weight-bearing exercise Anaplasia - seen in the biopsy of a rapidly growing, aggressive tumor​

Which level of prevention could have identified the main cause of this client's altered cellular regulation so changes could be made to maintain health?​


Early signs and symptoms of lung cancer include persistent cough, bloody sputum, wheezing, and which additional symptom?​


Which behavior is not an effective way to cope with stress?​

social withdrawal

Which hormone is associated with stress?​


The findings indicate that the player collapsed due to which condition?​

heat stroke

An older adult has been living with chronic, untreated high blood pressure (hypertension) and arthritis for the past 15 years.​ What is the most likely type of cellular adaptation in the client's heart muscle? ​


A neighbor's spouse was stranded on a highway in a severe winter storm for several hours. Which finding indicates they may have hypothermia?


A person with cardiac disease who eats healthy food, takes medications as prescribed, and attends cardiac rehabilitation is practicing which level of prevention?


Genes for which disorders are coded on the Y chromosome?​

development of the testis

Which response from the other person most accurately describes what could be happening in their friend's body?​

"I know you smoke and think you should see your healthcare provider."​

What questions should be asked to learn more about what is going on with their health? Select all that apply.​

- "How long have you been feeling this way?"​ - "Are you having trouble breathing?"​ - "Have you been around someone who is sick recently?" - "Is it your allergies?"

Which woman is at highest risk of conceiving a child with Down syndrome?​

- 43 yo undergoing artificial insemination

Trisomy 21 is better known as which disorder?

Down syndrome

During the initial stress response, ____and ____ increase the reabsorption of water and sodium to ____ blood pressure and ____blood volume.​

- ADH - aldosterone - increase - increase

Which coping mechanisms are healthy options for dealing with stress? Select all that apply.

- Antianxiety medications - Art or music therapy - Counseling services - Relaxation techniques

Which options are benefits of using multiple ways of treating cancer? Select all that apply.​

- Better tolerated by the individual being treated​ - Decreases adverse reactions​ - Impacts the tumor throughout the cell cycle​

Place the sources of the genetic alteration that causes Down syndrome in order, starting with the one found in most people living with Down syndrome.​

- Biological mother's ovum (egg) - Biological father's sperm​ - After fertilization

The safest ways to diagnose an unborn child having a major genetic defect, such as Down syndrome, are by testing cells from which two locations? ​

- Cells in the amniotic fluid​ - Placenta​

What nonphysical stressors can result in physiologic responses? Select all that apply.

- Change in friends - Job hunting - Taking exams - Surgery - Financial problems

In which ways are genomics transforming the world? Select all that apply.​

- DNA sequencing - cancer genomics - agriculture - enhanced forensics

What facts indicate this student is in the third stage of stress response, exhaustion? Select all that apply.​

- Difficulty sleeping​ - Cannot concentrate​

Which factors impact the body's ability to maintain a normal temperature? Select all that apply.​

- Extreme heat - Homelessness - Age - Exposure to cold

Which facts about a person indicate they are at risk of altered cellular regulation? Select all that apply.​

- Genetic mutations​ - Poor nutritional intake​ - Older adult​ - Exposure to nuclear material​ - Tobacco use​

Children born with Down syndrome are at high risk for which other health problems during their lifetime? Select all that apply.​

- Hearing loss​ - Sleep apnea​ - Immune deficiency​ - Leukemia

Which factors contribute to the adverse effects after a chemical exposure? Select all that apply.​

- How often the person was exposed - Type of chemical​ - Level of exposure​ - Age of person exposed​

_____occurs when a cell, tissue, or organ lacks ____ due to decreased ____.

- Ischemia - oxygen - blood flow

Which individuals are at a higher risk for hypothermia? Select all that apply.​

- Newborn​s - Individuals experiencing homelessness​ - People who work outdoors​

From the drop-down menu, select the hormone released during the stress response to match the significant action.

- Norepinephrine = pallor and nausea - Epinephrine = Increased heart rate and force of contraction - Glucocorticoids = Decreased anti-inflammatory response and depressed immune response

What steps should be taken to cool the player and prevent complications of heat stroke?​ Select that all apply.

- Offer fluids if able to drink​ - Place cold compresses on exposed skin​ - Call emergency services​

Which items are considered biological hazards? Select all that apply.​

- Parasites​ - Bacteria​ - Dust​ - Molds​ - Pollen​

Which stressors are most likely contributing to the student's stress? Select all that apply.​

- Persistent cold​ - Lack of exercise​ - Living away from family - Poor test scores​

A school-aged child living with Down syndrome may receive which types of support to remain in a regular classroom? Select all that apply.​

- Speech therapy​ - Occupational therapy​ - Physical therapy​

Which changes in lifestyle should the person with symptoms take to improve their overall health and decrease their risk of cancer?​

- Stop smoking​ - Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables​​ - Exercise 30 minutes 5 times a week​

The person with symptoms makes an appointment with their healthcare provider and is scheduled for diagnostic tests. Based on the urinary symptoms, which tests may be ordered to test for cancer? Select all that apply.​

- Surgical biopsy of renal tissue​ - Urinalysis - Blood test for tumor markers​ - Ultrasound of the bladder​

What information about the environment and the player places them at risk of heat stroke? Select all that apply.​

- Taking medication for hypertension​ - Length of the game​​ - Excessive sweating​

Which items are part of the environment in which we live? Select all that apply.​

- The foods we eat​ - The roads on which we drive​ - The clothes we wear​ - The places we live​ - The air we breathe​

What symptoms are associated with heat stroke? Select all that apply.​

- Weak, rapid pulse - Headache - Coma

What benefits are gained by asking questions when someone has clinical manifestations of altered homeostasis? Select all that apply.​

- assumptions are challenged - evidence is located - data is collected - insight is provided

Which are better steps to health? Select all that apply.

- be physically active on a regular basis - protect yourself and your family from the sun. - eat 5 to 10 servings of vegetables and fruit daily. - follow cancer screening guidelines. - visit your healthcare provider if you notice any change in your normal state of health. - follow safety instructions at home when using, storing, and disposing of hazardous materials.

Down syndrome is an example of which type of genetic disorder?​

- chromosomal

The process to determine which ______ matter most uses knowledge from _____ and an understanding of normal human _____ and development, the ability to ask relevant _____, and an attitude that _____ finding the source of the person's problem. ​

- cues - pathophysiology - anatomy and physiology - questions - values

Based on which factors are the number and types of tests needed to confirm an alteration in health chosen? Select all that apply.​

- cues related to body system - condition of the person - pathophysiologic process suspected

The student is at increased risk for ____, ____, and ____ if the stress continues. ​

- depression - fatigue - headaches

What steps can the relative take to avoid infections in the future? Select all that apply.​

- eat a well-balanced diet - get recommended vaccines - wash hands frequently

A young adult who wants to prevent cellular changes that cause disease should make which changes in their lifestyle choices? Select all that apply.​

- eat more fresh fruits and vegetables​. - Stay current with immunizations​. - Exercise regularly​

Which are primary ways to prevent breast cancer? Select all that apply

- exercise - control weight - limiting radiation exposure - limiting dose and duration of hormone therapy

A young adult stepped on a rusty nail last evening. After removing the nail and cleaning the wound, they applied a bandage and went to sleep. This morning the skin around the bandage is red, warm, painful, and oozing a thick, yellow drainage.​ What steps can the individual take to promote recovery from this illness? Select all that apply.​

- exercise as tolerated - wash hands frequently - eat a well-balanced diet

Individuals living with Down syndrome have a ____chance of developing ____disease after 40 years of age

- higher - Alzheimer's

A geneticist examines the variations in genomes to identify which health-related information? Select all that apply.​

- how likely it is that a child will be born with a hereditary condition - if someone will develop a condition - which people are more susceptible to a condition - who will react differently to a drug

Based on the body systems involved and the suspected pathophysiological changes, which type of tests can be used to confirm what is happening? Select all that apply.​

- imaging - laboratory analysis

During the stress response, glucose levels in the body ____ due to the release of ____.

- increase - cortisol

Environmental hazards cause alterations in health by damaging ____ cells. Over time or with repeated exposure to the hazard, enough cells are damaged to decrease the effective function of ____and body systems. If the hazard is not ____, pathophysiologic changes in the body can lead to death.

- individual - organs - removed

____changes in a cell's DNA can result in permanent ____such as ____ or ____of the cell.​

- irreversible - damage - cancer - death

A young adult stepped on a rusty nail last evening. After removing the nail and cleaning the wound, they applied a bandage and went to sleep. This morning the skin around the bandage is red, warm, painful, and oozing a thick, yellow drainage.​ Based on the body systems involved and the suspected pathophysiological changes, which type(s) of tests can be used to confirm what is happening? Select all that apply.​

- laboratory analysis of oozing drainage

Which of the following are common physical characteristics of Down syndrome? Select all that apply.

- large, protruding tongue - congenital heart defect -

It is the ____ of normal cells, growth of the ____, and the presence of ____that cause progressive reduction of function in an organ.​

- loss - tumor - inflammation

____ is considered a/an ____ method of cell death, whereas ____ is an active process resulting from ____ cell death.​

- necrosis - passive - apoptosis - programmed

Which intracellular functions are negatively impacted by cellular hypoxia? Select all that apply.​

- pH - energy production - cell membrane - sodium-potassium pump

Pathogenesis, Etiology, Predisposing factors, Prevention

- pathogenesis: the virus takes over cells in the mucous membrane and starts replicating itself - predisposing factors: anyone who works in the public with a large amount of people - etiology: the flu is caused by influenza virus - prevention: frequently washing hands, covering your face when you sneeze or cough, getting vaccinated

The basic ____ processes that cause altered health are the ____. How the original ____ differ is often related to the body ____ involved. ​

- pathophysiological - the same - signs & symptoms - system

Based on Jeb's information, which steps can he take to get back to the level of health he had before he fell? Select all that apply.​

- perform the recommended exercises - use crutches when walking - lose weight

Which items threaten the health of cells? Select all that apply.

- pollution - lack of nutrients - lack of oxygen - genetic variations - traumatic injury

Cellular adaptation refers to the ____ mechanism allowing cells to ____ down in response to ____l and external ____threats. ​

- protective - change - internal - environmental

Based on the cues, which specific body system is involved in the relative's illness? Select all that apply.​

- pulmonary

Select all the signs and symptoms that indicate the player was experiencing hyperthermia before they collapsed.​

- shirt is saturated with sweat - soaked two small towels - muscle spasms - feeling nauseated

The nurse is assessing a client who fell into a cold lake. Which assessment finding indicates that the​ client's body is attempting to warm itself? Select all that​ apply.​

- shivering - cold hands

Which individual(s) could benefit from genetic testing? Select all that apply.​

- someone of childbearing age with an immediate family member with sickle cell disease - a newborn at 2 days of age - a male wondering if he fathered a child - a young adult searching for their biological parents=

From the cues available, select those items that provide information about this person's alteration in health.​

- stepped on a rusty nail - last evening - painful - oozing a thick, yellow drainage

The TNM system assesses the ____ size, spread to lymph ____, and ____ to stage malignant tumors.

- tumor - nodes - metastasis

Two people are discussing the aches and pains of growing older while wondering when they got to be so old. ​ Highlight the two words or phrases in the passage below that indicate this person may have cancer.​

- up every hour to urinate - blood in my urine

Select the words or phrases that indicate the infant may have a chromosomal disorder​.

- woman in her early 40's - flat nose - wide nose bridge - flat face - simian creases

Using the drop-down menus, match the links needed to complete the chain of infection.​

1. Agent 2. Host 3. Environment

Match the word or phrase describing common physical characteristics of Down syndrome to the affected location on the body.

1. flattened 2. slanting 3. small 4. short

Leukemia symptoms

1. loss of appetite 2. swelling 3. shortness of breath 4. muscular weakness 5. easy bleeding 6. fever 7. enlargement 8. pain or tenderness

A person who is dealing with unexpected stress is interested in taking measures to cope more effectively. Which initial change is best for this person to make?​

Adapt relaxation techniques

Because the extra copy of chromosome 21 produces amyloid precursor protein (APP), individuals living with Down syndrome have a high incidence of the early onset of which disease?​

Alzheimer's disease

For each listed item below, click to specify if it is a body system or pathophysiological process.​

Body system: - neurological - hematological Pathophysiological process: - immunity - oxygenation - tissue integrity

A woman in her early 40s (forties) gave birth to an infant with a flat nose, wide nose bridge, bright blue eyes, a flat face, and simian creases on their hands. Mother and infant are both doing well. ​Which risk factor puts the child at highest risk for Down syndrome?

Born to a mother in their 40s​

Type A blood is dominant to type O blood (recessive). In which condition is it possible for a man and a woman, each with type A blood, to have a child that is type O?​

Both the man and woman are AO

Based on the parental genetic information in the Punnett square, use the drop-down menu to indicate what color the child's eyes will be in each of the numbered cells.​

Brown, Brown, Brown, Blue

Which genetic expression is linked to just one gene?​

Cystic fibrosis

Rearrange the body systems below to match the complications presented for that system.

Diabetes II - endocrine Heartburn - GI Increased pulse - cardiovascular Infertility - reproductive Panting - respiratory Tension headaches - musculoskeletal

For each Down syndrome fact, click to specify if the fact is true about Trisomy 21, translocation, or mosaic Down syndrome.​ Some facts may apply to more than one type.

Genetic alteration in all cells: - Trisomy 21 and translocation Occurs in 95% of those living with DS: - Trisomy 21 Fewer characteristics of DS: - mosaic Extra chromosome 21 attaches to another chromosome: - translocation Varied mental and physical abilities: Trisomy 21, translocation, mosaic

Match the type of cellular injury to the definition.​

Ischemia - decreased oxygen reaching the cells, tissues, or organs Thermal - damage from heat or cold​ Chemical - exogenous (environmental) or endogenous (in the body) toxins may alter cell membrane permeability or the production of free radicals​ Abnormal metabolites - accumulation of toxic compounds inside the cells leading to destruction​

Why is a mammogram the most useful method of diagnosing breast cancer?​

It is the most reliable method of detecting breast cancer before it becomes palpable

Match the condition to the genetic abnormality.​

Multifactorial - Club foot Autosomal-recessive - Cystic fibrosis Chromosomal - Turner syndrome X-linked recessive - Color blindness

Using the drop-down menu, indicate if the stressor is physical or psychological.​

Pain - physical Surgical procedure - physical Ending a friendship - psychological Taking a test - psychological Extreme cold - physical Financial trouble - psychological

For each environmental prevention activity, select to specify if the activity is primary, secondary, or tertiary prevention.​

Primary: - Educate individuals to reduce environmental hazards - Support programs for waste reduction and recycling Secondary: - Monitor workers for levels of chemical exposures at job sites - Survey for health conditions that can be related to environmental and occupational exposures Tertiary: - Refer homeowners to lead abatement resources - Educate clients who have asthma about environmental triggers.

Place the tests used to screen and diagnose Down syndrome in the correct category.​

Screening: - Nuchal translucency (NT) - Alpha fetal protein (AFP) Diagnostic: - Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) - Amniocentesis

Which type of gene is carried on the X and Y chromosomes?​


Which statement is the most inclusive definition of a risk factor?​

Something that increases a person's chances of developing a disease

Characteristics of X-linked recessive disorders include which of the following?​

The son of a carrier mother has a 50% chance of having the disorder

Sickle-cell anemia is what type of disorder?

autosomal recessive

A woman in her early 40s (forties) gave birth to an infant with a flat nose, wide nose bridge, bright blue eyes, a flat face, and simian creases on their hands. Mother and infant are both doing well. ​Which type of Down syndrome is this infant most likely to have?​

Three complete copies of the 21st chromosome in every cell

For each chemical agent, drag and drop to indicate if the agent is a chemical toxin or chemical air pollutant.

Toxin: - asbestos - mercury - solvents Air pollutant: - particulate matter - ozone - carbon monoxide

A woman in her early 40s (forties) gave birth to an infant with a flat nose, wide nose bridge, bright blue eyes, a flat face, and simian creases on their hands. Mother and infant are both doing well. ​Which genetic condition is most likely present in the newborn infant?​

Trisomy 21

While studying for a genetics test, a student asks a peer how genes influence the expression of genes. What is the peer's best response?​

Used as a blueprint to assemble protein for which it codes​

Which factor most likely contributed to the cellular alteration?​

blood pressure

A person whose natural immune response is poorly identifying and removing cancer cells would benefit from which classification of chemotherapeutic drug?​


What is the name of a benign tumor that started in adipose tissue?​


A caregiver of sick triplets is taking the children to a relative's house for care before the caregiver goes to work. On the drive over, the car stops running and it begins to rain. What is the best way for the caregiver to cope with these stressors right now?​

maintain control of their response

Individuals who express which genetic feature, female or male, are more likely to experience X-linked diseases?​


Which method will most accurately diagnose cellular adaptation, such as hypertrophy?​


Cleft lip and palate and congenital heart defects are examples of what type of disorder?


A young adult stepped on a rusty nail last evening. After removing the nail and cleaning the wound, they applied a bandage and went to sleep. This morning the skin around the bandage is red, warm, painful, and oozing a thick, yellow drainage.​ Based on the cues, which specific body system is most directly involved?


The human genome is contained in which portion of the cell?​


Which symptom indicates that a person may have lung cancer?​

persistent cough

A caregiver who takes their children to receive immunizations before starting school is practicing which type of prevention?​


A woman who is planning to become pregnant is taking folic acid to support healthy neurologic development of the fetus once she becomes pregnant. Which level of prevention is she practicing?​


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