University (campus,college)

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/ɪnˈtaɪtl/ ●●○ S3 W3 verb [transitive] 1 to give someone the official right to do or have something be entitled to (do) something Full-time employees are entitled to receive health insurance. entitle somebody to something Membership entitles you to the monthly journal. Grammar Entitle is often passive in this meaning. ► see thesaurus at allow


/ˈpleɪsmənt/ ●○○ noun [countable, uncountable] British English a job, usually as part of a course of study, which gives you experience of a particular type of work on placement Students are sent out on placement for training. a forty-five day placement in a factory

lecture hall

A lecture hall (or lecture theatre) is a large room used for instruction, typically at a college or university. Unlike a traditional classroom with a capacity normally between one and fifty, the capacity of lecture halls is usually measured in the hundreds. Lecture halls almost always have a pitched floor, so that those in the rear are sat higher than those at the front (i.e., tiered seating), allowing them to see the lecturer.

placement test

A test done to place a student in the correct level/class at the start of a course(you advised me to take your placement test before we go any further)

university education

NOUN a course of study undertaken and completed at a university He has a university education. the opportunity to meet new people is an important benefit of a university education. The system of ancient public schools leading towards university education was well established for those who could afford it.

Special leave

Noun time that you are allowed to be absent from work, usually because of a personal problem. Special leave is sometimes but not always without pay Line managers have discretion to give people time off as special leave.(I'd like to make a request for special leave can I do that over the phone)


pro‧gramme British English, program American English /ˈprəʊɡræm $ ˈproʊ-/ noun [countable] EDUCATION American English a course of study Stanford University's MBA program a research program

Exam Approaching

FUTURE EVENT [intransitive, transitive] if an event or a particular time approaches, or you approach it, it is coming nearer and will happen soon (I had an exam approaching) She was then approaching the end of her career. The time is fast approaching when we will have to make a decision. With winter approaching, many animals are storing food. We could just see the train approaching in the distance. If you look out of the window on the left, you'll see that we're now approaching the Eiffel Tower. I see it's approaching lunchtime, so let's take a break. In my opinion, no other composers even begin to approach (= come near in quality to) Mozart. The total amount raised so far is approaching (= almost) $1,000. He's very active for a man approaching 80 (= who is almost 80 years old).

get admitted

I got admitted to the university, means I was accepted by a particular university already identified in the discussion. I'd say, "I got in to university". Other ways of saying it are "I got accepted to Glasgow University (for example)", "I got an acceptance for Glasgow University" - acceptances by universities are conditional or unconditional, so often you hear people say " I got an unconditional for Glasgow! - meaning I got an unconditional acceptance for Glasgow University. (You are applying to get admitted to an educational program at a college or university (undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate).)

People attend colleges or universities for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge etc.). Why do you think people attend colleges or universities? You should give reasons for your answer using your own ideas and experience.

Model Answer 1: People primarily enrol in a college or university to achieve the necessary education and degree they require to build a career. Apart from the career, people seek higher studies to gain knowledge, to enhance social status and learn more about diverse cultures. The current society and its educational structures are far different than they had been a century back when a self-educated person could gain a good career and parents could arrange private tutors to ensure their children's education. But in today's world, universities are the authority to declare a person to have the necessary education to be ready for the job. People are going to universities because this is the most common way of getting the education. The sole purpose of a college or university is to ensure the proper theoretical and moral education to build the ideal citizens the country needs and this is the system which is unquestionably accepted by the society. People who do not have the plan to use their certificate to get a job either because they have other career plans or may be blessed with inherited fortune. Many go to these educational institutes to learn values, gather ideas and education they require to be good humans. In fact, education is a borderline between a savage person and a good man and this is another reason the society has adopted the idea of education for all. Some people go to universities to get further education to enhance their horizon or to improve their job position and salary. Others go to the colleges and universities to let the world know that they are educated. Funny this may seem but many people simply consider the higher education as the status they require to get a higher position in the society. In conclusion, education, experiencing diverse cultures and customs, getting prepared for the future career, improving job position, subject matter interests and social status are the main reasons for people to attend colleges and universities. Idea Generation for this IELTS Essay: Essay Type: Opinion Essay (Give reasons). Main question of this IELTS Essay: A. Why people attend colleges or universities? Reasons: Why people attend colleges or universities? University degree nowadays is mandatory to apply for a good job. To find better job opportunity after graduation and having higher salary are thus the main reasons many students get enrolled in a college or university. This is the most common and perhaps the only method nowadays to enhance our knowledge and skills. Becoming familiar with the latest technology, including computer, digital systems, or medicine. Better social status. After graduation, socially they have higher prestige among their family, friends, or other people. More probable to be able to apply and become prosperous a highly qualified graduate abroad. To improve their social skills by meeting more educated people. To gain training and practical education. These days without the certification from colleges and universities it is almost impossible for someone to claim a good job or to be certified to practice in a specialised field of work. To learn the values, ideas, knowledge and skills. Sometimes promotion and increments are the reasons many professionals get enrolled in further studies in universities. Many people enrol in a special course offered by universities because of their interests in this subject or to gain the knowledge they need. Many people get enrolled in a college or university to maintain a status. For many people, this is an excellent opportunity to enhance their knowledge, skill and experience. University and colleges are the best places to learn about diverse cultures, people and social skills. [The above points should be helpful to aid you generating your own ideas and then turning them into a nicely written IELTS Essay. Add any point you think we have missed in the comment section.] Sample Answer 2: Colleges and universities are often referred to educational, as well as skill-enhancement, hub. Students enrol in colleges in order to acquire knowledge, which enhances their future career prospects. However, there are other reasons why many attend colleges. The majority of people attend universities to pursue their higher education, which gears up their opportunities in the job market. Likewise, many have a far greater goal in their lives and in order to reach their heights, they choose colleges. A college or university acts as the main basement for the enlightened people. A great revolution has already occurred in the field of technology and that is correlated with the job market. Students seemed to join colleges in order to attain knowledge, which creates avenues for their dream jobs. Moreover, exposure to the social world is the main constraint for a student and the best place to develop such skills is none other than Colleges. Colleges inculcate a social behaviour to the students and provide a wide range of facilities that allow an individual to enhance skills. Some students join a college or university for social status and some who join from family pressure may also get a good career guidance under the roof of colleges by the experienced faculty who guides them how to develop their profile to match the desired target. In my opinion, college environment acts as a precursor to a student's successful career and that is the reason many pupils join in colleges or universities to make their future dream come true. [Written by K. Naresh] Sample Answer 3: The university is a citadel for learning. It is a place where pupils of diverse cultures, ethnicities, backgrounds and religions come together with the major purpose of knowledge acquisition. However, some students enrol to better equip them for their future ambition, while others still attend to feel social status. My personal reason for attending colleges was to increase knowledge. Let us consider someone who comes to the college for the experience. I believe the intention, in this case, is not just to meet new friends because this can be done anywhere else. He wants to understand different behaviours and interact with persons from different areas, and various levels of intelligence. By so doing, he gradually imbibes knowledge at different levels and at different points. For instance, I know of a very good friend who always wanted to attend a higher institution. When I enquired as to the particular school he wanted, her reply was simple; " I do not have any school in mind, all I want is to go get new experience and change my environment". However, after four years in the university, I observed that her attitude, intelligence, abilities and sagacity has increased greatly. This shows me that the ultimate end of going to the university is to acquire knowledge. Also, for those who think that their reason for going to school is for career preparation. The statistics suggest that over 70% people who studied a particular course or discipline in Nigeria, do not end up practising the same course, and are never found along the career line throughout their lifetime. Evidence of various microbiologists who are now chief editors in newspaper agencies across the nation is the proof that university does not prepare students for a particular job. One of my idols studied petroleum engineering but he is currently working with the First Bank of Nigeria. In conclusion, a university for me is like a crucible, a furnace where minds are moulded with the fire of knowledge in other to adapt to the outside world. We may have different reasons why we enter the colleges and universities, but one thing and only but one thing is for sure, the core reason why people attend the university and college is to increase knowledge. [ Written by - Ume Chukwuma ] Alternative Answer 4: A university offers the highest level of education as well as valuable degree required for the students to build their careers. University degrees are essential for the job market, to be versed in a specialised field or to be prepared for the further educations. People attend colleges or universities for lots of different reasons. In my opinion, three most common reasons for people to join a college or a university are to prepare for a prospective career, to have new experiences, and to increase their knowledge. But there are some other reasons like improving the current job position, to be specialised in a specific subject, to earn a degree to join a job or run a business etc. Career preparation is probably the primary and most important reason for people to attend colleges and universities. A college or university degree gives more opportunity to have a full-time and stable job. In comparison, a university degree holder is offered a better job that pays better than others. The job market is very competitive now a day compared to any other time in past. Careers such as telecommunication, information technologies etc. need many new employees. At colleges and universities, students can learn new skills for these careers and increase their opportunities for the future. In the whole academic years, the students learn not only the theory but also practical aspects of their future job needs. The universities prepare a structured and coherent syllabus for the students and without these experience and knowledge, it is almost impossible for anyone to make himself prepared for the job and the knowledge he/she required for the specified job position. Students also go to colleges or universities to have new experiences. For many, it is their first time away from home and they have to live among strangers. At colleges, they meet new people from many different places, races and cultures. They can see what life is from a different perspective. They can learn to live on their own and take care of them without having their family always nearby. The students have lots of opportunities to face the real-life situations while staying at a college or university. They learn to face the harsh situation, learn to treat the superiors, learn how to work to gain a desire aspiration, learn to work as a team member and so on. In short, colleges and universities offer so many different experiences that a student cannot get from anywhere else. At colleges and universities, students have the opportunity to increase their knowledge about technology, art, history, about themselves and outer world which are impossible to achieve staying outside the campus. As they decide what they want to study, pursue their studies, and interact with their classmates, they learn a lot about themselves. They also, of course, have the opportunity to learn about many subjects in their classes. In addition to the skills and knowledge related to their career, college students also have the chance to take classes in other areas. For many, this will be their last chance to study different subjects. Colleges offer much more than career preparation. They offer the opportunity to have new experiences and to learn many kinds of things. Many job holders, housewives even businessmen get themselves admitted into universities or colleges for a diploma course. These courses are essential in many different perspectives, like: to learn a new technology (for example, computer-related diplomas), to train up for a new career (for example, photography courses), or to make them ready for more challenging jobs (for example, MBA in Agriculture). I think all these are major reasons why people attend colleges and universities. Sample Answer 5: Every human being with an ambition of getting higher knowledge requires attending colleges or universities. The main reason for attending universities or colleges may differ man to man. Someone may aspire to achieve greater knowledge, someone may just want to earn a certificate or someone might attribute it as a step towards career development. Whatever the reason people refer to attend universities - I would like to elaborate it as a step which is necessary for career development to grasp a required level of knowledge. I believe more or less, people attend universities or colleges to gain knowledge. In university level, people scatters in different groups for different subject areas of studies. Someone selects science someone selects arts. Every human being has their own selection base to get their assumed knowledge which is mandatory to accomplish their ultimate goal in career development. University or college provides a new level of experience which develops self-actualization and confidence in the human being as we know the proverb, "knowledge is power". Knowledge gives us strength and endows with skills that mould our future for betterment. People usually select their career path before entering university or college courses, for example, an aspirant doctor selects medical subject as the university course and therefore they join a medical college. Similarly, a future entrepreneur joins a business school to study business at the university level. I would like to elaborate before enrolling in universities or colleges we decide our future goal. Once our future goal is set we thrive to achieve it. I would like to illustrate whatever the reason people may attribute with university selection, it always refers to achieving new experience, knowledge or a process to start a career. Well, it is sometimes different for few people who has different ambitions but studying different subject matter unrelated to their goals. People attend universities and colleges for further education to ensure their job promotions. There are no alternatives to the colleges and universities to get higher degrees and thus people attend there to get the education they need to secure jobs. Interest is a subject is another reason people go to the higher educational institutes. Sometimes a few people attend universities as a tradition which has been referred as mandatory by society or family. A mere certificate is enough for them rather a means of gaining greater knowledge. Though it is a rare case which represents a niche segment but as a whole, we human being usually attend university or college as a hope of achieving greater understanding, new skills so that we can construct a good career in future. At the end, it is essential to pronounce that whatever the reason we believe behind attending universities or college's maximum people take it as a step towards a better future to educate ourselves with knowledge. [Approximately 460 words | Written by Ariyana Ahmed ] Model Answer 6: As today's work environment has already become highly specialized, graduating from university is a prerequisite to even be able to compete in the job market. Still, the outlook for better career opportunities is certainly not the only reason why people strive for a higher education. Judging from my personal experience, there are several reasons to go to university, such as the desire to contribute to humanity's knowledge base as well as the wish to tackle unanswered questions about oneself. First of all, numerous conversations with fellow students uncovered the deeply felt desire to add to a specific field of research and by doing so, advance humanity's development. This motivation might be directed to a clearly set goal, such as working on a new kind of propulsion engine that might enable interplanetary space travel - or it might be more of a general kind, such as understanding the appropriate application of ethical principles in the light of artificial intelligence. Secondly, the drive to find out more about oneself can lead people to join the academic realm, so they become enabled to shed light on what still remains in the dark of their own being. For me personally, this was a contributing factor why I initially applied for a university program at the psychology department as I wanted to unravel the mysteries surrounding my own consciousness. Considering my personal experience and the insights that I gained from my peers, among a variety of reasons, the wish to be part of cutting-edge research and the curiosity about one's own existence can motivate people to seek a university education. [Penned by - Demiugos] Model Answer 7: College education is a highly revered benchmark around the world. In many countries, without a college level degree, a citizen is not considered eligible for state jobs. People attend colleges for many reasons but career preparation is the most important goal among them. Most students enrol in colleges for bright career prospects and they study professional and job oriented courses. If achieved successfully with threshold scores, these courses increase the industrial employability of learners by training them with the skills industries need. For example, many companies organise direct campus selection programs in colleges, offering professional courses, to hire ready to utilise resources with rewarding salary packages. To add to this, in many cases, based on education, employees get different remuneration for the exact same job, and college education degrees play pivotal roles in accelerating promotion processes too. On the other hand, in addition to scintillating future career opportunities, university education also offers many new experiences. These experiences include migration to new countries, befriending new people, working while studying, and, most importantly, learning to adjust with people. If we take a look at foreign students' data across Europe, it is eminent that around 20 % students in Universities are from Asian countries. These experiences burgeon adaptability skills to pursuers and help in turning future paradigm citizens. Some people also attend higher university courses to enhance knowledge. Students under this section mostly pursue challenging master and doctorate degrees in their fields. Most of these learners turn researchers and help the progress of the world. Some governments offer enticing whooping packages to the best minds to convince latter to select this study stream. Finally, considering all reasons to attend colleges or universities, it is clear that the paramount reason is career growth. However, 'gaining new experiences' and 'enhancing knowledge' are also prodigious reasons. [ Approximately 398 words | Written by Rahul ] Sample Answer 8: All the human beings are of different nature and similarly their interests are not the same. A few love to sing while others like listening to the music. In the same way, people attend the colleges and universities have different respective prospective or purposes. Mainly people go to such places for their better career which dramatically affect their future life, to gain the knowledge and to be a good human being, while some attend colleges for enjoyment and to get rid of their homes. But I feel that Colleges and universities should be regarded as a place of worship which give us the sense of good living, spread knowledge and enlighten our life from darkness. First of all, if we discuss rich parent's youngsters, most of them come to colleges for their time passing and making ruckuses in college. All the day they make havoc everywhere. Studying is just a trivial matter for them. They have no worries about money wastage or future scope. Hence such students get enrolled in colleges for their own willingness to fulfil their ambitions of entertainment etc., but it never means that all are alike. If we look on the other side of the coin, there are some students who are even not able to fill their college fee due to lack of sources but they are dedicated to learn and work hard. They want to study hard to become a successful person. Such students attend the colleges and universities for studying mainly because they just focus on their motto of life. Enjoyment and other activities are meagre to them. Secondly , other types of students are there who we can say in middle-class family students which can be of mixed behavioural response regarding admission in colleges as either for making friends , fun and study also. By participating in different college events they can fill their life with enthusiasm and charm because they are totally not focused for only study or totally for enjoyment. Hence they are involved in overall college or university atmosphere. On the behalf of above, it did not mean that these particular types of students are liable strictly to respective activities in colleges but the majority of them are in such manner. In the end, we can conclude that colleges and universities are for the social and individual wellbeing of all. They help to build our character. Every student can get the characters of bonhomie, candid behaviour, bright future and spreading life by proper studying sincerely and overall body growth by participating in extra co-curricular activities of the college. [ Approximately 410 words | Written by Gurwinder ] Sample Answer 9: A complete consideration of people's views about whether to attend colleges or universities is difficult to present because they are so varied. Some would believe that continuing their education is a brilliant way of obtaining the best of both worlds gaining new acquaintances and securing a higher level of education, which might in the future, pave the way to a better job. I have developed my own perspectives as well. There are 3 reasons why I'm convinced that people decide to attend colleges. One absolutely cardinal reason is the fact that universities offer an opportunity to intensify knowledge in a particular field of your interest. On the contrast, high school educations tend to focus more on a board but a relatively shallow understanding of various subjects. Thus, the option of gaining expertise universities offer is certain to catch the eyes of students. The second reason is rooted in the fact that humans are social animals. Therefore, when surrounded by a group of friends all applying for admission to colleges, one might feel the impulsive urge to join. It is considerably hard to be persistence in one's own beliefs and perspectives. Equally essential to the previous two reasons concerning why people choose to continue their education is that a college degree is no longer considered to be "higher education", but rather "basic education". In this day and age, numerous companies regard bachelor degrees as the most basic and foremost requirement. When education level determines the chances of acquiring a job, it leaves you little choice but to keep on studying. By way of conclusion, whatever your choice may be, it is essential to think through all aspects before making a final decision. [ Approximately 280 words | Written by Kelly Ke ] Model Answer 10: People attend colleges and universities for various reasons such as gaining more knowledge and enhancing their skills. In a university, people learn many new ways to learn things and improve their talent. Students after completing their schooling or undergraduate courses opt for higher education in universities because of various circumstances around them. Firstly, they prefer education in reputed universities in order to achieve their goals and dreams in life. People try to do their higher education for their career enhancement such as for promotions in the company they work. Usually, persons with the high level of knowledge in any field will be paid more than the other people with limited skills. This is also a major reason for a person to prefer higher education. For instance, in the case of an Information Technology professional a person with higher level of knowledge and skill in designing a software will be paid more than a person who tests the developed product. In addition to that people pursue their education in universities in various other countries for the sake of exposing to the new environment, culture, customs and learn how to mingle with people. This scenario is generally seen in students trying to do their business degree. Students come know about the new trends across the world and learn how to deal with various kinds of businesses and improve the economy of their country. Moreover, learning the ways of interacting with the people is a good sign of a healthy society. On the other hand, people not only attend the universities for gaining knowledge and improving their job position but also out of their immense interest in a particular field and curiosity to invent new things in that specific field. In my point of view, I think people attend universities and colleges for the purpose of gaining more knowledge, experiencing various cultures and customs, improving their job position and their intense desire and passion towards a particular field. (Approximately 325 words) (Written by Pushyahass Reddy) Essay Topic: People attend colleges or universities for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge etc.). Why do you think people attend colleges or universities? Sample Answer 11: Certain people think they attend colleges/universities to gain knowledge whereas some other people think to prepare for their career. Another set of people prefers to attend college to get new experiences. Universities dictate the society with the values present in education. Some people prefer to attend a college to gain knowledge and apply their knowledge in their day to day life. These people choose a university to increase their knowledge only which is useful to the society and they are least bothered about the jobs or job market. Universities should produce knowledge-based professional but not job seekers. People who got sufficient knowledge can overcome any issue in their daily life as well as career. My friend, sham came out of Hindu university with sufficient knowledge never worried about his career. He can easily transoms from one field to another with his vast knowledge what he gained from university. There is always an opposite side of a coin. Some people prefer to attend universities to increase their career chances as they are so much interested in a profitable career. And companies also prefer certain universities only to recruit for their openings. I selected Nehru University to do my post graduate in computers to attract top IT giants and it really worked for me. Some other sets of people choose universities to get new experiences and enhance their knowledge or to get suitable jobs for them. Ram, one of my state ministers choose a university to get experience in student politics and got successes in main politics also. In conclusion, I prefer to attend college to gain knowledge and not only career or experience only. People who gained knowledge in their core area always get successes in any other area. (Approximately 285 words) (Written by Nirmala Pagolu) Model Answer 12: Universities and colleges always play an important role in the wellbeing of individual as well as the wellbeing of family and the whole nation. However, there are different type and status of people who are attending colleges and universities for different purposes. A university or a college has an ultimate goal - to convey knowledge and experiences from past generation to present generation and preparing a good citizen for the society. A well-educated individual and nation can face any challenges of the world. People going universities and colleges are getting different experiences for life in a good way and socially accepted ways. They meet students from different cultural, religious, race, colour and languages; in addition, they can get information from all people they have met in their student life. And they are getting new knowledge and information from teachers and books. And in practical life, they implement this knowledge and experience for the betterment of the nation. Besides, these people attend colleges and universities to get necessary degrees and certificates which enable them to spend prosperous, future and save their future getting ruined. Without college or university degree it is impossible to get a good job in any reputable organisation. My opinion is also the same the main purpose people attending colleges or university is gaining knowledge and experience which enable them to lead a successful life, make them sound and mature who can take a right decision for themselves.

over the weekend

Over the weekend Over the weekend means the same thing as during the weekend. It is used to talk about something that happened (or will happen) between Friday evening and Sunday evening. Below are some examples showing how native English speakers typically use over the weekend. As you can see, the thing that happens during the weekend can be something quick, like a phone call, or something that lasts most of the weekend, like a trip to Miami. We started packing up our apartment over the weekend. I promise I'll call you over the weekend. We flew down to Miami over the weekend. (I'll be away over a weekend I'll be back at my classes on June 5 so that's three days away)

divide up

SHARE (also divide up) [transitive] to separate something into parts and share them between people divide something between/among somebody/something The money will be divided equally among the charities.


[plural] all the money that you have saved, especially in a bank Buying a house had taken all their savings.


a defender, protector, or keeper. ˈɡɑːdiən $ ˈɡɑːr-/ ●○○ noun [countable] 1 someone who is legally responsible for looking after someone else's child, especially after the child's parents have died somebody's guardian His aunt is his legal guardian. 2 formal someone who guards or protects something guardian of The US sees itself as the guardian of democracy. (My aunt and her husband are my guardians while I'm at university)


adjective someone who is hand-picked is carefully chosen This special, hand-picked team is the best in the world.(our families are all hand-picked and we had never any sort of complaint)

away from

adverb if someone is away from school, work, or home, they are not there SYN absent Simon is away with flu. Kate is away on holiday. away from You must bring a note from your parents if you've been away from school. (I'd like to be away may 31 to June 4)


djuː $ duː/ ●●● S1 W1 adjective 1 EXPECTED [not before noun] expected to happen or arrive at a particular time due to do something The team are due to fly to Italy next month. His new book is due to be published next year. due in/on/at She's pregnant and the baby's due in April. The final results of the experiment are due on December 9. I'm due at his office at 4.30. due for The car is due for its annual service again. due back When are the library books due back? OWED owed to someone either as a debt or because they have a right to it Any money due you will be sent by cheque through the post. due to Thanks are due to all those who took part. 3 MONEY if an amount of money is due, it must be paid at a particular time The next income tax payment is due on 31 January. 5 PROPER [only before noun] formal proper or suitable He was banned for six months for driving without due care and attention. due regard/consideration We want the best for each individual child with due regard for the interests of the other children.


having or requiring a relatively large expenditure on research and development in comparison to capital and labor adjective focusing financial and other resources on research and development as opposed to capital and labor; noting or pertaining to a high ratio of expenditure on research in relation to the value of net output. (Research-intensive university)


help given, especially by the state or an organization, to people who need it, especially because they do not have enough money: Your taxes pay for welfare benefits such as unemployment and sickness pay. uk After her month's sick leave, she was summoned to see the company's welfare officer. on welfare us​ receiving financial help from the state because you are poor or have not been employed for a long time noun [ U ] (HEALTH AND HAPPINESS) B2 physical and mental health and happiness, especially of a person: The police are very concerned for the welfare of the missing child. These organizations have fought very hard for the rights and welfare of immigrants. animal welfare

be entitled something

if a book, play etc is entitled something, that is its name a documentary entitled 'The Price of Perfection' • The last song is entitled "Into the Woods."

concerned with somebody/something

if a book, story etc is concerned with a person, subject etc, it is about that subject This chapter is concerned with the mental health of older people the science that is concerned with studying the structure of substances and the way that they change or combine with each other

That's three days away

if an event is two days, three weeks etc away, it will happen after that period of time has passed Christmas is only a month away. (I'll be back at my classes on June 5 so that's three days away)

if so

in the case that something is true or real If that is the case Whether reusing phrases was a legitimate activity for academics writers, and if so, what kind of phrases could be reused

over the phone

means that something is done using the phone as a way to do it. The following examples show how "over the phone" is used: She told him the news over the phone. [=she used the phone to tell him the news rather than telling him in a letter or in person] I am able to pay my bills over the phone so I don't have to write checks. We ordered take-out over the phone before driving to the restaurant to pick it up. You can order a pizza over the phone. (You can say that you "told someone over the phone." This means that you told them using your phone. "Over the phone" is usually applied when you tell someone something. You can also say that you are "on the phone." This means you are calling someone.)

social science

noun 1 [uncountable] the study of people in society 2 [countable] a particular subject relating to the study of people in society, such as history, politics, sociology, or anthropology —social scientist noun [countable] • Why is history, which is clearly a social subject, not a social science? • From fourth grade on, almost all social science and most other subject matter is identical from one state to the next. • Methodological approaches in social science emerge, develop and, sometimes, fade away. • The Environment and Planning Committee will continue to be responsible for the development of social science research in transport.

bed and breakfast

noun (abbreviation B and B) 1 [uncountable] the providing of a room for a night and breakfast in the morning, for example in a hotel Is there anyone who does bed and breakfast round here? bed and breakfast accommodation 2 [countable] a private house or small hotel where you can sleep and have breakfast There's a bed and breakfast in the next village.

natural science

noun [countable, uncountable] chemistry, biology, and physics, considered together as subjects for study, or one of these subjects But there is large-scale agreement that the aim is explanation by applying the methods of natural science. • This approach was strongly influenced by the methods of natural science.

overhead projector

noun [countable] (abbreviation OHP) a piece of electrical equipment used when giving a talk, which shows words or pictures on a wall or large screen so that many people can see them Manion turned off the overhead projector and took a few minutes to answer questions from the students. • Manion turned on the overhead projector and put a new graphic on it. (If you look at on the overhead projector )

physical science

noun [uncountable] (also the physical sciences) [plural] the sciences, for example chemistry and physics, that are concerned with studying things that are not living Examples from the Corpus physical science • Physics and physical science students had a strong sense of the hierarchy of different disciplines. • Very few physical science students stressed the intellectual enjoyment of the degree course. • It is on this same basis that physical science pursues, with ever-increasing success, its quest of laws of nature.

working day

noun also workday the amount of time a person spends doing their job on a day when they work: An eight-hour working day is still typical for many people.(you'll miss for working days between may31 and June 4) a day on which most people go to work: On a working day I tend to get up around seven o'clock. Please allow three full working days for the money to be transferred.


plural] rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose All rooms have private facilities (=private bathroom and toilet). The hotel has its own pool and leisure facilities. toilet facilities childcare facilities (I'm going to explain to you some facilities that you find at university)


price-wise/time-wise etc informal used for saying which feature of a situation you are referring to Time-wise we're not doing too badly. wise as a suffix means "with regard to this" so price-wise means regarding the price. "The hotel isn't very pretty but price-wise it was fine for us". You can use it with other words too. "This has not been a good year sales-wise." or "Job-wise my life is going ok, I just need to find a girlfriend now!"

the following example/way etc

the example, way etc that will be mentioned next Payment may be made in any of the following ways: cheque, cash, or credit card. • An illustration of the problems and possible solutions is provided by the following example. • In general terms, the distinction between education and training can be formulated in the following way. • Section 6 has been interpreted in the following ways. • This can be seen in the following examples. • Look at the following examples and compare your answers with them. • This is known as the package index and is obtained in the following way for each package: 1.

the following afternoon/month/page/chapter etc

the next afternoon, month etc OPP preceding He was sick in the evening, but the following day he was better. • Expansion and application of some of those ideas will be pursued in the following chapters. • I describe experiments making use of this criterion in the following chapter. • The receiving company went into liquidation the following month. • We examine these recurrent themes in the managers' first-year biographies in the following pages. • Early the following month a radiant Lucy walked up the aisle on her father's arm. • And she had returned the following afternoon, carrying Timmy on her hip and the rest of her possessions in a backpack. • In the following chapters, I emphasize what can be done, not what will be done

get in touch

to make contact with establish communication with someone Synonyms: connect, touch base connect establish a rapport or relationship Type of: interact act together or towards others or with others


əˈsesmənt/ ●●○ AWL noun [countable, uncountable] 1 a process in which you make a judgment about a person or situation, or the judgment you make assessment of What's Michael's assessment of the situation? a reading assessment test 2 a calculation about the cost or value of something a tax assessment COLLOCATIONS VERBS make an assessment I had to make a quick assessment of the situation and act accordingly. do/carry out an assessment A teacher does a yearly assessment of each child's progress. ADJECTIVES a general/overall/broad assessment (=that covers the main features or parts of something, not the details) The doctor must carry out a general assessment of the patient's health. a detailed assessment We need a detailed assessment of what this will cost. a comprehensive assessment (=that includes all the necessary facts or details) Our clients receive a comprehensive assessment of their financial affairs. an objective assessment (=that is based on facts, not on feelings or beliefs) The test results will provide an objective assessment of how much you have improved. somebody's personal assessment What's your personal assessment of the risks? ASSESSMENT + NOUN the assessment procedure/process Parents need to feel part of the assessment procedure. assessment methods/techniques We recommend using a variety of assessment methods. (From my point of view, the advantages of assessments outweigh the disadvantages because it keeps professors up to date and promotes the universities rank.)


ɪnˈʃʊə $ -ˈʃʊr/ ●●○ verb 1 [intransitive, transitive] to buy insurance so that you will receive money if something bad happens to you, your family, your possessions etc Have you insured the contents of your home? insure (something/somebody) against loss/damage/theft/sickness etc It is wise to insure your property against storm damage. insure something for £1,000/$2,000 etc You should insure the painting for at least £100,000. 2 [transitive] to provide insurance for something or someone Many companies won't insure young drivers.


ˈbreɪkθruː/ ●●○ noun [countable] an important new discovery in something you are studying, especially one made after trying for a long time breakthrough in Scientists have made a major breakthrough in the treatment of cancer. → break through1► see thesaurus at progress COLLOCATIONS VERBS make a breakthrough Detectives think they may have made a breakthrough in their hunt for the murderer. achieve a breakthrough With further funding, the research team hope to be able to achieve a breakthrough. represent a breakthrough This represents a major breakthrough in the search for a cure. ADJECTIVES a big/major breakthrough Einstein believed he was on the verge of a big breakthrough. a significant/important breakthrough Another very significant breakthrough has been made by Dr David Peacock. a technological/scientific breakthrough Their findings led to a major technological breakthrough. a historic breakthrough The agreement was a historic breakthrough in political history. (The university professors must be aware of the latest breakthroughs and improvements in their field.)


ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃən $ ˌkwɑː-/ ●●○ W3 noun 1 [countable usually plural] if you have a qualification, you have passed an examination or course to show you have a particular level of skill or knowledge in a subject He left school without any qualifications. qualification in We are looking for graduates with qualifications in maths or science. 2 [countable usually plural] a skill, personal quality, or type of experience that makes you suitable for a particular job or position qualification for health and fitness qualifications for membership in the Territorial Army qualification to do something There have been questions about his qualifications to lead the company. Does he have the right qualifications to become a Supreme Court Justice? 3 [uncountable] when a person or team reaches a necessary standard, for example by passing an examination or defeating another team Upon qualification, you can expect to find work abroad fairly easily. qualification for the US qualification for the World Cup 4 [countable, uncountable] something that you add to a statement to limit its effect or meaning SYN reservation I welcome without qualification the Minister's proposal. COLLOCATIONS VERBS have a qualification (also hold a qualification formal) You don't need to have any qualifications for this job. lack qualifications 40 percent of the prisoners lack any qualifications. get a qualification British English (also gain/obtain a qualification formal) I want to get the qualifications so that I can become a doctor. ADJECTIVES/NOUN + QUALIFICATION academic qualifications Eva had excellent academic qualifications. educational qualifications Too many children leave school without any educational qualifications. a teaching/medical/legal etc qualification British English: She has a degree and a teaching qualification. a professional qualification British English (=one relating to a professional job, such as a teacher, lawyer etc) A professional qualification in accountancy would be an advantage. a vocational qualification British English (=one relating to a skilled job, such as a nurse or a builder) You can study for a vocational qualification in the tourism industry. formal qualifications (=official qualifications rather than experience) He has no formal qualifications. paper qualifications British English often disapproving (=documents showing that you have passed exams, rather than actual experience of doing something) We often find that paper qualifications are no guide to ability. a recognized qualification (=one that is accepted by people as good) Trainees can work towards a recognised vocational qualification. good/excellent qualifications Good qualifications are a passport to success. 1[countable usually plural] an examination that you have passed at school, university, or in your profession The government is determined to reduce the number of young people leaving school with no qualifications. Even without paper qualifications (=official qualifications rather than experience or personal qualities), a well-motivated young girl should be able to find work as a shop assistant or a waitress. 2[countable] a skill, personal quality, or type of experience that makes you suitable for a particular job Mr. Burkett has all the qualifications for a big-time fund-raiser: a limitless capacity for talking on the phone, and a lot of rich personal contacts. Isobel has all the right qualifications to become a good manager. If you are qualified, you have suitable knowledge, experience, or qualifications to do a particular job All our staff are highly qualified. Some professions, for example accountancy, require their members to have a professional qualification, such as an ACA (Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants) from a professional organization (=official organization that represents a particular profession). Other jobs require an academic qualification, such as a bachelor's degree (=BA, BS, or BSc) or a master's degree (=MA, MSc, or MS). Jobs, such as carpentry or plumbing, require vocational qualifications which are awarded by an organization such as the City and Guilds in the UK. Someone who is skilled has the training and experience that is needed to do something well Skilled craftsmen, such as carpenters, are in great demand. A skilled worker does work that involves special skills that they have gained through trainingThe shortage of skilled workers is having a significant effect on the industry. A semi-skilled worker is not in a highly skilled or professional job, but needs some special skills to do their job The research found a steady decline in the ratio of semi-skilled workers in industries that employ a large number of foreign workers. An unskilled worker does work that does not involve any special skill or training The government is planning to put in place safeguards to prevent exploitation of unskilled workers.


ˌækəˈdemɪk◂/ ●●○ W2 AWL adjective 1 [usually before noun] relating to education, especially at college or university level OPP non-academic He possessed no academic qualifications. a program to raise academic standards 2 [usually before noun] concerned with studying from books, as opposed to practical work the study of art as an academic discipline 3 good at studying OPP unacademic He's not very academic. 4 if a discussion about something is academic, it is a waste of time because the speakers cannot change the existing situation The question of where we go on holiday is purely academic since we don't have any money. —academically /-kli/ adverb COLLOCATIONS NOUNS academic qualifications He had the right experience and academic qualifications for the job. academic performance Personal problems may affect a student's academic performance. academic achievements Girls' academic achievements are at least as good as boys'. academic standards (=levels that are considered to be acceptable) The school has high academic standards. academic research (=study of a subject, in order to discover new facts or test new ideas) Many academic research projects take years to complete. academic study After academic study, you have to gain practical experience. an academic subject Children who are not good at academic subjects may excel in music or sport. an academic discipline (=a subject that is studied at university) the academic disciplines of linguistics, psychology and sociology an academic career She wanted to pursue an academic career. the academic year (=the time within a period of 12 months when students are studying at a school or university) Language students spend the third academic year abroad. the academic world (=the institutions, people etc involved in education) In the academic world, the theory was received less approvingly. academic freedom (=the freedom to study what you want) There is concern for the academic freedom of both staff and students. purely academic • But asking which of these young overseas players is the better is purely academic. • Such divisions are not, so to speak, purely academic. • In this sense we are not concerned to produce a book by academics for a purely academic audience. • Are the competing views purely academic debates, or do they also reflect wider social interests? 4. • Cause of death would have been of purely academic interest to the deceased man's widow. noun [countable] a teacher in a college or university Examples from the Corpus academic • Academics can usually get time off teaching to do their own research. • The Alice in Wonderland feeling never really disappears for an academic in the world of vocational training. • Bragg says that universities urgently need to convince academics that popularising research is respectable. • Some have injected low-level academics into low-level vocational classes. • No academic would allow such superficial assessments in his or her own discipline. • Students also will be able to have direct contact with professional academics and researchers. • In a day-long hearing students who oppose the plan say academics broke college rules by not consulting them about the plan. • An important role will be deciding what a fair rate of return for the academics should be in any given project.

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