Unix/Linux: Basics

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What are the rules for naming files?

- It cannot contain a / - Characters: . + and - can be used without problem so long as they don't begin the filename - A-Z a-z 0-9 and _ are always fine

What are the two ways to combine multiple options in a Linux command?

-OptionOptionOption...Option or - Option -Option Option

What do the dot commands (. and ..) mean?

./pathname: useful as a shortcut in writing the current directory cd .. is a shortcut in moving back to the parent directory

Directories and file names in a pathname are separated by a _______


With regards to file trees, Unix has ____ and organizes itself into a _____

A single filesystem tree hierarchical directory structure

/usr directory

Aside from the root directory, this is the largest directory tree in the system. It contains all the program and support files for the usr.

Absolute pathname

Begins with the root directory and follows the tree branch by branch until the path to the desired directory or file is completed.

/boot directory

Contains everything needed for booting the system such as: the linux kernel, RAM disk image, and the boot loader.

/opt directory

Contains optional add-on software for installation that is not installed by default on the system.

/tmp directory

Contains temporary files created by various programs. Generally cleared on reboot.

/etc directory

Contains the system configuration files.

/var directory

Contains variable data files. These are files to which the system writes during operation.

Keyboard Shortcut: ^a

Ctrl a Moves cursor to beginning of the line of text

Keyboard Shortcut: ^d

Ctrl d Deletes the character at the location of the cursor

Keyboard Shortcut: ^ k

Ctrl k Cuts all text from the position of the cursor to the end of the line.

Keyboard Shortcut: ^ l

Ctrl l Clears the shell. Basically the same as the clear command.

Keyboard Shortcut: ^e

Ctrl r Moves the cursor to the end of the line of text

Keyboard Shortcut: ^ u

Ctrl u Cuts all text from the position of the cursor to the beginning of the line.

Keyboard Shortcut: ^y

Ctrl y Returns cut text from ctrl k or ctrl u

Left and right keyboard keys do what in the shell?

Move left and right across the prompt. Useful for editing commands

Keyboard Shortcut: alt b

Moves the cursor backward by one word.

Keyboard Shortcut: alt f

Moves the cursor forward by one word

Most Linux commands take the form of:

Options modify the original command. The argument is what you're working with for the command.

/bin directory

Short for binary directory. Contains binary files that allow commands to be used within the shell.

/sbin directory

Short for system binary directory

Relative pathname

Starts from the working directory

Root Directory: /

The first directory in the filesystem.

What is the command history and how do you move through it in the shell?

The history of previous and successive commands you have made at the shell prompt. Scroll back and forward with the up and down keyboard keys respectively.

Unix Shell Prompt

Usually of the form: username@machinename Usually ending in a $, but may also end in a # if you are the superuser.

Bourne Again Shell

aka, BASH. It is an enhanced version of sh (the original shell program).

/home directory

also known as the login directory. It contains the home subdirectories for each user of the system. Within each, there can be all kinds of files and directories for each user.

With regards to being case sensitive: unit filenames are ____


In Linux, files ______

do not have extensions.

If a filename begins with a dot (.) then _____

it is a hidden file.

When the terminal is first started we're in _____

our home directory

Every directory has a _____

parent directory, even root (it refers back to itself).

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