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A minimum of about ______ L of urine per day is required to eliminate the wastes from the body.


The average daily urine volume is normally ______ liters.


Put the following structures in order. The first one should be closest to the nephron and the last one should be closest to the urinary bladder.

1. collecting duct 2. papillary duct 3. minor calyx 4. major calyx 5. renal pelvis

Each kidney usually contains ______ major calyces.


Approximately x% of the water in the tubular fluid is reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule.


If the MAP decreases below ______ mm Hg, no further arteriole dilation can bring a decrease in glomerular blood pressure.


Renal autoregulation is effective in maintaining a normal glomerular blood pressure only if the systemic mean arterial pressure remains between ______ and ______ mm Hg.

80: 180

The amount of Na+ reabsorbed from the tubular fluid can vary from ______ to ______%.

98; 100

When we consume more proteins and wheat, the pH of the urine becomes more ______.


Urine volume can be several liters per day if there is a decrease in the release of ______.


With the release of the hormone called ____________, urine volume can be as little as about 0.5 L/day and generally appears noticeably darker yellow in color.


______ and ______ are secreted in response to low blood volume or low solute concentration in the tubular fluid within the kidney.

ADH; aldosterone

Water is reabsorbed through specific water transporter proteins called .


The hormone ________________________ is released from the atria in response to distension of these chambers.

Atrial natriuretic peptide

With a diet high in fruits and vegetables, urine tends to become more ______.


True or false: ADH causes the PCT to increase water reabsorption from the tubular fluid.


True or false: Aldosterone increases the number of Na+ pumps and channels and thus decreases both Na+ and water reabsorption.


Which will increase due to an increased net filtration pressure in the kidney?

GFR substances in urine

The external urethral sphincter is ______ to the internal urethral sphincter.


An increased volume of urine is generally ______ in color.


The spongy urethra is the ______ part of the male urethra and is located in the ______.


The middle muscularis of the ureter consists of an inner _______________layer and an outer circular layer.


The ______ urethra is the shortest segment of the male urethra.


The layer that lines the urinary bladder lumen is called the .


Many substances have regulated reabsorption. One substance plays a pivotal role in the reabsorption of these other substances. Choose this substance from the list below.


The constricted ______ of the urinary bladder is connected to the urethra.


Aldosterone stimulates the protein synthesis of ______ and ______.

Na+ channels; Na+/K+ pumps

The macula densa cells continuously monitor ______ in the tubular fluid.

NaCl concentration

cortical nephrons

Nephrons located almost entirely in the renal cortex. These nephrons have a reduced loop of Henle.

The female urethra has ______ function(s) and is about ______ centimeters long.

ONE, 4

The movement of water out of the proximal convoluted tubule follows Na+ by osmosis and is referred to as ______________________________.

Obligatory water reabsorption

Na+ can be reabsorbed along the entire length of the nephron tubule with the majority being reabsorbed in the ______.


The ______ is composed of a simple cuboidal epithelium with tall, apical microvilli for maximum surface area and reabsorption capacity.


When viewed under the microscope, the lumen of the ______ looks fuzzy due to the brush border formed by the microvilli.


The female urethra opens to the outside of the body at the external urethral orifice located in the female ______.


Which part of the male urethra is immediately inferior to the urinary bladder?


The male urethra is partitioned into three segments. Which are these segments?


The maximum plasma concentration of a substance that can be carried in the blood without eventually appearing in the urine is called the .


The maximum plasma concentration of a substance that can be carried in the blood without eventually appearing in the urine is called the ______.


The external urethral sphincter is formed by ______ muscle and is under ______ control.


The male urethra has two functions. Which are they?


The corpus spongiosum surrounds the urethra in the male penis.


The pain from the ureter, as might be felt from a kidney stone, is referred to as the ______.

T11-L2 dermatomes

The mucosa is formed by ___________epithelium that accommodates the shape changes that occur with distension.


The mucosa of the ureter is formed from ______ epithelium.


The female urethra is lined by ______ epithelium near its junction with the bladder.


The kidneys are retroperitoneal. Which description below describes what this means?

The kidneys are posterior to the peritoneum.

The structure that originates at the neck of the urinary bladder and conducts urine to the exterior of the body is the______________ .


The ureters originate at the renal pelvis and extend to the_____________ .


The urethra and ureters are components of the ______.


The term used for the normal smell of fresh urine is ________.


The color of urine ranges from almost clear to dark yellow, depending on the concentration of pigment from _____________ .


Tubular secretion, the movement of solutes out of the blood into the tubular fluid, usually occurs by ______.

active transport

Conditions of extreme dehydration result in the subsequent high concentration of ______ in the blood.


When the urine is extremely dilute and appears a light pale color, a decrease in the release of ____________ is evident.


The external layer of the ureter wall is the .


Which form the wall of the urinary bladder?

adventitia submucosa mucosa muscularis

Blood enters the glomerulus by the _____ arteriole.


Renal autoregulation maintains GFR by altering the size of the ______ arteriole.


The juxtaglomerular cells are modified smooth muscle cells of the _______arteriole located near the renal corpuscle.


The wider diameter of the_________arteriole allows the blood to enter the glomerulus under high pressure which helps filter the plasma and solutes out of the glomerulus.


The sympathetic axons extend to which blood vessels of the kidney?

afferent arteriole efferent arteriole juxtaglomerular apparatus

One of the factors that cause materials to be filtered from the glomerulus is that the ______ arteriole is wider in diameter than the ______ arteriole.

afferent, efferent

The ______ arteriole leads to the glomerulus and the ______ arteriole leads away from the glomerulus.

afferent; efferent

As tubular fluid moves through the collecting tubules and ducts, water reabsorption is controlled primarily by ______ and ________ hormones.

aldosterone, adh

The transport maximum for glucose reabsorption is 320 mg per minute. If no more than 300 mg of glucose is passing through the renal tubule every minute, ______.

all of it will be absorbed

Proteins and small peptides are first degraded into______________ , which are then reabsorbed into the blood.

amino acids

Urine may develop an ____________smell if allowed to stand from the breakdown of proteins, and urine may smell fruity due to the presence of ketoacids in a person with X mellitus.

ammonia, diabetes

Most proteins are not freely filtered in the glomerulus. Select the proteins that are freely filtered there.

angiotensin insulin

Most proteins are not freely filtered in the glomerulus. Select the proteins that are freely filtered there.`

angiotensin insulin

Sympathetic stimulation causes the release of renin which will result in the subsequent production of ______ which will result in a(n) ______ in the GFR.

angiotensin II; decrease

Water is reabsorbed through specific water transporter proteins called ________ .


When we are dehydrated, ADH binds to receptors to increase the migration of vesicles containing ______ to the membrane of the principal cells.


Interlobular veins merge to form ______ veins.


The ______ arteries are parallel to the base of the medullary pyramid at the junction of the cortex and the medulla.


The adventitia of the ureter is formed from __________connective tissue.

areolar/ loose

Renal ___________ is the intrinsic ability of the kidney to maintain constant blood pressure.


Renal _________is the intrinsic ability of the kidney to maintain constant blood pressure.


Renal___________is the intrinsic ability of the kidney to maintain constant blood pressure.


During nephron transcellular transport, a substance must cross two cell membranes. One of which is the ______ membrane that is in contact with the interstitial fluid.


the kidneys directly affect the blood volume meaning they directly affect

blood pressure

The hilum of the kidney is where connects to the kidney?

blood vessels ureter nerves

Erythropoietin acts on the ______ to increase erythrocyte production.

bone marrow

Between the visceral and parietal layers of the glomerular capsule is a ______________ .

capsular (bowmans) space

Once the tubular fluid leaves the ______, it is called urine.

collecting duct

When the tubular fluid leaves the distal convoluted tubules, it must travel through a series of small ______ that empty into ______.

collecting tubules; collecting ducts

Blood ________________pressure opposes filtration because it tends to pull or draw fluids into the glomerulus from the capsular space.

colloid osmotic

Extensions of the cortex, called renal _________ , project into the medulla and subdivide the medulla into renal ___________ .

columns, pyramids

The kidney has a ______ border called the hilum.

concave medial

What do juxtamedullary nephrons do?

concentrate urine

A renal lobe consists of a medullary pyramid and the adjacent renal columns as well as the renal ______.


The wide base of a renal pyramid lies next to the ______.


The nephron loop originates in the ______ and descends down into the ______ and then ascends back into the ______.

cortex, medulla, cortex

The ________nephrons make up approximately 85% of the nephrons in a human kidney.


Which type of nephron has relatively short nephron loops that barely extend into the medulla?


types of nephrons

cortical nephrons and juxtamedullary nephrons

what do cortical nephrons do

create urine with osmolarity similar to blood

The epithelial cells of the collecting tubules are ______ but are ______ cells in the collecting ducts near the renal papilla.

cuboidal; columnar

As the net filtration pressure decreases, the GFR _________.


Sympathetic stimulation can result in a(n) ______ in GFR through vasoconstriction.


Sympathetic stimulation can result in a decrease in GFR by ______ the surface area of the glomerulus.


A specific gravity value of urine above 1.020 indicates relative ______.


The submucosa of the urinary bladder is formed by ______ connective tissue.

dense irregular

Each nephron loop has two limbs, a(n) _______limb that extends from the cortex to the medulla and a(n)_________ limb that returns back into the renal cortex.

descending, ascending

the muscularis of the bladder consists of three layers of the smooth muscle collectively called the_____________ muscle.


The internal urethral sphincter is a circular thickening of the ______ and is controlled by the ______.

detrusor muscle; ANS

Glomerular filtration is influenced by changing the ______.

diameter of the afferent arteriole

The ascending limb of the nephron loop returns to the renal cortex and terminates at the _______ tubule.

distal convoluted

The ______ epithelial lining cells are smaller and have only sparse, short, apical microvilli.

distal convoluted tubule

Energy from Na+ moving_____________ its concentration gradient into the ______________ cell is used to move glucose against its concentration gradient into the same cell.

down, tubule

Blood leaves the glomerulus by way of the _____arteriole.


When blood leaves the glomerulus, it enters the ________ arteriole.


When blood leaves the glomerulus, it enters the _______arteriole.


The ______ allows plasma and its dissolved substances to be filtered while restricting the passage of large structures, such as formed elements.

endothelium of glomerulus

The ______ is fenestrated.

endothelium of glomerulus

If blood oxygen levels are reduced, cells in the kidney secrete a hormone called ______.

erythropoietin (EPO)

Besides removing waste products from the bloodstream, the urinary system performs many other functions, including which of the following?

erythroprotein production acid base balance urine storage

Tubular reabsorption in response to ADH is referred to as ______.

facultative water reabsorption

True or false: A human kidney is divided into 20 renal lobes.


True or false: In tubular reabsorption, all needed solutes and most water that formed the filtrate are reabsorbed into the nephron.


True or false: The DCT is lined with simple cuboidal epithelium but the cells are larger than those of the PCT and the microvilli are denser.


True or false: The glomerular filtration rate is expressed as volume per unit time (usually 1 hour).


True or false: The main function of the urinary system is to remove oxygen from the bloodstream.


True or false: The trigone moves as the urinary bladder fills and functions as a funnel to direct the stored urine into the urethra.


The _____________ is composed of dense irregular connective tissue that covers the outside of the kidney.

fibrous capsule

The capsular space receives the ________, which is then modified to form urine.


When the blood plasma moves out of the glomerulus and into the glomerular capsule, it is now called ______.


The pedicels are separated by thin spaces called _______slits, which allow materials from the plasma to pass into the capsular space.


The process by which water and some dissolved solutes in the blood plasma passively move out of the glomerulus and into the capsular space of the renal corpuscle is called _________.


Which of the following happens first?


Which of the following are the processes by which urine is formed?

filtration tubular secretion tubular reabsorption

Which are the most accurate descriptions of the structures that make up the filtration membrane?

filtration slits glomerular endothelium

The ______ is defined as the rate at which the volume of filtrate is formed.

glomerular filtration rate (GFR)

The ______ is designed to be "leaky" to allow some plasma and solutes to be filtered.


The renal corpuscle has a thick tangle of capillaries called the ______.


The renal corpuscle has an epithelial capsule surrounding the ______ called the glomerular capsule.


The renal corpuscle is composed of which of the following?

glomerulus glomerular capsule

Some substances are not normal components of urine because they are completely reabsorbed. Choose the substances that satisfy this requirement under healthy conditions.

glucose amino acids filtered plasma proteins lactate

One component of the juxtaglomerular apparatus is which of the following?

granular cells

The average specific gravity of urine is slightly ______ than the specific gravity of water.


The kidneys control blood volume with help from .


A specific gravity value of urine below 1.010 indicates relative ____________.


The kidneys aid in acid-base balance by altering the rate of reabsorption of which of the following?

hydrogen bicarbonate

Filtrate is produced due to the difference between ___________pressure of the blood in the glomerulus and the opposing pressures of the osmotic blood pressure and fluid pressure in the capsular space.


Aldosterone results in the ______ reabsorption of Na+ and therefore also ______.

increased, water

An increase in systemic blood pressure causes a(n) ______ in the volume of blood that enters the afferent arteriole.


As net filtration pressure increases, the GFR ______.


An increased glomerular hydrostatic blood pressure will lead to a(n)______ in net filtration pressure and a(n) ______ in GFR.

increases, increases

Atrial natriuretic peptide ______ GFR to eliminate fluid when there is a(n) ______ in blood volume and/or blood pressure.

increases, increases

Water reabsorption regulated by ADH near the end of the tubule is ____________of Na+ reabsorption.


The right kidney is ______ to the left kidney.


The segmental arteries branch to form the ______ arteries that travel through the renal columns.


The arcuate arteries give off branches called ______ arteries that project peripherally into the cortex.


The peritubular capillaries and vasa recta drain into the smallest of veins called the ______ veins.


The interlobular veins are parallel and travel alongside the ______.

interlobular arteries

The sphincter that is the involuntary, superior sphincter surrounding the neck of the urinary bladder is the ____________________sphincter.

internal urethral

Tubular reabsorption moves substances ______ the blood.


Only about 15% of our nephrons are _______nephrons.


There are two types of nephrons, cortical nephrons, and __________nephrons.


Which type of nephron has a renal corpuscle that lies close to the corticomedullary junction with a long nephron loop that extends deep into the medulla?


Which type of nephron plays the more important role in establishing a salt concentration gradient?


In the thick segment of the nephron loop ascending limb, approximately 10% to 20% of the ______ in the tubular fluid is reabsorbed


Within the trigone region of the urinary bladder, the mucosa is smooth, thick, and ______ rugae.


When looking at the distal convoluted tubule under the microscope the lumen appears ______ than the proximal convoluted tubule.

less fuzzy

Na+ concentration is relatively __________inside the tubule cell and relatively______________ within both the tubule lumen and interstitial fluid.

low, high

During nephron transcellular transport, a substance must cross two cell membranes. One of which is the ______ membrane that is in contact with the tubular fluid.


The________________ is a group of modified epithelial cells in the distal convoluted tubule that touch the granular or juxtaglomerular cells.

macula densa

Which is a component of the juxtaglomerular apparatus?

macula densa

The fibrous or renal capsule has which of the following function(s)?

maintains the kidneys shape protects it from trauma protects it from pathogens

The renal ______ tends to be a darker shade than the renal ______.

medulla, cortex

Several ______ calyces merge to form larger spaces called ______ calyces.

minor, major

The layer that lines the urinary bladder lumen is called the ___________ .


The submucosa of the urinary bladder lies immediately external to the ______.


Place the four tunics that form the wall of the urinary bladder in order from innermost, next to the urine in the lumen, to outermost.

mucosa submucosa muscularis adventitia

The layer of the ureter called the ____________consists of 2 layers of smooth muscle.


The wall of the ureter is composed of a series of tunics. Which are these tunics?

muscularis mucosa adventitia

Renal autoregulation functions by two mechanisms, the ____________ mechanism, and the tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism.


Renal autoregulation functions by two mechanisms, the _____________mechanism, and the tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism.


Which of the following substances have regulated reabsorption?

na+ ca2+ water K+

In the ____loop, only about 10% of the remaining water in the tubular fluid is reabsorbed.


The functional filtration unit in a kidney is the ______.


Approximately 10 to 20% of the K+ in the tubular fluid is reabsorbed in the ______.

nephron loop ascending limb

The difference between the hydrostatic pressure of the blood in the glomerulus and the opposing pressures of the osmotic blood pressure and fluid pressure in the capsular space is termed the ____________pressure.

net filtration

In the kidneys, water movement occurs by ______


The apex of the renal pyramid is called the renal ____________and it projects toward the renal sinus.


The process in which substances pass between the epithelial cells of the kidney tubular wall is called ______________transport.


The process in which substances pass between the epithelial cells of the kidney tubular wall is called _______transport.


The glomerular capsule has two layers, a visceral layer, and a _______ layer.


Kidneys are ______ protected by the rib cage.


In the ______, 60 to 80% of the potassium in the tubular fluid is reabsorbed.


Podocytes are octopus-like cells that have long foot-like processes called ________.


The filtration slits between the ________permit the ready passage of filtered material into the capsule space.


The podocytes have long processes called _______ or feet that wrap around the glomerular capillaries.


The major calyces merge to form a large funnel-shaped renal ______.


The anterior surface of the kidneys is covered with ______ and the posterior surface lies directly against the posterior abdominal wall.


The ______ are associated with the convoluted tubules and primarily reside in the cortex of the kidney.

peritubular capillaries

Blood colloid osmotic pressure is due to the _____________it contains.

plasma solutes

Which substances are not filtered through the kidneys?

platelets leukocytes erythrocytes

Filtration slits of the filtration membrane are formed by ______


Filtration slits of the filtration membrane are formed by ______.


The visceral layer of the glomerular capsule is composed of specialized cells called ______.


The visceral layer of the glomerular capsule is composed of specialized cells called ________.


ADH is released from

posterior pituitary

A substance that is unlike other substances because it is both reabsorbed and secreted is _____________ .


The kidneys help control the blood's inorganic ion balance. Which of the following ions are controlled primarily by the kidneys?

potassium sodium phosphate calcium

The prostatic urethra extends through the gland.


Most of the substances that are reabsorbed from the tubular fluid back into the blood are reabsorbed typically from the __________________tubule.

proximal convoluted

The ______ is lined by simple cuboidal epithelium with tall microvilli for maximum reabsorption.

proximal convoluted tubule

The renal tubule consists of which of the following?

proximal convoluted tubule nephron loop distal convoluted tubule

Which tubules stain more darkly and appear fuzzier in a histological preparation of the renal cortex?

proximal convoluted tubules

Substances are _________when they move from the tubular fluid back into the blood.


In males, the urinary bladder is anterior to the ___________ and directly superior to the _________gland.

rectum, prostate

A decrease in blood pressure, detected by the afferent arteriole, will result in vasodilation. The glomerular blood pressure and the GFR will respond by ______.

remaining normal

A mechanism that is effective in maintaining a normal glomerular blood pressure only if the systemic mean arterial pressure remains between 80 and 180 mm Hg is called ___________ autoregulation.


Glomerular filtration regulation involves intrinsic control which could best be described as ______.

renal autoregulation

The innermost portion of a kidney is called the ______.

renal medulla

Collecting tubules and collecting ducts project through the ______ toward the ______.

renal medulla; renal papilla

Sympathetic stimulation causes granular cells to release ______.


The granular cells of the JGA, synthesize, store and release ______.


Nephrons, kidney

responsible for the regulation of fluids, solutes, and waste

In the urinary bladder, there are mucosal folds, called _____________ , that allow for even greater distension.


Glucose is moved into the tubule cell by ______ and then glucose carriers transport glucose out of the tubule cell by ______.

secondary active transport; facilitated diffusion

Blood flows from the renal artery to the ______ arteries in the area of the renal sinus.


Renal arteries branch directly into ______ arteries.


______ is a critical adjustment that allows the body to conserve fluid under stressful situations, such as extensive exertion (e.g., running a marathon) or severe hemorrhaging.

severe vasoconstriction

The first part of the descending limb of the nephron loop, also known as the thick descending limb, is lined with ____ epithelium.

simple cuboidal

What type of tissue line the PCT?

simple cuboidal epithelium

Both collecting tubules and collecting ducts are lined by ______.

simple epithelium

The thin segment of the descending limb of the nephron loop is lined with ______________epithelium.

simple squamous

Most proteins are not freely filtered in the glomerulus because of their ______ and ______.

size; negative charge

Granular or juxtaglomerular cells are modified __________cells.

smooth muscle

The nephron tubule keeps the sodium concentrations low in the tubules and high in the tubular lumen and interstitial fluid by the use of __________pumps.

sodium, potassium

The thin part of the ascending limb of the nephron loop is lined with simple _______epithelium and the thick part, is lined with simple cuboidal epithelium


Direct stimulation by the ______ nervous system decreases GFR by causing vasoconstriction of afferent arterioles.


GFR can be decreased with extensive ______ stimulation.


The ______ division of the nervous system sends increased nerve signals to the kidneys during exercise or during an emergency.


______ nerves extend from the spinal cord to the blood vessels of the kidney.


The cells of the macula densa are easy to recognize because they are ______ and ______ than the other cells of the DCT.

taller, narrower

The transport maximum for glucose reabsorption is 320 mg per minute. If the tubular fluid level of glucose exceeds 320 mg/min, then ______.

the excess glucose is excreted in urine

The distal convoluted tubule originates in the renal cortex at the end of the ______.

thick ascending limb of the nephron loop

The movement of substances through the epithelial cells of the walls of nephron tubules is called ______ transport.


The transport maximum is dependent upon the number of __________in the epithelial cell membrane.

transport proteins

The transport maximum is dependent upon the number of_____________ in the epithelial cell membrane.

transport proteins

Proteins are actually transported instead of reabsorbed because they undergo ______ while being reabsorbed

trasnformational changes

The mucosa is formed by _____________epithelium that accommodates the shape changes that occur with distension.


The ________________is the maximum amount of a substance that can be reabsorbed (or secreted) across the tubule epithelium in a given period of time.

trasnport maximum

The structure that is formed by imaginary lines connecting the two ureter openings and the urethral opening is the ______ of the bladder.


True or false: Blood components that do not exit the glomerulus as filtrate exit the renal corpuscle through an efferent arteriole.


True or false: GFR can be increased with atrial natriuretic peptide stimulation.


True or false: If systemic blood pressure is dangerously low, filtration and the elimination of wastes in urine ceases, resulting in the accumulation of toxic metabolic wastes in the blood.


True or false: The mucosa of the ureter is distensible (stretchy) and impermeable to the passage of urine.


True or false: The three layers of the smooth muscle of the urinary bladder have such complex orientations that it is difficult to discern individual layers under the microscope.


True or false: The tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism acts as a 'backup' mechanism to the myogenic mechanism in response to increased systemic blood pressure.


The proximal convoluted tubule attaches to the renal corpuscle at the ______ pole.


When substances in the filtrate move back into the blood it is called ______.

tubular reasborption

Some substances that were not initially filtered in the glomerulus, but must be eliminated from the blood, become a component of urine through ______________.

tubular secretion

______ is the active transport of solutes out of the blood into the tubular fluid.

tubular secretion

Urine flows from the renal papilla through the calyces into the renal pelvis and then directly into the ___________ .


"Loin-to-groin" pain typically means ______.

ureter and/or kidney discomfort

Ureters enter the posterolateral wall of the urinary bladder through the ____________openings


The urinary tract consists of _______________, urinary bladder, and urethra.


The tube that extends from the urinary bladder to the urethral opening is the ______.


The membranous urethra extends through the ______.

urogenital diaphragm

In females, the urinary bladder is anteroinferior to the________ and directly anterior to the vagina.


The ______ are associated with the nephron loop and primarily reside in the medulla of the kidney.

vasa recta

Water moves from the descending limb of the nephron loop into the _________________when it is reabsorbed.

vasa recta

The renal corpuscle has two poles. The afferent and efferent arterioles are found at the ______ pole.


The tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism will respond by increasing ______ even further If the myogenic mechanism is not sufficient to maintain normal glomerular blood pressure due to increased systemic BP.


Severe ______ of the afferent arteriole contributes to a(n) ______ in GFR and a decrease in urine production.

vasoconstriction; decrease

Sympathetic stimulation will result in ______ of the afferent arteriole which will greatly ______ glomerular blood pressure and GFR.

vasoconstriction; decreases

An increase in systemic BP will result in ______, which will result in the glomerular blood pressure ______.

vasoconstriction; remaining normal

A decrease in blood entering the afferent arteriole will result in ______.


The glomerular capsule has two layers. One layer, the ______ layer, lies directly over the glomerulus.


Specific gravity is the density of a substance compared to the density of ______.


During urine formation, which substances escape into the filtrate?

water glucose amino acids ions

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