Urinary System

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With tubular reabsorption- almost ____ of nutrients


Normal GFR = ______ml/min which is the equivalanet of filtering all ____ liters of plasma about __ times per day.


Approximately ___ liters of filtrate are made each day in the ___ _____.

180; renal corpuscle

Types of nephrons Cortical nephrons make up about ____ of nephrons in kidneys.


With urine concentration- normally ____ of water reabsorption is ________, leaving behind ___ of water that can be adjusted according to the body's ______.


____-% of filtrate volume is reabsorbed


Three classes of drugs have been developed that act on RAAS to reduce blood pressure

ACE INHIBITORS Angiotensin receptor blockers aldosterone antagonists

what surrounds glomerulus?

Glomerular (Bowman's) capsule.

Amount of filtrate formed by both kidneys in one minute.

Glomerular Filtration Rate

Net Filtration Rate is determined by what processes?

Glomerular Hydrostatic Pressure (GHP) Glomerular Colloid Osmotic Pressure (GCOP) Capsular Hydrostatic Pressure (CHP)

Groups of looping fenestrated capillaries that are extremely permeable but are regulated by podocytes


Glomerular filtration rate is driven by two processes. name them

Hydrostatic Pressure (blood pressure) and Colloid Osmotic Pressure

How does ACE inhibitor reduce blood pressure? inhibits conversion of angiotension i to ii

I ; II

This organ filter the blood.


What is the proper term for urination?


Determines the direction that water will flow?

Net Filtration Pressure

The renal tubules are composed of what?

Proximal Convulted Loop Nephron Loop (loop of henle) Distal Convuluted Loop Collecting Duct

Function of Kidney: Production of Urine ( ______ of Metabolic Waste)


What else filters the blood?

Renal Corpuscle

three hormones regulate urine production

Renin/Angiotension/Aldosterone System (RAAS) Antidiuretic Hormone Atrial Natrieuretic Hormone (made in heart)

Tubular ___-occurs alone the ____ tubule, but ____ substances are ____ from different _____.


Tubular ___ is a process where ____ are added to ___ from ___ ____ for excretion from the body.

Secretion;substances;filtrate;peritubular capillaries

Urine Movement - once urine leaves the kidneys- it is moved by ________ through the ____ to the _____ bladder


Tubular secretions is an ____ process and requires _____


With production of concentration urine- one mechanisms is where ______ hormone ____ secreted and water is ____ in the ___ tubular and_____ duct


juxtaglomerular apparatus is located at the transition point between the ___ limb of the ___ loop and the ___ tubule.


With blood supply to the kidneys; Arteries eventually ____ into _____ _______ that ____ a ball -shaped capillary bed called the _____

branch;afferent arterioles;feed;glomerulus

With regulation of urine production- autoregulation involves ____ in the degree of ___ of the ____ arterioles of the nephon (controlled by ___)


To diagnose nephrolithiasis- ____ ____ scanning (CT) or ____ ____ (IVP) to visualize ____.

computed tomography; intravenous;pyelogram;stones

With urine concentration- when very little fluid is consumed- elctrolytes are ____ in the kidney and fluid is ____ to produce _____ urine.


Nephrolithiaisis forms when ___ of ions, etc, are present in____ than normal amounts.


With production of concentrated urine- kidneys ___ water by producing ___ urine using two mechanisms _______ ____ and ____ _____ system

conserve;concentration; antidieuric hormone; contercurrent multiplier

Each kidney has an outer ___ and an inner ____ with ~____ million nephrons


Types of nephrons: Cortical nephrons are found in renal _____ with ____ nephron loops that barely enter the renal ______.


With production of concentrated urine- ______ ____ system in the ____ loops of the _____ ________ is activated

countercurrent multiplier;nephron;juxtamedullary nephrons

With these blood pressure reduce drugs- they may ____ GFR in patients with pre-existing renal disease so they must be _____


With urine movement- sympathetic stimulation- _______ the frequency of peristalsis.


With tubular reabsorption- substances ____ or are ____ transported back into circulation (by _____ ________)

diffuse;actively;peritubular capillaries

Net Filtration Pressure- determines the _____ that ___ will flow.


With urine concentration- when a large volume of fluid is consumed, excess is ____ without losing ____ amounts of _____ and _____ ____ is produced

eliminated;large;electrolytes;dilute urine

Glomerulus are a group of looping ______ that are extremely permeable but are regulated by ________.


Tubular Reabsorption- the process occurs as ___ flows through the ____.


Net Filtration Pressure favors ______ as GHP is ___ than the sum of forces that _____ filtration (GCOP+CHP)


Glomerular Filtration Rate- Describe Hydrostatic Pressure (blood pressure) - force of ___ on _____ walls that pushes water ___ of capillary ___ space.


Urine production involves these three processes, what are they?

glomerular filtration (reanal corpuscle) Tubular reabsorption (renal tubule) Tubular secretion (renal tubule)

With blood supply to kidneys; the ______ capillaries ______ into ____ _____ which _____ into _____ ____ that reabsorb _____ from "_______" or ______.

glomerular;drain;efferent arterioles;empty;peritubular capillaries; materials; preurine ; filtrate

Tubular secretion- helps maintain electrolye and acid-base _____ and ___ toxins from the blood that did not enter _____ fluid by filtration.


With urine movement - parasympathetic stimulation - _________ the frequency of peristalsis.


With regulation of urine production the hormone atrial natrieuretic hormone _____ sodium ____ and this other hormone (______) production, ____ sodium in blood and causes ____ of water

inhibits;reabsorption; ADH; reduces;excretion

Net Filtration Pressure (NFP) is determined by Glomerular Colloid Osmotic Pressure (GCOP) pulls water ____ glomerular capillaries.


With regulation of urine production ____ _____ reglates blood ___ and ____ filtration rate

juxtaglomerular apparatus;pressure;glomerular

Types of Nephrons: Juxtamedullary Nephrons much ______ common than ____ nephrons.


In the nephron ____ ___ ____ found mostly in the cortex with some tubules dipping into the ______.

long renal tubule;medulla

Types of Nephrons: Juxtamedullary nephrons have ___ nephron loops that travel _____ into renal ______.


With tubular reabsorption- in the nephron ____ and collecting ____- the ____ tubule and collecting ___ have ____ receptors that regulate water, ____ and acid-____ balance.


With tubular reabsorption- in the nephron ____ and collecting ____, remainder of reabsorbed __, ___, and ___ are reabsorped in the nephron _____.

loop;duct;water;na+, cl- loop.

juxtaglomerular apparatus is composed of a ____ ____ and modified smooth muscle cells called ______ cells

macula densa; juxtaglomerular cells

With production of conentrated urine- the countercurrent multiplier system occurs by exchanging ____ in ___ directions between ____ and interstital ___, an ______ gradients is created that pulls water ___ ___ the tubules.

materials;opposite;filtrate;fluid;osmtic back into

the functional unit of the kidney where urine is produced


With Regulation of Urine Production- Sympathetic Stimulation involves _____ causes constrction of small ___ of the kidney and ____ arterioles of the nephron (_______________ filtrate production)


With the blood supply, kidneys recieve about _____-____ of total cardiac output, or about _______ ml of blood per minute.

one-fourth; 1200

Regulation of Blood Components -Blood _____ -Concentration of Blood Solutes (Na+, Cl-, K+, Ca2+, HPO42-) Blood Cell Synthesis (___________) Involved in Synthesis of Vitamin D

pH, erythropoietin,

Glomerular Filtration Rate- Describe Colloid Osmotic Pressure- pressure created by ___ in ____ that pulls water ____ capillaries.


With tubular reabsorption- in the___ tubule large quantities of Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca2+, HPO42-, HCO3-


With tubular reabsorption- in the ____ tubule approximately ___ percent of filitered water


Net Filtration Pressure is determined by Capsular Hydrostatic Pressure (HP) - generated as the capsular space ____ fills with new ______. Favors _______ *main point of glomerular ___ _____)

rapidly ;filtrate

With regulation of urine production the hormone antidiuretic hormone causes tubules to ____ water


With regulation of urine production the hormone renin angiotensin/ aldosterone system- causes tubules to _____ sodium and therefore water. *less urine keep water in blood stream*


Tubular Reabsorption is _____ of substances that the body must _____ (_____, _____, etc)


The nephron includes globe shaped - _____ ______ in the cortex.

renal corpuscle

Nephrolithiasis is the formation of ____ calculi or kindey ____, which are ___ sturctures composed commonly of _____ _____ salts.


With glomerular filtration; glomerular capillary membrane filter blood selectively based on ___ so that ___ and ___ proteins are ______ filtered and remain in the circulating blood.


With glomerular filtration, _____ substances such as water, electrolytes, acid and bases and waste _____ the blood to _____ capsular space as filtrate.


With production of dilute urine- when ___ concentration of extracellular fluid is too ___ because it contains too much ____.


With Micturition- ____ receptors send a signal to the ___ region of the ____ cord and _____ fibers allows the _______ ____ ___ to relax. The external urethral sphincter is regulated by

stretch;sacral;spinal;parasympathetic internal urethral sphincter. cerebral cortex

Net Filtration Pressure (NPF) is determined by Glomerular Hydrostatic Pressure (GHP) - determined by ____ blood pressure which pushes ____ into capsular _____.


Urine is stored in ____ ____

urinary bladder

The ____ system is composed of pair of _____ and the ______ _______.

urinary; kidneys; urinary tract

Micturition or ______ or ____ of urine from the urinary bladder to ____ the body.


With the urinary tract, ____ exits kidney through ______. Each ureter empties into the _____ _______ where urine is stored. Urine exits from tCa2+he _____ _____ through _______ which allows urine to exit the body.

urine;ureters;urinary bladder; urinary bladder; urethra

How does Angiotensin- Receptor blockers reduce blood pressure? Prevents ______ and ______ of water and sodium


Types of Nephrons: Juxtamedullary Nephrons control _____ and _______ of urine.


With production of dilute urine - ___ reabsorption is turned off ( ____ _____ is not secreted) and the ___ tubuluar and ___ duct become ____ to water.

water;antidiuretic hormone;distal;collected;impermeable

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