U.S 1- Chapter 1 Sec. 1,2,4 Review

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What is the difference between a direct democracy and a republic?

*Direct democracy:8 every citizen votes on every issue and their ideas are debated at an assembly of all citizens. *Republic:* the citizens elect representatives to vote on issues and ideas are debated at an assembly of representatives.

What was the Ice Age?

-It was the Earth's climate becoming intensely cold. -large amounts of water began to freeze making glaciers -the ocean levels dropped more than 300ft

How did food sources for Native Americans of the North and Northwest differ from those of Native Americans living in the West and Southwest?

-North/Northwest: few plants grew because the ground is always frozen beneath the top layer of soil. The food source was scarce. Instead the people hunt animals -West/Southwest: the food source was plentiful so they farmed.

What different types of housing were built by the Anasazi?

-pithouses: dug into the ground -pueblos: aboveground houses made of clay called adobe

Which of the four civilizations discussed do you think was the most highly developed?

-the Incas because they started out as a small tribe and progressively expanded. -they had a strong central government with a king as their ruler, a capital city named Cuzco, an official language called Quechua, their own form of record system with knotted strings called quipu, massive buildings and forts made of stone, and an advanced system of paved highways throughout the entire empire.

What is the earliest known civilization in the Americas, and where was it located?

-the Olmec and was located in Mesoamerica. -it was developed around 1200 BC

How did the Aztec's build such a powerful, rich state?

-they were fierce warriors and had superior military abilities which was a major reason for their success. -when they migrated South to Central Mexico they conquered several towns that built their empire.

Which early Native American society built cliff dwellings, and which built mounds?

Anasazi built cliff dwellings and the Mississippian built mounds

He taught that people should live lives based on reason.


the disease spread across Europe, killing an estimated 25 million people

Black Death

What features did the early civilizations of Mesoamerica and South America have in common?

Both civilizations cultivated maize (corn) as the staple of their food economy. Both inherited a calender that was the product of the earlier Olmec civilization. Human sacrifice was also present in both.

Why do you think most Native Americans groups did not form large empires like the Aztec and the Inca did?

I think they did not form large empire because they treat everyone equally and forming a large empire could have changed that.

This confederation, or alliance, was established by the Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, and Seneca.

Iroquois League

How did the Crusades in Southwest Asia and the travels of Marco Polo in Asia contribute to the growth of trade in Europe?

It contributed to the growth of trade because the Europeans were introduced to new products including apricots, rice, and cotton cloth.

What does the term Renaissance mean?

It means "rebirth" and refers to the period that followed the Middle Ages in Europe.

Why was the formation of the *Iroquois League* considered to be a significant political development?

It was considered a significant political development because the league waged war against and made peace with the non-Iroquois people. The league made the Iroquois the most powerful Native American people in North America.

Who developed the Printing Press?

Johannes Gutenberg

Why do you think that some mounds were built in the shape of birds and snakes?

Mounds were shaped like birds and snakes because it was probably very common to see these specific animals

a philosopher and teacher, wrote a work called the *Republic*. It describes an ideal society based on justice and fairness for everyone.


It was an invention that would allow an entire page to be printed at once

Printing Press

clear and ordered thinking


What role did religion play in the lives of Native Americans?

Religion was an important role in their lives because their beliefs were linked to nature. They believed spiritual forces were everywhere.

a great teacher, wanted to make people think and question their own beliefs


Why did the Anasazi build *kivas?*

The Anasazi built them for religious ceremonies

How did the Crusades affect the feudal system?

The Crusades affected the feudal system financially because many knights were forced to sell their land so that they could afford to move their families away from the war.

Which period was the most important, and explain why?

The Renaissance because the European rulers began to increase their power over the nobles and fewer invasions from the outside helped form a period of order and stability in Europe.

What do you think was the greatest accomplishment of the Renaissance?

The art, the pictures painted during this time were realistic and still famous today including the Mona Lisa.

What is the importance of having a written law code?

The importance is being able to pass it down for generations.

What is the relationship between *knights* and nobles?

The nobles needed soldiers to defend their lands and gave knights land in exchange for their military service. The Noble who gave land to the knights would defend the land were called lords.

What is the relationship among trade, banking, and *joint-stock companies?

The relationship is as trade and commerce grew the need for banks arose. The bankers made money by charging interest in the loans and merchants began to create joint-stock companies, so the investors would share the companies profits and losses with fewer risks.

How did Native Americans view land ownership?

They believed in sharing the land itself with everyone in the village, but the person's right to use it was temporary. This excluded crops because the Natives believed in individual ownership for what they grew.

What role did Greek and Roman traditions play in the development of the United States?

They contributed to the development of the current U.S. government.

What are culture areas?

Used by researchers for the geographic locations that influenced societies. It is used to help describe Native American people.

What led to the development of different culture groups in the Americas?

Varied Environments

Which do you think contributed the most to the advances in learning that occurred during the Renaissance--- writing in the common language of a people or inventing the printing press?

Writing in the common language of the people so that they could understand and comprehend the writings.

a group's set of common values and traditions, including language, government, and family relationships.


a form of government in which people rule themselves


climates and landscapes that surround living things


people who hunted animals and gathered wild plants for food


businesses in which a group of people invest together

joint-stock companies

underground ceremonial chambers


warriors who fought on horseback


this means that people traced their ancestry through their mothers, not their fathers


a movement of people or animals from one region to another


aboveground houses made of a heavy clay called adobe


cone-shaped shelters


How did early peoples in the Americas get their food?

the early people were hunter-gatherers. They hunted animals and gathered wild plants for food

Why were early peoples able to use the *Bering Land Bridge?*

the sea level fell, exposing the land bridge between Northeastern Asia and present-day Alaska

How did Native Americans' religious beliefs affect their lives in North America?

they believed the spirits controlled every aspect of their beliefs which revolved around nature, they honored the spirits every day in many activities.

ancestor or animal spirits on tall, wooden poles


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