US Government and Politics Chapters 11-14

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Substantial advantages

Incumbents have ____ over their challengers

- have significant differences from precedents. - fall in between competing precedents.

Judges might not be able to use legal precedents if their cases

invalidate a law or action on Constitutional grounds.

Judicial review is a term that refers to the Supreme Court has to

Determine whether or not they stay in office

Members of congress are attentive to the concerns of the constituents because constituents

1. been white. 2. been male. 3. been protestant. 4. had prior government service.

Most U.S. presidents have

career politicians who want to stay in Congress and put themselves in position for reelection.

Most members of congress are


Most of the bills Congress passes are _____ in nature which means they provide benefits to a particular group of society while spreading the costs across the taxpaying public as a whole.

-direct the floor debate after the bill leaves the committee. -shape the bill's broad content.

On major bills, it is increasingly typical for the majority party's leaders to

Differences in House and Senate bills are reconciled in conference committee.

Once the House and Senate vote on their budget bills, what happens next?

jurisdiction over bills in their designated policy area.

One reason why standing committees are powerful is that they have by law

1. A member of the House of Representatives or the Senate formally propose the bill 2. Bill is submitted to a committee for consideration 3. A majority of members in the House and Senate approve the bill. 4. The president signs the bill.

Order of steps that a bill must pass through in order to become law.


Originalism theory in U.S. law is a popular philosophy among people who are politically

domestic policy

Partisan voting occurs more often when members are voting on ____ issues that involve intense partisan differences.

are not likely to be elected.

Third-party presidential candidates

more powerful than president Jimmy Carter.

President Ronald Reagan was viewed as

appeal to the American public for support.

Presidents use the mass media to

introducing the primary election system.

Progressives sought to give voters more power in choosing the president by

designed to address a specific issue or problem.

Select committees are


To end a filibuster, sixty senators must agree to invoke ____ and end the debate.

the public's belief that the president actually runs the entire government in the United States

To what does political scientist Hugh Hecio's term the illusion of presidential government refer?

an electoral majority of votes in the electoral college.

To win the presidency, presidential candidates now need

white men.

Top-paying bureaucratic jobs are most likely to be held by


U.S. bureaucrats administer ____ of programs.

previous judicial rulings.

Under the common law tradition, judges should base their decisions on

failing to perform his or her job properly.

Under the merit system, a civil servant can be fired for

- a precise division of labor within the bureaucracy - the explicit definition of duties for each person

What are characteristics of job specialization in a bureaucracy?

1. bureaucrats who wanted more power 2. the failures of state government bureaucracies 3. Increased demands on government

What are some of the reasons the federal bureaucracy has grown so rapidly since the United States was founded?

The justices assigned to write the opinion will continue to speak with other justices while preparing the opinion.

What happens during the writing a Supreme Court opinion?

Incumbents have a ready list of potential contributors from past campaigns

What is one reason why incumbents have a fundraising advantage over challengers?

bureaucrats develop annual budget requests for their agencies.

What is the earliest step of the resource allocation process?

- presidents get too much blame when things go poorly. - presidents get too much credit when things go right.

What is the irony of the presidency?

Congressional Budget Office

What is the legislative branch equivalent of the Office of Management and Budget in the executive branch?

It is an order from a higher court to submit a record of a case to the higher court.

What is the purpose of the writ of certiorari?

John Marshall's opinion in Marbury v. Madison.

What is the source of judicial review?

- the power to propose legislation to congress - the power of the veto

What legislative powers does the president possess?

The bill goes back to both chambers for a vote

What occurs after a conference committee reconciles differences in the House and Senate versions of a bill?

He chooses who writes the Court's opinion provided he is a member of the majority.

What unique and vital power does the Chief justice enjoy once the Supreme Court has reached a decision in a case?

the justices' political backgrounds

What usually is the best indicator of how individual Supreme Court justices vote on cases in which the court issues a divided decision?


When a committee or a subcommittee holds a _____, they are trying to gather information about a proposed bill.

bully pulpit.

When a president uses the presidential office as an opportunity to speak out on a matter of concern or to push for legislation, the president is using the office as a


When an incumbent personally helps constituents solve problems with the federal bureaucracy, it is known as

the service strategy.

When an incumbent personally helps constituents solve problems with the feral bureaucracy, is known as

at the beginning of their terms.

When are presidents' approval ratings usually the highest?

years in advance of election day

When do potential candidates often begin positioning themselves for presidential office?

-When Congress overrides a presidential veto -When the president signs it

When does a bill become a law?

early in a new president's administration.

When during a term of office should the president expect to experience the highest level of public approval?

-when members are intending to modify an agency program -when members are annoyed with an agency

When is congressional oversight exercised vigorously?


When members of the Senate wish to halt or delay the passage of a bill, a ____ may take place.

a hierarchical authority.

When people at different levels of an organization have authority over people in lower levels of the organization, it creates

harder for a president to pursue initiatives.

When public approval of a presidential administration is at low levels, it is usually


When there is no incumbent running in an election it is called an ____ election and usually sparks heavier spending by the two political parties.

- legislative branch - executive branch

Which branches of the U.S. government play a direct role in creating the annual federal budget?


Which chamber of Congress has the power to remove the president from office?


Which function describes the process by which the legislature checks on the executive branch to make sure it is carrying out the laws in the way Congress intended?


Which function is the main responsibility of Congress, which all other functions of Congress are related to?


Which institution has the most effect on presidential success?


Which institution has the power to formally declare war?

1. The president's party usually loses seats 2. Voter turnout is lower than for presidential elections 3. There is less media coverage of candidates and issues than in a presidential election

Which of the following about midterm elections are true?

- pick leaders for them - budget funds for them

Which of the following are actions the president can perform to hold bureaucratic agencies responsible for their actions?

-developing issues -adopting a single policy message

Which of the following are activities that typically take place in a party caucus?

1. personal misconduct 2. disruptive issues 3. strong challengers

Which of the following are common threats to incumbency?

1. whether the president is a strong leader unafraid to exercise power and to communicate a vision for the nation 2. whether the president prioritizes many of the same issues that concern much of the public 3. whether the president is generally respected around the world

Which of the following are considered criteria that the average American uses to evaluate presidential leadership?

-Recognizing members who will be allowed to speak on the floor -Scheduling legislature for floor consideration

Which of the following are duties of the Speaker of the House?

- Central Intelligence Agency - the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Which of the following are examples of independent agencies?

1. Representation 2. Lawmaking 3. Oversight

Which of the following are functions of Congress?

- one or more opinions - a decision

Which of the following are issued by the Supreme Court after hearing a case?

- the facts of the case - the law itself

Which of the following are limits on judicial power?

- if the U.S. government is a party in the case - if the legal issues it raises is being handled inconsistently by the lower courts

Which of the following are most likely to persuade the Supreme Court justices to review a case?

-They are composed of members of both houses -They perform advisory functions

Which of the following are true of joint committees?

directors of federal departments and agencies.

Which of these presidential appointees are the most difficult for the president to control?

the Supreme Court

Who or what serves as the last or highest source for legal disputes in the United States?

can be sued in court if a party does not feel that the agency carried out the law properly.

Since Congress authorizes bureaucratic agencies, the agencies

increased involvement of the presidency in a range of policy areas.

Since the 1790s, the power of the presidency has evolved owing to the

- issuing executive orders to require bureaucrats to do certain things. - appointing particular people to head agencies or departments.

Some ways the president exerts control over the bureaucracy include


Statutory laws are created by this branch of government.


Supreme Court chief justice John Marshall used the Court to strengthen the judiciary and made legal decisions not explicitly discussed by the Constitution. These actions demonstrated Marshall's use of judicial

compelling reasons.

Supreme Court justices often decide to take a case for what they call

political attitudes.

Supreme Court justices tend to vote according to their personal

original jurisdiction.

The authority to be the first court to hear a case is known as

House amendments must directly relate to a bill's contents.

The difference between amendments that can be offered in the Senate to a bill under consideration is that in the

super PACs

The emergence of _____, groups that can pour money into a political campaign with few limits, has given challengers a better opportunity to unseat congressional incumbents.


The leaders of the top executive departments are collectively known as the president's


The living Constitution theory is a philosophy popular among people who are politcally

- skilled workforce. - workforce that could serve everyone, not just a particular political party.

The merit system of hiring civil servants was instituted because of the need for a

Speaker of the House

The most powerful leader in the House of Representatives is the

a district court.

The only type of federal court that features two sides presenting a case to a jury for verdict is


The organization of a bureaucracy is structured to achieve maximum


The party that controls the rules and has the most powerful leadership position in the House is the ___ party.


The power to formally accuse and place on trial the president as well as other high-ranking figures in the federal government for alleged crimes of treason, bribery, or high crimes and misdemeanors is known as


The practice in which members of Congress agree to vote for a bill in exchange for their colleague's vote on another bill is called ______

having the final say in interpreting the U.S. constitution.

The president performs all of the following except

chief diplomat.

The president shapes an administers the nation's foreign policy while acting in the role of

National Security Council.

The president's top advisers on matters related to foreign policy make up part of the


The privilege of incumbents to send mail to their constituencies at the government's expense is known as the ___ privilege.


The process of determining how many House seats each state is allowed as a result of population change since the last census is known as

gives predictability to the law so people know what is legal.

The reason that precedent is important for judges is that it


The redrawing of congressional boundaries to benefit a political issue is called

divided government.

The scenario in which the president belongs to one political party while the opposition party has majority control of at least one chamber of Congress is known as


The trend toward party unity in Congress can clearly be seen in voting records of members Congress when their votes are officially recorded during a _____ vote.


The type of state law that involves issues such as shoplifting, murder, and rape is known as ____ law.

is an argument by a party to the case as to why its position should be upheld by the court.

The written brief in a court case


A permanent committee in the Congress is known as a ___ committee.


A strong showing in early presidential election caucuses and primaries is known as

consolidating all of the intelligence services under a single director

After 9/11 President Bush sought to streamline the intelligence bureaucracy and thus make it more efficient by

War Powers Act.

After Vietnam, Congress sought to limit the ability of presidents to commit the United States to war by passing the

majority opinion.

An opinion in a case that is agreed upon by at least five of the nine members of the Supreme Court who participated in the decision is called the

a bureaucracy.

An organization with specialization of job tasks, vertical chin of command, and standard operating procedure is called

review whether a lower court correctly applied and interpreted applicable law.

Appellate courts


Article I of the Constitution lists the powers of Congress and Article II lists the powers of the presidency. Compared the article I, the wording of Article II is more

raise a lot of campaign money.

Before any caucuses or primaries even occur, it is crucial for potential presidential candidates to


Both political parties in the House have a _____, who acts as a go-between with the leadership and the party members in the House.

senatorial courtesy.

By tradition, if the president fails to consult with the senator from the state where a judicial appointment is made, the senator can request that confirmation be denied. This request is referred to as

seniority system

Choosing chairs based on which member has the longest continuous tenure on a standing committee is an example of the _______.

- striking to get what they want - negotiating salaries

Civil servants are prohibited from doing which of the following?

- more minorities - more women

Compared with Republican presidents, Democratic presidents have appointed ___ to the federal bench.


Donors are more willing to make campaign contributions to


Except for the Department of Justice, which is headed by the attorney general, each federal agency has a leader known as

- administrative laws - federal statutory law

Federal courts address which type of laws?


Federal courts usually do not intervene into state court matters unless a ____ issue or law is involved.

broad policy area.

Federal departments are each responsible for one

the Constitution can be interpreted in a number of ways.

Federal judges play a role in the creation of law and public policy because

- They charge for their services. - They are governed by boards of directors.

How are government corporations similar to private corporations?

- cut its budget - modify its authority

If Congress is displeased with a bureaucracy's performance or behavior, what are some actions it can take?

has benefits that outweigh the costs.

In financial terms, a federal agency must prove that its proposed regulation


A clause in legislation that sets an expiration date for the authorized program unless Congress reauthorizes it is known as a ______ clause.


A committee that is composed of members of both chambers of Congress is known as a _____ committee.

citizens from the incumbent's state or district.

A constituency is comprised of


A vote where most members of one political party vote one way while most members of the other party vote the other way is categorized as a ______vote.

use the law in ways that expand the protection of basic rights, such as liberty and equality.

According to the doctrine of judicial activism, judges should

presidents are free to take any action they wish as long as it is not against the law.

According to the stewardship of the U.S. presidency,

generally defer to the policy decisions made by elected officials.

Accoriding to the doctrine of judicial restraint, judges should

is set by government agencies.

Administrative law is a type of law that

judgement-the reasonableness and the fairness of its actions.

Alexander Hamilton said that the power of the Supreme Court rested on the power of

unit rule

All but two states use the ____ in assigning their electoral college votes. In this rule, the candidate who wins the popular vote in that state receives all of the states' electoral college votes.

They help the court to understand how interested parties feel about the case in question.

Amicus curiae briefs have what impact on the American legal system?

-members of Congress come from different districts and often have conflicting views on national policy -Congress has two chambers, and they are not always in agreement on policy issues

Among reasons why Congress has difficulty taking the lead on broad issues are the facts that

- ultimately derive their power from the American public itself. - face uncontrollable circumstances that can hurt their ability to lead.

Among the reasons that presidents are less powerful than many Americans assume is that they

lawmaking function

An example of Congress's ______ is when Congress passes legislature that creates incentives for the development of alternative energy sources.

rallying around the flag.

An increase in a president's approval rating often occurs when there is a foreign crisis, an effect called

an open meeting that allows voters to express their preference for the political party's presidential nominee.

An open party caucus is

how a lower court applied the law

Appellate courts review which aspect of lower court decisions?

commander in chief

As ____, the president is the supreme military commander of the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard.

incumbent moderates

As a result of the increased level of party polarization in the United States, which candidates face greater risk of losing the primary election?

- focusing on policies a president wants to address. - addressing the concerns of voters important to members of Congress.

Bureaucratic agencies can benefit from


Bureaucrats make policy as they fill in the details necessary to implement legislation through the process of

bureaucrats have trained and worked in specialized areas.

Bureaucrats often have expertise over other government workers becasue

Seniority system

Choosing committee chairs based on which member has the longest continuous tenure on a standing committee is an example of the


Congress and the president decide how much money each bureaucratic agency will be authorized to spend in the _____ process.

- to provide whistleblowers with financial reward for reporting misdeeds - to protect employees from retaliation if they report their supervisor's misdeeds

Congress passed the Whistleblower Protection Act for which of the following reasons?

Andrew Johnson

Disagreement with Congress on Reconstruction policies led to the impeachment of _____ and almost led to his removal from office.

the attorneys for each sides

During a Supreme Court hearing, who presents oral arguments?

include limits on the amount of money they can request.

During the budgetary process, federal agencies follow guidelines that

carry out the decisions made by Congress.

During the policy implementation stage, bureaucrats must

the Great Depression

During which of these major events was there an enormous expansion of presidential authority?

maintains its own court system.

Each of the 50 states


Elections held in the years between presidential elections are called ____ elections

invisible primary.

Events leading up to the Iowa caucus creates a very important time for potential presidential candidates. This period of time is known as the


Every bill must be approved by both the House and the Senate in ___ form before it can be sent to the president.

a judicial conference.

Following oral argument, the Supreme Court justices meet in complete privacy and secrecy to discuss and vote on the case. This meeting of the justices is called

Congressional Budget Office

For its estimates on government spending and revenues, Congress relies mainly on what organization?


For which type of spending do Congress and the president deliberate over how much money to allocate?


Groups in society that benefit directly from a bureaucratic agency's programs and thus usually lobby Congress and the president on behalf of the agency are know as a _____ group.

president pro tempore

Historically, which senate position has been honorary in nature?

They allow more members to hold leadership positions.

How do committees and subcommittees serve to decentralize power in Congress?

It reviews the actions of the executive and legislative branches to ensure that they are following the Constitution and the law.

How does the court system hold federal bureaucratic agencies accountable?

- The Court is aware of public opinion so as not to create outright defiance of its decisions. - The Supreme Court is less responsive to public opinion than elected government officials are.

How does the public affect Supreme Court decisions?


How does the public generally feel about Congress?

every state

How many states have at least one district court?

The president has limited control over the national economy but can set some economic priorities.

How much control does the president actually have in managing the national economy?

- exercising the authority to confirm Supreme Court justices - rewriting legislation it has felt the judiciary has misinterpreted

Identify the checks on judicial power enjoyed by Congress.

have a majority of Republican members.

If the majority of the members of the House of Representatives are Republican, then every committee and subcommittee in the House will

Congress can override the veto by a two-thirds vote in each chamber.

If the president chooses to veto a bill,

The president's power would grow.

Imagine that major event such as the September 11, 2001, attacks again took place on American Soil. What would likely happen to the power of the president?

along partisan divisions.

In Congress, disagreement over national policy usually occurs

make laws and policies.

In a 1998 case, the Supreme Court added sexual harassment to the antidiscrimination provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This decision demonstrates the Court's ability to


In a Supreme Court ruling, an _____ provides and explains the justices' legal basis for their decision.

foreign policy

In general, presidents have more power to act on their own in which policy area?

- appoints ambassadors - negotiates treaties with other nations

In his role as chief diplomat, the president

1. U.S. statutory law 2. the Constitution 3. legal precedent

In making their decisions, what are the three main sources of law that judges consider in the United States?

presidential nominee.

In recent elections, the choice of the vice presidential candidate has mostly been made by the

raise money for their campaigns.

In recent elections, the internet has greatly increased the ability of presidential candidates to

receive good fringe benefits such as full health insurance.

In regards pay and benefits, federal employees

- is limited by the willingness of Congress to act on the president's agenda. - is more effective in setting the national agenda.

In relation to Congress, the president's power

the Rules Committees.

In the House of Representatives, debate is limited on the congressional floor by

mark up

In the House, both the full committee and a subcommittee may ______ , or propose changes to, a bill.

public campaign financing.

In the U.S. presidential campaign of 2012, neither major party nominee chose to use

an administer of the will of Congress.

In the Whig theory of leadership, the president serves mainly as

- are elected from different areas and not nationally. - share powers with other members of Congress.

Members of Congress cannot claim to be a leader of the United States because they


Members of Congress give various interests a voice in the legislative process as a part of Congress's ____ function.


Members of Congress usually serve on congressional committees that concentrate on policy areas that affect the members'

a majority of

Merit-based positions constitute _____ the jobs in the national bureaucracy.

- It has increased the power of the federal government. - It has increased the power of the courts by creating new powers.

Overall, what effect has the exercise of judicial review had on the balance of power between levels of government and the branches of government in the United States?

"the power to persuade."

Political scientist Richard Neustadt contended that an effective president is successful in using

- have a clear plan to achieve their goals - have a clear vision of where they want to lead the nation

Political scientist Stephen Skowronek believes strong presidents

is actively working for them in Congress.

Pork barrel projects show constituents that their representative

- influencing the cases that come before courts. - choosing to enforce court decisions.

Presidents can influence the courts by

they have close relationships with the intelligence, diplomatic, and military agencies,

Presidents have more power in foreign policy making in part because

separation of powers

Presidents might not succeed in achieving certain goals if Congress does not provide the necessary funding them. This illustrates the government's

the mass media

Presidents since the mid-twentieth century have relied heavily on this to convey their images and messages.

who share the same political party as they do.

Presidents typically nominate people to lower-court judgeships

was intended as a flexible document that should be adapted to changing needs.

Proponents of the living Constitution theory believes that the Constitution


Redistricting can diminish the advantages of being an ____ because the candidate will have a lower name recognition among the district's voters than before the restricting.

the national party conventions.

Studies have shown that many voters decide to vote for a particular presidential candidate during


The Constitution establishes the Supreme Court. Which entity is empowered by the Constitution to establish the lower federal courts?

1. National Security Council 2. Council of Economic Advisers 3. White House Office 4. Office of Management and Budget

The Executive Office of the President includes which of the following components?

- appellate jurisdiction. -original jurisdiction.

The Supreme Court has

almost complete control in deciding the cases it will hear.

The Supreme Court has

of substantial legal significance.

The Supreme Court tends to hear cases

- cross state or national boundaries. - relate to treaties.

The U.S. Supreme Court hears cases that

are the lowest federal courts.

The U.S. district courts


The US Congress is a ____ legislature with two chambers, the house, and the senate.

Original Jurisdiction.

The authority to be the first court to hear a case is known as

honeymoon period.

The beginning of a new presidential administration, which is often characterized by higher levels of public approval, is known as

determined by the particular president with whom he or she serves.

The duties of each vice president are

formalized rules.

The established procedures and regulations by which a bureaucracy conducts its operations are known as

1930s under president Franklin Roosevelt.

The federal bureaucracy experienced its greatest expansion during the

make laws

The framers of the Constitution granted Congress the power to _____, the greatest of all powers of government.

act in the spirit of compromise

The framers of the Constitution intended that lawmakers ______, something which has become increasingly difficult in today's partisan Congress.

legislative gridlock.

The increase in party polarization in Congress has led to increased

can provide the most electoral votes.

The key to winning modern presidential elections is winning in the states that

- political philosophy - legal credentials

The nominating process for the supreme court places high importance on which of the following aspects of a potential Supreme Court nominee?

day-to-day oversight of the bureaucracy.

The role of the presidential appointees to a federal bureaucracy is to provide

- given voters a larger voice in the selection of the president. - reduced the power of party elites in selecting candidates.

The shift from a presidential nominating process dominated by party organizations to one based on state primaries and caucuses has

reconcile differences in the House and the Senate versions of a bill.

The sole purpose of a conference committee is to

1. Choose who may speak on the floor 2. Speak first during House debate on legislation 3. select the chairperson of the House Rules Committee

The speaker of the House has the right to

1. holds an elective office separate from that of the president. 2. is assigned different roles by the president. 3. typically forms part of the presidential team.

The vice president of the United States

decide how laws will be implemented.

Through the use of administrative powers, the president can


True or False: Full-time employees working in the U.S. federal bureaucracy number in the millions.


True or false: Most congressional bills survive committee scrutiny and are voted upon by the House and Senate.

agency point of view

What policy perspective tends to dominate over time among most high-ranking bureaucrats who have spent years working in the same agency?

an administrative law judge.

When citizens believe that they have been harmed by a bureaucratic decision, they can conduct the ruling front of

- the Security and Exchange Commission - the Environment Protection Agency

Which of the following are examples of regulatory agencies?

- Today, candidates and running mates are likely to have been chosen before the convention. - In the past, party conventions were places that had dramatic battles to nominate candidates and determine party platforms.

Which of the following are true statements about party conventions?

1. Senior Executive Service 2. Whistleblower protections 3. Administrated law judges

Which of the following are ways in which accountability is encouraged within bureaucracies?

1. demonstrating leadership ability 2. ability to successfully promote the party's goals within congress 3. ability to work with the other party

Which of the following best explain why a member of Congress is chosen to a party leadership position?

- a decisive election victory - a major national problem

Which of the following circumstances help to create a powerful president?

-Being involved in a sex scandal -Engaging in bribery

Which of the following could be considered personal misconduct that might lead to a congressional incumbent losing a bid for reelection?

No executive agency or lower court can exist without congressional authorization

Which of the following describes the power of Congress relative to the other branches of government?

1. it operates in a system of divided powers. 2. the degree of leadership the president can exert largely depends on circumstances. 3. the formal powers of the presidency are modest.

Which of the following descriptions of the U.S. presidency are true?

the Pentagon Papers

Which of the following documents revealed that President Lyndon Johnson had presented a falsely optimistic picture of the Vietnam War?

an executive agreement

Which of the following is an international agreement between the United States and other nations that is not subject to Senate approval and is not binding on future presidents?

the support of the general public for the bureacracy

Which of the following is not a source of bureaucratic power in promoting an agency's interests?

Thee political parties nominate judicial candidates to run for office.

Which of the following is not part of the Missouri Plan in selecting state-level judges?/

majority leader

Which of the following is the most powerful leadership position in the Senate?

They are typically passed by an overwhelming majority.

Which of the following is true of bills that emerge from committee with the full support of the committee members?

1. having access to large sums of money to fund the campaign. 2. having existing campaign organization. 3. having strong public recognition.

Which of the following makes a Senate challenger more likely to be successful?

1. the president 2. the court system 3. Congress

Which of the following monitor the federal bureaucracy's actions?

Office of Management and Budget

Which of the following organizations provides oversight through review of all agency regulations and policy proposals to verify the benefits outweigh the costs?

-Congressional hearings -Budgetary appropriations

Which of the following oversight tools help Congress ensure that the executive branch is administering laws properly?

- spoils - patronage

Which of the following refer to the system prior to the 1880s by which bureaucrats were hired?

They are mainly hired through the merit system.

Which of the following statements about Federal employees are true?

Bureaucrats can only spend money appropriated by Congress.

Which of the following statements about an administrative agency's implementation of policy is correct?

-They make it possible for Congress to consider a high volume of bills -They each specialize in a certain area of legislature

Which of the following statements about congressional committees are true?

They provide advice to the president on specific issues.

Which of the following statements about presidential commissions is true?

- minor party candidates can qualify if they receive 5% of the vote. - to qualify, a candidate has to follow certain rules and spending limits.

Which of the following statements about public financing of the U.S. presidential elections are correct?

The president has the greatest claim of any U.S. official to national leadership by virtue of reaching office though a national election.

Which of the following statements about the presidential election process are true?

1. Most are poorly conceived or of little interest to anyone 2. They can be bought back to life by a vote of the full House or Senate

Which of the following statements are true of bills that are killed in committee

The Constitution is silent concerning the approach that judges should take in deciding cases where the law is not competently clear.

Which of the following statements concerning the Constitution and the judiciary is true?

- They are the chief trial courts of the federal court system - They are the only federal courts where cases are decided by a jury.

Which of the following statements correctly describe U.S. district courts?

Most of the top management jobs in the bureaucracy are held by SES employees.

Which of the following statements does not apply to Senior Executive Service (SES) bureaucrats?

Workers at one agency hold that the needs of their agency come before the needs of other agencies.

Which of the following statements reflects the agency point of view in federal bureaucracies?

being an incumbent

Which of the following strongly and positively affects a congressional candidate's ability to raise money and win an election?

The vast majority of their decisions are final in that the Supreme Court accepts only a small fraction of appeals.

Which statement is true regarding decisions made by the U.S. Court of Appeals?

the vice president of the United States

Who has the power to preside over the Senate and vote in case of a tie but otherwise has little real authority in the Senate?

the president

Who is constitutionally required to see that laws passed by Congress are faithfully executed?

- They are often consulted because of their expertise in dealing with societal problems. - They will have to decide how to fill in the program details that contains vague or ambiguous language.

Why are bureaucrats brought into the ploicy formulation process?

Voters are more likely to believe those in power should be removed from office.

Why are incumbents at risk when elections are being waged in the context of disruptive issues?

to convey their message to the public in a favorable manner

Why have modern presidents increasingly relied on the mass media?

because it decides the length of debate that will occur on a bill and whether amendments ill be allowed

Why is the Rules Committee considered one of the most important committees in the House?


Each federal judge is nominated by the president and is confirmed by the

vice president

If a vote in the Senate is tied, the _____ breaks the tie.


Members of the Supreme Court are called

redrawing congressional district boundaries within a state.

Redistricting consists of

the number of members it has in the House and the Senate.

The number of electoral voters a state has in the Electoral College is determined by what factor?

White House Office.

The office within the Executive Office of the President that works most closely with the president in developing policy and communicating the president's agenda is known as

state law.

The structure of the state court system is defined by

courts of appeals

Which of the following federal court levels does not have original jurisdiction?

make decisions in line with their views when they were nominated to the Court.

While serving on the Court, Supreme Court justices tend to

Richard Nixon

Who was the only U.S. president to resign from office?

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