US Government Review

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Constitutional Democracy

A government in which the structure is set in a written document


A group of advisors to the president

small claims court

A landlord who sues a tenant for unpaid rent would most likely take the case to

can take the case to a higher court.

A person who is not satisfied with an appellate court's decision


A plan of action taken by a government to achieve a goal


A power held by both the federal government and states is a ______ power


A power that is specifically granted in the Constitution is an ______ power

assumed to be a fundamental right.

A right is unenumerated if it is

overcoming difficult barriers

A similarity between the ratification process in Article VII and the amendment process in Article V is that both involve

-Electing officials -Serving on a jury -Contacting representatives

According to Jefferson, which actions are a part of a citizen's responsibility to participate in government? Check all that apply.

left-wing voters.

According to most polls, nonreligious people are more likely to be


According to the English Bill of Rights, who makes laws regarding taxation?

hold a national convention

According to the Federal Election Commission, what is one action that a national party committee must perform?

The posting would not be in violation of the clause because there is a learning purpose to the items.

According to the establishment clause, how would a historical society's posting of the Ten Commandments along with the history of religion and its beliefs and practices be viewed?

to prevent the government from abusing people's rights

According to the preamble to the Bill of Rights, what is the purpose of the Bill of Rights?

unconstitutional, because the game is affiliated with the school.

According to the precedent, Santa Fe School District v. Doe, a teacher who allows a student to lead a prayer at a high school baseball game would most likely be ruled

Twenty-sixth Amendment

African-American participation in Congress increased most dramatically after passage of which legislation?

It is reviewed in committee.

After a bill has been introduced, what happens next?

congressional committees

After the president submits the federal budget to the House and Senate, ______ revise the draft.

General assembly

All Athenian citizens participated in government by voting in the

A government ruled by a small, elite group

An oligarchy is best defined as


Article III also gives ______ the power to create "inferior," or lower courts.

Supreme court

Article III of the Constitution establishes a single

the constitution

Based on the Supremacy Clause, which must US judges support?


Because of the enslaved persons clause, escaped enslaved persons from one state cannot be ______ by other states.

must follow

Because of the supremacy clause, states ______ federal law

go through a selection process.

Before a case can be heard in a state high court, it must

develop independent energy sources.

Both the Democratic and Republican Parties would support the idea that the United States should

Public Works

Building roads and power systems are ways the government provides

Federal system.

Central and state governments influence each other in a


Charging an official with a crime

By its very definition, it cannot be equal.

Chief Justice Earl Warren stated, "Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." What did the use of "inherently" imply about segregation?


Common law follows the past rulings of


Common law refers to laws determined through


County and ______ governments are the two smallest forms of government in the United States.

a judge and jury.

Courts of general jurisdiction typically have

focus on specific issues.

Debates are an important part of the election process, because they

Will of the people

Democracy is defined by the fact that government gets its power from the

No, news entities offer opinions, debate, and interpretations of events.

Do news entities provide only the facts? Why or why not?

volunteer for the Peace Corps.

Even though it is not a requirement, many American men

-Creating a court system -Collecting taxes -Spending and borrowing money

Examples of concurrent powers

-Raising taxes -Regulating trade -Coining money -Declaring war

Examples of expressed powers

-Creating a national bank -Drafting soldiers

Examples of implied powers

-Setting up local governments -Setting up school systems -Writing a state constitution

Examples of reserved powers

council-executive system

Executive and legislative power are divided between different offices in the

supervisor system

Executive and legislative power are shared by one board in the

Public Safety

Fighting fires is one way in which the government ensures


Fiscal policy is the series of decisions a government makes about taxation and

-to generate donations -to organize supporters -to solicit support

For what purposes do politicians generally use the Internet? Select all that apply.

department of defense

Gathering army and reserve forces to defend a new government in Iraq

the commerce clause

Gibbons v. Ogden addressed Congress's power to control interstate trade under

Constitutional Democracy

Government power is limited and based on popular vote

social, economic, and foreign

Governments create public policy to address issues in what three main areas?

the right to indictment before trial for a capital crime

Grand-jurry rights


Guaranteed as a legal right

Both hear cases from lower courts.

How are state and federal appellate courts similar?

He used his influence as chief legislator to persuade Congress to pass the act

How did Franklin D. Roosevelt use his presidential power to institute the Reorganization Act of 1939?

It set a new legal precedent on the issue of segregation.

How did the verdict in Brown v. Board of Education relate to the verdict in Plessy v. Ferguson?

-Bill is introduced to congress -Bill passes in both houses -Bill is sent to the president -President signs or vetoes the bill

How does a Bill become a law?

It grants power to declare war to Congress

How does the Constitution limit the power of the president as commander in chief?

-The EOP employs staff members who act as advisers and aides to the president. -The EOP combines different federal agencies under the supervision of a chief of staff.

How does the Executive Office of the President (EOP) help the nation's chief executive to perform his or her duties? Check all that apply.

-Officers must communicate a person's rights to before questioning the person in custody. -Officers can question someone immediately if public safety is at risk. -Officers can communicate a person's rights in their own words if they communicate the same meaning.

How has Supreme Court precedent changed your Fifth Amendment rights over time? Check all that apply.

Both supported a strong central government.

How is the Democratic Party similar in beliefs to the Federalists?

From the time of taking the throne to their death

How long is an individual monarch's term of rule?

nine of thirteen

How many states had to vote for the Constitution to approve it?

three fourths

How many states must approve an amendment before it can be added to the Constitution?

They can motivate people to not vote.

How might opinion polls negatively affect voter behaviors?

It determined how states would be represented in Congress

How was the Three-Fifths Compromise like the Great Compromise?

-Bringing charges against officials to remove them from office -Choosing a president if the Electoral College results in a tie -Creating bills that raise funds for government services

Identify the exclusive powers given to the House of Representatives. Check all that apply

the Fifth Amendment

If Chris is on trial and does not want to testify in court, which amendment protects her from testifying?

fourth amendment

If the police arrive at Larry's office without probable cause or a warrant and demand to search the premises, which amendment protects him from this type of search?


If you are a US citizen, you are able to vote in a presidential election starting at the age of

a bill of attainder.

If you are declared guilty of a crime without being given a trial, you can state Congress has given you


In a ______ democracy, all citizens take part in government policy by voting on issues.


In a ______ democracy, citizens choose people to act on their behalf in government.

All Citizens

In a direct democracy, who votes on government policy?

voting for a nominee themselves, not through a delegate.

In a direct primary, voters are

He holds all the power

In an autocracy, what kind of power does the leader hold?


In covering policy and the lawmaking process, what do the media help provide to the public?

a higher court agrees to hear it.

In state court, a losing party can appeal a case if

The Virginia Declaration of Rights

In the American colonies, which document called for religious freedom?

a summons.

In the United States, potential jury members are notified of their duty by


In the United States, the draft would most likely be implemented during a

registering at or after the age of eighteen

In the United States, the responsibility of voting includes

violated Constitutional rights.

In the case Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruled that state laws


In which system of government would states function independently of each other?

People are naturally reasonable and have natural rights

John Lock believed that

a lower court made an error in a case

Judges in federal appellate courts determine whether

to hear certain kinds of cases.

Jurisdiction gives federal courts the authority

values individual freedom over government involvement.

Libertarianism could best be described as a political ideology that


Local organizations are organized by precincts, counties, and

Common Law

Look at the diagram below. Limited Government - Rights for citizens - ______ Which of these best completes the empty box to the right?


Members of the Council of 500 were chosen

Horton v. California

Officers can gather evidence that is in plain view

favors a conservative ideology.

Older men strongly influenced by tradition and religious values are more likely to vote for a candidate who


On the local level, political organizations can be organized by county, ______ , or ward.

-political action committees (PACs) -businesses -interest groups -unions

On whose behalf do most lobbyists work? Select all that apply.

government agencies and police forces

Once a policy is developed to address an issue, who implements and enforces it?

creating public policy.

One way government solves problems is by

two years.

One-third of the Senate is elected every

department of justice

Overseeing criminal investigation agencies such as the FBI

shapes the debate and controls legislative agenda

Political parties are important in the US Congress, because party affiliation

shapes the debate and controls legislative agenda.

Political parties are important in the US Congress, because party affiliation

Branches of government

Power is divided between legislative, executive and judicial branches

Federal System

Power is divided between state, local, and federal governments

the justice system

Procedural rights protect people from abuses by which part of the government?

Public Welfare

Providing a free public education for all children is an example of supporting

-Must be a citizen for 9 years -Must be at least 30 years old -All states get 2 senators

Qualifications for senators

-Must be a US citizen for 7 years -Must be at least 25 years old -Number of reps is based on population

Qualifications to be in the house of Representatives

an immigrant who wants to become a US citizen

Read the Oath of Allegiance of the United States. I hereby declare, on oath . . . that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms [weapons] on behalf of the United States when required by the law . . . so help me God. This oath is recited by


Read the following amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Which amendment is this

Due Process

Read the quote from England's Magna Carta. No freeman is to be taken or imprisoned or disseised of his free tenement or of his liberties or free customs. . . . To no-one will we sell or deny of delay right or justice. This part of the document granted people the right to

refutes the doctrine of "separate but equal."

Read the quote from the Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education. We conclude that, in the field of public education, the doctrine of "separate but equal" has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. Compared with the decision in Plessy v. Ferguson, this opinion

formal and direct.

Read this excerpt from an argumentative essay. Jefferson makes a valid point when he argues for a limited government. Lincoln, on the other hand, does not recognize these limitations. The excerpt has an effective style and tone because it is

responsibility that all adult citizens share

Read this quotation from President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Every man and every woman in this Nation-—regardless of party—who have the right to register and to vote, and the opportunity to register and to vote, have also the sacred obligation to register and to vote. For the free and secret ballot is the real keystone of our American Constitutional system. -President Franklin D. Roosevelt 1944 This quotation addresses

department of state

Receiving a group of diplomatic ambassadors who are arriving from European countries

-Restricted speech that caused harm -placed limits to protect human safety. -was a protest of WWI

Schenck v. United States

Senator Kleinman is in violation because she took the money from a federally funded account.

Senator Quintero donates money to his local church from his personal checking account. Senator Kleinman donates money from a federally funded account to her church. Based on this scenario, which senator is in violation of the establishment clause?


State responsibilities include education and

-Citizens vote -Electors are chosen -Electors vote -Electors choose the president

Steps of a presidential ellection


The "necessary and proper" clause is the basis for the ______ power

the federal government's power.

The Civil Rights Act expanded


The Democratic-Republican Party was based on the idea that the central government of a country should be

Only African-American males

The Fifteenth Amendment applied to which of the following groups?

free speech

The First Amendment protects the right to

-Searches and seizures -Probable cause

The Fourth Amendment states that "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable ______, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon ______."

Power over the English monarchy

The Glorious Revolution of 1688 demonstrated that Parliament had


The Magna Carta placed clear limits on the power of the

Were tired of his tyrannical rule

The Magna Carta was presented to King John in 1215 because people


The Necessary and Proper Clause in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution gives Congress ______ powers

The New York times

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of

federal supremacy

The Supreme Court's decision reinforced the idea of

moderate, progressive, or liberal.

The US Democratic Party mostly includes members who are

-The amendment is proposed -two thirds of congress must approve -three quarters of the states must approve -the proposed amendment becomes law

The amendment process

Large groups of voters would be difficult to manage

The best reason why direct democracy would not work well in the United States is that


The courts authority to hear a case is its

the mayor's office from displaying a cross

The establishment clause would prevent


The federal budget lists the nation's expenditures and ______ sources.


The full faith and credit clause says that each state must ______ the judicial proceedings of the other states.

as not in violation of the clause because they gave out money due to guidelines that gave all schools an equal chance to receive the funding

The government gives public funds to low performing schools for new computers. They decide to give more money to the lowest performers which are religious schools. According to the establishment clause, how would a court rule on this case?

prior restraint

The government used ______ by preventing The New York Times from printing the documents


The governments of Rome and the United States both have a ______ legislature in which power is balanced between two houses.

seek compromises.

The key to developing public policy is to

control the strategy of the party.

The leader of a political party in the legislative branch has the power to

win elections

The main purpose of a political party is to help members

aware of the issues.

The media aim to make the public

providing information about a policy.

The media primarily influences the making of public policy by

inside the national party.

The most influential and powerful members of a political party are most likely found

the majority party leader.

The most powerful member of the Senate is

taking and passing a two-part test.

The naturalization process involves several steps including

Civil Rights

The personal rights of a citizen to be treated fairly under the law

City state

The polis, which was the Greek word for a

leading the armed forces, deploys troops, and appoints generals

The presidents military powers

pass laws

The primary role of the legislature in the public policy process is to

listening to public interest groups

The primary way officials identify problems that public policy can address is by

Discriminate against

The privileges and immunities clause says that individual states cannot ______ citizens of other states.


The process of approving the Constitution is best described as

to act as a ceremonial role within the Senate.

The role of the president pro tempore of the Senate is


The roman ______ was a form of government in which power was held by elected officials on behalf of the people.

state constitutions

The structure of state governments are determined by

Federal law

The supremacy clause gives the greatest amount of power to

appellate jurisdiction

The supreme court may have a case first heard in a lower court under its

council-executive system

The system that most resembles the structure of the federal government is the


Third parties play a significant role in the election process because they advocate

Necessary and proper clause

This allows Congress to exercise powers that are not listed in the Constitution.


This funding can be raised through the approval of the state's legislature or

People are naturally selfish

Thomas Hobbes believed

-Protected symbolic speech -was a protest of the Vietnam war -limited the disruption of learning

Tinker v. Des Moines


To promise and deliver a future result

prove your residency

To register to vote, you must

take part in Teach for America

To volunteer for national service, US citizens can

to sell themselves and their messages

Ultimately, what do politicians use media to accomplish?


Under the US Constitution, all state governments are

by absentee ballot

Voting remotely involves casting your vote by mail, online, or

-To express a political opinion about an event or issue -To persuade citizens to adopt a certain belief -To entertain readers by using humor

What are the purposes of a political cartoon? Check all that apply.

-identifying a problem or issue -developing a plan to address the issue -implementing the plan

What are the three steps in the public policy process? Check all that apply.

Theocracy and Communism

What are two types of oligarchies?

Corporations and unions may seek to persuade voters in elections.

What did the Supreme Court decide in the Citizens United case?

Many government functions would be performed better by private businesses.

What do most Libertarians tend to believe?

-Federal regulation can protect citizens from corporate greed. -The government may need to have a broad role within society. -Social Security and other programs have helped improve society.

What do most left-wing voters tend to believe?

Economic and political rights should be expanded for all American citizens.

What do most progressives tend to believe?

the process for creating a law

What does Article 1, Section 7 of the Constitution explain?

Managing taxes and spending.

What does fiscal policy most closely focus on?

The government cannot make laws based on religion.

What does separation of church and state mean?

the right to a lawyer

What does the Sixth Amendment's right to counsel guarantee an accused criminal to?

It establishes a foundation for government

What does the Supremacy Clause do?

All three cases went to the Supreme Court for ruling.

What factor do Plessy v. Ferguson, Brown v. Board of Education, and Regents of California v. Bakke have in common?

The House and Senate try to work out differences in a conference committee

What happens if the House and Senate versions of a bill are different?

The Constitution forbids unreasonable search and seizure.

What idea was the decision in Griswold v. Connecticut based upon?

It created quotas for minority admissions or hiring.

What impact was affirmative action designed to have?

It ensures that checks and balances are respected

What is a benefit of having a difficult amendment process?

Basic human rights are protected

What is a main idea in the Ninth Amendment?

Police officer

What is an example of a civil service job?

creating laws

What is considered the most important power Congress holds?

A resident alien is a person who lives in a country but is not a citizen of that country.

What is the best definition of a resident alien?

They protect rights not listed in the Constitution.

What is the common purpose of the Ninth and Tenth amendments?

earning voting privileges

What is the correct definition of suffrage?

The names of possible jurors are chosen at random.

What is the first step in selecting US citizens to serve as members of a jury?

describing the powers of the legislative branch

What is the focus of Article I of the Constitution?

Citizens elect leaders who vote on the issues in a representative democracy, and citizens vote on the issues in a direct democracy

What is the main way a representative democracy differs from a direct democracy?

Madison disagreed with Jefferson's belief that a bill of rights would protect citizens

What is the primary difference between Jefferson's and Madison's beliefs about the Bill of Rights?

to state the goals of the party and its position on issues

What is the purpose of a political party's platform?

to gain political power to help promote shared principles and political ideology to endorse candidates who support a specific political philosophy

What is the purpose of a political party? Select all that apply.

-Meeting supporters and acting on their suggestions -Serving on congressional committees -Managing employees who oversee scheduling

What jobs does a US representative perform? Check all that apply.

The writers of the Constitution disagreed on ideology

What led to the formation of political parties?

rights unlisted in the Constitution

What rights are specifically protected under the Ninth Amendment?

It is the source of implied powers

What statement about the Necessary and Proper Clause is accurate?

-The right to bear arms -Freedom of religion -Freedom of property -Freedom of the press

What types of rights and freedoms does Jefferson say Americans have under the state governments? Check all that apply.

Couples were allowed to keep their marriage decisions private.

What was the impact of the Griswold v. Connecticut ruling?

It strengthened the growing civil rights movement

What was the social impact of the decision in Brown v. Board of Education?

Low self-esteem can have a negative impact on grades.

When Chief Justice Earl Warren stated, "A sense of inferiority affects the motivation of a child to learn," what was he essentially stating?


When a Constitutional Amendment is ______ it is interpreted.

Original Jurisdiction

When a court hears a case that has not been heard before, it is exercising

soon after the nation was founded

When did the two-party political system first develop?

new ideas

When policymakers use the media to deliver a message, what sort of response do they encourage from citizens?

promote policies

When policymakers use the media to deliver specific messages to citizens, what are policymakers trying to do?

only white male property owners

When the United States was founded, who could vote?

in the 1860s, after the Civil War

When was the Fifteenth Amendment ratified?

the joint committee

Which Senate committee is equally staffed by both parties?

explaining medical problems to a personal physician

Which action would be protected by the Ninth Amendment?

obtaining unauthorized personal information from a website

Which action would violate the Ninth Amendment?

the Ninth Amendment

Which amendment protects any rights that are not specifically mentioned within the Constitution or the Bill of Rights?

the Tenth Amendment

Which amendment was designed to allay Anti-Federalist fears of a central government with too much power?

a group with similar beliefs about government

Which best describes a political party?

Unenumerated rights are not listed in the Constitution

Which best describes how unenumerated rights differ from procedural and substantive rights?

Economic policies manage taxes, while social policies provide public assistance.

Which best describes the difference between economic and social policies?

They must use the same media that citizens use

Which best describes why candidates and politicians use the Internet?

Rights that were not listed would be unprotected

Which best describes why some people such as James Madison thought that the Bill of Rights was unnecessary?

The Supremacy Clause establishes that the federal government has more power than state governments

Which best explains how the Supremacy Clause is connected to federalism?

New rights beyond those in the Constitution would need to be created.

Which best states the basis for Justice White's dissenting opinion in Roe v. Wade?

the difference in voting choices by men and by women

Which correctly describes the current gender gap in voter turnout?

Senate members represent state interests while House members represent district interests.

Which describes a difference between the duties of House members and the duties of Senate members?

-it laid out a strategic approach for advancing American interests -it addressed the security of the American people -it addressed the need to grow the US economy

Which describes the Nation Security Strategy created by President Obama in 2010? Check all that apply. Check all that apply.

Monitor the actions of corporations

Which duty is associated with both regulatory agencies and independent executive agencies?

stopping a religious group from buying a building based on their faith

Which example violates the free-exercise Clause?

Census Bureau

Which government agency analyzed data to ensure African-Americans were receiving fair treatment at the polls?

the majority party

Which group within the Senate has the most power over legislation?

-individual citizens -interest groups -political parties -media organizations

Which groups influence the creation of public policy? Check all that apply.

to help voters understand public policy

Which is a primary goal of debates?

The Full Faith and Credit Clause deals with legal proceedings between states.

Which is a true statement about the Full Faith and Credit Clause?

declaring war and maintaining a military

Which is an example of an expressed power Congress holds?

The National party

Which is at the top of the political party organization?

committee, debate, Senate approval, House approval, presidential action

Which is the proper order of a bill becoming a law after it is introduced in the Senate?

providing national health care

Which issue is most important to the Democratic Party?

-The Constitution was sent to the states for a vote. -States voted on whether to approve the Constitution. -Nine of the thirteen original states had to approve it. -The Constitution became law.

Which lists the steps involved in approving the Constitution in the correct order?

Women serve in government but are still underrepresented.

Which occurred after women earned the right to vote?

When redistricting occurs, political groups try to shape electoral districts so that their parties have an advantage.

Which of the following best describes how redistricting can lead to gerrymandering?

It ended public segregation.

Which of the following did the Civil Rights Act accomplish?

It combined key elements from the "small state" and "large state" plans

Which of the following summarizes the Great Compromise?

creating a law ex post facto

Which of these actions is forbidden by the Constitution?

the ability to hear discussions on laws and the lawmaking process

Which of these best describes what the media generally facilitate for the public?

stay informed about current and proposed laws

Which of these does the media allow the public to do?

-The ideas of equality and liberty -The idea of basic laws that govern human behavior

Which of these ideas were influences of Judeo-Christian principles on government? Check all that apply.

by connecting on social media

Which of these is a way in which politicians, particularly on the state and national level, would most likely interact with citizens online?

admitting new states

Which of these is considered a power of governance?

State and federal governments share power, but the federal government is supreme

Which of these statements best describes the American federal system?

-The Fourth Amendment describes a fair process for searches and seizures. -A judge will not issue a warrant if he or she does not believe there is probable cause. -The Fourth Amendment prohibits only "unreasonable" searches and seizures.

Which of these statements is true of the Fourth Amendment? Check all that apply.

Segregation could lead to feelings of inferiority.

Which of these statements was implied by the decision in Brown v. Board of Education?

The bill is reviewed by a committee.

Which of these steps is second in the bill process?

The president can veto the bill

Which of these steps might happen after a bill is sent to the president?

Necessary and proper

Which phrase signifies implied powers?

-To understand the world from a secular perspective -To examine the natural rights that humans possess -To question the source of authority

Which phrases best describe the goals of the Enlightenment? Check all that apply.

serving on a committee

Which role of a senator takes place only at the Capitol?

A parent leads a prayer in a public park

Which scenario is allowed under the free-exercise clause?

It is based on the Constitution's bicameral legislature.

Which statement about Congress is accurate?

Communism gives control to party leaders.

Which statement about communism is the most accurate?

A communist government is led by one political party

Which statement best defines a communist government?

Both governments encouraged citizens to participate in the decision-making process

Which statement best describes how American government compares to the one that existed in ancient Athens?

It protected actions such as flag burning and not just spoken or written words.

Which statement best describes the Supreme Court's decision in Texas v. Johnson?

The executive and legislative branches install judges, but cannot punish them for their rulings.

Which statement best describes the relationship between judges and other branches of government?

Parliament advised the king, who made all decisions

Which statement is true of government in England before the English Bill of Rights?

The government mandated that all youth over 18 were granted the right to vote

Which statement is true regarding the Twenty-sixth Amendment?

-Members of Congress can be fined or removed from office for breaking rules. -Each state receives a different number of representatives based on its population. -All states receive the same number of senators

Which statements about Congress are true? Check all that apply.

-The president can meet with the cabinet to get its advice on policy changes. -The cabinet members lead executive departments that do the work of the executive branch.

Which statements are accurate descriptions of the cabinet? Check all that apply

-The Constitution establishes a federal system of government -Power is divided between the central government and the states -Some powers are shared by the federal government and the states

Which statements are true? Check all that apply.

-The media allows citizens to see the day-to-day workings of lawmakers. -Lawmakers use the media to try to create public support for the laws they make. -Lawmakers use the media to stay in touch with voters and their opinions.

Which statements describe the relationship between lawmakers and the media? Check all that apply.

"strong mayor" mayor-council system

Which system of municipal government most resembles the federal government's separation of powers?


Which type of jurisdiction do federal trial courts have?

substantive rights

Which type of rights are fundamental and belong to all citizens?

natural rights

Which type of rights were most influential in the creation of the Bill of Rights?


Which word best describes a voter at the political center?

a special interest group

Which would most likely hold a fundraising campaign to elect a pro-gun senator?

government leaders

Who decides what problems should be addressed through fiscal policy?

interest groups and individual citizens

Who might write a letter to their representatives about a policy issue?

Allan Bakke

Who was responsible for initially questioning the effectiveness of affirmative action?

They perform the most essential tasks

Why are volunteers placed at the base of the political party organizational pyramid?

Athens had a small population

Why did direct democracy work for the ancient Greek city of Athens?

Cloture can only be achieved by a three-fifths vote, and parties don't usually have that kind of majority.

Why is cloture very difficult to achieve?

It is the only information source that most people have.

Why is media coverage of elections important?

The clause deals with powers that are ambiguous and misinterpreted.

Why is the Necessary and Proper Clause a source of ongoing debate?

He sat down in a train's whites-only car.

Why was Homer Plessy arrested?

Created a record of common law

William Blackstone was important because he

a candidate's likability

With greater media coverage in recent years, which factor has become increasingly significant?

follows a liberal ideology.

Women who are strong supporters of women's rights are more likely to vote for a candidate who

identifies as a progressive.

Younger women who want to see new kinds of government programs are more likely to vote for a candidate who


______ were elected to lead Rome and command the army, much like the President.

absentee ballot

a ballot by a voter who will be absent from a polling place on voting day

joint committee

a committee with equal members from both parties

political action committee

a group formed to financially support politicians

council-manager system

a legislative body hires a leader to oversee city departments

commission system

a legislative body oversees city departments directly


a means of communicating with many people


a newspaper that prints a damaging lie may be guilty of

standing committee

a permanent committee on a specific topic


a person who meets with law makers in an attempt to influence legislation


a release from punishment


a survey of peoples opinions

select committee

a temporary investigation committee


a topic about which there is more than one opinion


advises the president and leads the executive departments

prior restraint

an effort to stop something from being printed or spoken is

mayor council system

an elected leader and an elected legislative body share responsibility


an individual organization or business

interest group

an organization formed to influence government policy


best help the media and candidates better understand where voters stand, especially during election campaigns.

voter registration

checking in with a government body before casting a ballot in an ellection

Mapp v. Ohio

convictions cannot be based on evidence from an illegal search

department of treasury

creates the nations money

regulating business and managing taxes

economic policy

-can discourage product use -can be applied to gambling -is added to gas purchases

excise taxes

signing trade agreements, and maintaining a military

foreign policy

third amendment

freedom from housing soldiers

First amendment

freedom of expression

negotiates treaties, meets foreign leaders, and appoints ambassadors

leading diplomat

zoning laws

local governments also create ______ to help manage land use.

department of transportation

makes sure airlines are operating safely

department of education

offers loans to college students

Terry v. Ohio

officers can legally carry out a stop and frisk

department of health and human services

oversees medicare and medicade


oversees the executive branch


people have a right to ______ to complain to the government

-a bill is introduced -committees hold hearings -a bill is submitted for debate -the house debates the bill -the house votes on the bill -the senate votes on the bill -the president signs or vetoes the bill

process of a bill

Executive office of the president

provides support for the day-to-day running of the government


punishments that enforce law, usually by taking something away

sixth amendment

right to a lawyer and to call witnesses

seventh amendment

right to a trial by jury in civil cases

second amendment

right to bear arms

eighth amendment

right to protect against cruel punishment

fourth amendment

right to protect against illegal searches

fifth amendment

right to remain silent, avoid testifying against oneself

vice president

serves as president if the president cannot perform his/her duties

providing public assistance, and funding public schools

social policy


taking an action cooperatively to enact a policy

-are levied on imports -are taxes applied to foreign goods -protect US-made goods


excise tax

tax meant to discourage the purchase of a product

income tax

tax paid annually on earnings each April


tax paid by a company to sell goods in the US

payroll tax

tax paid by employees for social security and other programs

-students wore armbands to protest against war -the students were suspended -the supreme court ruled in the students favor -they secured the right to symbolic speech

the events of Tinker v. Des Moines

is led by a governor, and contains state agencies

the executive branch

helps the party agree and speaks for the party

the floor leader

contains a court system and interprets laws

the judicial branch

has two houses, and creates and passes laws

the legislative branch

recognizing nations and making treaties

the presidents diplomatic powers

granting pardons, nominating officials, and signing legislation

the presidents executive powers

-serving as commander in chief -serving as chief executive -vetoing or passing legislation -nominating and appointing officials

the presidents formal powers

-serving as ceremonial leader -serving as head of a political party -generating public support for bills

the presidents informal powers


the process of changing voting districts


the process of officially approving something


the process of redistributing according to a plan

Double jeopardy rights

the right to avoid being tried twice for the same crime

self-incrimination rights

the right to avoid confessing to a crime

Just compensation rights

the right to be paid for property taken by the government

Due-process rights

the right to the same treatment and rules that all citizens receive

controls the agenda and leads the caucus

the speaker of the house

assists the floor leader and organizes votes

the whip


the work of maintaining relationships between different nations


to affect someones behavior


to challenge a statement by declaring an opposite point of view


to change something


to communicate ideas through words or actions


to request something formally


to treat someone unfairly of with prejudice


to work out a compromise or an agreement through discussion

-to keep US citizens safe -to keep nuclear weapons away from terrorists -to make sure the United States is prosperous -to restore American leadership aboard

what are some goals of US foreign policy? Check all that apply.


working alone to enact a policy

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