U.S. HIST To 1877

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Which of the following combination of statements is correct? 1. Typically, the poorer the owner of the slave, the better the slave was treated 2. Typically, the further south the slave, the better the treatment 3. Typically, slaves who harvested sugar were treated worse than those on cotton-based plantations

1 & 3

Which combination of the following statements about Alexander Hamilton's plan to fund the national debt is correct? 1. He proposed close trade relations with Great Britain 2. He proposed an income tax to produce revenue for the federal government 3. He proposed that individual states should be responsible for funding their own debt 4. His plan resulted in a transfer of wealth from the rich to the middle class and to the poor 5. His plan resulted in a transfer of wealth from the middle class and the poor to the rich 6. The Republican Party supported the plan

1 & 5

Which of the following combination of statements is correct? 1. Representatives in the New England colonies and in Virginia tended to be supportive of independence from Britain because they were the oldest colonies and were quite certain they could govern themselves 2. Representatives in the southern colonies tended to be supportive of independence from Britain because they believed that only through independence could the institution of slavery be protected 3. Representatives in the New England colonies and in Virginia tended to be supportive of independence from Britain because independence would cause their colonies to acquire greater political stature in the Americas 4. Representatives of the southern colonies and of Pennsylvania tended to oppose independence from Britain because those colonies were experiencing a great deal of turbulence and felt unable to govern themselves without help from Britain

1 and 4

Which of the following combination of statements is correct? 1. Westward expansion threatened to make slavery an issue because it opened the question as to whether or not the new territories would be slave or free 2. Westward expansion threatened to make slavery an issue because the Missouri Compromise applied only to the Louisiana Purchase 3. Westward expansion threatened to make slavery an issue because Texas had no slavery but southerners insisted that it become a slave state once admitted to the Union 4. Polk hoped that the acquisition of Oregon would calm the North's concerns about the potential expansion of slavery 5. Polk hoped that the acquisition of California would calm the North's concerns about the potential expansion of slavery

1, 2, & 4

Which of the following combination of statements is MOST correct? 1. Northern Whigs were part of the new Republican Party 2. Southern Whigs were part of the new Republican Party 3. Some Southern Democrats joined the new Republican Party 4. Some Northern Democrats joined the new Republican Party 5. Know-Nothings were part of the new Republican Party 6. Free Soilers were part of the new Republican Party

1, 4, 5, & 6

Which of the following combination of statements is correct? 1. The Lecompton Constitution made Nebraska a slave territory 2. The Lecompton Constitution made Kansas a slave territory 3. The majority of the people Kansas apparently opposed the Lecompton Constitution 4. President Buchanan wanted Congress to disapprove the Lecompton Constitution 5. Stephen Douglas supported approval of the Lecompton Constitution, which angered northern Democrats

2 & 3

Which of the following combination of statements is correct? 1. The Wilmot Proviso prohibited slavery in all areas west of the Louisiana Purchase 2. The Wilmot Proviso became law as part of the Compromise of 1850 3. Due to the Wilmot Proviso the issue of slavery became an important political issue for the first time since the Missouri Compromise 4. The debate over the Wilmot Proviso split the Whig and Democratic Parties into regional factions rather than national parties.

3 & 4

Which of the following was NOT a component of the Jeffersonian Vision

A relatively large army on the frontier to protect settlers

Which of the following statements about the founding of the United States Military Academy is NOT correct?

Alexander Hamilton was responsible for its creation

What did Franklin's pamphlet on population growth have to say about slavery? -It said nothing about its abolition -It stated that slavery was inherently inefficient -It stated that slave labor posed no threat to the labor of Englishmen in England

All of the above

Which of the following statements is correct? -"Uncle Tom's Cabin" angered northerners because they believed the book showed the evil of slavery -"Uncle Tom's Cabin" angered southerners because they believed the book portrayed them poorly -Abraham Lincoln allegedly credited Uncle Tom's Cabin as having caused the Civil War

All of the above

Which of the following statements is correct? -Jefferson feared the impact slavery had on whites who practiced slavery -Jefferson was concerned about slavery because it ran against the ideology of the American Revolution -Jefferson was concerned that slaves, if freed, would find themselves hampered by extreme racial prejudice

All of the above

What lesson could have been learned from Bacon's Rebellion?

Anger toward the colony's leadership could be diverted by developing anger toward another race

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

Because most American colonists were illiterate, few read "Common Sense". Its primary impact was on those members of the Continental Congress who read it and who found its arguments convincing.

Which of the following was the "city on a hill" combined with one of the reasons New Englanders had come to believe their efforts to create a religious utopia there had failed?

Boston; the Half-Way Covenant had undermined Puritan religion

How were Separatists and Puritans similar?

Both were Calvinist in their basic beliefs

Which of the following is NOT true of the painting "The Death of Wolfe"?

Colonists believed it showed the brutality of the British Empire

Which of the following is BEST describes Oliver Cromwell's impact on the colonies?

Cromwell's experiences in England taught the colonists to fear a professional standing army as a threat to liberty

What conclusions can be drawn from events at Port Royal, South Carolina, and at Davis Bend, Mississippi?

David Bend and Port Royal undermined those who believed that freed slaves would be lazy and not work

Which of the following statements is BEST describes the Confederacy's economic situation?

Despite its manifest economic weaknesses, the Confederacy twice came close to winning the war

Why did New England Puritans adopt the Half-Way covenant?

Due to sharply declining church membership

Which of the following was a primary mission of the Freedman's Bureau?

Education of the freedmen

Which of the following IS NOT a reason that the religious explanation of European success at exploration, conquest, and colonization fails the comparative test?

European religious leaders, led by the Pope, supported exploration

Which is NOT an explanation for why Pennsylvania came to be overwhelmed by people who were not Quakers?

Favorable climate

Which of the following was NOT true of the Americas before Columbus's first voyage?

Fewer than 5 million people inhabited the Americas.

Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

George Washington commanded the American army at the Battle of Saratoga

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the Federalist Party?

George Washington was its founder

Which of the following is NOT an explanation of how the Reformation helped to encourage European exploration, conquest, and colonization?

Global exploration and conquest are best understood as an extension of the Crusades

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the Albany Plan?

Having adopted the Albany Plan, the colonies employed its provisions in developing their response to the outbreak of the French and Indian War.

Due to "The American Multiplication Factor", what did Benjamin Franklin believe to be the future of the British Empire?

He believed that population growth in the colonies meant that the American colonies eventually would become the center of the British Empire

Which is NOT a reason someone might conclude that, before the 1770s, Benjamin Franklin loved the British Empire?

He married a British woman while he lived in London

How did Henry Ward Beecher and Harriet Beecher Stowe differ in how they proposed to address the problem of slavery?

Henry Ward wanted to attack the practice of slavery, with violence, if necessary. Harriet wanted to preach to people to convince them to change their hearts

Which of the following was NOT part of Lincoln's Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction?

Immediate readmission of all southern states that requested it

Which of the following WAS NOT a typical part of the arrangement between a Virginia landowner and their indentured servants?

Indentured servants' were the property of the landowner

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the impact the Columbian exchange had on Europe?

Indian religious practices caused huge changes on both Catholicism and Protestantism as practiced in Europe

Which of the following is a correct statement?

Indians played a critical role in the competition between the British and French Empires in North America, providing important military and economic assistance to both nations

Which of the following was NOT true regarding Calvinists' belief in providentialism?

It caused them to believe that "good works" could help them find eternal salvation

Which of the following was NOT a major provision of the Ordinance of 1787 (Northwest Ordinance)?

It declared war on the British due to their continued occupation of forts in the Northwest Territory

Which of the following was NOT a major provision of the Ordinance of 1785?

It established freedom of religion in the Old Northwest

How did the Roanoke experience shape the Jamestown undertaking?

It had no discernible impact on the Jamestown undertaking

How is the story of Peter van Schaack emblematic of the problems that the new nation faced after the Revolution?

It highlights the very real problems of a democracy.

What was the Proclamation of 1763?

It prohibited colonial settlement beyond the continental divide of the Appalachian Mountains

Which of the following was NOT true of the Missouri Compromise?

It prohibited slavery north of the line formed by Missouri's southern boundary (36-30) between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean

Which of the following is NOT true of the Great Awakening?

It resulted in the Anglican Church becoming the dominant church in the American colonies

Which of the following statements BEST describes the Glorious Revolution?

It took place in 1688, it resulted in the ascension of William and Mary to the throne, and it confirmed Parliament as having sovereign authority. The colonists understood it to mean that their colonial assemblies were sovereign in the colonies.

Which of the following statements about the Hartford Conventions is MOST correct?

It was a meeting of New England Federalists, held in 1814, that resulted in the destruction of the Federalist Party

Which of the following statements about the Crittenden Compromise is correct?

It was an effort to convince the lower South to return to the Union

Why was 1755 such a critical year for both the American colonies and for the British Empire as a whole?

It was the year of Braddock's Defeat

Which of the following was NOT a major source of immigration in the 1840s and 1850s?


Which of the following was a major weakness of the Jeffersonian vision paired with the event that made that weakness apparent?

Its dependence on foreign trade; the War of 1812

Which of the following statements about the Southern Rights Democratic Party is correct?

Its goal was to ensure the extension of slavery into the territories, its presidential candidate was John C. Breckinridge, and it was strongest in the lower South

Which of the following statements about the Constitutional Union Party is correct?

Its goal was to preserve the union and the institution of slavery, its presidential candidate was John Bell, and it was strongest in the upper South

Which of the following is NOT a reason that Radical Republicans believed Andrew Johnson would be more radical than Lincoln had been?

Johnson was from Massachusetts, a state that supported a radical reconstruction

Which of the following IS NOT an error in the film's coda?

Lincoln credited black soldiers with helping to turn the tide of the war

Why were the terms of readmission in Lincoln's Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction so lenient?

Lincoln hope to end the Civil War by enticing southern states back into the Union

Under what circumstances did New York become an English colony, and what brought stability to New York

New York became an English colony as a result of a war with the Dutch; nothing brought stability to New York

Which of the following statements about the Navigation Acts is NOT correct? A.They required that all colonial trade go through Britain and that that trade be carried on British ships B.They were an effort to create a mercantilist economic systems C. Most Americans benefitted from the Navigation Acts.

None of the above. They are all correct statements.

Which of the following was NOT a reason northerners were upset with the Dred Scott decision?

Northerners were concerned that the decision meant that African slaves once again could be imported into the nation.

What was Peter Oliver's evaluation of colonists' motives for revolution and why should we question the validity of his opinion?

Oliver believed that most Americans had little idea regarding the causes of the Revolution; that he was a Tory makes his opinion suspect

Which of the following properly describes predestination and explains its impact on colonial society?

Predestination is the belief that one is destined for heaven or hell when they are born and there is nothing they can do in this life to change that destiny. Colonists who believed in predestination tried to lead "good" lives hoping it was a sign of their destiny.

In what important ways did Quakers and Puritans differ from one another?

Quakers were tolerant of others and rejected violence against other human beings. Puritans were neither.

Which of the following statements is correct?

Radical Republicans wanted southern states to undergo substantial change before they were readmitted

Which of the following groups of people, in the 1830s and 1840s, typically supported the Democratic Party?

Recent immigrants

Which of the following statements regarding Reconstruction is correct?

Reconstruction began in 1862 and was focused on reconstructing the Union

Which of the following likely best explains "Long Bill" Scott's commitment to the American Revolution?

Scott likely was committed to the Revolution due to the opportunities implicitly promised by the Declaration of Independence

Which of the following statements is MOST correct?

Shays' Rebellion helped to convince numerous politicians of the necessity of drafting a new Constitution.

Which of the following WAS NOT true of the practice of slavery in Virginia before Bacon's Rebellion?

Slaves could be beaten with no reason and with no consequence for the slave owner

Which WAS NOT a reason Virginia landowners shifted from white indentured servants to black African slaves as their primary labor force?

Slaves could be worked hard with little concern for their welfare, making them a far more efficient labor force than indentured servants

Which of the following groups of people, in the 1830s and 1840s, typically DID NOT support the Whig Party?

Small southern farmers

Which of the following statements about the Compromise of 1850 is NOT correct?

Southerners concluded that provisions of the Compromise of 1850 implied that slavery's spread into the western territories was inevitable

Why did Southerners fear the Republican Party's and Lincoln's stand that slavery should be allowed to exist in those states where it already had been established but prevent its extension into the territories?

Southerners understood that slavery had to extend in order to survive politically

What was the war's first turning point combined with the reason it was a turning point?

The Battle of Antietam, because it delayed British recognition and it led to the Emancipation Proclamation

What was the British goal in the "Police Phase" of the Revolutionary War, and what event brought it to an end?

The British goal in the Police Phase of the Revolution was to enforce the laws passed by Parliament. It ended with the British evacuation of Boston in the Spring of 1776

Why does the technological explanation of European success at exploration, conquest, and colonization fail the comparative test?

The Chinese had larger and better sailing ships and had gunpowder weapons

Which of the following statements is NOT correct

The Confederacy used steam-powered submarines to break the Union blockade

Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

The Constitution explicitly states that slaves cannot be citizens of the United States

Which of the following statements about the Declaration of Independence is correct?

The Declaration of Independence badly split American opinion regarding the revolution and had almost no impact on the King of France

Which of the following statements BEST describes the Freeport Doctrine and its impact?

The Freeport Doctrine stated that there could be no slavery in a territory until after the territory had decided whether it was slave or free. Its enunciation destroyed Stephen Douglas's political reputation in the South

Which of the following is NOT true regarding the French Revolution's impact American politics?

The French Revolution provoked the French to withdraw from Canada, leaving it to the British and thereby provoking heated debate among American politicians about how to respond to this new British threat.

Which of the following is NOT a likely scenario had the Indian peoples not suffered massive depopulation?

The French likely would have been the dominant colonial power in the Western Hemisphere

Why was the North unhappy with the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

The North was unhappy that the act nullified the Missouri Compromise

Why does the rise of the modern nation state in Europe fail the comparative test as an explanation of European success at exploration, conquest, and colonization?

The Ottoman Turks already had a modern bureaucratic nation state

Why does the economic explanation of European success at exploration, conquest, and colonization fail the comparative test?

The Ottoman Turks had a long- and well-established capitalist economy

Theoretically, what did Puritan religion say about the role of men and women in the church? How did the example of Anne Hutchison either support or contradict the idea?

The Puritan Church preached the equality of men and women in church affairs. Its treatment of Anne Hutchison showed that it did not act on this belief

What is the BEST explanation as to how the Renaissance helped to encourage European exploration, conquest, and colonization?

The Renaissance encouraged European nations to attempt to replicate the experiences of the Roman Empire, especially the acquisition of empire

Why was the South unhappy with the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

The South was unhappy that the act did not guarantee slavery in the Kansas and Nebraska territories

Which of the following statements about the situation at Fort Sumter is correct?

The South's claim of independence would have been open to question in legal terms had Jefferson Davis allowed the unarmed northern supply ship to enter the harbor

Which of the following statements about the election of 1848 is correct?

The Whigs nominated Zachary Taylor. Taylor avoided the issue of slavery by running on his military record

What was the war's second turning point combined with the reason it was a turning point?

The capture of Atlanta, because it assured Lincoln's re-election

Why did a colony's elected assembly often have more power than either the proprietor or the royal governor?

The colonial assembly had the power to appropriate funds and to raise taxes

What impact did the Half Way Covenant have on colonial society?

The covenant undermined the authority of the Puritan Church

Which of the following statements is correct?

The defeat at Yorktown caused British political leadership to consider the costs and benefits of continuing to fight the Americans

Which of the following was a clear consequence of black soldiers joining the Union Army in combat?

The prisoner parole and exchange system broke down, leading to horrific prison conditions on both sides

What was the relationship between the assault on Fort Wagner and the New York City Draft Riots?

The sacrifice of black soldiers at Fort Wagner undermined the racist sentiment that lay behind the riot

What caused the depopulation of the Western Hemisphere between 1492 and 1607

The spread of epidemic disease, especially smallpox

Which of the following was NOT true of the Stamp Act?

The tax was prohibitively expensive for most colonists

Why were the Battles of Trenton and of Princeton important to the war's outcome?

These small battles, both of which were American victories, helped to keep the Continental Army together as a fighting whole and encourage new recruits to join.

Which of the following was NOT a reason many of the founding fathers believed that the government established by the Constitution would fail?

They had just created a democracy, and the experience of the ancient Greek city states suggested that democracies evolved into military dictatorships

Which of the following is NOT true of the Coercive Acts?

They imposed new taxes on the colonies

Which of the following statements correctly identifies the candidate for whom the vast majority of Union soldiers voted in the 1864 presidential election combined with the reason this was so surprising?

They voted for Abraham Lincoln. This was surprising because a victory by Lincoln's opponent likely means the war would be over and the soldiers' lives saved

Which of the following was NOT true of the Townsend Duties?

They were a response to the Boston Tea Party

Which of the following was true of the Roanoke settlers?

They were soldiers, artisans, and "gentlemen"

Which of the following statements is correct about Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant?

They were tactical equals but Grant was the better strategist

Which of the following statements is correct?

Those who were members of a religious minority tended to be Tories

What was the major goal of the Civil Rights Act of 1866?

To define citizenship so as to legislatively nullify the Dred Scott decision

Which of the following was NOT true about the rifled musket and the Minié ball?

Very few soldiers carried these very deadly weapons

What happened at Valley Forge in the Winter of 1776-77?

Washington's army spent a brutal winter there preparing for upcoming campaigns. Though many deserted, the army that took to the field in the spring consisted of dedicated, hard-core revolutionaries.

Which of the following is a reason that is it probably inappropriate to see the Battle of Gettysburg as a turning point?

Whether he won or lost the battle, Lee was going to have to retreat to Virginia afterwards

Why were women important in Virginia's social, economic, and political structures?

Women lived longer than men. They therefore inherited men's property, servants, and power.

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