U.S. History

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The Founding Fathers believed that all people are born with "natural rights." Which line from the Declaration of Independence BEST represents the idea of "natural rights"?

"... all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..."

"Oh, you who have hearts to feel; you who have kind friends around you, in sickness and in sorrow, think of the sufferings of the helpless, destitute, and down-trodden slave. Has sickness laid its withering hand upon you, or disappointment blasted your fairest earthly prospects, still, the outgushings of an affectionate heart are not denied you, and you may look forward with hope to a bright future. Such a hope seldom animates the heart of the poor slave. He toils on, in his unrequited labor, looking only to the grave to find a quiet resting place, where he will be free from the oppressor." - Austin Steward, Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Free Man, 1861 Which political action taken by the U.S. government was MOST directly related to the ideas presented in this passage?

13th Amendment

The first ten amendments, known as the Bill of Rights, protect individual freedoms and limit the power of the federal government. What amendment limits the powers of the state government and extends Bill of Rights' protections to citizens of a state?

14th Amendment

Regardless of which state a person lives in, all American citizens enjoy the rights contained in the Constitution and the Amendments thanks to the

14th Amendment.

Which Constitutional amendment prevents governments from denying voting rights to people based on race or color?

15th Amendment

1881- Jacob Riis publishes How the Other Half Lives, detailing tenement life. 1904- Ida Tarbell publishes articles criticizing Standard Oil Company. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1914- Edwin Markham publishes Children in Bondage, an exposé of child labor. Which choice fits in the blank in this Progressive Era timeline?

1906- Upton Sinclair publishes The Jungle, criticizing the working conditions in the U.S. meat processing industry

"There remains but one other view of this matter to conclude the point. The truth is, after all the declamation we have heard, that the constitution is itself in every rational sense, and to every useful purpose, A BILL OF RIGHTS. The several bills of rights, in Great-Britain, form its constitution, and conversely the constitution of each state is its bill of rights. And the proposed constitution, if adopted, will be the bill of rights of the union. Is it one object of a bill of rights to declare and specify the political privileges of the citizens in the structure and administration of the government? This is done in the most ample and precise manner in the plan of the convention, comprehending various precautions for the public security, which are not to be found in any of the state constitutions. Is another object of a bill of rights to define certain immunities and modes of proceeding, which are relative to personal and private concerns? This we have seen has also been attended to, in a variety of cases, in the same plan." -Alexander Hamilton, excerpt of Federalist, No. 84, 1788 What is the main objection Hamilton is addressing in this essay?

A Bill of Rights was not necessary in the proposed constitution.

The Navigation Acts The first of these was passed in 1651, with the primary rule that no goods grown or manufactured in Africa, the Americas, or Asia could be brought into England except in English vessels. Additionally, goods from any European country imported into England must be brought in British ships or in the ships of the country that produced them. In 1660, a more infamous part of this act was passed. It forbade importing goods into or exporting goods out of the British colonies unless British ships were used in the process. Additionally, certain products such as cotton, sugar, & tobacco could not be shipped to any country except England or to another English colony. According to the passage, which of these choices would have been ILLEGAL in the late 1600s?

A merchant in the Maryland Colony unloads fur from a Spanish ship in exchange for corn.

How did protective tariffs benefit American manufacturers in the early-1800s?

American-made goods were less expensive than similar imported goods.

Which of these battles did NOT take place in the Western Theater of the Civil War?


Which statement is true regarding the end of the Reconstruction era?

By 1877, Democrats had regained political power in all southern states.

·California was entered as a free state. ·New Mexico and Utah were to use popular sovereignty to decide the issue of slavery. ·The slave trade was abolished in the District of Columbia. ·A tough Fugitive Slave Act was enacted by the Federal Government. All of these items are describing the

Compromise of 1850.

Which sentence describes the power to tax given to the U.S. Congress by the Articles of Confederation?

Congress could not tax.

Which of these BEST shows the type of power possessed by Congress?

Declare War

According to the timeline, which political party was founded by a "Founding Father?"


The Supreme Court case that most clearly contributed to the start of the Civil War was

Dred Scott v. Sanford.

Which statement best summarizes the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in McCulloch v Maryland?

Establishing a national bank is an implied power of the federal government.

"Our people are tired of the war, feel themselves whipped, and will not fight. Our country is overrun, its military resources greatly diminished, while the enemy's military power and resources were never greater and may be increased to any extent desired. ... My small force is melting away like snow before the sun." --Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston, April, 1865 This quote from Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston was in reaction to

General Sherman's march through Georgia to South Carolina

Which Supreme Court case gave the federal government extensive power through the commerce clause?

Gibbons v Ogden

Manifest Destiny advanced the belief that

God was on the side of American expansion.

Which of these BEST describes the Compromise of 1877?

Hayes becomes President and Reconstruction ends.

Which statement BEST describes the impact of the Freedmen's Bureau?

It was unsuccessful in bringing about unity and understanding of the races after the Civil War.

"The Government of the United States has been desirous by this friendly proceeding of manifesting the great value which they have invariably attached to the friendship of the Emperor (of Russia) and their solicitude to cultivate the best understanding with his Government. In the discussions to which this interest has given rise and in the arrangements by which they may terminate the occasion has been judged proper for asserting, as a principle in which the rights and interests of the United States are involved, that the American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers...." This excerpt from a speech in 1823 was made by U.S. President

James Monroe.

"[I]t is difficult to see how the notion of a higher civic life can be fostered save through common intercourse; that the blessings which we associate with a life of refinement and cultivation can be made universal and must be made universal if they are to be permanent... The Settlement then, is an experimental effort to aid in the solution of the social and industrial problems which are engendered by the modern conditions of life in a great city... It is an attempt to relieve, at the same time, the overaccumulation at one end of society and the destitution at the other; but it assumes that this overaccumulation and destitution is most sorely felt in the things that pertain to social and educational privileges..." Which reformer active in the late 1800s most likely wrote this excerpt?

Jane Addams

Who was the most vocal opponent of the Tariff of 1828 and advocated "State's Rights" and "Nullification" in the growing sectional conflicts between North and South?

John C. Calhoun of South Carolina

This law, which allowed territories to decide the fate of slavery based on popular sovereignty, unintentionally had the effect of increasing tensions between pro-slavery and antislavery forces as they rushed west and had violent clashes over control of territory. It was the

Kansas-Nebraska Act.

What term BEST describes the U.S. government's policies towards businesses in the late 19th century?


Why did tenant farming become a dominant form of agriculture in the 1870s?

Masses of former slaves were needed to work for landowners.

Upton Sinclair's The Jungle impacted the passage of the

Meat Inspection Act in 1906.

Assimilation Blending together Common Culture Which phrase accurately describes the American people based on the characteristics in this list?

Melting Pot Theory

"Whereas the Congress of the United States, buy virtue of the constitutional authority vested in them, have declared by their act this day, that... a state of war exists between that Government and the United States." President James K. Polk May 13, 1846 In this statement, the words that Government are referring to what country?


The Transcontinental Railroads that opened up the West had a devastating effect on

Native Americans.

In American democracy, why is the principle of checks and balances important?

No one branch can have too much power.

Henry Clay's "American System" included federal subsidies for projects such as the Erie Canal and National Road in order to bind which sections of the country together?

North and the Midwest

"For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us: For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States: For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world: For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent: For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury...." - From The Declaration of Independence Each phrase from this section of the Declaration of Independence begins with the word 'for', which is referring to the actions of


Which colony was home to the largest number of Quakers?


"The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good." - The Declaration of Independence This passage of the Declaration of Independence BEST refers to which principle of government that would later be part of the U.S. Constitution?

Popular Sovereignty

Which early president passed the unpopular Alien & Sedition acts, which restricted people speaking out against the government and allowed him to deport foreigners?

President John Adams

Jefferson Davis played what role in the Civil War?

President of the Confederate States

With which national issue in 1787 could South Carolina's back country farmers and coastal elite most identify?

Shays' Rebellion

Which BEST describes the social and political philosophy of the Underground Railroad "conductor" Harriet Tubman?

Slaves should escape slavery using whatever means were available to them.

After 1812 and before the Civil War, Southern planters opposed high tariffs on imported goods. Which BEST describes why Southerners fought these tariffs?

Southerners wanted to buy less expensive goods from England.

Jonathan Edwards George Whitefield Gilbert Tennent All of these people are MOST associated with what aspect of 18th century colonial life in British North America?

The Great Awakening

Which was NOT an accomplishment under Monroe's presidency?

The Louisiana Purchase

Why was the North able to develop a huge industrial base while the South remained agricultural?

The North used capital gained from shipping to develop industry while the South used capital to invest in slaves.

"Have not results in Mexico taught the invincibility of American arms?...The North Americans will spread out far beyond their present bounds. They will encroach again and again upon their neighbors. New territories will be planted, declare their independence, and be annexed. We have New Mexico and California! We will have Old Mexico and Cuba! The isthmus cannot arrest--nor even the Saint Lawrence!! Time has all of this in her womb. A hundred states will grow up where now exists but thirty. " - Commercial Review, 1848 Which of these events is most directly related to the passage?

The Oregon Treaty of 1846 established most of Oregon to be under the control of the U.S. government.

Which best explains a major dissatisfaction of the merchant class with the Articles of Confederation?

There was no provision for a uniform currency.

Which of these BEST describes the purpose of the Alien and Sedition Acts?

They were aimed at people who were criticizing President Adams' foreign policy.

Ulysses S. Grant's early success came in the western theater of war, particularly in the successful 1863 siege of


"The plan of removing the aboriginal people who yet remain within the settled portions of the United States . . . approaches its consummation. . . . an extensive region . . . has been assigned for their permanent residence. It has been divided into districts and allotted among them. Many have already removed and others are preparing to go. . . ." Removal of Southern Indians to Indian Territory, 1835 This passage is MOST closely related to

Westward expansion.

Who won the election of 1896 on a platform of increased industrialization, higher wages, and the "gold standard"?

William McKinley

·Ghost Dance ·Lakota Sioux ·Big Foot ·Col. James W. Forsyth These terms are all associated with what event in 1890?

Wounded Knee Massacre

Taxes may be levied on U.S. citizens by both the federal and state governments. This is an example of

a concurrent power.

In a representative democracy the power of government officials is primarily checked by

a constitution.

In English history, the Magna Carta (1215) and the English Bill of Rights (1689) both reinforced the concept of

a limited monarchy.

Members of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) MOST LIKELY intimidated Southern voters in order to

achieve the Klan's political ideals.

Which of these BEST describes the economic activities of the English colonies during the 17th- and early-18th centuries?

agricultural in both north and south.

What took place at Promontory Point, Utah in 1869?

completion of Transcontinental Railroad

The rebellions started by Daniel Shays in 1786 were a protest against

debts and businesses' refusal to accept paper currency.

The purpose of the Homestead Act of 1862 was to

encourage people to populate U.S. territories west of the Mississippi River.

The division of governing power between the national and state/local governments is called


In February of 1861, the seven seceded states met in Montgomery, Alabama, to

found the Confederate States of America.

Theodore Roosevelt is often called a "Progressive" President. Which of these would BEST be an example of this label?

he supported passage of the Food and Drug Act of 1906

A major failing of the United States Government under the Articles of Confederation was its

inability to regulate commerce among the states.

The period of "Jacksonian Democracy" can be characterized by

increasing the right to vote in the United States.

"The legislative power of this state shall be vested in a senate and assembly which shall be designated "The legislature of the State of California," but the people reserve to themselves the power to propose laws and amendments to the constitution...." - excerpt from "Proposition 7," California legislature, 1911 California Governor Hiram Johnson, who helped form the Progressive Party, was one of the first people to get this amendment passed that gave the people the power of


During the Antebellum period, religion was used by many Americans to

justify the existence of slavery.

The book The Jungle was written by Upton Sinclair in 1906. What issue did this book deal with?

meatpacking industry

The fact that the Constitution is the "supreme law of the land" illustrates which aspect of our government?

national supremacy

When Virginia and Kentucky in the late 1700s and South Carolina in the 1830s refused to follow federal law they were practicing


"Among the numerous advantages promised by a well constructed Union, none deserves to be more accurately developed than its tendency to break and control the violence of faction.... Liberty is to faction what air is to fire, an aliment without which it instantly expires. But it could not be less folly to abolish liberty, which is essential to political life, because it nourishes faction, than it would be to wish the annihilation of air, which is essential to animal life, because it imparts to fire its destructive agency." James Madison, Federalist No. 10, 1787 When Madison uses the word faction, he is MOST likely be referring to

political parties.

This poster of Thomas E. Watson is from the 1904 Presidential race. Which group of people would have been MOST LIKELY to support Watson and the Populist Party?

poor farmers

Early in his Presidency, Abraham Lincoln declared that his primary goal as President was to

preserve the Union.

In Henry Clay's "American System," how would new transportation networks to link the Midwest and North be financed?

protective tariffs

Of the ones listed here, the factor that had the greatest impact on the eventual destruction of Native Americans' ways of life was the development of the


Following Parliament's passage of the Stamp Act, South Carolina reacted by

sending delegates to New York to discuss further action.

The political theory that people form governments for their mutual protection and that government rules only with the consent of those people is known as

social contract theory.

"[I]t is difficult to see how the notion of a higher civic life can be fostered save through common intercourse; that the blessings which we associate with a life of refinement and cultivation can be made universal and must be made universal if they are to be permanent... The Settlement then, is an experimental effort to aid in the solution of the social and industrial problems which are engendered by the modern conditions of life in a great city... It is an attempt to relieve, at the same time, the overaccumulation at one end of society and the destitution at the other; but it assumes that this overaccumulation and destitution is most sorely felt in the things that pertain to social and educational privileges..." The work of this reformer helped to create new job opportunities for women mainly in which field?

social work

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." - from The Declaration of Independence What is the best definition of the word unalienable in this passage?

something that cannot be taken away

The creation of the Second National Bank of the United States was instrumental in limiting the power of

state banks.

Andrew Carnegie and J.P. Morgan both were 'captains' of which industry?


The British surrendered to the Continental Army in 1781 following

the Battle of Yorktown

Both John Locke and Thomas Jefferson wrote about the natural rights of man. In what document are these "unalienable rights" specifically mentioned?

the Declaration of Independence

led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison favored stronger state and local governments supported by planters, farmers, and craftsmen Which early American political party are these facts describing?

the Democratic-Republicans

In obtaining passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt would likely have encountered more resistance than the passage of the Hepburn Act because

the Hepburn Act strengthened existing government control of railroads.

In what region of antebellum America would a scene like this MOST likely have been found?

the North

This 1765 revenue law of the British parliament succeeded in angering the American colonists, not because it taxed most documents but because the colonists had no voice in its passage.

the Stamp act

What was the MAIN difference in the beliefs of the earliest political parties?

the power of government

In the early-19th century, South Carolina protested what it believed to be a violation of its rights by

threatening to secede from the Union.

The primary goal of the people who began the American Revolution was

to achieve the rights they felt the British had been denying them.

Which of these is a role of Congress?

to pass the federal budget

What product was instrumental in bringing about economic stability in the early years of the Virginia colony?


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