US History - Chapter 17 (Imperialism)

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How did the United States get access to the canal zone in Panama

Backed Panamas rebels

The age of imperialism was marked by

The expansion of American political influence

Emilio Aguinaldo was

A Filipino freedom fighter

The United States wanted overseas territories because the territories had

Access to raw materials

One factor that motivated American imperialism during the late 19th and early 20th century was the

Acquisition of new markets and sources of raw material

One factor that motivated US imperialism during the late 19th and early 20th century was the

Acquisition of new markets and sources of raw materials

Pres. Taft's policy of dollar diplomacy resulted in

American investments in Latin America

After the Spanish-American War Puerto Ricans

Became US citizens

A political cause of imperialism is

Colonies would help them become more friendly with other European countries

The teller amendment stated that the United States

Could not annex Cuba

The 1898 treaty of Paris dealt with which territory/ territories

Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines

During the age of imperialism the American press engaged in yellow journalism or sensationalizing headlines and news stories to sell more newspapers. Which of the following headlines about the sinking of the USS Maine is the best example for yellow journalism

Destruction of the warship Maine WAS the work of an enemy

Involvement in the Spanish-American war, the annexation of Hawaii, the introduction of the open door policy in China or actions taken by the United States government to

Gain overseas markets and sources of raw material

The US wanted to take over this territory because it was the perfect stopping point on the way to Asia


This was NOT one of the territories gained by the US after the Spanish-American war


Two objectives of imperialism were

Humanitarian work and economic considerations

This is the practice of extending a nation's power by gaining territories for a colonial empire


Which of the following would be an economic reason for imperialism

Industrialized nations taking over non-industrialized nations in order to use the raw materials and industrialized nations taking over non-industrialized nations in order to expand their market

Favoring honorable diplomacy but still resorting to military intervention upon occasion would be an example of

Moral diplomacy

Which of the following is a major reason why countries colonized other nations

Need for raw materials

What policy was designed to provide trade access to China

Open door

Which of the following is NOT a reason for imperialism


Which of the following is an example of a positive effect of imperialism on territories that were under the control of western nations


Yellow journalist created support for the Spanish-American war by writing articles about the

Sinking of the United States battleship Maine in Havana harbor

Import tax that merchants pay when shipping goods


Which of the following was not a reason the US sided with Cuba in their fight for independence

The Spanish stole the Philippines from the US

The United States became an imperialist nation with interest in the Caribbean, Central America, the far east, and the South Pacific following which war

The Spanish-American war

Which of the following would be an example of Roosevelts big stick diplomacy

The US sailing ships into Japan harbor in an attempt to open up trade

Which of the following would be an example of moral diplomacy

The United States aiding a pro democratic government in Latin America

Objectives of American expansion included

The conversion of native peoples to Christianity

Which of the following would be a humanitarian reasons for imperialism

The desire for the US to protect the free world

One important conclusion that can be drawn as a result of the Spanish-American war is that

The media are a powerful influence in shaping American public opinion towards war

This was the main reason why Americans wanted the Panama Canal built

To cut travel time from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean

"I have seen that we do not intend to free, but to subject the people of the Philippines. We have gone to conquer, not to redeem. I am opposed to having the eagle put its talons on any other land." -Mark Twain. This Statement would be helpful in supporting the thesis the mark twain believe that

US imperialism was wrong

This was the name of the ship sunk in Havana harbor which help to ignite the Spanish-American war

USS Maine

Which presidential candidate ran on an anti- imperialism platform

William Jennings Bryan

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