U.S. History Chapter 9

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Woodrow Wilson

28th president of the United States, known for World War I leadership, created Federal Reserve, Federal Trade Commission, Clayton Antitrust Act, progressive income tax, lower tariffs, women's suffrage (reluctantly), Treaty of Versailles, sought 14 points post-war plan, League of Nations (but failed to win U.S. ratification), won Nobel Peace Prize

Which strategy was not employed by woman suffragists to obtain their goal

A. They called for female workers to strike

The open door policy was designed as a way for the United States to further

A. its trade interests

Which of the following did not stimulate U.S. imperialism

A. need for a source of cheap labor

Jose Marti, a Cuban poet and journalist in exile in New York, organized a guerrilla campaign to destory American-owned property in Cuda in order to

A. provoke U.S. intervention in Cuba

In the mid-1800s, the majority of women who held jobs worked as

A. servants

Theodore Roosevelt

26th President of the United States, 26th president, known for: Progressive Politics, conservationism, trust-busting, Hepburn Act, safe food regulations, "Square Deal," Panama Canal, Great White Fleet, Nobel Peace Prize for negotiation of peace in Russo-Japanese War

William Howard Taft

27th president of the U.S.; he angered progressives by moving cautiously toward reforms and by supporting the Payne-Aldrich Tariff; he lost Roosevelt's support and was defeated for a second term.

19th Amendment

Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1920) extended the right to vote to women in federal or state elections.

16th Amendment

Amendment to the United States Constitution (1913) gave Congress the power to tax income.

National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA)

An organization founded in 1890 to demand the vote for women

Which statement best characterizes Roosevelt's position on trusts? a. Some trusts were harmful to the public interest. b. All trusts should be busted. c. Trusts were of benefit to the public interest. d. Trusts were legal and could not be abolished.

a. Some trusts were harmful to the public interest.

Which strategy was NOT employed by woman suffragists to obtain their goal? a. They called for female workers to strike. b. They advocated a constitutional amendment. c. They tested the Fourteenth amendment in court. d. They convinced state legislatures to grant women the right to vote.

a. They called for female workers to strike

The ______________ , which became known as the Bull Moose Party, advocated a number of reforms including women's suffrage, an eight-hour workday, and a federal law against child labor

Progressive Party

The ___________________, which became known as the Bull Moose Party, advocated a number of reforms including women's suffrage, an eight-hour workday, and a federal law against child labor.

Progressive Party

reform movement that sought to return control of the government to the people


18th Amendment

Prohibited the manufacture, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages

Booker T. Washington

Prominent black American, born into slavery, who believed that racism would end once blacks acquired useful labor skills and proved their economic value to society, was head of the Tuskegee Institute in 1881.


a law forbidding the sale of alcoholic beverages

a bill that originates from the people rather than legislators is known as ______

an initative

Which statement best characterizes the position of Gifford Pinchot toward land conservation? a. Unrestricted development was unacceptable b. A multi-use land program was possible c. Further privatization should be prohibited d. Conservation should not interfere with industrial expansion

b. A multi-use land program was possible

A bill that originates from the people rather than legislators is known as a. a recall b. an initiative c. a referendum d. an amendment

b. an initiative

the law that required truthful labels was the ______

Pure Food and Drug Act

this legislation halted the sale of contaminated foods or drugs and called for truth in labeling

Pure Food and Drug Act

Alice Paul

Radical suffragist supporting protests against President Wilson and formed the National Woman's Party (1885-1977)

scientific management

hiring experts to study how goods could be produced more quickly

Progressive Movement

reform effort, generally centered in urban areas and begun in the early 1900s, whose aims included returning control of the government to the people, restoring economic opportunities, and correcting injustices in American life.

Which statement best characterizes Roosevelt's position on trusts

A. Some trusts were harmful to the public interest

Susan B. Anthony

(1820-1906) An early leader of the women's suffrage (right to vote) movement, co-founded the National Women's Suffrage Association with Elizabeth Cady Stanton in 1869.

Which statement best characterizes the position of Gifford Pinchot toward land conservation

B. A multi-use land program was possible


B. National Assoction of Colored Women

All of the following were imperialist in the late 1800s except

C. China

Which country's residents became citizens of the United States in 1917

C. Puerto Rico

The Progressive Party nominated ________________ in the 1912 presidential election.

Theodore Roosevelt

the movement to rotect America's natural resources


this was the principle that guided Roosevelt's efforts to organize water projects to transform dry wilderness areas into agricultural areas


Clayton Antitrust Act

Corrected the problems of the Sherman Antitrust Act; outlawed certain practices that restricted competition; unions on strike could no longer be considered violating the antitrust acts

What effect did World War I have on the suffragist movement

D. It hastened passage and ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment

Muckrakers were

D. Journalists

Why were early progressive attemps to enact federal bans on child lador unsuccessful

D. The Supreme Court ruled such bans unconstitutional

The primary goal of the NAACP was

D. equality among the races

Which of the following actions led to the defeat of Taft in 1912

D. his failure to unify the Republican Party

For which action did Theodore Roosevelt win the 1906 Nobel Peace Prize

D. negotiating an end to war between Russia and Japan

Calling for an end to capitalism, Socialist presidential candidate ____________ failed to capture any electoral votes in the 1912 presidential election

Eugene V. Debs

a plan that reformed how American banks were organized

Federal Reserve System

W.E.B. Du Bois

Harvard professor; believed that African Americans should strive for full rights immediately; founded the NAACP

unsanitary conditions in the meat-packing industry

In the Jungle, Upton Sinclair exposed

Domestic Servants

In the mid-1800s, the majority of women who held jobs worked as

This is a bill initiated, or launched, by citizens


_________________, head of the U.S. Forest Service under President Roosevelt, favored a balanced approach concerning the private development and conservation of wilderness lands

Joseph Cannon

this was started by prominent African Americans and white reformers


National Association for colored women


National American Women Suffrage Association


Square Deal

President Theodore Roosevelt's plan for reform; all Americans are entitled to an equal opportinity to succeed

Election of 1912

Presidential campaign involving Taft, T. Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson. Taft and Roosevelt split the Republican vote, enabling Wilson to win


Procedure whereby voters can remove an elected official from office

Under President Taft, the progessive and conservation wings of the ____________ began to fragment

Republican Party

Under President Taft, the progressive and conservative wings of the ____________ began to fragment.

Republican Party

this reform governor and U.S. senator from Wisconsin made the railroad industry a major target

Robert M. La Follette

Democratic presidential nominee ______________ supported antitrust legislation, banking reform, and reduced tariffs, under a progressive platform known as the New Deal


this allowed for the popular, or direct, election of U.S. senators

Seventeenth Amendment

this enabled voters to remove public officals from elected positions by forcing them to face an election before the end of their term if enough voters requested it

Seventeenth Amendment

this legislation was used by Roosevelt to file 44 antitrust suits

Sherman Antitrust Act

the term used to describe the progessive reforms of President Theodore Roosevelt

Square Deal

the right to vote


a leader of the woman suffrage movement

Susan B. Anthony

leader in the womens suffragists movement

Susan B. Anthony

Roosevelt responded to this book by appointing a commission to investigate the meatpacking industry

The Jungle

Pure Food and Drug Act

The law that required truthful labels was the

Equality among the races

The primary goal of the NAACP was

Federal Reserve System

The system created by Congress in 1913 to establish banking practices and regulate currency in circulation and the amount of credit available. It consists of 12 regional banks supervised by the Board of Governors. Often called simply the Fed.

The Jungle

This 1906 work by Upton Sinclair pointed out the abuses of the meat packing industry. The book led to the passage of the 1906 Meat Inspection Act.

his failure to unify the Republican Party

Which of the following actions led to the defeat of Taft in 1912

decreased productivity

Which of the following was not a result of the introduction of the assembly line

to eliminate the use of alcohol in society

Which of the follwing best states the primary goal of the prohibitionists?

Some trusts were harmful to the public interests

Which statement best characterizes Roosevelt's position on trusts

a multi-use land program was possible

Which statement best characterizes the position of Gifford Pinchot torward land conservation

Which of the following best states the primary goal of prohibitionists? a. to eliminate the sale of alcohol to minors b. to eliminate the use of alcohol in society c. to reduce accidents in the workplace d. to reduce the availability of alcohol to minors

b. eliminate the use of alcohol in society

the movement to protect America's natural resources


Meat Inspection Act

1906 - Laid down binding rules for sanitary meat packing and government inspection of meat products crossing state lines.

Pure Food and Drug Act

1906 - the act that prohibited the manufacture, sale, or shipment of impure of falsely labeled food and drugs

Federal Trade Commission

A government agency established in 1914 to prevent unfair business practices and help maintain a competitive economy.

National Woman's Party

A group of militant suffragists who took to the streets with mass pickets, parades, and hunger strikes to convince the govt to give them the right to vote. Led by Alice Paul.

Carrie Chapman Catt

A women's suffrage leader, she was twice the president of the NAWSA She was one of the main people attributed to woman's suffrage.

Of the Following statements, the one that best reflects an anit-imperialist attitude is

A. "It is not necessary to own people to trade with them."

On what did the Roosevelt Corollary build

A. Monroe Doctrine

After campaigning on a platform of lowering tariffs, President Taft angered progressive supporters by signing the __________________.

Aldrich-Payne Bill

All of the following countreis came under some form of U.S. control as a result of the Spanish-American War except

B. Hawaii


B. National American Woman Suffrage Association

General John J. Pershing led a force of fifteen thousand soldiers in an attempt to capture

B. Pancho Villa

The first person to use the presidency as a "bully pulpit" was

B. Theodorer Roosevelt

A bill that originates from the people rather than legislators is known as

B. an initiative

The United States gained control of the land it needed to build the Panama Canal by

B. invading and attacking Colombia

Who gained most from the ratificaationof the Seventeenth Amendment

B. orbinary citizens

The progressive movement regarded all of the following as worthly goals except

B. promoting business monopolies

The Boxer Rebellion was an attemt by Chinese revolutionaries to

B. remove foreign influence from China

which of the following did the United States insist that Cuba include in its constitution

B. the Platt Amendment

In which of the following conflicts were U.S. military troops not invited

B. the Russo-Japanese war

Which of the following best states the primary goal of prohibitionsts

B. to eliminate the use of alcohol in society

What was the primary motivation for passage of the Sixteenth Amendment

B. to replace revenue lost by enacting lower tariffs

All of the following were actively involved in securing the right to vote for women except

C. Florence Kelley

The rapid growth of industry in the United States help fuel imperialism because

C. The United States was producing too many goods for its own people to buy

Which of the following was not a result of the introduction of the assembly line

C. decreased productivity


C. the right to vote

In The Jungle, Upton Sinclair exposed

C. unsanitary conditions in the meat-packing industry

Who told the artist Frederic Remingtion, "You furnish the pictues and I'll furnish the war"

D. William Randolph Hearst

Calling for an end to capitalism, Socialist presidential candidate _____________ failed to capture any electoral votes in the 1912 presidential election.

Eugene V. Debs

in the election of 1912, the candidate considered LEAST pleasing to reformers was _______

Eugene V. Debs

watchdog agency given the power to stop unfair business practices

Federal Trade Commission

this progessive championed the rights of women and children by moving into a settlement house, working as the Chief Inspector of Factories for Illinois, and helping to win passage of the Illinois Factory Act

Florence Kelley

this progressive championed the rights of women and children by moving into a settlement house, working as the Chief Inspector of Factories of Illinois, and helping to win passage of the Illinois Factory Act

Florence Kelley

this legislation put forth strict cleanliness requirements for meatpackers and created the program of federal meat inspection still used today

Meat Inspection Act

the term used to describe the progressive reforms of President Theodore Roosevelt

Square Deal

this is what Roosevelt promised that the common people would receive

Square Deal

At 42 years old, he was the youngest man to ever become president

Theodore Roosevelt

muckraking journalist who exposed the terrible conditions of the meatpacking industry

Upton Sinclair

the supreme court ruled such bans unconstitutional

Why were early progressive attempts to enact federal bans on child labor unsuccessful

Bull Moose Party

a name given to the progressive party, formed to support Theodore Roosevelt's candidacy for the presidency in 1912

In the election of 1912, the candidate considered least pleasing to reformers was a. Eugene V. Debs b. Theodore Roosevelt c. William H. Taft d. Woodrow Wilson

a. Eugene V. Debs

The law that required truthful labels was the a. Pure Food and Drug Act b. Meat Inspection Act c. Sherman Antitrust Act d. Interstate Commerce Act

a. Pure Food and Drug Act

NAWSA a. National American Woman Service Association b. National American Woman Suffrage Association c. National American Woman Scientists Association d. National American Workers and Servants Association

b. National American Woman Suffrage Association

NACW a. National Alliance of College Women b. National Association of Colored Women c. National Association of Clubs for Women d. National Association of Childcare Workers

b. National Association of Colored Women

Muckrakers were a. politicians b. conservationists c. suffragists d. journalists

d. journalists

which of the following was NOT a result of the introduction of the assembly line? (a) higher worker turnover (b) reduced hours of the workday (c) decreased productivity (d) higher wages

decreased productivity

the primary goal of the NAACP was _______

equality among the races

this bill initiated, or launched, by citizens


this was one of the inspirations for the creation of assembly lines at the Ford Motor Company

scientific management

which statement best characterizes Roosevelt's position on trusts?

some trusts were harmful to the public interest

Civil Rights Movement (early 20th century)

the efforts to end racial segregation


the preservation and careful management of the environment and of natural resources

it hastened passage and rattification of the Nineteenth Amendment

what effect did World War 1 have on the suffragist movement

to replace revenue lost by enacting lower tarrifs

what was the primary motivation for passage of the seventeenth amendment

The republican party nominated __________ in the 1912 presidential election

Theodore Roosevelt

the first person to use the presidency as a "bully pulpit" was ______

Theodore Roosevelt

This was settled when Roosevelt got involved in the negotiations

1902 coal miners' strike

Essay: Which president-Roosevelt, Taft, or Wilson- had the most lasting impact on the major progressive issues at the turn of the 20th century? Explain your choice. Think About: use of the bully pulpit trustbusting legislation health and safety issues conservation of natural resources progress toward civil rights for all citizens.

Roosevelt was the most effective in using the bully pulpit to bring about needed reforms. He aggressively used the Sherman Antitrust Act to protect the public from the power of monopolies. He regulated the coal mining industry and the railroads. He also brought about many improvements in public health through the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act. He aggressively sought to conserve the nation's natural resources through legislation such as the National Reclamation Act. Roosevelt even represented the new Progressive Party in the election of 1912. Many of the items on the platform of the Progressive Party that year eventually became the law of the land. Taft was not as effective in championing progressive causes. He signed the Payne-Aldrich Tariff, which progressives considered a weak compromise. He fired the conservationist Gifford Pinchot, head of the U.S Forest Service. Taft failed to win the support of Progressives and lost the election of 1912 decisively. Wilson pleased progressives with the Clayton Antitrust Act and the establishment of the Federal Trade Commission. The FTC continues to have a prominent role in government supervision of business. Wilson also established the Federal Reserve System, which is vital to the success and safety of our current banking system. None of the three presidents did much to further the cause of civil rights for African Americans

Susan B. Anthony a. discovered a new comet b. leader in the women's suffrage movement c. first American woman to earn a professional degree d. first American woman elected to a national political office

b. leader in the women's suffrage movement

How did the political reforms of the Progressive Era affect the way government functions today? Explain your answer. Think about the following a. responsibility of government b. Initiative, referendum and recall c. the 17th Amendment (direct election of U.S. Senators)

Today, the government is responsible for what happens after a natural disaster, like setting relief efforts and aiding the victims. This was started in the Progressive Era after a hurricane hit and the government set up relief aid. The government today was also changed by the government regulation in the Progressive Era. During Roosevelt's presidency, many Acts passed that made the U.S. a healthy and better place. The Meat Inspection Act provided cleaner production so food would not become contaminated. The Pure Food and Drug Act halted shipping of contaminated food. Both the Elkins and the Hepburn Act were also passed during Roosevelt's presidency. The Elkins Act made it illegal for railroad officials to give rebates for railroad companies. The Hepburn Act gave the Interstate Commerce Commission the power to set maximum railroad rates. It also gave the government regulation of business.

this muckraking journalist shocked readers with his nauseating account of the meatpacking industry's conditions

Upton Sinclair

Who gained most from the ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment? a. party bosses b. ordinary citizens c. state legislators d. industrial leaders

b. ordinary citizens

they called for female workers to strike

Which strategy was not employed vby women suffragists to obtain their goal

ordinary citizens

Who gained most from the of the Seventeenth Amendment

president whose actions split the Republican party after he angered both progressives and conservationalists

William H. Taft

president whose actions split the Republican party after he angered both progressives and conservationists

William H. Taft

Incumbent ______________ sought reelection in the 1912 presidential race.

William Howard Taft

The Republican Party nominated _____________________ in the 1912 presidential election.

William Howard Taft

The Progessive Party nominated ___________ in the 1912 presidental election

William Jennings Bryan

Incumbent _________ sought reelection in the 1912 presidential race

William Taft

The progressive movement regarded all of the following as worthy goals EXCEPT a. protecting social welfare b. promoting business monopolies c. creating economic reform d. fostering efficiency in the workplace

b. promoting business monopolies

Democratic presidential nominee ______________ supported antitrust legislation, banking reform, and reduced tariffs, under a progressive platform known as the New Freedom.

Woodrow Wilson

president of the U.S. who was a former president of Princeton University and governor of New Jersey

Woodrow Wilson

which statement best characterizes the postion of Gifford Pinchot toward land conservation?

a multi-use land program was possible

The first person to use the presidency as a "bully pulpit" was a. William H. Taft b. Theodore Roosevelt c. Woodrow Wilson d. William McKinley

b. Theodore Roosevelt

What was the primary motivation for passage of the Sixteenth Amendment? a. to curb the power of corporations b. to replace revenue lost by enacting lower tariffs c. to reduce the gap between rich and poor d. to create a war chest to pay for future wars

b. to replace revenue lost by enacting lower tariffs

Which of the following was NOT a result of the introduction of the assembly line? a. higher worker turnover b. reduced hours of the workday c. decreased productivity d. higher wages

c. decreased productivity

Suffrage a. discrimination b. women's rights c. the right to vote d. the denial of the right to vote

c. the right to vote

In (i)The Jungle(i), Upton Sinclair exposed a. dangers faced by coal miners b. corrupt business practices of the Standard Oil Company c. unsanitary conditions in the meat-packing industry d. illegal deals between special interests and the government

c. unsanitary conditions in the meat-packing industry

The primary goal of the NAACP was a. voting rights for women b. better working conditions c. regulation of the banking industry d. equality among the races

d. equality among the races

Which of the following actions led to the defeat of Taft in 1912? a. his overuse of the bully pulpit b. his failure to continue the trustbusting of Roosevelt c. his refusal to sign the Payne-Aldrich Tariff d. his failure to unify the Republican Party

d. his failure to unify the Republican Party

this term used to describe a journalist who exposed government abuses and big business corruption to the readers of mass circulation magazines and newspapers


which of the following actions led to the defeat of Taft in 1912? (a) his overuse of the bully pulpit (b) his failure to continue the trustbusting of Roosevelt (c) his refusal to sign the Payne-Aldrich Tariff (d) his failure to unify the Republican Party

his failure to unify the Republican Party

this is a term used to describe a journalist who exposed government abuses and big business corruption to the readers of mass circulation magazines and newspapers


who gained most from the ratification of the Seventeeth Amendment?

ordinary citizens

this included a series of reform efforts that aimed to correct injustices in American life

progressive movement

members of the Woman's Chirstian Temperance Union fought for this cause by entering saloons, singing, praying, and asking saloonkeepers to stop selling alcohol


members of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union fought for this cause by entering saloons, singing, praying, and asking saloonkeepers to stop selling alcohol


the progressive movement regarded all of the following EXCEPT: (a) protecting social welfare (b) promoting business monopolies (c) creating economic reform (d) fostering efficiency in the workplace

promoting business monopolies

this enabled voters to remove public officials from elected positions by forcing them to face an election before the end of their term if enough voters requested it


this is a vote on an initiative


promoting business monopolies

the progressive movement regarded all of the following as worthy goals except

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