U.S history exam 2 review

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Cause of Pontiac's Rebellion

British colonists flooded into lands formerly claimed by the French and still inhabited by Native Americans who did not recognize French claims or their right to give those lands up in the Treaty of Paris


-American colonists who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for independence -Were primarily located in seaport cities such as New York City and Philadelphia -Included most Governors and judges as well as Anglican ministers and small backcountry farmers

which were aspects of the nonimportation movement

-American consumers pressured the British economy refusing to buy British goods and thereby hurting the profitable businesses of London merchants -Women took part in the movement by providing for the cloth and clothing that had previously been imported from Britain -It presented a style of Americaness not interested in the luxury of British goods.

which were responses of British kings to the Massachusetts legislature's declaration that the Navigation Acts had no legal standing in the colony.

-Appointed Sir Edmund Andros as the governor. He imposed Anglicanism, enforced the Navigation Acts, and ignored the authority of town governments. -Revoked the charter of Massachusetts and reorganized all of the New England colonies as a single royal colony called the Dominion of New England

Select all of the following which were a response of the English to the Massachusetts Assembly's circulation of the Adams-Otis letter

-Dissolution of the assembly -The stationing of a large garrison of troops in Boston.

what describes new france

-French traders managed to trade with Native Americans for the valuable gold and jewels of the North American interior. -New France gave the French access to the two most vital interior waterways of the North American continent--the St. Lawrence River and the Mississippi. -The French launched constant wars from their bases in the Great Lakes against the Native American allies of the British in the Mississippi River region.

Select all of the following which played a role in allowing the Patriots to survive their disastrous defeat by the British at the Battle of Long Island and maintain their ability to stay in the war into 1777.

-General Washington's superior tactical awareness allowed his army slip away unnoticed. -The British General William Howe's failure to follow up on his success at Long Island by following Washington's retreating army.

Select all of the following which were policies of the Madison administration.

-Instituted the Non-intercourse Act, which opened trade with all foreign nations other than Britain and France. -Declared war on France in order to gain access to that countries rich sugar islands in the Caribbean. -Declared war on England with hopes of ending Indian attacks in the Ohio Valley and to united the nation. -Placed his capable wife Dolly as a member of his cabinet. Be prepared to discuss the following question: Why did the book feel it necessary to comment on her weight?

which was a strategy the British used for defeating the American Patriots.

-Invade the southern colonies in order to gain the support of the Loyalists there and then regain the rest of the colonies -Invade New York and leave the rest of the colonies alone since NYC was the largest city. -Blockaded the New England ports in order to destroy American trade. -Destroy the Continental Army under George Washington.

ways in which the Stamp Act, which required the purchase of specially embossed and taxed paper, differed from previous forms of taxation on the British colonies

-It was an "internal" tax on specific American goods and services rather than an "external" tax on imports and exports. -It affected all the colonies in a roughly equal manner rather than just a few.

Select all of the following which describe Jefferson's presidency.

-Jefferson placed friends and allies into office, but also attempted to gain the favor of Federalists by putting some into his cabinet. -He pushed for the "democratization" of politics by calling for states to lower voting requirements. -He created the positions of attorney general and postmaster general in order to give positions to Federalists who were complaining. -He removed Federalists from judiciary offices

Select all of the following which were aspects of the Articles of Confederation.

-Nine states had to approve measures dealing with war, treaties, coinage, finances and the army and navy. -The Confederation Congress could settle disputes between states and could conduct foreign affairs. -The Confederation Congress had no courts or power to enforce its resolutions or ordinances.

Which of the following describes benefits of the railroads for the United States and its economy?

-Railroads increased the speed and capacity of transportation in ways that made the various local markets interconnected into national markets -The building of the railroads stimulated the national economy by increasing the demand for resources and manufactured goods related to the railroads.

what describes assumptions regarding the role of colonies in the enrichment of their mother country.

-Relieve social tension through providing a relief mechanism to which the underprivileged might escape. -Prohibiting the colonies from producing any manufactured goods would force them to purchase from other colonies and countries -Provide raw materials and resources to the mother country in return for food and manufactured goods.

Select all of the following which were qualities of the state governments created after the Revolution.

-Royally appointed governors and councils. -A Bill of Rights that protected individual freedoms. -Powerful legislatures. -Governors with extrajudicial power.

which were aspects of the French and Indian War/Seven Years War

-Southern colonists fought against and defeated the Cherokee Nation. -Prussia and Great Britain fought on the European continent against Russia, Sweden, France, Spain, and Austria. -Native Americans across the British colonial frontier attacked isolated settlements. -The British defeated their enemies in this global conflict---fought in Europe, the India, and South America---and became the rulers of a massive world spanning empire

Which of the following is true of technological developments which aided the United States in its development of water-born trade and travel?

-Steamboats opened up the Mississippi to two-way travel. -The Erie Canal allowed a direct route from the West to the east rather than down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers to the Gulf of Mexico, isolating the Deep South.

Select all of the following were successes of the growing rebellion in the American colonies.

-The British Fort Ticonderoga fell to Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold. -Colonial militia, though ill-prepared for war, surrounded and effectively besieged the British army at Boston.

Select all of the following which occurred in the British invasion of the Chesapeake region.

-The British burned the capitol of Washington, D.C. -The British captured Baltimore by ignoring Fort McHenry, which is why the flag remained the next day. -The British ultimately retreated from the region. -Thousands of slaves took the opportunity to fleet to British lines and gain their freedom.

Consequence of Pontiac's Rebellion

-The British negotiated a settlement with Native Americans which allowed the British to retake forts. -King George III created and attempted to enforce a "proclamation line" beyond which white settlers were disallowed from settling

Select all of the following which were the concessions won or gains made by the Americans in the Treaty of Ghent or the war.

-The British would stop encouraging attacks by Native Americans along the Great Lakes. -The British gave up claims to the lower Canadian Peninsula, which became part of Michigan.

Select all of the following which helped to restore the Continental Army following the huge losses it suffered to illness and cold at Valley Forge?

-The Continental Congress promised extra pay and bonuses to the army after the completion of the war. -Friedrich Wilhelm, baron von Steuben brought about a professionalism in the troops due to his training of the soldiers.

Which of the following were the implications of the Supreme Court's ruling regarding this case?

-The Supreme Court had claimed their right of judicial review (the right to decide whether acts of Congress were constitutional). -The Supreme Court affirmed its right to original jurisdiction of all cases in the United States.

which played a role in defeating the Patriot attempt to take Quebec.

-The limited timescale for the invasion due to the 6 month enlistment limits for many Patriot troops. -A smallpox epidemic hit the Patriot encampment.

which represent the new way that Americans began to see themselves and the world.

-They believed themselves to be "virtually" represented by Parliament since they were similar to other groups in Britain who could not vote, but were considered represented. -They took for granted self-government, equality of economic opportunity, religious freedom, and territorial expansion.

which were ways that the colonists protested the Stamp Act

-They plundered the homes of royal officials in charge of enforcing the tax. -They met under "liberty trees" or set up "liberty poles." -Their legislature of Virginia passed a resolution which argued that colonists could not be taxed without consultation or representation.

Select all of the following which are reasons that the initial successes of the British assault on the Southern colonies were short-lived.

-Unleashing Native American attacks drove some neutral colonists into becoming Patriots. -There were fewer Loyalists in the Southern colonies than expected. -Some Loyalists and British soldiers behaved so poorly that neutral colonists and even other Loyalists became Patriots.

what were limitations of the British colonial system, in which elected colonial legislatures exerted considerable power.

-Women, Native Americans, and African Americans were excluded from the political process. -Wide-scale property holding meant that a larger percentage of the male population could vote in the colonies than in Great Britain or anywhere else.

A group of American investors put spinning and weaving machines under the same roof to create textile mill centers.


Western Pennsylvania and New York

A detatchment of 4,000 troops under General John Sullivan defeated the Mohawk under Chief Joseph Brant. By destroying the Native American's food supply, they broke the power of the Iroquois Confederacy

Cyrus McCormick's mechanical reaper

A great decrease in the number of workers needed to farm and a corresponding increase in the number of laborers available for manufacturing, railroads, etc.

Which one of the following best describes the Battle of King's Mountain and its consequences.

A struggle between frontier Patriots and a Loyalist unit under Major Patrick Ferguson which was won by the Patriots and made recruiting Loyalists for the British more difficult.

The Revolutionary War saw the disintegration of the Iroquois Confederation and ultimately resulted in which of the following for the Native Americans?

American settlers pushed into Native American territories and the American government ignored the promises it had made to its allies

Which one of the following best describes the change in how American's perceived the role of religion from the period prior to the Revolution to the period after it

Americans began to apply freedom of religion rather than toleration of religion as had been seen previously.

Which of the following best describes the strategy taken by Washington and the Patriots over the remainder of the war?

Avoid engagement and attack only at chosen times and locations while ultimately wearing down the British will to win by lengthening the war

late 18th century

During this period, Spain had declined leaving France and Great Britain in a conflict that saw the latter drastically its control of the colonies in an effort to raise funds for its war efforts.

Lord North attempted to resolve the conflict by issuing the _____(two words), which offered to end taxation of colonies which voluntarily paid the costs of its defense and for the salary of its royal governor. In effect, this would allow the colonies to tax themselves.

Conciliatory Propositions

Kentucky Territory

Daniel Boone and a few others fought the British, Loyalists, and Native Americans while suffering significant losses.

early mid 18th- century

During this period, Catholic Spain and France fought against Protestant Great Britain and the Netherlands for dominance of Europe.

The Preemption Act of 1830 and Graduation Act of 1854

Drastically increased the American population living west of the Appalachian mountains

Which of the following was one of the reversals (oddities that didn't fit the normal behavior) of the Louisiana Purchase?

Federalists called for strict adherence to the Constitution while Republicans were willing to set the document aside for pragmatic reasons.

Ohio River Valley

Hardened woodsman under George Rogers Clark took numerous English controlled locations and, with French volunteers helping, surprised the British garrison at Vincennes. They caused their surrender by executing captured Native Americans in view of the fort.

Which of the following was the most surprising and important part of Jefferson's election and inauguration?

Jefferson called Federalist's insane in his inaugural speech

Which of the following best describes the actions that resulted in antagonism between the United States and European countries, primarily Britain

Jefferson called for war with Britain due to an attempt by a British ship to sink the American merchant ship Chesapeake.

King George II replaced Grenville as Prime Minister with ______(two words), who repealed the Stamp Act

Lord Rockingham

Nature of Pontiac's Rebellion

Native American groups along the colonial frontier raided settlements, killed colonists, and captured British forts in the Great Lakes region and the Ohio Valley

Singer sewing machines

Reduced the amount of time women spent producing clothing thus allowing for more "leisure" time.

Select the one of the following which best describes the efforts of and responses to slavery during the American Revolution

Slaves sought to act for their freedom through whatever means available while some colonies offered freedom for slaves and other sought to reinforce slavery. The British offered freedom for all blacks serving in their army.


Sought a new form of government called a Republic, in which they could elect their government and pursue their own economic interests.

best description of scope and effect of the American Revolution from those below.

The American Revolution was fought on a global scale as European powers and Native American allies of both sides joined the conflict. It brought about significant social change as victory relied on the involvement of many in various levels of government.

John Deere's steel plow

The ability to cut through prairie grass and, thereby, farm the Great Plains

Virginia and Carolina Frontier

The Cherokee struck out against frontier settlements, but retaliation, during which militiamen under Andrew Pickens destroyed Native American food and livestock, resulted in the defeat of the Cherokee.

Cotton Gin

The drastic increase in efficiency of cotton production which led to that crop becoming the premier cash crop of the United States.

Which of the following was a result of the development of the cotton gin and the corresponding decrease in the cost of cotton production?

The economies of the southern, cotton producing states developed their own textile production in order to end Northern participation in the trade.

Vulcanized rubber

The improvement of seals, gaskets, and hoses, as well as the development of tires.

Which of the following best describes the greatest impact in the new United States of the flight of Loyalists to various parts of the British empire.

The land and homes confiscated from them and the jobs they vacated allowed for economic, social, and political opportunities

Which of the following was the reason that the Townshend Acts threatened the power of colonial legislatures?

The tax revenues would pay for royal governors and give them some level of independence from the colonial assemblies

Which one of the following was a result of the Currency Act?

The value of paper money in the colonies drastically decreased and harmed trade.

which of the following is the reason why the Albany Plan of Union, which called for an eleven colony organization with a president and legislative council, was rejected by the colonial legislatures

They did not want to lose power

Grenville's American Revenue Act of 1764 (The Sugar Act) lowered the tax on molasses in order to decrease the smuggling of French molasses, but created duties on sugar, wine, coffee, and spices. These were meant to generate revenue for protecting Britain's American colonies. Why did the colonists reject this act

They saw the purpose of the taxes as taxation without their consent

which of the following is the best explanation of what Native American groups fought on the side of the British or the Patriots in the American Revolution?

They sought protect themselves and their interests.

Which of the following was a former Patriot General who switched sides during the war?

benedict arnold

A series of British navigation acts served to: 1) Force all trade into and out of Britain to use British owned shipping, 2) make colonial shipping using French vessels (which charged much lower fees than British ones) illegal, and 3) bring about the dominance of the British as the world's leading maritime power


After having had the Olive Branch Petition rejected, the colonists began more openly espousing the idea of Independence based on John Dickinson's pamphlet Common Sense, which argued that the British monarchy ought to be abandoned and that independence might gain support from France and Spain


Although only roughly 1000 of George Washington's troops remained by the Spring of 1777 winter, thousands of recruits joined due to the increased patriotism caused by George Washington's plea to the Patriots of America.


American colonists saw the Quartering Act as an attempt to threaten their Native American neighbors


British regulars succeeded where Washington's militia had failed by successfully defeating the French near Fort Duquesne. They ambushed them on three sides and caused horrific casualties


Clipper ships, which could bring Chinese tea to the United States soon after its harvest and goods to the West Coast following the discovery of gold in California, dominated sea-borne transportation due to both their speed and the ample space for both cargo and passengers.


Daniel Boone created a turnpike between North Carolina and Kentucky/Tennessee.


In general, American colonists, such as Patrick Henry, boldly advocated for war while most British military officers thought war inadvisable


Since women were able to demonstrate their abilities in supporting the male patriots during the Revolutionary War, through such things as spying, acting as nurses, or helping supply the army, they were able to gain certain rights at the end of the war--rights such as limited voting for female property owners.


The American Revolution succeeded in completing a social revolution in which the underclass was able to wrest power from the upper class


The Battle of Saratoga resulted in the Dutch and Spanish recognizing American independence. That, in turn, led France to join the war on the side of the Americans.


The British invasion of the northern United States was ended when Commodore Thomas Macdonough used his more numerous fleet to split the British forces in half. While half surrendered, the rest fled.


The British victory in the French and Indian War/Seven Years War gave them several of the French sugar islands, control over the French colonies east of the Mississippi River and the fur trade that went with them, and Spanish Florida. This resulted in a massive influx of money that made the British Empire the richest in the world.


The primary (and desired) effect of Washington's assault on Hessian troops at Trenton was to force all German troops completely out of the war


Unlike in the North, the war in the Carolinas was a gentile war fought in set-piece battles between the British forces and the Patriots, who made up almost the entire population of the Southern colonies.


Washington, Jefferson, and other Patriot slave-holders did not recognize their own power over slaves as tyrannical


The American economy moved from one in which families produced for themselves with perhaps some for barter, called a (two words)______, to one in which more and more people began to produce for more distant regions in return for money, called a (two words) ______.

household economy, market economy

In addition to the increase in the speed of communication through such developments as an improved mail system, the creation of the telegraph allowed for the more efficient management of which one of the following?

railroad schedules

American textile manufacturing, which had developed during the War of 1812, was nearly destroyed by the glut of cheap British cloth available after the war. In response, the manufacturers pressured the government to create a tariff which, although it hurt consumers, the government instituted.


General Nathanael Greene and General Daniel Morgan lured the British into battles and, in both losing and winning battles, led the British to retreat to the coast for provisioning.


George Grenville believed British colonists in the Americas ought to pay for their defense and therefore tightened enforcement of the Navigation Acts and sent warships to crack down on American smugglers


On the same day that George Washington was named commander in chief of the colonial army, the British in Boston seized the high ground at the Battle of Bunker Hill, although only after numerous assaults and heavy casualties.


The American economy grew in various ways following the end of the War of 1812 due to technological and social changes.


The British troops of General Cornwallis were beseiged at Yorktown due to the combination of American troops, French troops, and French navy all working to surround the British forces.


The French and Indian War was a conflict initiated by British and French competition over the "Ohio Country." It resulted from the attack on a French fort by a Virginia militia officer who sought to establish a strategic fort on the Ohio River, but found a French fort already there


The Gaspee incident resulted in restirring American anti-British feelings and to the organization of a number of Committees of Correspondence


The Glorious Revolution, after which (most of) the colonies previously made into the Dominion of New England asserted their previous independent status, had the consequence of demonstrating that a king could be deposed and that John Locke's theories of "natural rights" had some kind of validity


The Stamp Act Congress issued the Declaration of Rights and Grievances of the Colonies which declared that they would not accept the imposition of taxation without their own consent or that of their own representatives.


The creation of the American border at the Mississippi meant Native Americans, who had not been given a role in the treaty negotiations, now faced an expansionist America which saw itself as the rightful owners of huge tracts of land on which Native Americans lived.


The decrease in property requirements for voting meant that a significant number of white men were able to vote.


The expansion of cotton production across the American South resulted in an increase in the value of slaves. This, in turn, led many Virginia and Maryland planters to sell their slaves for a high profit.


The members of the Continental Congress created networks of organized resistance that incorporated thousands of colonists and laid the foundation of colonial unity that led to and allowed for victory in the coming war with Britain.


The result of the Boston Massacre, in which British troops opened fire on a group of colonists who were taunting and throwing icicles at them, was the repeal of the Townshend duties (other than the tea tax) and the removal of British troops from Boston


Thomas Jefferson argued, in the Declaration of Independence, that governments received power because those they governed consented to them and that those they governed could rightfully abolish their governments.


Thomas Paine saw one of the greatest advantages that representative democracy had over monarchy as greater transparency, both in its defects and excellencies.


Though the British and American forces fought the Battle of New Orleans after the Treaty of Ghent was signed, it resulted in the quick approval of the treaty by both powers and the elevation of Andrew Jackson to the level of national hero.


Throughout the course of the war, the locally-minded militia who came and went as they pleased became a nationally-focused who were trained and disciplined.


Whereas in Europe railroads were financed by governments, in the United States, questions over the constitutionality of federal funds used in improving national infrastructure meant that the federal government only partially funded such projects as canals and railroads, with the remainder of the funding coming from private investment.


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