US History Exam Study Guide

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The flier on the left appeared on May 4, 1886, based on the flier which conclusion can be made about the Haymarket Riot?

A large number of the participants were German-speaking immigrants

The excerpt below is from William Jenning Bryan's speech at the Democratic Convention in 1896, based on this speech, what did Bryan demand in his subsequent campaign for the Presidency?

A policy of bimetallism that would help farmers by raising crop prices

Which is the best contemporary definition of a "scalawag?

A white southerner who supported Reconstruction

The graph below shows the unemployment rate in the United States between 1930 and 1945. Based on the graph, what conclusion can be made about government policies in the 1930s?

Despite Roosevelt's New Deal policies, the unemployment rate remained high throughout the 1930s

Which phrase completes the diagram on the left?

Discriminated against African Americans

What was an important effect of the sharecropping system and debt peonage?

Freedmen often remained in a state of economic dependence on their former masters

What do the philosophies of these 3 African-American leaders suggest?

Frustrations with continuing inequality led African Americans to fight discrimination in different ways

Why did government leaders generally sympathize with business owners against labor in the late 19th century?

Government leaders received money from business and also believed in Laissez-faire

On May 1, 1930, President Herbert Hoover addressed the annual dinner of the United States Chamber of Commerce. Based on these beliefs, what actions did President Hoover take in response to the Great Depression?

He offered limited federal assistance directed primarily to businesses and banks

The timeline below shows events from the early American labor movements, Which completes the timeline by replacing the question mark?

Homestead Strike at Carnegie's steelworks

Why is the Spanish American War of 1898 often considered a major turning point in U.S. history?

It revealed that the United States had become a world power

What did the passage of the Homestead Act of 1862 and the Pacific Railway Act demonstrate about the federal government?

It was committed to settling the western territories

Why did the United States Senate fail to ratify the Treaty of Versailles in 1919?

Many Senators feared the League of Nations would involve the United States in foreign wars

Which statement best describes the American economy in the late 1920s?

Mass production was not equally matched by consumption

Which groups did not generally participate in the prosperity of the 1920s?

Minorities and railroad workers

What caused African-American demographic patterns in the United States to shift during WW1?

More job opportunities in Northern cities

The diagram on the right compares two industrial revolutions. Which phrase completes the diagram?

New methods of telecommunication

The cartoon on the left by Thomas Nest was published in 1874, what was the main message of this cartoon?

Opponents of Reconstruction were using violence to intimidate the freedmen

The cartoon at the left by Thomas Nast was published in 1871, which problem is addressed in the cartoon?

Political machines were profiting from kickbacks on public contracts

What was a positive long-term impact of Radical Reconstruction on the south?

Public education systems were established for students of all races

How were Americans influenced by the growth of railroads during the Second Industrial Revolution?

Railroads created time zones, the growth of cities, and the first truly national market

Which conflict is described in the newspaper shown on the left?

Ranchers with herds on the open range opposed farmers and ranchers with fenced properties

Which event do these newspapers describe?

Red Scare

In 1902, Lincoln Stefens and Claude Wetmore published the article below about St. Louis in McClure's magazine. Which type of activity does this article illustrate?

Reporting by muckrakers

The political cartoon on the right was published in December 1903. The hill in the background says "Bogota" the capital of Colombia. Eight years later, Theodore Roosevelt stated: "I took the Canal Zone and let Congress debate; and while the debate goes on, the Canal does also. To what event do the cartoon and President Roosevelt's statement refer?

Roosevelt's decision to help Panamian rebels against Colombia in exchange for the Canal Zone

What were the major consequences of the Civil War?

Slaves in Northern states were freed

Based on the cartoon above, what conclusion can be reached about the United States in the early 1880s?

Some American cities felt workers were being oppressed by business monopolies

The table below gives details about United States trade. Which event was responsible for the changes in trade shown on the table?

The British naval blockade of the North Sea cut off American trade to the Central Powers

Which New Deal agency constructed a series of dams that produced hydroelectricity?

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

What was an immediate effect of the changes described above, which were implemented by Congressional Reconstruction?

The balance of power in Southern state governments shifted

Which social issue is addressed in the cartoon?

The conditions of southern slaves

The graph below provides information on the percentage of unemployed workers from 1914 to 1921. What was the primary cause of the changes to the unemployment rate in the United States in 1920 to 1921?

The effects of demobilization

Which issue is addressed in the cartoon?

The excessive power of Big Business

The newspaper headline on the left describes a significant event in domestic affairs. Which set of Progressive reforms is illustrated by this article?

The introduction of measures of direct democracy at the local and state level

Why was there racial unrest in Northern cities after WW1?

The migration of African Americans and returning African-American veterans had created greater competition for jobs and housing

How did completion of the first transcontinental railroad in 1869 encourage settlement of the American West?

The railroad made it easier for ranchers and farmers to ship goods back east

Women had many new experiences as a result of WW1, including working at new jobs, wearing new fashions, and acting more independently. What other new change came to women just after WW1?

The right to vote

Which of these strategies was not used by the south to counter the norths advantages in resources shown in the graph?

The south would INVADE and CAPTURE major Union cities

What was the significance of the passage of the Interstate Commerce Act(1887) and the Sherman Antitrust Act(1890)?

They establish the principle that Congress could regulate business in certain circumstances

The excerpt below is from the Covenant of the League of Nations, a part of the Treaty of Versailles. Why did many U.S Senators object to this article?

They feared Americans would be required to act against aggression in Europe

How did many nativists feel about the rapid influx of immigrants between 1870 and 1900?

They feared that the immigrants might take their jobs for lower wages

The information on the left identifies some of the key reforms of the Progressive Era. Which characteristic was shared by all five reforms?

They gave citizens a greater voice in government

What did the Washington Naval Conference, the Nine-Power Treaty, and the Kellogg-Briand Pact have in common?

They were attempts at promoting world peace without the League of Nations

Which sentence describes the experiences of African-American soldiers during WW1?

They were unable to engage in combat because of racial prejudice

The diagram below provides details about United States involvement in the Philippines during the early 1900s. Which phrase completes the diagram?

U.S. forces fight a 3 year war against Filipino rebels seeking independence

This photograph was taken by Lewis Hines in 1907 for The Survey, a magazine promoting social reform. Which laws addressed concerns by the case of Luther Watson?

Workman's compensation act and child labor laws

What was one effect of the dust storms across the Great Plains in the 1930s?

migration of many to California and other states

Which amendment guaranteed the "equal protection" of the laws to all American citizens?

13th Amendment

The diagram below provides details about the origins of WW1. Which phrase completes the diagram?

Alliance System

The map below shows the world in 1917, Which conclusion can best be drawn from this map?

American imperialists saw their nation's main opportunities in the Pacific and the Caribbean

The timeline below provides details about American imperialism. What was one of the arguments used in favor of these changes?

American industries need raw materials and markets found overseas

Before 1898, most Americans had opposed imperialism. Why did imperialism suddenly become more popular in the United States by the end of the century?

Americans wanted to sell goods to new markets and buy raw materials for new industries

The graph below shows the proportion of rural and urban population of the United States from 1870 to 1900. Which factor contributed to the shift in population shown on the graph?

Better jobs in industry attracted farmers and farm laborers to cities

The books below , and movies based on them, both first appeared in 1939. How were these 2 works similar?

Both were artistic responses to the hardships of the Depression

The excerpt below is from Alfred Thayer Mahan's The Influence of the Sea Power upon History, published in 1890. In this book Mahan urged Americans to build a large navy and acquire colonies as Britain had. What other strategy did Mahan advocate for the United States to succeed as a naval power?

Building a canal through Central America

This cartoon was published in the New York-American Journal in 1902. Which legislation was directed at remedying the evils depicted in the cartoon?

Child Labor Laws

The drawing on the left was published in England in 1894, which ideology was most similar to the ideology identified in this drawing?


Which sequence of events correctly identifies a rise in tensions, brining the nation closer toward armed conflict?

Compromise of 1850----- Dred Scott decision

The political cartoons on the left depicts President Franklin Roosevelt in 1937. Based on the cartoon, what was the reaction in President Roosevelt's "court-packing" plan?

Congress handed Roosevelt his first major defeat by upholding the separation of powers

Why did the rejection of the League of Nations, the higher tariffs imposed by the Fordney-McCumber Act, and the Emergency Quota Act all point to during the early 1920s?

Increasing isolationism

The cartoon below was published in the late 1800s, what is the main idea of the cartoon?

Indians went hungry while federal Indian agents grew wealthy

How did the Dawes Act mark a departure from earlier federal Indian policy?

It permitted Indians to withdraw private plots from the tribal reservation

The diagram below provides details about the Great Depression. Which phrase completes the diagram?

Overproduction of Goods

Which of the following contributed to the outbreak of the Civil War?

Southerners feared that Northerners intended to abolish slavery

What was the purpose of the Grange movement?

To break the rural isolation of farmers and represent their interests

The timeline below displays the sequence of some events during the Progressive Era, What was the primary goal of the government in these actions?

To break up trusts that adopt unfair or dishonest business practices

What was the main purpose of the reservation system?

To clear federal lands for settlement by railroads, ranchers, and farmers

The cartoon on the left was published in May 16, 1917. What was the purpose of the bonds being sold in the cartoon?

To help finance the American War effort

The timeline below displays the sequence of some events affecting Asian immigrants. What was the goal of these measures?

To keep Asian immigrants out of the American society

The certificate on the left was issued in 1919, what was the primary goal of the organization that issued this certificate?

To obtain better conditions for workers in its affiliate unions

What was the main objective of the plan described in General Scott's letter?

To suffocate the south by controlling the Mississippi River and the southern ports

These steps are all performed by a single company, Which of the following best describes the diagram?

Vertical Integration

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