us history honors- the twenties study guide

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republican view (A)

APIT -all you have to do is help big buisiness -prosperity is around the corner -it is not responsible to provide direct assistance to the ppl -trickle down theory

democratic view (B)

GBW -government must be responsible -buying power we need to help the people at the bottom of the economic pyramid

was declared unconstitutinal in 1935

NRA (national recovery administration)

by 1934 senator huey long of louisiana began critisizing the new deal from the left, calling for

a massive redistribution of wealth

the new deal helped establish a new voting coalition for president roosavelt and the democratic party by

all of the above

roosavelt quote

bold and persistent experimentation

a ________ is someone who sells, makes, or smuggles illegal alchohol


calvin coolidge became a national figure during the

boston police strike

during the great depression, fdr's new deal, the federal government became a


new social and economic problems created by a century of urbanization and industrialization

caused the expansion of government in our lives

the social security act established the principle that the federal government should be responsible for

citiezens who, through no fault of their own, were unable to work

sponspored the federal number one program for artists, musicians, theatre people, and writers

civil works administration

offered unemployed young men work planting trees, fighting forest fires, and building resoviors

civilian conservation corps

the price of cars came down during the 20s because of


father coughlin, a former new deal supporter with a popular radio show, called for the government to

control banks

which person in the roosavelt administration was most active in bringing african americans and women into the new deal coalition

eleanor roosavelt

the fair labor standards act abolished child labor, limited the workweek, and

established minimum wage

between 1932 and the present, each presidential administration, repbulican and democrat

expanded the role of the government

convered the money that people save in banks against loss

federal deposit insurance corperation

another word for speculation is


prohibited commerical baks from speculating on the stock market

glass-steagall banking act

president franklin roosavelt entered office with no clear agenda or strong political ideology, but his administration favored

government intervention in the economy

the _____allowed peole to buy now and pay later

installment plan

the social security act of 1935 is considered the most revolutionary law every because

it provided direct healthcare for the sick and elderly

fdrs court packing was a serious mistake because

it showed its power grab

in 2010, president barack obama signed the affordable care act which significantly changed the healthcare system by doing what

making everyone have health insurance- the US would help financially

a reckless practice of lending or buying ______ contributed to the speciulation fever


writers of the 20th century criticized american _______ in which people looked for happiness through getting and spending


in 1965, president lyndon johnson expanded social security by establishing


in 2003, george w bush established ________ a program designed to help people pay for their prescription drugs

medicare part D

organized secret ballots at factories to see if workers watned unions

national labor relations board

president roosavelt's plan for ending the depression became known as the

new deal

president roosavelts desire to change the political balance on the supreme court led to the ________, fdr's first serious political mistake

packing the court

awarded contracts to construction companies to build highways, damns, schools, and other facilities

public works administration

during the progressive era, the federal government became a


to fight the depression, the first thing president roosavelt set out to do was

restore confidence in the nations banking system

a collision between modern science and old fundamentalist values

scopes trial

required companies that sell stocks and bonds to provide complete and truthful informatnion to investors

securities act of 1933

a practice of short term investment in which a person buys a commodity purely for the purpose of selling it for profit is called


the 20s attitude of get rich quick is best illustrated by people investing in the

stock market

in schechter poultry corporation v US, the supreme court struck down

the NRA (national recovery administration)

president roosavelt launched the bold new programs that came to be known as the second new deal primarly because

the economy was still slow

roosavelt quote

theres nothing to fear but fear itself

in the 1980s, ronald reagans new right

tried to scale back the government

guaranteed workers the right to organize unions and bargain collectively

wagner act

in taking on a mediating role among competing economic interests- such as business leaders, farmers, workers, and homeowners, the new deal established what some have called

welefare capitalism

hired workers directly, including thousands of women, to build or improve airports, roads, and playgrounds

works progress administration

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