us history regents practice #1

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Which headline would be considered an example of the unwritten constitution?

"President Obama Names Hillary Clinton to Cabinet"and

What was one effect of the Three-fifths Compromise?

Slave states gained additional congressional representation

In the late 1800s, which idea was used most often to justify the elimination of business competition?

Social Darwinism

Which statement accurately describes a result of the 1993 adoption of the North American Free Agreement (NAFTA)?

Tariff barriers were reduced between the three largest nations of North America

What was a major demand of the Antifederalists during the debate over ratification of the United States Constitution?

The inclusion of the Bill of Rights.

1. Alger Hiss conviction 2. Rosenberg trial 3. McCarthy hearings These post-World War II events are most closely associated with the fear of

a communist threat inside the United States

The 1957 launch of Sputnik by the Soviet Union embarrassed the United States because it

appeared that the United States had failed to keep up in scientific achievement

One way in which President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal and President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society are similar is that both programs

attempted to improve the lives of the poor and the aged

What was a common goal of the Proclamation of Neutrality (1793), the Embargo Act (1807), and the Monroe Doctrine (1823)?

avoiding conflicts with European nations

"President Jackson Vetoes Bill Rechartering Bank of United States" "Taney Court Overturns Missouri Compromise" "Senate Approves NATO Treaty" Which concept is best illustrated by these headlines?

checks and balances

"Greece Receives U.S. Aid To Fight Communists" "U.S. Military Airlifts Supplies to Berlin" "U.S. Troops Sent to Defend South Vietnam" These headlines best illustrate the Unite States commitment to a policy of


In the early 1900s, Progressives succeeded in strengthening federal control over the money supply by

creating the Federal Reserve System

Poll taxes, literacy tests and grandfather clauses were used in the South after 1890 to

deny suffrage righte to African Americans

The Homestead Act of 1862 was important to the expansion of the Unite States because it provided

free land to settlers in the West

The Erie Canal played a large role in the settlement of the MidWest because it provided a link between the Atlantic Ocean and the

great lakes

What was the purpose of states adopting initiative, referendum, and recall during the Progressive Era?

increasing the power of voters over the political process

The Proclamation of 1763 was issued by Great Britain after the French and Indian War primarily to

limit conflict between Native American Indians and colonial settlers

During the 1600s and 1700s, the fundamental goal of British mercantilism was to

maintain a favorable balance of trade for Great Britain with its colonies

One way in which the Progressive movement of the early 1900s and the women's rights movement of the 1960s are similar is that each resulted in

passage of reform legislation

"Congress Passes Alien and Sedition Acts" "Lincoln Suspends Writ of Habeas Corpus" "Roosevelt Authorizes Internment of Japanese Americans on West Coast" Which conclusion is best supported by these headlines?

perceived threats to national security sometimes results in limits on civil liberties

In New York Times v. United States (1971) and United States v. Nixon (1974), the Supreme Court placed limits on the

powers of the president

The United States Supreme Court in Schenck v. United States (1919) ruled that freedom of speech may be limited during national emergencies when the speech

presents a clear and present danger to the nation

The Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 (GI Bill) was responsible for

providing education and home loans for soldiers returning from World War II

The Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the Compromise of 1850 were attempts by the federal government to

reduce the conflict over slavery

Which action by Germany promoted the United States to entree World War I?

resuming unrestricted submarine warfare

Which geographic features had the most significant positive influence on settlement patterns and economic development in the British North American colonies?

rivers and harbors

President Harry Truman decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan was based on the belief that the action would

save American lives by avoiding an invasion of Japan

The Supreme Court decisions in Marbury v. Madison (1803), McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), and Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) are similar in that each resulted in the

strengthening the power of the federal government

In the 1880s and the 1920s, low prices for United States agriculture products were the result of

the overproduction of staple crops

After the Civil War, a significant cause of the conflict between President Andrew Johnson and the Radical Republicans in Congress was disagreement over

the plans for restoring Southern states to the Union

The importance of Northern Securities Co. v. United States (1904) is that the Supreme Court

used the Sherman Antitrust Act to break up a monopoly

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