US History Topic 3

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The political cartoon "Who stole the peoples' money" "'Twas him" (showing a group of men pointing at each other) references

the illegal activities of Boss Tweed in New York City.

A goal of the Granger and Populist movements was to

fight unjust economic & political practices

The passage of the Homestead Act (1862) and the completion of the first transcontinental railroad (1869) encouraged settlement in which region?

great plains

Tammany Hall, headed by William "Boss" Tweed, was a

political machine

What was a city government marked by corruption, bribery, and Kickbacks (common during the Gilded Age) called?

political machine

The house in this image, typical of those built by homesteaders adapting to their physical environment on the Great Plains, was made from


Based on the congressional elections of 1894, in which region of the country did Populism seem to have the most support?


where was cattle ranching most important as an industry?


The advantages to settling on the Great Plains included:

Cheap &/or free land, new opportunities for men and women

"There are three great crops raised in Nebraska. One is the crop of corn, one a crop of freight rates, and one a crop of interest. One is produced by farmers who sweat and toil to farm the land. The other two are produced by men who sit in their offices and behind their bank counters and farm the farmers."—Farmers' Alliance, 1890 What opinion does this quote imply?

Farmers are unfairly exploited by businessmen.

What is the theme of this illustration? (picture of farmer with the test "I feed you all")

Farmers have an important job in American society.

This pair of photographs suggests that the major purpose of Carlisle Indian School was to (photo of children in diverse clothing, then matching)

Promote cultural assimilation

What were the effects of the railroads on the West?

Stimulated the growth of towns and cities

What factor most negatively affected open range cattle ranching?

The price of beef dropped due to oversupply and decrease in demand

What was the primary effect of Native Americans being confined to reservations?

Their nomadic way of life was increasingly restricted.

What New York politician ran a political machine in New York City beginning in 1869, during the Gilded Age, that was incredibly corrupt. For example, a projected cost of $250,000 for a courthouse turned in to $13,000,000 because of kickbacks and bribes.


President Grant is remembered as a corrupt president because he

allowed members of his administration to engage in corruption

How did Chinese immigrants contribute to the opening of the West?

by helping to build the transcontinental railroads

According to the information in the graph, in which year was legislation most likely passed to limit Chinese immigration to the United States?


The Homestead Act and grants of land to railroads were used to

Encourage the settlement of the west

What did the gridlock between parties in Congress and the White House in the late 1800s lead to?

Little meaningful legislation was passed

What is a Laissez-Faire economy?

An economy where there is very little involvement by the U.S. government

The subject of this political cartoon is William Jennings Bryan's

Atypical style of campaigning & talking directly to the people

Why were the Farmers overextended with debt?

Crop prices plummeted and prices of farming supplies increased

The only president elected to two non-consecutive terms of office was

Grover Cleveland

How did the federal government affect the practice of mining in the West?

It provided land and patents for new inventions for large mining companies.

The below photographs of 19th century life on the Great Plains indicated that (photo of sod house and tepee)

Native American Indians and white settlers adapted differently to the same environment (???)

"There is not among these three hundred bands of Indians one which has not suffered cruelly at the hands either of the Government or of white settlers. The poorer, the more insignificant, the more helpless the band, the more certain the cruelty and outrage to which they have been subjected. . . It makes little difference where one opens the record of the history of the Indians; every page and every year has its dark stain. . . ."—Helen Hunt Jackson, 1881 In this quote, Helen Hunt Jackson is giving her support to

The Native Americans & allowing the Native Americans to continue their way of life

Which overall theme can best be inferred from the below speech? "I am tired of fighting. Our chiefs are killed. Looking Glass is dead. Toohulhulsote is dead. The old men are all dead. It is the young men who say yes or no. He who led the young men is dead. "It is cold and we have no blankets. The little children are freezing to death. My people, some of them, have run away to the hills and have no blankets, no food. No one knows where they are—perhaps freezing to death. I want to have time to look for my children and see how many I can find. Maybe I shall find them among the dead. "Hear me, my chiefs. I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever."—Chief Joseph

The Nez Percé were hopelessly outnumbered and worn down

"When we cease to teach the Indian that he is less than a man; when we recognize fully that he is capable in all respects as we are, and that he only needs the opportunities and privileges which we possess to enable him to assert his humanity and manhood; when we act consistently towards him in accordance with that recognition; when we cease to fetter him to conditions which keep him in bondage, surrounded by retrogressive influences; when we allow him the freedom of association and the developing influences of social contact—then the Indian will quickly demonstrate that he can be truly civilized, and he himself will solve the question of what to do with the Indian."— Captain Richard H. Pratt, 1892 In this statement, Captain Pratt is most likely advocating which of the following for the Native Americans?

assimilation into mainstream culture

Laws requiring individuals to pass civil service examinations to obtain government jobs were enacted to

eliminate patronage and corruption in government hiring

Mark Twain labeled the late 1800s in the United States the "Gilded Age" to describe the

extremes of wealth and poverty

Under the Pendleton Act, some government jobs would be filled by

job applicants who performed well on competitive written examinations.

Which type of people were most likely to support the Populist Party in the 1890s?

small farmers

the photographer intended this image to emphasize (picture of native american overviewing a river)

the strong connection between Native Americans and the land

What was the primary goal of the Dawes Act of 1887 regarding Native American Indians?

turn American Indians into property-owning, profit-oriented, individual farmers

Political machines provided new city dwellers with necessities such as jobs, housing, and police protection in exchange for


The U.S. government outlawed practices such as this traditional Native American ceremony depicted in the photograph below in order to (picture of ghost dance)

weaken tribal cultures and encourage assimilation

which crop lost the greatest amount of value per bushel between 1866 and 1896?


"I love to roam over the prairies...but when I go down to the river I see camps of soldiers on its banks. These soldiers cut down my timber; they kill my buffalo...We have to protect ourselves. We have to save our country. We have to fight for what is ours."— Chief Satanta In this quote, Chief Satanta is explaining

why the Native Americans resisted the white men

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