USH 60s

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One of the biggest legislative accomplishments of the Kennedy administration came in the field of: a. A tariff reduction b. Civil rights for blacks c. Federal aid to education d. Health insurance for the aged


Radical Feminists: a. Argued that "the personal is political." b. Argued that mothers should be freed of economic responsibilities. c. Were led by Betty Friedan. d. Focused on legal gender discrimination.


____ enabled North Vietnam to send troops to South Vietnam. a. The Ho Chi Minh Trial b. The fall of Dien Bien Phu c. The strategic hemlet program d. Operation Rolling Thunder


Concerning Vietnam, President Kennedy: a. Continued to support the Pathet Lao b. Increased the number of American "advisors" there c. Asked Congress to send American combat troops to force the surrender of Diem's pro-communist regime d. Reduced the number of American troops there by half


During the Bay of Pigs invasion: a. Fidel Castro took over American landholdings b. The CIA failed in its mission c. Eisenhower suspended trade with Cuba d. The CIA restored Fulgencio Batista to power


In the 1960 presidential race, John F. Kennedy: a. Defended Nixon by a popular vote landslide b. Promised to get the country "moving again" c. Promised to use the White House to promote religion d. Promised to provide healthcare to all Americans


Johnson's war on poverty included all of the following programs except: a. head start b. A job program for unemployed Americans c. VISTA, a domestic peace corps d. The Office of Economic Opportunity e. Food stamps


The Port Huron Statement was to Students for a Democratic Society what the _______ was to the Young Americans for Freedom a. Pentagon Papers b. Sharon Statement c. Conscience of a Conservative d. Buckley Statement e. Church Statement


The Tonkin Gulf Resolution: a. Was the declaration by the United Nations that condemned Communist aggression in South Vietnam b. Authorized the president to take whatever means were necessary to defend American forces and prevent further communist aggression c. Was the result of a South Vietnamese attack on a camp of American military advisors d. Was vetoed by Johnson


The Warren Court: a. Was a conservative court with the one expectation of Brown v. Board of Education. b. Seemed to accept the feminist view of the family as a collection of sovereign individuals rather than a unit with a single male head c. Began a trend to halt the liberal view that began in the late 1950's that government had an obligation to provide for the welfare of the citizens. d. Condemned Lyndon Johnson for abuses of power taken during the Vietnam War e. Set up the legal precedents that would later lead to a conservative view on abortion rights


After World War II, the United States aided _____ in its efforts to keep control of Vietnam a. Japan b. China c. France d. Britain


Faced with the presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba, President Kennedy: a. Ordered a "surgical" air strike b. Waited to see what the Russians would do c. Ordered a naval blockade of Cuba d. Broke off diplomatic relations with Cuba


Following the Cuban missile crisis, several steps were taken that eased Russian-American tensions. These included all of the following except: a. A treaty that banned nuclear testing in the atmosphere b. Installation of a "hotline" between Moscow and Washington c. The halting of construction of the berlin wall for several years d. The removal of obsolete missiles from turkey, Italy, and Britain


The Cuban Missile Crisis: a. Brought the United States and the Soviets to the brink of nuclear war b. Brought the United States into Vietnam c. Revolved around the placement of missiles in the Soviet Union d. Revolved around the placement of missiles in the United States e. Occurred when Cuba threatened to attack the United States


The Great Society: a. Included Lyndon Johnson's crusade to end poverty in America b. Was John F. Kennedy's initiative to end poverty in America c. Promised a guaranteed income for all Americans d. Was seen as impossible to achieve e. Included a national health insurance plan for all Americans


The Gulf of Tonkin resolution a. authorized the president to take "all necessary measures to repel armed attack" in Vietnam b. authorized the president to take all necessary measures to repel the armed attack in Cuba c. was a formal declaration of war d. called for an end to the hostilities in southeast Asia e. Had little Senate support at the time


The Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision: a. Created a woman's constitutional right to an abortion b. Was the least controversial piece of the rights revolution c. Provoked little opposition d. Declared school prayer was unconstitutional e. Legalized birth control


What tool did the Johnson Administration use to force North Vietnam to negotiate? a. Bombing of Saigon b. Economic stimulus c. Blockade ports d. Bombing of Hanoi


The Young Americans for Freedom: a. Believed that the free market assured personal freedom b. Worked in Tandem with the students for a Democratic Society c. Supported Lyndon Johnson for president in 1964 d. Believed that a strong federal government assured personal freedom e. Wrote the Port Huron statement


The counterculture of the 1960s can best be described as: A. A rejection of mainstream values B. A quest for group identity C. A movement in speech of purity D. A movement that emphasized the ideal of homogeneity E. A movement that rejected consumer culture


What was Johnson's fear of putting troops and bombing Cambodia and Laos? a. War with China and Russia b. Escalation of anti-war movement c. Hitting innocent soldiers d. Impeachment for warring on neutral countries


Which event marked the turning point in the Vietnam conflict, forcing Lyndon Johnson to change course and pull out of the upcoming presidential race? a. The Tet offensive b. Operation Rolling Thunder. c. The invasion of Cambodia d. The Gulf of Tonkin e. Revelations about the My Lai massacre


All of the following became critical of Johnson's Vietnam policy except: a. Senator J William Fulbright b. General William Westmoreland c. Senator Eugene McCarthy d. Senator Robert Kennedy


The legacies of the 1960s include: a. Fewer personal freedoms. b. A transformation in the status of women c. The return of school prayer d. An end to the welfare state e. Mass conformity


_____ was/were the most effective in convincing the American public that the war was not winnable. a. Body counts b. The Tet Offensive c. The actions of students for a democratic society d. The invasion of Cambodia


________ was the United States' main goal in Vietnam a. Reunifying Vietnam b. Containing the spread of Communism c. Upholding the Geneva Accords d. Negotiating a cease-fire agreement with North Vietnam


By 1968, the number of US troops in Vietnam A. Was less than in 1965 B. Was decreasing as peace process accelerated C. Exceeded half million as the war became more brutal D. Was reduced, as president Johnson considered running for another term E. Was of little concern to most American


In Miranda v. Arizona, the Supreme Court: a. Outlawed residential segregation by race b. Ruled that school prayer was unconstitutional c. Confirmed the obligation of the police to inform arrested suspects of their rights before questioning d. Ordered the release of a conscientious objector who refused to fight in Vietnam for moral reasons


Johnson's Medicare program provided medical benefits to: a. The poor b. All Americans c. Those over age sixty-five d. Single mothers and their children


The Bay of Pigs incident: a. Freed 154 American prisoners-of-war still being held by the North Koreans b. Was a limited success c. Resulted in the capture of 1,100 men d. Forced Cuba to grant certain trade concessions


The Presidential candidate of the American Independent party in 1968 was: a. Eugene McCarthy b. Clark Clifford c. George Wallace d. Curtis LeMay


The Weathermen: a. Made up the pacifist factions of the SDS b. Were led by Elliot Richardson c. Followed the strategy of revolutionary terrorism d. Broke from the SDS over the issue of civil rights


What relationship did Al Smith have to the 1960 campaign for president? a. He endorsed Richard Nixon b. He endorsed John F. Kennedy c. He was the last Catholic to run for president d. He started a new political party


Which of the following statements best defines the domino theory? a. Communism will topple the global economy b. Socialist governments are a threat to freedom c. If one country falls to communism, others in the region will fall, too d. Communism will cause the fall of the US


Which president asked Congress for the Tonkin Gulf Resolution? a. Richard Nixon b. John Kennedy c. Lyndon Johnson d. Dwight Eisenhower


______, founded by Tom Hayden and Al Haber, charged that corporations and large government institutions had taken over America a. The Free Speech Movement b. The Hardhats c. Students for a Democratic Society d. The New Left


Early in his presidency, Kennedy accomplished all of the following successes except: a. His eloquent inaugural address b. The creation of the Peace corps c. The Trade Expansion Act of 1962 d. The Bay of Pigs invasion


Operation "Rolling Thunder" was the: a. Code name for Lyndon Johnson's presidential campaign of 1964 b. Code name for Barry Goldwater's presidential campaign of 1964 c. First major "search and destroy" operation carried out by American troops in Vietnam d. First sustained bombing of North Vietnam


The 1968 Republican convention: a. Was held in Los Angeles b. Was held in Chicago c. Was marred by riots and anti war demonstrations d. Nominated Spiro Agnew as its vice-presidential candidate


The health insurance bill passed by Congress in 1965: a. Was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court two years later b. Was vetoed by Johnson because Congress refused to raise taxes to pay for it c. Was opposed by the American Medical Association d. Created Medicaid to help cover medical payments for the indigent


The main purpose of the War Powers Act was to ___. a. Expand the power of the military b. Expand the power of the president c. Restrict the power of the military d. Restrict the power of the president


What was the name of the NASA program designed to go to the moon? a. Mercury b. Atlas c. Gemini d. Apollo


Who was first man to walk on the moon? a. Buzz Aldrin b. Jim Lovell c. Alan Shepard d. Neil Armstrong


At the 1968 miss America beauty pageant feminist protester threw all the following items the freedom trash can except A. Girdles B. High heeled shoes C. Bras D. Copies of playboy E. Birth control pills


The National organization for women (NOW) campaigned for all of the following except: A. An end to the mass media's false image of women B. Equal job opportunities for women C. Equal education opportunities D. Equal opportunities in politics E. An end to equal employment opportunities commission


The antiwar movement A. Attracted only draft-age males. B. Was of little too civil rights activists C. Never built a mass constituency D. Had little impact on public opinion E. Challenged the of cold war thinking


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