Verbal Skills Practice-HSPT

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Which of the following is an example of a dependent clause? A. the doctors orders were carried out immediately. B. who does not have her morning charts yet? C. after all of their complaining and grievances. D. without a single thought of the consequences.


Which of the following is the correct way to spell this word? A. temprature B. temperature C. temparature D. temperatire


What is needed to repair the error in the sentence below? Watched over the patients in the ICU, with an especially close eye on the electrocardiogram and blood pressure readings A. a verb B. a subject C. a clause D. a phrase


What kind of punctuation is needed in this sentence? The x-ray department had a major power outage patients are backed up for at least three hours. A. comma B. semicolon C. colon D. apostrophe


What type of word is needed to repair the error in the sentence below? The blood pressure cuff, specifically designed to fit the upper arms of heavier patients A. a subject B. a verb C. an adjective D. an adverb


Where does a comma need to be added in the following sentence? For the very first time in my life I was placed in the ICU. A. after first B. after life C. after placed D. no comma needed


Which of the following subordinating conjunctions fits beat in the sentence below? __________________ our demands are met in full, we will all return to work tomorrow morning at 9am A. even though B. provided that C. rather than D. so that


Which of the following words is spelled correctly? A. conceed B. healthful C. preceed D. beautifull


Which punctuation mark is missing from the following sentence? "Mrs. Becket, she called, "You cant leave until the doctor releases you!" A. comma B. quotation mark C. question mark D. apostrophe


Which two words in the following sentence are adjectives? Because the nurse had never handled a psych patient before, he quickly called for additional help. A. nurse/patient B. psych/additional C. handled/called D. quickly/help


Which word in the following sentence is missing an apostrophe? You cannot fool me because I know my sisters lab coat when I see it, Cathy A. cannot B. sisters C. coat D. Cathy


Which word in the following sentence is an adverb? In the operating room the music played loudly, but the sedated patient was unaware of it A. operating B. played C. loudly D. sedated


Which word in the following sentence is an adverb? The record stated that the patient was not given his medication at the proper time. A. stated B. given C. not D. time


Which of the following words is spelled correctly? A. seperate B. procede C. recognize D. complament


Which punctuation mark should be used when unnecessary information is inserted? A. semicolon B. apostrophe C. parentheses D. question mark


Which word in the following sentence is an adjective? Holding a compress to the contusions on her face, the composed patient walked into the hospital. A. compress B. face C. composed D. hospital


All of the following corrections to the run on sentence below are correct EXCEPT The photographer took pictures of the entire staff he managed to get everyone in one shot. A. The photographer took a picture of the entire staff, he managed to get everyone in one shot. B. The photographer took pictures of the entire staff; he managed to get everyone in one shot. C. The photographer took pictures of the entire staff, and he managed to get everyone in one shot. D. The photographer took pictures of the entire staff. He managed to get everyone in one shot.


Although she apologized, the pain she had caused with her words was irrevocable. Irrevocable means A. permanent B. repairable C. compliant D. accidental


As she reads the letter, the frown on her face was gradually supplanted by a smile. Supplanted means A. replaced B. vindicated C. coerced D. supported


Read the sentence below. What is the subject? The new doctor was impatiently waiting for her night shift to be over so she could go home. A. doctor B. night C. shift D. home


The new intern spoke with great termerity. Termerity means A. audacity B. reticence C. embarrassment D. confidence


The spelling of the word principal is an example of what? A. homophone B. silent letter C. exception to the "i" before "e" rule D. missing consonant


The woman spent 10 minutes extrolling the virtues of her favorite plastic surgeon. Extrolling means A, commending B. fixating on C. censoring D. vouching for


What is needed to repair the error in the sentence below? The telemetry unit full of high-tech equipment and countless computer systems. A. a verb B. a subject C. an adjective D. an adverb


What is one of the main purposes of an apostrophe? A. to indicate that a letter is missing B. to show that a word is plural C. to point out a time to pause D. to create a natural break


What punctuation is needed in the sentence below to make it correct? "Nurse Connors" said Dr. Strauss, "just when did you plan to fill out this chart?" A. a comma B. a period C. an apostrophe D. a quotation mark


What punctuation is needed in this sentence to make it correct? She winced when she realized that the line started at the registration desk and went all the way out to the entrance doors. A. period B. question mark C. exclamation point D. quotation mark


What type of clause is used in the sentence below? After seeing her photograph splashed across the front page of the newspaper, Dr. Carlton resigned. A. adverbial B. independent C. adjectival D. prepositional


What type of word is needed to repair the error int he sentence below? Unable to control his temper, shoving the crash cart to the floor and knocking over both intravenous (IV) poles. A. a subject B. a verb C. an adjective D. an adverb


Which noun in the sentence below is the subject? The intensive care unit staff required all visitors to don plastic gloves and paper gown before going in to see any of the patients A. staff B. visitors C. gloves D. patients


Which of the following is the correct way to spell a word? A. calendar B. calander C. calender D. coldendar


Which of the following is the correct way to spell the word? A. porcelain B. porcelin C. porcelian D. porcilen


Which of the following subordinating conjunctions fits best in the sentence below? __________ the nursing departments holiday party starts in two hours, the caterer still has not shown up. A. although B. because C. provided that D. in order that


Which punctuation mark do contractions require? A. apostrophe B. semicolon C. quotation mark D. parentheses


Which word in the following sentence is an adjective? The huge bottle of lotion was tantalizingly out of reach on the table at the end of the bed A. huge B. tantalizingly C. table D. bed


Read the sentence below. There is an error with the verb. Which answer corrects that error? While you are in with the physician, I is going to fill out all of the necessary papers A. I are going to fill out B. I am going to fill out C. I is filling out D. I am filled out


Read the sentence below. What is the subject? The hospital maternity ward was busiest on the nights with a full moon. A. hospital B. ward C. nights D. moon


A difference between two elements or issues is often referred to as a(n) A. efficacy B. disparity C. impunity D. unction


A patient told you that the pain comes and goes in no recognized pattern. Which of the following words would you put into your notes to indicate this? A. acute B. sporadic C. chronic D. consistent


All of the following corrections to the run-on sentence below are correct EXCEPT Dr. Cooper scheduled surgery at noon he knew it would take all afternoon A. Dr. Cooper scheduled surgery at noon because he knew it would take all afternoon B. Dr. Cooper scheduled surgery at noon or he knew it would take all afternoon C. Dr. Cooper scheduled surgery at noon. He knew it would take all afternoon D. Dr. Cooper scheduled surgery at noon, he knew it would take all afternoon


All of the following corrections to the run-on sentence below are correct EXCEPT Maria ran through the checklist Sharon started on inventory A. Maria ran through the checklist, and Sharon started on inventory B. Maria ran through the checklist, Sharon started on inventory C. Maria ran through the checklist. Sharon started on inventory D. Maria ran through the checklist; Sharon started on inventory


I was shocked when the family requested that I attend the funeral and give the A. tenet B. eulogy C. captions D. litigation


If you ask a patient, "What was the last thing you masticated?" you are actually asking, "What was the last thing you _____________?" A. did B. ate C. wore D. drank


On that rainy afternoon, lying on that comfortable couch, she filled with pervasive feeling of A. ambition B. indolence C. gratitude D. frustartion


Read the following sentence. Which word is the subject? Grab the charts and follow me because Dr. Tull and I are already behind schedule A. charts B. you C. Dr. Tull D. I


Read the sentence below. There is an error with the verb. Which answer corrects that error? Next month the support group meeting featured speakers from each department within the hospital. A. support group meetings featuring speakers B. support group meeting will feature speakers C. support group meetings have featured speakers D. support group meetings are featuring speakers


The handsome new intern has an entourage behind him every step of the way, Entourage means A. students B. followers C. colleagues D. nurses


A dependent clause A. has only a verb B. has only a noun C. cannot stand alone D. starts with a preposition


An independent clause is the same as a A. phrase B. dependent clause C. sentence D. fragment


Certain words are known as "spelling demons." All four of these words are examples. Which one is spelled incorrectly? A. traveler B. embarrass C. geneology D. dysfunction


If a doctor informs you that the patient has a vascular problem, that means the patient has a condition involving the A. reproductive system B. nervous system C. circulatory system D. digestive system


If history has taught us nothing else, it is that humans are consistently fallible. Fallible means A. gullible B. amusing C. imperfect D. immortal


Read the sentence below. What is the subject? Plan to get to work at least 30 minutes earlier than usual during the holidays A. work B. minutes C. you (understood) D. holidays


The crew worked for hours attempting to extricate the passengers trapped in the stall elevator. Extricate means A. emanate B. appease C. free D. fluctuate


The psychologist was positive that the patient was sublimating his feelings about the rape. Sublimating means A. supplementing B. avoiding C. repressing D. admitting


The sorrowful look on her face was a harbinger of bad news, harbinger mean A. bigot B. servant C. messenger D. charlatan


The word discussed is an example of which of the following? A. silent letters B. missing consonant C. homophone D. unstressed vowel


What kind of punctuation is needed in this sentence? The telephones would not quit ringing apparently there was an emergency of some kind in the neighborhood. A. a comma B. a colon C. a semicolon D. a question mark


Where does a comma need to be added in the following sentence? Although I was already two hours past the end of my shift I stayed to help with the accident victims A. after hours B. after end C. after shift D. after help


Where does a comma need to be added in the following sentence? When I finished Mrs. Carvers blood test I moved on to the next room. A. after finished B. after Mrs. Carvers C. after test D. no comma needed


Which of the following coordinating conjunctions fits best in the sentence below? Dr. Halbert will be out of town for the first two weeks of the months, _________ you will have to schedule her emergency patients with Dr. Carmen instead. A. nor B. yet C. so D. since


Which of the following is a prepositional phrase? A. she works B. she was exhausted C. to the lab D. when he operates


Which of the following is spelled correctly? A. conciet B. cheif C. shriek D. nieghbor


Which of the following words does not follow the usual "i" before "e" rule? A. fiend B. piece C. weird D. fierce


An independent clause A. modifies an adjective B. has no subject or verb C. modifies an adverb D. stands on its own


Read the sentence below. There is an error with the verb. Which answer corrects that error? The prescriptions for Mr. Hampton was picked up yesterday at the corner drugstore A. was picking up yesterday B. were picks up yesterday C. was pick up yesterday D. were picked up yesterday


Read the sentence below. Which pronoun can be used to replace "the patient"? Although the patient was nearly incoherent from the pain of hid wounds, the patient was still able to answer all of the following doctors questions A. she B. they C. I D. he


Read the sentence below. Which pronoun should be used to replace the second use of the interns? The interns met at the coffee house around the corner, and then the interns returned just ion time for their shift to begin. A. he B. their C. me D. they


Someone who is filled with lassitude is A. energetic B. determined C. grieving D. exhasuted


The plans had been in motion for months, and now at least they seems to be coming to A. restoration B. transition C. zenith D. fruition


The word climb is an example of which of the following? A. missing consonant B. homophone C. unstressed vowel D. silent letters


What kind of punctuation is needed in this sentence? I repacked the first aid box with necessary supplies bandages, needles, tweezers, ice packs, antiseptic, hand wash, scissors, splints, and gauze pads. A. question mark B. semicolon C. parentheses D. colon


What type of clause is used in the following example? The new doctor who is moving here from California will join our staff on January 1 A. independent B. adverbial C. prepositional D. adjectival


Where does a comma need to be added in the following sentence? She was completely intimidated by the appearance of the patient. A. after completely B. after intimidated C. after appearance D. no comma needed


Which of the following coordinating conjunctions fits best in the sentence below? The pay raise will be implemented tomorrow, _______ our paychecks will not reflect it for two more weeks. A. nor B. so C. for D. but


Which of the following words contain a silent letter A. synonym B. beggar C. altar D. indict


Which of the following words is spelled correctly? A. cieling B. disasterous C. miniuture D. pronunciation


Which punctuation mark is missing from the following sentence? My current shift a temporary assignment ends at noon, but I prefer to work in the afternoon or evening. A. an apostrophe B. a question mark C. a colon D. parentheses


Which punctuation mark is missing from the following? "Look out The roof is about to cave in." A. quotation mark B. comma C. parentheses D. exclamation point


Which two words in the following sentence are adverbs? The bullet had clearly entered his left shoulder and exited forcefully from his mid-back. A. bullet/left B. entered/exited C. shoulder/ mid-back D. clearly/forecully


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