Vergil's Aeneid 1-4

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From the proem (lines 1.1-13) which of the following facts do we learn? Select all that apply.

Aeneas is an exile by fate Aeneas is fleeing Troy Aeneas travels to Italy. Juno is full of rage toward him. Aeneas fights in battle before founding a city. His arrival gives rise to the Latin race, the kings of Alba and the founding of Rome. The Muse must tell the poet which god was so enraged to make Aeneas do all this.

Beginning around 1.304ff. during a council of the gods, Jupiter addresses Venus' anxiety that her son Aeneas was supposed to found a great nation, but was almost killed. Jupiter replies with the first of three big prophecies of Rome's history in this poem. Select all of the following that are part of Jupiter's prophecy. No. He has to fight long wars when he arrives, and he founds a city called Lavinium.

Aeneas will rule for three years (summers and winters) in Italy. Aeneas son Ascanius (also called Iulus) will rule for 30 years and then move to found a city called Alba Longa. After Ascanius (Iulus) there will be 300 years of kings in the Trojan line (Hector's dynasty). Romulus will found Rome and name the people after himself. Even Juno will cherish the Romans in time. In time the Trojan descendants (royal house of Assaracus) will defeat and enslave the Greeks of Mycenae and Argos. Julius Caesar will be born into the line of Iulus (Ascanius, Aeneas' son) and be admitted into the heavens. The god Frenzy will be unhappy, locked inside, bound in chains, and roaring.

In lines 1.15-60 we learn that Juno is upset about all of the following, EXCEPT

Aeneas' burning her temple

When they come out for the hunt around 4.170ff., considering their clothing, accessories, and the simile applied to Aeneas, the royal couple look just like

Apollo and Diana

Around page 58, Aeneas and his companion Achates go out on recon. They run into his mother Venus, but they don't recognize her in her disguise. Around line 1.400 they say they think she is

Apollo's sister Diana or one of the Nymphs

At lines 3.125-41 after Anchises goes through the Trojan lore, they decide to head for

Crete, King Teucer's homeland

Immediately after this last image is described for the reader, Dido enters. At 1.600ff. she is compared in a familiar simile to

Diana leading choruses

According to the narrator, Aeneas himself is hopeful about their future following this speech on p. 54.


Around 2.635 King Priam leads a counter attack with his son Polites against Pyrrhus (Neoptolemus) and the other Greeks.


As planned by the gods, Aeneas and Dido end up in the same cave during the storm and consummate their relationship. The narrator around 4.213 describes it as a bona fide marriage.


At the beginning of Book 2 the Trojans are milling about the abandoned Greek camp and looking at the horse. Their priest Laocoon suggests at 2.55ff. that they should drag it into the city and raises his spear to urge the people on.


Dido's final curse on Aeneas' around 4.775ff. is that he and she always hate each other.


On p. 100 as the family escapes, they get separated from their son Ascanius (Iulus), and Aeneas has to go back into the burning city looking for him.


Helenus is luckily also a priest of Apollo, and provides Aeneas with all of the following prophecies, EXCEPT

Get prophecies from the Sibyl of Apollo at Delphi in Greece.

From pages 77-81 Sinon gives his story. Which of the following details are part of what he says? Select all that apply.

He is a Greek deserter. He is the kin of Palamedes who was put to death for opposing the war. Ulysses (Odysseus) tried to find ways to frame and kill him. Ulysses (Odysseus) gets his seer to name Sinon as the victim the gods want to be sacrificed for a safe return. Sinon broke his shackles and escaped before they sacrificed him. The horse was made so large so that the Trojans couldn't get it into their city, worship it, and make Minerva (Athena) favor them instead of the Greeks.

What sad loss does Aeneas suffer at the end of Book 3 (c. 3.820)?

His father Anchises dies.

Hector speaks to Aeneas at 2.363ff. saying all of the following, EXCEPT

Hurry to fight and defend King Priam at the palace.

Aeneas replies with the most inept break-up speech in all of western literature. Which of the following things does he say?

I owe you a lot for all your kindnesses. I never tried to hide my departure. We were never married Apollo and the gods are telling me to go. You get to be a queen in Libya, why hold me back from being king in Italy.

In part two of her propempticon around 4.453ff., Dido says all of the following, EXCEPT The opposite: she hopes he drowns at sea and calls out her name as he dies.

I won't hold you back, but I will probably die drowning and calling your name.

After Dido confesses her love to her sister Anna, she insists that she plans not to give in. Anna gives a speech at 4.38ff. in which she says all of the following, EXCEPT

Iarbas and the other Numidian chieftains rejected you, but Aeneas seems nice.

After other Trojans who were separated in the storm advance to ask Dido for mercy, she grants it, and Aeneas comes out of the invisible cloud Venus had put around him. On p. 69 Aeneas sends his sun Ascanius/Iulus to the ship to bring gifts for her. He brings all of the following EXCEPT Notice the other gifts are ambiguous: a gown of the most beautiful woman in the world -- who started a war -- and symbols of power belonging to a Trojan princess -- who is now a slave.

Idols of the gods of Troy

What happens with Laocoon's spear around 2.65ff.?

It makes the horse ring hollow and send out groans, which the Trojans curiously ignore.

Around 3.627 they are off the coast of Italy and spot an ambiguous omen: horses could mean war or farming. In thanksgiving for being received to the country they first pray to This is what Helenus tells them to do, but it isn't what they actually do.

Pallas Minerva

Book 3 gives the wanderings of Aeneas. Their second stop is the island of Delos, sacred to Apollo. The king there, Anius, is a priest of Apollo and helps them get an oracle at 3.112ff. The oracle tells them all of the following, EXCEPT

Settle on the Tiber river in Hesperia (Italy).

How does Dido finally die around 4.855ff.?

She climbs on the pyre and stabs herself with Aeneas' sword

Aeneas and Achates ask Venus for information on where they are and she gives them directions to Carthage and the story of the local queen Dido. All of the following are true about her EXCEPT

She killed her brother in a jealous rage and was forced to leave her home in exile.

Who is the last figure depicted in this decoration around 1.590?

The Amazon queen Penthesilea

When Aeneas gets back to his home he tries to get his wife, son, and father to escape with him. His father Anchises at first refuses and wants to die in Troy. The gods change his mind by sending all of the following omens between 2.845 and 2.875, EXCEPT

The door flies open and a flaming torch illuminates the escape route.

Creusa dies in the escape and comes to Aeneas in a vision at 2.962ff. She tells him all of the following, EXCEPT

There is a holy sword of Troy that you must take with you for Troy to live on.

In the middle of Sinon's speech, around line 2.134, he stops and the Trojans use a metaphor to express their desire to hear more. What is their exact expression?

They burned to hear more.

Aeneas sails next to north to Buthrotum in the extreme north of Greece. Around 3.350ff. he runs into Hector's widow Andromache and Priam's son Helenus. How did they get here?

They were brought as slaves of Pyrrhus (Neoptolemus).

Around 2.345 the ghost of Hector appears to Aeneas in a dream. Hector looks bedraggled with matted hair full of clotted blood and open dusty wounds. Just as in Homer, the dead look just the way they did at their moment of death.


Around 2.705-50, Aeneas sees Helen, wants to kill her, but is convinced by his mother Venus that it was the gods' fault not hers, and he should spare her.


Around 3.160ff. they name their new settlement Pergamum, an old name for Troy, but they are soon met with plague, pestilence, and starvation.


Around 3.390ff. Andromache explains that Pyrrhus was killed by Orestes (Agamemnon's son) because he stole his bride Hermione (Leda's granddaughter and daughter of Menelaus and Helen).


At 4.115 Juno and Venus meet and decide (at least officially) to join together and have Aeneas and Dido marry to form one strong nation together. Hide Feedback Officially, at least. Juno wants to keep Aeneas from founding Rome, which will wipe out Carthage in a few hundred years. Venus sees through the subterfuge, but goes along for the time being.


Because of what happens to Laocoon, the Trojans decide around 2.290 to bring the horse into the city.


Dido's soul is finally released from her body around 4.870ff. when Juno sends Iris down to cut a lock of hair from he body as an offering to Proserpina.


From about 1.750-850 Venus unleashes a plan whereby she has her son Cupid disguise himself as Ascanius (Iulus) and make Dido fall in love with Aeneas. She makes Ascanius fall asleep while Cupid takes his place.


Having been justly chastised, Pyrrhus (Neoptolemus) nevertheless around 2.675 asks King Priam to tell his father Achilles in the underworld that he was just a bad seed, drags him from the altar, and runs him through with a sword while he slips and slides in his son Polites' blood.


Mercury next tells Aeneas to get going, he has another destiny, and if he doesn't respect himself, he shouldn't rob his son Ascanius of his destiny.


On p. 144 Dido asks Anna to pile all of Aeneas' property and the very bed the slept on onto a huge pyre.


The goddess Rumor starts spreading word of Dido and Aeneas' affair to Iarbas, the Numidian king around 4.248ff. He is enraged that she is with Aeneas after rejecting him and prays to his father Jupiter for justice.


The proem gives the same impression as the proem of the Odyssey that the poet is the mouthpiece for a Muse, who is actually telling the story. The stance is the same, but this is NOT an oral poem. The voice of the poet echoes the sentiments of the Homeric poems, but this is a pretense.


When Aeneas gets to Carthage he sees the people building public works, making a theater, electing judges, etc. Around 1.520, Vergil compares them to busy bees/


On p. 54 after Neptune has calmed down the storm that almost drowns them, Aeneas gives his men a speech that can be summed up as

We've had worse. Keep calm and carry on.

What happens to Laocoon around 2.261-88?

While he is sacrificing a bull, two serpents come and devour him and his sons.

Beginning at 4.378 Dido delivers the first part of what we call a propempticon -- the speech given by a rejected woman. She says the following to him. Check all that apply.

You're a traitor You tried to sneak away The Numidians and the Tyrians both hate me because of you. My brother Pygmalion is coming to kill me, but don't you worry. It would have been better if we could at least have had a child together.

In Book 4 lines 1-3 Dido's love for Aeneas is compared to

a bleeding wound and a fire

When Anna convinces Dido to go for it with Aeneas, so to speak, Dido wanders the city in love and around 4.86ff., she is compared to

a deer hit unexpectedly by an arrow

Around 2.585 Achilles' son Pyrrhus (Neoptolemus) is preparing to break down the palace door. He is compared to

a snake coming out of hibernation

Around 4.505ff. the Trojans start hurriedly packing up and are compared to

ants plundering a pile of grain

Around 1.77ff., what does Juno plan to do about her discontent?

bribe Aeolus, king of the winds, with a bride if he'll whip up a storm to drown Aeneas

Around 2.655ff. whom does Pyrrhus (Neoptolemus) kill right in front of King Priam?

his son Polites

At 2.660ff. Priam gives an angry speech to Pyrrhus, questioning whether he is really Achilles' legitimate son, and calling the gods' judgment on him. He points out what for the ancients was seen as an especially heinous crime on Pyrrhus' part, namely

killing the child in front of the parents' eyes

From 1.550-95 we learn that the structure from the previous question is decorated with

scenes from the Trojan War

Aeneas sets out to help his friends after the storm and around 1.215ff. he comes back to the ships with Notice this is the favored animal of Diana. There will be a lot of Diana imagery in this work.

seven deer he shot to feed the seven ships

Around line 1.535 Aeneas looks at the most prominent structure in the new city, which is

the Temple of Juno

At 885ff. the bard Iopas begins to sing a song at the banquet. The subject of this song is

the wandering moon, the labors of the sun, and a number of natural phenomena

After reflecting on Aeneas' dream Anchises points out around 3.221ff. that this makes sense, since Notice back in the very first q

their other ancestor Dardanus came from Italy

Around 3.185ff. Aeneas is visited in a dream by the Penates (gods of Troy) who tell him Apollo didn't want them to settle where they did, but rather

to go to Hesperia (Italy)

The very first words of the proem (preface of epic poem) set the theme of this song as being about

wars and a man

Jupiter hears Iarbas' prayers and sends Mercury down to get Aeneas going. At 4.324ff. he finds Aeneas in all of the following circumstances, EXCEPT

wearing a Trojan cap

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