_VFR part

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When a defect has been notified in the techlog but does not affect the airworthiness of the aircraft and which appear on the MEL, it may be deferred by an instructor or engineer. The aircraft can be flown before the defect is cleared but it must be entered in the ADDR page. It must have a max date ! If it it not on the MEL -> Ground it.

Acceptable Deferred Defects Records

It is required by the ITU (International Telecommunication Unit) to ensure the radios operate within acceptable tolerances. All transmitting radio equipement (VHF, ELT, XPDR) installed on an aircraft should be covered in the radio licence. VALID UNTIL FEE PAID (valid 3 years)

Aircraft Radio Licence

10 documents : TINA fait CACA sur l'immat de l'avion... Note for crew Acceptable deferred defects records Certificate of airworthiness Airworthiness Review Certificate Certificate of Release to Service Techlog Insurance Certificate Noise Certificate Aircraft Radio Licence Certificate of Registration

Aircraft documentation ?

Issued by the CAMO (Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation). Each year, the CoA is validated with the ARC. VALID 1 YEAR. It is the REVIEW of the certificate of airworthiness (every year).

Airworthiness Review Certificate

At the ECF, "my ECF is xxx, it is close to a railway/road/lake..., I'm left/right of it, I'll correct by x° and x min with the SCA" At the ECF, put a cross at the position of the aircraft (using the ECF, at 2000ft, the feature below the wing is at 2NM) on the map and with the time. Thanks to the 10° fan line, we can assess the track error (usually smaller than 10°). Change the heading ± TE to parrallel the track. => Write down new ETA and new HDG. Than regain track using SCA.

Alteration to Headings at the ECF ?

If not on time at or abeam ECF, •Ask yourself why, cumulative (due to change in ground speed) or one off (due to en-route climb etc.) If one-off, add/subtract error to ETA If cumulative, multiply by proportion of track flown and add/subtract to ETA

Alteration to Time at the ECF ?

Best technique is visual avoidance using ground features. Then we use time procedure : Turn 30°, 45°, 60° at 30° AoB, start timer and continue until clear of hasards. Note the time and parallel the hasard. Then turn back with same angle and add for the next ETA : if 30° = 1/4 T of first leg if 45° = 1/2 T of first leg if 60° = 1 T of first leg

Avoidance techniques for VFR Nav ?


Balanced field

Available to IFR flights in Class G airspace, or VFR flights in Class E and G airspace. Advice and information for safe and efficient conduct of flight. However, this is subject to ATC workload and the avoidance of other traffic is solely the pilot's responsibility. Maintain a good lookout.

Basic Service ?

Issued by the state of Registration, it is the first step of the Airworthiness process. EASA can issue a CoA for each aircraft built to a standard. Here DA40 follows the CS-23. The CoA is unique and does not expire. Other documents are needed to check the continuing airworthiness. NON EXPIRING. The Airworthiness Review Certificate is required for continuing airworthiness.

Certificate of Airworthiness

Issued by CAA. NON EXPIRING, invalid if AC is sold or registration changed.

Certificate of Registration

Within the year, the aircraft has to be checked (ex: the engine has to be checked every 100 hours). After each checks (calendar or timed) an Licensed Aircraft Engineer can sign the CoRtS. VALID TIME OF CHECKS

Certificate of Release to Service

Diagnose Options Decide Action, Assign Task Review


Yes ! The Danger Area where there are byelaws (*), we can't cross them even with DACS (j'imagine que c'est ça, pas sûr a 100%)

De we need a clearance to enter Danger Area ?

Only available to IFR flights in Class G airspace. Traffic Service + HDG/ALT advice to achieve deconfliction minima However, the pilot retains responsibility for collision avoidance; you can opt not to follow the ATCO's advice.

Deconfliction Service ?

5 NM/1000 ft We can take the altitude to loose x 3 it will be our TOD. Then GSx5 to know the required RoD. And to verify, we can take the distance remaining, x3 again (almost correct)

Descent planning

0ft - 2000ft AAL and, 2NM radius for RWY < 1850m 2.5NM radius for RWY > 1850m from midpoint of the longest runway. Outside ops hrs: It is like it is not here. We can cross. Government : If AD closed, the ATZ remains open !! An ATZ assumes the condition associated with the class of airspace in which it is situated. Rule 11 of The Rule of the Air 2015 must be complied with ! (they don't apply outside hours of operation) To enter ATZ, we must establish a 2-way communication : IF ATC unit : obtain permission IF AFIS/Radio : obtain flight information to enable flight to be conducted safely !

Dimension of an ATZ ? What do we do during outside operation hours ? Controlled air space ?

(Dans le dossier de la CAMIF pour même aerodrome + UK airspace) Current charts AFM MEL Interception procédure Flight plan details if appropriate Si landaway : (NO NOTOC) Certificate of Airworthiness Airworthiness Review Certificate (NO Acceptable deferred defects records) (NO Certificate of Release to service) Journey Log Insurance Certificate Noise Certificate Aircraft Radio Licence Certificate of Registration

Docs to be carried

Pre HAT check : PLOG → PFD Post HATFIRE check : PFD → PLOG always 2 things to check. Heading (hdg bug + cdi to track) Altitude/Airspeed (correct speed + next altitude) Time (reset, write ATD+ETA and start clock) Fuel : write down "GAL USED" + diff actual/predicted Instrument : QNH, squawk Radio Engine Once HATFIRE done, refer to map for gross error check (max 3 seconds) + check next ECF

HAT and HATFIRE checklist

There is no graphs in the AFM. Therefore we could use (DA42 methode) the take-off ground roll + landing ground roll + 72m (Which corresponds to the distance travelled during the "thinking time") TO ground roll + LDG ground roll + 72 m

How could we calculate the accelerate stop distance ?

MEF+1000ft or 5NM either side + 1000ft if manmade obstacle or + 1300ft if natural obstacle (1000+300 for unmarked obs (skyway code))

How do we find the MSA on VFR charts ?

Rule of sin : ≤10° +0.1 20°-70° +0.2 ≥80 x1

How to calculate crosswind component ?

Unfactored TOD shall not exceed : TODR x 1.25 ≤ TORA, OR if clearway and/or stopway: TODR ≤ TORA, AND either : TODR x 1.15 ≤ TODA, OR TODR x 1.3 ≤ ASDA

How to calculate take-off performances ?

angle = between track and wind direction angle <= 30° : all 40° < angle <= 60° : 2/3 70° < angle <= 90° : 1/3 NB at 90° it is around 1/2 of 1/3. (1/3 /2- NB2 at around 95° it is 0.

How to calculate the GS in flight ?


How to calculate the Rate Of Descent (for 3° - 5%) in flight ?

MaxDrift x sinus rule

How to calculate the effective drift ?

LDR x 1.43 (1/0.7) ≤ LDA Both conditions need to be met: Most favourable RWY in still air AND Most likely RWY in forecast wind. (f et f pas aux meme, et liKely forCast) If most favourable = likely : just still air. If most likely can't be met, we need an alternate that meets both conditions.

How to calculate the landing performances ?

(60/TAS) x Wind speed in DA42 in VFR cruise : WindSpeed / 2

How to calculate the max drift ?

Select Nav Aids (SID - Select, Identify, Display) Keep specific heading (or track nav aid) Start clock, note it on the FLOG Plot the fix on the map Note the time then consider the direction and how far the A/C has moved since the fix. (GS/10 = 6 minute, GS/10/2 = 3min or 2NM/min) EASIER : track VOR, display DME, and plot. (without timer) MORE EASIER : NRST on MFD, don't need to identify.

How to do a position fix ?

Issued by insurance, contrains Registration, MTOW VALID UNTIL END OF CONTRACT

Insurance Certificate

100ft AAL : "100 landing" (C'était une farce. CT FARS) Configuration (gear down, flaps landing, power appropriate) Trim (in trim) Flight path (runway centerline and vertical flight path) AoB (< 15°) RoD (small to maintain flight path 100-200ft/min but < 500 ft/min) Speed (Vref+10 KIAS / -0 KIAS) + Landing clearance received (or runway clear if no ATC)

Landing Gate ?

Lat first then Long (alphabetical order) LoNg = from North to south

Lat Long or Long Lat ? What is it ?

1.6NM (500ft AGL for 5% or 3°)

Length of final

Flashing white - Land at this airport and proceed to apron (this is not a clearance to either land or taxi. Clearances to land and taxi will follow.) -Return to starting point on airport Steady green - Cleared to land -Cleared for takeoff Flashing green - Return for landing - Cleared to taxi Steady red - Give way to other aircraft and continue circling - STOP Flashing red - Airport unsafe, do not land - Taxi clear of the runway in use Fireworks - Not withstanding any previous instructions, do not land, for the time being

Light signals

No expiry date, but need a re-issuing if any component of the AC is changed for a different type of component. (need a re-weigh)

Mass & Balance Schedule

EASA Air OPS : (1) over the congested areas of cities, towns or settlements or over an open-air assembly of persons (1000 people for Cliff) at a height < 300 m (1 000 ft) above the highest obstacle within a radius of 600 m from the aircraft; (2) elsewhere than as specified in (1), at a height < 150 m (500 ft) above the ground or water, or 150 m (500 ft) above the highest obstacle within a radius of 150 m (500 ft) from the aircraft. This is for the EASA SERA. In the UK, ENR 1.2 AIP: (2) elsewhere than as specified in 1, the CAA permits an aircraft to fly at a height of : (i) < 500ft above ground/water (ii) < 500ft above highest obs within 500ft radius And the aircraft must not be flown closer than 500ft to any person, vessel, vehicule or structure except with the permission of the CAA. For planning a VFR navigation, we should plan at least : natural obstacle + 300ft (unidentified obs) + 500ft in case there is a person/vessel/vehicule/structure (if only natural obstacle we can descend). or highest manmade obst + 500ft.

Minimum VFR altitude ?

Identify turning point by 3 means (chart first, big to small) Pre HAT check (PLOG to PFD) Lookout turn Post HATFIRE check (PFD to PLOG) Gross error check, correct by SCA if deviation Cruise check 3-4' before ECF, check 3 things to identify it Once overhead, note the diff in time. Correct ETA

Navigation plan

Issued by the state of Registry, to ensure the aircraft complies with the requirements. NON EXPIRING, but need re-issuing if engines, props or muffler (silencieux) are changed for different types.

Noise Certificate

Basic Service + instructions/clearances which if complied with will achieve deconflication minima with other traffic receiving the service. When no radar.

Procedural Service ?

PREPARE : ...Draw circle + track + estimate heading ...Threats (ABCD Hasell) + MSA + Altitude ...Climb/Descend to required altitude ...R/T for clearance if appropriate CALCULATE : ...HDG (sin rule between track and wind direction and max drift) ..............if headwind : heading goes towards wind direction ! ..............if tailwind : shortest route to tailwind = opposite of recriprocal of tailwind) OR : ALWAYS same side HSI. Put wind on HSI, heading goes towards side of wind. ..............VERIFY with hands ...GS (< 30° : take all; 40-60 : 2/3; > 70 : 1/3) ..............VERIFY with wind rose ...6' mark (GS/10) + ECF + ECF Time ...Time + Fuel (Time/10 + 0.5 valid until 30min) ...10° fan line (Use ruler) REVIEW : ...Use the alteration to heading/time at ECF the same way ! Put cross etc. Set up NAVAIDS What next ? Are we going to a VRP ? If so, how long to the aerodrome, what ciruit altitude ? airfield approach checklist ?

Re-route technique (diversion)

45min (day or night) on endurance power setting. 6 gal for DA42TDI.

Reserve fuel for L3 ?

Only in Control Zone, ATC have to apply separation btw SVFR and other traffic (not in class E). Met condition : (1) Clear of cloud and in sight of the surface (2) Flight visi > 1500m (3) < 140 kts IAS

SVFR minima ?

GCTCF is a DA42, from Bournemouth to Bournemouth, via Exeter and Bristol Passing 5 miles South of Compton abbas at 3300ft QNH 1010 3 POB VFR Request Basic service

Standard Freecall


Stopway used for TODA ? LDA ? ASDA ?

It is where all details of the flights are kept (TO Time, LDG time, nbr of LDG ...) Kept 5 years.

Tech Log

Available to IFR flights in Class G airspace, or VFR flights in Class E and Class G airspace. Basic Service + Traffic Information (use of radar) ATC will not provide you with deconfliction advice, regardless of your meteorological conditions.

Traffic Service ?

7700 Emergency 7600 Radio Failure 7500 Unlawful Interference 7000 General conspicuity code FOR VFR 2000 General conspicuity code FOR IFR 0030 Lost for D&D (Distress and Diversion) Squawk conspicuity means 7000 if VFR or 2000 if IFR (in the UK).

Transponder codes ?


Unbalanced field

Lambert Conformal Conic projection LC(C)P (standard parallels: 49°20' and 54°40') => Conformal : "a conformal map is a function that locally preserves angles, but not necessarily lengths." The projection seats a cone over the sphere of the Earth and projects the surface conformally onto the cone. The cone is unrolled, and 2 parallels were touching the sphere (called standard parallels). By scaling the resulting map, the scale decreases between the two parallels and increases outside them. Se représenter la droite du cone coupant l'arc de cercle de la terre. Au milieu, la terre est à l'exterieur des 2 parallels (elle est "bombée"). Il y a donc pluS de "terre" qu'à l'exterieur des parallels. Il faut donc réduire l'échelle pour pouvoir aplatir la terre. => Scale descreases between the 2 parallels. Scale is almost perfectly uniform A straight line approximates a great circle for these distances. Line of longitude are aligned with true north and are not parallel (they converge to the nearest pole) 1° (or 1 minute) between two longitude is about 60NM (or 1 NM) at the equator, and is reduced when going towards the poles. Lines of latitude are very slightly concave to the nearest pole. Distance between minutes of latitude is constatnt : 1° of latitude is always 60NM.

VFR Charts

(1) at transonic or supersonic speed (2) above FL195 (without clearance)

VFR flights shall not be operated

If transition level is below 10 000ft, then we use FL100. Else 10 000ft. It is the lowest of the 2. vis is flight visibility. A : not permitted > FL100 - B,C,D*,E,F,G - 8km vis, 1500m horiz clouds and 1000ft vertical ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ < FL100 - B,C,D*,E,F,G - 5km vis, 1500m horiz clouds and 1000ft vertical < 3000ft AMSL (or 1000 AGL whichever is greater) - B,C,,E - 5km vis, 1500m horiz clouds and 1000ft vertical < 3000ft AMSL (or 1000 AGL whichever is greater) - D*,F,G - 5km** vis, clear of clouds and in sight of the surface. ** when permitted by member state, may be reduced to 1500m (IF (1) < 140kt IAS, OR (2) in circumstances in which the probability of encounters with other traffic would normally be low, e.g. in areas of low volume traffic and for aerial work at low levels.) *From 23 of March 2020, there is NO exceptions from class D. *From 20 of May 2021, the exception is back : 5km vis, clear of clouds and in sight of the surface with max 140 KIAS, day only.

VMC minima ?

Mag North

VOR aligned with ?


Value of a nail for 1:500 000


Value of a thumb for a 1:500 000

400ft AAL. : "400 stable" (C'était une farce. CT FARS) Configuration (gear down, flaps app, power appropriate) Trim (in trim) Flight path (runway centerline and vertical flight path) AoB (< 15°) RoD (< 1000 ft/min) Speed (Nominated Vapp+10 KIAS / -0 KIAS)

Visual Approach Gate ?

Lowest cloud

What does the cloud base mean ?

Standard Closing Angle SCA = 60/TAS. (TAS in NM/min) At 120Kt = 30°

What is SCA ?

Take-Off Distance Available. It is : TORA + clearway (max 50% TORA) The Take-Off Distance is from the brake release to 50ft AGL (class B !).

What is TODA ? What is TOD ?

Control Area Normally over CTR. Usually class D, from 1500ft. Sometimes class A

What is a CTA ?

Control Zone. Around aerodrome, usually class D, and from SFC to around 2000ft

What is a CTR ?

SIGMET information is information issued by a meteorological watch office concerning the occurrence or expected occurrence of specified en-route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of aircraft operations. Thunderstorms Cyclones (Tropical Revolving Storms) Severe turbulence Severe icing Severe Mountain Waves Dust or Sand Storms Volcanic Ash

What is a SIGMET ?

Terminal Control Area (or Terminal Manoevering Area). Cover area where busy aérodromes. Normally class A

What is a TMA ?

'Performance class B aeroplanes' means aeroplanes powered by propeller engines with an Maximum operational passenger seating configuration of nine or less and a maximum take-off mass of 5 700 kg or less.

What is a performance class B aeroplane ?

In a skid you have too much rudder input for the turn - the aircraft starts to pivot into the turn. The ball is opposite to the arrow in the turn coordinator. It is more dangerous than a slip because it leads to a spin. The aircraft as a tendency to increase the angle of bank (high wing is faster). If you correct it by moving the ailerons, the ailerons inside the turn will have a bigger angle of attack than outside.

What is a skid ?

You have too little rudder input for the turn, and the aircraft is pivoting out of the turn. (slip c'est inoffensif, pas dangereux et pas assez de pied) The ball is on the same side as arrow on the turn coordinator. It is less dangerous than the skid because the ailerons on the low wing have a smaller angle of attack than the high wing. Therefore it is also called : "spin-resistant"

What is a slip ?

Maximum Elevation Figure It is not the MSA. Need to add 1000ft for grid MORA. It is the rounded altitude for the highest man-made obstacle or the rounded altitude for the highest terrain + altitude error (300ft for natural obstacle - 299ft obstacle are not shown.) Cf skyway code

What is the MEF on the 1:500 000 ?

(1) ground visibility > 1 500 m or, (2) ceiling > 600 ft. If ground visibility is < 1500 m, ATC may issue a special VFR clearance for a flight crossing the CTR and not intending to TO/LDG at an aerodrome within a CTR, or enter the ATZ or aerodrome traffic circuit when the flight visibility reported by the pilot is not less than 1 500 m.

What is the SVFR minima for TO/LDG in CTR or enter an ATZ or aerodrome traffic circuit ?

Reported aeronautical met at the aerodrome : Cloud ceiling > 1500ft Ground visi > 5km (class D)

What is the VFR minima for TO/LDG in CTR or enter an ATZ or aerodrome traffic circuit ?

When RoC < 0 ft/min (performances)

What is the absolute ceiling ?

AEO : > 4% (TO power, gear DOWN*, flaps TO**, speed > 1.1Vmc or 1.2VS1) *For us Gear UP (because can be retracted in less than 7sec) **Means flaps UP for us. OEI : ≥400ft AGL : measurably positive (feather, TO power, gear UP, flaps TO, speed = speed at 50ft) ≥1500ft AGL : ≥ 0.75% (feather, MCT power, gear UP, flaps UP, speed ≥ 1.2Vs1)

What is the climb gradient required after take off ?

AEO : ≥ 2.5% (gear DOWN, flaps LDG, speed = Vref) OEI : ≥ 1500ft AGL : ≥ 0.75% (feather, MCT power, gear UP, flaps UP, speed ≥ 1.2Vs1)

What is the climb gradient required for missed approach ?

Lowest cloud that cover 1/2 sky (BKN/OVC)

What is the cloud ceiling ?

Center: 5NM radius (from mid-point of the longest runway), 0ft-3000ft AAL Stubs : 5NM long (from the end of each runway), 4NM large, 1000ft-3000ft AAL For a CMATZ : the upper limit of each MATZ within the Combined MATZ (CMATZ) is determined with reference to the elevation of the higher (or highest) aerodrome in the CMATZ. -> For CMATZ : we need to request MATZ penetration for both (or more) airfield ! If approved for Yeovilton, we are not approved automatically for Merrifield ! IF NO ANSWER : Outside ops hrs: transmit blind and cross (say which stub) During ops hrs: good airmanship not to enter (even if we can cross) THE ATZ remains open H24 !

What is the dimension of a MATZ ? What do we do if no anwser ?

The manufacturer has determined that it can't safely exceed this altitude. This limit is related to the engines. When the air gets less dense, compressor blades can spin faster than their designs allow (structural damage)

What is the max operating (certified) ceiling ?

1) Aircraft reports on 'Downwind' leg. 2) Aircraft reports 'Late downwind' if it is on the downwind leg,has been unable to report 'Downwind' and has passed the downwind end of the runway. 3) Aircraft reports 'Base' leg (if required). 4) Aircraft reports 'Final'. Clearance to land issued here. 5) Aircraft reports 'Long final' (between 8 and 4 miles) when aircraft is on a straight in approach.

What is the position number ?

When RoC < 100 ft/min (performances)

What is the service ceiling ?

We can use it for the performances when landing in the opposite direction (end of the landing distance)

When can we use the displaced THR ?

Wind from left, and pushed to the right. Need to turn left.

Where are we pushed with right drift ?

EASA Air Operations, IR of Annex IV (Part-CAT) - Subpart C (class B)

Where can we find performance factors and the safety factors ?

At the A/C. In case of ADF/NDB, the bearing is being measured in the aircraft on the relevant display; as a result the Magnetic Variation is applied at the aircraft. In the case of a VOR, Magnetic Variation is applied at the Ground Transmitter and factored into the bearings along which the Variable Phase signals are transmitted. Therefore, to convert a VOR Magnetic Radial into a True Bearing you apply the Magnetic Variation at the Ground Station.

Where do we apply the variation for a NDB ?

At the station (because The VOR defines 360 radial magnetic tracks which radiate away from the VOR beacon) In case of ADF/NDB and Airborne Weather Radar, the bearing is being measured in the aircraft on the relevant display; as a result the Magnetic Variation is applied at the aircraft. In the case of a VOR (except those near the Magnetic North pole which are aligned with True North) Magnetic Variation is applied at the Ground Transmitter and factored into the bearings along which the Variable Phase signals are transmitted. Therefore, to convert a VOR Magnetic Radial into a True Bearing you apply the Magnetic Variation at the Ground Station.

Where do we apply the variation for a VOR/VDF

Rule is : if it is spoken it is Mag North. -> ATC and manual ATIS = Mag North -> METAR/TAF/D-ATIS = True North

Wind direction ATC/ATIS/METAR/TAF

It backs and slacks when altitude decrease (alt ↘︎ = degrees ↘︎ = speed ↘︎)

Wind with altitude ?

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