Victimology/Takahashi Exam 2

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Identify an area of improvement for victim services

An area for victim improvement would be for better awareness for the needs of victims. Receiving more awareness would help us focus on other areas that might need to be taken into consideration for more victim programs to be implicated

Why is it difficult to provide a prevalence rate of cyber-crime?

Difficult to provide a prevalence rate because of its varying forms

Define Coordination

Entails formal relationships around specific efforts or programs

What does Title IX in 1972 and the Jeanne Clery Act require colleges and universities to do?

It is a civil rights kaw that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any educational program or activity that recieves federal funding. This includes most schools and private k-12 institutes.

What are the multiple forms of Internet fraud?

There are multiple forms of internet fraud ranging from viruses that attack computers with the goal of retrieving personal information, to e-mail schemes that lure victims into wiring money to fraudulent sources, to online dating romance scams where the end goal for the victim is typically that they will be in a committed relationship rather than simply in receipt of large sums of cash. The forms of internet fraud are constantly evolving (pg 228) There are countless forms of internet fraud, with the four major categories being: identity theft, investment fraud, mortgage and lending fraud, and mass marketing fraud, (pg 230-233)

Why is IPV so socially and legally visible today?

This happens as a result of the woman's movement in the 1960's and 1970's this movement was instrumental to bringing light to the IPV situation.

What is mandated reporting of child abuse?

This is the legislative requirement tat certain professsionals must report cases of suspected child abuse or neglect for investigation to a designated authority within a specific amount of time.

What are "values"?

Values are defined as elements of desirability, worth, or importance

What is multicultural competence?

-Multicultural competence in victim services involves understanding and appropriately responding to victims with a distinct combination of cultural variables OR -gaining knowledge,understanding, support, and appropriately responding to victims across different languages and cultures.

Cyber-crime and victimization can be either ______ based or ______ based depending on the target

-property -person

Data from the 2011 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS) estimates that how many women and men in the United States experience physical violence each year by a current or former intimate partner?

10 million men and woman

According to the FBI's Internet Crime Report (2016), approximately how many complaints are made each year to the Internet Crime Complaint Center?

280,000 complaints are made each year (average of 1.3 billion lost)

Define a "partnership"

A collaborative relationship between entities to work toward shared objectives through a mutually agreed division of labor

Define a multidisciplinary team

A multidisciplinary team is a group of health care workers who are members of different disciplines (professions like Psychiatrists, Social Workers, Nurses/Doctors etc.), each providing specific services to the patient.

Define Family violence

Any assault, battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, or any criminal of-fence resulting in personal injury or death of one family or household member by another who is related to the victim either biologically or legally through marriage or adoption

Define Child abuse

At a minimum, any recent act or sets of acts or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation, or an act or failure to act, which presents an imminent risk of serious harm.

What is a "code of ethics"?

Code of ethics is a set of professional rules that regulates the behavior of the individual

What is vicarious trauma or compassion fatigue?

Compassion fatigue: is a traumatic stress reaction apparent among the healthcare and human services professions such as law enforcement officers, hotline workers, nurses, ministers, counselors, and victim advocates who provide direct services and assistance to their clients

What is the role of confidentiality in victim services?

Confidentiality helps the victim feel safe when reporting crimes to police, receiving medical attention, or working with a service provider.

What Forms of one-to-one victimization are perpetrated online?

Cyberbullying, cyber-stalking, and sexual exploitation

What are "ethical dilemmas"?

Ethical dilemmas are situations where one has to make a moral decision from two or more choices

Define Neglect

Failure or refusal of a parent, guardian or other caregiver to provide for a child's basic needs

Victim assistance includes what?

Fully-fledged advocacy and service field dedicated to meeting the physical, financial, and physiological needs of victims and their families

Historically, IPV was called what?

Intimate Partner Violence. Domestic Violence , Battering, or spousal abuse

Define Collaboration

Involves a more durable and pervasive relationship between two or more organizations that results in a new structure and shared missions

What are SART teams?

Sexual Assault Responce Teams They help victims of sexual assault find the help they need. Whether it's medical or emotional.

Define Human trafficking

The action or practice of illegally transporting people from one country or area to another, typically for the purposes of forced labor or sexual exploitation

Define Cooperation

The process by which individuals or groups combine their efforts, in a more or less organized way, for the attainment of a common objective

What is the significance of social movements and the advancement of victimology as it relates to understanding victims?

These movements were led and inspired by persons who had personally suffered the effects of victimization and were supported by others who showed empathy and provided insight into advancing the services needed to assist those who had been affected by crime. The framework for the acknowledgment and advancement in services offered to victims had also developed from the study of victimology

What is the estimated average of women and/or men who are likely to experience some form of intimate partner violence over the course of their lifetime, highlighting the magnitude of IPV in society?

⅕ woman and 1/7 men are likely to experience some kind of intimate partner violence

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