Vignette final CLP w/examples

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About ______, binge as a result of a bad mood/emotional states




Intellectual Disability (ID)

A disorder marked by intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior that are well below average. Previously called mental retardation.


A feeling of sudden, intense fear.

What was Gretchen experiencing? Iwas 25 when I had my first attack. It was a few weeks after I'd come home from the hospital. I had had my appendix out. The surgery had gone well, and I wasn't in any danger, which is why I don't understand what happened. But one night I went to sleep and I woke up a few hours later—I'm not sure how long—but I woke up with this vague feeling of apprehension. Mostly I remember how my heart started pounding. And my chest hurt; it felt like I was dying—that I was having a heart attack. And I felt kind of queer, as if I were detached from the experience. It seemed like my bedroom was covered with a haze. I ran to my sister's room, but I felt like I was a puppet or a robot who was under the control of somebody else while I was running. I think I scared her almost as much as I was frightened myself. She called an ambulance.

A panic attack

What is the difference between a panic disorder and a social anxiety disorder?

A panic disorder has unexpected panic attacks while social anxiety disorder has panic attacks when a person is put in a social situation.

frotteuristic disorder

A paraphilic disorder consisting of repeated and intense sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors that involve touching and rubbing against a non-consenting person.

dissociative identity disorder

A rare dissociative disorder in which a person exhibits two or more distinct and alternating personalities. Also called multiple personality disorder.

What is the criteria for a manic episode?

A. A distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood and abnormally and persistently increased goal-directed activity or energy, lasting at least 1 week and present most of the day, nearly every day (or any duration if hospitalization is necessary). B. During the period of mood disturbance and increased energy or activity, three (or more) of the following symptoms (four if the mood is only irritable) are present to a significant degree and represent a noticeable change from usual behavior: 1. Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity 2. Decreased need for sleep (e.g., feels rested after only 3 hours of sleep) 3. More talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking 4. Flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing 5. Distractibility (i.e., attention too easily drawn to unimportant or irrelevant external stimuli), as reported or observed 6. Increase in goal-directed activity (either socially, at work or school, or sexually) or psychomotor agitation (e.g., purposeless non-goal-directed activity) 7. Excessive involvement in activities that have a high potential for painful consequences (e.g., engaging in unrestrained buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, or foolish business investments) C. The mood disturbance is sufficiently severe to cause marked impairment in social or occupational functioning or to necessitate hospitalization to prevent harm to self or others, or there are psychotic features. D. The episode is not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication, other treatment) or to another general medical condition. Note: A full manic episode that emerges during antidepressant treatment (e.g., medication, electroconvulsive therapy) but persists at a fully syndromal level beyond the physiological effect of that treatment is sufficient evidence of a manic episode and, therefore, a bipolar I diagnosis.

What is the diagnostic criteria for Major Depressive Disorder?

A. At least one major depressive episode (DSM-5 Table 7.1 Criteria A-C). B. The occurrence of the major depressive episode is not better explained by schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, delusional disorder, or other specified and unspecified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders. C. There has never been a manic episode or hypomanic episode. Note: This exclusion does not apply if all of the manic-like or hypomanic-like episodes are substance-induced or are attributable to the direct physiological effects of another medical condition. Specify the clinical status and/or features of the current or most recent major depressive episode: Single episode or recurrent episode Mild, moderate, severe With anxious distress With mixed features With melancholic features With atypical features With mood-congruent psychotic features With mood-incongruent psychotic features With catatonia With peripartum onset With seasonal pattern (recurrent episode only) In partial remission, in full remission

What is the diagnostic criteria for Bipolar II Disorder?

A. Criteria have been met for at least one hypomanic episode and at least one major depressive episode. Criteria for a hypomanic episode are identical to those for a manic episode (see DSM-5 Table 7.2), with the following distinctions: 1) Minimum duration is 4 days; 2) Although the episode represents a definite change in functioning, it is not severe enough to cause marked social or occupational impairment or hospitalization; 3) There are no psychotic features. B. There has never been a manic episode. C. The occurrence of the hypomanic episode(s) and major depressive episode(s) is not better explained by schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, delusional disorder, or other specified or unspecified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorder. D. The symptoms of depression or the unpredictability caused by frequent alternation between periods of depression and hypomania causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. Specify current or most recent episode: Hypomanic: If currently (or most recently) in a hypomanic episode Depressed: If currently (or most recently) in a major depressive episode Specify if: With anxious distress With mixed features With rapid cycling With mood-congruent psychotic features With mood-incongruent psychotic features With catatonia With peripartum onset With seasonal pattern Specify course if full criteria for a mood episode are not currently met: In full remission, in partial remission Specify severity if full criteria for a mood episode are currently met: Mild, moderate, severe

What is the diagnostic criteria for PDD?

A. Depressed mood for most of the day, for more days than not, as indicated by either subjective account or observation by others, for at least 2 years. Note: In children and adolescents, mood can be irritable and duration must be at least 1 year. B. Presence, while depressed, of two (or more) of the following: 1. Poor appetite or overeating 2. Insomnia or hypersomnia 3. Low energy or fatigue 4. Low self-esteem 5. Poor concentration or difficulty making decisions 6. Feelings of hopelessness C. During the 2-year period (1 year for children or adolescents) of the disturbance, the person has never been without the symptoms in criteria A and B for more than 2 months at a time. D. Criteria for major depressive disorder may be continuously present for 2 years. E. There has never been a manic episode or a hypomanic episode, and criteria have never been met for cyclothymic disorder. F. The disturbance is not better explained by a persistent schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia, delusional disorder, or other specified or unspecified schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorder. G. The symptoms are not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or another medical condition (e.g., hypothyroidism). H. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. Specify if: Current severity: Mild, moderate, severe With anxious distress With mixed features With melancholic features With atypical features With mood-congruent psychotic features With mood-incongruent psychotic features With peripartum onset Early onset: If onset is before age 21 years Late onset: If onset is at age 21 years or older Specify (for most recent 2 years of dysthymic disorder): With pure dysthymic syndrome: if full criteria for a major depressive episode have not been met in at least the preceding 2 years With persistent major depressive episode: if full criteria for a major depressive episode have been met throughout the preceding 2-year period With intermittent major depressive episodes, with current episode: if full criteria for a major depressive episode are currently met, but there have been periods of at least 8 weeks in at least the preceding 2 years with symptoms below the threshold for a full major depressive episode With intermittent major depressive episodes, without current episode: if full criteria for a major depressive episode are not currently met, but there has been one or more major depressive episodes in at least the preceding 2 years In full remission, in partial remission

What is the diagnostic criteria for GAD?

A. Excessive anxiety and worry (apprehensive expectation), occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events or activities (such as work or school performance). B. The individual finds it difficult to control the worry. C. The anxiety and worry are associated with at least three (or more) of the following six symptoms (with at least some symptoms present for more days than not for the past 6 months) [Note: Only one item is required in children]: 1. Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge 2. Being easily fatigued 3. Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank 4. Irritability 5. Muscle tension 6. Sleep disturbance (difficulty falling or staying asleep or restless, unsatisfying sleep) D. The anxiety, worry or physical symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. E. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition (e.g., hyperthyroidism). F. The disturbance is not better explained by another mental disorder (e.g., anxiety or worry about having panic attacks in panic disorder, negative evaluation in social anxiety disorder).

What is the diagnostic criteria for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder?

A. Exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence in one (or more) of the following ways: 1. Directly experiencing the traumatic event(s). 2. Witnessing, in person, the event(s) as they occurred to others. 3. Learning that the event(s) occurred to a close relative or close friend. In cases of actual or threatened death of a family member or friend, the event(s) must have been violent or accidental. 4. Experiencing repeated or extreme exposure to aversive details of the traumatic event(s) (e.g., first responders collecting human remains; police officers repeatedly exposed to details of child abuse). Note: Criterion A4 does not apply to exposure through electronic media, television, movies, or pictures, unless this exposure is work related. B. Presence of one (or more) of the following intrusion symptoms associated with the traumatic event(s), beginning after the traumatic event(s) occurred: 1. Recurrent, involuntary and intrusive distressing memories of the traumatic event(s). Note: In young children, repetitive play may occur in which themes or aspects of the traumatic event(s) are expressed. 2. Recurrent distressing dreams in which the content and/or affect of the dream are related to the traumatic event(s). Note: In children, there may be frightening dreams without recognizable content. 3. Dissociative reactions (e.g., flashbacks) in which the individual feels or acts as if the traumatic event(s) were recurring. (Such reactions occur on a continuum, with the most extreme expression being a complete loss of awareness of present surroundings.) Note: In young children, traumaspecific reenactment may occur in play. 4. Intense or prolonged psychological distress at exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event(s). 5. Marked physiological reactions to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event(s). C. Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the traumatic event(s), beginning after the traumatic event(s) occurred, as evidenced by one or both of the following: 1. Avoidance of or efforts to avoid distressing memories, thoughts, feelings, or conversations about or closely associated with the traumatic event(s). 2. Avoidance of or efforts to avoid external reminders (people, places, conversations, activities, objects, situations) that arouse distressing memories, thoughts, or feelings about or closely associated with the traumatic event(s). D. Negative alterations in cognitions and mood associated with the traumatic event(s), beginning or worsening after the traumatic event(s) occurred, as evidenced by two (or more) of the following: 1. Inability to remember an important aspect of the traumatic event(s) (typically due to dissociative amnesia and not to other factors such as head injury, alcohol, or drugs). 2. Persistent and exaggerated negative beliefs or expectations about oneself, others, or the world (e.g., "I am bad," "no one can be trusted," "the world is completely dangerous," "My whole nervous system is permanently ruined"). 3. Persistent distorted cognitions about the cause or consequences of the traumatic event(s) that lead the individual to blame himself/herself or others. 4. Persistent negative emotional state (e.g., fear, horror, anger, guilt, or shame). 5. Markedly diminished interest or participation in significant activities. 6. Feelings of detachment or estrangement from others. 7. Persistent inability to experience positive emotions (e.g., inability to experience happiness, satisfaction, or loving feelings). E. Marked alterations in arousal and reactivity associated with the traumatic event(s), beginning or worsening after the traumatic event(s) occurred, as evidenced by two (or more) of the following: 1. Irritable behavior and angry outbursts (with little or no provocation) typically expressed as verbal or physical aggression toward people or objects. 2. Reckless or self-destructive behavior. 3. Hypervigilance. 4. Exaggerated startle response. 5. Problems with concentration F. Sleep disturbance (e.g., difficulty falling or staying asleep or restless sleep).Duration of the disturbance (Criteria B, C, D and E) is more than one month. G. The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. H. The disturbance is not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance (e.g., medication, alcohol) or another medical condition. Specify if: With delayed expression: If the full diagnostic criteria are not met until at least 6 months after the event (although it is understood that onset and expression of some symptoms may be immediate). Specify whether: With Dissociative Symptoms: The individual's symptoms meet the criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder, and in addition, in response to the stressor, the individual experiences persistent or recurrent symptoms of either depersonalization or derealization.

What is the criteria for Major Depressive Episode?

A. Five (or more) of the following symptoms have been present during the same 2-week period and represent a change from previous functioning; at least one of the symptoms is either (1) depressed mood or (2) loss of interest or pleasure. Note: Do not include symptoms that are clearly due to a general medical condition or mood-incongruent delusions or hallucinations. 1. Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day, as indicated by either subjective report (e.g., feels sad or empty) or observation made by others (e.g., appears tearful). Note: in children and adolescents can be irritable mood. 2. Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities most of the day, nearly every day (as indicated by either subjective account or observation made by others). 3. Significant weight loss when not dieting or weight gain (e.g., a change of more than 5% of body weight in a month), or decrease or increase in appetite nearly every day. Note: in children, consider failure to make expected weight gains. 4. Insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day. 5. Psychomotor agitation or retardation nearly every day (observable by others, not merely subjective feelings of restlessness or being slowed down). 6. Fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day. 7. Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt (which may be delusional) nearly every day (not merely selfreproach or guilt about being sick). 8. Diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness, nearly every day (either by subjective account or as observed by others). 9. Recurrent thoughts of death (not just fear of dying), recurrent suicidal ideation without a specific plan, or a suicide attempt or a specific plan for committing suicide. B. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. C. The symptoms are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition (e.g., hypothyroidism).

What is the diagnostic criteria for specific phobia?

A. Marked fear or anxiety about a specific object or situation (e.g., flying, heights, animals, receiving an injection, seeing blood). B. The phobic object or situation almost always provokes immediate fear or anxiety. Note: In children, the anxiety may be expressed by crying, tantrums, freezing, or clinging. C. The phobic object or situation is actively avoided or endured with intense fear or anxiety. D. The fear or anxiety is out of proportion to the actual danger posed by the specific object or situation, and to the sociocultural context. E. The fear, anxiety or avoidance is persistent, typically lasting for 6 months or more. F. The fear, anxiety or avoidance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning. G. The disturbance is not better explained by the symptoms of another mental disorder, including fear, anxiety and avoidance of: situations associated with panic-like symptoms or other incapacitating symptoms (as in agoraphobia); objects or situations related to obsessions (as in obsessive-compulsive disorder); reminders of traumatic events (as in posttraumatic stress disorder); separation from home or attachment figures (as in separation anxiety disorder); or social situations (as in social anxiety disorder). Specify type: 1. Animal 2. Natural environment (e.g., heights, storms, and water) 3. Blood-injection-injury 4. Situational (e.g., planes, elevators, or enclosed places) 5. Other (e.g., phobic avoidance of situations that may lead to choking, vomiting, or contracting an illness; or in children, avoidance of loud sounds or costumed characters)

What is the diagnostic criteria for SAD?

A. Marked fear or anxiety about one or more social situations in which the person is exposed to possible scrutiny by others. Examples include social interactions (e.g., having a conversation; meeting unfamiliar people), being observed (e.g., eating or drinking), or performing in front of others (e.g., giving a speech). Note: In children, the anxiety must occur in peer settings and not just in interactions with adults. B. The individual fears that he or she will act in a way, or show anxiety symptoms, that will be negatively evaluated (i.e., will be humiliating, embarrassing, lead to rejection, or offend others). C. The social situations almost always provoke fear or anxiety. Note: in children, the fear or anxiety may be expressed by crying, tantrums, freezing, clinging, shrinking, or failing to speak in social situations. D. The social situations are avoided or endured with intense fear or anxiety. E. The fear or anxiety is out of proportion to the actual threat posed by the social situation, and to the sociocultural context. F. The fear, anxiety or avoidance is persistent, typically lasting for 6 months or more. G. The fear, anxiety or avoidance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning. H. The fear, anxiety or avoidance is not attributable to the effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or another medical condition. I. The fear, anxiety or avoidance is not better explained by the symptoms of another mental disorder, such as panic disorder (e.g., anxiety about having a panic attack) or separation anxiety disorder (e.g., fear of being away from home or a close relative). J. If another medical condition (e.g., stuttering, Parkinson's disease, obesity, disfigurement from burns or injury) is present, the fear, anxiety or avoidance is clearly unrelated or is excessive. Specify if: Performance only: If the fear is restricted to speaking or performing

What is the diagnostic criteria for Agoraphobia?

A. Marked fear or anxiety about two or more of the following five situations: Public transportation, open spaces, enclosed places, standing in line or being in a crowd, being outside the home alone. B. The individual fears or avoids these situations due to thoughts that escape might be difficult or help might not be available in the event of developing panic-like symptoms or other incapacitating or embarrassing symptoms (e.g., fear of falling in the elderly, fear of incontinence). C. The agoraphobic situations almost always provoke fear or anxiety. D. The agoraphobic situations are actively avoided, require the presence of a companion, or are endured with intense fear or anxiety. E. The fear or anxiety is out of proportion to the actual danger posed by the agoraphobic situations, and to the sociocultural context. F. The fear, anxiety or avoidance is persistent, typically lasting for 6 months or more. G. The fear, anxiety or avoidance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning. H. If another medical condition (e.g., inflammatory bowel disease, Parkinson's disease) is present, the fear, anxiety or avoidance is clearly excessive. I. The fear, anxiety or avoidance is not better explained by the symptoms of another mental disorder, e.g., the symptoms are not confined to specific phobia, situational type; do not involve only social situations (as in social anxiety disorder) and are not related exclusively to obsessions (as in obsessive-compulsive disorder), perceived deficits or flaws in physical appearance (as in body dysmorphic disorder), reminders of traumatic events (as in posttraumatic stress disorder), or fear of separation (as in separation anxiety disorder)

What is the diagnostic criteria for Body Dysmorphic Disorder?

A. Preoccupation with one or more defects or flaws in physical appearance that are not observable or appear slight to others. B. At some point during the course of the disorder, the individual has performed repetitive behaviors (e.g., mirror checking, excessive grooming, skin picking, reassurance seeking) or mental acts (e.g., comparing his or her appearance with that of others) in response to the appearance concerns. C. The preoccupation causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. D. The appearance preoccupation is not better explained by concerns with body fat or weight in an individual whose symptoms meet diagnostic criteria for an eating disorder. Specify if: With good or fair insight: The individual recognizes that the body dysmorphic disorder beliefs are definitely or probably not true or that they may or may not be true. With poor insight: The individual thinks that the body dysmorphic disorder beliefs are probably true. With absent insight/delusional beliefs: the individual is completely convinced that the body dysmorphic disorder beliefs are true. With muscle dysmorphia: The individual is preoccupied with the idea that his or her body build is too small or insufficiently muscular. This specifier is used even if the individual is preoccupied with other body areas, which is often the case.

What is the diagnostic criteria for Panic Disorder?

A. Recurrent unexpected panic attacks are present. B. At least one of the attacks has been followed by 1 month or more of one or both of the following: (a) Persistent concern or worry about additional panic attacks or their consequences (e.g., losing control, having a heart attack, "going crazy"), or (b) A significant maladaptive change in behavior related to the attacks (e.g., behaviors designed to avoid having panic attacks, such as avoidance of exercise or unfamiliar situations). C. The disturbance is not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or another medical condition (e.g., hyperthyroidism, cardiopulmonary disorders). D. The disturbance is not better explained by another mental disorder (e.g., the panic attacks do not occur only in response to feared social situations, as in social anxiety disorder).

most common reason why kids receive mental health services in the us


Key characteristics of this disorder are failure to develop age appropriate social relationships


People with this disorder are characterized as charming, manipulative, and ruthlessly plowing through life

ASPD- Antisocial personality disorder

Intellectual Disability

Adam is 24 years old. He often struggles to plan out his days in a functional manner. He has struggled to following instructions and has a difficult time passing judgement. He often crosses appropriate boundaries with friendships and coworkers. He requires support from his family to keep a functional life. These issues began in his early childhood and have persisted into adulthood.


Alana is the mother of a 15-year-old football player. She has noticed he has been washing his sheets around 3 to 4 times per week. Eventually she confronted him about this unusual behavior and asked her son why he is constantly washing his sheets. He replied, "I am having trouble holding my bladder at night and I don't know why". Alana's son Aaron is not on any medications that would cause such an action. This behavior is worrying Alana due to the fact that Aaron has not wet the bed since he was three-years-old.

bullimia nervosa

Alejandro was a wrestler all throughout high school and he got in the habit of cutting weight. He's now 24 and has just moved in with his boyfriend as things are getting serious. His boyfriend however is concerned that Alejandro still has that "old behavior." According to the BF, Alejandro will eat three boxes of cookies and four big bags of chips in one sitting. After doing this though Alejandro generally feels really guilty and will take a bunch of laxatives to try to "balance out" what he has done. Alejandro's boyfriend thinks he is just stuck in the past but nonetheless says he shouldn't be eating like that because his "episodes" are expensive and Alejandro is starting to gain a "lil weight."


Alex is a 20-year-old women who has seen her son die right before her eyes after a car accident. Even though, the accident occurred fifteen years ago she cannot even think hear the sound of a car without bursting out into tears. This has resulted in Alex moving far out into the country where she doesn't have any neighbors for miles, in order to avoid the sound of cars.

Rumination Disorder-

Ali is a Sophomore in High School she has off campus lunch so once or twice a week for the past three months she leaves to her house by herself because she is not comfortable eating in front of anyone else. Ali chooses to eat alone because she feels embarrassed and even disgusted by herself by the amounts of food she eat. Some days she eats super fast and others she eat until she feels sick where she ate so much.


Allen is a 23-year-old man who has begun to have symptoms of distress. He hasn't been able to sleep or has an extremely hard time trying to sleep. This has been occurring for almost four months now. Allen has never had this issue before. However, the issue has progressed to times when he is even able to fall asleep he wakes up extremely early and cannot return back to sleep. Even if Allen has a day off and tries to sleep for an entire day he is not able to rest.


Amanda has always been a little overweight, and is having trouble losing weight. She is absolutely disgusted with herself, depressed, and blames herself for gaining so much weight. Every time she eats for the past year, she indulges herself in great food, then feels guilty, and proceeds to lock herself in the bathroom directly after eating to vomit.

Specific Learning Disorder

Amy is 9 years old and attends public school. For the past year, she has struggled in class. When trying to read aloud, she often slurs her words and has difficulty pronouncing certain words. She has had issues with math problems and can't make sense of age appropriate problems. She also struggles with her writing. She is unable to write in simple sentences like her classmates. These issues are causing her to fail her class and attend special tutoring classes.

What is the diagnostic criteria for Panic Attack?

An abrupt surge of intense fear or intense discomfort that reaches a peak within minutes, and during which time four (or more) of the following symptoms occur: 1. Palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate 2. Sweating 3. Trembling or shaking 4. Sensations of shortness of breath or smothering 5. Feeling of choking 6. Chest Pain or discomfort 7. Nausea or abdominal distress 8. Feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded, or faint 9. chills or hear sensations 10. Paresthesias (numbness or tingling sensations) 11. Derealization (feelings of unreality) or depersonalization (being detached from oneself) 12. Fear of losing control or going crazy 13. Fear of dying

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Ana is 25 years old. She lives at home with her parents and works at the local super market. At times, she has difficulty acknowledging social cues. She also struggles to express her feelings and this causes her to become very upset and lash out during unreasonable circumstances. She struggles to communicate with friends because she is unable to interpret their needs. Ana must have a strict routine throughout the day. If she gets off of schedule, she becomes very upset and experiences rage and confusion.

MDD or PDD or both with catatonic features

Anastasia has been referred to therapy by her husband. He told her if she didn't go he would divorce her. Her husband says he's tired of being married to "a sloth." When you ask him to elaborate he states "yea a sloth, a slow moving sloth." Her husband states that for the last several years Anastasia rarely leaves the house. He says "she's always in a bad mood and never wants to do anything. Anytime I suggest something fun she says "no" sometimes she says nothing at all and just looks past me." Her husband states that she has always been withdrawn but over the last few months he finds her behavior to be worse. He states that he has caught her standing up with her head pressed to the kitchen window for hours, looking at nothing. "I tried to get her attention but its like she was in a daze. Hours later she finally snapped out of it and walked back to the room very slowly and laid in bed the rest of the day." Her husband says he has tried to cheer her up repeatedly and that even when he makes a grand gesture like bringing her home a puppy she doesn't really seem to care all that much, for example she said "oh ".

Conversion Disorder.

Angela struggles moving around her house and even out on the streets. The only way she can walk around without tripping, is by using her hands to identify where the objects/things are or by using a stick to move around. Her blindness has been such a struggle to her that she is still not used to the fact that things for her are very different compared to other people.


Anika was in a terrible earthquake last year while visiting Hong Kong. Her best friend was actually killed in the quake and Anika had to dig her body out from under the rubble. Anika's life has changed a lot since then. She has stopped going out with friends and is no longer pursing her degree. Her parents say she's disengaged and unmotivated for life and that she's a "Shell of the old Anika." When you talk to Anika she has a very flat affect. She tells you that she wakes up dripping in sweat 3 nights of week because of the terrible nightmares she has. She tells you that she has no desire to go out anymore because "everything is in a building. My friends want to go to bars and malls and restaurants, those are all building. If I have learned one thing its that buildings can fall."

Anorexia Nervosa

As an adolescent, Abigail desired to lose weight after her sister pointed out her added weight following her eighth-grade semester. Abigail was then determined to lose weight to ensure confidence in her first year of high school, exercising every day and limited her portion sizes. She lost weight fast and became confident of her new body although her appearance would soon deteriorate (lack of menstruation, sunken eyes, brittle nails) as she kept limiting her portion sizes and worked out whenever she had free-time. Abigail feared to gain weight and desired to keep her figure which becomes thinner to worried relatives and friends.

Acute Stress Disorder

Ava was the victim of sexual assault 3 weeks ago. Since then, she has had numerous distressful flashbacks, suffers from negative mood along with an inability to feel happy, restless sleep, problems with concentration, and she cannot seem to return to school or be social with friends and family. Ava's symptoms are not due to medication, substance abuse, or another illness.

Difference between Schizoid and Avoidant?

Avoidants WANT social relationships while schizoids don't care





MDD w/ atypical features

Babs is 22 and lives alone. She reports that for the last few weeks she hasn't felt like seeing her friends or going out. She states that she sits alone in her room and watches tv all day. She states that she doesn't have the energy to even shower. She also states that she has been sleeping about 15 hours a night and cannot stop eating junk food. She says she isn't interested in anything except for old reruns of friends and pizza and those are the only two things that make her feel happy anymore but that the feeling is fleeting.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Beetlejuice is a 40-year-old man who often showed a lack of empathy towards others. He was also described as arrogant and had sense of entitlement. This has interfered with his relationships due to needing excessive admiration of his achievements.

Bulimia Nervosa

Belle is a popular high schooler. Her mother read her journal and decided to bring Belle into therapy. According to her journal, Belle began binge eating and making herself vomit afterwards roughly 4 months ago. She makes herself vomit about 4 times a week after she eats until she is uncomfortably full. She also ingests laxatives, and strenuously works out every morning in the hopes of preventing any weight gain.

What are the four sub-types of specific phobias?

Blood-injury-injection Situational Natural environment Animal Other (may include vomiting or loud sounds)

Factitious Disorder-

Bob has been feeling sick he thinks he has constant urinary tract infections. He goes around telling everyone his symptoms after he has researched what a UTI entails. Bob goes to the doctor and when he urinates in the cup so the doctor can check his urine he adds dirt to it to make it seem dirty and be diagnosed with some kind of urinary Tract infection. He keeps going to the doctor and everytime Bob picks a different injury or disease.

Binge Eating Disorder

Carl seems to be always hungry according to his family. When there is food on the table they consider him as a garbage disposal because he seems to never get full. For a person his size, it seems that he is capable of getting full, but even when he is full he continues to eat due to the lack of control. On his first plate, he finishes twice as fast as anyone else and after meals, he eats another meal as if he is not satisfied with his course meal. Carl tells his family and friends that he does not like the way he eats, but there is no way of him controlling his impulsions.

Schizophrenia spectrum disorder

Carla is just like any other individual. She does daily tasks like an average person attempting to make way. However, she has a reduction in facial expression. She experiences dialogue from different voices with no one physical person around and she replies back as well. Due to this, people shy away from speaking to her much of the time.

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

Carlos is a 5th grader who struggles keeping his grades up. His teachers have reached out to his parents telling them that he zones out during class and does not seem to care about doing the assignments or even the homework. He often gets in trouble for not sitting still and always talking in the inappropriate times.

Bipolar- probably BPD 1 but you can make a rationale for BPD2

Carol's mom calls you in a panic. Carol's mom has been coming to you for years to work on her self esteem issues but now she is calling because she says her daughter is "out of control." Her mom says Carol has been really difficult to deal with this last week. Carol has been demanding money from family members so that she can pursue an idea of hers for creating self-slicing vegetables. When her family has attempted to question this idea or denied her the money she becomes aggressive and starts screaming at them. She calls them "sheep" and "morons" and says they are too stupid to understand a real genius at work. Carol has been messaging every family member she knows for the last few days at all hours of the day with paragraphs of texts that just ramble on and on. Her mom says she isn't sleeping that she seems to be awake all night working on "inventions" and that the whole family can her in her room and the attic banging around pots and pans and screaming and yelling with excitement as she does. Her mom is worried about her

Exhibitionistic Disorder-

Cesar has been having trouble for the past four months. He is a Middle School gym teacher. Cesar has had sexual urges and fantasies towards his students. Cesar exposed his genitals to his students more then one time causing arousal.

Frotteuristic Disorder

Channing is a 25-year-old male who frequents a lot of binge-drinking parties for the past year for one reason. He waits until the end of the night, and finds a girl who is passed out from drinking too much in a bedroom. He goes into the room, closes the door, and begins touching or rubbing on the girl while she is sleeping. Although he does not have sex with her, he thinks it is okay because she is sleeping and she will never know.


Characterized by odd beliefs leading to interpersonal difficulties, an eccentric appearance, and magical thinking or perceptual distortions that are not clear delusions or hallucinations

Premature ejaculation

Charles a 23 year old BMW technician is experiencing trouble with his persistent early ejaculations during vaginal sex. In Charles the majority of his sexual experiences with a partner he ejaculates within a minute of penetration. Charles has suffered this for the past 6 months.

Specific Phobia

Christina has recently begun a job in a hospital and has always dreamed about such a position. However, every time she enters a patient's room where there is blood involved she either exits immediately or faints due to the sight of blood if she gets too close. Because of this her boss has met with her about the issue and told her if she can't be around blood she might have to find another position.

what are the three domains of ID

Conceptual (difficulty in language, reasoning, knowledge and memory) Social (social judgement, inability to make friends) Practical (difficulties managing personal care, getting a job)

factitious disorder

Condition in which a person acts as if he or she has a physical or mental illness when he or she is not really sick.

Have nothing medically wrong with them & cause themselves to truly go blind.

Conversion Disorder

what disorder has the baseline for PDD and hit rock bottom like MDD?


anorexia nervosa

Danielle was voted prom queen in her high school in rural Mississippi. Once she moved to Miami to start college she started to feel a little self conscious about her body though, she's 5'7'' but feels like she is much bigger than the girls in Miami. Danielle began dieting recently and noticed how well it was working. She lost 20 pounds in only 2 weeks. Danielle decided that if she kept exercising and became even stricter with her dieting then she would lose even more weight. Recently Danielle has been eating very little all day but allows herself a meal at lunch which she immediately follows with a purging session where she will either take a laxative or force herself to vomit. She has now lost 50 pounds and currently weighs 93 pounds. Danielle told her parents that she was going to stop dieting because they are very worried about her and told her she looks like a "skeleton" but she told her best friend that she just says that to get them off her back and that she needs to keep losing weight.

Histrionic Personality Disorder

David is a 20-year-old college student who is uncomfortable in situations in which he is not the center of attention, and has interactions with others that are often characterized by inappropriate sexually seductive and proactive behavior. David also displays rapidly shifting and Shallow expressions of emotion that goes along with his consistent use of physical appearance to draw attention to himself. David also has a style speech that is excessively impressionistic and lacking in detail.

Sexual Sadism Disorder

David is an account executive from New York. For the past two years, he has had a sexual partner and makes her do unthinkable things while having sex, most of which cause her pain. He enjoys making his mistress endure pain by choking until almost passing out, whipping causing marks, and using excessive force. The mistress has complained that while she is in love with David, she is very hurt that he only wants to cause her pain while having sex. This causes him great distress after he is done, knowing that he hurt someone he really cares for.

______________ cling to relationships

Dependent PD

when the primary problem is feelings of reality so severe that they prevent normal functioning then the diagnoses is

Depersonalization/derealization disorder

OCD comorbidity

Depression !!!, Anxiety Disorders, Eating Disorders, Substance Abuse, Tourette's Syndrome, Trichotillomania

What does DD stand for?

Double Depression




Eddie is always picked on in school mostly because he doesn't like to interact with other kids or share his toys. He is starting the 3 rd grade this year and his teachers want to hold him back. They say that his language isn't where it should be. His mom reports that he is a temperamental kid. He is very picky with his food and toys (they have to be a certain way) and has little interest in anyone other than her. When observing him in school you notice that he does not make eye contact when speaking to people and that he has difficulty communicating his needs. He went up to the teacher and said "wash you" while holding out his hands because they had some glue on them. The teacher told him to wash his own hands and he instantly began crying and just repeated what she said over and over again "wash own hands, wash own hands, wash own hands."

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Eddie is an 18 year old male who resides with his mother. Eddie's mother states that he has always been quick to anger and has a history of repeatedly starting fights in school. Eddie's mother says that she is at the end of her rope because Eddie has begun stealing money from her, and she is certain he is stealing it, but when she confronts him he flat out lies about it. He has no regard for the rules or others, it is all about getting what he wants.

Avoidant personality disorder:

Elaine has always been a quiet girl, at school during gym class she refuses to play basketball with the rest of the class, so the coach allows her to sit every game out not forcing her. One day after school when everyone was thought to be gone, the coach stayed late to clean the office. She could hear a basketball bouncing and went to check it out. What she saw was elaine shooting hoops, but each shot was from the three-point line, but each shot made it into the basket, not a single one missed. Finally, the coach approached elaine which startled her. Coach asked her why she doesn't want to play when she's so good at it, to which elaine explains that she doesn't want to make a fool of herself in front of everyone and doesn't want to be in line when everyone's picking teams in fear that she isn't liked and will be picked last.

Avoidant PD

Extremely sensitive to the opinions of others SCARED more severe version of social anxiety

TRUE OR FALSE: For schizoaffective disorder, symptoms must be present for 1 day when not experiencing mood disorder symptoms

FALSE: 2+weeks

TRUE OR FALSE: anxiety is a past oriented mood state

FALSE: It is a FUTURE oriented mood state

TRUE OR FALSE: people with ptsd do not try to avoid emotions like people with panic disorder

FALSE: People with ptsd may try to avoid emotions because emotions may bring back memories

TRUE OR FALSE: People who have ASPD feel guilt/remorse


TRUE OR FALSE: hypo means above

FALSE: hypo means below

TRUE OR FALSE: OCD is the least severe of the anxiety disorders because it doesnt have the most hospitalizations or psychosurgery

FALSE: it is the most severe because it has the most hospitalizations and psychosurgery

TRUE OR FALSE: Children with ADHD are less likely to be rejected by their peers and are more popular

FALSE: more likely and less popular

TRUE OR FALSE: many people with ocd do not have fundamental religious beliefs

FALSE: they do have

TRUE OR FALSE: ASPD People are harmless

FALSE; best treatment is to lock them up


FEAR when there is no reason to fear

MDD needs at least ______ OR MORE of these symptoms present during 2-week period and change of previous functions (experience nearly everyday)

FIVE!!!! 1. Depressed mood most of the day (children can be irritable mood) 2. diminished interest/pleasure in almost all activities 3. weight loss/gain or decrease/increase in appetite 4. Insomnia/hypersomnia 5. Psychomotor agitation or retardation (observable by others) 6. fatigue or loss of energy 7. feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt 8. diminished ability to think/concentrate, indecisiveness 9. recurrent thoughts of death/fear of dying, recurrent suicidal thoughts

Anorexia Nervosa

Faith is a 17-year-old white female who is getting ready to graduate high school. Faith is 5 foot 6 but only weighs 90 pounds. Faith has limited her self to one meal a day which consists of only a salad. After eating she heads straight for the gym to as she say's "burn off all the junk she ate." Faith's biggest fear is that she will gain weight and become fat. Even though Faith is unhealthily skinny she still consistently tells her family she needs to lose 5 pounds. This low body weight is now interfering with her health as she no longer gets a menstrual cycle and has low energy.

Acute Stress Disorder

Finn experienced severe stress after finding himself and classmates in a burning dormitory building, where a few students found themselves severely injured. After that day, Finn was negative in perceptions and reflected back on what happened that day. These flashbacks brought him to fear and shuddering, even caused one nightmare that allowed little sleep. He feared fire, controlled flames, and smoke which caused him to only consume cold food for the time being. These symptoms merely lasted under a month and after that, Finn resumed his daily life. This was not due to any taken substances or medication.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

For more than six months, Jack has found himself anxious and worrying about his job. He is employed as an intern to a major executive and is constantly delivering paperwork, communicating with other higher employees, or other duties. While others, including his boss, see his work ethic as "above-average", Jack is in constant worry that it is terrible. He fears that he will never be employed at the company, having minor communication with co-workers. Jack is tense, restless, and can go blank if work is even mentioned. This distress within Jack, while not caused by another disorder or medication, could worsen and conflict with his coworkers and actual employment.


Freddy is always tense and has been that way for many years. He is always worried about what he has to do, possible things that could happen, ways he is going to mess up and what could go wrong. He complains that he is always tired but cannot sleep at night. He seems edgy and irritable when you talk to him and states that he might lose his job because he has been so unfocused at work lately.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Garrett is a 7 year old attending second grade. Since the beginning of the school year Garrett's teacher has complained to his mother that he often disrupts his classmates due to his constant fidgeting and getting out of his seat, not to mention that he often leaves his work incomplete and loses his supplies. When he's not distracting others, says his teacher, he is daydreaming and she has to gently tap his should to get him to re-engage in class. Garrett's mother brought him in because she is concerned that he may not pass the second grade.


Georgia is a 28-year-old female whose primary complaint is a feeling of emptiness. She is estranged from her family of origin. Her friends from high school have begun to get married and settle down which makes her feel like there is something wrong with her. When it comes to her high school friends, she explains that she sometimes hates them and thinks that they do not want anything to do with her, and at other times really wants to be with them. She says that her friends accuse her of being erratic. She has a history of self-injury which began in her early teens. She admits to having experimented with drugs throughout high school. She now only does them recreationally. She has been in and out of abusive relationships since graduating from high school. She says she just wants somebody to love her, but when someone does love her she gets overly clingy and lives in fear of them abandoning her.

Delayed ejaculation

Gerald is a 35 year old marketing executive for a large sports merchandise firm. Gerald is experiencing major distress over his inability to ejaculate in the majority of his sexually partnered situations. The symptom of delayed ejaculation has been persistent for the last 6 months.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Hannah has a grand since of self and exaggerates her talents and achievements. She has also preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success power beauty an ideal love. This also leads her to believe that she is special and unique and can only be understood by or associate with other special high-class people. Hannah also request an excessive amount of admiration and has a sense of entitlement this also leads into her lack of empathy for others.


Hannah is recently missing work more then usual, calling in sick and not showing up. Her missing work is not common. Co-workers have noticed something different, her hair seems different it appears as if she has bald spots when she is not covering her head with hats. They only get a glimpse of her hair once or twice a month, but Hannah has is known for wearing scarfs or hats everyday to work. Some people thought it was a fashion statement but when they realized what was under they knew what she was hiding.

Gambling Disorder

Heather over the last year has lost 100,000 dollars at the local casino. This has put her in extreme debt and caused her to lose her house. Heather states that it first started with just small bets last year and now has to bet more and more to keep the high she feels when betting. When her husband tried to get her to stop gambling, Heather became very irritable and even resented her husband for making her stop. Heather states that when she is stressed gambling is what calms her down, so she has to gamble. Heather's husband had no idea she had lost so much of their money until their house was in foreclosure. Heather does not have Bipolar I.


Hellen was brought in by her family because over the last day she can not seem to carry on a conversation or focus on a task. She often asks where she is during the last day because she seems not to remember she is home. Her family said this had happened once before but only for a day. She seems to have problems remembering what she was doing or where she was going. Helen does not have Alzheimer's or any other mental condition. However, Helen does have a history of drug use from when she was in her teens and 40's.

Reassurance from doctors make person feel better for a little bit, but the effects wear off

ILLNESS anxiety disorder

Major characteristics of ASD

Impairments in social interaction and communication restricted repetitive patterns of behavior, interests and activities impairments are present in early childhood and impact functioning

Malingering disorder

Intentionally pretending to be sick or injured to avoid work or responsibility

Gender Dysphoria

Isabella is a 24-year-old woman has been expressing herself as a male for the past 6 months. She has had a strong desire to get rid of her primary gender due to inconsistencies with her perceived gender. She also has a strong desire to be treated as the other gender. Finally, she feels as if her feelings and reactions are of the other gender.

Avoidant Personality Disorder

Jack is a 15-year-old boy that refuses to attend school anymore and bags his mom to homeschool him so that he doesn't have to interact with others for the fair that he will be rejected and judge. He shows extreme restraint with a intimate relationships because he scared of being shamed or ridiculed by the people. He is also a preoccupied by things such as being criticized or rejected and social situations along with inhibiting new interpersonal situations because of the feeling of inadequacy.

Histrionic Personality Disorder

James is a 36 year old male. He recently (In the past 6 months) got into a relationship with a woman whom he works with, who convinced him to seek help. While James thinks he is fine his girlfriend Jan states that he constantly seeks attention. He will be at work and when attention is on a coworker he will find a way to move the attention onto himself. Either by awkwardly jumping into the conversation or if that doesn't work by going to more drastic means to get the attention onto himself. She noticed that while in the office he can be easily influenced by his co-workers, usually by those whom he seeks approval from. He also displays rapidly shifting and shallow emotions throughout the day, while interacting with his co-workers or with her. Jan also stated that on a number of occasions James considers their relationship to be more intimate than they actually are.

Female Arousal Disorder:

Jan, 31 has had a lot of failed romantic relationships which is causing her significant distress. She states that the reason is because of her lack of sexual arousal and interest in her partners even though she is emotionally connected to them. She states that when she is with her partner she just doesn't want to have sex and rarely even thinks about having sex with her partner. With every partner she has had she hasn't ever really enjoyed the experience of sexual intercourse.

Histrionic Personality Disorder

Jane is a social media guru, she has over 200,000 followers on Instagram and Twitter. She mostly posts provocative pictures on her social media just to get lots of attention, and as soon as the compliments stop rolling in she posts a new picture. Whenever she posts a video of herself she is often crying hysterically or laughing uncontrollably even though the situation may not call for such extreme emotions. She claims that all of her followers love her and she loves them back, even though they have never met.


Jason is 20 years old and feels he has to set fires. He has set three trees on fire at his parent's house for no reason other than to watch them burn as he explained to his parents. Jason states he feels anxious until he sets a fire. Once he watches the flames, he feels calm and excited watching the item burn. These fires were not set to cover anything up or for any kind of gain on Jason's part.

Adjustment Disorder

Jason is a 16 year old high school student. He and his parents relocated to the city from a much smaller town over the summer. Jason's mother brought him in because since moving he has been complaining of shortness of breath. She has already had Jason medically evaluated and they can find no physiological explanation for the shortness of breath. Jason says he has always been "the nervous type" and has a more negative view of his new town and the people in it than the smaller town he came from. Since school started a few weeks ago, he says he has been invited to spend time with a few of his fellow students, but he just doesn't feel comfortable around them.

Specific Phobia - Arachnophobia

Jax is a 12 year old boy that lives out on a ranch with his grandparents. Jax recently ran into a tarantula out on the ranch and his grandfather noticed that Jax started hyperventilating when he spotted the tarantula. Jax's grandfather stated that Jax then starting shaking, fell to his knees, and started sobbing uncontrollably. His grandfather then picked him up and took him inside where he then began to calm down after some time. After that incident his grandparents said that Jax was avoiding going outside which is unlike him. Anytime that Jax had to go outside he would do whatever he needed to quickly and then rush inside the home. Jax states he does this so he won't run into the tarantula again.

no diagnosis hes on DRUGS

Jax is a really difficult student. He is never paying attention in class, he blurts out answers without waiting to be called on. He often forgets to turn in his assignments and sometimes doesn't even show up for school. Jax seems to be distracted by everything, the slightest noise in the room and he's up from his seat to investigate. Jax is a junior in high school but his grades are so bad because of this behavior they are threating to hold him back. Teachers have tried to talk to him but its no use. Today his mom calls up the school office and says she found a bunch of rolled up dollar bills in his backpack last week and a bag of white powder. She had his urine tested and it came back positive for cocaine and the facility that tested it said "yes ma'am your son uses cocaine. He uses lots of cocaine and has obviously been doing so for a while based on those levels."

Bulimia Nervosa

Jayden is a 20 year old running back for the local college team. As a running back he needs to be light so that he can run faster. He maintains a strict healthy diet with an allowed cheat day once a week. However because of the number of workouts coupled with his low calorie diet on his cheat day he ends of binge eating. After binge eating has feels guilt and shame for lacking the control to not eat so much and for breaking his diet. He thinks of the weight he will gain because of the large amount he just ate and then ends up purging all that he just ate.

Separation Anxiety Disorder

Jayden is a 29 year old male who has been married for 10 years to his wife Jessica. Recently Jayden decided not to work anymore and to focus on school. His wife's job recently promoted her and the company is offering to send her to a multitude of training opportunities for the next year. Jayden was excited for his wife and the training opportunities they are giving her. For the next 8 months Jessica would leave to training all across the United States and come home for a few days and would then leave to her next piece of training. Jayden during this time while happy for his wife became more and more distressed when she would come home and he knew that in a few days she would leave again. While his wife is in different cities he worries most of the time that something will happen to her while she is there. His biggest fear is that she will get lost and end up in accident. He has been feeling extremely nauseous while his wife is away and in the last 2 months it has been so bad that he has started vomiting. When Jessica is home his symptoms seem to disappear.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Jennifer is 19 year old woman who has been shy from the time that she was a child. Jennifer started college recently and has wanted to try to make friends that aren't from high school. While in class Jennifer will see students around her age and wants to talk to them. As she starts to think about what to say to them she becomes extremely anxious the more she thinks about going over and talking to them. This continues on through the school year and has now progressed into her sophomore year of college. Jennifer typically avoids trying to talk with people now but when she does think about trying to talk to someone she ends up leaving the class. It has gotten to the point that it is greatly affecting her attendance in class and her grades are starting to slip.

Sexual Sadism Disorder

Jennifer is fond of sexual bondage and being a "master" in the bedroom towards her spouse for the past two years. Her obsession with the usage of sexual whips ensures dominance and authority of beating and controlling her spouse for sexual excitement. Jennifer even partakes in the usage of rope or nooses for autoerotic partial asphyxiation which interrupts regular breathing for orgasm satisfaction. This act almost suffocated her spouse, who is now refusing to engage in sexual acts, despite Jennifer's obsession with sexual authority.

Hypersomnolence Disorder

Jenny is a 27 year old female who for the past 7 months has stated that she has been sleeping 9 to 11 hours, with 3 to 6 days of the week. She states that she goes to be very early so that she can get that much sleep during the week. Despite her getting that much sleep she consistently feels tired and as if she isn't getting a restful amount of sleep. She states that because she is constantly having to go to sleep so early that it is affecting her personal life and causing distress. Not only her personal life but also with her job because she constantly feels tired that it is affecting her job performance. Binge-Eating Disorder

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder:

Jerry is doing a group project for school, people would go up to his group mates and tell them "good luck" and laugh. His group mates had no idea what that was referring to. Jerry immediately to charge and planned the whole thing without wanting to listen to any suggestions. They were to do 3 pages each of a 9-page paper for the project which each one assigned a topic to cover and 4 days to work on. When the group met up, jerry was they only one who didn't finish the paper, he claimed he couldn't finish because he did not like the way he had written it and it was in good order. Jerry looked at his groups paper and didn't like how they organized and took everyone's paper and said he wanted to work on their section even though there was nothing wrong with them.

Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder

Jessica has not had sex with her husband in the last 7 months. She says even with advances from her husband that use to arouse her she can not seem to get in the mood. She no longer has fantasies about having sex with anyone, and things that used to excite her sexually do not anymore. This is causing problems in her marriage because her husband is beginning to think he is the problem. Jessica has not been excited during sex for the last 8 months. She has not been diagnosed with any other mental disorders and is not on any medication.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Jessica is a 43 year old woman who has excessive thoughts about cleaning her home and washing her hands for germs. At home her children will clean certain areas of the home but despite her watching them cleaning the area, she will clean the same area again once the kids leave to go elsewhere. Even though she herself cleaned it a few hours before she ends up cleaning the same area again 4 hours later just to make sure it's thoroughly clean. Her children have stated that they have seen their mother do this for as long as they can remember. There ages are 13 and 11. Jessica has stated that when she is at work that she is plagued by thoughts of cleaning her house or making sure an area is as she puts it, "Clean enough for surgery."

Binge-Eating Disorder

Jill is a 19 year old female in a universities cross country team. During the season the coach encourages them to maintain a certain amount of weight or to lose weight during the season. The other athletes keep each other in check to ensure a set weight. Jill has a slightly different schedule than her teammates and has a small window in which she has some alone time. She has stuck to her diet and training very well but she always goes through a cycle of once week at which she is hungry to the point that it causes her stress and she ends up going somewhere in private to eat a large amount of food, to the point of severe discomfort. Afterward she always feels guilt and shame. This has been happening for a period of 4 months.


Joe recently turned 20 years old. Throughout his childhood, he was happy, and enjoyed playing sports. He lived a relatively normal life up until adulthood. Joe's family began to notice a change in his behavior. He claimed that people wad been making negative comments about him and at times, suggesting that he do cruel things. He also claimed to see strange little figures and shadows. Joe began experiencing extreme paranoia because of this. He began to suggest that he was being watched and followed. He left his job and failed out of college because he was afraid that the government was trying to control his mind. So far, these symptoms have lasted over six months and his doctor has ruled out bipolar issues with psychotic features.

Paranoid Personality Disorder

John has reported that his neighbors, friends, and family are deceiving him about an unknown subject. He doesn't know what they are plotting but he is sure they are doing it. He was even reluctant to tell his therapist any details about his personal life for fear that he might be exploited. Sometimes John is angry after using public restrooms because he believes that the writing on the stall doors is about him.

Anorexia Nervosa

John is a 16 year old male. He has always been skinny and when he was a kid his family would always comment on how skinny he was. He eventually started taking pride in how skinny he was. Every time he would get a compliment it would make him so happy to hear. That was when he was approximately 11. Once puberty started to hit people would then start saying he is getting bigger. To him he took this as getting fat. He strives to maintain his weight when he was younger and in order for him to do that he avoids eating. He only drinks water and tea on occasion. He will eat approximately every 3 days and only once that day. When his family tells/forces him to eat he will only eat the low calorie items. It has grown to the fact that his diet causes him grief around his family. He dreads going home because they will just tell him to eat more and watch as he does eat.

Erectile Disorder-

John is a married healthy 30 year old he loves his wife and everything is going fine in his life except he has problems maintaining an erection during sexual activity with his wife this problem has been going on for 6 months now. John feels like he is not man enough because he can not please his wife.

Exhibitionistic Disorder

Jones has presented after being arrested for flashing women in a public park. The police had been looking for him for the last year because these flashings of his genitals to unsuspecting women have reported numerous times over the year in various parks around the city. When asked why Jones did this we stated it was the only way he could become sexually aroused. Jones stated he tried to stop but he could not. Now Jones is going to jail for quite some time and has lost his job.

Dependent Personality Disorder-

Jose is 25 years old he has had a girlfriend for a year now. He use to be very confident but lately he needs his girlfriends approval for everything he does, Jose always needs her opinion in order to make a decision. He never disagrees with his girlfriend because he thinks she will leave him if he upsets her. When something bad happens in his life or good he needs his girlfriend to assume the responsibility. Jose has such difficulty being alone because he even needs help choosing what to wear.

Sexual Masochism Disorder

Josh over the last six months has presented to the ER with abrasions on his torso and marks on his neck as if someone has tried to strangle him. When speaking to Josh, he states that this is not abuse but is something he has asked his girlfriend to do to him. Josh to experience an orgasm has to have pain inflicted on him. Over the last 8 months, it has gotten out of hand, and he has needed more in more pain to achieve orgasm. This is what has caused Josh to have to go to the ER, and he is now afraid if it continues he will be seriously hurt.

Premature Ejaculation:

Josh, 28 has been ejaculating within 1 minute of vaginal penetration with all of his sexual partners. He often states that he wishes he could last longer and bring pleasure to his partners. He is often afraid to start dating some one new because he will disappoint them sexually. He has become distressed because he feels like he will never have the family he always envisioned having.

Paranoid Personality Disorder (Cluster A)

Juniper is a freshman student attending college who is suspicious of her fellow classmates, professors, former friends, and eventually her family. The thought of bonding or interacting with these people is not fine because she feels that they will manipulate her and use her for personal advantages. This has caused others to avoid Juniper, leaving her to be alone, to which she suspects her professors caused her classmates to avoid her (but they did not). Juniper goes even further to state that her parents have caused her isolation and plot to kill her, wanting the insurance check after her death to travel to Beijing. The mistrust Juniper interprets of others leaves her enraged, but unfortunately alone and wonders if she will ever find someone to trust.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Kanye is always rambling about fame and power to anybody who will listen. He believes that he is the best rapper to ever set foot on Earth. Whenever he performs at a show he demands that the audience chants his name and praises him before he sings. Since he believes himself to be the best rapper ever he often walks into nightclubs and demands free drinks because people recognize him.

What kind of disorder does Kevin have? "First time it happened to me, I was driving down the highway, and I had a kind of a knot in my chest. I felt like I had swallowed something and it got stuck, and it lasted pretty much overnight.... I felt like I was having a heart attack.... I assumed that's what was happening. I felt very panicky. A flushed feeling came over my whole body. I felt as though I was going to pass out."

Kevin has panic disorder

Conduct Disorder

Kid version of antisocial personality disorder

Specific Learning Disorder

Larissa is a 12-year-old girl who is struggling to keep up with her studies. She was always an above average student, and in years past showed normal development in reading. More recent, her reading is believed to be significantly behind others in her grade level as the reading assignments have become more complex. The leap to junior high has exposed a weakness in her reading comprehension. The struggles that she has had with timed reading tests have caused her substantially more distress. 7 months have now passed since the issue has become a concern.

MDD w/ psychotic features

Latonya's grandmother passed away a few months ago and she recently broke up with her girlfriend. Latonya reports feeling empty and worthless. She also reports a lot of guilt related to her grandmother's death. She also reports that she can't concentrate on anything. Latonya appears to have lost a lot of weight in the last few weeks. She tells you that sometimes she hears a woman's voice telling her to "kill herself because she is a piece of trash."

Avoidant personality disorder

Lauren who is a stay at who jobless shut in who fears social situations. Lauren cannot bear to go out into social situations simply because she fears not being excepted. She personally feels that she is inadequate to participate in an active social life.


Lena is a 35-year-old mother. Recently she had trouble taking care of her kids and has had to hire help. Lena spends hours every day organizing the house. Lena often organizes the same area three or four times while continually counting to 23 in her head. Lena's husband and parents have tried to get her to cut back on organizing but this creates more distress. Lena says that if she does not organize the house every day that something terrible will happen to her daughters.


Lester is a "weird guy" according to his family. They state that for the last 2 years he's been getting more and more strange, they think it has something to do with him graduating college. When Lester finally comes in for his appointment he is wearing a helmet covered in tinfoil. You ask him repeatedly about the helmet but he doesn't answer you. He just sits in silence staring at the wall, then the ground and then the wall again. He doesn't make eye contact and it looks like he hasn't showered in a while. When you take out your cell phone to send a quick message Lester jumps up from the chair and begins screaming. It's hard to understand exactly what he saying because the sentences are so jumbled but it sounds like he's afraid that aliens are going to come through your phone and infest his body.


Lillian is a 37 year old woman. She is unable to stand in lines because she fears she will be stuck in them forever, thus fear causes her sever anxiety. She also does not like cars and refuses to get inside them, the mere though of being confined in a care causes he immense fear. Because of these fears she has decided it is much more safe to just never leave her house. This has ben going on ever since she witnessed a car accident while waiting in line at a coffee shop, almost a year ago. Originally the fear caused her to loose her job teaching at the local middle school and she has resulted to online tutoring to pay her bills.


Linda is a Freshman High School student, she has been struggling with skin problems for a couple of months now. Linda seems to be different ever since her skin condition became more noticable, she does not participate in sports anymore and she seems to keep to herself all day. Linda had acne like any other teenager but she soon began to pick at it which caused scabbing and bruising. The acne went from her face to her arms and hands. She was constantly thinking about picking at her scars or acne. She attempted to quit picking at her skin but could not stop, Linda was always thinking about picking at her skin.


Lisa can not seem to keep from picking at her skin. She picks at her skin so much that it does not stop at scratching and picking it leads to causing the skin to bleed and lesions. Lisa spends at least an hour a day thinking about picking at her skin or actually picking at it. The severity of the lesions and the obsession with picking at her skin caused her to have issues in school, she was having difficulty staying focused and at times even making it to school.

Frotteuristic Disorder-

Liz baby sits for a living, she has been doing this job for four years. In the past 6 months she has fantasized over the little boy she takes care of. Those fantasies led to he actually touching and rubbing he child without him allowing her to.

Selective Mutism.

Liza is a 6-year-old who's been going to kinder for a while now. She is a very talkative outgoing little girl around her parents but is completely the opposite at school or at any public place/event. Liza's teachers got concern that she does not talk or participate in activities that they reached out to her parents. The parents were honest and told the teacher's that Liza is very talkative at home but as soon as she steps foot out the door she is the quietest girl and will not speak to you even if you sit there and try to make a conversation with her.

Avoidant Personality Disorder

Lydia Deetz is a 25-year-old woman who avoids personal relationships with others because she has a fear of criticism or rejection of others. With this, Lydia sees herself as personally unappealing and inferior to others.

What does MDD and PDD look like?

MDD goes back to baseline but drops to a steep degree PDD never reaches baseline and is always changing between bad and worse

What is the most common diagnosis with anxiety?

MDD- Major Depressive Disorder 55% of those diagnosed with anxiety or depressive disorder had at least one other at the time of the diagnosis

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Madison is a 10-year-old girl has her parents concern about her speech and language difficulties. She could not say "mama" or "dada" until she was 4 years old. Madison struggles with social interactions, she becomes stressed out with situations that are noisy, chaotic or even unfamiliar. These situations make her get angry and have an inappropriate way of grunting.

Recurrence is important in in predicting the future course of what disorder? As well as in choosing appropriate treatments?

Major Depressive Disorder

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Mandy hated the week before her actual period because her premenstrual symptoms, unlike other girls, were severe enough to make her more tired, unable to sleep, unable to concentrate or enjoy anything positive. She found herself experiencing lability in emotions - depressed, angered, anxiety - to the point where she had to ignore others and skip school for almost a week due to the severity of her symptoms and mood. This previously worried her parents as her absences in the past school year almost prevented her from entering the tenth grade. While her condition was not caused by other medication or substances, Mandy is desperate for relief of these symptoms.

Is Billy experiencing a manic or hypomanic episode? Before Billy reached the ward, you could hear him laughing and carrying on in a deep voice; it sounded as if he was having a wonderful time. As the nurse brought Billy down the hall to introduce him to the staff, he spied the Ping-Pong table. Loudly, he exclaimed, "Ping-Pong! I love Ping-Pong! I have only played twice, but that is what I am going to do while I am here; I am going to become the world's greatest Ping-Pong player! And that table is gorgeous! I am going to start work on that table immediately and make it the finest Ping-Pong table in the world. I am going to sand it down, take it apart, and rebuild it until it gleams and every angle is perfect!" Billy soon went on to something else that absorbed his attention. The previous week, Billy had emptied his bank account, taken his credit cards and those of his elderly parents with whom he was living, and bought every piece of fancy stereo equipment he could find. He thought that he would set up the best sound studio in the city and make millions of dollars by renting it to people who would come from far and wide. This episode had precipitated his admission to the hospital.

Manic episode

Which one is more severe: manic episode or hypomanic episode?

Manic episode is more severe

specific phobia-

Maria Elena is 32 and unemployed. She lives in NYC and cannot seem to find or keep a job because "every building has a damn elevator" and for her that is a non-negotiable aspect, she refuses to ride in elevators. Maria Elena reports that she is terrified of being caught in an elevator to the point that she once walked up 21 flights of stairs to get to a doctors appointment and by the time she got there she was 30 minutes late. Maria Elena says the thought of being in an elevator makes her feels sweaty and out of breath. When you bring up the idea of going into the hallway to look at the elevator together her eyes widen with terror and she starts crying "no I can't. I just can't".

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Mark has communications problems with just about everyone, it is not just with strangers, even with his family and friends. He has problems with changing his tone of voice and staying on topic to match the context of the conversation. Having difficulties with understanding particular languages. Moreover, mark does have repetitive, driven, or purposeless motor behavior.

Gender Dysphoria:

Mark, who is 10 years old has been saying that he thinks he is a girl for the last 2 years. He tells his parents that he needs to be a girl and that is truly who he is. He is often caught wearing his older sister clothes and using her make up. While at recess during school he often portrays himself as a girl and will play dress up with the girls. He has few male friends but many female friends. Lastly, he states that he often hates his body and wishes he can female features such as breasts.

What is SAD?

Marked anxiety in social or performance situations common types of performance anxiety- public speaking, eating in a restaurant, signing a check

STPD, or prodromal schizophrenia

McClain is 22 years old and has recently begun acting "weird" according to his family. McClain talks about having a "6 th sense" and being able to sense things that are not present. He also states that sometimes he feels as if people on his favorite tv shows are actually trying to communicate with him directly. He was always a socially anxious child and never really had the best social skills but it seems like as he gets older he is becoming more odd, especially in the last year or so.

Specifiers for Depressive Disorders

Melancholic features Atypical features Mixed features Catatonia Psychotic features Anxious distress Peripartum onset Seasonal pattern

Anorexia Nervosa

Melissa is not just like every girl. She does not look a pound over 100 pounds, but only eats little snacks and meals. Her parents notice that she takes a lot of time after her day looking in the mirror. At times after a family meal, her parents assed by Melissa's restroom and heard her throwing up. They were confused about her throwing up for the reason being that she did not even touch her plate. Attempting to speak to her, she just does not look happy in general.


Nancy is a 45 year old, single mother of 2 teenage children. Since her early twenties, she says that she has been institutionalized on several occasions because she experienced hallucinations as well as delusions. She has been irregular in taking medication prescribed for her condition. Over the years her daughter has repeatedly overheard her talking to herself and notices that her mother often seems to be erratic in her speech and mannerisms. Finally, Nancy's high school daughter broke down and cried "Mom, you are creeping me out". Nancy states that this is why she is seeking professional help.


Needs an IQ test or there is a mention of it

grief no diagnosis

Nicole was referred by her boss for counseling. Rose has periods of time when she is accomplishing so much at work and really appears to be the star employee. She's energetic and positive and gives pep talks to all the other employees. However this last week has been different. She seems to have trouble focusing and looks tired. She's been coming in late and when asked about her projects she reports feeling pretty unsure of herself and her abilities. Once you meet Nicole she breaks down in tears telling you that her mom just passed away a week and half ago.

What disorder does Richard suffer from? Richard, a 19-year-old college freshman majoring in philosophy, withdrew from school because of incapacitating ritualistic behavior. He abandoned personal hygiene because the compulsive rituals that he had to carry out during washing or cleaning were so time consuming that he could do nothing else. Almost continual showering gave way to no showering. He stopped cutting and washing his hair and beard, brushing his teeth, and changing his clothes. He left his room infrequently and, to avoid rituals associated with the toilet, defecated on paper towels, urinated in paper cups, and stored the waste in the closet. He ate only late at night when his family was asleep. To be able to eat, he had to exhale completely, making a lot of hissing noises, coughs, and hacks, and then fill his mouth with as much food as he could while no air was in his lungs. He would eat only a mixture of peanut butter, sugar, cocoa, milk, and mayonnaise. All other foods he considered contaminants. When he walked, he took small steps on his toes while continually looking back, checking and rechecking. Occasionally, he ran quickly in place. He withdrew his left arm completely from his shirt sleeve as if he were crippled and his shirt was a sling. Like everyone with OCD, Richard experienced intrusive and persistent thoughts and impulses; in his case, they were about sex, aggression, and religion. His various behaviors were efforts to suppress sexual and aggressive thoughts or to ward off the disastrous consequences he thought would ensue if he did not perform his rituals. Richard performed most of the repetitive behaviors and mental acts mentioned in the DSM-5 criteria. Compulsions can be either behavioral (hand-washing or checking) or mental (thinking about certain words in a specific order, counting, praying, and so on) (Foa et al., 1996; Purdon, 2009; Steketee & Barlow, 2002). The important thing is that they are believed to reduce stress or prevent a dreaded event. Compulsions are often "magical" in that they may bear no logical relation to the obsession.


People with this disorder have a compass for right and wrong and there is no grey area


People with this disorder lose sight of the big picture because they are obsessed with the details


Histrionic Personality Disorder

Otho is a 35-year-old man who often felt he had to be the center of attention and was uncomfortable in social situations if he wasn't. Once he is the center of attention, he's over dramatic when expressing his feelings.

What disorder was formally called dysthymia?


Which one is more severe: MDD or PDD?

PDD because it has a higher comorbidity with other disorders, less responsive to Tx, slower rate of improvement



What is PD?

Panic Disorder

A person may have this disorder if they feel like dog barking is don't to annoy them, attack on them even though the dog may be barking for other reason

Paranoid personality disorder

transvestic disorder

Paraphilia in which individuals, usually males, are sexually aroused or receive gratification by wearing clothing of the opposite sex.

Fetishistic Disorder

Pearl is fascinated by the use of corsets and often purchases expensive corsets in the pursuit of using them for sexual gratification from her partners. While her partners are used to her obsession with wearing such item, they do provide warning of consequences in wearing the tight article. Although she is aware of the consequences, Pearl enjoys them, even with added decorations such as gems. On the topic of gems, Pearl is fascinated by the popular usage of healing stones and crystals for ailments and proposed peace. Her collection of stones would heal typical symptoms such as headaches, sinuses, and dry skin. Yet Pearl also has another intention for these stones - for sexual stimulation, ensuring satisfaction for orgasm. Her preference for these stones are for them to be smooth, hard textures such as quartz, calcite, or peacock ore are regarded as too harsh. This additional fetish is conflicted by partners but is relieved thanks to online communities Pearl uses.

he's fine. gender nonconformity is what he is presenting with but that is NOT a diagnosis its an adjective

Pedro is a homosexual male. He reports being bullied in high school for this but states that now that he is an adult he feels supported and confident in his sexuality. When you meet with him you notice that he tends to talk in a very high-pitched voice and wears somewhat feminine clothes, like leggings and sometimes high heeled shoes. When confronted on this behavior he states that he is an up and coming fashion designer and that he is "living his best life" and does not care if others do not approve of his appearance because he is more than confident in his identity and sexuality. Pedro states "I am gone with the wind fabulous honey."

Vocal Tic Disorder

Persisting for over a year, 13 year-old Vince has been experiencing multiple vocal tics. This is not due to another medical disorder. Vince is presenting in therapy for help with this distressing issue.

Tourette's Disorder

Persisting for over a year, 15 year-old Tina has been experiencing multiple motor tics and vocal tics. This is not due to a substance or another medical disorder.

Motor Tic Disorder

Persisting for over a year, 16 year-old Matt has been experiencing multiple motor tics. This is not due to a substance or another medical disorder. Matt is presenting in therapy for help with this distressing issue.

dissaciative fugue

Person runs away from live. they take trip & end up somewhere with no recollection of how they got there.

Factious Disorder Imposed on Self

Phil is a perfectly healthy 50 year old male. He has started to tell people that he has cancer. He has gone as far as to shave his head and even malnourishing himself to appear sick. When his co workers offered to start a fund to help him pay for medical bills, Phil politely declined.

Schizophrenia has three types of symptoms; what are they

Positive, negative, disorganized

What is the diagnostic criteria for OCD?

Presence of obsessions, compulsions or both: Obsessions are defined by 1 and 2: 1. Recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges, or images that are experienced, at some time during the disturbance, as intrusive and inappropriate and that in most individuals cause marked anxiety or distress 2. The individual attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts, impulses, or images, or to neutralize them with some other thought or action Compulsions are defined by 1 and 2: 1. Repetitive behaviors (e.g., handwashing, ordering, checking) or mental acts (e.g., praying, counting, repeating words silently) that the individual feels driven to perform in response to an obsession, or according to rules that must be applied rigidly 2. The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event or situation; however, these behaviors or mental acts either are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent or are clearly excessive B. The obsessions or compulsions are time-consuming (e.g., take more than 1 hour per day), or cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning. C. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or another medical condition. D. The disturbance is not better explained by the symptoms of another mental disorder (e.g., excessive worries, as in generalized anxiety disorder, or preoccupation with appearance, as in body dysmorphic disorder). Specify if: With good or fair insight: the individual recognizes that obsessive-compulsive disorder beliefs are definitely or probably not true or that they may or may not be true. With poor insight: The individual thinks obsessive-compulsive disorder beliefs are probably true. With absent insight/delusional: the person is completely convinced that obsessive-compulsive disorder beliefs are true. Specify if: Tic-related: The individual has a current or past history of a tic disorder.


Racheli hates her skin complexion. She's constantly looking in the mirror and picking at her skin because she states that she has "hideous blemishes." Racheli has some freckles and mild redness on her skin by her cheeks but she is convinced she looks "hideous and disgusting." She's had microderm abrasion and acid peels but feels nothing has made her skin better. Her dermatologist referred her to the psychiatrist recently because despite all the treatments that she has done and the fact that her skin looks great to the doctor, Racheli decided to buy some Clorox Bleach and to soak her face in it for 30 minutes. As a result her skin was severely damaged and now Racheli is even more distressed than before.

Schizoid Personality Disorder

Raj enjoys being alone and seems to be indifferent to his family and friends. Nothing that usually interests guys seems to interest him and it seems that all he ever wants to do is read the same book over and over again. Whenever someone tries to encourage him or scolds him he does not care one bit. It is a rare sight to see Raj smile, frown, or show any emotion at all.

Specifier specific to Bipolar Disorder

Rapid cycling- moving quickly in and out of episodes at least four manic episodes a year severe form of bipolar

Dissociative amnesia

Raul is a 30-year-old man who has begun to recognize that he is losing short term memory of important work-related topics. This has been going on for about a month now. Prior to this event Raul's occupation as a bank teller was infiltrated by a group of thieves. At this time Raul was held at gunpoint. At first, he was referred to a psychiatrist who's initial diagnosis was dissociative identity disorder. This was incorrect.

Paranoid personality disorder

Robert a 37 year old stay at home computer analyst who suffers from paranoia and suspicion of other. Robert says that he often thinks that people are talking about him behind his back and constantly thinks that people are deceiving him.


Robert has always liked women's hands, he would get aroused whenever he glances at a pair of female hands that he likes. Robert is single, so he goes on dates frequently but they never last long. Robert doesn't make eye contact and just stares at the woman's hands and they get creeped out by this. This had Robert have a horrible string of dates due to the fact that he creeps women out by always trying to touch their hands.

Exhibitionistic Disorder

Rodney is a 37 year old male who enjoys exposing his genitals to unsuspecting victims. He states that this is an uncontrollable sexual urge for him. He becomes distressed after a long period of time without exposing himself because he cannot orgasm without first surprising an unsuspecting victim with his penis. Rodney said he decided he needed help after he got beat up in an elevator for exposing himself to approximately 9 strangers both male and female.

Specific Phobia

Roger is a 25-year-old man who is preparing for a trip to South Padre Island. However, in order to get to the island a person must cross over a 5-mile-long bridge that raises approximately one hundred feet in the air. Roger cannot even think about this bridge without becoming stressed. He has always been terrified of bridges since he was a little boy and this will be the first time he will ever be forced to travel over one.

Social Anxiety Disorder abbreviation


Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

Sammy is an 18-year-old college student that is having severe trouble accomplish laying any task because of his need for perfection in every aspect of his daily life. He is also obsessed with details rolls list orders and organization. He can never complete any of us pass because of how much he focuses on little details, and he is now starting to hoard his old clothes and useless possessions.

If a person seems aloof, cold and indifferent to others; do not desire nor enjoy close relationships with others; are not impacted by criticism or praise and just plain don't like people then you can argue that they have what disorder?

Schizoid personality disorder

What does STPD mean?

Schizotypal personality disorder

Dependent Personality Disorder

Scott is a 19-year-old college and that's trouble making everyday life decisions without excessive amount of advice or reassurance from others and he needs others to assume responsibility for major areas of his life. Scott also has difficulty expressing a disagreement with others because of loss of support for approval and has difficulty doing projects and other things on his own. Scott also feels uncomfortable or helpless in certain situations because of exaggerating fears of being unable to care for himself.

Avoidant Personality Disorder

Shannon is a 26-year-old woman who was teased and ridiculed off and on throughout her childhood and adolescence. It has taken its toll as she has come to the belief that she is unattractive, insignificant, and worthless as these were most often the subjects of her ridicule. She is hesitant to try new things for fear that it will cause her embarrassment, and often feels like she is subordinate to everyone else. She does not have any meaningful friendships and does not try to remedy this because of the uncertainty of being rejected. Because of her self-consciousness, Shannon has not had a boyfriend since her sophomore year of high school. She will not seek a romantic relationship because she feels the closeness will result in shame.


Shelby was raped in an abandoned building last year while walking home from work. Shelby comes into your office asking for prescription drugs. She says she cannot sleep at night because she tosses and turns with terrible nightmares about being raped again. When asking Shelby details about the event she has a hard time remembering. She tells you that she knows it happened but doesn't remember it. She tries to change the subject several times so you get the feeling she is trying to avoid thinking about it. When you ask her about her family and friends she says she prefers to be alone. For the last year she has found it "easier" to be alone so she doesn't have to answer any questions or "pretend to be ok" in front of her family.


Social situations where person is exposed to possible criticism

Fetish Disorder:

Stacy, has become increasingly sexually aroused by yellow rubber ducks. This has been going on for about a year now. Every time she passes or sees a yellow rubber duck she becomes aroused especially at the thought of touching a rubber duck gets her aroused. It has become significantly distressful because she worries about walking into a store and seeing a rubber duck and getting aroused. She has started to avoid going places that might sell or have yellow rubber ducks.

Dependent PD

Submissive/passive and do not know how to stand on their own two feet will never explode or get angry feelings of inadequacy/sensitivity to criticism


Susan lives in a fourteen bedroom, eight bathroom mansion that she inherited from her parents. She claims to have a passion for collecting shoes and likes to go shopping every week to get new ones. Her children confronted her about her collection after they found twelve bedrooms and the living areas stacked waist height in shoes that mostly had never been worn. Susan doesn't see any problem with this even though she has to use a ladder to climb into the second story window just to use a bathroom and cannot open the front door without shoes falling everywhere.

TRUE OR FALSE: 50% of those with acute stress disorder go on to develop ptsd


TRUE OR FALSE: Anxiety can co-occur with physical disorders such as: thyroid, respiratory, gastrointestinal, arthritis, migraines, allergies


TRUE OR FALSE: Bipolar 2 is the mini version of bipolar 1


TRUE OR FALSE: Delusional disorder typically does not have negative symptoms


TRUE OR FALSE: Double Depression are always depressed but have even more downs


TRUE OR FALSE: Double Depression is MDD + PDD


TRUE OR FALSE: For something to be considered a phobia it needs to interfere with your daily life


TRUE OR FALSE: In order to diagnose PTSD there has to be a clear antecedent


TRUE OR FALSE: OCD and BDD often co-occur


TRUE OR FALSE: Panic disorder is more afraid of the immediate consequences of the panic attack, whereas somatic symptoms disorder and illness anxiety disorder are more focused on long-term illnesses


TRUE OR FALSE: The symptoms of agoraphobia are not confined to specific phobia, situational type


TRUE OR FALSE: tendency to panic runs in families


TRUE OR FALSE: OCD AND BDD often co-occur

TRUE OCD is found in families of BDD ex: the intrusive horrible thoughts are about appearance and the compulsive behaviors might be constantly checking in the mirror (often to see if this ugly feature has changed)

TRUE OR FALSE: Anorexics who binge don't do so to the degree of bulimia

TRUE: smaller amounts of food are being binged and purges is much more frequent

PDD needs at least ______ or more of the following symptoms for at least 2 years and has never been without symptoms for more than 2 months at a time (nearly everyday)

TWO!!!! 1. Poor appetite or overeating 2. insomnia/hypersomnia 3. low energy or fatigue 4. low self-esteem 5. poor concentration or difficulty making decisions 6. feelings of hopelessness

Exhibitionist disorder

Terrance is 42 years old and was referred by therapy by the court system. Terrance was caught sneaking into the dorm rooms of an all-girls prep school and waiting for the girls to wake up where he would then open his trench coat and expose his penis. On a few occasions he would then masturbate while the girls yelled and screamed. When you meet with Terrance you are surprised to learn that he has been doing this for years but only recently has been caught. Terrance states that he has had only a few lovers in his life and that most of the time things end poorly because the partners don't like his "kinks" In the bedroom.

Brief Psychotic Disorder with Postpartum Onset

Three weeks ago, Joan gave birth to a beautiful healthy little girl. Everything went as planned and they all went home as scheduled. After a few days, however, Joan experienced hallucinations and was not able to make sense when trying to describe what she was seeing. This lasted for four days and her mother came to lend support for her and to help with the baby. Her husband grew more and more worried as the days passed. On the fifth day, her hallucinations ceased, and her speech was coherent and normal. All symptoms were gone, and she was able to return to her normal everyday functioning.

Sexual Masochism Disorder

Tiffany is 21 years old, and has worked as a prostitute in Las Vegas for the past two years. She says she chooses clients who who will beat, bound, and/or make her suffer while having sex. She gets off by being humiliated when her client calls her horrible names and treats her very badly. This causes her great distress, and hates herself afterwards.


Tim has always been somewhat socially isolated. He doesn't have a lot of close relationships and his coworkers might say he is a bit socially awkward. Tim is very interested in finding a girlfriend but hasn't had any success. Most women are turned off by his need to hold or touch a high heeled shoe while they are having sex. His ex-girlfriend said "it seems like he wants to do the shoe and not me."

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Tim is 18years old and does not like other people at all. He sees no need for manners or pleasantries. His mom said this has been happening since he was around 15 years old. Tim has grown more violent and hostile toward people. At his sister's wedding, he started a fight because as he says "he felt like it." Everyone in Tim's family refuses to drive with him because he drives extremely recklessly and has no regard for the safety of those in the car. Tim recently got into a fight with his friend and broke his arm to which Tim had no reaction to other than walking away as if nothing happens. When asked about it Tim said it was just a broken arm and his friend was lucky it wasn't worse. Tim's mom said this relentlessness and lack of remorse has become common for Tim. Tim does not have Bipolar or Schizophrenia disorder.


Tina is 22-year-old women who is terrified of leaving her house. When she steps out the front door she complains of her heart beating extremely fast, her vision becoming blurry, and her hands becoming sweaty. Due to this condition Tina is has begun to present signs of distress.

Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder

Tommy is 8 years old. He is very happy and loves to play. His energy is very extreme and he often jumps from one activity to another. He has difficulty paying attention at school. He is very intelligent, but is so easily distracted that he is unable to focus on his assignments. He often fidgets, and gets up from his seat to pace the floor. When he does try to pay attention in class, he notices that his teacher becomes frustrated with him for blurting out answers in class. He was sent to the office more than once last school year for cutting in line and not waiting his turn for activities.

TRUE OR FALSE: Schizotypal people have no hallucinations but feel like someone is there, just not see them (clairvoyant)



Valerie is a 28 year old female who was brought in by her husband who says that she hasn't left their home in over 8 months. He mentioned that before she completely stopped going out, that she was always careful about where she sat in a restaurant, she had to be close to the door in case she needed to leave suddenly and exhibited extreme distress when having to stand in long lines. Valerie explains that she just doesn't feel safe outside her home.

borderline personality disorder

Wanda is 24 and has never been alone. Her boyfriend recently dumped her and now she is in a relationship with a woman. Wanda has a history of cutting and lately says that she feels very depressed. Wanda says that she just wants to feel happy but cannot feel happy without her ex. He won't have anything to do with her though. He states that's she emotionally unstable and that she has attacked him several times in the past and often makes threats to hurt herself if he doesn't immediately agree not to break up with her. Wanda comes from a very abusive home and seems to have poor social support.

What is ptsd?

When a person is exposed to a traumatic event and then re-experiences the event through memories "flashbacks" and nightmares

MDD w/ peripartum onset

Yelensky gave birth three months ago and still feels like she hasn't bonded with the baby. Her husband asks her all the time if she feels depressed, she doesn't really know what to say. She doesn't really feel anything. She has no desire to play with the baby and no real desire to get out of bed. Yelensky hasn't been sleeping very well and has no real appetite. Her husband is very worried about her.

Double Depression

You have been seeing Natasha for a while now. She originally came in stating she couldn't focus and had no energy and for the last two years that you have been seeing her she continues to report those symptoms more days than not. However, in the last week she appears to be struggling even more. She came into your office tearful yesterday. She said "I just don't know what the point is. Why am I here? The world would be better off without me." Natasha then revealed to you she had been contemplating suicide the last few days.

How long after the trauma can you diagnose someone with PTSD?

You have to wait at least one month after the event because many people who experience trauma have a difficult time some develop a delayed onset of 6+ months after the event


You meet Heath at an AA meeting. He has been court ordered to attend and seems to have a reputation among the other members as being pretty aggressive. When you meet him, he seems pretty charming and somewhat intriguing. He engages you in a conversation and before you know it, you have agreed to let him borrow $100. After you give Heath the money, he leaves the AA meeting and on his way out you notice that he takes one of the other member's purse with him. He notices you watching but continues to take the purse and doesn't seem to care that he's been spotted.

gender dysphoria

Yousef is a 16 year old boy that was referred to you by his parents. His parents are extremely upset with him and feel like he is engaging in morally corrupt behavior. His father says that being gay is a sin and wants you to address his son. When you speak to Yousef he denies being gay. He states that he like girls but he doesn't like himself. He says "my dad thinks I'm gay because I grow out my hair and wear women's clothing. What he doesn't understand is that I am not a boy. I think I was given the wrong body at birth. Its just never felt right. The people who really love me and care about me don't even call me Yousef. I have asked my parents to stop calling me that for years but they refuse. My name is Jessica."


a belief that is seen by the rest of society as a distortion of reality

What is a hypomanic episode?

a less severe version of a manic episode that does not cause marked impairment in social or occupational functioning and need last only 4 days rather than a full week

What is anxiety?

a negative mood state characterized by bodily symptoms of physical tension and apprehension about the future

Bipolar I Disorder

a type of bipolar disorder marked by full manic and major depressive episodes

What is a panic attack?

abrupt experience of intense fear or acute discomfort, accompanied by the physical symptoms of heart palpitations, chest pain, and shortness of breath

Major Depressive Episode

an extremely depressed mood state that lasts at least 2 weeks and includes cognitive symptoms (such as feelings of worthlessness and indecisiveness) and disturbed physical functions (such as altered sleeping patterns, significant changes in appetite and weight, or a notable loss of energy) to the point that even the slightest activity or movement requires an overwhelming effort. Barlow, David H.; Durand, V. Mark; Hofmann, Stefan G.. Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach (p. 218). Cengage Learning. Kindle Edition.


an immediate alarm reaction to danger

Illness anxiety disorder

an over concern of health, when physical symptoms not present or very mild

children with this disorder have an intense preference for the status quo and maintenance of sameness


What does ADHD stand for

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

What does ASD stand for?

autism spectrum disorder

Separation Anxiety Disorder

begins in childhood with the fear that something will happen to them if they separate from parents/caregivers all kids have to some extent in some cases onset is adulthood, the feat that something will happen to a loved one when you leave

What does BDD stand for?

body dysmorphic disorder

Mixed features

can experience symptoms of one pole (either depression or mania) in the other

specifier with melancholic features

can only use when full criteria for MDE is met guilt anhedonia severe somatic symptoms

Erectile Disorder

cannot physically become aroused even though they have strong desire

Schizoaffective Disorder

combo of schizophrenia and a mood disorder like MDD or bipolar

What is a milder more chronic version of bipolar disorder?

cyclothymic disorder it does not reach the severity of manic or mdd

positive symptoms of schizophrenia

delusions and hallucinations

What is persistent depressive disorder?

depressed mood that continues at least 2 years, during which the patient cannot be symptom free for more than 2 months at a time even though they may not experience all of the symptoms of a major depressive episode.

What is ASD?

disorder that affects how someone socializes and perceives others and the environment

disorganized symptoms of schizophrenia

disorganized speech, inappropriate affect and disorganized behavior

Main symptoms of a Manic Episode

distinct period of abnormal elevated/irritated mood, lasting one week 3+ symptoms below needed (4 for irritability) 1. inflated self esteem/grandiosity 2. decreased need for sleep 3. more talkative than usual 4. flight of ideas/ racing thoughts 5. distractibility 6. increased goal directed activity/ psychomotor agitation 7. excessive involvement in activities that have high potential for painful consequences 8. mood disturbance to have marked impairment in functioning or need of hospitalization to prevent harm to self or others, or there are psychotic features

Children with ADHD can't make friends because they are _____________ but they do have the ___________ and can __________.

distracted; social skills; engage

examples of inattentiveness in adhd

doesnt seem to listen, lose school assignments/books, not paying attention in class

specifier with seasonal pattern

episodes that occur during certain seasons (formally known as seasonal affective disorder) usually begins late fall and ends in beginning of spring most occur in winter

Narcissistic PD

exaggeration of their own self-importance lack compassion for others grandiosity WILL NOT work for attention and expects it to be given to them (if not given attention its the other person's fault)

two types of panic attacks

expected and unexpected

Mood Disorders

experiences of depression and mania

Unipolar disorder

experiencing either depression or mania (mania can occur alone but this is rare and most do develop depression eventually)

specifier with psychotic features

experiencing hallucinations and/or delusions can be mood congruent or incongruent

What is a setting event?

exposure to a traumatic event

Mother can make child sick so the mother gets attention

factitious disorder


false sensory experiences, such as seeing something in the absence of an external visual stimulus most common are auditory

Panic disorder with agoraphobia

fear of leaving one's familiar surroundings because one might have a panic attack in public occurs in most cases of PD

What is panic disorder?

fear when you have no real reason = panic

What is agoraphobia?

fear/avoidance of situations/places where person feels unsafe or unable to escape

Borderline PD

feel empty, risk of harming themselves, fear of abandonment, unstable relationships, depression and anxiety

depersonalization/derealization disorder

feelings of reality so severe/frightening that they prevent normal functioning.

Examples of Hyperactivity and Impulsivity

fidgety, trouble sitting for a long time, always on the go

What does GAD stand for?

generalized anxiety disorder

Sexual pain disorder

genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder


hair pulling disorder

specifier with anxious distress

have anxiety (either meet full criteria for anxiety disorder or just some symptoms)

ADHD Three Types

inattentiveness, hyperactivity/impulsivity, and combined

Isolated sleep paralysis

individual unable to move and experience terror (panic attack)

What is mania?

individuals find extreme pleasure in every activity; some patients compare their daily experience of mania with a continuous sexual orgasm.

what are obsessions?

intrusive and mostly nonsensical thoughts, images or urges the the person tries to resist

Specific Phobia

irrational fear of specific object/situation that interferes with functioning

specifier with peripartum onset

just before or after birth not baby blues which last 1-5 days

affective flattening

lack of emotional expression cannot express emotions but feel them stare blankly into space INDICATOR OF SCHIZO


lacks social precocity

example of inappropriate affect

laughing or crying at inappropriate times

Delusional Disorder

less crazy than schizophrenia PERSISTENT belief that is contrary to reality also not as impaired functionally

What is Antisocial Personality Disorder

little or no regard for others. commit crimes and show no remorse

Persistent depressive disorder shares many symptoms of ________________________ but differs in its course

major depressive disorder

Bipolar II disorder

major depressive episodes alternate with hypomanic episodes rather than full manic episodes

faking an illness is used to avoid work or other responsibilities, or for $

malingering disorder

examples of disorganized behavior

may hoard things, catatonia, psychomotor agitation

Bipolar disorder

moving from one pole to the other

What is GAD characterized by?

muscle tension, mental agitation, susceptibility to fatigue, irritability, difficulty sleeping, focusing attention is difficult

Bipolar 2 requires ______________ and is ____________ compared to Bipolar 1

no hospitalization; "fun to be with"

bulimia nervosa

out of control binges are followed by self- induced vomiting , excessive use of laxative or other attempts to purge

Paranoid personality disorder (PPD)

overall distrustful and suspicious of others w/out justification assume other people are out to trick/harm them

specifier atypical features

oversleep and overeating may have interest in some things still these people have more symptoms, more severe symptoms, more suicide attempts and higher rates of comorbidity

Nocturnal panic

panic attacks occurring 1:30-3:30 am most often 60% of people with PD have experienced this

Sexual Sadism

paraphilia in which sexual arousal is associated with inflicting pain or humiliation


paraphilia involving strong sexual attraction toward children

voyeuristic disorder

paraphilic disorder in which sexual arousal is derived from observing unsuspecting individuals undressing or naked

What does PDD stand for?

persistent depressive disorder

Anorexia Nerviosa

person eats only minimal amounts of food so body weight drops dangerously Very successful at losing weight Decreased weight is most noticeable feature

Fetishistic disorder

person is attracted to non-living objects tactile, partialism, inanimate objects

What does PTSD stand for?

post traumatic stress disorder

specifier with mixed features

predominantly depressive episodes with at least 3 symptoms of mania (or vice versa)


prefers isolation and has a pattern of detachment from social relationships

specifier with catatonic features

rare, more so than mania involves catalepsy (abnormal maintenance of postures) more common in depression than schizophrenia may resemble "end state" reaction of animals about to die by predation

Binge-eating Disorder

repeatedly binging and being distressed by this but no compensatory behaviors

obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

rigid/preoccupied with orderliness, control and perfection DOES NOT HAVE INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS OR COMPULSORY BEHAVIORS LIKE OCD

Borderline Personality Disorder RED FLAGS

self-injurious, instability in relationships and trauma

exhibitionistic disorder

sexual gratification attained by exposing genitals to unsuspecting strangers


skin picking disorder

examples of psychomotor retardation

slowed speech, thinking and body movement;, speech that is decreased in volume, inflection or amount (muteness)

Avoidant PD want _________, But _______________ get in the way

social relationships; low self-esteem/fear of rejection

examples of psychomotor agitation

tapping fingers on desk tapping foot twisting their hands pacing back and forth

negative symptoms of schizophrenia

the absence of appropriate behaviors - avolition - alogia - anhedonia - asociality - affective flattening

ID has to be present before _________ and cannot be because of a medical condition after birth

the age of 18

what is gender dysphoria

the condition of feeling one's emotional and psychological identity as male or female to be opposite to one's biological sex.

What is Major Depressive Disorder?

the presence of depression and the absence of manic, or hypomanic episodes, before or during the disorder. An occurrence of just one isolated depressive episode in a lifetime is now known to be relatively rare Barlow, David H.; Durand, V. Mark; Hofmann, Stefan G.. Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach (p. 220). Cengage Learning. Kindle Edition.

Conversion disorder

this works w/ physical malfunction that looks neurological but can be anything

what are compulsions?

thoughts or actions that are used to suppress the obsessions and provide relief

TRUE OR FALSE: Academic performances suffers in both inattentive and hyperactivity/impulsivity


Histrionic PD

typical female stereotype express emotions in a exaggerated way vain, self-centered, uncomfortable when not center of attention seek approval/ reassurance overly seductive behaviors

dissaciative amnesia

unable to remember something for period of time. Localized/selective amnesia: Cannot recall specific events during specific period,


victims are family

Somatic symptoms disorder

when a patient has endless list of medical complaints and/or disproportionate anxiety related to medical concerns

What is BDD?

when relatively normal looking people refuse to interact with others or function normally because they believe they are hideous or have some drastic ugly feature

Orgasm Disorder

women almost never reach orgasm; most common in women

What is GAD?

worrying indiscriminately about everything

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