Vocabulary and Grammar 2

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"Maurice likes to ___ ___ political debates." "موريس يحب الدخول في مناقشات سياسية". Preposition

engage in

"They're ___ ___ ___ ___ you later." "إنهم يتطلعون إلى لقائكم في وقت لاحق." Phrasal verb

looking forward to meeting Just like they do with normal verbs, gerunds can also function as the object of phrasal verbs

"Kim often jokes ___ her high-pitched voice." Preposition

joke about

The environmental ___ from the oil ___ took at least two years to repair. استغرق الضرر البيئي الناجم عن انسكاب النفط سنتين على الأقل لإصلاح

damage Spill environmental damage/harm/pollution environmental challenges/concerns/issues

• "We were ___ ___ the storm." (point of opposition) "لقد كنا محميين من العاصفة"(نقطة المعارضة) Preposition


"There is always a reason ___ change." واضاف "هناك دائما سبب للتغيير". Preposition

reason for

وقد تم تدميرهم ماليا من خلال فقدان معاشهم التقاعدي بأكمله. They have been financially destroyed by losing their entire ___ .


"Penny has so much admiration ___ her mother." "بيني لديها الكثير من الإعجاب لوالدتها. " Preposition

admiration for

When gerunds function as the objects of prepositions, where can they occur in a sentence? At the beginning In the middle At the end All of the above None of the above


1. Which of the following is an adverbial phrase? a) quite lazy b) the great big house c) quite enthusiastically d) meander slowly


Identify the indefinite pronoun used in the following sentence: "People are saying all sorts of things, but little is worth listening to." People All Little B & C


Which of the following distinguishes the base form of a verb from the infinitive form? It conjugates for tense or person It can function as a direct object of a main verb It is not preceded by the word to A & C B & C All of the above


Which of the following indefinite pronouns can only be used to refer to things? All Many Much Several


Which of the following words is not a past participle? been eaten ran sung


The government is facing pressure from environmental___ . وتواجه الحكومة ضغوطا من الناشطين في مجال البيئة. Noun


The company is taking___ ___ to reduce its debt by $14.3 billion. وتتخذ الشركةإجراءات صارمة لخفض ديونها بمقدار 14.3 مليار دولار.

drastic action take drastic action/measures/steps

"I am interested ___ astronomy." (adjective) "أنا مهتم بعلم الفلك"(صفة) Preposition

in We can also examine the prepositions used with associated nouns, as the same prepositions are often used with the adjective forms as well. "I have an interest in astronomy." (associated noun)

A wealthy millionaire has ___ an offer to the university that could help save the financially ___ school. قدم مليونير ثري عرضًا للجامعة يمكن أن يساعد في إنقاذ المدرسة المتعثرة مالياً.

extended financially troubled financially stretched/troubled

"She ___ ___ her coworkers." "هزت رأسها في زملاء العمل". Preposition

nod at

"There are ___ left." "لم يتبقى شيء "

none indefinite pronouns that can refer to both things and people. Try to see if you can figure out which each is referring to by the information in the sentence "Save some for me!"

"She became ___ ___ after trudging up the stairs." "لقد أصبحت من التنفس بعد أن صعدت الدرج". Prepositional idiom

out of breath tired; exhausted; panting

"Dogs and wolves have several traits ___ ___ ." الكلاب والذئاب لديها العديد من الصفات المشتركة Prepositional idiom

in common sharing a trait with someone or something else

The committee came up with a creative fundraising ___ . وقد وضعت اللجنة خطه مبتكره لجمع الأموال .

scheme Scheme مخطط نظام noun an officially organized plan or system a training scheme /housing scheme /play scheme مخطط التدريب / مخطط السكن / مخطط اللعب a pension scheme/savings scheme نظام التقاعد / مخطط الادخار

"I don't know the reason ___ he got angry." Relative adverbs


He ___ a cold on holiday.

Caught catch verb (BECOME INFECTED) to get an illness, especially one caused by bacteria or a virus A lot of children in the school caught measles last term

أفكار جديده أفكار جديده أفكار مبتكره

New ideas fresh ideas innovative ideas

• "Mark is disappointed ___ the decision." • "Mark is disappointed ¬¬ the decision." "مارك يشعر بخيبةأمل في القرار."

with In

"It is possible, albeit unlikely, for an asteroid to ___ ___ Earth." "من الممكن، وإن كان من غير المحتمل، أن يصطدم كويكب بالأرض". Preposition

collide with

"Certain cultures promote respect ___ elders." "بعض الثقافات تعزز احترام المسنين". Preposition

respect for

"The puppy hid ___ the blanket" Preposition

under Under and below can both describe something lower than something else, but under can also describe something that is directly in contact with something on top of it. whereas "The puppy hid below the blanket" is incorrect

زيادة السعر

mark-up n (price increase) زيادة السعر

ولا تزال المقاطعةتعاني من الناحية المالية. The district continues to ___ financially.


تبختر الأولاد محاولة لفت انتباه مجموعة من الفتيات الذين كانوا في مكان قريب. The boys ___ ___ trying to get the attention of a group of girls who were nearby.

strut around verb to walk in a proud way trying to look important:

"Many people ___ ___ social anxiety." "كثير من الناس يعانون من القلق الاجتماعي." Preposition

suffer from

وكان سالي يتعافى جيدا من عمليتها ، ولكن أمس شهدت/عانت نكسه. Sally had been recovering well from her operation, but yesterday she experienced/suffered a ___ .

setback noun [ C ] something that happens that delays or prevents a process from developing slight setback temporary setback

"The police cannot arrest him due to a lack ___ evidence." "لا يمكن للشرطة أن تعتقله بسبب عدم وجود أدلة". Preposition

lack of

"The boy couldn't stop ___ ___ Isabella's joke." "الولد لم يستطع التوقف عن الضحك على نكتة إيزابيلا". Preposition

laugh at

"Valentine's Day is ___ February 14." Preposition

on days and dates

"I draped my jacket ___ the couch" Preposition

over Over and above both describe something higher than something else, but over can also describe something directly in contact with and covering something beneath it whereas "I draped my jacket above the couch" is incorrect

to ___ guilty/not guilty

plead verb (STATE) fml to give an official answer to an accusation in a law court تقديم رد رسمي علي اتهام في محكمه القانون

"The hotel's failure to exterminate the bed bugs ___ ___ fewer customers." Preposition

result in

يجب أن نستمر في تحديد أولويات واضحة. We must continue to___ ___ ___ .

set clear priorities set to arrange or decide on something set a date/time Have you set a time for the next meeting? set a price/rate Individual franchises set their own prices set a limit (on sth) The government has set new limits on spending. The state should look for a better way to set annual salaries

"I love the smell ___ freshly baked cookies." "أحب رائحة الكعك الطازج." Preposition

smell of

دليل برهان

testament, sign , evidence

لا أريد أن أذهب الليلة ولكن لا يمكنني ان اختلق حجه جيدة. I don't want to go tonight but I can't___ ___ ___ ___ .

think up a good excuse • create an idea or plan using your imagination and intelligence • think [sth] up (invent, devise) يجد شيئًا، يخرج بشيء يختلق شيئًا

"إدماني على القهوة غير صحي" "My addiction ___ coffee is unhealthy." Preposition


أشارت إلى السماء. " "She pointed ___ the sky." Preposition

to You can point to or at a person as well as an object If we point to someone or something, we are indicating a location or direction Sometimes the difference between the two is very subtle, and we can use either preposition with little to no change in meaning "He pointed at/to his watch and said, 'I must go. It's very late.'"

"The plane___ ___ an hour late." "أقلعت الطائرة متأخرة ساعة." Prepositional idiom

took off take off "take off" has two related but distinct meanings: to become successful or popular (usually for businesses), or to depart or go into the air (e.g., an airplane)

"I'm going to help you ___ you like it ___ not." "سوف أساعدك سواء أعجبك ذلك أم لا".

whether Or We also use whether / or to indicate that something will happen no matter which choice is made

هل تفضل عادة مقعد النافذة أو مقعد الممر عندما تطير؟ Do you normally prefer a ___ ___ or ___ ___ an when you fly?

window seat aisle seat

1- Ellie is quite a shy person and finds it hard to___ friends. 2- Do Matthew and Emily___ a good relationship? 3- Alex is always___ up friendships with people he meets on trains and planes. 4- I hope their disagreement over the bill won't___ their friendship. 5- It's amazing, when you meet someone new, how often you find that you have some ___ friends. 6- Apparently, people___ most of their closest friendships when they are young. 7- I wouldn't call Graham a close friend, more a casual ___ . 8- We didn't really like each other at first, but our friendship___ as we got to know each other better.

1 make 2 have 3 striking 4 spoil 5 mutual 6 form 7 acquaintance 8 grew

أفضل جانب لشخصيتك هو الطريقة التي تضع بها الآخرين دائمًا أولاً. June The best ___ ___ ___ ___ is the way you always ___ ___ ___ .

1- aspect of your personality جانب لشخصيتك ميزه لشخصيتك 2- put others first تضع الآخرين أولا

من المؤكد أنهم سيواجهون منافسة شرسة / شديدة حيث يحاولون تحقيق طموحاتهم. في بعض الأحيان يكونون راضين إذا حققوا فقط أفضل رقم شخصي. They are sure to ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ as they try to___ ___ ___ . Sometimes they are satisfied if they just ___ ___ ___

1- come up against fierce/intense competition سيواجهون منافسة شرسة / شديدة • come up against [sb/sth] + prep (encounter: opposition, obstacle) يواجه شيءٌ، يعترض شيءٌ يتواجه مع شخص The work is behind schedule because we came up against some unexpected problems. • come up against [sb] + prep (compete with [sb]) ينافس شخصًا Davies will come up against last year's champion in the semi-final of the competition. 2- achieve their ambitions يحاولون تحقيق طموحاتهم 3- achieve a personal best. أفضل رقم شخصي

قلبت منى الكتاب دون قراءته بالتفصيل الكتاب مكتوب بشكل جميل - أوصي به بشدة. Mona ___ ___ ___ without reading it in detail The book is ___ ___ - I highly recommend it.

1- flick/skim through a book. flick through [sth] (book: quickly skim) يقلّب شيئًا • flick [sth] (flip with finger) (بإصبعه) ينقف Kate flicked the crumbs off the table. 2- beautifully written

"الطيور تخلق أعشاش في اي مكان تراه مناسبا." "Birds create nests anywhere they deem suitable." What is the function of anywhere?

Adverbial clauses of place describes where something has occurred or will occur. The most common subordinating conjunctions are where, wherever, everywhere, and anywhere. Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

"___ ___ , I always get the hiccups." "بعد العطس، وأنا دائما الحصول على الفواق. " Preposition

After sneezing Gerunds are used as the objects of prepositions to describe an action that modifies another action, thus creating adverbial prepositional phrases. These can occur at the beginning, middle, or end of the sentence

"She seemed ___ ___ the test." "بدت متوترة حول الاختبار. " Preposition

about anxious about, nervous about, stressed about, worried about

She organizes her financial ___ very ___ . انها تنظم شؤونها المالية بكفاءة عالية.

affairs Efficiently financial difficulties/success financial affairs

Drug companies claimed that the ___ were not medically accurate. ادعت شركات الأدوية أن المزاعم لم تكن دقيقة طبيا.

allegations a medically qualified/trained person

"Come on, let's get___ !" "هيا ، دعونا نحصل على آخر!"

another indefinite pronouns that can refer to both things and people. Try to see if you can figure out which each is referring to by the information in the sentence

"Ellen doesn't ___ ___ her sister's friends." "إلين لا توافق على أصدقاء شقيقتها. " Preposition

approve of

"Let's meet ___ noon." Prepositions

at specific and short times of day

"Ben is planning on staying the night ___ a hotel." Prepositions

at specific points or locations

In which of the following sentences is the word talking a gerund? "I'll be talking to your teacher after school." "I really love talking with my friends." "The talking students were oblivious to the principal." "Talking with her parents, it seems like there might be some issues at home."


"The early 20th century saw a short-lived ban ___ alcohol." "شهد أوائل القرن العشرين حظراً قصير الأجل على الكحول". Preposition

ban on

"I stood ___ my sister while we waited in line." Prepositions

behind something at the back of something

اعتقدت انه بعد بضعة أيام الحجة قد خمد. I thought that after a few days the argument would___ ___ .

blow over (SITUATION) When an argument blows over, it becomes gradually less important until it ends and is forgotten: (argument, be forgotten) يخمد، يهدأ يُنسى Let's hope that the dispute will soon blow over. We hope that this crisis will soon blow over.

لقد قبلت ابنتي في الهواء I ___ a kiss to my daughter.

blow sb a kiss (also blow a kiss to/at sb) to kiss your hand and blow on it in the direction of someone

"It's a good idea to ___ ___ your career goals during a job interview." "إنها فكرة جيدة أن نطرح أهدافك المهنية خلال مقابلة عمل." Prepositional idiom

bring up to mention (in conversation)

رواتب الموظفين المؤقتين يجب ان تتماشى مع رواتب الموظفين الدائمين. نحاول الحفاظ على أسعارنا متماشية مع منافسينا. The salaries of temporary employees ought to be ___ ___ ___ with those of permanent staff. We try to ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ our competitors.

brought into line keep our prices in line with • be in line with [sth] figurative (correspond to) يتماشى مع شيء، يتوافق مع شيء Our operating procedures are in line with state requirements. • in line with sth C2 similar to, or at the same level as something

How do Possessive Nouns modify the noun?

by explaining that the noun belongs to someone, something, or some group: • "The mail man's truck was parked." • "The woman's purse was blue." Adjectives, articles, participles, possessive nouns, determiners, possessive pronouns, and compound nouns tend to appear before the noun in a noun phrase.

1. Which of the following cannot be used to form an adjective complement? a) prepositional phrases b) infinitive phrases c) gerund phrases d) noun clauses


"I don't care ___ salads." "أنا لا أهتم بالسلطات" Preposition

care for

هناك برنامج مشهور حيث يتظاهر المشاهير بأنهم قد تم نبذهم في جزيرة صحراوية وعليهم البقاء على قيد الحياة There's a popular program where celebrities pretend they have been ___ ___ on a desert island and have to survive.

cast away [left on an island with no other people after swimming from a ship that is sinking] cast [sth] away (discard) يرمي، ينبذ، يطرح cast away, castaway adj (discarded) مرمي، منبوذ، مطروح، مقذوف

لقد طرح فكرة الترويج للمنتجين معًا. He ___ ___ ___ ___ of promoting the two products together.

come up with idea /have an idea a suggestion or plan for doing something اقتراح أو خطه للقيام بشيء

كيف يجب أن اتصرف في هذه العشاء؟ لا أعلم شيئًا عن آداب السلوك. How should I ___ ___ at these dinners? I know nothing about etiquette.

conduct myself conduct verb (BEHAVE) conduct yourself C2 to behave in a particular way, especially in a public or formal situation, or to organize the way in which you live in a particular way

التعامل مع الإجهاد تعامل مع القلق التعامل مع التوتر تحتاج الشركات إلى إيجاد طرق لمساعدة المديرين التنفيذيين على التعامل مع التوتر.

cope with stress deal with stress handle stress Firms need to find ways of helping executives deal with stress.

He steered the country through a financial ___ . قاد البلاد من خلال أزمة مالية.


1. Which of the following prepositions is most commonly paired with adjectives? a) outside b) around c) over d) about


"A decrease ___ taxes would dramatically affect the economy." واضاف ان "خفض الضرائب سيؤثر بشكل كبير على الاقتصاد". Preposition

decrease in

واعتبرت القصة مثيرة للجدل للغاية ، وبالتالي فإنهاالغيت . The story was ___ too controversial and so they spiked it.

deemed deem verb formal C2 to consider or judge something in a particular way: (view as) يعتبر شيئًا/شخصًا شيئًا، يكون شيئًا في نظره deem [sb/sth] [sth] يصرّ جيرالد دائمًا على مقابلة حبيب ابنته ليرى إن كانا مناسبَين في نظره. Gerald always insists on meeting his daughter's boyfriends to see if he deems them suitable

الشركة ابتكرت أيضًا برنامج كمبيوتر يمكّن الأشخاص من تصميم منازلهم. ابتكر طريقة جديدة لعلاج الاكتئاب العقلي. The company has also ___ a computer program that enables people to design their own homes. He ___ a new way to treat mental depression.

devised • devise (invent idea, plan) يعدّ، يبتكر يدبّر The prisoner devised an escape plan. • Devise C2 to invent a plan, system, object, etc., usually using your intelligence or imagination

The UN will ___ the terms of troop withdrawal from the region. ستملي الأمم المتحدة شروط انسحاب القوات من المنطقة .

dictate verb (GIVE ORDERS) to give orders, or tell someone exactly what they must do, with total authority لإعطاء الأوامر ، أو إخبار شخص ما بالضبط ما يجب القيام به ، مع السلطة الكاملة

"He jumped ___ and hurt his knee." Preposition

down movement heading down

Many employees have had to take ___ cuts in pay. وقد اضطر العديد من الموظفين لاتخاذ تخفيضات جذرية في الأجور. adjective

drastic (especially of actions) severe and sudden or having very noticeable effects drastic measures

Our budget has been drastically reduced. تم تخفيض ميزانيتنا بشكل كبير. Adverbs


"We're not supposed to study ___ class." Preposition

during simultaneous events

1. When can an adverbial complement be removed from the sentence? a) When it completes a transitive verb b) When it completes an intransitive verb c) When the verb also has an adverbial adjunct d) Always e) Never


1. Which of the following prepositions is commonly paired with verbs? a) at b) on c) about d) from e) all of the above


Although she's not officially our boss, she's in ___ of the office. على الرغم من أنها ليست رئيسًا لدينا رسميًا ، إلا أنها تتحكم بشكل فعال في المكتب.

effective control

"I think___ will do for now."

either indefinite pronouns that can refer to both things and people. Try to see if you can figure out which each is referring to by the information in the sentence

"This paragraph ___ ___ the previous one's claims." "تتناول هذه الفقرة بالتفصيل المطالبات السابقة". Preposition

elaborate on

انحني لاحتضان الطفل. He leaned over to ___ the child.

embrace verb (HOLD) C2 literary عانق hug, embrace, cuddle to hold someone tightly with both arms to express love, liking, or sympathy, or when greeting or leaving someone: She saw them embrace on the station platform. اعتنقوا (بعضهم البعض) قبل ان يقولوا وداعا. They embraced (each other) before saying good-bye.

"I think she has had ___ ." "أعتقد أنها حصلت على ما يكفي".

enough indefinite pronouns that only apply to things "Is there something you'd like to say?" "I don't care what I eat, so just order me anything." "He wanted to buy everything in the shop."

3. What kind of participle phrase indicates a noun that is acted upon (not the agent of the participle's action)? a) Present participle phrase b) Past participle phrase c) Perfect participle phrase d) Passive perfect participle phrase e) A & C f) B & D


"Many generations of people have fought ___ freedom." "لقد حاربت أجيال عديدة من الناس من أجل الحرية". Preposition

fight for

نظرًا لأنني كنت بطيئًا جدًا، تم التلويح لي من قبل ضابط شرطة قام بفحص السيارة وأخبرني أن أحد إطاراتي كان بالي. قال إن هذا غير قانوني ، ودعني أستمر ، لكنه حذرني ان اغيره. Because I was so slow, I was ___ ___ by a police officer who checked the car and told me that one of my tires was worn. He said it wasn't illegal and let me continue but warned me to get it changed.

flagged down flag down (stop by signaling: taxi, etc.) تلويح للسيارة بالوقوف It's hard to flag down a taxi during the rush hour. = hail a taxi

"His focus ___ success has hindered his social life." وقد أعاق تركيزه على النجاح حياته الاجتماعية". Preposition

focus on

"Australia is ___ ___ its large kangaroo population." "تشتهر أستراليا بعدد سكانها الكبير من الكنغر". Preposition


"English isn't the only international language; ___ ___ , French is the national language of many different countries." "إن اللغة الإنجليزية ليست اللغة الدولية الوحيدة، بل هي اللغة الدولية الوحيدة. على سبيل المثالالفرنسية هي اللغة الوطنية للعديد من البلدان المختلفة. Prepositional idiom

for example as an example; for instance

"She told stories about the time she walked to Spain ___ France." Preposition

from movement with a specific point of origin

"She was covered in mud ___ ___ ___ "كانت مغطاة بالطين من الرأس إلى أخمص القدمين." Prepositional idiom

from head to toe all over the body

. لم أكن أعتقد مطلقًا أن ثيو سيتزوج، ولكنه قرر أخيرًا ان يرتبط. I never thought Theo would ever___ ___ , but he's finally decided to___ ___ ___ .

get hitched get hitched vi + adj slang (get married) يتزوج I never thought you'd get hitched. Who's the lucky lady? tie the knot tie the knot v expr figurative, informal (get married) يتزوّج When is your sister going to tie the knot?

هل تستطيع أن تعطيني فكرة عن التكلفة Can you ___ me an idea ___ the cost (= can you tell me approximately how it costs)?

give idea of noun (KNOWLEDGE) an understanding, thought, or picture in your mind: فهم، فكر، أو صوره في عقلك:

"Neither Mike nor Daniel found ___ shoes." لم يجد مايك ولا دانيال حذائه ".

his When we join two singular subjects, we should use a singular pronoun

يجب ان يكون لدي المدير التنفيذي أفكار حول اين الشركه تحتاج ان تتوجه من حيث التكنولوجيا. The CEO should have ideas ___ where the company needs to be heading in terms of technology.

idea about sth a suggestion or plan for doing something اقتراح أو خطه للقيام بشيء in terms of من ناحيه من حيث

• "You should buy a new TV ___ you get a bigger apartment."

if If is the most common conjunction for hypothetical sentences. We use it when one action is required for another to occur

"I sent the company an application for the job." Identify indirect object

(The noun phrase the company is receiving the direct object an application, which receives the action of the verb sent.)

"Please pass me the salt." Identify direct and indirect objects

(The pronoun me is receiving the direct object the salt, which receives the action of the verb pass.) An indirect object is the person or thing who receives the direct object of the verb. Indirect objects appear directly between the verb and its direct object. "I sent the company an application for the job." (The noun phrase the company is receiving the direct object an application, which receives the action of the verb sent.)

فقدان 1000 وظيفة هو ضربه أخرى لقطاع الصناعة التحويلية في البلاد The loss of 1000 jobs is another ___ ___ the country's manufacturing sector

.blow to be a blow to sth noun something that causes serious problems or spoils your chances of success ستاتي أرقام البطالة كضربه للمستشار في الميزانية التي يعدها في الأسبوع المقبل. Unemployment figures will come as a blow to the Chancellor as he prepares next week's budget. come as a blow (to sb/sth)

أحب أن انتقل من شقتي المريعة ذات الغرفة واحدة. إنه مبنى متهدم. تذهب إلى صاله عرضة للهواء، أسفل ممر بارد والى هذه الغرفة الضيقة حقا. I'd love to ___ ___ of my awful one-room flat. It's in such a___ ___ . You go into a___ ___ , down a ___ ___ and into this really___ ___ .

1- move out انتقل من سكن 2- dilapidated building(in disrepair, in ruins) متهدّم، متداعٍ، متقوّض The dilapidated building is not fit for habitation. 3- draughty hall • drafty (US), draughty (UK) adj(room, etc.: uncomfortably breezy) كثير التيارات الهوائية • hall , banquet hall (large dining area)صالة طعام صالة الولائم The students went down to the hall for dinner. نزل الطلاب إلى صالة الطعام لتناول العشاء. • hall (large room)بهو The old hall had a large fireplace to heat it. كان في البهو القديم مدفأة تدفئه. • hall (space for public events)صالة Amanda's parents rented a hall for her wedding reception. استأجر والدا أماندا صالة لسهرة عرسها. • hall, hallway (corridor)ممرّ To find the girls' bathroom, go down the hall and turn left. لكي تجد حمام النساء اذهب من هذا الممر واتجه إلى اليسار. • hall (entryway, entrance area) ردهة Jane let her neighbor into the hall for a chat, but didn't invite her in.أدخلت جين الجارة إلى الردهة لتدردش معها ولكنها لم تدعوها إلى الداخل. • Hall n(home of a noble) قصر Houghton Hall is a stately home in the East of England. • catering hall n (canteen, refectory) كافيتريا، مطعم، مقصف • city hall n US (seat of municipal government) دار البلدية • concert hall n (auditorium for music) قاعة حفلات موسيقية The orchestra are rehearsing in the concert hall. • convention hall n US (exhibition venue) قاعة عرض • dance hall n(venue where dances are held) صالة رقص My mother and father used to go to dance halls in the 1950s. • dining hall n(refectory, large dining room) غرفة طعام • entrance hall n (large lobby, foyer) ردهة، مدخل عمارة Your entrance hall's bigger than my whole flat! • hall monitor n US (student who supervises corridor) مراقب القاعة • hall of fame (list of great achievers) لوحة المشاهير صالة الشرف، قاعة الشرف(place in New York City) Only the greatest athletes ever make it to their sport's hall of fame. • hall pass n US (permit to leave classroom) السماح بمغادرة الفصل الدراسي Don't be caught out of class without a hall pass! • lecture hall n (conference room) قاعة المؤتمر Most of my classes at university are held in giant lecture halls. reception hall n (function room) قاعة استقبا study hall n US (room for independent study) حجرة الدرس، قاعة الدراسة 4- chilly corridor • corridor n(hallway, indoor passage) ممر، دهليز The children ran down the school corridor, banging on doors. • corridor n (long area of land) ممر، طريق The state is developing a transit corridor between the two cities. • corridor n (strip of land allowing access) ممر Relief organizations are bringing in food through a corridor protected by the security forces. The two parks are connected by a natural corridor used by migrating moose. 5- cramped room • cramped adj (room, conditions: no space) مكتظ Six students live in one cramped room. • cramped adj (schedule: busy) مكتظ بالمواعيد ممتلئ My dentist has a cramped schedule, so he can't see me until tomorrow. • cramped adj(muscle: in spasm) مصاب بشد عضلي متشنج Phil had to drop out of the race because of a cramped leg. • cramp n (muscle contraction) شد عضلي، تشنج عضلي Don got a cramp and had to stop swimming. Julie got cramp in her calf muscles while she was running. • cramp v(muscle: go into spasm) يُصاب بشد عضلي يتشنج، يصاب بتشنج Jesse's thigh muscles cramped in the middle of the race.

انظر الى الجمهور يجب عليك ان تتواصل بصريا مع حوالي خمسة أو ستة أشخاص مختلفين. (ولكن لا تحافظ على تواصلك البصري بشخص واحد لفترة طويلة جدًا!) Look at the audience. You should _____ ___ with about five or six different people. (But don't ___ ___ ___ with one person for too long!)

1. make eye contact تتواصل بصريا 2. maintain eye contact تحافظ على تواصل البصري

4 If I feel nervous before giving a presentation, I try to___ ___ as it helps me relax. 5 I don't have time to go out tonight. I've got to___ ___ for a big meeting tomorrow. 6 You don't need to be a native speaker to give a good presentation in English. You just need to ___ ___ and keep it simple.

4 breathe deeply 5 prepare a presentation 6 speak clearly

"I was at the theater last night." "I was to the theater last night." "I stayed at my brother's house last night." "I stayed to my brother's house last night."

Other examples of static verb are be and stay; we also use at rather than to with these verbs

"I agreed to leave him alone." "I agreed leaving him alone." Which one is correct?

Some verbs, however, can only be followed by infinitives and not gerunds. In each example below, we can see how a gerund does not fit with the main verb: ✔ Infinitive (Correct) ✖ Gerund (Incorrect)

قواعد التعامل الرسميه الطوعية في صناعة المستحضرات الصيدلانية تنص على أن الأطباء قد لا يتم منحم هدايا مقابل اتفاق على وصف المنتج. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___says doctors may not be given gifts in exchange for an agreement to prescribe a product.

The pharmaceutical industry's voluntary code of conduct code of conduct noun [ C ] a set of rules about how to behave and do business with other people

• "He is fond ___ animals." (adjective) • "He has a fondness___ animals." (associated noun) Preposition

of for On occasion, an adjective and its associated noun form may not share the same preposition

كان الأمر مؤلمًا بشكل حاد / شديد لعدة أيام ، لكنه الآن مجرد ألم بسيط. وصف لي طبيبي بعض الأقراص وخففوا الألم. For a few days it was___ ___ ___ , but now it's just a___ ___ . My doctor ___ me some tablets and they___ ___ ___ .,,

1- acutely/intensely painful 2- dull ache dull adj (pain: not intense) طَفيف، بسيط She felt a constant dull pain in her back. كانت تشعر بألم طفيف متواصل في ظهرها. 3- prescribed 4- relieved/alleviated the pain

أخذ سائح كرهينة عندما سيطرت قوات المتمردين على مطار سانت بيبس الليلة الماضية. فقدت الحكومة السيطرة على المنطقة. يقوم مراسلنا في سانتبابا بمراقبة الموقف عن كثب وسنبقيكم على اطلاع مع تطور الأخبار . TOURIST TAKEN CAPTIVE A tourist was ___ ___ when rebel troops ___ ___ of St Pips Airport last night. The government has ___ ___ ___ the area. Our reporter in St Pips is ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ the situation and we shall be ___ ___ ___ as the___ ___

1- taken hostage be taken hostage(be abducted and held to ransom) يؤخذ رهينة لقد أُخذ الصحفي الذي كان يغطي الحرب كرهينة من قبل رجال العصابات. The journalist covering the war was taken hostage by the guerrillas. 2- seized control C2 to take using sudden force: Political instability helped the army to seize power. Troops yesterday seized control of the broadcasting station. seize [sth/sb] يستولي على شيء، يسيطر على شيء، يضع يده على شيء يعتقل شخصًا يصادر شيئًا The army seized the town after several days of fighting. استولى الجيش على البلدة بعد عدة أيام من القتال. 3- lost control of فقد السيطره 4- keeping a close watch on keep a close watch on [sb/sth] (monitor [sth], [sb] attentively) يراقب شيئًا جيدًا,عن كثب Parents of teenagers have to keep a close watch on everything they do. 5- keeping you informed informed about/of [sth] adj + prep (know all about [sth]) مطّلع (told, updated about [sth]) يطّلع على شيء Lisa is well informed about American history; she recieved an A+ on her essay. Thanks to presentations by her staff, the president is informed about the crisis situation in the distant state. 6- news develops تطور الاخبار

انهارت محادثات السلام بين جيش التحرير الشرقي وحكومة كارافيا الليلة الماضية. الحرب الأهلية من المرجح الآن. PEACE TALKS END IN FAILURE Peace ___ between the Eastern Liberation Army and the government of Karavia ___ last night. Civil war is now likely.

1- talks محادثات 2- broke down break down (collapse, become weak) ينهار The union called a strike after talks broke down over retirement benefits

صديقتي المسكينه جينا مريضه ميؤوس منها. تعاني من ألم شديد / لا يطاق معظم الوقت. يبدو أنه مرض عضال يصيب أسرتها. My poor friend Gina is___ ___ . She suffers ___ ___ ___ most of the time. Apparently it's an ___ ___ ___ that runs in her family.

1- terminally ill مريض ميؤوس منه [She will die soon.] 2- excruciating/unbearable pain ألم شديد / لا يطاق • excruciating adj (pain: intense) مبرّح شديد The pain of passing a kidney stone is excruciating • unbearable adj (not endurable) لا يُحتَمَل لا يطاق The loud music coming from the neighbor's stereo at 3 in the morning was unbearable. 3- incurable illness incurable adj (that cannot be cured) عضال، لا أمل في علاجه، مستعص Many types of cancer are incurable.

ديف يزعج الجميع في العمل. انه يأخذ أيام عطلة حتى بالنسبة لأكثر الأمراض تافهة / طفيفة. إنه مرض خطير ، لكنه ربما غير مميت Dave annoys everyone at work. He takes days off even for the most___ ___ ___ . It's a___ ___ , but probably not ___ ___

1- trivial/minor ailments • trivial adj(not important) تافه سخيف Please don't bother me with trivial complaints. • trivial adj (interested in small matters) سخيف، سطحي The village gossips were trivial people. • trivial adj US (very easy) سهل للغاية، بسيط • trivial matter n ([sth] insignificant) أمر تافه Some people get very upset over the most trivial matters. • minor adj (lesser, smaller) أصغر The doctor has to ignore the more minor injuries because so many people were hurt. • minor adj (not as important) ثانوي، غير مهمّ That's a minor issue; there are more important things to think about. • minor n ([sb] under age of sexual consent) قاصر Aaron was arrested for having sex with a minor. • ailment n often plural (illness) مرض، داء Kelly's grandmother is afflicted by an unknown ailment. جدة كيلي مصابة بمرض مجهول 2- serious illnessمرض خطير 3- life-threatening. adj (potentially fatal) مميت، قاتل The doctors diagnosed a life-threatening cancer. His injuries from the car accident were life-threatening. شخّص الأطباء سرطانًا قاتلاً. كانت جروحه مميتة من جراء حادث السير

إذا شعرت بالتوتر ، تنفس بعمق. هذا سيساعدك أيضًا على التحدث بوضوح. نغمة صوتك مهمة وستكون أسهل في الفهم إذا بدوت هادئ. If you feel nervous,___ ___ . This will also help you to___ ___ . Your ___ ___ ___ is important and you will be easier to understand if you sound calm.

1. breathe deeply تنفس بعمق 2. speak clearly التحدث بوضوح. 3. tone of voice • (vocal quality or intonation) نغمة الصوت He could sense she was really angry from her tone of voice

يجد الكثير من الناس مقالات عن الحياة الخاصة لنجوم السينما ، ك القراءة الإجبارية(مثيره للاهتمام). لا أعتقد أن قصة الرعب تصلح كقرائه جيده وقت النوم. قصص البوليسيه جيدة لرحلات القطار لأنها سهلة القراءة Many people find articles about the private lives of film stars. I don't think a horror story makes good___ ___ . Detective stories are good for train journeys as they're an easy read.

1. compulsive reading ك القراءة الإجبارية(مثيره للاهتمام) [so interesting you can't stop reading] 2. bedtime reading قرائه وقت النوم 3. an easy read

كلما ألقي خطابًا ، أحاول دائمًا الدخول في صلب الموضوع في أسرع وقت ممكن. أستطيع أن أخبر الكثير من القصص عن جيمس ، أعز صديق لي منذ الطفولة ، لكنني لا أريد أن أحرجه ، لذلك لن أفعل ذلك. Whenever I ___ ___ I always try to ___ ___ ___ as quickly as possible. I could ___ a lot of ___ about James, my best friend since childhood, but I don't want to embarrass him, so I won't.

1. make a speech 2. get to the point get to the point v expr informal (speak directly) يعبر عن ما يريد أن يقوله، يقول ما يريد أن يقوله It took Natalie a long time to get to the point. Get to the point! interj informal (say what you mean) يعبر عن ما يريد أن يقوله، يقول ما يريد أن يقوله Get to the point! We haven't got all day, you know. 3. tell stories

"I like to hike on the weekend." "I like hiking on the weekend." What is the difference in meaning ?

Certain verbs can take either gerunds or infinitives as direct objects. In some cases, this results in no difference in meaning. "She loves to read." "She loves reading."

"I need to talk to the principal." "I need to talk with the principal."

Certain verbs can take multiple prepositions without changing the overall meaning of the sentence. For example, the verb talk can use the prepositions to and with interchangeably

His first pay cheque was ___ fifty pounds. وكان الشيك راتبه الأول فقط 50 جنيه إسترليني.

Just meaning 'only'

"___ ___ ___ will result in a poor grade." "الدراسة بسرعة كبيرة ستؤدي إلى درجة سيئة".

Studying too hastily (gerund + adverb(s)) Just like a normal noun, a gerund or gerund phrase can be the subject of a sentence. Because they act like nouns, gerunds can be used as the subject of a sentence, the subject complement of the linking verb be, the object of a preposition, or the object of a verb. They can also be used to form compound nouns

حاولت أن أقول بكل لباقه ممكنه أنها كانت مخطئة تمامًا. كنت لبقة جدا حول وجبة فظيعة التي اعدتها والدتي I tried to say as ___ as I could that she was totally wrong. You were very ___ about the awful meal my mother fixed

Tactfully Tactful • tactful adj (diplomatic) لبق، دبلوماسي The company handles customers' complaints in a tactful way. • Tact C2 the ability to say or do the right thing without making anyone unhappy or angry

مالكو القطارات يقوم بإعادة استثمار معظم أرباحهم في قطارات جديدة وخدمات أفضل ، وتدعم الحكومة ذلك. ___ ___ are re-investing the majority of their profits in new trains and better services and the government is supporting that.

Train operators

Books for children have to be ___ exciting. كتب للأطفال يجب أن تكون مثيرة بصريا.

Visually relating to seeing or appearance المتعلقة بالرؤية أو المظهر

Could you ___ open the window? هل يمكنك فقط فتح النافذة ؟ I was ___ wondering if I could speak to you about Anna? كنت اتسائل ان كان بإمكاني التحدث اليك بشان (انا) ؟

We use just in speaking to soften what we say, especially in requests

"___ ___ ___ remains to be seen." "ما هو الخيار الأفضل يبقى أن نرى".

Which option is best (Which option is best is the subject of the verb remains.) Noun clauses usually begin with the words that, how, if, and the "wh-" words—what, whatever, where, wherever, when, whenever, why, which, whichever, who, whom, whoever, whomever, whether, and whatever. Like all clauses, a noun clause contains a subject (sometimes represented by one of the words above) and a predicate (a verb and any additional information attached to it)

3. How many noun phrases are there in the following sentence? "The old man rode his bicycle." a) 2 b) 1 c) 3 d) 0


• "Philip is upset ___ what was said." • "Philip is displeased ___ what was said." • "Philip is hurt ___ what was said."

about with by Be careful, though, as some similar-sounding adjectives may require different prepositions

"You'll ___ ___ your new school in no time." "ستتكيف مع مدرستك الجديدة في أي وقت من الأوقات." Preposition

adjust to To is commonly used with verbs and usually refers to direction (literal or metaphorical) or connections between people or things

"I don't ___ ___ his opinions." "أنا لا أتفق مع آرائه." Preposition

agree with

يمكنك تنزيل ألبوم كامل أو اغاني فردية على هاتفك أو جهاز الكمبيوتر يمكنك حفظ ألبوماتك واغانيك المفضلة في قوائم التشغيل حتى تتمكن من العثور عليها بسهولة. You can download a whole ___ or individual ___ onto your phone or computer. You can save your favorite albums and tracks in ___ so you can find them easily.

album Tracks Playlists

هل كل شيء جاهز للحفلة؟ Is everything ___ ___ for the party?

all set set adjective (READY) [after verb ] ready and prepared At the start of the race, the starter said "On your marks, get set, go".

"Not only Mike's friends but also Daniel's friends ___ coming with us." "ليس فقط أصدقاء مايك ولكن أيضا أصدقاء دانيال يأتون معنا."


• "Many is/are in agreement with their peers." "كثيرون متفقون مع أقرانهم".

are Likewise, the plural pronouns must have plural agreement with their verbs and other parts of the text

He didn't turn up, ___ you told me he wouldn't لم يحضر ، كما قلت لي إنه لن يفعل ذلك

as We can use as to state that two ideas are similar. We can also use just as to add extra emphasis to this statement Note that the examples above flow better with a comma, even though the subordinating conjunction is not in the initial position

"انها تمطر بغزاره ، كما اعتقدت أنه سيكون". "It's ___ ___ , ___ I thought it would."

as We can use as to state that two ideas are similar. We can also use just as to add extra emphasis to this statement Note that the examples above flow better with a comma, even though the subordinating conjunction is not in the initial position pouring rain n (heavy rain) مطر غزير Daisy jumped out of bed and pulled back the curtains, only to see pouring rain. قفزت دايزي من سريرها وسحبت الستائر لتتفرج على هطول المطر الغزير.

"I ___ ___ the company's job opening." "سألت عن الوظيفة الشاغرة للشركة". Preposition

ask about

"Chris arrived ___ one o'clock." Prepositions

at specific and short times of day

"Go to your room ___ ___ !" "اذهب إلى غرفتك فورا!" Prepositional idiom

at once immediately

• "Flight attendants were ___ ___ the plane's abrupt landing." وفوجئت المضيفات بهبوط الطائرة المفاجئ". Preposition

at/by Most adjectives that take the preposition at can also take the preposition by. When combined with adjectives, these prepositions illustrate causes for specific reactions or emotional responses. By can be used in place of at only because these sentences require passive voice

"Though new to skiing, he made an attempt ___ the highest slope." "على الرغم من أنه جديد على التزلج ، إلا أنه قام بمحاولة على أعلى المنحدر." Preposition

attempt at

فقط تجاهل تعليقاته. انه يمزح فقط Just ___ ___ his comments, he's only joking.

blow off blow sth/sb off to treat something or someone as if that thing or person were not important

ويمكن زيادة سرعه الجهاز بزيادات صغيره . The speed of the machine can be increased ___ ___ ___ .

by small increments increment الزيادة increase, increased, growth, rise, excess,boost العلاوة allowance, premium, bonus noun one of a series of increases

مسوؤلو الصحه اعلنو مؤخرا ان علاج للمرض القاتل تم العثور علىه . "Health officials recently announced that a cure ___ the fatal disease had been found." Preposition

cure for

2. Which of the following do adverbial phrases typically not describe? a) Reason or purpose b) Time c) Location or direction d) Possession


"There appears to have been a delay ___ processing your payment." "يبدو أن هناك تأخيرفي معالجة دفعتك." Preposition

delay in

He disagrees with the government ___ ___ children are taught in schools. إنه لا يتفق مع الحكومة التي تملي ما يدرسه الأطفال في المدارس.

dictating what dictate[ + question word ] verb (GIVE ORDERS) to give orders, or tell someone exactly what they must do, with total authority لإعطاء الأوامر ، أو إخبار شخص ما بالضبط ما يجب القيام به ، مع السلطة الكاملة Tennis club rules dictate what kind of footwear may be worn on the courts. قواعد نادي التنس تملي نوع الأحذية التي يمكن ارتداؤها على الملاعب.

نحن دائما حريصون على تبني\تقبل أحدث التقنيات. We are always eager to ___ the latest technology

embrace Verb (ACCEPT) C1 formal يتقبّل شيئًا، يوافق على شيء اغتنم/ تقبل بسرور تبنى adopt to accept something enthusiastically: Embrace an opportunity هذه كانت فرصه لاغتنامها This was an opportunity that he would embrace. تبنت شركة Corporate America بسرعة الويب كوسيلة جديدة للإعلان. Corporate America quickly embraced the Web as a new vehicle for advertising. دول تبنت هذا المفهوم منذ فترة طويلة. Dole has long embraced the concept. كان هذا في الأيام التي سبقت اعتناق الدين This was in the days before she embraced religion

environmentally sensitive areas المناطق الحساسة بيئيا Viewpoint Adverbs


industries that work in an environmentally responsible way الصناعات التي تعمل بطريقة مسؤولة بيئيا Viewpoint Adverbs


"My five-year-old niece already ___ ___ math and science." "ابنة أخي البالغة من العمر خمس سنوات تتفوق بالفعل في الرياضيات والعلوم." Preposition

excel at

"There are ___ than I remember." "هناك اقل مما أتذكر"

fewer indefinite pronouns that can refer to both things and people. Try to see if you can figure out which each is referring to by the information in the sentence

"Texas is ___ ___ rodeos." "تكساس تشتهر مسابقات رعاة البقر." Preposition


"What do you usually do ___ ___ ?" "ماذا تفعل عادة للمتعة؟" Prepositional idiom

for fun as a hobby; for enjoyment

"The town sought protection ___ bandits." "المدينة سعت للحماية من قطاع الطرق". Preposition

from The preposition usually refers to two things at opposition with each other, or specifies an origin or starting point when used in conjunction with "to

"Bob made raspberry cupcakes ___ ___ "قدم بوب الكعك التوت من الصفر." Prepositional idiom

from scratch from the beginning and using only the basic elements or ingredients

"He can't ___ ___ his self-esteem issues." "لا يستطيع التغلب على مشاكل احترام الذات". Preposition

get over to recover from or successfully deal with something (usually an illness or difficult situation)

"She's finally ___ ___ her cold." "إنها تتعافى أخيرًا من البرد". Preposition

getting over to recover from or successfully deal with something (usually an illness or difficult situation)

"Leah is trying to ___ ___ smoking." "ليا تحاول التخلي عن التدخين. " Prepositional idiom

give up to stop (doing something); to quit

"Those little kids are ___ ___ ." "هؤلاء الأطفال الصغار في خطر." Prepositional idiom

in danger prone to danger or threatened by a dangerous situation; about to be harmed

"I'm hoping for an increase ___ environmentally friendly products." "آمل في زيادة المنتجات الصديقة للبيئة." Preposition

increase in

"Even as a child, the girl had an interest ___ archaeology." وحتى عندما كانت طفلة، كانت الفتاة مهتمة بعلم الآثار". Preposition

interest in

what to say for something that is not gonna change and someone should accept it.

it is what it is that is what is going to be

"معرفة تيموثي تربية النحل مثيرة للإعجاب." "Timothy's knowledge ___ beekeeping is impressive." Preposition

knowledge of

"The friends laughed ___ their terrible luck." Preposition

laugh about

"The man longed ___ the days of his youth." "الرجل يتوق لأيام شبابه. " Preposition

long for

The doctor declared her ___ . أعلن الطبيب لها لائق طبيا.

medically fit

The insurance will pay for any treatment that is considered medically ___ . سوف يدفع التأمين عن أي علاج يعتبر ضرورياطبيا


"Many people consider it rude to sit ___ a stranger in a movie theater." Prepositions

next to, beside Adjacency

لديها هاجس بهذا الكتاب الهزلي. " "إنها مهووسة بهذا الكتاب الهزلي." "She has an obsession ___ that comic book." "She obsesses ___ that comic book." Preposition

obsession With Obsess Over in some cases changing a noun into its verb form alters the preposition

"She is ___ ___ the art of dance." "إنها ملتزمة بفن الرقص" Preposition

of committed to, dedicated to, devoted to

"اعتمادي على القهوة غير صحي. " "My dependence ___ coffee is unhealthy." Preposition


"___ Tuesday, Dad went to the grocery store." Preposition

on days and dates

"___ likes to play the banjo, while the ___ prefers the piano." "واحد يحب ان يلعب البانجو ، في حين ان الآخر يفضل البيانو ".

one Other indefinite pronouns that can refer to both things and people. Try to see if you can figure out which each is referring to by the information in the sentence

"Grapes are ___ ___ ___ this time of year." "العنب خارج الموسم في هذا الوقت من السنة." Prepositional idiom

out of season not ripe or readily available (usually fruits or vegetables)

What is the The opposite of return journey

outward journey

وظهرت علي شاشه التلفزيون لمناشده الخاطفين. She appeared on television to ___ with the kidnappers.

plead with verb (REQUEST) ترافع/ مناشدة/يحتج to make an urgent, emotional statement or request for something لتقديم بيان عاجل أو عاطفي أو طلب لشيء [ + speech ] "Give us more time," they pleaded. أعطناالمزيد من الوقت ، "ناشدوا.

"He took pleasure ___ playing the piano." "لقد سُر بلعب البيانو". Preposition

pleasure in

His mother was very ___ active. كانت والدته نشطة سياسياً جداً. Adverbs


It is a ___ and___ diverse country.وهو بلد متنوع سياسيا ودينيا.

politically Religiously

"استقالت المديرة التنفيذية من منصبها بعد 25 عاما ً مع الشركة". "The CEO ___ ___ her position after 25 years with the company." Preposition

resign from

"My sister cried as she packed up her belongings, ___ ___ of moving out of her childhood home." "بكت أختي وهي تعبأ ممتلكاتها ، حزينة لفكرة الخروج من منزل طفولتها." Past participle

saddened at the idea when it occurs in final position but not immediately after the noun that it modifies, it does need a comma

بدا يبدو 3 verbs

seem, look, appear

نحن بحاجة إلى تجاوز خلافاتنا والبدء في التعاون. phrasal We need to ___ ___ our differences and begin to cooperate

set aside set aside something (IGNORE) or disregard set [sth] aside or set aside [sth] 1-(put to one side) يضع شيئًا جانبًا I set aside my work to check on the baby. Set your pencils aside and read through the test first. 2- (disregard temporarily) يتجاوز، يتخطى Set your fears aside and jump into the water. to decide not to consider something

لا يوجد تاريخ محدد للإعلان . There is no for the announcement.

set date adjective [ before noun ] fixed or never changing • a set price/amount

يمكنك إنقاص الوزن إذا قررت القيام بذلك. You can lose weight if you ___ ___ ___ ___ it. Idiom

set your mind to set your mind to something to be determined to do or have something

أنا لا أحب كتبها، لكنني أعرف أنها معتبره للغاية. I don't like her books, but I know ___ ___ ___ .

she's very highly considered considered adj with adverb (esteemed) معتبر يلقى التقدير، يلقى الاحترام This restaurant is apparently highly considered by critics. be highly/well considered to be very much admired

"It's uncomfortable when people ___ -___ you." "هذا غير مريح عندما يحدق الناس بك". Preposition

stare at

Is there any hope of getting financial ___ for the project? هل هناك أي أمل في الحصول على دعممالي للمشروع؟


Several local businesses are ___ the project financially. وتدعم العديد من الشركات المحليةالمشروع ماليا.


• "The man was ___ ___ the number of people offering to help him." "لقد ذهل الرجل من عدد الأشخاص الذين عرضوا مساعدته". Preposition

surprised at/by Most adjectives that take the preposition at can also take the preposition by. When combined with adjectives, these prepositions illustrate causes for specific reactions or emotional responses. By can be used in place of at only because these sentences require passive voice

"Who will ___ ___ your goldfish while you're away?" "من سيعتني بسمكة الذهب الخاصة بك بينما أنت بعيدا؟" Preposition

take care of

___ ___ weapons الأسلحة المتقدمة تقنيا

technically advanced in a way that relates to the knowledge, machines, or methods used in science and industry

"We'll need to think ___ hiring some more staff." "سوف نحتاج إلى التفكير في توظيف المزيد من الموظفين." Preposition

think about

قد يساعدك ذلك على فهم جوليا إذا حاولت ان تتذكر عندما كان عمرها. حاول لتذكر: هل تتذكر أنك لاحظت أي شيء غير عادي عنه It might help you to understand Julia if you ___ ___ to when you were her age. ___ ___ ___ : do you recall noticing anything unusual about him?

think back Try to think back • think back (try to remember) يحاول التذكر • think back C2 to remember something that happened in the past

"If you only ___ ___ failure, you'll never take any risks." واضاف "اذا كنت تفكر فقط في الفشل، فإنك لن تأخذ أي مخاطر"." Preposition

think of

"Climate change is a potential threat ___ certain species." "تغير المناخ هو تهديد محتمل لأنواع معينة." Preposition

threat to

"Don't be ___ ___ your classmates." "لا تكن لئيماً مع زملائك في الدراسة" Preposition

to mean to, rude to, unfriendly to

"He quickly became ___ ___ city life." "سرعان ما أصبح معتادا على حياة المدينة. " Preposition

to accustomed to

"Cassie is ___ ___ Nick." كاسي متزوجة من (نيك) Preposition

to married to

"I'd like to ___ ___ this shirt, please." "أود تجربة هذا القميص ، من فضلك." Prepositional idiom

try on to put on a garment or piece of clothing to see how it fits

"She has turned down many marriage proposals." "لقد رفضت العديد من مقترحات الزواج. " Prepositional idiom

turn down to reject

سيفعل اي شيء من أجلك لقد جعلته يلتف حول اصبعك الصغير He'd do anything for you. You've got him___ ___ ___ ___ ___ .

twisted around your little finger twist sb around your little finger to be able to persuade someone to do anything you want, usually because they like you so much: لتكون قادره علي إقناع شخص ما للقيام بأي شيء تريد ، وعاده لأنهم يحبون الكثير:

لم ارغب بالذهاب لكن (ليندا) قد لويت ذراعي I didn't want to go but Linda ___ ___ ___

twisted my arm. twist sb's arm to persuade someone to do something they do not want to do: لإقناع شخص ما للقيام بشيء لا يريدون القيام به:

الأشخاص الذين يتعرضون للإجهاد هم أكثر عرضة لحوادث العمل التأخير في الدفع يسبب الإجهاد والمصاعب المالية. People who are ___ ___ are more likely to have accidents at work Delays in payment ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

under stress cause stress and financial hardship.

"That large worm went ___ the dirt." Preposition

under/beneath movement lower than something

نشكر جزيل الشكر إلى بوب لورانس الذي كفلت جهوده المتواصلة نجاح المشروع بأكمله. Our thanks are due to Bob Lawrence whose ___ labours have ensured the success of the whole project.

unremitting adjective formal never stopping, becoming weaker, or failing Synonyms ceaseless formal constant incessant never-ending perpetual unceasing formal

"Daniel can't sneak out of the house ___ his parents go to bed." Prepositions

until a continuous event that will terminate at a specific point in the future

يبدو أن بعض الناس لا يشعرون بالضجر من تناول نفس النوع من الطعام كل يوم. Some people never seem to ___ ___ eating the same type of food every day.

weary Of Verb formal to start to feel that something or someone is boring:

لقد سمعنا الكثير في الأخبار مؤخرًا حول جميع المشكلات التي يواجها الركاب: القطارات المزدحمة ، ارتفاع الأسعار ، إضرابات القطارات. we've been hearing a lot on the news recently about all the problems faced by commuters:___ ___ ,___ ___ ,___ ___ .

• packed trains • fare rises • train strikes

لديك ميل لاتخاذ قرارات سريعه\مبكره. August You ______ ___ to make ___ ___ .

1- have a tendency 2- snap decisions: quick decisions

أنت ذكي للغاية مع العقل الحاد. April You are ___ ___ with a___ ___ ___ .

1- highly intelligent 2- razor-sharp mind razor-sharp adjective (CLEVER) If you describe someone or someone's mind as razor-sharp, you mean that that person thinks very clearly and quickly: She's got a razor-sharp mind

على الرغم من أنك قد تكون خجولًا بشكل مؤلم في المواقف الاجتماعية ، إلا أنك في العمل تعطي انطباعًا عن ثقتك الفائقة July Although you can be ___ ___ in social situations, at work you ___ ___ ___ being ___ ___ .

1- painfully shy 2- give the impression of 3- supremely confident supremely adv (magnificently) بعظمة The colors of the sunset were supremely beautiful. supremely adv (utterly) بعظمة، بكمال After years of training, the gymnast was supremely confident that she would win the gold medal. extremely: The coach is supremely confident that his team will reach the finals

يجب أن تبقي الشرائح بسيطة مع بضع كلمات أو صور على كل واحدة. تأكد من استخدام خط واضح سهل القراءة. You should ___ slides ___ with just a few words or images on each one. Be sure to use a clear font which is___ ___ .

1. Keep simple تبقي الشرائح بسيطة 2. easy to read سهل القراءة

الطالب: متى يتعين علينا أن نقدم لك مقالاتنا؟ الطالب: متى يتعين علينا إرسال الطلبات في جامعتنا؟ Student: When do we have to give you our essays? Teacher: You have to ___ ___ ___ on Friday. Student: When do we have to send in our university applications? Teacher: You have to ___ ___ ___ by December 1st.

1. hand in your essays = submit 2. submit your application

5 How long will it take you to complete / carry out / fulfil your degree? 6 You must submit / send / write your application in before the end of June. 7 Several students have decided to withdraw / go / leave the course this year. 8 I want you all to write / hold / keep a vocabulary notebook.

5 complete 6 send 7 leave 8 keep

Most people associate this ___ with good quality. معظم الناس يربطون هذه العلامة التجارية بنوعية جيدة.

?,,brand ماركة العلامة التجارية noun (PRODUCT) a type of product made by a particular company

لم يكن لديه الكثير من اللباقة والناس لا يحبون طريقة فظة. محررو هذا الكتاب أظهرو براعة وحسًا جيدًا في اختياراتهم. He's never had much ___ and people don't like his blunt manner. The editors of this book have ___ ___ and good sense in their selections.

Tact shown tact • tactful adj (diplomatic) لبق، دبلوماسي The company handles customers' complaints in a tactful way. • Tact C2 the ability to say or do the right thing without making anyone unhappy or angry

"His anxiety ___ public speaking is so bad that he sweats when he's onstage." "قلقه من التحدث أمام الجمهور سيء للغاية لدرجة أنه يعرق عندما يكون على خشبة المسرح." Preposition

About When paired with a noun, "about means concerning or in regard to

كدليل على احترام أولئك الذين ماتوا ، سيكون هناك دقيقة صمت ___ __ ___ for those who died, there will be a minute of silence

As a mark of respect

"___ , insects are some of the most amazing creatures on the planet." (From a biological point of view, insects are amazing.) من الناحية البيولوجية ، تعتبر الحشرات من أكثر الكائنات المذهلة على هذا الكوكب. " Viewpoint Adverbs


"In ___ terms, insects are some of the most amazing creatures on the planet." من الناحية البيولوجية ، تعتبر الحشرات من أكثر الكائنات المذهلة على هذا الكوكب. " Viewpoint Adverbs

Biologically Also we could use without any change in meaning : • adverb + "speaking" • "in terms of" + noun • "in" + adjective + "terms" • "from a" + adjective + "point of view" • "as far as" + noun + "is concerned"

"___ speaking, insects are some of the most amazing creatures on the planet." من الناحية البيولوجية ، تعتبر الحشرات من أكثر الكائنات المذهلة على هذا الكوكب. " Viewpoint Adverbs

Biologically Also we could use without any change in meaning : • adverb + "speaking" • "in terms of" + noun • "in" + adjective + "terms" • "from a" + adjective + "point of view" • "as far as" + noun + "is concerned"

• "In ___ of biology, insects are some of the most amazing creatures on the planet." من الناحية البيولوجية ، تعتبر الحشرات من أكثر الكائنات المذهلة على هذا الكوكب. " Viewpoint Adverbs

Biologically Also we could use without any change in meaning : • adverb + "speaking" • "in terms of" + noun • "in" + adjective + "terms" • "from a" + adjective + "point of view" • "as far as" + noun + "is concerned"

How to join multiple subjects ?

Compound subjects the same predicate may have multiple compound subjects. we join multiple subjects with coordinating conjunctions and (if there are more than two subjects) commas. "John, Mary, and Joe went to school together."

"I can get there more quickly on my new bike." "يمكنني الوصول إلى هناك بسرعة أكبر على دراجتي الجديدة." What is the function of the Prepositions phrase?

Here, on my new bike describes the adverb more quickly, answering the question "How?" or "In what manner?" It could also seem that the prepositional phrase is describing the verb get, but the information in the prepositional phrase is specific to getting there quickly

" the two ___ sisters said goodbye to each other." وقالت الشقيقتان المعانقة وداعا لبعضها البعض ". Present participle

Hugging How to use present Participle As adjectives? When we form an adjective using the present participle, we imply action on the part of the noun being modified. For example: "She soothed the crying baby." (The baby is crying)

Where's my phone? I had it ___ now. أين هاتفي ؟ كان عندي الآن فقط. Could you wait for me? I'm ___ going to the shop هل يمكنك ان تنتظريني ؟ انا فقط ذاهب إلى المحل

Just can mean 'recently' or 'a very short time before or after speaking'

[in a clothes shop] A: Can I help you? B: No, it's all right, thanks. I'm ___ looking.

Just meaning 'only'

It's ___ not right. إنه ليس صحيحًا تمامًا. Our holiday was ___ perfect. كانت عطلتنا مثاليه تماما.

Just meaning 'simply' or 'absolutely' We can use just meaning 'simply' or 'absolutely' to add emphasis to a statement

"I recommend to read Moby Dick at some point in your life." "I recommend reading Moby Dick at some point in your life." Which one is correct ?

Likewise, some verbs are followed only by gerunds and not infinitives. In most cases, these are action verbs. ✔ Gerund (Correct) ✖ Infinitive (Incorrect)

• "I will do my homework on the weekend." • "I will do my homework over the weekend." • "I will do my homework at the weekend." • "I will do my homework during the weekend."

Over, on, and at the weekend When we talk about our plans for an upcoming weekend, there are a number of prepositional constructions we can use. In American English, the most common prepositions to use are over and on. In British English, the most common preposition is at, though over is also used. Note that the preposition during is not used in either American or British English.

"This is the key to my room." "This is the key of my room."

Possession and access — to vs. of The prepositions to and of can both be used to signify that something belongs to or is a property of another thing. However, we use 'to' to indicate that something grants access or leads into another thing, which is a relationship that 'of' does not describe There are also certain instances in which we could use either preposition and still have a correct sentence, but the meaning would be subtly different: ✔ "This is the main door of the house." (correct—meaning the primary door belonging to the house) ✔ "This is the main door to the house." (also correct—meaning the primary door to gain access to the house)

"I'll answer the phone." "I'll answer to the phone." "She is going to marry a lawyer." "She is going to marry with a lawyer." "I asked him to* buy some bread." "I asked to him to* buy some bread."

Prepositions with transitive verbs we must be careful not to use a preposition with the objects of transitive verbs (*Note that to buy in the last two examples is an infinitive, not a prepositional phrase; it is functioning as an adverb of purpose to modify the verb ask.)

"I had cereal and milk for breakfast." "I had breakfast with cereal and milk." \ Which is correct?

"I had cereal and milk for breakfast." (correct) "I had breakfast with cereal and milk." (incorrect) The second sentence is a common error. It implies that you, the cereal, and the milk all had breakfast together. You can have breakfast with your friends or your family, but not with cereal and milk. However, we can use with to show a connection between cereal and milk, as in: ✔ "I had cereal with milk for breakfast."

Match 1 sustain diarrhoea 2 contract a cold 3 have an attack of breast cancer 4 develop minor injuries 5 be diagnosed with typhoid 6 catch autism

1 sustain minor injuries 2 contract typhoid 3 have an attack of diarrhoea 4 develop breast cancer 5 be diagnosed with autism / breast cancer 7 catch a cold

1 We made / took / put a lot of photographs because it was such a beautiful day. 2 As I returned / turned the corner I made / caught / took a glimpse of the house through the trees. 3 A long sanded / sandy beach reached / ran / stretched for miles in front of us. 4 Unfortunately, the new hotel blocks / jams / stops the view of the castle.

1- Took 2- Turned/ caught 3- Sandy /stretched 4- blocks

can we use participles as gerunds?

The present participle is also used to create gerunds. A gerund is a form of a verb that can be used as a noun, functioning as a subject, complement, or object of a sentence. For example: "Swimming is my favorite sport." (subject) "My brother's favorite sport is cycling." (complement) "Do you enjoy running?" (object)

What are the subordinating conjunctions that establish (Up to a certain time) relationship?

To state that one action stops when another one begins, we use until • "He ran track until he moved here." (He stopped running track when he moved here.) • "You can borrow my jacket until I need it." (You must stop using it when I need it.)

يبدو لي أنك تكرهها. فهل هذا صحيح؟ I ___ that you hate her. Is this true?

Understand understand [sth] (limit of knowledge) يبدو

Guide dogs open up the lives of the blind or ___ impaired. الكلاب المرشدة تفتح حياة المكفوفين أو ضعاف البصر.

Visually relating to seeing or appearance المتعلقة بالرؤية أو المظهر

I've ___ decided to sell my apartment. لقد قررت فقط بيع شقتي I'm on my way to the station. Their train has ___ arrived. انا في طريقي إلى المحطة قطارهم وصل للتو

We often use the present perfect or past perfect with this meaning of just when we refer to a short time before the moment of speaking

What are the subordinating conjunctions that establish (Reason) relationship?

We use in order that, so that, and so to give a reason. They are interchangeable in meaning, but differ in formality. Compare the following sentences: • "Our boss asked us to take detailed notes in order that nothing would be forgotten." (formal) • "Our boss asked us to take detailed notes so that nothing would be forgotten." (neutral) • "Our boss asked us to take detailed notes so nothing would be forgotten." (less formal)

سوف يستغرق العظم شهرًا أو نحو ذلك لضبطه تمامًا. It'll take the bone a month or so to ___ completely.

When a doctor sets a broken bone, he or she puts it into the right position so that it will heal. When a broken bone sets, it heals in a particular position

3. Which of the following sentences does not contain a prepositional verb? a) "I'm responsible for cleaning the office." b) "Let's drink to your good fortune." c) "She begged for his forgiveness." d) "He looked at the sky."


Identify the grammatical function of the infinitive phrase (in bold) in the following sentence: "I need the employees to work a little harder." Object complement Predicate noun Adjective Adverb


"Dad is ___ ___ filing taxes." "أبي قلق بشأن رفع الضرائب". Preposition

about anxious about, nervous about, stressed about, worried about

Independent ___ perform rigorous ___ in order to ___ financial strength ratings to America's ___ corporations. تقوم الوكالات المستقلة بإجراء تحليل دقيق لتعيين تصنيفات القوة المالية للشركات الأمريكية الرائدة.

agencies Analysis Assign Leading financial stability/security/strength

"The committee finally ___ ___ a solution." واضاف ان "اللجنة وافقت في النهاية على حل". Preposition

agree on

"___ are accounted for." " جميعهم محسوبون " "كل شيء محسوب"

all indefinite pronouns that can refer to both things and people. Try to see if you can figure out which each is referring to by the information in the sentence

There are some___ in the legislation. وهناك بعض أوجه الغموض في التشريع.

ambiguities ambiguity noun mystery, ambiguity, obscurity, uncertainty, vague الغموض لبس confusion (an example of) the fact of something having more than one possible meaning and therefore possibly causing confusion (مثال علي) حقيقة شيء وجود أكثر من معني واحد ممكن ، التالي ربما تسبب الارتباك

You will receive a letter formally confirming your ___ as professor of English. سوف تتلقى رسالة تؤكد رسميا تعيينك أستاذاللغة الإنجليزية.


"Neither the plumbers nor the electricians ___ here yet." "لا السباكين ولا الكهربائيين هنا حتى الآن."

are When we join two plural subjects, the verb that follows should also be plural

"Both Mike and Daniel are coming with us." "كل من مايك ودانيال قادمون معنا. "

are One exception to this rule is when using both ... and. In this case, we use a plural subject

إن البلدين يسيران في طريق تصادم ، ويبدو أنه لا يمكن فعل شيء لمنع حدوث مشاكل خطيرة The two countries___ ___ ___ ___ , and it seems that nothing can be done to prevent serious trouble

are on a collision course be on a collision course =are behaving in such a way that is likely to cause a major disagreement or fight

"The two ___ ___ each other for several minutes." "جادل الاثنان مع بعضهما البعض لعدة دقائق." Preposition

argue with

"The couple held hands and skated ___ the rink." Preposition

around movement in a circular direction

• "She was ___ ___ the movie's poor ratings." "لقد دهشت من التصنيفات السيئة للفيلم." Preposition

at/by Most adjectives that take the preposition at can also take the preposition by. When combined with adjectives, these prepositions illustrate causes for specific reactions or emotional responses. By can be used in place of at only because these sentences require passive voice

"I ask that the audience ___ completely silent during the demonstration." "أطلب أن يصمت الجمهور تمامًا أثناء العرض التوضيحي." (طلب)

be (request) Expressing Commands, Suggestions, Requests, and Statements of Necessity When we express actions that we demand, suggest, or request that someone else take, or describe something that must be the case, we use the base form of the verb—that is, the infinitive form without the word to "It's necessary that we be vigilant to avoid another disaster." (statement of necessity) The biggest difference between the subjunctive and indicative mood in this case is that the verb does not change according to who is taking the action. For instance, it is she study, the audience be, and we be in the subjunctive, while it would be she studies, the audience is, and we are in the indicative mood.

انفخ انفك من فضلك ___ your nose, please.

blow to force air from your lungs and through your nose to clear it to clear your nose by forcing air through it into a piece of paper يَتَمَخَّط

"The kids broke the vase ___ ___ "الأطفال كسروا المزهرية عن طريق الصدفة." Prepositional idiom

by accident unintentionally; not deliberately

How does Articles modify the noun?

by revealing if the noun is definite or indefinite: • "The dog went to the park." • "A boy ate an apple." Adjectives, articles, participles, possessive nouns, determiners, possessive pronouns, and compound nouns tend to appear before the noun in a noun phrase.

How do Participles be used to directly modify the noun?

by showing a past or present action that the noun is or was involved in doing: • "The galloping gazelle jumped high. • "Boiled water is very hot." Adjectives, articles, participles, possessive nouns, determiners, possessive pronouns, and compound nouns tend to appear before the noun in a noun phrase.

1. Which of the following has a clause with a subject that is a gerund phrase? a) "John is swimming on Saturday, which I'm excited to see." b) "A lot of people I know are coming to the party." c) "Reading by candlelight is thought to be bad for your eyes." d) "Seeing eye dogs provide an invaluable service.


1. Which of the following is usually found in an absolute phrase? a) A gerund b) An infinitive c) A participle d) A finite verb


1. Which of the following word or words is the noun phrase in this sentence? "The new shoe laces would be delivered soon." a) delivered soon b) would c) The new shoe laces d) Be


In which of the following ways is a gerund not able to function? As the subject of a sentence As the object of a verb As an adjective clause As a subject complement


environmental effect/impact He's ___ about the environmental ___ of genetically ___ foods. إنه قلق بشأنالآثار البيئية للأغذية المعدلة وراثياً

concerned Effects Modified

"The car nearly ___ ___ a tree." "السيارة كادت تصطدم بشجرة" Preposition

crashed into

Complete the following sentence: " under the bed, the dog was terrified of the thunder." Having hiding Have hidden Hid Hiding


"الجميع أعجب تفاني الطبيب لمرضاها." "Everyone admired the doctor's devotion ___ her patients." Preposition

devotion to

"Dustin usually ___ ___ his shirts at the dry cleaner before work." "عادة ما ينزل داستن قمصانه في المنظف الجاف قبل العمل." Prepositional idiom

drop off to take to and deposit at some location

The group believes that organic farming is more ___ and ___ sustainable. تعتقد المجموعة أن الزراعة العضوية أكثر استدامة من الناحية البيئية والاقتصادية. Adv

environmentally economically

"The best we can hope for is to break ___ ."

even To break even Predicate nouns are a subset of a larger category known as subject complements (including predicate pronouns and predicative adjectives), which rename or re-identify the subject after a linking verb (usually a form of the verb be) "The best thing in life is to spend time with those you love."

تحتاج الشركة إلى المزيد من المساعدات المالية من الحكومة. The company needs more___ from the government.

financial assistance

ضغوط مالية ضغوط مالية يكون تحت الضغط العديد من أعمالنا تحت الضغط الآن بسبب تباطؤ الاقتصاد.

financial stress fiscal stress be under stress Many of our businesses are under stress right now because of the slow economy.

"I could never lose esteem ___ you." Preposition

for Synonymous nouns typically employ identical prepositions. For example, when the noun respect is replaced with its synonyms (such as admiration or esteem), the preposition for remains the same

"I could never lose respect ___ you." Preposition

for Synonymous nouns typically employ identical prepositions. For example, when the noun respect is replaced with its synonyms (such as admiration or esteem), the preposition for remains the same

"The criminals didn't ___ ___ ___ the robbery." "المجرمون لم يفلتوا من السرقة" Prepositional idiom

get away with to avoid punishment for a wrongdoing

"I think we'd better ___ home soon." "أعتقد أنه من الأفضل أن نذهب إلى المنزل قريبًا."

go The base forms of verbs are also used after the phrase had better, which acts like the modal verb should to suggest a required or desirable action "You had better clean this up before your father gets home."

"I forgot to set an alarm; I wish I___ ." "لقد نسيت ضبط المنبه. أتمنى لو لم أفعل ذلك. "

hadn't For past wishes, we go back in the past one tense further. As with the present tense, we can also have sentences that use both the indicative mood and the subjunctive mood

"Not only Jen but also Sara lost ___ book." "ليس فقط جين ولكن أيضا سارة فقدت كتابها."

her When we join two singular subjects, we should use a singular pronoun

"I really love ___ in the mountains." "أنا حقًا أحب المشي لمسافات طويلة في الجبال."

hiking Gerunds can also act as the direct object of some verbs

"Youths often have high hopes ___ humanity." "الشباب غالبا ما يعلقون آمالا كبيرة على الإنسانية". Preposition

hope for

واجهت الشركة بعض المشكلات الأولية لكنها الآن في قمه النجاح. The company had some initial problems but now it ___ ___ ___

is flying high. be flying high : is very successful

"The ___ puzzle pieces were all over the floor." "كانت قطع اللغز مختلطة في جميع أنحاء الأرض." past participle

jumbled When we form an adjective using the past participle, we don't imply action on the part of noun that it modifies. Instead, we describe a characteristic of that noun. "I picked up the broken bottle." (The bottle is broken.)

"She was late again, ___ we expected." "كانت في وقت متأخر مرة أخرى ، تماما كما كنا نتوقع".

just as We can use as to state that two ideas are similar. We can also use just as to add extra emphasis to this statement Note that the examples above flow better with a comma, even though the subordinating conjunction is not in the initial position

بعد الميزانية ، حرص المستشار على التأكيد على أن العائل العادي الذي لديه طفلين سيكون في وضع أفضل. After the budget, the Chancellor was ___ ___ ___ the average earner with two children will be better off.

keen to stress how be keen to stress quick to stress

ان "شركات النفط اضطرت الى تسريح العديد من العمال". "Oil companies have had to ___ ___ many workers." Prepositional idiom

lay off to terminate employees

نعطيهم علامة من أصل عشرة للخدمة ، وجودة الطعام ، والقيمة مقابل المال. We give them a ___ ___ ___ for service, food quality, and value for money.

mark out of ten a number or score saying how good something is or how well someone has done

إنهم يشترون اللوحات في المزادات ، ويرفعون سعرها ، ثم يعيدون بيعها بربح كبير لهواة الجمع. They buy paintings at auctions, ___ ___ ___ , and then resell them at a vast profit to collectors.

mark them up • mark [sth] up (increase price) (أسعار) يرفع شيئًا Hotels mark up their prices whenever there is a national holiday

وهذا سوء تفسير متعمد للاحداث. This is a deliberate ___ of events.

misinterpretation noun C2 the act of forming a wrong understanding of something that is said or done, or an example of a wrong understanding: البيان غير واضح ومفتوح لسوء التفسير The statement is unclear and open to misinterpretation (= could easily be misinterpreted) وهو ليس مسؤولا عن اي أخطاء أو تفسيرات خاطئه في هذا المقال. He is not responsible for any errors or misinterpretations in this essay

She thinks she's morally superior to the rest of us. إنها تعتقد أنها متفوقة أخلاقيا على بقيتنا.

morally based on principles that you or people in general consider to be right, honest, or acceptable

"It's ___ ___ you to change your mind like that." "من الغريب أن تغير رأيك مثل هذا." Preposition

of odd of, strange of

"We are almost ___ ___ ___ ." "نحن تقريبا خارج الوقت." Prepositional idiom

out of time having no more (remaining) time

"Brian will be ___ ___ ___ this weekend "براين سيكون خارج المدينة في نهاية هذا الأسبوع Prepositional idiom

out of town temporarily away at a location in a different vicinity

ظاهريا ، بدا سعيدا بما فيه الكفاية. ___ , he seemed happy enough.

outwardly in a way that relates to how people, situations, or things seem to be, rather than how they are inside outwardly adv(externally, on the outside)خارجياً، نحو الخارج ظاهرياً Outwardly, the fruit was rough to the touch.

"The bird flew ___ the trees." Preposition

over movement higher than and across something else

"Parents are expected to provide ___ their children." "من المتوقع أن يقوم الآباء بإعالة أطفالهم". Preposition

provide for

لا تذهب لوضع الأفكار في راسه. لا يمكننا تحمل تكاليف سيارةجديده Don't go___ ___ into his head. We can't afford a new car.

putting ideas put ideas into sb's head to make someone want to do something they had not thought about before, especially something stupid لجعل شخص ما يريد أن يفعل شيئا لم يفكر به من قبل ، وخاصة شيء غبي

هل تصدق انها لم تطا قدمها في ماكدونالدز ؟ Can you believe she's never ___ ___ ___ a McDonald's?

set foot in set foot in (some place) تطا قدم to enter a place Used in questions and negative sentences He refuses to set foot in an art gallery Liam has never set foot in England. Peter is so rude. I'll never set foot in his house again!

وقد وضعنا مجموعه من المبادئ لمساعده القادة علي ترجمه قيمهم إلى أفعال. We have laid out a___ ___ ___ to help leaders translate their values into actions.

set of principles a group of similar things that belong together in some way a set of sth

يتم تشغيل التدفئة في الساعة 5 مساءً. The heating is ___ to come on at 5 p.m.

set to verb(GET READY) [ + to infinitive ] to get something ready so that it comes into operation or can be used: Will you set the table (= put plates, knives, forks, etc. on it ready for use), please?

انه يضع جانبا بعض الوقت كل يوم لقراءة لأطفاله. phrasal He ___ ___ some time every day to read to his children.

sets aside set aside something (SAVE) to save for a particular purpose set [sth] aside or set aside [sth] 1-(put to one side) يضع شيئًا جانبًا I set aside my work to check on the baby. Set your pencils aside and read through the test first. 2- (disregard temporarily) يتجاوز، يتخطى Set your fears aside and jump into the water.

"He could hear someone ___ ___ the TV." "كان بإمكانه سماع شخص يصرخ على التلفزيون". Preposition

shout at

حاولت امتصاص معظم اللبن المسكوب بقطعة قماش. I tried to ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ with a dishcloth.

soak up most of the spilled milk • soak [sth] up(absorb: liquid) يتشرب، يمتص You can use a sponge to soak up water.

فازوا في مجموعات متتالية They won in___ ___ (= they won every set).

straight sets set noun (PART) a part of a game of tennis or volleyball

The district continues to ___ financially. ولا تزال المقاطعةتعاني من الناحية المالية.


ليس لدي ادني فكره أين ذهبوا I haven't ___ ___ where they've gone.

the slightest idea [ + question word ] idea noun (KNOWLEDGE) an understanding, thought, or picture in your mind: فهم، فكر، أو صوره في عقلك:

هل يمكنك مساعدتي في ان اختلق فكرة للعرض التقديمي؟ Can you help me ___ ___ ___ for my presentation?

think up an idea • create an idea or plan using your imagination and intelligence • think [sth] up (invent, devise) يجد شيئًا، يخرج بشيء يختلق شيئًا

• "I went to that restaurant ___ I was told it wasn't very good." •"ذهبت إلى هذا المطعم على الرغم من/على الرغم من أن قيل لي أنه لم يكن جيد جداً."

though/although We use although, though, and even though to say that something occurred in spite of something else. Though and although are interchangeable, while even though adds extra emphasis • "I went to that restaurant even though I was told it wasn't very good."

يا جين ، لقد اختلقت حلا لمشكلتك! Hey Jane, I just ___ ___ ___ to your problem!

thought up a solution • create an idea or plan using your imagination and intelligence • think [sth] up (invent, devise) يجد شيئًا، يخرج بشيء يختلق شيئًا

"The girl became sick and ___ ___ several times." "أصبحت الفتاة مريضة وتقيأت عدة مرات. " Prepositional idiom

threw up throw up to vomit

"The burglar entered the house ___ the basement window." Preposition

through movement from one side of an enclosed space and out of the other

يؤثّر\يضع بصمه لقد بدأ يضع بصماته على شكل واتجاه شركة وول ستريت. كنت طموحًا جدًا ، وأردت أن اضع بصمتي. He is beginning ___ ___ ___ on the shape and direction of the Wall Street firm. I was very ambitious, and I wanted ___ ___ ___

to make his mark to make a mark. make your mark (have an impact) يؤثّر ديك أثُر علي التزلج علي الجليد عندما كان يؤدي أول قفزه مزدوجة. بيتر جاكسون أثُر في العالم السينمائي. Dick made his mark on figure skating when he performed the first double jump. Peter Jackson has made his mark in the cinematic realm.

"She's forcing me ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ." "إنها تجبرني على العمل خلال عطلة نهاية الأسبوع."

to work through the weekend Certain verbs do not make sense with only a direct object, especially when that direct object is a person. More information is required about the object's relationship with the verb to form a complete thought. This extra information is known as the object complement. An infinitive can also act as an object complement, which is word or group of words that describe, rename, or complete the direct object of the verb "Janet's father wants her to go to Harvard." "I would like the boss to see these reports."

"My online business really ___ ___ after it was mentioned on the news." "عملي عبر الإنترنت قد انطلق بالفعل بعد أن تم ذكره في الأخبار." Prepositional idiom

took off take off "take off" has two related but distinct meanings: to become successful or popular (usually for businesses), or to depart or go into the air (e.g., an airplane)

يجب أن يكون المديرون الناجحون قادرين على اتخاذ قرارات صعبة تحت الضغط. كانت خارج العمل لمدة أربعة أسابيع مع مرض مرتبط بالتوتر. Successful managers need to be able to make ___ ___ ___ ___ . She was off work for four weeks with a ___ ___ ___ ___

tough decisions under stress stress-related illness

تشابه غريب تشابه غير طبيعي قدره غير طبيعيه

uncanny resemblance uncanny ability uncanny adj(supernatural, strange)غير طبيعي، غريب That man bears an uncanny resemblance to my father; if I didn't know dad had been dead for fifteen years, I'd swear that was him! uncanny adj(ability: beyond normal) خارق Sonia's skill at playing the piano is uncanny.

كانت آمي كتله من الأعصاب قبل زفافها Amy___ ___ ___ ___ before her wedding

was a bundle of nerves be a bundle of nerves extremely nervous (informal) a bundle of nerves informal C2 someone who is extremely nervous and worried: Sorry for shouting - I'm a bundle of nerves these days. a bundle of nerves n figurative, informal (very nervous person) شخص عصبيّ جدًّا You're a bundle of nerves, calm down!

"I wish you had been there, for___ ___ ___ ." أتمنى لو كنت هناك ، لقد قضينا وقتًا رائعًا ".

we had a wonderful time

فريق جديد من المحققين تم استدعاءهم لإجراء تحقيق جديد. الحملة الانتخابية لم تجري بشكل نظيف للغاية. A new team of detectives ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ . The election campaign ___ ___ ___ very cleanly.

were called in to conduct a fresh inquiry was not conducted conduct verb (ORGANIZE) B2 to organize and perform a particular activity 3. conduct (carry out, perform [sth]) يُجري أجرى الموقع على الإنترنت دراسة استقصائية حول مالكي السيارات. The website conducted a survey of car owners. 4. conduct (manage, direct) يدير يدير أعماله بكفاءة تامة. He conducted his business efficiently

I love casual Fridays, ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ غير رسمي عندما نحصل على ارتداء الجينز للعمل Relative adverbs

when we get to wear jeans to work

• "He lives ___ it's always sunny." (He lives in a place that is sunny.) •"يعيش حيث يكون مشمساً دائماً." (يعيش في مكان مشمس.)

where When the dependent clause is related to a place, we use where and wherever, but they are not interchangeable. For most situations, we use where

كل من شارك فعل ذلك عن طيب خاطر. Everyone who participated did so___ .

willingly Adverb B2 in a way that shows that you are happy to do something if it is needed: أود مساعدتك عن طيب خاطر إذا لم أذهب غداً. I would willingly help you if I weren't going away tomorrow. لن يتخلوا عن طيب خاطر عن أرباحهم أو قوتهم. They will not willingly give up their profits or their power. شيء واحد مؤكد -انها لن تستقيل طواعية. One thing is certain - she won't resign willingly. أود ان اعطي حياتي عن طيب خاطر لطفلي . I would willingly give my life for that of my child

"Nicole is angry ___ her mother." "I heard he's furious ___ you!" "نيكول غاضبة من والدتها". "سمعت أنه غاضب منك!" Preposition

with angry with, furious with

• لن تمسك كارلا بتناول الطعام في مطعم رخيص ، لا. • You ___ ___ Carla eating in a cheap restaurant, oh no.

won't catch you won't catch sb doing sth said to mean that you will certainly not see someone doing a particular thing or in a particular place • You won't catch me at work after four o'clock

يجد الطلاب أن عبء العمل يزداد خلال الدورة. Students do find that their ___ ___ throughout the course.

workload increases workload noun [ C ] كمية العمل، حمل العمل the amount of work to be done, especially by a particular person or machine in a period of time: a heavy/light workload وهم يواجهون أعباء متزايدة. They face increased workloads. My workload is particularly heavy this week.

How to Make an infinitives negative?

· Put not before the infinitive. · We can also put greater emphasis on not by placing it after to.

"People from many different countries have visited here." واضاف ان "اشخاصا من العديد من الدول المختلفة زاروا هنا". What is the function of the Prepositions phrase?

From many different countries is a prepositional phrase modifying the noun people. It immediately follows that noun, and it answers the question what kind of people (people from different countries). But it also indirectly answers the question how many, because it tells the reader that a large number of people have visited

"She started going crazy___ ___ ___ ." "لقد بدأت بالجنون من انتظار الكثير". Preposition

from so much waiting Gerunds are used as the objects of prepositions to describe an action that modifies another action, thus creating adverbial prepositional phrases. These can occur at the beginning, middle, or end of the sentence

occasionally; infrequently "They return to their home country ___ ___ ___ ." واضاف "انهم يعودون الى وطنهم من وقت الى آخر." Prepositional idiom

from time to time

"Always ___ ___ if a telemarketer tries to sell you something." Prepositional idiom

hang up to end a phone call

الرياضيين المتحمسين تمرنوا لمدة ساعتين مرتين في اليوم. The hardcore athletes worked out for two hours twice a day.

hardcore (pornography: obscene) فاضح جدًا hard core n (those most committed to [sth]) متحمّس، متشدّد، شديد الولاء المتصلبون

The work is___ (= you have to work hard in a way that makes your body tired). العمل يتطلب جهدا بدنيا

physically demanding

"Could you please ___ ___ shouting?" "هل يمكن أن تمتنع عن الصراخ من فضلك؟" Preposition

refrain from

في أي وقت ننطلق غدًا؟ phrasal What time do we ___ ___ tomorrow?

set off 1- (begin a journey) ينطلق We'll have to set off very early to avoid the rush-hour traffic. 2- set off on/for [sth] + prep (begin: a journey) ينطلق في رحلة إلى شيء ينطلق في شيء That morning, we set off on our trip to California. 3- set [sth] off, set off [sth] (trigger, switch on) يشغّل He set off an alarm when he opened the back door.

"If you don't ___ ___ , I'm leaving!" "إذا كنت لا تصمت، وأنا مغادرة!" Prepositional idiom

shut up to stop talking; to be quiet

"Though he performed ___ ___ ___ among the other actors on stage, he was ___ ___ ___ dressed." "على الرغم من أنه قدم أداءً أقل إقناعًا بين الممثلين الآخرين على المسرح ، إلا أنه كان الأكثر لباسًا أصليًا." Superlative adverbs

the least compellingly the most authentically

B2 to leave something in liquid, especially in order to clean it, make it softer, or change its flavour: يمكنك عادة نقع بقعه. اترك الفاصوليا تنقع لليله. انقعي الفاكهة في البراندي لبضع ساعات قبل إضافتها إلى الخليط. You can usually___ ___ ___ . ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ overnight. ___ ___ ___ ___ brandy for a few hours before you add it to the mixture.

soak out a stain Leave the beans to soak Soak the fruit in soak [sth/sb] (immerse in liquid) ينقع Robert soaked his stained shirt in a bowl of water. نقع روبرت قميصه المبقّع في وعاء ماء.

"الأطفال ينظرون إلى العالم ببراءة ، في حين ان الكبار ينظرون اليه بخبره ." "Babies look at the world with innocence, whereas adults look at it with experience." What is the function of the whereas?

Adverbial clauses of contrast describes something that differs from or contrasts with an idea expressed in the main clause. Commonly used subordinating conjunctions include though, although, even though, whereas, and even if. Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause "Matt will go to college, even if it means taking out student loans."

" الفتوه توقفت عن القتال بمجرد ان أدرك انه كان خطا." "The bully stopped picking fights once he realized it was wrong." What is the function of once ?

Adverbial clauses of time describes when or for how long something has occurred or will occur. subordinating conjunctions include when, whenever, while, before, after, since, until, and once Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

"هل يمكن أن تعطيني نسخة من هذه الصفحة ، من فضلك؟ "اعتبره منتهي "Could you give me a copy of this page, please?" "___ ___ ___ ."

Consider it done used to say that you will do a particular task immediately

"I can get there more quickly on my new bike." "يمكنني الوصول إلى هناك بسرعة أكبر على دراجتي الجديدة." What is the function of the Prepositions phrase?

Here, on my new bike describes the adverb more quickly, answering the question "How?" or "In what manner?" It could also seem that the prepositional phrase is describing the verb get, but the information in the prepositional phrase is specific to getting there quickly

"___ would hope that this sort of behavior wouldn't be tolerated." "نأمل أن لا يتم التسامح مع هذا النوع من السلوك".

One indefinite pronoun that relates to people If one is writing something very formal or professional, then one might be better off using the indefinite pronoun one. If you're writing something a bit less formal, then you are probably just fine using the generic pronoun you

"I'm sorry ___ yesterday." "أنا آسف بشأن الأمس" Preposition

about sorry about

متعمد تمت معاقبة اللاعب على خطأ. مطلق النار اخطأ هدفه المقصود. The athlete was penalized for ___ ___ ___ The shooter missed his___ ___ ___ .

an intended foul. intended target 1. intended adj (planned) مقصود منشود 2. intended adj (deliberate) متعمد (قانون، دين) عمد

"لن أراهن على حدوث ذلك". "I wouldn't ___ ___ that happening." Preposition

bet on

The contract is not ___ until it has been formally agreed by both parties. والعقد غير ملزم إلى أن يتفق الطرفان رسميا عليه.


We'd have to sell 2000 copies of the book to ___ ___

break even to earn enough money to pay for expenses, without any profit In the first year of the business we only just managed to break even. When I play the slot machines, I'm happy when I break even. And then I wonder why I'm even playing.

• اضطررت إلى الجلوس والتقاط أنفاسي. • I had to sit down and ___ my breath.

catch verb (BREATHE) catch your breath to stop breathing for a moment, or to begin to breathe correctly again after running or other exercise

"I can always ___ ___ you to lend me a hand when I need it most." "يمكنني دائمًا الاعتماد عليك لتقديم يد المساعدة لي عندما أحتاج إليها بشدة". Prepositional idiom

count on to rely or depend on

1. Which of the following cannot function as objects in a sentence? a) Noun phrases b) Noun clauses c) Gerunds d) Adjective phrases


هذا الاستبيان يعتبر مقياسا موثوقا للراي العام This survey is ___ to be a reliable barometer of public opinion.

deemed deem= consider verb formal C2 to consider or judge something in a particular way: (view as) يعتبر شيئًا/شخصًا شيئًا، يكون شيئًا في نظره deem [sb/sth] [sth] يصرّ جيرالد دائمًا على مقابلة حبيب ابنته ليرى إن كانا مناسبَين في نظره. Gerald always insists on meeting his daughter's boyfriends to see if he deems them suitable

إنه ملتزم بشدة بالتميز في التعليم. انها منافسة بشدة انها مستقلة بشدة. He's ___ ___ to excellence in education. She's___ ___ ___ . fiercely committed fiercely competitive/independent

fiercely 1- fiercely adv (animal: savagely) بعنف، بشراسة The dogs fought fiercely till their owners managed to separate them. 2- fiercely adv (weather: violently, intensely) بشكل عنيف The storm raged fiercely through the night. 3- fiercely adv (sport: intensely, eagerly) بحماس، باندفاع The team fiercely defended their goal but still lost

جدي يبلغ من العمر 87 عامًا ، لكنه لائق جدا ويمشي لمسافة طويلة كل يوم. My grandad is 87, but he's ___ ___ and goes for a long walk every day.

fighting fit fighting fit adjective [ after verb ] extremely healthy: At 73, she's still fighting fit, walking five miles a day.

"The cake is ___ ___ fresh blueberries." "الكعكة مليئة بالتوت الطازج. " Preposition

filled with With may also be employed in passive sentences to describe the states of people or things

"The piñata is ___ ___ hundreds of pieces of candy." "البيناتا محشوة بمئات القطع من الحلوى" Preposition

filled with With may also be employed in passive sentences to describe the states of people or things

"He lived abroad ___ many years." Prepositions

for durations of time

"I could hear music ___ ___ ." "يمكن أن أسمع الموسيقى من بعيد." Prepositional idiom

from afar from a distance; coming from far away

"Dad is ___ ___ a mid-life crisis." "أبي يمر بأزمة منتصف العمر" Preposition

go through to experience (something difficult)

سلمت ورقة الفصل في وقت متأخر She ___ her term paper ___ late

hand in something to give something to an authority or responsible person: hand [sth] in (submit) يسلّم شيئًا The students handed in their assignments to the teacher

"The family is hoping ___ a miracle." "العائلة تأمل في معجزة" Preposition

hope for

• "Is she ___ ___ politics?" 1. "هل هي متورطة في السياسة؟" Preposition


"Michelle is learning about film production." Preposition

learn about

لقد سئمت من الحياة الأثارة، لذلك سأتخلى عن وظيفتي المبيعات التنفيذية والانتقال إلى الريف I've had enough of ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ , so I'm giving up my executive sales job and moving to the countryside.

life in the fast lane We talk about life in the fast lane to mean a life that is active, exciting and dangerous. Life in the slow lane is correspondingly lacking in excitement and danger

"Be careful climbing ___ that ledge." Preposition

onto movement ending on top of something

"What are you talking ___ ?" Preposition

talk about

"We must leave now in order___ ___ ___ ." "يجب أن نغادر الآن من أجل اللحاق بقطارنا."

to catch our train We can also use infinitives as adverbs to modify the main verb in a sentence, describing a reason why an action is, was, or will be done. Infinitives used in this way are often known as infinitives of purpose. We can also use the phrases in order and so as to add formal emphasis to an infinitive of purpose

أسعار الأسهم أخذت في الانخفاض بسرعه الأسبوع الماضي. Share prices ___ ___ ___ last week.

took a nosedive take a nosedive =went down suddenly and fast

"She works ___ the government." تعمل لحساب "انها تعمل للحكومة". Preposition

work for

"Please pass me the salt." Identify indirect object

(The pronoun me is receiving the direct object the salt, which receives the action of the verb pass.)

Complete these sentences using collocations from C opposite. 1 Lila's been away a whole year and now she's back. We must have a party to ___ ___ ___ 2 Our son lives at home right now, but he'll be 21 soon. He'll finish university and then he'll probably ___ ___ 3 I've lived here almost a year now and I'm really beginning to ___ ___ 4 I'll leave the keys to my flat with the neighbor. Just go in and ___ ___ 5 Alexis thought she would miss her friends and family when she started her new job in Rome but she soon found she had no time to ___ ___

1 ... welcome her home. . 2 ... leave home / move out. . 3 ... feel at home. 4 ... make yourself at home 5 ... feel homesick

Complete with suitable collocations. 1 Hundreds of___ fans were waiting for Shamira to come out of the concert hall. 2 The orchestra gave a wonderful___ of some popular classics. 3 It was a very___ tune; you only had to hear it once and you were singing it. 4 I'd love to___ a musical instrument but I don't have time. 5 It is one of those___ melodies which you never forget, so beautiful, yet so sad. There's a lot of musical___ in the family; all the children play an instrument.

1 adoring 4 take up 2 performance 5 haunting 3 catchy 6 talent

replace get 1 Many musicians who get arthritis experience the tragedy of no longer being able to play their instrument. 2 More than 50 passengers on the flight got moderate or severe diarrhoea. Medical officials suspect the in-flight catering was responsible. 3 To get cancer is the most frightening experience, and people often need intense counselling to cope with it. 4 Millions of people get malaria each year in poorer countries, and drugs to treat it are in short supply. 5 Mr Taylor escaped with bruises, but experts say he was lucky not to have got serious injuries. 6 Patients often get pneumonia while in hospital. In fact, experts now think hospitals may be the worst place to be if you are sick and weak.

1 develop arthritis 2 had/suffered/experienced moderate or severe attacks of diarrhoea 3 To be diagnosed with cancer 4 contract malaria 5 sustained serious injuries 7 catch pneumonia

1 What kind of accommodation would suit a student who has no furniture of his or her own? 2 What kind of accommodation would suit someone who is only going to be in a place for three months? 3 What part of town would you want to live in if you wanted to be somewhere where there are lots of private houses and no factories or other work places? 4 What kind of accommodation would suit a young single person who would prefer to live alone rather than to share? 5 If accommodation doesn't have its own garage, what else might it have to make life easier for car- owning residents? 6 If you are moving into a new unfurnished house, but don't need to take a washing machine, cooker or fridge with you, what does the house have?

1 fully-furnished accommodation 2 short-let accommodation 3 a residential area 4 a studio flat 5 off-road parking 6 a fully-fitted kitchen

الخدمة في بعض الأحيان بطيئة ، ولكن كل الأشياء في الاعتبار ، مطعم ممتاز. بدائل لغزو كانت غير معتبره من قبل السياسيين. The service is sometimes slow, but ___ ___ ___ it's a great restaurant Alternatives to invasion were ___ ___ by the politicians.

1. all things considered expr (ultimately) كل الأشياء في عين الاعتبار اخذ 2. not considered adj (not taken into account) غير معتبر not considered adj (not widely thought to be) Torture is not considered acceptable

1 Which words could be used to describe someone's waist? 2 Which word is likely to be used of a rather physically awkward young person? 3 Which word means 'fat but in a pleasant way'? 4 Which word is more likely to be used to describe a man rather than a woman(fat and round)? 5 Which word is more likely to be used to describe a woman rather than a man(short and fat)?

1. slender waist خصر رفيع 2. lanky youth 3. chubby ممتلى 4. portly man 5. dumpy women

"He's not sure whether he'll be able to attend the game or not." "إنه غير متأكد مما إذا كان سيتمكن من حضور اللعبة أم لا."

?,, whether Or We use whether / or to express doubt between two possible options. Whether has the same meaning as if in this regard

Collocation of word نصيحة مصطلح شائع شفهياً شتيمة كلام فارغ يعطي وعدًا، يعد يتراجع في كلامه تحدّث مع يقول كلمة الفصل معروف جدًّا، مشهور جدًّا، اسم على كل لسان باختصار يفي بوعده رجل يفي بوعوده كلمة شرف يبقى صامتاً ينشر الخبر ثق، يعول على كلام فلان حرفياً نصيحة كلام الناس

A word of advice (I warn or recommend the following) نصيحة Just a word of advice - don't plant peas in Wisconsin in March, whatever the books may say! • Buzzword n (trendy term) مصطلح شائع • by word of mouth adv (from what others say) شفهياً، مشافهة • curse word, swear word n (obscene language) شتيمة • empty words informal (talk: insincere) كلام فارغ • give your word (promise) يعطي وعدًا، يعد He'll be here! He gave his word! • go back on your word v (not keep a promise) يتراجع في كلامه Janice went back on her word to help me with the cooking. • have a word with informal (discuss) تحدّث مع The boss had a word with Bill about his chronic tardiness. • have the last word (make the final remark) يقول كلمة الفصل Amy and Jake can argue with each other for hours because each of them insists on having the last word. • household word (US), household name (UK) n([sth] or [sb] famous) معروف جدًّا، مشهور جدًّا، اسم على كل لسان All of these famous actresses are household names. The footballer David Beckham is now a household name. • in a word adv (succinctly) باختصار "How was your day?" "In a word, awful!" • in one word adv (in summary) باختصار، بإيجاز How was the movie? In one word, awful. • keep your word v (fulfil a promise) يفي بوعده He never keeps his word. He always tells my secrets. A good friend is one who keeps his word. إنه لا يفي يوعده أبداً، ودائكا ما يبوح بأسراري. الصديق الجيد هو الذي يفي بوعده. • kind word n (friendly remark) الكلمة الطيبة Mr. Brady has a great disposition and always has a kind word for everyone. • man of his word n (male: keeps promises) رجل يفي بوعوده I've worked with him, and I know him to be a man of his word. • my word n (my solemn promise) كلمة شرف، وعد On my word, I will be there on time. This car is in 100% perfect condition, I give you my word. أوعدك أني سأحضر في الموعد المحدد. • not say a word v (remain silent) يبقى صامتاً, لا يفشي سراً Be quiet and don't say a word, or they will discover where we are hiding. • spread the word v (make others aware) يعمم الخبر، ينشر الخبر take [sb]'s word for [sth] v (believe) يثق، يعول على كلام فلان Don't take my word for it - look it up for yourself. • word for word adv (verbatim, using the exact wording) حرفياً The cheater copied his neighbor's answer word for word. • word of advice n (caution or recommendation) تنبيه، نصيحة، توصية • My word of advice is get to know someone before asking her to marry you. Graduation speakers usually give the graduates some words of advice about the future. • word of mouth n (personal recommendation) كلام الناس، توصية الناس He hoped that word of mouth would attract customers to his landscape business. Word-of-mouth advertising is not always reliable. الدعاية الشفاهية لا يمكن الاعتماد عليها في كل وقت

"Do you have any information ___ the changes in the schedule?" "هل لديك أية معلومات حول التغييرات في الجدول؟" Preposition

About When paired with a noun, "about means concerning or in regard to

do we use was or were to indicate wishes or desire?

Although it is becoming increasingly common to use was in everyday writing and speech, you should always use were when talking about wishes or desires, especially in formal, professional, or academic contexts.

المسافرون الذين لديهم مقاعد في الصفوف من 1 إلى 25 مدعوون الآن إلى ركوب الطائرة. Passengers with seats in rows 1 to 25 are now invited to ___ the plane.

Board يجب علي الركاب ربط احزمه الأمان الخاصة بهم قبل الإقلاع والهبوط. Passengers must fasten their seatbelts before take-off and landing. فندق الاماره كان متاهلك، كنا بخيبة أمل جدا. The Principality Hotel was rather run-down and we were very disappointed. يمكنك إنفاق الكثير من المال والبقاء في فندق فخم أو يمكنك البحث عن سكن اقتصادي. You can spend a lot of money and stay in a luxury hotel or you can look for budget accommodation

"I prefer to go out on a Friday than to stay at home." "I prefer going out on a Friday than staying at home." What is the difference in meaning ?

Certain verbs can take either gerunds or infinitives as direct objects. In some cases, this results in no difference in meaning. "They hate to get bad news." "They hate getting bad news."

Situation: "He has lived in New York City his whole life." (present perfect tense) Express wish

Desire: "He wishes he had lived somewhere else at some point." (past perfect tense) for a wish about a Situation in the present, we use the past tense equivalent of the verb

___ laws are ___ American automakers to take electric alternatives to gas engines seriously. تجبر القوانين البيئية شركات صناعة السيارات الأمريكية على أخذ البدائل الكهربائية لمحركات الغاز على محمل الجد.

Environmental forcing

ارتكب خطا ولكني لا احمله ضده-كلنا نرتكب أخطاء. He made a mistake but ___ ___ ___ ___ - we all make mistakes.

I don't hold it against him hold it/that against sb to like someone less because they have done something wrong or behaved badly in the past أن تحب شخص أقل لأنهم ارتكبوا خطأ ما أو تصرفوا بشكل سيء في الماضي

You look ___ like your sister. أنت تشبه أختك تماما Can you put your signature ___ here? هل يمكنك وضع توقيعك هنا فقط ؟

Just meaning 'exactly'

• "___ , we're not allowed to sit here." (According to official rules, we are not allowed to sit here.) رسمياً، لا يُسمح لنا بالجلوس هنا Viewpoint Adverbs


"___ ___ ___ , the boy welcomed his father after three months away." "راكضا إلى السيارة ، ورحب الصبي والده بعد ثلاثة أشهر بعيدا." Present participle

Running to the car When a participle or participle phrase occurs in the initial position, it is usually separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma

لقد توصلنا إلى تفاهم مشترك. المصطلح المتعارف عليه لكلمة "صامت" هو عدم وجود ضوضاء على الإطلاق. We have reached a___ ___ . ___ ___ ___ of the word "silent" is no noise whatsoever.

The common understanding • common understanding n (mutual agreement) تفاهم متبادل • common understanding n (usual interpretation (of [sth])) المصطلح المتعارف عليه

___ ___ ___ ___ for creative people has existed for centuries. إغراء المدينة للأشخاص المبدعين موجود منذ قرون

The lure of the city noun إغراء temptation, tempted, lure, entice, seduced, tempting شرك the quality or power that something or someone has that makes it, him, or her attractive the lure of fame the lure of power the lure of money

يبدو الطريق ممهد لتكرار نهائي العام الماضي ___ ___ ___ ___ for a repeat of last year's final

The stage looks set set the stage (for something) السبيل تمهد to make it possible for something else to happen لجعل من الممكن لشيء آخر ان يحدث

How to form The past participle?

Unlike the present participle, the past participle form changes depending on the verb. The past participle of regular verbs ends in "-ed," and is generally the same as the simple past tense of the verb. The past participle form of irregular verbs has a variety of endings that must be memorized. Note that the past participle is usually (but not always) different from the past simple form for irregular verbs. eat ate eaten run ran run sing sang sung think thought thought write wrote written be was/were been

Replace the underlined words The home you've always imagined could be waiting for you at Highdale Cottages. All cottages let you see the River Marn. Ideal for anyone seeking a house used only for weekends or holidays in the area.

Your dream home All cottages have a view of the second home

1. Which of the following sentences contains an idiom that ends with a preposition? 2. Which of the following sentences uses an idiomatic phrasal verb incorrectly? a) "I came around an interesting book recently." b) "Did the two of you make up yet?" c) "He has no choice but to call off the trip." d) "The neighbor's dogs are acting up again."


"جارتي غاضبة من الموسيقى الصاخبة التي عزفناها الليلة الماضية". "My neighbor is ___ ___ the loud music we played last night." Preposition

about angry about, furious about, mad about

"Joe is ___ ___ studying abroad next semester." جو قلق بشأن الدراسة في الخارج في الفصل الدراسي المقبل". Preposition

about anxious about, nervous about, stressed about, worried about

"Rachel is ___ ___ finding a job." "راشيل متوترة حول العثور على وظيفة." Preposition

about anxious about, nervous about, stressed about, worried about

"Her answer ___ the teacher's question was incorrect." Preposition

answer to

• "She's good ___ skateboarding." • "She's bad ___ skateboarding." • Preposition


"The man begged ___ a second chance." "توسل الرجل للحصول على فرصة ثانية. " Preposition

beg for

"From a ___ point of view, insects are some of the most amazing creatures on the planet." "من وجهة نظر بيولوجية، الحشرات هي بعض من المخلوقات الأكثر إثارة للدهشة على هذا الكوكب." Viewpoint Adverbs

biological Also we could use without any change in meaning : • adverb + "speaking" • "in terms of" + noun • "in" + adjective + "terms" • "from a" + adjective + "point of view" • "as far as" + noun + "is concerned"

• Our products compare favourably with all the leading ___ . منتجاتنا مقارنة ايجابية مع جميع العلامات التجارية الرائدة.

brand ماركة العلامة التجارية noun (PRODUCT) a type of product made by a particular company an upmarket brand name اسم العلامة التجارية الراقي

Because of one minor offence he was ___ ___ a common criminal. بسبب جريمة بسيطة واحدة ، وُصف بأنه مجرم شائع.

brand as verb (JUDGE) tag, label وصف to say that you think someone is the sort of person that is stated [ T + obj + noun/adj ] The newspapers have branded the rebel MP a fool

This isn't my usual ___ of deodorant. هذه ليست علامتي المعتادة لمزيل العرق

brand of ماركة العلامة التجارية noun (PRODUCT) a type of product made by a particular company

"Participants ___ ___ will be removed from the competition." "سيتم استبعاد المشاركين الذين يخالفون القواعد من المسابقة". Present participle

breaking the rules if it occurs in the middle position and is essential to the meaning of the sentence, it should not be set apart by commas

هذا ليس عشاءًا خاصًا ، لذا يرجى دعوة أصدقائك واجلب معك زجاجة نبيذ This is not a private dinner so please invite your friends and ___ ___ a bottle of wine

bring [sth/sb] along (carry or take: to a given place) يجلب معه شيئًا/شخصًا، يُحضر معه شيئًا/شخصًا

"You can't just ___ ___ what happened between you two." "لا يمكنك تجاهل ما حدث بينكما." Prepositional idiom

brush off to ignore something; to pretend something important is not important

"He makes intricate sculptures ___ ___ "انه يجعل المنحوتات المعقدة باليد." Prepositional idiom

by hand without the use of machinery

She accused the party and, by ___ , its leader too. واتهمت الحزب ، وهذا يعني ضمنيًا قائده أيضًا.

by implication noun an occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly مناسبه عندما يبدو انك توحي شيئا دون القول مباشره تضمين inclusion, implication, implying hint (INDIRECT STATEMENT)

"I went to the wrong location ___ ___ "ذهبت إلى موقع خاطئ عن طريق الخطأ." Prepositional idiom

by mistake unintentionally; not deliberately; as a mistake

"___ ___ ___ , have you written your essay yet?" بالمناسبة، هل كتبت مقالك حتى الآن؟ Prepositional idiom

by the way incidentally (used to introduce a different topic)

حان الوقت لاستدعاء الأطفال لتناول العشاء. الجدة والجد زارنا اليوم وشربنا جميعًا الشاي It's time to ___ the children ___ for supper. Grandma and Grandad ___ ___ today and we all had tea

call [sb] in (summon) يستدعي شخصًا call in UK (visit) يزور

"Something ___ ___ yesterday, so I was unable to attend the event." "حدث شيء بالأمس ، لذا لم أتمكن من حضور الحدث." Prepositional idiom

came up to happen (usually unexpectedly)

She leaves her ___ untouched in the bank and lives on the ___ . تترك رأس مالها في البنك وتعيش على الفائدة.

capital Interest noun (MONEY) راس المال money and possessions, especially a large amount of money used for producing more wealth or for starting a new business المال والممتلكات ، وخاصه كميه كبيره من المال المستخدمة لإنتاج المزيد من الثروة أو لبدء اعمال تجاريه جديده

اختيار المهنة الخيار الوظيفي بالنسبة له ، كان الفن طريقة للحياة ، وليس اختيارًا مهنيًا. شون هو ميال للوظيفة للغاية وطموح.

career choice career option For him, art was a way of life, not a career choice. career-minded Sean is very career-oriented and ambitious. career n (profession) مهنة Many children want a career as a doctor. عندما يُسأل الأطفال عن المهنة التي يريدونها حين يكبرون، كثيرون يجيبون الطبيب. career n (progress in work) سيرة مهنية Martin had a long career at the company. كانت لمارتن سيرة مهنية طويلة في الشركة.

هذا هو أحدث شيء في سلسلة من الحوادث. هل هذه علامة على أن زواجنا لن ينجح This is just the latest thing in a___ ___ ___ . Is this a sign that our marriage won't work?

chapter of accidents سلسلة من الحوادث to be a series of unpleasant events: The whole trip was a chapter of accidents.

توقف الإنتاج بسبب الإضراب. Production has ___ ___ ___ because of the strike.

come to a standstill come to a standstill= stopped

"How does the restaurant's soup ___ ___ Vera's?" "كيف يمكن مقارنة حساء المطعم مع فيرا؟" Preposition

compare with

2. The following sentence contains which type of noun phrase? "Full moons shine brightly." a) article b) infinitive c) participle d) adjective


"الضرر الذي لحق بالسيارة أسوأ مما كنت أعتقد أنه سيكون." "The damage ___ the car is worse than I thought it'd be." Preposition

damage to

"He eventually ___ ___ a career path." "قرر في نهاية المطاف على مسار وظيفي." Preposition

decide on

"نيد لديه تفان شديد في عمله المدرسي." "Ned has intense dedication ___ his schoolwork." Preposition

dedication to

a defiant attitude/ a defiant gesture The protesters blocking the entrance to the offices remained ___ this morning. ظل المتظاهرون الذين أغلقوا مدخل المكاتب متحديين هذا الصباح.

defiant adjective proudly refusing to obey authority رفض بفخر طاعة السلطة

"You can't ___ ___ him forever." "لا يمكنك الاعتماد عليه إلى الأبد." "Too many students ___ ___ the Internet to conduct research." "يعتمد عدد كبير جداً من الطلاب على الإنترنت لإجراء البحوث." Preposition

depend on, rely on

The government shouldn't ___ how we run our businesses. لا يجب علي الحكومة ان تملي كيفيه أداره أعمالنا

dictate dictate how/when/what, etc.

"The wind has ___ ___ a bit." "لقد تلاشت الريح قليلاً". Prepositional idiom

died down to lessen in intensity or become weaker

"She disagrees ___ my suggestion." Preposition

disagree with

"I ___ ___ visiting Europe." "أحلم بزيارة أوروبا. " Preposition

dream of

"___ will get a turn to speak." "كل واحد سيحصل علي دوره في الكلام "

each indefinite pronouns that can refer to both things and people. Try to see if you can figure out which each is referring to by the information in the sentence

The programme is aimed at helping cities pursue ___ friendly development. يهدف البرنامج إلى مساعدة المدن على متابعة التنمية الصديقة للبيئة. Adv


"My sister, ___ after a long day's work, has fallen asleep on the sofa." "أختي ، المنهكة بعد يوم عمل طويل ، قد غلبت النوم على الأريكة." Past participle

exhausted Past participle phrase If we use the past participle, the noun being modified is either given a passive role in the action, or else is being described. my sister is not the agent of the verb exhaust. Instead, exhausted is used to describe how she feels

"She has little experience ___ backpacking." "لديها القليل من الخبرة في حقائب الظهر." Preposition

experience in

"The company offered assurances that it does not ___ ___ animals." "قدمت الشركة تأكيدات بأنها لا تجرب على الحيوانات". Preposition

experiment on

Which of the following is a distinguishing feature of infinitives? They cannot conjugate for tense or person They can function as a noun, adjective, or adverb They are preceded by the word to A & C B & C All of the above


"My niece has a fear ___ the dark." "ابنة أخي لديها خوف من الظلام. " Preposition

fear of

"I ___ ___ the wedding reception." "لقد نسيت حفل الزفاف. " Preposition

forget about

formally (OFFICIALLY) The deal will be ___ announced on Tuesday. وسيتم الإعلان عن الصفقة رسميا يوم الثلاثاء.


He was ___ in a grey suit. وكان يرتدي رسميا بدلة رمادية.

formally dressed adverb (SERIOUSLY/CORRECTLY)

• "Turquoise is ___ ___ blue." (point of opposition) "الفيروز يختلف عن الأزرق." (نقطة المعارضة) Preposition


Voters ___ ___ ___ ___ the government's economic record last night by voting overwhelmingly for the opposition. أصدر الناخبون حكمهم علي السجل الاقتصادي للحكومة الليلة الماضية بالتصويت بأغلبيه ساحقه علي ال معارضه.

gave their verdict on verdict noun حكم rule, provision, ruling, judgment, sentenced, judgement an opinion or decision made after judging the facts that are given, especially one made at the end of a trial

"It might seem like the end of the world, but life still ___ ___ after setbacks like this." "قد تبدو نهاية العالم ، لكن الحياة لا تزال مستمرة بعد نكسات مثل هذه." Prepositional idiom

go on to continue

الأكمام سترتي عصا علي مقبض الباب وممزق. The sleeve of my jacket ___ ___ on the door handle and ripped.

got caught on got caught in catch verb (STICK) to stick somewhere, or to make something stick somewhere Her hair got caught (up) in her hairdryer

"Could you ___ ___ a moment?" "هل يمكن أن تنتظر لحظة؟" Prepositional idiom

hang on Informal to wait; to be patient

"It was obvious he really enjoyed dinner, ___ ___ a second helping of dessert." "كان من الواضح أنه كان يستمتع حقًا بالعشاء ، بعد أن حصل على مساعدة ثانية من الحلوى". Present participle

having had when it occurs in final position but not immediately after the noun that it modifies, it does need a comma

The incident has serious security ___ . وتترتب علي الحادث اثار أمنيه خطيره.

implications noun the effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the future الآثار/ انعكاسات/ التداعيات/ تبعات/ مضاعفات effects, impacts, consequences reflections, implications, repercussions

"Writers describe everything ___ ___ "الكتاب يصفون كل شيء بالتفصيل." Prepositional idiom

in detail thoroughly; comprehensively

سيكون ميلي هو البحث عن وظيفة أخرى. My own ___ would be to look for another job

inclination noun (FEELING) C2 [ C or U ] [ + to infinitive ] a feeling that you want to do a particular thing, or the fact that you prefer or are more likely to do a particular thing: 1- (tendency) ميل She has an inclination to argue when she's tired. لديها ميل للجدال عندما تكون متعبة. 2- (person: disposition) مزاج، نزعة He's of a rather melancholy inclination. Synonyms desire (WANT) persuasion (BELIEFS) tendency willingness wish (WANT)

انها ذكيه جدا ولكنها ليست ميالة أكاديميا She's very bright, but she's not academically___ .

inclined adjective C2 having natural artistic, technical, etc. ability: likely or wanting to do something: توم يميل إلى ان يكون كسول. Tom is inclined to be lazy. لا يبدو ان أحدا يميل للمساعدة. No one seemed inclined to help

What do you ___ __ ___ her refusal? ماذا تستنتج من رفضها ؟

infer from verb formal to form an opinion or guess that something is true because of the information that you have لتكوين راي أو تخمين ان هناك شيء صحيح بسبب المعلومات التي لديك استنتج Conclude, deduce دل Indicate, denote, استدل infer, deduce

"She ___ ___ joining us." "أصرت على الانضمام إلينا." Preposition

insist on

"Do you have any intention ___ going out today?" "هل لديك أي نية للخروج اليوم؟" Preposition

intention of

"If you jump ___ the water like this, you can make a big splash." Preposition

into movement ending inside something

He was ___ relieved that the test was cancelled. كان مرتاحًا داخليًا لإلغاء الاختبار.

inwardly inside your mind and not expressed to other people

"Neither the plumber nor the electrician ___ here yet." "لا سباك ولا كهربائي هنا حتى الآن."

is In general, when we join two singular subjects using a correlative conjunction, the verb that follows should be singular

"What do you know ___ physics?" Preposition

know about

لا يمكنها الدخول لهذا المكتب والبدء بفرض رايها She can't just come into this office and start ___ ___ ___ ___ .

lay down the law informal to forcefully make known what you think should happen

Supermarket chains try to ___ customers with price discounts. تحاول سلاسل المتاجر الكبرى جذب العملاء بخصومات على الأسعار.

lure lure sb with sth verb [ T ] إغواء/ استدراج/ جذب/ أغريت Seduce/attract to persuade someone to do something or go somewhere by offering them something exciting

We were attracted by the ___ of quick money. لقد جذبنا إغراء المال السريع

lure noun إغراء temptation, tempted, lure, entice, seduced, tempting شرك the quality or power that something or someone has that makes it, him, or her attractive the lure of fame the lure of power the lure of money He resisted the lure of Hollywood.

لا أستطيع التحدث باللغة الفرنسية، لذا فقد تم تصنيفي كأجنبي فور وصولي إلى فرنسا. I can't speak a word of French so I'm ___ ___ as a foreigner as soon as I arrive in France.

marked out to be shown to be different because of a certain characteristic: (be a notable characteristic of) يميز

"When will you meet ___ her?" Preposition

meet with

إنها تعتقد أنها متفوقة أخلاقيا على بقيتنا. She thinks she's ___ superior to the rest of us.

morally based on principles that you or people in general consider to be right, honest, or acceptable

"I can't believe ___/ ___ came to my play!" "لا أستطيع أن أصدق أن أحدا لم يأت إلى مسرحيتي!"

nobody/no one/no-one indefinite pronoun that relates to people

"She not only cleaned her room, but she also washed the dishes." (The speaker is surprised that she did both chores.) "لم تنظف غرفتها فحسب ، بل غسلت الصحون أيضًا." (فوجئت المتحدثة بأنها قامت بالأعمال المنزلية).

not only but also We use not only / but also to emphasize an additional element in the sentence, especially when its occurrence seems contradictory or surprising in light of what we already know

"This house is ___ large ___ cozy." (The speaker believes that large houses are not usually cozy.) "هذا المنزل ليس فقط كبيرة ولكن أيضا مريحة." (يعتقد المتحدث أن المنازل الكبيرة ليست عادة مريحة.)

not only but also We use not only / but also to emphasize an additional element in the sentence, especially when its occurrence seems contradictory or surprising in light of what we already know

"How ___ ___ that boy to drop out of high school." "كم هو غبي من هذا الولد أن ينقطع عن المدرسة الثانوية" Preposition

of stupid of

The security guards escorted the protesters ___ ___ ___ اصطحب حراس الأمن المتظاهرين خارج المبنى

off the Premises (= away from) noun [ plural ] مبان أماكن مقار the land and buildings owned by someone, especially by a company or organization We haven't yet managed to find new premises that are suitable for our purposes.

من الصعب تحديد سبب المبيعات بعيده عن التوقعات. لماذا توقعاته بعيدة عن الوتقعات؟ It is difficult to pinpoint why sales are___ ___ ___ . Why are his projections so ___ ___ ___

off the mark far off the mark not at the level that was expected

"Aspiring surgeons learn how to ___ ___ people." "الجراحون الطموحون يتعلمون كيفية العمل على الناس." Preposition

operate on

"What sports did you ___ ___ as a kid?" "ما هي الرياضة التي شاركت فيها عندما كنت طفلا؟" Preposition

participate in

لدي فكرة جيدة عن سبب مغادرتهم مبكرًا. I've got a ___ ___ ___ ___ they left early.

pretty good idea why idea noun (KNOWLEDGE) an understanding, thought, or picture in your mind: فهم، فكر، أو صوره في عقلك:

الآن ، أود أن أقترح نخب العروس والعريس. يرجى رفع اقداحكم. اليشم وثيو! قد يكون سنوات عديدة من النعيم المترابط So now, I'd like to ___ ___ ___ to the bride and groom. Please raise your glasses. To Jade and Theo! May they have many years of___ ___ !'

propose a toast also make a toast wedded bliss wedded bliss n (happiness in marriage) نعمة الزواج Our marriage was a happy one; in fact we had 36 years of wedded bliss. (usually used slightly humorously) happiness through being married

سيارة شرطة اوقفتنا إلى جانب الطريق وفتش اثنان من رجال الشرطة السيارة. A police car ___ ___ ___ to the side of the road and two police officers searched the car.

pulled us over

مع مرور أسبوع قبل حفل زفاف آن، وصلت الاستعدادات إلى درجة الحمى With a week to go before Anne's wedding, preparations had___ ___ ___ .

reached fever pitch to reach fever pitch [a point of very high intensity] bring to fever pitch informal (cause to be frenzied) يجهله يهتاج a state of very strong emotion: Excitement at the stadium had reached/was at fever pitch

These people are living on ___ low incomes. ويعيش هؤلاء الأشخاص علي دخلمنخفضنسبيا.

relatively adverb نسبيا relatively good, bad, etc. quite good, bad, etc. in comparison with other similar things or with what you expect He's a relatively good squash player. There was relatively little violence

Some hospitals are so ___ that doctors have to work 20-hour shifts. If a company or organization is short-handed, it does not have the usual or necessary number of workers We've got two people out sick so we're ___ today.

short-handed adjective Synonyms Undermanned Understaffed

العمل هو دائم راكد في هذا الوقت من السنه . Business is always ___ at this time of year.

slack Business adjective (NOT ACTIVE) showing little activity; not busy or happening in a positive way

May was a very slack month for the entire industry. الركود السوق الطلب الركود المبيعات وقت الركود فتره الركود

slack market slack demand slack sales slack time slack period Summer is usually a slack time for energy demand. الصيف هو عاده وقت الركود للطلب علي الطاقة.

"Greg has a talent ___ stand-up comedy." "جريج لديه موهبة للكوميديا. " Preposition

talent for

"He had ___ to say in his defense." " كان لديه هذا ليقول في دفاعه".

this indefinite pronouns that only apply to things "Is there something you'd like to say?" "I don't care what I eat, so just order me anything."

"His idea is ___ ___ mine." "فكرته مشابهة لفكرتي" Preposition

to similar to

كلينتون وزيديلو أمرا مجلس وزراءهما باعداد استراتيجية مشتركة لمكافحة المخدرات. نحتاج إلى ابتكار نظام ما يمكن للناس من خلاله الاتصال ببعضهم البعض. Clinton and Zedillo ordered their respective Cabinets ___ ___ ___ ___ We need to___ ___ ___ ___ whereby people can liaise with each other.

to devise a common counter-drug strategy. devise some sort of system • devise (invent idea, plan) يعدّ، يبتكر يدبّر The prisoner devised an escape plan. • Devise C2 to invent a plan, system, object, etc., usually using your intelligence or imagination

"Let me know if you decide ___ ___ ___ ." "اسمحوا لي أن أعرف إذا قررت أن تغادر في وقت مبكر."

to leave early A direct object is a person or thing that directly receives the action of the verb in a clause. An infinitive that acts as the object of another verb is sometimes known as a verb complement. Remember that intransitive verbs do not take direct objects, so you will only find infinitives used as the objects of transitive verbs

"Give your brother something ___ ___ ___ ." "امنح أخيك شيئًا ما للعب به."

to play with (To play with modifies the pronoun something.) When infinitives are used as adjectives, they function in a similar way to relative clauses (also known as adjective clauses), providing more information about a noun or pronoun that they appear directly after

"He remembered ___ off the oven, but his husband thought he'd left it on." "تذكر أنه أغلق الفرن ، لكن زوجه ظن أنه تركه".

turning Gerunds can also act as the direct object of some verbs

تستثمر شركة السيارات الأمريكية العملاقة وشريكها في الصين ملايين الدولارات لاستكشاف طرق لتقليل الاعتماد على البنزين. ليس لدي ما يكفي من المعرفة لإصدار حكم. كنت خجولًا جدًا لاقول التعليق لن اخمن رأيًا عن ذلك The American car giant and its venture partner in China are investing millions of dollars to explore ways of reducing reliance on petrol. I don't have enough knowledge to venture a judgement. I was too shy to venture a comment I wouldn't venture an opinion about that

venture verb formal C2 1. venture v (dare to go, do [sth] risky, say) يتجرأ، تكون له الجرأة يغامر بدخول ينطوي على خطر يقوم بشيء The children ventured into the abandoned house. The explorer ventured to unknown lands. The stuntman ventured an attempt at jumping over three buses on a motorbike. The young executive ventured that the boss's favourite client was cheating the company. تجرّأ المدير الشابّ على القول إنّ العميل المفضّل عند ربّ العمل إنما يغشّ الشركة. تجرّأ الأولاد على دخول البيت المهجور. غامر المستكشف بدخول أراضٍ مجهولة قام المجازف بمحاولة قفز فوق 3 حافلات على دراجة نارية 2. venture [sth] ( a guess) venture a guess يخمن Anyone who ventures a guess will be awarded a prize. يعتقد يخمن Mary's colleague ventured that her evident happiness was due to a new love in her life. قالت زميلة ماري إنها تعتقد أن سعادة ماري الجليّة إنما هي ناجمة عن حبّ جديد في حياتها. 3. venture [sth] (expose [sth] to risk) يجازف بشيء، يخاطر بشيء The businessman ventured his house as capital for his project. Lara ventured her life to help those infected by the virus. 4. venture n (risky activity) مغامرة، مجازفة Jane led a venture to cross the Sahara. خاضت جاين مجازفة بمحاولتها عبور الصحراء الكبرى. 5. venture n (risky commercial activity) (ينطوي على مجازفة) مشروع تجاري You should always make sure you know the risks associated with any venture you invest in. • business venture n (start-up business/business investment involving risk) الانطلاق بالعمل التجاري مغامرة تجارية Most business ventures in my town don't last longer than six months. • joint venture n (business: joint enterprise) مشروع مشترك، شركة • venture to say (dare say, be so bold as to say) يجرؤ على القول

"I'm waiting ___ the bus." Preposition

wait for

When he goes on holiday, it takes him the first couple of days just to___ ___ . to gradually relax after doing something that has made you tired or worried

wind down if a business, situation, activity, etc. winds down, or is wound down, it gradually ends: They're winding down their overseas operation because it is losing money The City has started to wind down before the Christmas break. The stressfulness of the job makes it hard to wind down on the weekends

"Let's ___ ___ with some popcorn and a movie." "دعونا الاسترخاء مع بعض الفشار. Prepositional idiom

wind down to relax

"هوسي بالقهوة غير صحي" "My obsession ___ coffee is unhealthy." Preposition


يجب أن نعيش على مسافة تنقل قصيرة من مكتب زوجي. We have to live ___ ___ ___ of my husband's office.

within commuting distance within commuting/walking distance [where it is possible to travel to work every day]

قرروا بيع عدة عمليات استحواذ حديثة والتركيز على أعمالهم الأساسية They decided to sell off several recent acquisitions and concentrate on their___ ___ .

قيم جوهرية ?,, 1- core business n (main business activity) الاساسي العمل They decided to sell off several recent acquisitions and concentrate on their core business. 2- core values (fundamental ethical beliefs) قيم جوهرية

الأقارب المقربون هم مثل الآباء أو الأطفال أو الأخوة أو الأخوات. الأقارب البعيدون هم أشخاص مثل أبناء عمومة ثانية أو أبناء عمومة بعيدون. ___ ___ are those like parents, children, brothers or sisters. ___ are people like ___ or___ .

• Close relatives • Distant relatives • second cousins [the children of a cousin of your mother or father]ميسره وعمر • distant cousins

"You should always have sympathy ___ strangers." "يجب أن يكون دائما التعاطف مع الغرباء. " Preposition

sympathy for

It was a___ ___ ___ . لقد كان أداءً رائعاً من الناحية الفنية.

technically brilliant performance in a way that relates to practical skills and methods that are used in a particular activity

لقد خف حماسي للمشروع بسبب معرفتي بالعمل الشاق الذي سيتضمنه. ربما يجب أن نخفف لغتك. My enthusiasm for the venture was ___ by my knowledge of the hard work that would be involved. Perhaps you should ___ your language.

temper verb [T] (REDUCE) formal to make something less strong, extreme I learned to temper my criticism. • temper n (mood)مزاج Try to find out what temper the boss is in, before you ask for your pay rise. جرّب أن تعرف كيف هو مزاج المدير قبل أن تطلب منه زيادة راتب. • bad temper n (ability to get angry) مزاج سيئ Hannah has a temper; it's best not to upset her. • temper [sth] (moderate, mitigate) يلطّف يخفّف، يقلّل George's boss tempered her negative appraisal with a few positive comments. Karen's attraction to Brian was tempered by her knowledge of his criminal past. لطّفت مديرة جورج تقييمها السلبيّ بذكر بعض التعليقات الإيجابية. خفّ انعجاب كارين ببراين بعدما عرفت بماضيه الإجراميّ. • fiery temper n (tendency to be quick to anger) طَبْع سريع الغضب Davina was a typical redhead with a fiery temper. • lose your temper v (get angry) يفقد أعصابه، ينفعل Jeremy is so easily upset; he loses his temper over every little thing. • temper tantrum n (angry outburst) نوبة غضب

تحلق طائره رائعه، ليس لديك فكره. Flying a plane is wonderful, ___ ___ ___ ___

you have no idea ليس لديك فكرة said for emphasis when you are describing how good or bad an experience is. قيل للتأكيد عند وصفك لمدى تجربة جيدة أو سيئة.

التقرير يطرح العديد من الأسئلة حول الإجراءات اليومية لشئون الصناعة. جميع الوسطاء أو الوكلاء المسجلين الذين يستخدمون أجهزة الكمبيوتر في اداره أعمالهم يخضعون لمتطلبات هذه القاعدة. The report asks many questions about___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ . All registered brokers or dealers that use computers ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ to the requirements of this rule.

the day-to-day conduct of the industry's affairs in the conduct of their business are subject He conducted the meeting since nobody else wanted to. conduct verb (ORGANIZE) B2 to organize and perform a particular activity 3. conduct (carry out, perform [sth]) يُجري أجرى الموقع على الإنترنت دراسة استقصائية حول مالكي السيارات. The website conducted a survey of car owners. 4. conduct (manage, direct) يدير يدير أعماله بكفاءة تامة. He conducted his business efficiently

إغراء الشهرة إغراء السلطة إغراء المال

the lure of fame the lure of power the lure of money lure noun إغراء temptation, tempted, lure, entice, seduced, tempting شرك the quality or power that something or someone has that makes it, him, or her attractive

It is theoretically possible. ومن الممكن نظريا.

theoretically in a way that obeys some rules but is not likely بطريقة تطيع بعض القواعد ولكن ليس من المرجح

• "___ her bravery, we were able to escape unharmed." • "من خلال شجاعتها، تمكنا من الهرب دون أن يصابوا بأذى". Preposition

through A preposition of reason or purpose describes why something has occurred or will occur. Common prepositions of reason or purpose include for, through, because of, on account of, and from

أنا هنا في النهاية بعد رحلة متعبة للغاية! كانت الرحلة متأخرة ثلاث ساعات ، فقدوا حقائبي ، ثم لم تكن هناك سيارات أجرة في المطار. آمل أن تكون رحلة العودة أفضل! I am finally here after an extremely___ ___ ! The flight was three hours late, they lost my luggage, then there were no taxis at the airport. I hope my ___ ___ is better!

tiring journey return journey opposite of return journey is outward journey

"صرخت لمريم ، لكنها كانت بعيدة جدا لسماع لي". "I shouted ___ Mary, but she was too far away to hear me." Preposition

to When you shout to someone, you raise your voice to ensure that he or she can hear you. If, on the other hand, you shout at someone, you raise your voice because you are angry with him or her

"A lot of cats are ___ ___ humans." "الكثير من القطط غير ودية للبشر." Preposition

to mean to, rude to, unfriendly to

"ألقت الكرة بالكلب. لقد أمسك بها وهرب معها ". "She threw the ball ___ the dog. He caught it and ran away with it." Preposition

to If you throw something to someone, such as a ball, you intend for that person to catch it

"How ___ ___ your studies are you?" "ما مدى تفانيك في دراستك؟" Preposition

to committed to, dedicated to, devoted to

"Lucy is ___ ___ her family." "لوسي مكرسة لعائلتها. " Preposition

to committed to, dedicated to, devoted to

"I am ___ ___ these changes." واضاف "انا اعارض هذه التغييرات". Preposition

to opposed to

"All I want is ___ ___ ___ ." "كل ما أريده هو أن أترك وحدي."

to be left alone Predicate nouns are a subset of a larger category known as subject complements (including predicate pronouns and predicative adjectives), which rename or re-identify the subject after a linking verb (usually a form of the verb be). "The best thing in life is to spend time with those you love."

من الصعب التغلب على ضغوط تربية الأسرة. لا تتوتر من الامر - سنحل الموضوع قريبًا. It's hard ___ ___ ___ ___ of raising a family. Don't ___ ___ ___ - we'll soon get it sorted out.

to cope with the stresses stress over it

"Find a friend___ ___ ___ ." "العثور على صديق لمساعدتك على الدراسة."

to help you study (To help you study modifies the noun friend.) When infinitives are used as adjectives, they function in a similar way to relative clauses (also known as adjective clauses), providing more information about a noun or pronoun that they appear directly after

"He's been studying all week so as___ ___ ___ ." "لقد كان يدرس طوال الأسبوع من أجل تحسين درجاته ."

to improve his grades We can also use infinitives as adverbs to modify the main verb in a sentence, describing a reason why an action is, was, or will be done. Infinitives used in this way are often known as infinitives of purpose. We can also use the phrases in order and so as to add formal emphasis to an infinitive of purpose

"We need you___ ___ ___ ___ ." "نحتاج منك لعمل نسخ قليلة أخرى."

to make a few more copies Certain verbs do not make sense with only a direct object, especially when that direct object is a person. More information is required about the object's relationship with the verb to form a complete thought. This extra information is known as the object complement. An infinitive can also act as an object complement, which is word or group of words that describe, rename, or complete the direct object of the verb "Janet's father wants her to go to Harvard." "I would like the boss to see these reports."

"He persuaded me___ ___ ___ ." "أقنعني بالزواج منه."

to marry him Certain verbs do not make sense with only a direct object, especially when that direct object is a person. More information is required about the object's relationship with the verb to form a complete thought. This extra information is known as the object complement. An infinitive can also act as an object complement, which is word or group of words that describe, rename, or complete the direct object of the verb

"He threatened ___ ___ ___ ___ if I didn't give him back the money." وهدد ني أن يبلغ الشرطة إذا لم أرد له المال".

to report me to the police When we use reported speech, we often use infinitives as the direct object of a "reporting verb" to express what was said or asked in the past "He asked to help us fix the car." "She said not to answer the phone."

"They're attempting ___ ___ ___ ___ ." "انهم يحاولون حل المعادلة."

to solve the equation A direct object is a person or thing that directly receives the action of the verb in a clause. An infinitive that acts as the object of another verb is sometimes known as a verb complement. Remember that intransitive verbs do not take direct objects, so you will only find infinitives used as the objects of transitive verbs

"This is a good place ___ ___ ___ ." "هذا مكان جيد لبدء القراءة ."

to start reading (To start reading modifies the noun place.) When infinitives are used as adjectives, they function in a similar way to relative clauses (also known as adjective clauses), providing more information about a noun or pronoun that they appear directly after

"They taught me (how)___ ___ ___ ." "علموني (كيف) العمل على آلة التصوير."

to work the photocopier Certain verbs do not make sense with only a direct object, especially when that direct object is a person. More information is required about the object's relationship with the verb to form a complete thought. This extra information is known as the object complement. An infinitive can also act as an object complement, which is word or group of words that describe, rename, or complete the direct object of the verb

Complete these sentences ___ ___ such as artificial flavours and colouring can cause allergies. ___ ___ may be unhealthy, but it's quick and easy and fills you up. People who don't have much time to cook often buy___ ___ From the supermarket. It's always better to buy___ ___ instead of canned or frozen foods. The___ ___ is usually cheaper than ordering dishes separately in a restaurant.

1 Food additives 2 Junk food 3 ready meals 4 fresh produce 5 set menu

1 At what age do children in your country sit their final school exams? 2 How long does it take in your country to do a degree in Medicine? 3 Give one advantage you think continuous assessment has over traditional exams. 4 What sort of feedback might a teacher give a student who has just given a presentation in class?

1 Schoolchildren often take those exams at about 16 if they are leaving school as soon as possible, or at 18 if they are planning to go on to further or higher education. 2 about 6 years 3 It does not depend on how you are feeling on one specific day. You can see whether you are improving or not as you go along. You can spend more time doing your work. 4 Feedback on the clarity and accuracy of the presentation, on the student's pronunciation, on the student's use of visual aids

حضر العرض التقديمي بعناية. هل البنيه\هيكل سهل المتابعة؟ هل سيتم توصيل رسالتك الأساسية؟ ___ your ___ carefully. Is the structure easy to follow? Will it communicate your___ ___

1. Prepare presentation عرض تقديمي حضر • presentation n (speech or demonstration) عرض، عرض تقديمي Tomorrow I have to give a presentation on the new software. • presentation n (aesthetics) طريقة تقديم Part of the enjoyment of food is in attractive presentation. طريقة التقديم الجذابة تساهم في الاستمتاع بالأكل • presentation n (act of awarding) تقديم The academic year was rounded off with the presentation of diplomas. • presentation n (invoicing) إبراز Delivery of the merchandise is usually followed by presentation of a bill for payment 2. core message رساله الأساسية\الجوهريه the most important point(s)

ثم اخذت عابر سبيل. بعد فترة من الوقت ، تشعبنا من الطريق السريع ، وتركته حيث أراد أن يكون وذهبت إلى مقهى قريب لتناول كوب من الشاي Then I ___ ___ a hitchhiker. After a while we ___ ___ the motorway, and I left him where he wanted to be and went to a nearby café for a cup of tea.

1. picked up to let someone get in your car with the purpose of taking them somewhere pick [sb] up (collect in vehicle) يصطحب، يأخذ، يجلب I'll pick up the kids from school today. سَأَجْلِب الأطفالَ من المدرسةِ اليومَ. 2. branched off =turned onto a smaller road branch off (diverge) يتفرّع\انحرف \ تشعب The path branches off to the right.

في وقت لاحق ، غيرت مساري لتجاوز شاحنة كبيرة ، ولكن كما فعلت ، انطفأ محركي للتو. حاولت إعادة تشغيل المحرك وبعد بضع ثوانٍ ، بدأ تشغيله مرة أخرى ، لكن كان علي تقليل السرعه والعودة إلى المسار البطيء. later, I ___ ___ to overtake a big lorry, but as I did, my engine just died. I tried revving the engine and after a couple of seconds it started again, but I had to ___ ___ and get back into the slow lane.

1. pulled out • pull [sth] out (extract, remove) يسحب، يستخرج، يقتلع • pull out (vehicle: move off) الى مسار ثاني واسرع ينطلق • pull out of [sth] (withdraw involvement in) ينسحب The new president was forced to make a decision as to whether or not to pull out of the war B2 If a vehicle pulls out, it starts moving onto a road or onto a different part of the road: A car pulled right out in front of me. 2. change down put a vehicle into a lower gear, usually in order to go slower change down (vehicle: shift to lower gear) يقلل السرعة

درست / حصلت على شهاده في الهندسة. درست التاريخ والاقتصاد في المدرسة الثانوية. يجب على جميع الطلاب كتابة مقال / واجب في نهاية الفصل الدراسي. She ___ ___ ___ in Engineering. I ___ ___ ___ ___ in high school. All students have to ___ ___ ___ ___ at the end of term.

1. studied for a degree درست شهاده took a degree حصلت على شهاده instead of do a degree/diploma 2. studied history and economics درست التاريخ والاقتصاد took history and economics درست التاريخ والاقتصاد instead of do a subject (e.g. law) • take a test (sit an exam or quiz) يتقدم لامتحان I have to take a test in biology next week. • take (do, sit: a test, exam) (اختبار، امتحان) يُجري I'm taking my chemistry exam on Wednesday • take a course (attend classes, study) يلتحق بدراسة I once took a course in physics and couldn't understand a thing the teacher was talking about. • take (enroll in, study) يتعلم، يسجل I decided to take French next term. 3. write an essay/assignment يكتب مقال / واجب instead of do an essay/assignment

قبل حفل الزفاف ، وعدته أنني لن القي أي نكات ، لأنني سيئة حقًا في القاء النكات. لذلك لن أفعل أكثر من تمنياتي لجيمس وصوفيا ونتمنى لهما حياة طويلة وسعيدة معًا. Also, before the wedding, I ___ him ___ ___ that I wouldn't ___ any___ , as I'm really bad at___ ___ . So I'll do no more than ___ James and Sophia ___ and hope they have a long and happy life together.

1. tell stories 2. gave my word 3. crack jokes crack [sth]⇒ vtr informal (joke: say, utter) (دعابة) يلقي Johanna wanted to have a serious discussion, but Jim kept cracking jokes 4. telling jokes 5. wish luck

4- When news ___ out that singer Millie Logan was seeking a divorce from Hal Daker, no one believed it. Millie tells her own story. 5- The Deenazon drug scandal which ___ the headlines last year left 10,000 people with health problems. A major newspaper___ a story claiming that scientists had not done proper tests. But who was to blame? 6- The famine in Geura was the ___ ___ headline on every major newspaper last year. But what is life like for the people of Geura now? 7- Next Sunday, European Heads of State will ___ a news conference to end their summit. It could contain important development

4- leaked 5- hit, run 6- front page 7- hold

What is the opposite of a smooth flight? What do we call a flight which is not a charter flight? What do airlines often provide for passengers to read? What is the opposite of outward journey? If a hotel is family-run, is it especially trying to attract families as guests?

A bumpy flight. A scheduled flight. In-flight magazines. Return journey. Not necessarily - family-run means that the main hotel staff are largely from the same family

"She wants to hear the story ___ her favorite superhero again." "إنها تريد أن تسمع قصة بطلها الخارق المفضل مرة أخرى." Preposition

About When paired with a noun, "about means concerning or in regard to

"The heir, Prince William, is adored by many." " الوريث، الأمير وليام، والمعشوق من قبل الكثيرين". What is the function of prince?

Appellations are additional words added to a person's name, which generally become capitalized as part of the proper noun (The proper noun William with the appellation Prince provides a name for the common noun heir.)

ربما كان أكثر شخص بغيض واجهته على الإطلاق. في المطبخ ، صادفت امرأة لم أرها من قبل. He was probably the most obnoxious person ___ ___ ___ . In the kitchen I ___ a woman I had never seen before.

I've ever encountered Encountered • encounter (meet unexpectedly) يصادف شخصًا، يلتقي شخصًا صدفةً التقى بحبيبته السابقة صدفةً في الحانة He encountered his ex-girlfriend at the bar. • encounter (military: meet in conflict) يواجه They encountered the enemy off the coast of Spain. encounter verb [T] (MEET) formal to meet someone unexpectedly

"I go to work with my car." Is it correct?

In the first sentence, it implies that you and your car go to work together. You can go to work with a person, but when speaking about a means of transportation, we often use the preposition by, as in: ✔ "I go to work by car." If the object is modified by a possessive determiner, we can also use the preposition in: ✔ "I go to work in my car."

"Everyone has a television." "Everyone have a television."

Indefinite pronouns can sometimes cause confusion because many seem to be referring to a group of people or things, and so should take third-person plural verbs, when in fact they require third-person singular verbs. The indefinite pronoun everyone refers to "each single person." It does not refer to a group, but instead to separate individuals, so it therefore requires a third-person singular verb. Other examples that take third-person singular verbs include no one/nobody, someone/somebody, and anyone/anybody.

"___ , 19th-century London was the most advanced city in the world." (19th-century London was the most advanced city in terms of industry.) "من الناحية الصناعية ، كانت لندن في القرن التاسع عشر أكثر المدن تقدماً في العالم". Viewpoint Adverbs


مهما يكن نوع الإغاثة التي تنويها لأجل اغاثه الكوارث، يجب أن تخبر فريق عملك. Whatever you ___ for disaster relief, you need to tell your staff.

Intend intend [sth] for [sth] (have in mind) ينوي شيئًا لأجل شيء، يعتزم شيئًا لأجل شيء

"He'll consider hearing your side of the story later, if he has time." "He'll consider to hear your side of the story later, if he has time." Which one is correct ?

Likewise, some verbs are followed only by gerunds and not infinitives. In most cases, these are action verbs. ✔ Gerund (Correct) ✖ Infinitive (Incorrect)

"I recall seeing an advertisement for that somewhere." "I recall to see an advertisement for that somewhere." Which one is correct ?

Likewise, some verbs are followed only by gerunds and not infinitives. In most cases, these are action verbs. ✔ Gerund (Correct) ✖ Infinitive (Incorrect)

هل يمكنني ان ادلك إلى طاولتك ، يا سيدي ، أو هل تفضل تناول مشروب في البار أولاً؟ المتظاهرين تم إحضارهم من قاعة المحكمة بواسطة ضابطي شرطة. ___ ___ ___ ___ your table, sir, or would you prefer to have a drink at the bar first? The protesters ___ ___ from the courtroom by two police officers.

May I conduct you to were conducted conduct verb (SHOW WAY) formal to lead someone to a particular place 1. conduct formal (bring, guide [sb]) يُحضر The officer conducted the prisoner to his cell

"___ have left, but ___ are still here." "غادر معظمهم ، لكن العديد منهم لا يزالون هنا".

Most several indefinite pronouns that can refer to both things and people. Try to see if you can figure out which each is referring to by the information in the sentence

"___ seem willing to negotiate." "لا يبدو أنهما مستعدان للتفاوض".

Neither indefinite pronouns that can refer to both things and people. Try to see if you can figure out which each is referring to by the information in the sentence

1 c 2 e 3 g 4 f 5 a 6 b 7 d

Nick is quite a shy person, so maintaining eye 2 It's important to be aware of your body 3 Rosie knows how to hold 4 I read somewhere that Americans fear public 5 A lot of people are worried about dealing 6 The first time I gave a presentation, I was so nervous I didn't listen 7 Scott is very well-respected in his field, but he doesn't really connect a) with questions at the end of the presentation. b) carefully to one of the questions. c) contact will be difficult for him. d) with the audience. He needs to make his presentations more interactive. e) language. It can have a big impact. f) speaking more than death. That's crazy! g) the audience's attention by asking questions.

انزلقت علي الجليد ولوت ركبتها . She slipped on the ice and ___ her knee.

twist C1 If you twist a part of your body, such as your ankle, you injure it by suddenly turning it twist [sth](wind, twine, coil) يفتل، يلفّ (turn, rotate) يدير شيئًأ، يبرم شيئًا • Helen took hold of a lock of her hair and twisted it around her finger. • أمسكت هيلين بخصلة من شعرها وأخذت تفتلها حول إصبعها. • Dan twisted the cap of the jar to undo it. 2. twist [sth] (distort meaning) يحرّف • Don't try to twist things; you know that isn't what I meant! • لا تحاول تحريف الأمور! أنت تعرف أني لم أقصد هذا. 3. Twist (turn) يتلوّى، يتمعّج • The road twisted through the mountains. تلوّت الطريق بين الجبال 4. twist [sth] (ankle, elbow) يلوي Elizabeth has twisted her ankle, so she can't play football tonight.

___ financial planning ensured she will be financially ___ . التخطيط المالي السليم يضمن أنها ستكون مستقلة ماليا

Sound Independent financially dependent/independent

"Would you mind watching my seat for me while I go to the bathroom?" " هل تمانع في مشاهده مقعدي لي بينما اذهب إلى الحمام ؟" What is the function of watching

Stative verbs, also known as verbs of feeling, are very likely to take gerunds as their objects. Here are some examples of common stative verbs that take gerunds (keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list): "I love going to the movies." "I like living by the ocean." "Do you enjoy working in retail?" "I feel like staying home tonight." "She can't stand being around him." "Imagine winning the lottery. It would be great!"

انه مدمن على لعب التنس".) "He is addicted ___ playing tennis." (adjective) Preposition

To We can also examine the prepositions used with associated nouns, as the same prepositions are often used with the adjective forms as well. "He has an addiction to playing tennis." (associated noun)

What are the subordinating conjunctions that establish (Time Previously) relationship?

To state that the action of the independent clause occurred first, we use before. For example: • "I went shopping before I came home." (I went shopping first.) • "He won first prize in a spelling bee before starting fifth grade." (He won the prize first.)

لتحقيق السلام في المنطقة ، يجب أن يكون هناك تفاهم أفضل بكثير بين جميع الأطراف المعنية For peace to exist in the region, there needs to be a much improved ___ between all the parties concerned.

Understanding an understanding friend • understanding adj (sympathetic, compassionate) متعاطف، متفهم He is so understanding with his employees. إنه متفهم جدًا مع موظفيه. • understanding adj (tolerant, accepting) متفهم Sorry for the delay, and thank you for being so understanding. أعتذر على التأخير، وأشكركم على تفهّمكم. understanding noun (SYMPATHY) B2 a positive relationship between two people or groups in which they feel sympathy for each other

طعام مجاني؟ كان يبدو جيدا جدا ليكون صحيحا. ما هي الفائدة؟ Free food? It sounds too good to be true. ___ ___ ___ ?

What's the catch catch noun (PROBLEM) a hidden problem or disadvantage That sales price sounds too good to be true - there must be a catch to it somewhere وتكمن المشكلة في أنه خلال السنة التقويمية يمكنك إجراء ست عمليات السحب فقط من حسابك. The catch is that during the calendar year you can only make six withdrawals from your account.

What are the subordinating conjunctions that establish (time Concurrently) relationship?

When two actions occur at the same time, there are several subordinating conjunctions we can use, but each has a slightly different meaning. If we are not adding any particular emphasis, we use when: • "I was sleeping when the phone rang." • "I saw my brother when he was out with his friends." However, to emphasize that two actions occurred (or will occur) at exactly the same time, or in rapid succession, we use once or as soon as: • "Please clean your room once you get home." • "Call me back as soon as you can."

2. Which of the following are used to make appositive phrases? a) Noun phrases b) Noun clauses c) Adjective phrases d) Relative clauses


2. Which of the following is used to introduce a relative clause that is clarifying who or what the sentence is talking about? • relative pronoun • relative adverb • relative adjective • relative determiner


2. Which of the following sentences contains a preposition paired with an adjective? a) "I feel responsible for what happened." b) "She went to the park to walk her dog." c) "Something flew over the pond." d) "Anna is preparing dinner for her family."


4. What kind of conditional is the following sentence an example of? "I would have studied marine biology if I weren't afraid of water." a) Mixed conditional b) Third conditional c) Second conditional d) First conditional


Which of the following linking verbs can a gerund follow as a subject complement? be become seem appear


وصوله تسبب ضجة كبيرة. رفع عينه لمعرفة ما كان حول كل هذه الضجة. His arrival caused quite___ ___ ___ . He looked up to see what all___ ___ ___ ___ .

a commotion the commotion was about • commotion n (tumult, disturbance) جلبة I ran downstairs when I heard all the commotion. • a sudden, short period of noise, confusion, or excited movement

لقد قمت بثلاث مجموعات من 10 دفعات كل ليله قبل النوم • I did three ___ of 10 push-ups every night before bed.

a group of repeated movements performed as part of a period of physical exercise: • Sprint up the hill and jog down. Do three sets, then jog easy for 10 minutes

علامة تجاريه متميزة ماركة فاخره ماركات ذات جوده

a premium brand علامة تجاريه متميزة a luxury brand ماركة فاخره a quality brands ماركات ذات جوده

استقبلتني بعناق دافئ . She greeted me with___ ___ ___

a warm embrace embrace noun [ C ] C2 the act of holding someone tightly with both arms to express love, liking, or sympathy, or when greeting or leaving someone:

"Just meet me at my car, the old station wagon parked across the street." What is the function of the old station wagon parked across the street ?

a) It is also very common to use noun phrases as appositives to provide more descriptive identifying information about a noun; b) modify both common and proper nouns. c) usually begin with the articles the, a, and an. (In the appositive phrase, the head compound noun station wagon is modified by the article the, the adjective old, and the participle phrase parked across the street.) "Just meet me at my car, the old station wagon parked across the street."

• "She's very sorry ___ the mistake." • "She's very sorry ___ the mistake."

about For

"That woman is ___ ___ having to wait in line." "تلك المرأة غاضبة من الاضطرار إلى الانتظار في الصف. " Preposition

about angry about, furious about, mad about

"You're always ___ ___ something." "أنت دائما غاضب من شيء ما." Preposition

about angry about, furious about, mad about

"Bobby was ___ ___ his parents' divorce." "بوبي كان مكتئباً بشأن طلاق والديه" Preposition

about sad about, depressed about

"ألست سعيدا ً بالطريقة التي الت اليها الأمور؟" "Aren't you ___ ___ the way things turned out?" preposition

about happy about things turned out تؤول اليه الامور turn out right v (end well)ينتهي على خير Annie hoped her project would turn out right so she'd get a good grade.

"She might be ___ ___ her grades." "قد تكون حزينة حول درجاتها. " Preposition

about sad about, depressed about

"The arch ___ the hallway reminded Natalie of a castle she'd visited." Preposition

above, over something higher than something Over and above both describe something higher than something else, but over can also describe something directly in contact with and covering something beneath it. For example: "I draped my jacket over the couch" is correct, whereas "I draped my jacket above the couch" is incorrect

I was completely___ in my book and didn't realize how late it had got. He wants to go on the___ . He's always wanted to be an actor. Who played the male ___ in Destination Saturn? ___ ___ role means 'small but special part in a film/play'. it was an amazing film about space travel, with fantastic special ___ .

absorbed/engrossed stage lead cameo effects

"لم أتمكن من دخول المبنى دون الوصول إلى كلمة مرور الباب." "I couldn't enter the building without access ___ the door's password." Preposition

access to

"I walked ___ the flimsy bridge." Preposition

across movement from one end to the other

"The toddlers have been___ ___ lately." "الأطفال الصغار كانوا يتصرفون في الآونة الأخيرة." Prepositional idiom

acting up act up to misbehave

"Alison has an addiction ___ football." Preposition

addiction to

"He ___ ___ reading her diary." "اعترف بقراءة مذكراتها." Preposition

admit to To is commonly used with verbs and usually refers to direction (literal or metaphorical) or connections between people or things

"Most people seem to underestimate the advantage ___ majoring in philosophy." "يبدو أن معظم الناس يقللون من شأن ميزة التخصص في الفلسفة." Preposition

advantage of

"I appreciate his newfound love for animals." "I appreciate his newfound love of animals."

all is right Some nouns are capable of combining with more than one preposition. In some of these cases, the meaning does not change no matter which preposition is chosen

She's come up with some ___ ___ to double her income. لقد أتت بمخطط مدهش لمضاعفه دخلها

amazing scheme Scheme مخطط نظام noun an officially organized plan or system a training scheme /housing scheme /play scheme مخطط التدريب / مخطط السكن / مخطط اللعب a pension scheme/savings scheme نظام التقاعد / مخطط الادخار

ليس لديها أي فهم للسياسة ليس لديها أي فهم للطبيعة البشرية ليس لديها أي فهم لما يلزم لتكون مديرة جيدة. أفهم من الاتفاق هو أنهم سيدفعون 50000 دولار على مدى عامين. She doesn't have ___ ___ ___ ___ She doesn't have ___ ___ ___ ___ She doesn't have ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ is that they will pay $50,000 over two years.

any understanding of politics any understanding of human nature any understanding of what it takes to be a good manager. My understanding of the agreement • understanding n (knowledge) معلومات، معرفة Most people's understanding of other countries is limited. لمعظم الناس معرفة قليلة عن البلدان الأخرى. • understanding n (limit of knowledge) علم I might be wrong, but it is my understanding that they are no longer dating. قد أكون مخطئًا ولكن على حد علمي ما عادا يتواعدان understanding noun (KNOWLEDGE) B2 knowledge about a subject, situation, etc. or about how something works

"I don't think___ wants to dance." "لا أعتقد أن أي شخص يريد الرقص."

anyone indefinite pronoun that relates to people everyone is leaving early

Which of the following is not something an infinitive can function as? The subject of a clause The main verb of a clause The direct object of a verb An adverb modifying a verb


Which of the following phrases can be used instead of wish to describe an ideal or fanciful desire? if so if only if possible if hopefully


Which sentence contains an adverbial phrase, as opposed to an adverbial clause? "Don't believe him if he says he's telling the truth." "Sarah will start her presentation in an hour." "She's much taller than he is." "My uncle tells jokes like he's a comedian."


شعرت في سن المراهقة بالإحباط وسوء الفهم. In her teens she felt frustrated and ___ .

be misunderstood C2 If someone is misunderstood, other people do not understand that they have good qualities:

"Let's ___ ___ a short quiz." "دعونا نبدأ مع مسابقة قصيرة." "I shouldn't have ___ ___ a salad." "ما كان يجب أن أبدأ بسلطة" Preposition

begin with, start with

"All children fear the monsters ___ their beds." Preposition

below, under something lower than something

"Aspiring musicians ___ ___ getting public exposure for their music." "يستفيد الموسيقيون الطموحون من الحصول على عرض عام لموسيقاهم." Preposition

benefit from

النسيم المفاجئ جعل الشموع تنطفئ The sudden breeze made the candles___ ___ .

blow out blow (sth) out (extinguish) يطفئ شيئًا If a flame blows out or you blow it out, it stops burning when a person or the wind blows on it: After dinner she blew out the candles. She blew out the candles on her birthday cake

احتدم العاصفة طوال الليل ولكن بحلول الصباح تلاشت. The storm raged all night but by morning it had blown over.

blown over (STORM) When a storm blows over, it becomes gradually less strong until it ends: (clouds: pass, disappear) (الغيوم) يتلاشى The storm blew over and missed our area. The clouds blew over and the sun came out

استقل الراكب الطائرة في الوقت المحدد ، لكنها تأخرت في الإقلاع و فاتتها رحلة الربط في أمستردام. The passenger ___ ___ on time, but it was delayed taking off and she missed her ___ ___ in Amsterdam. ___ ___ are often more expensive than international ones.

boarded the plane connecting flight Domestic flights connecting flight n (plane journey: correspondence) رحلة تعاقبيّة، رحلة مع توقّف Your connecting flight will depart in 20 minutes

سروالي تبلل. وضعتهم على الرمال ، وفي الشمس الحارقة ، كانوا جافين جدا بسرعه My trousers got soaked. I laid them on the sand, and, in the hot sun, they were soon___ ___ .

bone dry جاف جدا

ان المغني خارج البلاد عندما انتشرت قصة زوجته. The singer was out of the country when the story about his wife___ .

broke • a (news) story breaks • break [sth] (media: publish [sth]) يعلن ,ينشر A newspaper broke the story

"My car ___ ___ on the way here, so I had to walk the rest of the way." "تعطلت سيارتي في الطريق إلى هنا، لذا اضطررت إلى السير بقية الطريق." Prepositional idiom

broke down "break down" has two unrelated meanings: to stop functioning due to a mechanical failure, or to start crying or become overwhelmingly emotional (about something)

• "Aunt Patricia returned home ___ ferry." Prepositions

by A preposition of instrument or device is used when describing certain technologies, machines, or devices. These prepositions are by, with, and on. Typically, by refers to methods of transportation, whereas with and on describe the use of machines and other devices

"Prospective students are ___ ___ ___ encouraged to visit the campus." "يتم تشجيع الطلاب المحتملين بكل الوسائل على زيارة الحرم الجامعي." Prepositional idiom

by all means definitely; certainly by all means used to give permission: "May I borrow this book?" "By all means."

"Employees were forced to ___ ___ the strike." واضاف ان "الموظفين اجبروا على الغاء الاضراب". Prepositional idiom

call off to cancel

النمو الاقتصادي لا يمكن أن يستمر دون ارتفاع التضخم. الفريق كان منتصرًا أخيرًا بعد جهد متواصل لتحقيق النجاح Economic growth ___ ___ ___ without a rise in inflation. The team were finally victorious after a ___ ___ to succeed.

cannot be sustained sustained effort sustain verb (CONTINUE) C2 to cause or allow something to continue for a period of time • sustain (continue at same level) يحافظ على شيء The runner is off to a good start, but can she sustain that pace?

لم أستطع سماع ما قاله المذيع ، مع كل الضوضاء الأخرى التي تحدث. I couldn't ___ what the announcer said, with all the other noise going on.

catch verb (HEAR/SEE) to manage to hear something I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch what youtravel

"Helen plans to ___ ___ ___ her reading tonight." "هيلين تخطط للحاق على قراءتها Prepositional idiom

catch up on catch up on to get informed about something; to get up to date with something to give someone the latest news or information about something: Can someone catch me up on the latest developments?

• أكاذيبه سوف تلحق به في يوم من الأيام. • His lies will ___ ___ with him one day.

catch up with sb (CAUSE PROBLEMS) C2 If something bad that you have done or that has been happening to you catches up with you, it begins to cause problems for you (PUNISH) If people in authority catch up with you, they discover that you have been doing something wrong and often punish you for it: • They had been selling stolen cars for years before the police caught up with them

مسكت لمحة من معطف أحمر في الحشد. I ___ ___ ___ (= saw for a moment) a red coat in the crowd.

caught a glimpse of to see something only for a moment: I caught sight of someone with red hair and knew it was you

• ألقي القبض عليه متلبسًا بأخذ المال من حتى. • He was ___ ___ taking money from the till.

caught red-handed catch sb red-handed to discover someone while they are doing something bad or illegal

لا يحب الإمساك به دون أي بسكويت في المنزل. He doesn't like to be ___ ___ any biscuits in the house.

caught without be caught without sth to not have something, especially when it is needed

The ___ has yet to be formally agreed. ولم يتم الاتفاق رسميا بعد على وقف إطلاق النار.


"I have no chance ___ winning this game." "ليس لدي أي فرصة للفوز في هذه المباراة." Preposition

chance at

"Scientists detected little change ___ the atmosphere." "اكتشف العلماء تغيرا طفيفا في الغلاف الجوي". Preposition

change in

drastically Our lives ___ ___ when dad died and we had to move. حياتنا تغيرت بشكل كبير عندما مات أبي وكان علينا أن نتحرك Adverbs

changed drastically

تمكنا من الحصول على طائره مستأجرة. كان بنصف سعر الطائرة المقررة. We managed to get a___ ___ ; it was half the price of the___ ___ .

charter flight scheduled flight flight on a plane rented for special use regular flight organised by the company which owns the plane charter flight n (privately-hired plane ride) سفرة بطائرة مستأجرة The businessman didn't have time to wait for the scheduled flight, so he got his assistant to organize a charter flight.

complete collocations describing people: bushy oval striking broad droopy chubby disheveled

chubby cheeks droopy moustache broad shoulders disheveled hair bushy eyebrows striking resemblance oval face

Replace underlined words in this conversation. The conversation has no errors, but the changes will improve it. Matthew: Have you downloaded that new e-book that has just appeared about Ireland? Camilla: No. I don't visit websites with articles discussing new books. What's it about? Matthew: Well, it concerns the Irish War. It's very authentic and it manages to give the atmosphere of Ireland at the 20th century.

come out with book reviews. deals with capture the atmosphere

"The lawyer briefly ___ ___ the lawsuit." "علّق المحامي لفترة وجيزة على الدعوى القضائية". Preposition

comment on

"When I run races, I only ___ ___ the clock." "عندما أركض السباقات ، أتنافس فقط مع عقارب الساعة". Preposition

compete with

العازب الراسخ هي رجل يبدو أنه لا ينوي الزواج ابدا. A ___ ___ is a man who seems to have no intention of ever marrying.

confirmed bachelor • confirmed adj (verified) يتأكد، يتم تأكيده Please find attached your confirmed travel itinerary. • confirmed adj (person: having an established habit) متأصل، مترسخ John is a confirmed bachelor: 50 years old and never married

هل تفكر في كفاله طفل؟ المجلس يفكر في حظر المركبات من وسط المدينة لتخفيف الازدحام. "هل قررت ماذا تفعل؟" "لا ، ما زلت أفكر في الاحتمالات المختلفة." Would you___ ___ ___ ? The council is ___ ___ ___ from the town center to relieve congestion. "Have you decided what to do?" "No___ ___ ___ ___ ."

consider fostering a child considering banning vehicles I'm still considering the various possibilities consider verb (POSSIBILITY) B1 to spend time thinking about a possibility or making a decision: [ + question word ] [ + -ing verb ] • consider (reflect on) يفكر في شيء فكر في تداعيات هذا الاكتشاف! Consider the implications of that discovery! • consider doing (think about doing [sth]) يفكر في شيء يفكر هنري في مزاولة رياضة. Henry is considering taking up a sport

"It's not easy to ___ ___ failure." واضاف "ليس من السهل التعامل مع الفشل". Preposition

cope with

The governor said the fiscal ___ couldn't be solved by ___ cuts alone, insisting the state needs additional ___ . وقال المحافظ إن الأزمة المالية لا يمكن حلها من خلال خفض الإنفاق وحده،مصراً على أن الدولة بحاجة إلى إيرادات إضافية.

crisis Spending Revenue

3. Which of the following sentences uses a prepositional idiom incorrectly? a) "Many books written over 100 years ago are out of print today." b) "Do you think the dress is on sale?" c) "We must leave at once." d) "Perhaps she did it on mistake."


وسوف نقدم المساعدة كلما كنت تري انه من المناسب We will provide help whenever you ___ it appropriate

deem verb formal C2 [ + noun/adj ] to consider or judge something in a particular way: (view as) يعتبر شيئًا/شخصًا شيئًا، يكون شيئًا في نظره deem [sb/sth] [sth] يصرّ جيرالد دائمًا على مقابلة حبيب ابنته ليرى إن كانا مناسبَين في نظره. Gerald always insists on meeting his daughter's boyfriends to see if he deems them suitable

مشينا عبر غابة كثيفة. كان الظلام شديدًا بين الأشجار. We walked through a___ ___ ; it was very dark among the trees.

dense forest

I ___ my order over the phone. لقد أمليت طلبي علي الهاتف

dictated verb (SPEAK) to speak something aloud for a person or machine to record what is said, so that it can be written down التحدث بصوت عالٍ عن شخص أو آلة لتسجيل ما يقال ، بحيث يمكن تدوينه

كنت أرغب في الحصول على إجازة لمدة عام ، لكن وضعي المالي املى عليه أن احصل على وظيفة. I wanted to take a year off, but my financial situation ___ that I got a job.

dictated [ + that ] يملي على to influence something or make it necessary للتاثير علي شيء أو جعله ضروريا The rise in fuel prices was dictated by the market

. Many people feel they must do whatever their doctor ___ , and never ___ the advice they are given. كثير من الناس يشعرون أنهم يجب أن تفعل كل ما يمليه الطبيب، وعدم التشكيك في المشورة التي تقدم لهم.

dictates question verb (GIVE ORDERS) to give orders, or tell someone exactly what they must do, with total authority لإعطاء الأوامر ، أو إخبار شخص ما بالضبط ما يجب القيام به ، مع السلطة الكاملة

She spent the morning ___ letters to her secretary. قضت الصباح تملي رسائل لسكرتيرها.

dictating verb (SPEAK) to speak something aloud for a person or machine to record what is said, so that it can be written down التحدث بصوت عالٍ عن شخص أو آلة لتسجيل ما يقال ، بحيث يمكن تدوينه dictate a letter/memo/reply to sb I dictated a memo to my assistant, to be sent to all staff

"How does milk chocolate ___ ___ white chocolate?" "كيف تختلف الشوكولاته الحليب من الشوكولاته البيضاء؟" Preposition

differ from

"The disadvantage ___ becoming an entrepreneur is the amount of debt you can accumulate." "العيب في أن تصبح رجل أعمال هو مقدار الديون التي يمكن أن تتراكم." Preposition

disadvantage of

"Some people want to ___ ___ ___ taxes." "بعض الناس يريدون التخلص من الضرائب". Prepositional idiom

do away with to stop or abolish; to get rid of

لقد كتبت الكثير من الإشارات الآن بحيث يمكنني القيام بذلك بدون تفكير. I've written so many references now that I can more or less___ ___ ___ ___ .

do it on autopilot do something on autopilot(informal) do something without thinking autopilot n (state of functioning without thought) حالة تصرف بلا تفكير

ما الذي تفضل أن تعزف في فرقة, الطبول أو الجهير؟ لم أستطع أبدًا أن أكون عازف طبول، لكنني أعتقد أنني يمكن أن أصبح عازف الجيتار كهربائي جيدً. What would you rather play in a band drums or bass? I could never be a___ , but I think I could become a fairly good___ ___ .

drummer bass guitarist(four string low notes instrument)

2. Where is an absolute phrase usually located in a sentence? a) At the beginning b) In the middle c) At the end d) A & B e) A & C f) All of the above


"She is studying East Asian cultures with an emphasis ___ Japanese society." وهي تدرس ثقافات شرق آسيا مع التركيز على المجتمع الياباني". Preposition

emphasis on

في بعض الأحيان ، عندما يكون هناك أعمال هندسية أو إلغاء ، يتعين علينا أن نأخذ خدمة حافلات بديلة والتي تكون أبطأ Sometimes, when there are ___ ___ or cancellations, we have to take a which is ___ ___ ___ even slower!

engineering works replacement bus service

• "He's going to pass his test ___ ___ he doesn't study." (He will pass despite not studying.) "سوف يجتاز اختباره حتى لو لم يدرس." (سيمر على الرغم من عدم الدراسة).

even if We use even if when an outcome will occur despite a hypothetical action

• "I will buy you a pizza ___ you don't help me move my furniture." (I will buy the pizza anyway.) •"سأشتري لك بيتزا حتى لو لم تساعدني في نقل أثاثي." (سوف أشتري البيتزا على أي حال.)

even if We use even if when an outcome will occur despite a hypothetical action

وأعرب العديد من الأشخاص عن رغبتهم في الاطلاع علي التقرير . Several people have ___ ___ ___ to see the report.

expressed a desire to desire noun B2 [ C or U ] 1- desire noun (WANT) a strong feeling that you want something: وهناك رغبه قويه في السلام بين الناس . There is a strong desire for peace among the people. رغبة desire, wish, willingness, inclination, lust 1. وهو مدفوع حقا بالرغبة في مساعده الناس. He is genuinely motivated by a desire to help people. انه قمع رغبه مفاجئه في البكاء. He repressed a sudden desire to cry. ويبدو ان رغبته في السلطة السياسية لا تعرف حدودا. His desire for political power apparently knows no bounds 4- desire noun (SEXUAL NEED) [ U ] formal the strong feeling that you want to have sex with someone: sexual desire Beatrice was the object of Dante's desire. Synonym lust (DESIRE)

Use the words from the box to fill the gaps to give contrasting meanings. round ,coarse ,upturned ,fair ,pointed, straight, dark, sleek 1 Her hair's not ___ , it's quite ___ , in fact it's almost black. 2 She has an ___ nose but her brother has a ___ nose. 3 Her mother has a ___ face but her father has a ___ face. 4 My hair is so ___ and ugly; Sally's is so ___ and lovely.

fair; dark 3 round/pointed; pointed/round 2 upturned; straight 4 coarse; sleek

عرس خيالي

fairytale wedding fairy tale, fairy story n (fantasy story) قصة خرافية The movie is a modern adaptation of a classic fairy tale. fairy-tale n as adj (magical, ideal) ساحر، كما في القصص الخرافية She finally had the fairy-tale wedding she'd always dreamed of having

بقينا في فندق صغير ، تديره عائلة. هو فندق متهدم في شارع خلفي بالقرب من وسط المدينة Panorama. Porto Alegre هو فندق فخم في الساحة الرئيسية في. The Palace لا أستطيع تحمل الإقامة في الفنادق الذكية. يجب عليّ دائمًا البحث عن سكن اقتصادي. We stayed in a small, ___ ___ ___ . The Panorama is a rather___ ___ ___ in a back street near the city centre. The Palace is a ___ ___ on the main square of Porto Alegre. I can't afford to stay in___ ___ I always have to look for___ ___ . [very cheap]

family-run hotel run-down hotel luxury hotel smart hotels. budget accommodation

"They couldn't help___ sorry for Bob." "لم يتمكنوا من الشعور بالأسف لبوب".

feeling Gerunds can also act as the direct object of some verbs It mean that you are feeling a certain way or emotion, and you can't change or stop it. Example: "I can't help feeling angry with him."

"Paris is especially ___ ___ tourists in the summertime." "باريس مزدحمة بشكل خاص بالسياح في الصيف". Preposition

filled with With may also be employed in passive sentences to describe the states of people or things

عمه بيتر واسع الثراء. يملك منازل في إنجلترا وإيطاليا ومنطقة البحر الكاريبي His uncle Peter is ___ ___ . He owns houses in England, Italy and the Caribbean

filthy rich extremely rich: His parents are filthy rich, so he gets everything he wants. filthy rich adj figurative, slang (extremely wealthy) واسع الثراء You have to be filthy rich to own a house in that neighborhood

The company needs more___ from the government. تحتاج الشركة إلى المزيد من المساعدات المالية من الحكومة.

financial assistance

"His transition ___ pauper to prince was something out of a fairy tale." "انتقاله من الفقير إلى الأمير كان شيئًا ما من قصة خيالية". Preposition

from The preposition usually refers to two things at opposition with each other, or specifies an origin or starting point when used in conjunction with "to

"She was exhausted, ___ ___ ___ all night watching TV." "لقد كانت مرهقة ، حيث بقيت مستيقظًا طوال الليل لمشاهدة التلفزيون." perfect participle

having stayed up When we want to emphasize that one event happened before another, we can use the structure having + past participle, also known as the perfect participle

كان الطريق عبر الصحراء يتلألأ في الضباب. The road through the desert shimmered in the ___ .

haze noun [ C or U ] رهج، اغبرار، غبار في الجوّ The polluted city always had a dirty haze in the air. something such as heat or smoke in the air that makes it less clear, so that it is difficult to see well: رأيتها من خلال ضباب دخان السيجارة. I saw her through a haze of cigarette smoke.

"Did you hear ___ the renovation project?" "هل سمعت عن مشروع التجديد؟" Preposition

hear about

"I'm hoping she can give me a___ ___ ." "آمل أن تعطيني يد العون ."

helping hand Gerunds can be paired with regular nouns to become compound nouns These are distinct from gerund phrases, where the noun is functioning as the object of the gerund, as in our previous example of "Eating vegetables is good for your health." They should not be confused with present participles that are functioning as adjectives. Though they look quite similar, adjectival present participles imply action on the part of the noun being modified. "She soothed the crying baby." (The baby is crying). "The speeding car crashed into the tree." (The car was speeding.)

"We looked for hours and finally found James___ ." "بحثنا لساعات وأخيرا وجدت جيمس يختبئ." Present participle

hiding If the participle or phrase occurs in the final position immediately after the noun that it modifies, it doesn't need a comma

لدينا أفكارمختلفه جدا حول تاديب الأطفال. We have very different ideas ___ disciplining children.

idea about noun (BELIEF) a belief or opinion الاعتقاد أو الراي

• "I will buy you a pizza ___ you help me move my furniture." • "سوف أشتري لك بيتزا إذا ساعدتني في نقل أثاثي."

if If is the most common conjunction for hypothetical sentences. We use it when one action is required for another to occur

القضية تعتمد على تورطيه لزملائه في الاحتيال. The case depended upon his ___ of his co-workers in the fraud.

implication توريط an occasion when you suggest or show that someone is involved in a crime

The company is cutting back its spending and I wonder what the ___ will be ___ our department. تقوم الشركة بتقليص إنفاقها وأتساءل عن الآثار المترتبة على قسمنا.

implications for noun the effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the future الآثار/ انعكاسات/ التداعيات/ تبعات/ مضاعفات effects, impacts, consequences reflections, implications, repercussions

Socialism ___ ___ . الاشتراكية تعني المساواة.

implies equality Imply (formal) to involve something or make it necessary عنى mean, denote

يوفر بال إير برنامج ترفيه ممتاز على متن الطائرة ، مع أحدث الأفلام والموسيقى. تتضمن المجلة على متن الطائرة خرائط ومعلومات حول المطارات الرئيسية. Pal air offers excellent ___ ___ , with the latest films and music. The___ ___ includes maps and information about major airports.

in-flight entertainment In-flight magazine

"Now is the time to ___ ___ as many companies as possible." "لقد حان الوقت للاستثمار في أكبر عدد ممكن من الشركات". Preposition

invest in

كانت سياسة الحكومة دائمًا هي الاستثمار في البنية التحتية وتوفير المزيد من خدمات النقل المحلية للركاب الذين يعملون بجد في هذا البلد. the government's policy has always been to ___ ___ ___ and to ___ ___ ___ ___ for the hard-working commuters of this country.

invest in infrastructure provide more local transport services

لقد صدمتها راكبة دراجة وكسرت ذراعها. She was ___ ___ by a cyclist and broke her arm.

knocked over [hit by a vehicle and injured or killed]

"لدي معرفة بهذه المسألة بالذات".(رقم) "أنا أعرف من هذه المسألة بالذات." (الفعل) Preposition "I have knowledge ___ that particular issue." (noun) "I know ___ that particular issue." (verb)

knowledge of Know of For many words, the prepositions used with nouns are the same prepositions used with those nouns' associated verb forms

وأخيرا، نفذ صبري وصرخت في وجهها. Finally, I ___ ___ ___ and shouted at her.

lost my patience ينفذ صبره lose your patience = lost my temper, became angry 1- lose patience v (be frustrated by waiting) ينفذ صبره If you keep us waiting much longer we will lose patience and go elsewhere. 2- lose patience v (become annoyed) يتضايق، ينزعج I am beginning to lose patience with my noisy neighbors

"My family loves going to the beach each summer." Identify parts of the sentence

loves — transitive finite verb in the present simple tense going to the beach — gerund phrase acting as the direct object of the verb loves each summer — adverbial phrase modifying the verb phrase loves going to the beach Because every element after the subject my family is related to the verb loves, the entire phrase loves going to the beach each summer is considered the predicate

أنصحك بإجراء الحجز قبل أن تذهب. الفنادق القريبة من الشاطئ شعبية جدا وتحجز بالكامل خلال فصل الصيف. I'd advise you to ___ ___ before you go. The hotels near the beach are very popular and get ___ ___ during the summer.

make a reservation fully booked

لقد حددت الطريق حول نظام المدينة في اتجاه واحد على الخريطة. أود من الجميع أن يحددوا تقدمهم على الرسم البياني كل أسبوع. I've ___ ___ ___ around the town's one-way system on the map. I'd like everyone to ___ ___ ___ on the chart every week.

marked the route mark their progress mark [sth] (indicate) يحدّد حدّد النص الذي يلزم درسه. Mark the text to be studied. mark verb (INDICATE) B2 [ T ] to show where something is by drawing or putting something somewhere

كان لديها صورة ذهنية كيف سيبدو المنزلعند الانتهاء من تزيينه. She had a mental___ of how the house would look when they finished redecorating it.

mental picture adjective [ before noun ] relating to the mind, or involving the process of thinking: The family has a history of mental disorder. A doctor was asked about the mental state of the prisoner

"The need ___ social interaction is a basic human trait." إن الحاجة إلى التفاعل الاجتماعي سمة إنسانية أساسية". Preposition

need for

"Not only is she an award-winning singer, but she also runs track." (The speaker is impressed that she is able to do these two unrelated activities.) "إنها ليست مغنية حائزة على جوائز فحسب ، بل إنها تدير مسارًا أيضًا." (أعجبت المتحدثة بأنها قادرة على أداء هذين النشاطين غير المرتبطين.)

not only but also We use not only / but also to emphasize an additional element in the sentence, especially when its occurrence seems contradictory or surprising in light of what we already know Note that when not only is used to introduce an independent clause, as in the third example, we must use negative inversion (like with neither / nor). When but begins the second independent clause, the subject comes between it and also

He has a nice enough voice but he's not going to set the world on fire What is the meaning of the idiom

not set the world on fire to not be very exciting or successful

"It's fun to see movies, but ___ ___ ___ tickets can be quite expensive." "إنه لمن الممتع مشاهدة الأفلام، ولكن من ناحية أخرى يمكن أن تكون التذاكر مكلفة للغاية." Prepositional idiom

on the other hand in contrast (to a previously stated point of view)

اشترينا الأريكة على أساس أننا يمكن أن نعيدها إذا لم تكن مناسبة للغرفة. We bought the sofa ___ ___ ___ ___ we could return it if it didn't fit in the room.

on the understanding that on the understanding (that) If you do something on the understanding that something else can or will happen, you do it because someone else has promised that it can or will

Unable to ___ their financial difficulties, the company ___ bankruptcy last year. غير قادرة على التغلب علىالصعوبات المالية، أعلنت الشركةإفلاسهاالعام الماضي

overcome declared

حطم أخي مصباح أمي المفضل ورفض الاعتراف به. My brother broke my mom's favorite lamp and refused to ___ ___ ___ ___

own up to it. own up informal (confess to [sth]) يعترف، يقرّ

"The process ___ elimination is a popular technique when taking multiple-choice tests." عملية القضاء هي تقنية شعبية عند إجراء اختبارات متعددة الخيارات. Preposition

process of

سوف نطالع عن تاريخ هولندا قبل زيارة أمستردام. We will ___ ___ on the history of Holland before visiting Amsterdam.

read up (study, research) يدرس، يجتهد، يبحث

"The girl ___ ___ her illness." "الفتاة تعافت من مرضها" Preposition

recover from

خط نقل جديد س يقلل الضغط على أنظمة الكهرباء في جميع أنحاء منطقة وسط المحيط الأطلسي. A new transmission line would ___ ___ on electricity systems across the mid-Atlantic region.

reduce stress lay stress on sth Place stress on sth Put stress on sth reduce stress on sth

"Meredith was forced to take a reduction ___ her pay." "لقد أجبرت (ميريديث) على تخفيض أجرها" Preposition

reduction in

نحن نقوم بتحسين عملية التوظيف لجعلها تعمل بشكل أكثر سلاسة. هذا المقال ليس سيئًا ، لكنك تحتاج إلى تحسينه قليلاً. تحاول المدرسة صقل أخلاقيات التلاميذ ، وكذلك نقل المعرفة. We're ___ ___ ___ ___ to make it run more smoothly. This essay isn't bad, but ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ , as well as imparting knowledge.

refining our recruitment process you need to refine it a little more. The school tries to refine its pupils' manners C2 to improve an idea, method, system, etc. by making small changes 3- refine (oil, flour, etc.) يصفي يكرّر This factory refines flour. هذا المصنع يكرّر الطحين. 4- Refine • (process: improve) يحسّن • (work, etc.: improve, polish) يحسّن، يصقل • (manners, taste: improve, polish) يصقل شيئًا، يحسّن شيئًا

"I can't ___ ___ this character at all." "لا يمكنني أن أتعلق بهذه الشخصية على الإطلاق." Preposition

relate to To is commonly used with verbs and usually refers to direction (literal or metaphorical) or connections between people or things

The project has attracted considerable criticism from the ___ ___ (= from scientists). وقد اجتذب المشروع انتقادات كبيرة من الأوساط العلمية (= من العلماء). Adjective

scientific a scientific discovery/experiment/theory scientific data/evidence/research

We will have to adopt a more ___ ___ in the future. وسيتعين علينا أن نعتمد نهجا أكثر علمية في المستقبل.

scientific approach

لقد شرع في تصميم البرامج التي ستكون في متناول الموظفين خارج قسم المحاسبة He ___ ___ ___ design software that would be accessible to employees outside the accounting department.

set out to set out to do sth C2 [ + to infinitive ] انطلق go, set out, start to start an activity with a particular aim/to start a journey وقد انطلق ليصبح الرئيس التنفيذي He set out to become chief executive. لا انوي إزعاجه - يبدو أن ذلك يحدث. I don't set out to annoy him - it just seems to happen. انطلق لسحق كل أعدائه. He set out to crush all his enemies 1- set out (start a journey) ينطلق They set out for London early the following day. 2- set [sth] out (lay out, arrange) يرتّب، ينسّق 3- set [sth] out (present) يقدّم، يعرض 4- set out to do [sth] (intend) ينوي فعل شيء، يعتزم فعل شيء He set out to mend the fences, but ran out of wire before he was halfway done. set out to do [sth]

• سجل لويس رقما قياسيا عالميا جديدا. • Lewis has ___ a new world record.

set record verb (ESTABLISH) to establish or decide something: • The school has been criticized for failing to set high standards for its students. • The committee has set new limits on spending. • Lewis has set a new world record. • The court's decision has set a legal precedent. • Parents should set a good example to their children. • He's set himself the goal/target of making his first million by the time he's 30

هل قمت باعداد مشغلDVD؟ Have you ___ ___ the DVD player?

set up verb(GET READY) to get something ready so that it comes into operation or can be used: Will you set the table (= put plates, knives, forks, etc. on it ready for use), please?

أخي خطيب يرفض أيضا أن يأتي. أعتقد أنه يحاول تسوية النتيجة بعد حجة كبيرة كانت لديهم العام الماضي ، لكنها مزعجة للغاية. My fiancé's brother is also refusing to come. I think he's trying to ___ ___ ___ after a big argument they had last year, but it's very upsetting.

settle a score have a score to settle v expr figurative, informal (plan to take revenge) (لديه حساب لابدّ من تسويته) انتقم، أخذ بالثأر Bruce has a score to settle with Joe because he thinks Joe stole some of his money

Analysts said yesterday's ___ was unlikely to affect the company's fiscal health. وقال محللون إن تسوية الأمس من غير المرجح أن تؤثر على الصحة المالية للشركة.

settlement fiscal health

"That girl is always ___ ___ ." "تلك الفتاة دائما الرياء." Prepositional idiom

show off "show off" has two distinct meanings: to display something one is proud of, or to act as if one is superior to others

show off "show off" has two distinct meanings: to display something one is proud of, or to act as if one is superior to others "Parents love to ___ ___ their children's artwork." "الآباء يحبون إظهار الأعمال الفنية لأطفالهم." Prepositional idiom

show off "show off" has two distinct meanings: to display something one is proud of, or to act as if one is superior to others

"The groom waited all day, but the bride never ___ ___ ." "انتظر العريس طوال اليوم، ولكن العروس لم تظهر." Prepositional idiom

show up to come, arrive, or appear

"He let the college's rejection ___ ___ before deciding to reapply the following year." لقد ترك رفض الكلية ليصبح مفهوما قبل أن يقرر إعادة تقديم الطلب في العام التالي. " Preposition

sink in to become clearly and gradually understood

عند الانتهاء من التدريب ، سيتم تزويد المتدربين لدينا بالمهارات اللازمة للتقدم للوظائف داخل منظمات أداره الحفظ. When the training is finished, our trainees will be equipped with the ___ ___ necessary to apply for positions within conservation management organizations.

skill set مجموعه المهارات noun the range of things that someone is good at, especially things that are useful in a particular job Her skill set no longer matched their business needs.

هذه الحبال خيمة فضفاضة للغاية - أنهم بحاجة إلى تشديد. These tent ropes are too ___ - they need tightening.

slack adjective (NOT TIGHT) not tight; loose

City planners think it's a good idea to ban traffic from downtown streets, but the public's ___ is that it's a stupid idea. يعتقد مخططو المدينة أن حظر حركة المرور من شوارع وسط المدينة يعد فكرة جيدة ، لكن حكم الجمهور هو أنها فكرة غبية.

verdict noun حكم rule, provision, ruling, judgment, sentenced, judgement an opinion or decision made after judging the facts that are given, especially one made at the end of a trial

Many politicians and members of the public expressed outrage at the ___ . وأعرب العديد من السياسيين والجمهور عن سخطهم علي الحكم.

verdict noun حكم rule, provision, ruling, judgment, sentenced, judgement an opinion or decision made after judging the facts that are given, especially one made at the end of a trial

The jury reached/returned a unanimous ___ of (not) guilty. وقد توصلت هيئه المحلفين إلى حكم بالإجماع بالذنب (لا) .

verdict noun حكم rule, provision, ruling, judgment, sentenced, judgement an opinion or decision made after judging the facts that are given, especially one made at the end of a trial

They suggested that the use of eco-friendly cleaning materials was not financially ___ . اقترحوا أن استخدام مواد التنظيف الصديقة للبيئة لم يكن مجديًا من الناحية المالية

viable financially unsustainable/viable

كانت معتادة على الادخار بزيادات صغيرة كل أسبوع. She was in the habit of saving in ___ ___ each week.

small increment الزيادة increase, increased, growth, rise, excess,boost العلاوة allowance, premium, bonus noun one of a series of increases

"My son ___ ___ me every time I walk through the door." "ابني يبتسم لي في كل مرة أمشي من خلال الباب." Preposition

smile at

ينتبه الأطفال إلى أكثر مما ندرك ، ويستوعبون كل شي من حولهم. هذه الكثير من المعلومات الجديدة ، لذا سأعطيك لحظة للسماح لكم ان تستوعبوها Children pay attention to more than we realize, ___ ___ everything around them. That's a lot of new information, so I'll give you a moment to let it all ___ ___

soaking up soak in. soak [sth] up (take in: information, experience) (مجازي) يتشرب يستوعب

إنه رطب لدرجة أن قميصي مبلل جدا قبل أن أغادر المنزل. It's so humid that my shirt is___ ___ before I leave the house.

soaking wet soaking adjective

"لا يمكن لأحد التوصل إلى حل لمشكلة الرياضيات." "No one could come up with a solution ___ the math problem." Preposition

solution to come up with plan /solution/scheme يتوصل يبتكر · come up with [sth] informal (devise, invent) يخرج بشيء I'll have to come up with a plan. · come up with [sth] informal (deliver, produce) يجلب شيئًا، يدبّر شيئًا Will you be able to come up with the cash by the end of the month?

"I'm sure that I'm forgetting___ ." " انا متاكد من انني نسيت شيئا".

something indefinite pronouns that only apply to things "Is there something you'd like to say?" "I don't care what I eat, so just order me anything."

you mark my words alternative

something that you say when you tell someone about something that you are certain will happen in the future: He'll cause trouble - I am telling you

financially secure/sound/stable, etc. This is a financially ___ and profitable enterprise. هذا المؤسسه سليم ماليا ومربحة.


"The best thing in life is ___ time with loved ones." "أفضل شيء في الحياة هو قضاء الوقت مع أحبائهم."

spending Like predicative adjectives, gerunds can act as subject complements after the linking verb be. In this case, the gerund acts as a kind of modifier that gives more information about the sentence's subject

تعطل الفرن ، وكان العشاء لدينا بارد للغايه بدلاً من حار جدا. The oven broke down, and our dinner was ___ ___ instead of ___ ___

stone cold piping hot. بارد للغايه حار جدا

شابان الذان سافرا خلسه على متن العبارة على أمل الدخول إلى البلاد بطريقة غير قانونية. وقالت الشرطة إنها اعتقلت بالفعل أكثر من 20 مسافر خلسه في الميناء هذا العام. Two young men had ___ ___ on the ferry, hoping to enter the country illegally. Police said they had already arrested more than 20 ___ ___ at the port this year.

stowed away [hidden on a ship, aircraft or other vehicle in order to travel secretly or without paying; person who does this] stow away (be transported illegally and secretly) مهرَّب في سفينة The illegal immigrants stowed away on the passenger ship. Stowaways المسافر خلسة المسافر المتهرب؛ المستخفى على متن الباخرة او الطائرة؛ مُتَهَرِّبٌ من دَفْعِ الأُجْرَة

"Steven ___ ___ earning a scholarship." "ستيفن نجح في الحصول على منحة دراسية." Preposition

succeed in

What are the other placement of indirect object other than immediately before the direct object in a sentence?

we can also communicate the same information by placing the indirect object after the direct object in a prepositional phrase using to or for. We can do this with any indirect object, but it is often preferable when the indirect object is particularly long. For instance: "I sent my brother a letter." "I sent a letter to my brother." "My father baked our class a batch of cupcakes." "My father baked a batch of cupcakes for our class." "She teaches many different students mathematics." She teaches mathematics to many different students."

"I like hiking." "I like to hike." Which one is correct

we can use either the infinitive or the gerund. Most of the time, there is no difference in meaning when we substitute the infinitive for the gerund. This is especially true for stative verbs

"I prefer going out on the weekend." "I prefer to go out on the weekend." Which one is correct

we can use either the infinitive or the gerund. Most of the time, there is no difference in meaning when we substitute the infinitive for the gerund. This is especially true for stative verbs

القصة مالوفه بضجر ، ولكن مع مفاجاه واحده. The story is ___ familiar, but with one surprise.

wearily Adverb بضجر in a way that is boring, or that shows that you are bored with something because you have experienced too much of it: "انها قصه قديمه قديمه" ، يقول بضجر. "It's an old, old story," he says wearily The manager watched him as he wearily climbed the stairs. He wearily explained that he was trying to make a joke

أخرجت نفسي من السريربتعب في الساعة الخامسة صباح اليوم. I dragged myself ___ out of bed at five o'clock this morning.

wearily بتعب tiredly adverb in a way that shows that you are very tired: People slumped wearily in their seats The public wearily expects this from politicians.

بمجرد أن بدأوا الحديث ، أغمض عينيه وأعرب عن التعب واللامبالاة. As soon as they began to talk, he shut his eyes and expressed ___ and indifference.

weariness noun [ U ] ضجر سأم ملل weariness, boredom, tedium, restlessness ,fatigue, monotony the state of being bored with something because you have experienced too much of it: يجب أن أعترف بعض السأم عند قراءة تلك المقاطع. I must admit a certain weariness when reading those passages After a while, fear gives way to weariness and boredom. والتصويت رمزي للغاية ، مما يؤكد الملل العام من الحرب. The vote is hugely symbolic, confirming a public weariness with the war.

The house ___ I was born is a very special place." المنزل الذي ولدت فيه هو مكان خاص جدا". Relative adverbs


• "He bikes ___ he goes." (He bikes to every place that he goes.)

wherever We use wherever to emphasize that we mean any or every place, rather than a specific location

• "My brother worked really hard, ___ I didn't make much of an effort." • "لقد عمل أخي بجد ، بينما لم أبذل الكثير من الجهد".

while While and whereas both express contrast. While and whereas can be used interchangeably, but whereas is often considered more formal. Note also that, like with (just) as, we use a comma between the clauses even though these subordinating conjunctions are not in the initial position

"People from many different countries have visited here." واضاف ان "اشخاصا من العديد من الدول المختلفة زاروا هنا". What is the function of the Prepositions phrase?

• From many different countries is a prepositional phrase modifying the noun people. • It immediately follows that noun, and it answers the question what kind of people (people from different countries). • But it also indirectly answers the question how many, because it tells the reader that a large number of people have visited

"The student asked ___ a pencil." Preposition

ask for

Your happiness depends on doing something you enjoy Or Your happiness is depending on doing something you enjoy

✔ "Your happiness depends on doing something you enjoy." (correct) ✖ "Your happiness is depending on doing something you enjoy." (incorrect) Besides the linking verb be and the verbs of the senses, we can use other verbs, such as weigh, depend, involve, owe, or consist, to describe the state or qualities of something. ✔ "He weighs 160 pounds." (correct) ✖ "He is weighing 160 pounds." (incorrect) ✔ "This report involves multiple sites across the world." (correct) ✖ "This report is involving multiple sites across the world." (incorrect) ✔ "John owes me 20 dollars!" (correct) ✖ "John is owing me 20 dollars!" (incorrect) ✔ "The book consists of research from several prominent scientists." (correct) ✖ "The book is consisting of research from several prominent scientists." (incorrect) Using the continuous form Some of these verbs can be dynamic or stative, depending on the context and the way they are used. When the verb is describing an attribute of the subject, it functions as stative verb (as we saw above). When the verb describes an action taken by the subject, though, it is functioning as an action verb, as in: • "He is weighing each bag before delivery." • "I am involving a number of people in this project." The phrasal verb depend on, however, is always stative, but we often find it being used in the continuous form, especially when its subject is a person. For instance: • "We are depending on you to get this done in time."

"He made it to the airport ___ ___ ." "لقد وصلت إلى المطار أخيرًا." Prepositional idiom

at last finally

"Families residing near the volcano are especially ___ ___ ." "الأسر المقيمة بالقرب من البركان هي بشكل خاص في خطر." Prepositional idiom

at risk prone to danger or threatened by a dangerous situation

"The library is ___ to the train station." Preposition

by, near, close to lack of distance

"The taste ___ cooked octopus is an acquired one." Preposition

taste of

"He delayed paying his phone bill." What is the function of paying?

"Certain action verbs (also called dynamic verbs) can also take a gerund as their object if describing a secondary action. admit (to) "He admitted (to) cheating on the exam." avoid "He always tries to avoid doing his homework." consider "He is considering moving to London." deny "He denied stealing the money." insist on "He insisted on giving me a ride to the train station." keep/continue "Please, keep/continue telling me your story." mention "She mentioned meeting him for a coffee earlier." practice "She practices speaking English whenever she gets the chance." recommend "I recommend going to the mountains in the summer." resist "She resisted sneaking out to the party down the road." suggest "They suggested staying at a five-star hotel."

"I forgot to meet John earlier." "I forget meeting John earlier." What is the difference in meaning ?

"I forgot to meet John earlier." (I didn't remember to do it.) "I forget meeting John earlier." (I don't remember this fact even though it happened.) In other instances the meaning of the clause is significantly changed as a result. For instance, the verbs remember, forget, try, and stop can have both infinitives and gerunds as direct objects, but the meaning changes depending on which is used. "Try to get some rest." (Attempt to do this.) "Try getting some rest." (Try this as a possible solution to the problem.)

Choose the correct collocation. 1 I'm happy to say that you have all sat / taken / passed your maths test. 2 Will the teacher give / provide / make us some feedback on our essays? 3 The university agrees / recognises / takes the school-leaving exams of most other countries. 4 It isn't compulsory to assist / attend / listen all the lectures at this university.

1 passed 2 give 3 recognizes 4 attend

"I have no memory ___ my first year in school." "ليس لدي أي ذكرى من السنة الأولى في المدرسة." Preposition

memory of

For a Situation in the present perfect tense, what verb tense would we use for a wish in the subjunctive mood? present perfect continuous tense past simple tense past continuous tense past perfect tense


3. Which of the following is not used to separate an absolute phrase from the rest of the sentence? a) A semicolon b) A comma c) A dash d) Parentheses


"We ___ visiting my aunt." "قررنا عدم زيارة عمتي". Preposition

decided against

"___ ___ , what matters most is honesty." "فيالنهاية،ما يهم أكثر هو الصدق." Prepositional idiom

in the end finally; at last

"Leave the towel ___ the counter." Prepositions

on surfaces or tops of things

أحب ان اطالع الموضوع قبل إبداء الرأي. I like to ___ ___ on a subject before expressing an opinion.

read up on [sth/sb] (research) يطالع عن شيء/شخص

"I forgot to read this book for school." "I forget reading this book for school." Which one is correct

"I forgot to read this book for school." (I didn't remember to do this, so it didn't happen) "I forget reading this book for school." (I don't recall this fact) With some verbs, we can use both the infinitive and the gerund, but the meaning of the sentence changes subtly as a result. In this case, we have to use context to understand the meaning completely. "I stopped drinking sugary drinks because of my health." (I don't drink sugary drinks anymore) "I stopped to drink at the well." (I interrupted what I was doing to drink from the well)

"I had cereal and milk for breakfast." "I had breakfast with cereal and milk." \ Which is correct?

"I had cereal and milk for breakfast." (correct) "I had breakfast with cereal and milk." (incorrect) The second sentence is a common error. It implies that you, the cereal, and the milk all had breakfast together. You can have breakfast with your friends or your family, but not with cereal and milk. However, we can use with to show a connection between cereal and milk, as in: ✔ "I had cereal with milk for breakfast."

بعض الرياضيين يرغبون بشدة في الفوز حيث يتعاطون أدوية لتحسين أدائهم. سيتم اكتشاف هذا عندما يفشلون في اختبار المخدرات. Some sports people so ___ ___ to win that they take drugs to. This will be discovered when they___ ___ .

1- desperately want يرغبون بشدة 2- enhance their performance لتحسين أدائهم 3- fail a drugs test يفشلون في اختبار المخدرات

عليك أن تتعلم التحكم في أعصابك. مزاجها لم يتحسن مع تقدم العمر! يدعي منتقدوه أن مزاجه الشرس يجعله غير مناسب لقيادة الحزب. لديها مزاج متفجر. في نوبة من الغضب ألقى الكتاب في جميع أنحاء الغرفة. You're going to have to learn to control your temper. Her temper hasn't improved with age! His detractors claim that his fierce temper makes him unsuitable for party leadership. She has an explosive temper. In a fit of temper he hurled the book across the room.

• temper n (mood)مزاج Try to find out what temper the boss is in, before you ask for your pay rise. جرّب أن تعرف كيف هو مزاج المدير قبل أن تطلب منه زيادة راتب. • bad temper n (ability to get angry) مزاج سيئ Hannah has a temper; it's best not to upset her. • temper [sth] (moderate, mitigate) يلطّف يخفّف، يقلّل George's boss tempered her negative appraisal with a few positive comments. Karen's attraction to Brian was tempered by her knowledge of his criminal past. لطّفت مديرة جورج تقييمها السلبيّ بذكر بعض التعليقات الإيجابية. خفّ انعجاب كارين ببراين بعدما عرفت بماضيه الإجراميّ. • fiery temper n (tendency to be quick to anger) طَبْع سريع الغضب Davina was a typical redhead with a fiery temper. • lose your temper v (get angry) يفقد أعصابه، ينفعل Jeremy is so easily upset; he loses his temper over every little thing. • temper tantrum n (angry outburst) نوبة غضب detractor n (critic, opponent) ناقد، معارض

لحسن الحظ ، هناك أيضًا طريق رسوم يمكنني القيام به لجزء من الرحلة. إنه مكلف ولكنه ليس مزدحمًا - حتى في ساعة الذروة. Luckily, there's also a ___ I can take for part of the trip. It's expensive but isn't as crowded - even in___ ___ .

• toll road toll road n (highway for which a fee is charged) طريق برسم مرور There are a lot of toll roads around Orlando airport. • rush hour

تحت أي ظرف من الظروف لا يجب أن جوني أكل الحلوى اليوم. تحت أي ظرف من الظروف لا يجب أن تقترب من الرجل. وأضافت أنها لا تنوي قطعاالإساءة إلى أي شخص. ___ ___ ___ should Johnny eat sweets today. ___ ___ ___ should you approach the man. She added that she had ___ ___ ___ intended to offend anybody.

• under no circumstances adv (not for any reason) مهما تكن الظروف • in no way adv (not at all) قطعاً The fact that you were a little drunk in no way excuses your behavior. in no way C1 not at all

I enjoy playing tennis I enjoy to play tennis Which one is correct?

✔ "I enjoy playing tennis." (correct) ✖ "I enjoy to play tennis." (incorrect) Most of the time, a verb of emotion can take either a gerund or an infinitive with little to no difference in meaning. However, an infinitive sometimes refers to a potential activity, while a gerund refers to an activity in general. Other verbs of emotion, such as enjoy or don't mind, can't take the infinitive at all: ✔ "I don't mind working on my own." (correct) ✖ "I don't mind to work on my own." (incorrect)

"I remembered to close the window." "No, I didn't leave the window open. I remember closing it." Which one is correct

"I remembered to close the window." (I didn't forget to do this) "No, I didn't leave the window open. I remember closing it." (I recall doing this) With some verbs, we can use both the infinitive and the gerund, but the meaning of the sentence changes subtly as a result. In this case, we have to use context to understand the meaning completely. "I stopped drinking sugary drinks because of my health." (I don't drink sugary drinks anymore) "I stopped to drink at the well." (I interrupted what I was doing to drink from the well)

"I stopped to drink water before bed." "I stopped drinking water before bed. What is the difference in meaning ?

"I stopped to drink water before bed." (I interrupted what I was doing to drink water.) "I stopped drinking water before bed." (I don't drink water before bed anymore.) In other instances the meaning of the clause is significantly changed as a result. For instance, the verbs remember, forget, try, and stop can have both infinitives and gerunds as direct objects, but the meaning changes depending on which is used. "I remembered to close the window." (I didn't forget to do it.) "I remember closing the window." (I clearly recall it.)

"It's Monday. I have to go to work." Change to Subjunctive mood

"I wish it wasn't Monday. I wish I didn't have to go to work." Expressing Wishes When we a wish for something to be true, we conjugate the verb one degree into the past to create the subjunctive mood

"I've been trying to call you all day, but the line has been busy." "Try calling my cell phone next time." Which one is correct

"I've been trying to call you all day, but the line has been busy." (Attempt to do something) "Try calling my cell phone next time." (This is a possible solution to the problem) With some verbs, we can use both the infinitive and the gerund, but the meaning of the sentence changes subtly as a result. In this case, we have to use context to understand the meaning completely. "I stopped drinking sugary drinks because of my health." (I don't drink sugary drinks anymore) "I stopped to drink at the well." (I interrupted what I was doing to drink from the well)

"She dreams of becoming a pilot." "إنها تحلم بأن تصبح طيارة" "She often dreams about flying." "انها تحلم في كثير من الأحيان عن الطيران." Preposition

"She dreams of becoming a pilot." (aspiration) "She often dreams about flying." (image during sleep) some verbs' meanings do change when a different preposition is introduced. For example, the verb dream can mean to aspire when it is used with the preposition of; however, when it is used with the prepositions about, it means to see images during sleep

Replace the underlined words 1. Foods which are changed or treated as part of an industrial operation may damage our health in the long term. 2. Some people always have three full, satisfying meals a day, but I prefer a large breakfast and then a small meal around midday and a more sizeable meal in the evening. 3. There are some overpriced restaurants in the city centre, but down at the beach, there are some nice, not too expensively priced ones.

1 Processed foods may damage our health in the long term. 2 Some people always have three decent meals a day, but I prefer a hearty breakfast and then a light meal around midday and a more substantial meal in the evening. 3 There are some overpriced restaurants in the city centre, but down at the beach, there are some nice, reasonably priced ones.

Logan: I've got some cheese and milk. Is there a fridge here I could put them in? Connor: I feel so hungry! I can't believe it! Layla: I've been sick and my stomach is aching. Must be something I ate. Michael: No matter how much I eat, I always want more. Scarlett: All these vegetables have been grown without any chemicals at all. Bella: I always enjoy my food and look forward to it. name 1 Who has organic food? 2 Who has an insatiable appetite? 3 Who has perishable food? 4 Who has a healthy appetite? 5 Who has food poisoning? 6 Who is dying of hunger?

1 Scarlett 2 Michael 3 Logan 4 Bella 5 Layla 6 Connor

I hadn't seen Owen since he was just a baby, so I was surprised to see that he was now a tall young man. He was ___ ___, smart and elegant. He was with a pretty young woman with ___ black, shoulder___ hair and a lovely com___ She could have been a model, she had such a___ appearance. He had his arm round her slender ___ . With them was a portly ___ , who looked as though he enjoyed good food, and who was probably her father. you haven't aged at all! You have a much more youthful ___ than my father now does. Dad has gone very grey.' he obviously didn't notice I was beginning to ___ bald.

1 immaculately groomed 6 slim/slender waist 2 jet-black 7 portly gentleman 3 shoulder-length 8 youthful appearance 4 lovely complexion 9 gone 5 striking appearance 10 go

سكن قصير المدى متاح بالقرب من الجامعة. شقة مبنيه حديثا متاحة قريبا. مطبخ مجهز بالكامل وقوف السيارات على الطرق الوعرة. هل تبحث للانتقال إلى شقة أو منزل في الفصل الدراسي التالي؟ لدى Harmer Agency مجموعة واسعة من أماكن الإقامة المناسبة. شقة مفروشة بالكامل متاحة للإيجار منطقة سكنية هادئة. ___ ___ ___ available near university./___ ___ ___ available soon. ___ ___ ___ /___ ___ ___ . /Are you looking ___ ___ ___ ___ next term? The Harmer Agency has a wide range of___ ___ . ___ ___ flat ___ ___ /Quiet___ ___ ./studio flats

1 Short-let accommodation can be rented for short periods of time 2 Newly built apartment 3 fully fitted kitchen kitchen that is already equipped with modern cooker, washing machine, cupboards, etc. 4 Off-road parking 5 to move into a flat or house move into (take up residence in) يسكن، يقطن They moved into their new home last week. 6 suitable accommodation 7 Fully furnished 8 available to rent 9 residential area 10 studio flats small flats designed for one person

Change the underlined words using collocations so that each sentence has the opposite meaning. 1 The band's last album was a minor hit. (give two answers) 2 There are some great slow numbers on this new album. 3 The band has a small following of dedicated fans. 4 Music was playing quietly on the hi-fi when I entered the house. 5 Maria Plurosa gave a poor performance of Heder's violin concerto last night.

1 The band's last album was a massive/big hit. 2 There are some great up-tempo numbers on this new album. 3 The band has a huge following of dedicated fans. 4 Music was blasting out from the hi-fi when I entered the house. 5 Maria Plurosa gave a virtuoso performance of Heder's violin concerto last night

Correct the collocation errors in these sentences. 1 We live on a busy road, but we're lucky because we have off-road park. 2 Gemma has moved off from her old flat and has now got a new place in Walville Street. 3 We're building an expansion to our house which will give us a bigger kitchen. 4 The flat is totally furnished, which is good because I have no furniture of my own. 5 She had to get out a big mortgage as the house was very expensive.

1 We live on a busy road, but we're lucky because we have off-road parking. 2 Gemma has moved out of her old flat and has now got a new place in Walville Street. 3 We're building an extension to our house which will give us a bigger kitchen. 4 The flat is fully furnished, which is good because I have no furniture of my own. 5 She had to take out a big mortgage as the house was very expensive.

Match We want to turn our garage into a house-warming party. Harper has invited me to her mortgage. Next week I have to move out of my own. Xavier makes a business out of doing up granny flat. Our bedroom overlooks my flat. Our house needs to be completely the garden. I hope that one day I'll have a place of old houses. The bank can help if you want to take out a refurbished.

1 We want to turn our garage into a granny flat. 2 Harper has invited me to her house-warming party. 3 Next week I have to move out of my flat. 4 Xavier makes a business out of doing up old houses. 5 Our bedroom overlooks the garden. 6 Our house needs to be completely refurbished. 7 I hope that one day I'll have a place of my own. 8 The bank can help if you want to take out a mortgage

What word(s) mean ...? 1 music that is playing while you are doing something else and not really listening to it? 2 music that is not complicated or difficult to listen to? 3 a pop musician who is a very big star with many fans? 4 a type of performer who speaks rhymed lyrics over rhythm tracks? 5 to tighten or loosen the strings of an instrument till they make the correct note? 6 a way of playing a guitar by moving your fingers across the strings?

1 background music 4 a rap artist 2 easy listening 5 to tune an instrument 3 a pop idol 6 to strum (a guitar)

Complete these questions. 1 What homework do we have to___ tonight? 2 In which month do students usually___ their final exams in your country? 3 Who do we have to___ our essays in to? 4 Who is___ today's lecture on Shakespeare? 5 What do we need to do if we want to___ from the course? 6 In which room is the translation class going to be___ ? 7 Have you done the first___ of your essay yet? 8 Do you prefer exams or continuous___ ? 9 Do you always____ to all your lectures? 10 Does the college___ training in computer skills?

1 do 2 take/sit 3 hand/give 4 giving/doing 5 withdraw 6 held 7 draft 8 assessment 9 go 10 provide/give/offer

I grew up in an ___ family as my grandparents and a couple of aunts and an uncle, who was a ___ bachelor, lived with us. We saw a lot of our ___ relatives as well as our close ones. I think that families tended to be much more ___ then - we talked to each other more and did things together more. I'm sure there are far more ___ families now than there used to be - you know, where parents hardly spend any time with their children, or with each other - and a lot of parents who are divorced. My ___ wife, who died two years ago, used to say that it is not fair on children to let them grow up in ___ homes.

1 extended 2 confirmed 3 distant 4 close-knit 5 dysfunctional 6 late 7 broken

1 Which verb suggests that friendship can be seen as a plant? 2 Which collocation suggests that love is close to being crazy? 3 Which collocation from the love story means agree to marry someone? 4 Which collocation means the same as special friends? 5 Which collocation means the same as keep in contact with?

1 grow 2 to be/fall madly in love 3 accept a proposal 4 close friends keep in touch with

Correct the eight collocation errors For all folk music likers, Johnny Coppin's new album, The Long Harvest, published last week, will be a great addition to their collection. Johny recently got solo after five years with the folk band Blue Mountain. He is proud of the musical inheritance of his native Kentucky.With this album Coppin says he hopes to control a wider audience for folk music. His excellent living performance at the recent Lockwood Folk Festival suggests he has a good chance of succeeding.

1 likers lovers 5 comprise feature 2 published released 6 control capture 3 got solo went solo 7 living live 4 inheritance heritage

Complete the collocations. 1 Flu is not a s___ illness for most people, but it can be l___ -t___ for elderly people who are weak and who haven't been vaccinated. 2 Patients who are t___ ill often prefer to die at home surrounded by their loved ones. 3 I'm not in pain, it's just a d___ ache in my back tooth. I hate going to the dentist's. 4 The children have a b___ diet, with lots of fruit and vegetables and only a few sweet things now and then. 5 Turn that music down! I've got a s___ headache! 6 You shouldn't waste the doctor's time with t___ ailments. Get something at the chemist's instead.

1 serious; life-threatening 2 terminally 3 dull 4 balanced 5 splitting 6 trivial

Match the words 1 set additives 2 food food 3 junk produce 4 ready menu 5 fresh meals

1 set menu 2 food additives 3 junk food 4 ready meals 5 fresh produce (Fresh food is also a possible collocation.)

Complete questions. Then answer them. 1 Have you ever fallen in love at first___ ? 2 Do you think it's true that men are more reluctant to___ a commitment than women? 3 How old were you when you___ in love for the first time? 4 Do you think it is possible to have one person who is the love of your ___ ? 5 Have you ever been in love with someone who has not ___ your love? 6 Do you think that men or women are more likely to be tempted to___ an affair?

1 sight 2 make 3 fell 4 life 5 returned 6 have

Cambridge were happy to (1) their last match 6:0. Oxford, the opposing team, put up a good (2) and some people thought they (3) to win. They were fearless in (4) their opponents, but every time they took (5) of the ball, Cambridge managed to win it back. Cambridge have now (6) a place in the next (7) of the competition. They will undoubtedly come up against some fierce (8) . However, they have already managed to (9) an interesting world record by having four members of the same family in their winning team!

1 win 2 fight 3 deserved 4 tackling 5 possession 6 gained/got 7 stage/round 8 competition 9 set (possibly beat, if there was an existing record for a team with several family members in it)

عندما يصدر كتاب أو فيلم جديد ، ستقوم الصحف والمواقع الإلكترونية بمراجعته. يُطلق على الأشخاص الذين يراجعون الكتاب / الفيلم مراجعي الكتب / نقاد الأفلام ويقومون بكتابة مراجعات الكتاب / الفيلم. إذا لم يعجبهم الكتاب / الفيلم ، فسيعطونه مراجعة سيئة. When a new ___ or ___ ___ ___ , newspapers and websites will review it. The people who ___ ___ ___ are called ___ ___ ___ ___ and they write book/film reviews. If they don't like a book/film they___ ___ ___ ___ .

1- Book/film comes out يطلق يصدر ينشر • come out of [sth] (emerge) يخرج Come out of the shadows and stand here in the light where I can see you. • come out (go outside) يخرج Did you ask your mom if you can come out and play? • come out informal (book: be published) يصدر His new novel comes out this autumn. • come out (movie: be released) يطلق • come out of [sth] (result) ينتج من شيء، ينشأ من شيء Let's hope that something good can come out of this. • come out with (introduce a new product) ينتج منتجاً جديداً The company has come out with a new miracle drug 2- review the book/film يراجعون كتاب فلم • be under review(be examined or reconsidered) يبقي تحت المراجعة The proposed changes to the law are still under review. التغييرات المقترحة للقانون لاتزال تحت المراجعة. • board of review n (evaluating committee) لجنة التقييم The board of review considers appeals by residents who are unable to pay property taxes. • financial review n (economic or banking report) مُراجعة ماليّة استعراض مالي The company released a financial review. • job performance review n (employee appraisal) تقييم أداء الموظف Every employee has a job performance review at the end of each year. • peer review n (assessment by one's colleagues) تقييم النظير I completed a peer review of my co-worker's performance 3- book reviewers / film critics 4- give it a bad review • a [mixed, positive, negative, critical, great, wonderful] review • (has) received [mixed] reviews • left little time for review (before the exam) • review it before [handing in, submitting, finishing] • review and [share, comment, approve]

1- The parties could not agree and the talks Broke___ . 2- The plan got the ___ -ahead yesterday. 3- We must keep a ___ watch on the dollar-euro exchange rate.

1- Break Down break down (collapse, become weak) ينهار The union called a strike after talks broke down over retirement benefits 2- Go- ahead the go-ahead informal (authorization) تفويض، إذن 3-Keep a close watch on

أنت جيد في حفظ الاسرار ولا تحمل ضغينة October You are good at keeping secrets and never___ ___ ___ .

1- bear a grudge :resent for a long time bad things grudge noun [ C ] a strong feeling of anger and dislike for a person who you feel has treated you badly, especially one that lasts for a long time: انا لا أحمل اي ضغينة ضدك I don't bear any grudge against you. مازال لديها ضغينة ضدي لرفضي إقراضها المال she still has/holds a grudge against me for refusing to lend her that money. • bear a grudge يحقد، ينقم، يضمر الضغينة He bore a grudge against his brothers. إنه يضمر الضغينة ضد إخوته. • bear a grudge against [sb] يحقد على شخص، يضمر الضغينة ضد شخص • bear a grudge against [sb] for [sth] يحمل الضغينة ضد شخص بسبب شيء Julie bears a grudge against her neighbor for cutting down a hedge that was actually on Julie's property

تجنب سرعتك وأنت تقترب من الزاوية. ___ ___ ___ speed as you approach the corner.

Slack off your speed slack verb informal to work more slowly and with less effort than usual, or to go more slowly Everyone slacks off at the end of the week. You'll be in trouble if you're caught slacking on the job

الألحان المؤرقة والأداء البارع من حين إلى آخر من جانب عازفيها الفرديين يميز هذه المجموعة من الموسيقى الكلاسيكية البريطانية الشعبيه، والتي تهدف إلى جذب جمهور أوسع وتعزز التراث الموسيقي البريطاني. ___ ___ and the ___ ___ ___ from its two soloists mark this collection of popular British classical music, which aims to___ ___ ___ and to promote Britain's___ ___ .

1- Haunting melodies الألحان المؤرقة • haunting adj (not easy to forget) مورق , مؤثّر، مذهل The haunting last scene of the movie is stuck in my head. • melody n (tune) نغمة Do you know the melody to "Red River Valley"? • melody n (song) أغنية We'll be playing your favourite melodies by request. 2- occasional virtuoso performance والأداء البارع من حين إلى آخر • virtuoso n (highly-skilled musician) فنّان، واسع الخبرة Andrea is a virtuoso on the piano. • virtuoso n as adj (performance: masterful) بارع Bill gave a virtuoso performance on the guitar. • soloist n (solo performer) عازف منفرد مؤدٍّ منفرد The crowd gave a standing ovation for the soloist. 3- capture a wider audience جذب جمهور أوسع 4- musical heritage التراث الموسيقي • heritage n (inheritance: property) تراث The ancient castle is one of the largest tangible pieces of the nation's heritage. إن القلعة القديمة هي أحد أكبر الأجزاء الملموسة من تراث البلد. • heritage n (inheritance: ideas) ميراث The family stew recipe is an important part of Steve's family heritage. إن وصفة اليخنة العائلية هي جزء مهم من ميراث عائلة ستيڤ. • heritage n (inheritance: status) إرث، ميراث Peter reserved his business as his son's heritage, and protected it for him in his will. • cultural heritage n(legacy of traditions, etc.) إرث ثقافي • world heritage n(preservation of culture) مواقع التراث العالمي Stonehenge is a world heritage site. شجع Promote, encourage, support عزز promote , boost, enhance, reinforce, consolidate

1 In an unexpected ___ of events, the manager has been sacked and it is rumoured that the job might go to the club's coach. We will ___ you informed as more news ___ in. 2 Rebel troops ___ control of the capital of Jalamaa last night. Meanwhile, five police officers were ___ captive by rebels in the south of the country. 3 Lightning ___ a house yesterday which immediately ___ fire.

1- Turn of events, keep you informed, news come in 2- Seized control , taken captives 3- Lightening struck, caught fire

والدي وشقيقيّ الأكبر سنا جميعهم قويي البنيه بأكتاف عريضة. والدي سيفقد شعره لكنه لا يزال يتمتع بمظهر شاب للغاية بالنسبة لشخص تجاوز الأربعين. لدى أشقائي شعر كثيف وحواجب كثيفة. أخي الأصغر هو سنتين فقط ، لكنه لطيف للغاية ، مع الخدين ممتلئين My father and my two older brothers are all ___ ___ with ___ ___ . My father is ___ ___ but he still has a very ___ ___ for someone who is over forty. My brothers both have ___ ___ and ___ ___ . My younger brother is only two, but he's very cute, with___ ___ .

1- Well built: have strong, attractive bodies قوي البنية • well-built adj (structure: solid, stable) متين، ثابت I can't deny the new headquarters is well built, but does it have to be so ugly? لا أنكر أنّ المقرّ الجديد متين جدًّا، ولكن لمَ هو بشع إلى هذا الحدّ؟ • well-built adj (person: heavy, large) قوي البنية 2- Going bald • go bald vi + adj (lose your hair) يفقد الشعر • The idea of going grey doesn't bother me, but I'd hate to go bald. 3- Youthful appearance • youthful adj (looking or seeming young) أصغر من عمره Those clothes he wears are far too youthful for him. • youthful adj(looks: like a young person) بمظهر صغير السن I asked her how she maintained her youthful good looks. لقد سألتها كيف يمكنها أن تبدو بمظهر صغير السن. • appearance n (looks) مَظهر Adolescents are often worried about their appearance. يقلق المراهقون في الكثير من الأحيان على مظهرهم. • appearance n(arrival)ظهور وصول The criminals ran at the appearance of the police on the scene. هرب المجرمون عند وصول الشرطة إلى المكان. • caucasian appearance n US (person: looks white) شخص أبيض البشرة • facial appearance n (looks) مظهر وجهي From his facial appearance, I thought he was only about 35. • outward appearance n (superficial aspect, look) المظهر الخارجي By all outward appearances, they were the happiest couple on the block. It's better to judge someone by their character than by their outward appearance. بالنظر إلى المظاهر الخارجية، فقد كانا أسعد زوجين في الحي. • personal appearance n (grooming: how [sb] dresses, etc.) مظهر شخصي Claire's always mindful of her personal appearance. • strange appearance n (unusual physique or look) مظهر غريب 4- thick hair ,bushy eyebrows 5- chubby cheeks

What are the verbs used with 'journey', 'trip', 'voyage'

1- You make or go on a journey. He made the long journey to India. 2- You take or go on a trip. We took a bus trip to Manchester. 3- You make a voyage. The ship made the 4,000-kilometre voyage across the Atlantic. Be careful Don't use 'do' with any of these words. Don't say, for example, 'We did a bus trip'

أريد شراء منزل خاص بي ولكن هناك نقص في الإسكان بسعر معقول هنا ولا أريد الحصول على قرض عقاري كبير. أتمنى أن تدعوني إلى حفلة الاحترار المنزلي. I want to buy ___ ___ ___ ___ but there's a shortage of ___ ___ here and I don't want to ___ ___ a big___ . I hope you'll invite me to your___ ___ ___ .

1- a place of my own منزل خاص بي 2- affordable housing سكن بسعر معقول • affordable adj (not expensive) ضمن الإمكانيات بمبلغٍ معقول، بكلفة معقولة، بسعر معقول Leah and her boyfriend are searching for an affordable apartment. تبحث "ليا" وحبيبها عن شقّة بسعر معقول. • not affordable adj (too expensive) غالي الثمن We would love to buy that house but it's just not affordable. 3- take out mortgage • mortgage n (for house) رهن، رهن عقاري Tom took out a mortgage and bought a house. أخذ توم رهنًا واشترى بيتًا. • mortgage [sth] (the house) يرهن Kate's dad mortgaged the house to pay for her wedding. رهن والد كايت البيت ليسدّد نفقات زفافها mortgage broker n (agent who matches house buyer with mortgage lender) سمسار عقارات mortgage company n (business providing loans to property buyers) شركة رهن mortgage holder n ([sb] who has taken out a loan to buy property) صاحب القرض العقاري 4- house-warming party حفلة البيت الجديد (party to celebrate new home) The Hudsons held a lavish housewarming when they moved into their new house. My mother gave us a beautiful quilt as a housewarming gift

لديك شخصية اجتماعيه وحس الفكاهة. February You have ___ ___ ___ and a___ ___ ___ .

1- an outgoing personality شخصية اجتماعيه outgoing adjective (FRIENDLY) C1 approving (person: extroverted) اجتماعي friendly and energetic and finding it easy and enjoyable to be with others: مندوبي المبيعات بحاجه إلى ان يكونو اجتماعيين ، لأنهم يجتمعون باستمرار العملاء. Sales reps need to be outgoing, because they are constantly meeting customers. Glenn is outgoing; he loves going to parties and isn't worried about talking to strangers. غلين شخص اجتماعيّ، فهو يحب الذهاب إلى الحفلات ويستسهل جدًّا التحدث مع الغرباء 2- good sense of humor

يوجد شقه في القبو منفصلة، والذي قد نحوله إلى شقه جدة لأمي. وإذا أردنا إضافة توسعه\ملحق، فهناك مساحة لذلك أيضًا. يجب تجديده بالكامل، لكننا كنا دائمًا ما أردنا تجديد (يغير ديكور) بيت قديم. There is a separate___ ___ , which we might ___ ___ ___ ___ for my mother. And if we want to ___ ___ ___ there's room for that too. It needs to be___ ___ , but Luke and I have always wanted to___ ___ ___ ___ .

1- basement flat(apartment below ground level) شقة في البدروم شقه في القبو 2- turn into a granny flat a set of rooms, often connected to or part of a relation's house, in which an old person lives 3- add an extension or build an extension • (time: additional period) وقت تمديد Jim asked the professor for an extension on his assignment. • (rooms added to a building) ملحق\توسعة Sarah had an extension built onto her house. • (additional length of cable) وصلة Kyle needed an extension for the cable. • (long fake hair) وصلة شعر Jamie got extensions in her hair. • (act of extending)تمديد، تطويل The rust on the old collapsible fishing pole made extension impossible. • (muscle stretch)تمدد After a month of physical therapy Ben was able to bring his arm to full extension. • (phone number suffix) (هاتف) تحويلة Hannah dialed the number and the extension. 4- Completely refurbished • refurbish [sth] (change interior) (يغيّر ديكور) يجدّد When Ben and Daisy bought their house, the decor hadn't been changed since the 1960s, so they refurbished it completely. • refurbish [sth](equipment) (تجهيزات) يجدّد Karen owns a company that refurbishes old computers so that they can be used again. 5- do up an old house do [sth] up informal (redecorate) يغيّر ديكور شيء do [sth] up informal (zip, buttons: fasten)يزرّريغلق السحّاب

يمتد الشاطئ الجميل لأميال على طول الساحل. يحتوي الفندق على شاطئ رملي خاص به. ستحب الشواطئ المنعزلة يمكنك التجول لأميال على طول الرمال الذهبية. A beautiful ___ ___ for miles along the coast. The hotel has its own ___ ___ . You'll love the ___ ___ You can wander for miles along the ___ ___ .

1- beach stretches يمتد الشاطئ 2- sandy beach شاطئ رملي 3- secluded beach [without many people] الشواطئ المنعزلة 4- golden sands رمال الذهبيه

"___ ___ , owners should feed their pets at least twice a day." "بشكلعام،يجب على المالكين إطعام حيواناتهم الأليفة مرتين في اليوم على الأقل." Prepositional idiom

in general usually; most of the time

بالطبع ، الهدف المطلق للرياضي هو تحطيم الرقم القياسي العالمي في رياضتهم. إذا نجحوا ، سجلوا رقما قياسيا عالميا جديدا وأصبحوا حامل الرقم القياسي العالمي. Of course, a sportsperson's ultimate aim is to ___ ___ ___ in their sport. If they succeed, they ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ and become a___ ___ ___ .

1- break the world record تحطيم الرقم القياسي العالمي 2- set a new world record سجلوا رقما قياسيا عالميا جديدا 3- world record holder حامل الرقم القياسي العالمي

اضطرت فيوليت إلى تربية أربعة أطفال صغار بمفردها. طلب الأب حضانة الأطفال ، لكن القاضي منح الحضانة للأم. يعمل نيكو ساعات طويلة للغاية ليعيل عائلته Violet had to bring up four young children on her own. The father ___ ___ ___ ___ the children, but the judge ___ ___ ___ to the mother. Nico works very long hours to___ ___ ___ ___ .

1- bring up= raise children / a family Raise a family is more common in US than in UK English. • bring [sth] up(raise: a subject)يثير موضوع شيء، يفتح موضوع شيء It is not a good idea to bring up politics with my family. • bring [sb] up (raise: a child) يربّي شخصًا The couple adopted the child and brought him up. 2- applied for custody of • custody n (for a criminal) إقامة جبرية وصاية Police took the suspect into custody. • child custody n (guardianship) حَضَانَة الطفل وصاية Isaiah's parents share custody equally. In some cases, child custody can be awarded to the adoptive parent. • joint custody n (shared guardianship of a child) حق الحضانة المشتركة Alex wants joint custody of Jill, but her mother won't let her see him. يريد آليكس حق الحضانة المشتركة لابنته جيل، ولكن والدتها لا تدعها تراه • in custody adv (in prison) محتجز\ على ذمة التحقيق 3- gave/granted custody منح حق الوصايه 4- provide for his family • provide money for(support financially) يدعم مالياً My parents provided money for my studies abroad. • provide for [sb/sth] (support financially) يعيل شخصًا/شيئًا He had a family to provide for, and couldn't waste money

يمكنك ان تكون صريح بقسوه وأحيانا تؤذي مشاعر الآخرين. December You can be___ ___ and ___ ___ ___ sometimes.

1- brutally honest صريح بقسوه honest in a way that may hurt • brutally adv (savagely) بوحشية The man was brutally murdered on his way home from a pub. • brutally adv (unkindly, callously) بصلابة، بقسوة I don't think she was ready to hear such brutally honest criticism. • Brutal can also mean plain and direct, without worrying about anyone's feelings: She spoke with brutal honesty about his behavior. To be brutally honest, you look fat in that dress. 2- hurt others' feelings تؤذي مشاعر الآخرين B1 to upset someone by criticizing them or by refusing something that they have offered you

لقد تبللت واصبت بنزله برد. أصيب العم جيس بالملاريا أثناء عمله في إفريقيا. أصيب جدي بمرض الزهايمر ولم يعد بإمكانه تذكر الأشياء أو التعرف على الأشخاص I got soaking wet and___ ___ . Uncle Jess ___ ___ while he was working in Africa. My grandfather ___ ___ ___ and could no longer remember things or recognize people

1- caught a cold يُصاب Catch a cold, the flu, a chill, pneumonia • soaking wet adj (sodden, soaked) مبتل منقوع I forgot my umbrella and by the time I got home I was soaking wet. It's so humid that my shirt is soaking wet before I leave the house. 2- contracted malaria (get a disease) يُصاب contract [formal] a disease, malaria, typhoid 3- developed Alzheimer's disease يُصاب develop [formal] (lung/breast) cancer, diabetes, AIDS, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease

اشتعلت النار في مبنى عندما ضرب البرق مزرعة في هامبشاير أمس. لحسن الحظ ، لم يكن هناك خسائر في الأرواح. LIGHTNING STRIKES A building ___ ___ when ___ ___ a farm in Hampshire yesterday. Fortunately, there was___ ___ ___ .

1- caught fireاشتعل بالنار 2- lightning struck ضرب البرق 3- no loss of life لم يكن هناك خسائر في الأرواح Or considerable loss of life خسارة كبيرة في الأرواح.

ليس لدي عائلة قريبة / فورية. إنها ابن عم بعيد ؛ انها ليست قريبه الدم. نحن عائلة قريبة جدا. أو نحن عائلة متماسكة للغاية. I don't have much___ ___ ___ . She's a ___ ___ of mine; she's not a ___ ___ . We are a very ___ ___ . or We are a very ___ ___ ___

1- close/immediate family refers to people who are your nearest blood relatives immediate family n (parents, siblings, children) (من والدين وإخوة وأولاد) أفراد الأسرة المباشرة Although I had confided in an uncle and a distant cousin, my immediate family knew nothing about my plans. 2- blood relative n ([sb] biologically related) من الأقارب Parents, siblings, and grandparents are all blood relatives 3- Close can also be used to mean that the relationship is a very strong one

أنا سعيد لأن أطفالنا هم أصدقاء مقربون ، أليس كذلك؟ آنا وسامانثا لديهم علاقة جيدة جدا. انهم يحبون فعل الأشياء معا. يجب أن نبقى على اتصال عندما تنتهي الدورة. I'm glad that our children are such ___ ___ , aren't you? Anna and Samantha ___ a very___ ___ . They love doing things together. We must ___ ___ ___ when the course ends.

1- close/special friends • mutual friends C1 صديق مشترك • mutual friends = friends that you share with someone else I met my wife through a mutual friend. 2- have a good relationship with someone NOT have a relation / relations with 3- keep in contact/touch opposite = lose contact/ touch • keep in touch with/by informal (stay in contact) يبقى على اتصال، يبقى على تواصل Cousin Andrea kept in touch by sending packages from South America. Promise you'll keep in touch with us while you're away. Are you still in touch with any of your old school friends? Jen and I never kept in touch after college. We're in close touch with our office in Spain. B1 to communicate or continue to communicate with someone by using a phone or writing to them: • keep in contact, stay in contact, be in contact(stay in touch)على اتصال، على تواصل My uncle and I stayed in contact after he moved to Australia. New technologies make it easy to keep in contact with your customers. We have been in contact with similar organizations in several countries. • lose touch informal (not keep in contact) لا يعود على اتصال، تنقطع العلاقة I lost touch with so many of my classmates, there was no point in going to the class reunion B2 to stop communicating with someone, usually because they do not live near you now: We lost touch over the years

لقد انتقلت أنا ولوك للتو إلى منزل أحلامنا. إنه منزل كبير قديم من أربعة طوابق. يحتوي على غرفة معيشة واسعة تتمتع بإطلالة رائعة على المتنزه، مكتب مريح حيث يمكننا العمل معا. وهناك بعض غرف النوم المضيئه الفسيحه التي تطل على الحديقة. Luke and I have just moved into our___ . It's a big old ___ ___ house. It's got a ___ ___ ___ which ___ a wonderful ___ ___ the park, and a ___ ___ where we can both work. And there are some lovely ___ ___ ___ which ___ the garden.

1- dream home 2- four-story من أربعة طوابق 3- spacious living room غرفة معيشة واسعة 4- has a (adjective) view of تتمتع بإطلالة رائعة 5- cozy study مكتب مريح • study n(room)مكتب • Father is having tea in the study يشرب أبي الشاي في مكتبه room. 6- light, airy bedrooms غرف النوم المضيئه الفسيحه • light adj (highly illuminated) لامع جداً The room was very light; I was dazzled as I walked in • airy adj (open, spacious) فسيح The estate agent led me into a large, airy room. 7- Overlook B2 • overlook [sth/sb] (not notice) لم يلاحظ شيئًا/شخصًا، غفل عن شيء/شخص George failed his exam because he overlooked a number of mistakes in his work.رسب جورج في الامتحان لأنه غفل عن عدد من الأخطاء في عمله. • overlook [sth] (not realize importance of) يغفل أهمية شيء The company overlooked the importance of a memorable logo.أغفلت الشركة أهمية امتلاك شعار سهل الحفظ. • overlook [sth] (disregard, choose to ignore) يتجاهل شيئًا، يتغاضى عن شيء Emily overlooked Frank's bad behaviour on this occasion. تغاضت إميلي عن سوء تصرّف فرانك في تلك المناسبة. • overlook [sth] (have a view of) يشرف على شيء، يطل على شيء Our bathroom window overlooks the neighbor's garden. تطلّ نافذة حمامنا على حديقة جارنا. • overlook n(place with good view) مطلّ scenic overlook اطلاله خلابة

إذا كان شخص ما لا يلعب بشكل جيد للغاية ، فقد يقرر المدير يخرج اللاعب من الفريق أو يدخل بديل. يأمل كلا الفريقين أن يكونوا قد يأخذوا المبادرة\ احتلوا الصدارة مع نهاية الشوط الاول. If someone isn't playing very well the manager may decide to ___ ___ ___ from the team or___ ___ ___ ___ . Both teams hope that they will have ___ ___ ___ by half-time.

1- drop the player يخرج اللاعب 2- bring on a substitute 3- taken the lead be in a winning position • take the lead (race: in first place) يأخذ الصدارة، يتصدّر المركز الأول With a burst of speed, Jack took the lead in the race. • take the lead figurative (take the initiative) يبادر، يأخذ المبادرة

لقد وقعت في حب انطون بجنون منذ اللحظة التي قابلته فيها. كان بالتأكيد الحب من النظرة الأولى. كنت أعرف في الحال أنه كان حب حياتي ، لكن في البداية لم أكن متأكدة مما إذا كان حبي قد عاد أم لا. ومع ذلك ، في غضون أيام قليلة ، أخبرني أنه مغرم بشده معي I ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Anton from the moment I met him. It was certainly___ ___ ___ ___ . I knew at once that he was ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ but at first I was not sure if my ___ ___ ___ or not. Within a few days, however, he had told me that he was ___ ___ ___ with me too.

1- fell madly in love with 2- fall in love with يُغرم Gina falls in love every five minutes! جينا تُغرم كل خمس دقائق يقع في غرام شخص، يُغرم بشخص I think I fell in love with him the very first time we met. 3- love at first sight • fall in love at first sight vi يقع في الحب من اول نظرة As soon as I saw him across the dance floor, I fell in love at first sight 4- the love of my life She was my first love. 5- love was returned حب متبادل • return [sth]feelings: reciprocate يبادل I was never able to return his love 6- desperately in love • desperately adv(frantically) بشدّة، باستماتة (urgently) (حاجة) ماسّة I desperately need to use the bathroom. • desperately adv (in despair) يائسًا، بيأس "Then we have no chance," he sighed desperately

هل تتبع برنامج اللياقة البدنية الشخصية؟ هل تلتزم دائمًا ببرنامجك؟ بشكل عام ، هل حافظت على لياقتك البدنية خلال العامين الماضيين؟ Do you ___ a personal___ ___ ? Do you always___ ___ ___ ___ ? In general, have you___ ___ over the last two years?

1- follow fitness program تتبع برنامج اللياقة البدنية 2- stick to your program تلتزم دائمًا ببرنامجك 3- kept fit حافظت على لياقتك keep fit (do physical exercise) يحافظ على قوام جيّد I like to keep fit by doing belly dance

بالأمس سلكنا طريقًا إلى البحيرة. وعندما انعطفنا إلى الطريق التالي ، لمحنا طائر الرفراف واقفا في الماء. حاول جون التقاط صورة لها لكنه لمحنا وطار. بعد ذلك بقليل ، درنا حول منعطف وظهر في الافق دير سانت جون. اصبح الدير اطلالا(انقاض) منذ حوالي ثلاثمائة سنة. على الرغم من أنه يكمن في الأنقاض ، إلا أنه يستحق المشاهدة لأنه يقع في مكان مثير(كبير) على منحدر شديد الانحدار بجانب نهر سريع الجريان مع الجبال الشاهقة فوقه. Yesterday we ___ ___ down to the lake. As we___ ___ , we___ ___ ___ ___ a kingfisher standing in the water. John tried to take a picture of it but it ___ ___ ___ us and flew off. A little further on, we ___ ___ ___ and St John's Abbey___ ___ ___ . The Abbey ___ ___ ___ about three hundred years ago. Although it___ ___ ___ , it is ___ ___ ___ as it stands in a ___ ___ on a ___ ___ beside a ___ ___ ___ with ___ ___ above it.

1- followed a path سلكنا طريقًا 2- turned a corner اتجهنا إلى الطريق التالي يجتاز الصعوبات, ينعطف 3- caught a glimpse of : saw for a moment لمحنا 4- caught sight of لمحنا 5- rounded a bend: turned a cornerدرنا حول المنعطف bend n (curve in the road) منعطف Be careful of the sharp bend ahead. انتبه عند المنعطف الحادّ أمامك round [sth] (turn: a bend or corner) يدور حول شيء The sports car rounded the corner quickly. دارت السيارة الرياضية حول المنعطف بشكل سريع 6- came into view: ظهر في الأفق fell into ruin: became a ruinاصبحت انقاض\اطلال damaged because no one take care of it 7- lies in ruins: to exist in a state of ruin, such as a destroyed city, building, scheme, plan, etc. The entire city lay in ruins. My garden lay in ruins after the cows got in and trampled everything. أن تكون موجودة في حالة خراب ، مثل مدينة مدمرة ، بناء ، مخطط ، خطة ، إلخ. المدينة بأكملها تكمن تحت الأنقاض. كانت حديقتي في حالة خراب بعد أن دخلت الأبقار ودمرت كل شيء. 8- well worth seeing يستحق المشاهدة 9- dramatic setting مكان|موقع مثير(كبير) dramatic adj (change: noticeable, big) ملحوظ، جذري The dramatic changes to the town made it almost unrecognizable. Adam's dramatic weight loss surprised everybody. setting n (scene, surroundings) موقع The outdoor amphitheater was a great setting for the show. كان المدرّج الخارجي موقعًا رائعًا للعرض. stand v (be situated) يقع The bank stands at the corner of Main and Rush streets. 10- steep slope (sharp incline) منعطف حاد 11- fast-flowing river : adj (water: rapid) سريع الجريان The stream was fast flowing. 12- mountains towering: الجبال الشاهقة mountains rising dramatically

لا أستطيع أن أصدق المضافات الغذائية جيدة لصحتنا طويلة الأجل. أعتقد أن الأطعمة المصنعة بشكل عام قد تكون سيئة بالنسبة لنا ، ناهيك عن الأطعمة المعدلة وراثيا! كان المطعم يبقي الطعام القابل للتلف خارج الثلاجة ، وأصيب بعض الأشخاص بالتسمم الغذائي ، لذا أغلقته السلطات. I can't believe ___ ___ are good for our long-term health. I think ___ ___ in general are probably bad for us, not to mention___ ___ ! The restaurant was leaving ___ ___ lying round outside the fridge, and some people got___ ___ , so the authorities closed it down.

1- food additives المضافات الغذائية substances added to food to improve its taste or appearance or to preserve it 2- processed foods which are changed or treated as part of an industrial operation (edible items in tins or packaging) أطعمة مصنّعة، أطعمة معالَجة Susie doesn't like the taste of processed food; she prefers to buy fresh food from the market. 3- GM foods genetically modified foods الأطعمة المعدلة وراثيا 4- perishable food أطعمة قابلة للفساد بسرعة food which goes bad quickly, e.g. cheese, fish perishable adj (item: liable to spoil or decay) قابل للفساد، قابل للتلف Perishable items should be kept at colder temperatures. Perishables need to be refrigerated. 5- food poisoning لتسمم الغذائي

Nine-tenths of all the wood we use ___ is softwood. تسعة أعشار من جميع الخشب الذي نستخدمه صناعيا هو الخشب اللين.


قبل أن يشاركوا في / يدخلون مسابقة ، يتدرب الرياضيون بقوة. يحضرون / يقومون على الأقل بخمس جلسات تدريبية في الأسبوع. من المحتمل أن يكافحوا لكسب / الحصول على مكان في المرحلة / الجولة القادمة من المسابقة Before they___ ___ ___ ___ ___ , athletes___ ___ . They probably ___ ___ at least five ___ ___ a week. They are likely to ___ ___ ___ to ___ ___ in the next___ ___ ___ ___ .

1- go in for a competition/ enter a competition • go in (go indoors) يدخل It's hot out. Would you like to go in? • go in (join: army, company) (في الجيش) ينضم، ينخرط (في شركة) يتوظف He's retiring from the army next year; he was only eighteen when he went in. 2- train hardيتدرب بقوه 3- attend/do training sessionsيقومون\يحضرون جلسات تدريبية 4- put up a fight (struggle) يكافح، يقاوم My daughter was so tired that she didn't even put up a fight when it was time for her nap 5- gain/get a place يحصل\يكسب مكانا 6- stage/ round of the competition المرحلة / الجولة القادمة من المسابقة

لم تكن لدي أي رغبة في ان اصبح ممثلا، لكني أحب ان إنتج فيلم. أعتقد أن الأعمال الدرامية التاريخية تعمل بشكل جيد على الشاشة السينما بشكل خاص وأحب إنتاج فيلم عن الفايكنج في بريطانيا. سيكون هناك الكثير من الفرص لاستخدام المؤثرات الخاصة أثناء مشاهد المعارك. I've never had any desire to ___ ___ myself, but I'd love to produce a film. I think historical dramas work particularly well on ___ ___ and I'd love to make a film about Vikings in Britain. There'd be plenty of opportunities to use ___ ___ during battle scenes.

1- go on the stage 1. (perform, act publicly) يمثل، يقوم بدور مسرحي You are such a comedian, you should go on stage. 2. (become performer) يصبح ممثلاً John went on stage when he was barely 12 years old. 2- the big screen شاشة السينما Most films look much better on the big screen. 3- special effects المؤثرات الخاصة cast a film [select the actors for a film], star in a film (play a leading role) يؤدّي دور البطولة في شيء 3. The famous actress stars in a new drama. تؤدّي الممثلة المشهورة دور البطولة في الدراما الجديدة. 4. shoot a film (film) يصوّر(photo: take) يلتقط يصوّر They are shooting the movie in Canada. هم يصوّرون الفيلم في كندا. The photographer shot 50 photos. صوّر المصوّر خمسين صورة. 5. make a film

أنت رفقه طيبه ولكن قد يكون لديك نزعه أنانيه January. You are___ but you may have a ___

1- good company people enjoy being with you • pleasant company n ([sb] enjoyable to be with) رفقة طيبة he has some odd habits, but over all he's very pleasant company. • company n (companionship) رفقة، صحبة، مصاحبة Sheila enjoys Clive's company. • be good company C1 to be pleasant and entertaining to be with: You'll like Rosie - she's good company. • be in good company(idiom) to have the same problem as many other people: "I can't play tennis - I'm hopeless at it!" "Oh well, you're in good company." 2- selfish streak you sometimes act in a selfish way others have done to you نزعه أنانيه

لديك خيال حي ، لكنك تميل إلى فقدان أعصابك بسهولة بالغة. March You___ ___ ___ , but you tend to ___ ___ ___ too easily.

1- have a vivid imagination vivid imagination n (tendency to fanciful invention) خيال حيّ Don't take what Nina says too seriously - she has a very vivid imagination! imagination B1 the ability to form pictures in the mind: My younger son has a very vivid (= active) imagination. 2- lose your temper B2 lose your temper v (get angry) يفقد أعصابه، ينفعل Jeremy is so easily upset; he loses his temper over every little thing. The children behaved so badly that I lost my temper. • keep your temper C2 to succeed in staying calm and not becoming angry: لقد وجدت انه من الصعب الحفاظ علي أعصابي مع الكثير من الأمور تسير علي نحو خاطئ. I found it hard to keep my temper with so many things going wrong.

House/housing definitions منازل مسكن إسكان غطاء، غلاف، مَبْيَت يحتوي على شيء يؤوي شخصًا مجلس بيت الله، دار عبادة تخطيط إسكاني تجارة العقارات مشكلة الإسكان مشروع إسكان

1- housing n (accommodation for a family) منازل مسكن، مأوى It's important that the government helps refugees find housing. The housing on the other side of the river is more affordable and quieter as well. 2- housing n (industry, economy: property) إسكان Pam works in housing as a real estate agent. 3- housing n (casing for object) غطاء، غلاف، مَبْيَت Ben opened the housing of the computer to see what was going on inside. 4- house [sth] (provide a storage place) يحتوي على شيء This cabinet houses all our stationery. هذه الخزانة تحتوي على كل القرطاسية. 5- house [sth/sb] in [sth] vtr + prep (keep in a dwelling) يؤوي شخصًا/شيئًا في شيء، يُسكن شخصًا/شيئًا في شيء The university houses its students in very old buildings. تؤوي الجامعة طلابها في مبانٍ قديمة جدًا. 6- House n (hall) مجلس The British Parliament meets in the House of Commons. ينعقد البرلمان البريطاني في مجلس العموم 7- house n (church, mosque, synagogue) بيت الله، دار عبادة Speak quietly when you enter God's house. • housing development (residential planning) تخطيط إسكاني The new housing development has easy access to the highway. Housing development is vital in urban planning. • housing market (property trade) تجارة العقارات The housing market suffered a big drop during the financial crisis of 2009. • housing problem (shortage of housing) مشكلة الإسكان • housing project US (inner city) مشروع إسكان He is in charge of the municipal housing project. • housing scheme n UK, regional (subsidized housing plan) مشروع إسكان The housing scheme provides affordable homes for local residents

عندما تذهب إلى الجامعة ، سوف تصادق الكثير من الأصدقاء الجدد. استهل ناثان صداقة مع فتاة التقى بها في عطلة. كونت أودري صداقة دائمة مع الصبي الذي جلست بجانبه في المدرسة الابتدائية. إن قضاء عدة أسابيع في عطلة سويًا وطد صداقتهما. كنا في المدرسة معًا ، لكن صداقتنا نمت بعد مغادرتنا للمدرسة. When you go to university you will ___ a lot of new friends. Nathan ___ ___ ___ ___ with a girl he met on holiday. Audrey ___ a lasting friendship with the boy she sat next to at primary school. Spending several weeks on holiday together has___ ___ ___ . We were at school together, but our ___ ___ after we'd left school.

1- make friends يصادق أناسًا، يكوّن صداقات NOT find friends (a common student error) • make friends(get to know people) يصادق أناسًا، يكوّن صداقات When you move to a new city, it can be hard to make friends. Jenny was so shy that she found it difficult to make friends at school. • make friends with [sb](befriend [sb]) يصادق شخصًا I find it easy to make friends with new people 2- struck up a friendship strike up a friendship = start a friendship يبدأ صداقه • strike up [sth](initiate) (حديثًا) يستهل، ، يفتح يصادق شخصًا During our visit to Africa I struck up a friendship with our guide. خلال زيارتنا لإفريقيا تصادقت مع الدليل 3- form/develop a friendship كون صداقه NOT make a friendship 4- cemented their friendship يوطد صداقه cement = strengthen spoil a friendship spoil = have a bad effect on يفسد • cement [sth](relationship: consolidate) يوطد Sharing a near-death experience cemented the two friends' bond. • spoil [sth] (plan: ruin) (enjoyment: ruin) يفسد You told Mary we were planning a party for her birthday? You've spoiled the surprise now! أنت أخبرت ماري بأننا نخطط لإقامة حفلة بمناسبة عيد ميلادها؟ لقد أفسدتَ المفاجأة! Neil's bad mood spoiled the day at the seaside for everyone. أفسد نيل بمزاجه العكر متعة النزهة إلى الشاطئ عند الجميع • spoil [sb] (children: indulge) (أكثر من اللازم) يدلّل شخصًا يفسد Jack's parents give him everything he wants; they spoil him. والدا جاك يعطيانه كل ما يريد. إنهما يفسدانه بذلك. spoil⇒ (food: go bad) يفسد، يتعفن The fruit had been left in the bowl too long and had spoiled. تُركت الفاكهة في الوعاء وقتًا طويلاً فتعفّنت. • spoil your dinner⇒(appetite: ruin by eating [sth] else) يفسد شهية إلى شيء Don't let the children eat candy this afternoon; they'll spoil their dinner. 5- friendship grew a friendship grows grow = get stronger

"___ ___ a lot of exercise this morning, we should eat a big lunch." "بعد القيام بالكثير من التمارين هذا الصباح ، يجب أن نتناول وجبة غداء كبيرة." perfect participle

Having done When we want to emphasize that one event happened before another, we can use the structure having + past participle, also known as the perfect participle

الأطفال يأكلون الكثير من طعام غير صحيّ. نعم ، لكن من الصعب حملهم على تناول وجبات مغذية. انهم يعتقدون انهم مملة. المنتجات الطازجة ممتازة ، ولديها قسم كبير من الأغذية العضوية. أعتقد في الواقع وجبات جاهزة جيدة جداً. Kids eat far too much___ ___ . Yeah, but it's hard to get them to eat___ ___ . They think they're boring. The ___ ___ is excellent, and they have a big ___ ___ section. I actually think their ___ ___ are good too.

1- junk food (food that is unhealthy) طعام غير صحيّ People who eat too much junk food suffer from many serious health problems. 2- nourishing meals meals which make you healthy and strong وجبات مغذية 3- fresh produce: foods produced from farming, e.g. dairy produce, agricultural produce محاصيل طازجه • produce n (agricultural products) محاصيل، مزروعات، منتوجات زراعية The produce is cheaper at the Korean market, especially the avocados. المنتوجات الزراعية أرخص في السوق الكورية وخاصة الأفوكادو • produce n (yield, product) إنتاج، منتوجات The produce from that factory is excellent. 4- organic food الأغذية العضوية 5- ready meals a meal that you can buy from a supermarket that has already been prepared and cooked, so you only need to heat it: The store says chicken tikka is their second largest selling ready meal after lasagne

تجد انه من الصعب الحفاظ علي أعصابك إذا كنت تعتقد ان شخص ما يجعل منك أحمق. November You find it hard to___ ___ ___ if you think someone is ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

1- keep your temper تحافظ على اعصابك C2 to succeed in staying calm and not becoming angry: I found it hard to keep my temper with so many things going wrong. 2- making a fool out of you. يجعل منك أضحوكة trying to deceive or trick you • make a fool of yourself (do [sth] stupid) يجعل من نفسه أضحوكة، يتصرف بحماقة I don't mind being wrong, but I hate making a fool of myself. • Fool noun [ C ] a person who behaves in a silly way, or someone who lacks judgment: Crazy I may be, but I try not to be a fool. I know I'm making a fool of myself, but I can't help it. They were dressed up like a bunch of fools

Complete the collocations in these descriptions of TV programmes. Our pick of the week 1- The ___ news from the world solo balloon attempt in this 30-minute documentary with live pictures from the balloon. 2- Through the Window: a unique look at the private residences of the celebrities who ___ ___ headlines around the world. 3- Last year, rock star Izzy Arbuttle was ___ news. But where is he now? Jo Prees investigates the star who became a very private person.

1- latest 2- make 3- headline/ front-page

على الرغم من أن النجمين حاولا الحفاظ على سرية علاقتهما ، إلا أنه سرعان ما تسرب خبر ذلك. آخر الأخبار من منطقة الزلزال أكثر أملاً. Although the two stars tried to keep their relationship secret, news of it soon ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ from the earthquake zone is more hopeful.

1- leaked out. news leaks out • leak out + adv (fluid: escape) يتسرّب، يرشح The water has leaked out through the crack and made a puddle in the middle of the room. • leak out + adv (information: be revealed unofficially) يتسرّب If his real identity ever leaks out, his life will be in great danger 2- the latest news Common mistakes Note that we say the latest news, NOT the last news.

غادرت المنزل للذهاب إلى الجامعة ولكن الابتعاد عن عائلتها جعلها تشعر بالحنين إلى الوطن. بيتر يعود من سنة في الخارج. عائلته يقيمون حفلة للترحيب به في المنزل. تعال واجعل نفسك في المنزل بينما انتهيت من إعداد العشاء. لم أعيش في أوكسفورد لفترة طويلة ، لكنني أشعر بالفعل أنني في المنزل هنا. أرغب في شراء منزل ثانٍ بالقرب من الساحل. She ___ ___ to go to university but moving away from her family made her___ ___ . Peter's back from a year abroad. His family are throwing a party to___ ___ ___ . Come in and ___ ___ ___ while I finish getting dinner ready. I haven't lived in Oxford for long, but I already ___ ___ here. I'd like to buy a ___ ___ near the coast.

1- left home • leave home (move out of family house) يستقل عن الأهل She left home at 17 to go to university in another province. 2- feel homesick • homesick adj (temporarily missing home) يشعر بالحنين إلى منزله يشعر بالحنين إلى الأسرة يشعر بالحنين إلى الوطن Laura has felt homesick since she moved out. شعرت لورا بالحنين إلى منزلها القديم منذ أن انتقلت منه. 3- welcome him home • outstay your welcome (stay for too long) (أكثر من المعقول، بشكلٍ مزعج) يطيل الزيارة (بسبب إطالة الزيارة) يصبح ضيفًا ثقيلًا I love my family dearly, but after 4 weeks I think they've outstayed their welcome. • welcome back interj (expressing happiness at [sb]'s return) عودًا حميدًا Welcome back! - the office just wasn't the same while you were away. • welcome home interj (expressing happiness at [sb]'s return) مرحباً بعودتك You've been away for ages - welcome home. 4- make yourself at home make yourself at home informal (settle in) يأخذ راحته، يعتبر نفسه في بيته تفضل بالدخول وخذ راحتك! خذ راحتك! اعتبر نفسك في بيتك! البيت بيتك! 5- feel at home • feel right at home informal(be comfortable) يشعر وكأنّه في منزله This is such a welcoming village - I feel right at home here. • make [sb] feel at home (be welcoming) يُرحّب بشخص يُشعر شخصًا بالترحيب 6- second home [house used only for weekends, holidays, etc.]

سواء كانت وجبة خفيفة أو وجبة كبيرة تبحث عنها ، سواء كنت ترغب في تناول وجبة خفيفة ، أو وجبة فاخره أو مجرد مأكولات لذيذة مطبوخة في المنزل ، هناك شيء للجميع في منطقة مطعم Old Port Whether it's a ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ you're looking for, whether you want a___ ___ ___ , a ___ ___ or just tasty, ___ ___ ___ , there's something for everyone in the Old Port restaurant area. Enjoy good food in a pleasant setting

1- light meal or a substantial meal وجبة خفيفة أو وجبة كبيرة 2- slap-up meal unusually large and good 3- gourmet meal وجبات راقية high-quality • gourmet adj (food: finest quality) نوعية جيدة من الطعام وجبات راقية • gourmet French (person: enjoys fine food) ذوّاقة Alex and Joe are both gourmets and expect a high standard of cuisine. الذواقة مطعم ذواقة رئيس الطهاة الذواقةgourmet coffee gourmet restaurant gourmet chef a person who knows a lot about food and cooking, and who enjoys eating high-quality food Synonyms bon vivant ,epicure formal , epicurean formal foodie informal gastronome formal 4- home-cooked food

بعد أسبوعين، أدركنا أننا أردنا أن نلتزم ببعضنا البعض ، وعندما طلب مني أنتون الزواج منه ، قبلت على الفور اقتراحه. أنا متأكد من أننا سنحب بعضنا البعض دائمًا دون قيد أو شرط. لن يفكر أي منا في إقامة علاقة غرامية مع شخص آخر. A couple of weeks later, we realized that we wanted to ___ ___ ___ to each other and, when Anton asked me to marry him, I immediately ___ ___ ___ . I'm sure we will always ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ . Neither of us would ever consider ___ ___ ___ with someone else.

1- make a commitment to نلتزم • commitment n (promise) التزام، تعهد He made a commitment to stay at that job for another year. التزم بالبقاء في هذه الوظيفة لمدة عام آخر The government reaffirmed its commitment to the peace process. The company has failed to honor its commitments. • commitment issues(difficulty in relationships) صعوبة في الارتباط، صعوبة في الالتزام My last boyfriend and I broke up because I wanted to get married, but he had commitment issues. • prior commitment(previous engagement, [sth] already scheduled) ارتباط سابق I was unable to attend the birthday party due to a prior commitment. • total commitment n (devotion, pledged involvement) تعهد تام His total commitment to the war effort was admirable 2- accepted his proposal marriage proposal (request to marry ) طلب يد، طلب زواج She accepted his marriage proposal without hesitation 3- love each other unconditionally • unconditionally adv (without restrictions) بشكل مطلق، دون قيد أو شرط Gary promised Louise that he loved her unconditionally. • in a way that is complete and not limited in any way: He thanked his mother for being unconditionally supportive. She apologized unconditionally. We must immediately and unconditionally cut all contacts with them. As a parent, it's important to love unconditionally, but to praise conditionally. He accepts me for who I am, unconditionally. 4- having an affair (romantic liaison) علاقة غرامية He had an affair with his secretary. نشأت بينه وبين سكرتيرته علاقة غرامية. • civil affairs هيئة الشؤون المدنية • criminal affairs(crime investigation) قضايا جنائية • formal affair(sophisticated social event) حَدَث رسمي • He's always meddling in (= trying to influence) other people's affairs. • an extramarital affair

حدد وزير الصحة اليوم خططاً لحملة وطنية لمكافحة التدخين. تعتزم الحكومة إطلاق الحملة في العام الجديد. ANTI-SMOKING CAMPAIGN The Minister for Health today ___ ___ for a national anti-smoking campaign. The government intends to ___ ___ ___ in the new year.

1- outline plansوضع خططا أوجز, لخص outline, summerize وضع put, place, set, lay, outline 2- launch the campaign إطلاق الحملة

يروّج لشيء يشجّع على شيء يرقّي

1- promote (advertise) يروّج لشيء تروِّج إعلانات الراديو لمنتجات مختلفة. Radio commercials promote various products. 2- promote (foster, encourage) يشجّع على شيء تشجِّع الهيئات الرسمية على استخدام حزام الأمان في السيارة. Officials try to promote the use of seat belts. 3- promote (employee: give higher position) يرقّي يريد المدير أن يرقِّيني إلى منصب إداري. The director wants to promote me to management.

دعنا نبحث عن مقهى ونتناول وجبة خفيفة سريعة. اود حقا مشروب منعش. أنا أموت من الجوع! أحتاج إلى وجبة جيده. أعلم أن لديك شهية كبيره ، لكنك تناولت وجبة إفطار مشبعه قبل ثلاث ساعات فقط! Let's find a café and have a___ ___ . And I could really do with a ___ ___ I'm___ ___ ___ ! I need a___ ___ . I know you have a___ ___ , but you had a ___ ___ only three hours ago!

1- quick snack وجبة خفيفة سريعة could do with [sth] informal ([sb]: would like) يودّ شيئًا I could do with a cup of tea. Would you mind making one? 2- refreshing drink. مشروب منعش 3- dying of hunger أنا أموت من الجوع 4- decent mealوجبه جيده 5- healthy appetite شهيه كبيره 6- hearty breakfast فطور كبير، مشبع hearty adj(meal: substantial) You'll feel much better after a hearty meal.af

هنري) جاء من عائلهمحترمه) لذا شعر والدا (آيلا) بالسعادة بشان الزواج اسره محبه. الاسره مفككه. Henry came from a___ ___ , so Ella's parents felt happy about the marriage. ___ ___ ___ ___ . Someone's late husband/wife is one who has died.

1- respectable family [unhappy, not working in a healthy way] 2- Loving family. 3- dysfunctional family • dysfunctional adj (body: impaired) لا يعمل كما يجب His liver is dysfunctional • dysfunctional adj (family: interacting abnormally) عائلة مفككة People from dysfunctional families often form relationships with each other. • dysfunctional adj (behavior: abnormal) (سلوك) مختلّ Saying "No way!" is a dysfunctional response to a request from your boss

الغايه هي تسجيل هدف. يمكن للاعبين ان يعرقلوا الخصم لمحاولة الاستحواذ على الكرة. إذا عرقلت بطريقة غير قانونية ، فأنت ترتكب مخالفه على خصمك. سيؤدي هذا إلى الحكم ان يصفر ويأخذ الخصم ضربة جزاء أو يركل من ركلة حرة. The aim is to___ ___ . Players may___ ___ to try to___ ___ ___ ___ ___ . If you tackle in an illegal way, you___ ___ ___ . This will lead to the referee ___ ___ ___ and an opponent taking a penalty or taking a free kick.

1- score a goal تسجيل هدف 2- tackle an opponent يعرقلوا الخصم 3- take possession of the ball الاستحواذ على الكرة 4- foul your opponent يرتكب مُخالفة (sport: play unfairly) He fouled his opponent but the referee wasn't paying attention. 5- blowing his whistle ان يصفر

لديك حس قوي بالمسؤولية وتفي بوعدك. September You have a strong ___ ___ and always___ ___ ___ .

1- sense of responsibility حس بالمسؤولية 2- keep your word (fulfil a promise) يفي بوعده • إنه لا يفي يوعده أبداً، ودائكا ما يبوح بأسراري • He never keeps his word. He always tells my secrets. • الصديق الجيد هو الذي يفي بوعده • A good friend is one who keeps his word. keep your promise/word B2 to do what you have told someone that you would do: لقد قطعت وعدا لك وأنوي ان افي به I made a promise to you and I intend to keep it.

Set up definition ينشئ، يقيم، يفتح يجمع، يركّب ينصب لشخص فخًا، يدبّ يرتّب، ينسّق يرتّب لشيء يدبّر لقاء شخص يبدأ عملاً تجارياً

1- set [sth] up + adv (establish) ينشئ، يقيم، يفتح They set the new store up on Maple Street. 2- set [sth] up + adv (assemble) يجمع، يركّب I bought my son a swing set and had to set it up in the yard yesterday. 3- set [sb] up informal (incriminate falsely) ينصب لشخص فخًا، يدبّر لشخص مكيدة He's really paranoid and always thinks people are trying to set him up. 4- set up adj informal (falsely incriminated) ملفّق، زور 5- set [sth] up, set up [sth] + adv (arrange) يرتّب، ينسّق Helen set up the chairs in a semi-circle. 6- set [sth] up, set up [sth] + adv (organize) يرتّب لشيء Can we set up a meeting for 8 November? هل يمكن أن نرتّب لعقد اجتماع في الثامن من نوفمبر؟ 7- set [sb] up with [sb] (get [sb] together with [sb]) يدبّر لقاء شخص مع شخص George and Lisa met when mutual friends set them up. • set up shop (open a business) يبدأ عملاً تجارياً Linda's set up shop doing sewing repairs and dressmaking

أنت تضع معايير عالية لنفسك وتكون مخلصًا بشدة لأصدقائك. May You ___ ___ ___ for yourself and are ___ ___ to your friends.

1- set high standards • standard n (level of quality) معيار، مقياس، مستوى You must do the work to a high standard. يجب أن تنجز العمل بمستوى عالٍ. • standards n (morals, ethics) أخلاق، مبادئ The politician was not known for his high standards. لم يكن السياسي معروفًا بأخلاقه العالية. 2- fiercely loyal stronger than extremely She's fiercely competitive/independent. very strongly: He's fiercely committed to excellence in education.

لا تنس أن لغة الجسد مهمة للغاية أيضًا. حاول الوقوف بشكل مستقيم عندما تتحدث. قد ترغب في استخدام بعض الإيماءات اليدوية للمساعدة في تأكيد وجهة نظرك Don't forget that ___ ___ is really important too. Try to ___ ___ ___ as you talk. You might want to use a f___ ___ to help emphasize your point.

1. body language (communication via gesture, etc.) لغة الجسد، لغة الجسم I could tell from her body language that she was disappointed. 2. stand (or sit) up straight الوقوف بشكل مستقيم 3. hand gestures الإيماءات اليدوية • emphasize that (say, repeat for clarity) يؤكد He emphasized that he didn't want to stay working there. أكد أنه لا يريد البقاء في العمل هناك. The teacher emphasized the importance of reading the exam questions carefully. أكّد المدرّس على أهمية قراءة أسئلة الامتحان بانتباه. emphasize (stress, say more loudly) يشدّد Raising his voice, he emphasized the words. رفع صوته ليشدّد كلماته. • de-emphasize (place less importance on [sth]) يقلّل من أهميّة شيء • I'd just like to emphasize how important it is for people to learn foreign languages

لديها قوام ممشوق وخصر رفيع. لديها بشرة جميلة وشعر ناعم يصل الكتف وهي دائمًا مهندمه. أشعر بأنني عاديه إلى جانبها -لدي شعر خشن و وركين واسعين. She has a ___ ___ and a___ ___ . She has a___ ___ and beautiful ___ ___ ___ hair, and sheʼs always ___ ___ . I feel so ordinary next to her - Iʼve got___ ___ and rather___ ___ .

1- slim figure قوام ممشوق 2- slender waist attractively slim (a rather formal, great care poetic word) خصر رفيع 3- lovely complexion the natural colour and quality of a person's skin بشرة جميلة • has a [fine, pale, white, dark, brown] complexion • an [African, Asian] complexion • a [cream, wash, product] to [clear, improve] your complexion • a [healthy, glowing, tanned, clear, rugged, soft, smooth] complexion 4- sleek, shoulder-length • sleek : smooth and shiny • sleek adj (hair: smooth, glossy) أملس، ناعم Linda admired the cat's sleek coat. • sleek adj (with smooth surface) مصقول، أملس The sleek surface of the table shone. • sleek adj (thing: well-designed) أنيق The car's sleek lines were a joy to behold. • sleek adj (person: thin, elegant) ممشوق Adam was tall and sleek. 5- immaculately groomed: her appearance is always tidy and looked after with مهندم • synonym: well groomed • immaculately adv (free from fault or blemish) بعصمة، بلا أخطاء My students write immaculately; I never see any error 6- coarse hair rough, and not smooth or soft 7- broad hips

رأيت مارتن يعزف على الغيتار في اليوم الآخر. لم أكن أعرف أنه يمكن أن يعزف. لا يستطيع. إنه يحب الناس فقط أن يظنوا أنه يستطيع. ليس لديه موهبة موسيقية على الإطلاق. I saw Martin ___ ___ ___ the other day. I didn't know he could play. He can't. He just likes people to think he can. He's got no ___ ___ whatsoever.

1- strumming a guitar يعزف على الغيتار 2- musical talent موهبة موسيقية

لقد عانت من الربو طوال حياتها تعرضت لنوبه من حمى القش وكانت تعطس بدون توقف. تم تشخيصه بسرطان الرئة وتوفي بعد عام. أصيب السائق بجروح خطيرة في الرأس في الحادث She has ___ ___ ___ all her life She ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ and was sneezing non-stop. He was ___ ___ ___ ___ and died a year later. The driver ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ in the crash

1- suffered from asthma عانت من الربو suffer from asthma, hay fever, backache 2- had an attack of hay fever تعرض لنوبه have an attack of bronchitis, asthma, hay fever, diarrhea • attack n (onset: of panic, etc.) نوبة Whenever I see a police car, I have an attack of anxiety. كلما رأيت سيارة شرطة انتابتني نوبة قلق. • attack n (bout: of illness) نوبة I had an attack of diarrhea last night. حصلت معي نوبة إسهال ليلة أمس. 3- diagnosed with lung cancer شخص be diagnosed with (lung/breast) cancer, AIDS, leukemia, autism 4- sustained serious head injuries suffer / sustain [formal] (major/minor/serious/head) injuries • sustain [sth] (suffer: an injury) (يعاني إصابة) يُصاب The footballer had to abandon the game after he sustained an injury

شعار شارة(شعار) (بشكل شارة قماشية) شعار شعار الشرطة شعار يوضع على كم القميص شعار السم

1- symbol (emblem) 2- logo n (company symbol) 3- motto n (slogan, saying) شعار 4- slogan n (promotional phrase, motto) شعار 5- badge n (decorative patch, button) شعار شارة 6- patch n (fabric badge) (بشكل شارة قماشية) شعار 7- avatar n (computing: personal icon) (صورة أو كتابة) شعار Indian(فلسفة) تجسيد الآلهة 1- police badge n (emblem worn or carried by police) شعار الشرطة American policemen wear a police badge which bears a star. 2- shoulder patch n (emblem worn on upper sleeve) شعار يوضع على كم القميص The police officer had a newly designed shoulder patch on his shirt. 3- skull and crossbones n (symbol for poison) شعار السم The skull and crossbones on the bottle indicated that it contained poison

هل تمارس تمارين رياضية منتظمة قويه؟ هل تأكل حمية متوازنة؟ هل تهتم بالأكل الصحي؟ 1 Do you ___ regular ___ ___ ? 2 Do you eat a___ ___ ? 3 Do you care about___ ___ ?

1- take vigorous exercise تمارس تمارين رياضية قويه • vigorous adj (energetic) نشيط، قوي، شديد Vigorous exercise may help reduce the risk of catching the flu. 2- balanced diet حمية متوازنة (eating nutritionally varied food) نظام غذائي صحي Fresh fruits and vegetables are essential to a balanced diet. 3- healthy eating الأكل الصحي

اصبحت كورا مريضه منذ بضعة أيام. هي في المستشفى. ليسوا متأكدين ما هو للآن. عانيت من نزله البرد شديده وصداع شديد ، لذا لم أكن في حالة مزاجية جيدة. Cora was ___ ___ the other day. She's in hospital. They're not sure what it is yet. I had a ___ ___ and a___ ___ , so I wasn't in a good mood

1- taken illاصبحت مريضه • I felt ill so I went home. • He's been ill with meningitis. • Sophia fell ill/was taken ill (= became ill) while on holiday. • He is critically (= very badly) ill in hospital • the other day adv (several days ago) منذ بضعة أيام The other day we went snowboarding and we had a great time. We're still good friends. Just the other day we met for coffee. ذهبنا للتزحلق على الجليد منذ بضعة أيام وقضينا وقت ممتع. 2- heavy cold نزله برد شديده [the opposite of a heavy cold is a slight cold] 3- splitting headache • splitting headache informal (severe head pain) صداع شديد Would you turn the music down? - it's giving me a splitting headache

استقال وزير الفنون بعد ستة أشهر فقط من توليه المنصب. لقد لفت الانظار حول قراره المثير للجدل بإعادة تقديم رسوم لدخول المتحف. MINISTER QUITS The Arts Minister has resigned after only six months in the___ ___ . He has ___ ___ over his ___ ___ to re-introduce charges for museum entry

1- top job 2- attracted attention • attract attention v(be noticeable; draw interest) يلفت النظر That new sports car is certain to attract attention. • attract attention v (signal to [sb]) يسترعي انتباه فلان I shouted across the room to attract his attention 3- controversial decision قرار المثير للجدل

"___ ___ the movie before, I wouldn't want to see it again." "بعد مشاهدة الفيلم من قبل ، لا أريد رؤيته مرة أخرى." perfect participle

Having seen When we want to emphasize that one event happened before another, we can use the structure having + past participle, also known as the perfect participle

من معظم الغرف ، هناك مناظر دون انقطاع للقلعة. من الطابق العلوي، بالرواد مطعم لديها رؤية بانورامية للريف من الشرفة ، هناك منظر مذهل للجبال. توقفنا لبضع دقائق للاستمتاع بالمنظر. From most rooms, there are uninterrupted views of the castle. From the top floor, restaurant diners have a panoramic view of the countryside From the balcony there is a spectacular view of the mountains. We stopped for a few minutes to admire the view.

1- uninterrupted view [nothing blocks the views of the castle] uninterrupted adj (continuous) متواصل، مستمر The TV station is providing uninterrupted coverage of the golf tournament. 2- panoramic view [view over a very wide area] panoramic adj (wide, broad) بانورامي، شامل الرؤية Holly used the panoramic mode on her camera to capture the vast landscape. 3- spectacular view [very dramatic view] spectacular adj (incredible) مذهل، مدهش، باهر The improvement in Alice's grades since she changed schools is spectacular. 4- enjoy/admire a view admire [sb]⇒ v(respect) يقدّر، يحترم Kristin admires doctors who volunteer to work in third-world countries. تحترم كريستين الأطباء الذين يتطوعون للعمل في بلدان العالم الثالث. admire [sth]⇒ v (be impressed by) يُنال إعجابه يُعجَبُ بـ The tourists admired the architecture of the cathedral. نال النمط المعماري للكاتدرائية إعجاب السياح.

يقع الكوخ في بعض المناطق الريفية متروكه على جمالها الطبيعي الرائعة على حافة غابة كثيفة. لسوء الحظ ، تسد الأشجار منظر الجبال المغطاة بالثلوج. أنه يحتوي على حديقة صغيرة مع جدول صغير في النهاية. الجدول يتعرج عبر الغابة. لقد أرادوا بناء مصنع للأخشاب هنا ولكن السكان المحليين قالوا إنه سيدمر الريف ولحسن الحظ نجحت حملتهم لحماية البيئة. The cottage is in some wonderful ___ ___ on the edge of a ___ ___ . Unfortunately, the trees ___ ___ ___ of the ___ ___ ___ . It has a little garden with a ___ at the end of it. The ___ ___ through the forest. They wanted to build a timber factory here but the local people said that it would ___ ___ ___ and, fortunately, their campaign to ___ ___ ___ succeeded.

1- unspoiled countryside: countryside that has not been changed by industry or modern buildings unspoiled, adj (pristine, not damaged) متروك على جماله الطبيعي، باقٍ على جماله الأصلي Tourists come to the region to enjoy the unspoiled countryside. 2- dense forest: thick forest كثيف 3- block the view يسد المنظر 4- snow-covered mountains الجبال المغطاة بالثلوج 5- stream n (small river) جدول، نهر صغير A stream flows behind their house. هناك جدول يجري خلف بيتهم 6- stream winds: makes lots of bends, doesn't flow in a straight line wind⇒ v (curve) يتعرّج i. The road winds up and down the mountain. 7- destroy the countryside سيدمر الريف 8- protect the environmentحماية البيئة

يريد الرياضيون والنساء الرياضيات الفوز بالمباريات ، وليس خسارة المباريات. لكن لا يمكنك الفوز طوال الوقت! في بعض الأحيان ، يستحق الفريق أو اللاعب الفوز ، لكنه يهزم بفارق ضئيل Sportsmen and sportswomen want to___ ___ , not___ ___ . But you can't win all the time! Sometimes a team or player___ ___ , but gets___ ___ ___ .

1- win matches 2- lose matches 3- deserves to win 4- narrowly defeated/beaten يهزم بفارق ضئيل

تأكد ان تثبت برنامج مكافحة الفيروسات. هذا سيحمي جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك من الفيروسات. ستساعد بعض منتجات مكافحة الفيروسات أيضًا في حظر البريد العشوائي. قم بتحديث برنامج مكافحة الفيروسات بانتظام للتأكد من أنك محمي دائمًا من أحدث التهديدات Make sure you install___ ___ ___ . This will protect your computer from viruses. Some anti-virus products will also help to___ ___ . ___ your anti-virus program ___ to make sure you are always protected against the latest threats.

1. anti-virus software برنامج مكافحة الفيروسات 2. block spam حظر البريد العشوائي • spam n (unsolicited e-mail) بريد عشوائي رسالة إلكترونية غير مرغوب فيها The email you sent was mistakenly labelled as spam. تم تعليم رسالتك الإلكترونية على أنّها رسالة غير مرغوب بها عن طريق الخطأ. 3. Update regularly بتحديث انتظام

الطالب: هل يجب علينا الذهاب إلى جميع المحاضرات للقيام بالدورة أم فقط لك؟ الطالب: إسمح لي. أين ستكون صف الأسبوع القادم؟ في هذه الغرفة؟ Student: Do we have to go to all the lectures to do the course or just yours? Teacher: You must ___ ___ ___ to___ ___ ___ . Student: Excuse me. Where will next week's class be? In this room? Teacher: No. Next week's ___ ____ in Room 405.

1. attend all the lectures instead of go to all the lectures 2. complete the course do the course 3. class will be held

دائمًا قم بعمل نسخة احتياطية لملفاتك وأية مستندات (مثل الملاحظات والمهمات) التي تعمل عليها. يمكنك تحميل ملفاتك إلى نظام تخزين سحابي أو استخدام فلاشه. هذا يعني أنه في حالة تعطل جهاز الكمبيوتر وفقدت ملفاتك، فستظل لديك دائمًا نسخة أخرى. Always ___ ___ your___ and any documents (such as notes and assignments) you are working on. You can ___ ___ ___ to a ___ ___ system or use a___ ___ . This means if your ___ ___ and you lose your files, you will always have another copy.

1. back up files عمل نسخة احتياطية لملفاتك • assignment n (short task) مهمة His boss gave him three assignments to be completed by the end of the week. أعطاه مديره ثلاث مهمّات لينجزها قبل نهاية الأسبوع. • assignment n (work given to students) وظيفة مدرسية، درس • assignment n (position, longer term) وظيفة، مهمة تكليف, تعيين The sales manager moved to Chicago after his assignment there by the company. انتقل مدير المبيعات إلى شيكاغو بعدما قامت الشركة بتعيينه فيه His principal assignment is general maintenance. (continuing obligation) 2. upload your files تحميل ملفاتك 3. cloud storage تخزين سحابي 4. memory stick فلاشه [also called a flash drive or USB stick] 5. computer crashes تعطل جهاز الكمبيوتر

يقال إن الأطفال الذين انفصل أو تطلق والديهم جاءوا من منزل محطم. إذا كانت عائلتهم قوية ومحبة ، يمكن أن يطلق عليها اسم منزل مستقر. إذا كان منزلًا فقيرًا ، وليس لديه الأشياء الضرورية لحياة مرضيه ، مثل ما يكفي من المال أو الطعام أو ظروف معيشية جيدة ، فيمكن أن يطلق عليه اسم المنزل المحروم. Children whose parents have separated or divorced are said to come from a___ ___ . If their family is a strong, loving one, it can be called a___ ___ . If it is a poor one, not having the things that are necessary for a pleasant life, such as enough money, food or good living conditions, it can be called a___ ___ .

1. broken home (family: parents separated) عائلة منقسمة My parents divorced when I was a baby, so I grew up in a broken home. 2. stable home 3. deprived home

الكدمات شائعة في حوادث المرور البسيطة. تعليقاته الجارحة تم نشرها على نطاق واسع في وسائل الإعلام. كان الانتهاء من العمل في هذه الحرارة محنة قاسيه. ___ is common in minor traffic accidents. His ___ comments were widely reported in the media. Finishing the job in this heat was a ___ ordeal.

1. bruising n (contusions, bruises) ترضُّض، تكدُّم 2. bruising adj (speech, action: hurtful) (صفة للكلام) مؤلم، جارح 3. bruising adj (experience: brutal) قاسٍ

لا تنقر على رابط ابدا أو تفتح مرفقًا في رسالة بريد إلكتروني إذا كنت لا تعرف الشخص الذي أرسله. فقط نزل التطبيقات من الشركات التي تثق بها. بعض التطبيقات تحتوي على برامج خبيثة قد تسمح لشخص ما بالتسلل إلى جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك وسرقة المعلومات الشخصية مثل كلمات المرور أو التفاصيل المصرفية. Never ___ ___ ___ or ___ ___ ___ in an email if you do not know the person who sent it. Only___ ___ from companies that you trust. Some apps contain malware which could allow someone to___ ___ ___ ___ and steal personal information such as passwords or bank details.

1. click on a link تنقر على رابط 2. open an attachment تفتح مرفقًا 3. download applications نزل التطبيقات 4. hack into your computer بالتسلل إلى جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك

قوانين التعامل الرسمية يقوم بحملة دعاية لـ يقوم بعمل دراسة يُجْرِي تجربة، يَخْتَبِر يفتح تحقيقًا، يُحَقِّق يتصرف سلوك اجتماعي

1. code of conduct n (official rules) قوانين التعامل الرسمية He was fired from the company for violating the code of conduct. 2. conduct a campaign (promote [sth], [sb]) يقوم بحملة دعاية لـ 3. conduct a study (perform an investigation) يقوم بعمل دراسة I've been researching for my thesis but I still need to conduct a study to test my hypothoses. 4. conduct an experiment (test [sth] scientifically) يُجْرِي تجربة، يَخْتَبِر 5. conduct an inquiry (hold investigation) يفتح تحقيقًا، يُحَقِّق The committee will conduct an inquiry into the governor's alleged fraud. 6. conduct yourself (behave ,act) يتصرف Please conduct yourself with politeness. Please conduct yourself like a gentleman when you're with my daughter. 7. social conduct n (Behaviour in company) سلوك اجتماعي

ليس لدينا اختبارات في مدرستي. لدينا تقييم مستمر. [نظام حيث يتم الحكم على جودة عمل الطالب من خلال العمل وليس عن طريق اختبار نهائي واحد] الكلية التقنية المحلية توفر التدريب للشباب في مجموعة متنوعة من المهن. We don't have exams at my school. We have___ ___ . [system where the quality of a student's work is judged by pieces of course work and not by one final examination] The local technical college ___ ___ for young people in a variety of professions.

1. continuous assessment 2. provides training توفر التدريب

حالما تعثر على المعلومات التي تريد استخدامها ، لا تقم بنسخها ولصقها في مقالك! ستحتاج إلى إعادة كتابة المعلومات بكلماتك الخاصة. تأكد من الاحتفاظ بسجل للمصدر حتى تتمكن ان ترجع إليه بشكل صحيح في عملك. once you've found information you want to use, don't just ___ ___ it into your essay! You will need to rewrite the information in your own words. Be sure you keep a record of the source so you can reference it correctly in your work

1. copy and paste بنسخها ولصقها 2. keep a record of الاحتفاظ بسجل 3. reference ترجع إليه

الآن ، ستة أشهر لاحقا، عاد إلى المسار الصحيح نحو الحصول على درجة ممتازة وتحقيق أحلامه. Now, six months___ ___ ___ , he is ___ ___ ___ towards gaining an excellent degree and fulfilling his dreams.

1. down the line= later down the road (also down the line) in the future: Lots of things will have changed a few years down the road 2. back on track again on the way to achieving something get back on track v expr informal (regain focus) يعود إلى وضعه السويّ، يستعيد نشاطه

كانت امرأة قصيرة بدينه تبيع الزهور في كشك في زاوية الشارع. فتح رجل بدين الباب. كان هناك شاب طويل نحيف يقف عند زاوية الشارع. A short, ___ was selling flowers at a stall on the street corner. A ___ ___ answered the door. A ___ ___ was standing at the street corner.

1. dumpy woman • [short and quite fat woman; used more often of women than of men. This collocation is slightly negative, so be careful how you use it.] • dumpy adj (short and plump) بدين وقصير I don't like the cut of that dress; it makes you look dumpy. 2. portly gentleman • [fat and round; usually used of middle-aged and older men] • portly adv (plump, fat) بدين، سمين 3. lanky youth • [tall and thin and tending to move awkwardly] • lanky adj (awkwardly tall and thin) طويل نحيل The lanky young boy looked uncomfortable in his own body.

" انا معجب بك لأنك مصدر الهام للكثير من الناس." "I admire you because you are an inspiration to many people." What is the function of because?

Adverbial clauses of reason or purpose describes why something has occurred or will occur. Common subordinating conjunctions are because, as, since, and so. Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

يتعرّض، يكابد يصادف شخصًا (مقابلة بالصدفة) صدام يواجه

1. encounter (experience a problem) يتعرّض، يكابد تعرّض لمشاكل كثيرة في ذلك الموقع النائي. He encountered many problems at the remote site. 2. encounter (meet unexpectedly) يصادف شخصًا، يلتقي شخصًا صدفةً التقى بحبيبته السابقة صدفةً في الحانة. He encountered his ex-girlfriend at the bar. 3. encounter n (unexpected meeting) (مقابلة بالصدفة) لقاء، مصادفة كان لقاؤه بصديقته القديمة محرجًا. The encounter with his old girlfriend was awkward. 4. encounter n (combative meeting) صدام جُرحت مشاعر "بوب" و"جو" بعد الصدام الذي جرى بينهما. Bob and Joe's encounter left them both with hurt feelings. 5. encounter (military: meet in conflict) يواجه They encountered the enemy off the coast of Spain

الزوج / الزوجة المنفصل هو الشخص الذي يعيش في مكان مختلف وله علاقة صعبة مع الزوج / الزوجة. قد يكون لديهم انفصال تجريبي وربما يقررون في النهاية الحصول على الطلاق. في بعض الحالات ، قد يكون الطلاق مريرًا / حادًا. An ___ ___ ___ is one who lives in a different place and has a difficult relationship with their husband/wife. They may be having a ___ ___ and may eventually decide to___ ___ ___ . In some cases it can be a___ ___ ___ ___ .

1. estranged husband/wife • estranged adj (partner: separated) منفصل عنه She has not been in touch with her estranged husband in years. [formal] 2. trial separation انفصال تجريبي • محاكمةtrial The prosecutor presented evidence at the trial. قدّم المدّعي الأدلة خلال المحاكمة. • trial n (experimental attempt) تجربة، اختبار They tested the device in a controlled trial. اختبروا الجهاز بإجراء تجربة مضبوطة عليه. 3. get a divorce يحصل على طلاق The last I heard they were getting a divorce. Ellie wants a divorce. What are the chances of a marriage ending in divorce? 4. bitter/acrimonious divorce • [full of anger, arguments and bad feeling] • acrimonious adj (bitter) مرير Sue and Sid haven't spoken to one another in the three years since their acrimonious divorce. • grow acrimonious (become bitter or marked by resentment) يزداد مرارة، يزداد قسوة، يزداد حدة Sadly, many marriages grow acrimonious over time

ألقى محاضرة عن الحرب الأهلية الأمريكية الأستاذ باركنسون حصل على دبلوم في تخطيط المدن في عام 2010. مقالها تلقى ممتاز درجة Professor Parkinson ___ ___ ___ on the American Civil War. He ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ in Town Planning in 2010. Her essay___ ___ ___ an A-grade

1. gave a lecture ألقى محاضرة instead of do a lecture/talk 2. obtained a diploma حصل على دبلوم was awarded a diploma منح دبلوم instead of get a degree/diploma 3. received / was given تلقى\اعطي instead of get a grade

أدى مارك أداء عاطفي لهذه الأغاني الحب القديمة. عشاقه سوف يحبوها. هذه مقطوعه غير عادية من الموسيقى. بعد نجاحهم الكبير في عام 2015، يأملون في تحقيق نجاح كبير آخر. لديهم أتباع كثيرين. Mac ___ ___ ___ ___ of these old love songs. his ___ ___ will love it. This is an extraordinary___ ___ ___ . After their ___ ___ in 2015, they are hoping for another ___ ___ . They have a___ ___ .

1. gives a sentimental performance • عاطفي passionate, emotional, sentimental, moving, soulful, romantic انفعالي حساس شعوري 2. adoring fans عشاقه • adoring adj (who dote on, idolize [sb]) مولع، هائم The singer signed autographs for a crowd of adoring fans. 3. piece of music قطعه موسيقية • piece, piece of music n (musical composition) مقطوعة That piece by Bach was very nice. كانت مقطوعة باخ الموسيقيّة جميلة جدًّا. 4. massive hit نجاح كبير 5. big hit • (success) نجاح كبير informal Max's spaghetti Bolognese was a big hit with his girlfriend. • (popular song) أغنية شعبية رائجة 'Take Me Out' by Franz Ferdinand was one of the big hits of 2004 6. huge following أتباع كثيرين

الازدهار يسير يداً بيد مع الاستثمار. عمل الموظفان يداً بيد حتى ينتهي المشروع. Prosperity ___ ___ ___ ___ with investment. The two employees worked ___ ___ ___ to see the project through to the end.

1. go hand in hand v (belong together) يداً بيد، يتعاضد بالنسبة للكثير من الناس ، يسير التدخين والشرب يداً بيد. For many people, smoking and drinking go hand in hand 2. hand in hand, adv (in close collaboration) (مجازي) يدًا في يد يتعاون C1 If something goes hand in hand with something else, it is closely related to it and happens at the same time as it or as a result of it

بعد المدرسة الثانوية ، 30 ٪ من السكان يذهبون إلى التعليم العالي / العالي ، و 20 ٪ من البالغين يقومون بنوع من التعليم الإضافي أثناء حياتهم. هل تعترف حكومتك بالمؤهلات الأجنبية لمعلمي المدارس؟ After secondary school, 30% of the population go on to, ___ ___ ___ ___ and 20% of adults do some sort of ____ ___ course during their lives. Does your government ___ ___ ___ for school teachers?

1. higher/tertiary educationالتعليم العالي 2. further education التعليم الإضافي education below the level of a university degree for people who have left school: She teaches at a college of further education. 3. recognize foreign qualifications تعترف بالمؤهلات الأجنبية

. معظم جوانب والدتي من العائلة لديها شعر داكن - في الواقع أمي لديها شعر أسود فاحم عندما كانت أصغر سنا ، قبل أن يشيب شعرها- ولكن على جانب أبي ، البعض لديه شعر اشقر ، والبعض الآخر شعر احمر. My mother's side of the family mostly have dark hair - in fact my mother had ___ ___ ___ when she was younger, before she___ ___ - but on my father's side, some have___ ___ , and some have___ ___ .

1. jet-black hair jet-black adj (deep black) أسود فاحم 2. went grey يشيب شعرها 3. fair hair شعر أشقر (blond or light-coloured hair) • People with fair hair are most susceptible to sunburn. • Louise has fair hair and a pale complexion. 4. ginger hair شعر احمر The color adjectives blonde, ginger and auburn are only used of people's hair (not, for example, their clothes or other objects). When a word has restricted collocations, make a special note in your vocabulary notebook. reddish brown لون كستنائي

هل تحتفظ بدفتر مفردات؟ إنها طريقة جيدة لتسجيل مفردات جديده. فعلت المسودة الأولى لمقالتي الأسبوع الماضي والمسودة النهائية هذا الأسبوع. لا بد لي من تسليمها في الغد. ثم يعطينا المعلم ردود الفعل بعد حوالي أسبوع. Do you___ ___ ___ ___ ? It's a good way of recording new vocabulary. I did the ___ ___ of my essay last week and the___ ___ this week. I have to hand it in tomorrow. Then the teacher ___ us___ after about a week.

1. keep a vocabulary notebook تحتفظ بدفتر مفردات 2. first draft المسودة الأولى final draft المسودة النهائية • draft n US (draught: current of air) تيار هوائي، مجرى هواء Do you feel a draft? There must be a window open somewhere. هل تشعر بتيار هوائي؟ لا شك أن هناك نافذة مفتوحة. 3. gives feedbackاعطاء او ابداء ملاحظات او تعليقات • feedback n (loudspeaker noise) صوت مرتد، The loud feedback when the microphone got too close to the speaker hurt everybody's ears. عندما اقترب الميكروفون إلى حد زائد من المتكلّم، أحدث ذلك صوتًا مرتدًا عاليًا أزعج آذان جميع المستمعين. • feedback n (opinion, criticism) تعليق، ملاحظة The website encourages its visitors to give feedback about what they like and don't like about it. يشجع الموقع زائريه على كتابة تعليقاتهم حول ما أعجبهم وما لم يعجبهم.

فكر في النقاط الرئيسية لكل منطقة وحاول كتابة هذه الكلمات ببضع كلمات على الشريحة. قد ترغب في استخدام النقاط النقطية لمساعدة الجمهور على متابعة حججك. Think about your ____ ___ for each area and try to write these in just a few words on the slide. You might want to use ___ ___ to help the audience ___ your___ .

1. key points النقاط الرئيسية main points (We can also talk about key issues, key areas, key elements and key questions.) 2. bullet points 3. follow argument متابعة حججك understand your reasons or explanation • argument (quarrel) جدال شجار They had an argument about what they were going to do that night. وقع بينهم جدال بخصوص مشاريعهم لتلك الليلة. • argument (debate) جدال نقاش حاد They entered into yet another argument about tax policies. دخلوا في نقاش حادّ آخر حول السياسات الضريبية. • argument (reasoning) حجة His argument against going to war was a solid one. كانت حجته متينة بشأن عدم خوض الحرب. • Counterargument (rebuttal, refutation) جدل مضاد • for the sake of argument expr (hypothetically) جدليًّا على سبيل الجدل Let us imagine, for the sake of argument, that the Prime Minister decided to resign

الوافدون الجدد على ساحه موسيقى الروك ، بلوم بالفعل لها تأثير كبير. إذا كنت تبحث عن موسيقى في الخلفية، فهذا ليس مناسبًا لك ، ولكن إذا كنت تريد أن تنفجر الموسيقى من جهازهاي فأي وتزعج الجيران ، فإن الإطلالة الأولى لألبوم بلوم مع مقاطع من أدائهم على الهواء في استاد دبي قد يكون مجرد ما تريد. New arrivals on the rock___ ___ , Bloom are already making a big impact. If you're looking for___ ___ , then this is not for you, but if you want music to ___ ___ from your hi-fi and annoy the neighbors, then Blooms___ ___ , with tracks from their ___ ___ at the Dubai Stadium may be just what you want.

1. music scene 2. background music 3. blast out sound extremely loud blast out + adv (sound very loudly) يُدَوِّي، ينفجر بصوت عنيف، يَتعالى صوته The longer the traffic waited, the more the car horns blasted out. كُلَّما طال انتظار السيارات في المرور، كلما دَوَّت أبواقها. 4. debut album presented to the public for the first time 5. live performance

يتحدث علماء الاجتماع عن الأسر النووية والممتدة. الأسرة النووية هي مجرد أبوين وأطفال. الأسرة الممتدة هي شبكة أوسع تضم الأجداد وأبناء العم ، إلخ. Sociologists talk about ___ and___ ___ . A___ ___ is just parents and children. An ___ ___ is a wider network including grandparents, cousins, etc.

1. nuclear family (parents and children) (الوالدان وأولادهما) أسرة نووية، أسرة نواتية، أسرة نواة 2. extended family • (relatives) أقارب • أسرةممتدة، أسرةموسعة • I only see my extended family at Christmas time

سوف تحتاج إلى الحصول على مؤهل في العمل الاجتماعي. البلد فقير. 27 ٪ فقط من الأطفال يتلقون التعليم الأساسي. You will need to ___ ___ ___ in social work. The country is poor; only 27% of children ___ ___ ___

1. obtain/acquire a qualification يحصل على مؤهل instead of get a qualification 2. receive a basic education. يتلقون التعليم الأساسي Instead of get an education

هناك الكثير من المصادر عبر الإنترنت لمساعدتك في البحث بفعالية. على سبيل المثال ، تحتوي العديد من محركات البحث على صفحات "تلميحات ونصائح" توضح لك كيفية استخدامها بكفاءة أكبر ويمكن أن يساعدك ذلك في تحسين بحثك. من المهم تقييم المواقع بشكل نقدي ، لذا تحقق من الذي كتب المعلومات ومتى. there are a lot of ___ ___ to help you search effectively. For example, many search engines have ___ ___ ___ pages which show you how to use them more efficiently and this can help you to___ ___ ___ . It's important to ___ sites ___ , so check who wrote the information and when.

1. online resources المصادر عبر الإنترنت 2. 'hints and tips' تلميحات ونصائح" 3. refine your search تحسين بحثك • refine [sth] (process: improve) يحسّن We're refining our recruitment process to make it run more smoothly. 4. evaluate critically: think carefully about whether something is reliable or truthful Ask 'why' and 'how', not 'what' This means being analytical, not just descriptive. You need to: Consider how valid and reliable the research is What are its strengths and weaknesses? Draw comparisons with other research findings

"أنا ذاهب للخارج لألعب منذ أن انتهت واجبي المنزلي". "I'm going outside to play since my homework is finished." What is the function of since?

Adverbial clauses of reason or purpose describes why something has occurred or will occur. Common subordinating conjunctions are because, as, since, and so. Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

إذا كنت تقدم أرقامًا أو بيانات ، فغالبًا ما تكون المخططات الدائرية أو المخططات الشريطية أو الرسوم البيانية هي أوضح طريقة لتقديمها. استخدام الصور أو الرسوم المتحركة يمكن أن يساعد في إعادة الحياة إلى العرض التقديمي وجعله أكثر لا تنسى ، لكن الكثير منها قد يكون مربكًا ومشتتًا. If you are presenting numbers or data,___ ___ , ___ ___ or graphs are often the clearest way to present them.Using pictures or animations can help ___ ___ the presentation ___ ___ and make it more memorable, but too many can be confusing and distracting.

1. pie charts المخططات الدائرية 2. bar charts المخططات الشريطية 3. bring to life (enliven) يبث فيه الحياة، ينعش The party was boring until the band played music and brought it to life

مكان جيد للبدء هو النظر في تعريف لموضوعك أو سؤال مقالك وتدوين أي كلمات رئيسية. استخدمها لإجراء بحث على الويب وبدء القراءة خلال النتائج. A good ___ ___ ___ is by looking at a definition of your topic or your essay question and ___ ___ ___ of any keywords. Use those to ___ ___ ___ ___ and start reading through the results.

1. place to start مكان جيد للبدء 2. making a noteتكتب ملاحظه • note down (write for future reference) يكتب، يدوّن I will note down that only notarized statements may be presented in court. • take note(pay careful attention) تحيط علما يلاحظ، ينتبه Take note, people: the job has to be finished today. 3. do a web search لإجراء بحث على الويب

حتى الأشخاص الذين اعتادوا على التحدث أمام الجمهور يمكن أن يشعروا بالتوتر من التعامل مع الأسئلة بعد العرض التقديمي. أفضل طريقة هي الاستماع بعناية والصدق إذا كنت لا تعرف الإجابة! Even people who are used to ___ ___ can feel nervous about ___ ___ ___ after a presentation. The best way is to ___ ___ and be honest if you don't know the answer!

1. public speaking التحدث أمام الجمهور public speaking n (making a speech to an audience) خطاب عام Public speaking is probably the worst of all my fears. 2. dealing with questions التعامل مع الأسئلة 3. listen carefully الاستماع بعناية

يجب ان اجري امتحان في علم الأحياء في نهاية الفصل الدراسي. أجرى فصلنا مشروع بحث في تاريخ مدرستنا قررت الالتحاق / أخذ دورة في برمجة الكمبيوتر. I have to ___ ___ ___ in biology at the end of term. Our class ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ into the history of our school I decided to ___ ___ ___ a course in Computer programming.

1. sit/take an exam اجري امتحان أتقدم لامتحان instead of do an exam 2. carried out / conducted a research project instead of do research, do a research project • conduct(carry, transmit)يوصّل ينقل Wires conduct electricity. Water conducts sound. توصِّل الأسلاك الكهرباء. تنقل المياه الأصوات. • conduct (carry out, perform) يُجري The website conducted a survey of car owners. أجرى الموقع على الإنترنت دراسة استقصائية حول مالكي السيارات. • conduct (manage, direct) يدير He conducted his business efficiently. يدير أعماله بكفاءة تامة. • conduct (meeting: lead) يعقد، يدير He conducted the meeting since nobody else wanted to. لم يرد أحد أن يدير الاجتماع، فأداره هو. • conduct n (behavior) سلوك، تصرف Your conduct is not acceptable. سلوكك هذا غير مقبول. • code of conduct n (official rules) قوانين التعامل الرسمية He was fired from the company for violating the code of conduct. • conduct a campaign (promote [sth], [sb]) يقوم بحملة دعاية لـ • conduct a study (perform an investigation) يقوم بعمل دراسة • conduct an experiment (test [sth] scientifically) يُجْرِي تجربة، يَخْتَبِر • conduct an inquiry v expr (hold investigation) يفتح تحقيقًا، يُحَقِّق The committee will conduct an inquiry into the governor's alleged fraud. • conduct yourself (behave) يتصرف Please conduct yourself with politeness. social conduct n (behavior in company) سلوك اجتماعي 3. enroll on a course تسجيل \التحق بدوره take a course تسجيل \التحق بدوره instead of do a course

ذهب جوش إلى حفلة عزوبيه صديقه ميك في نهاية الأسبوع الماضي ، وفي الأسبوع المقبل ، كانت أنجيلا لديها حفل عزوبيه. إنه حفل ملابس تنكرية أيضًا. أعتقد أنني سأذهب ككليوباترا. لديهم حفل استقبال في فندق رويال Josh went to his friend Mick's ___ ___ last weekend .And next week, Angela's having her___ ___ . It's ___ ___ too. I think I'll go as Cleopatra. They're having the ___ at the Royal Hotel.

1. stag party حفله توديع العزوبيه bachelors party 2. hen night bachelorette حفله توديع العزوبيه 3. fancy dress fancy dress n UK (costume, disguise) ملابس تنكرية Marco turned up to the party in a Superman outfit, because he thought he was supposed to wear fancy dress. 4. Reception a formal party, e.g. after a wedding or to meet an important visitor • reception n (wedding party) حفلة عرس Paul and Emma had a church wedding, followed by a reception at a nearby hotel. • reception n (party, event) حفل استقبال The ambassador's receptions were always grand affairs. Wedding party: the main group of close family and friends at a wedding, rather than to the reception after the wedding

انهم يأملون في بدء عائلة قريبا نحن نعيش مع أمي الآن ، لكننا سنقيم منزل بمفردنا قريبًا. أود أن أنجب ثلاثة أطفال استريد تنتظر مولودا أنجبت أليسا طفلها أمس متوقع ولاده الطفل الاسبوع المقبل من الصعب أن تكون والد اعزب They are hoping to ___ ___ ___ soon We live with my mum now, but we'll ___ ___ ___ on our own soon. I'd like to ___ three ___ Astrid is ___ ___ ___ Alyssa ___ ___ ___ yesterday The ___ ___ ___ next week It's hard being a___ ___

1. start a family NOT begin a family 2. set up home • set [sth] up vtr + adv (establish) ينشئ، يقيم، يفتح They set the new store up on Maple Street 3. Have children NOT get children 4. expecting a baby NOT wait (for) a baby • expect informal (be pregnant) تكون حاملاً، تنتظر مولودًا Usually used in the continuous form: be expecting My wife's expecting. زوجتي حامل. • expect [sb] informal (be pregnant with) ينجب حامل I'm expecting a baby in July. My wife is expecting twins. سأنجب طفلاً في يوليو. زوجتي حامل بتوأم. 5. had her baby 6. baby is due • due adj (expected to be born) يُتوقع أن يولد (طفل) موعد ولادة The baby is due at the end of this month. يُتوقع أن يولد الطفل في آخر هذا الشهر. • due adj informal (expected to give birth) يُتوقع أن تلد (أم لطفلها) موعد ولادة She is due at the end of July. يُتوقع أن تلد في آخر الشهر • due date n (expected date of birth) تاريخ الولادة المتوقع Your due date is 24 weeks from today. 7. single parent

إحدى طرق للوصول إلى المعلومات الموثوقة في الاشتراك في المجلات عبر الإنترنت للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات حول مواضيع محددة مثل الطب والعلوم. يمكنك معظم الأحيان البحث عن طريق الكلمات الرئيسية في الاصدارات السابقة للعثور على مقالات قديمة قد تكون ذات صلة One way to access reliable information is to___ ___ ___ ___ ___ to get more information on specific topics such as medicine, science. You can often ____ ___ ___ in___ ___ to find older articles that might be relevant.

1. subscribe to online journals الاشتراك في المجلات عبر الإنترنت 2. search by keyword البحث عن طريق الكلمات الرئيسية 3. back issues الاصدارات السابقة or back copy noun [ C ] (also back issue/number) a newspaper or magazine of an earlier date than the one now on sale

خذ بنظر الاعتبار الجمهور المستهدف. تأكد من أن ما تقوله هو في المستوى المناسب للفت انتباههم. العرض التقديمي التفاعلي يعد طريقة جيدة للتواصل مع جمهورك وإبقائه مهتمًا. Consider the___ ___ . Make sure that what you say is at the right level to ___ their ___ . An___ ___ is a good way to ___ ___ ___ ___ and keep them interested.

1. target audience target audience n (intended consumers) الجمهور المستهدف 2. hold attention • hold the attention (be interesting) يجتذب الأهتمام The movie had an entertaining beginning, but it failed to hold the attention of the audience for the entire ninety minutes. 3. interactive presentation العرض التقديمي التفاعلي 4. لتواصل مع جمهورك connect with your audience

"My friend Daniel teaches in the morning, volunteers in the afternoon, and plays volleyball in the evening." How to link multiple Predicates?

1. teaches in the morning 2. volunteers in the afternoon 3. plays volleyball in the evening Connected by commas and the coordinating conjunction and, they all have the same subject—my friend Daniel. The subject sometimes performs more than one action. the subject is related to two or more finite verbs is called compound predicate We usually use coordinating conjunctions to link the verbs in a compound predicate. If there are more than two predicate elements, we separate them with commas and use a conjunction before the final one. "I live in New Jersey but work in New York City." 1. live in New Jersey 2. work in New York City Connected by the coordinating conjunction but, they both have the same subject—I

في تحول مفاجئ للأحداث الليلة الماضية ، وافقت الحكومة على خطط لتطوير المدينة. ستعقد الأطراف المعنية محادثات على مدار الأسبوع. MINISTER GIVES THE GO-AHEAD TO PLANS In a surprising___ ___ ___ last night, the government agreed to plans for the development of the City. ___ ___ will ___ ___ throughout the week.

1. turn of events تحول للأحداث noun C2 a change in a situation: )twist( منعطفا غير متوقع للأحداث منعطف غريب للأحداث وهو تحول دراماتيكي للأحداث an unexpected turn of events a strange turn of events a dramatic turn of events لم يحب سالازار هذا التحول في الأحداث ، لكنه قبل مهمته الجديدة Salazar did not like this turn of events, but he accepted his new assignment. 2. Interested parties noun any of the people or organizations who may be affected by a situation, or who are hoping to make money out of a situation: Employees, suppliers, customers, and other interested parties are anxiously awaiting news about the takeover bid. Details of the contract will be made available for any interested party to look at. • interested (in [sth/sb]) adj (curious, fascinated) مهتم Are you interested in my problems or not? هل أنت مهتم بمشاكلي أم لا؟ • interested in doing [sth] adj + prep(wanting to do) ينوي شيئًا، يفكّر في شيء I'm interested in starting my own business. • interested adj (with personal motives) معنيّ(finance: participating) ناقش مدير الموارد البشرية موضوع الخلاف مع كل الأطراف المعنيّة. The human resources director discussed the conflict with all interested parties. The interested parties were all at the meeting to decide the future of the company. حضرت كل الأطراف المعنيّة الاجتماع لتقرير مستقبل الشركة. 3. hold talks يعقد محادثات

إنشاء مشروع تشكيل مشروع اقامة مشروع تمويل مشروع تمويل مشروع الاستثمار في مشروع create a venture form a venture set up a venture finance a venture fund a venture invest in a venture

1. venture v (dare to go, do [sth] risky, say) يتجرأ، تكون له الجرأة يغامر بدخول ينطوي على خطر يقوم بشيء The children ventured into the abandoned house. The explorer ventured to unknown lands. The stuntman ventured an attempt at jumping over three buses on a motorbike. The young executive ventured that the boss's favourite client was cheating the company. تجرّأ المدير الشابّ على القول إنّ العميل المفضّل عند ربّ العمل إنما يغشّ الشركة. تجرّأ الأولاد على دخول البيت المهجور. غامر المستكشف بدخول أراضٍ مجهولة قام المجازف بمحاولة قفز فوق 3 حافلات على دراجة نارية 2. venture [sth] ( a guess) venture a guess يخمن Anyone who ventures a guess will be awarded a prize. يعتقد يخمن Mary's colleague ventured that her evident happiness was due to a new love in her life. قالت زميلة ماري إنها تعتقد أن سعادة ماري الجليّة إنما هي ناجمة عن حبّ جديد في حياتها. 3. venture [sth] (expose [sth] to risk) يجازف بشيء، يخاطر بشيء The businessman ventured his house as capital for his project. Lara ventured her life to help those infected by the virus. 4. venture n (risky activity) مغامرة، مجازفة Jane led a venture to cross the Sahara. خاضت جاين مجازفة بمحاولتها عبور الصحراء الكبرى. 5. venture n (risky commercial activity) (ينطوي على مجازفة) مشروع تجاري You should always make sure you know the risks associated with any venture you invest in. • business venture n (start-up business/business investment involving risk) الانطلاق بالعمل التجاري مغامرة تجارية Most business ventures in my town don't last longer than six months. • joint venture n (business: joint enterprise) مشروع مشترك، شركة • venture to say (dare say, be so bold as to say) يجرؤ على القول

لا أحب أن يراني الناس بشعر أشعث وملابس قذرة. يشبه بشكل لافت أبيه. السيدة التي دخلت الغرفة كان لها مظهر اخاذ\لافت للغاية. I wouldn't like people to see me with ___ ___ and dirty clothes. He ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ his father. The lady who entered the room had a very___ ___ .

4. disheveled hair • [very untidy; used of people's hair and appearance] • disheveled adj (person: untidy, unkempt) أشعث، غير مرتب الملابس أشعث الشعر Although Evan always looks disheveled, he is incredibly smart and successful. 5. bears a striking resemblance to [ • looks remarkably like]يشبه بشكل لافت • bear no resemblance to [sth/sb] (be totally unlike) يختلف تماماً، لا يشبه The boy bears no resemblance to his father or his other brother. الصبي لا يشبه والده أو أخيه. 6. had a striking appearance • [unusual appearance, in a positive, attractive sense] • striking adj (remarkable, unusual) لافت للنظر The daughter's similarity to her mother was striking. كان شبه الفتاة بأمها لافتًا للنظر. • striking adj (impressive, noticeable) أخّاذ، رائع، مذهل Adele's striking beauty made men fall at her feet. كان جمال أديل الأخّاذ يجعل الرجال يرتمون عند قدميها.

تعتبر الوسائل البصرية الواضحة طريقة رائعة للتأثير / التأثير على جمهورك. يمكن أن يؤدي استخدام شرائح PowerPoint أو برامج العروض التقديمية الأخرى إلى إنشاء عرض تقديمي فعال للغاية. Clear ___ ___ are a great way to ___ ___ ___ on your audience. Using PowerPoint slides or other ___ ___ can create a very___ ___ .

1. visual aids الوسائل البصرية 2. make/have an impact للتأثير • impact n (hit) اصطدام The impact of the car hitting the tree killed the driver. قتل السائق نتيجة قوة اصطدام السيارة بالشجرة. • impact n (emotional effect) أثر، صدمة The impact of such abuse can last a lifetime. قد يدوم أثر هذه الإساءة حتى آخر العمر. • impact n (impression) أثر، تأثير The presentation really had an impact on his thinking. كان للعرض أثر كبير في تفكيره. • impact (on [sth/sb]) n (influence) تأثير على/في شيء/شخص His complaining has no impact on me. ليس لتشكّيه أي تأثير فيّ. • impact on [sth/sb] vi + prep (affect) يؤثر على/في شيء/شخص، يكون له أثر على/في شيء/شخص The economic recession is expected to impact on the company's profits. يُتوقع أن يؤثر الركود الاقتصادي في نسبة أرباح الشركة. Financial difficulties have impacted the company's ability to take on new projects. أثّرت المشاكل المالية في قدرة الشركة على أخذ مشاريع جديدة. 3. presentation software العروض التقديميةبرامج 4. effective presentation عرض تقديمي فعال

لقد بدات بممارسه الجيتار. لقد تلقيت ثلاثة دروس حتى الآن. ذلك رائع. أنا أحب الموسيقى الحية. ماذا تستطيع أن تعزف؟ حسنًا ، كان الأسبوع الأول يدور حول ضبط الأداة. تمكنت أن اعزف قطعة لمدرسي الأسبوع المقبل. I've___ ___ ___ . I've had three lessons so far. That's great. I love___ ___ . What can you play? Well, the first week was all about___ ___ __ _. I've got to ___ ___ for my teacher next week.

3- taken up the guitar بدات بممارسه الجيتار • take [sth] up (start: a hobby) يبدأ يمارس هواية شيء He took up woodworking after inheriting his grandfather's tools. • take up [sth] vtr (offer, challenge: accept) يقبل شيئًا They took up the company's offer to pay for additional training. • take [sth] up (use: time, resources) يأخذ شيئًا That project will take up most of your time. 4- live music 5- tuning the instrument ضبط الأداة 6- play a piece أن اعزف قطعة

لمحبي الموسيقى السهلة الاستماع والالحان الجذابه ، هذا كل ما تحتاجه. في الواقع ، إنه أمر مريح للغاية ، فقد تغفو تمامًا. For fans of ___ ___ and___ ___ , this is all you need. In fact it's so relaxing you might just fall asleep.

3. easy listening : music that is not serious or difficult الموسيقى السهلة الاستماع 4. catchy tunes : pleasant and easy to remember الالحان الجذابه • catchy adj (song, slogan: memorable)سهل التذكر، يعلق في الذهن That song's so catchy, I can't get it out of my head . هذه الأغنية جميلة وتعلق في الذهن • جذاب attractive, charming, catchy, cute, appealing, engaging • لحن tune, melody, air

4. On my birthday my parents took me out for a big, good meal. They wanted to go for a very high quality meal but I said I'd prefer something more ordinary. 5. Iced tea is a drink that cools you and makes you feel less tired on a hot day, and is probably better for you than non-alcoholic drinks such as cola or lemonade. 6. Let me take you out to dinner on your birthday. Or would you prefer a meal prepared at home? I could make dinner for you at my place.

4 On my birthday my parents took me out for a slap-up meal. They wanted to go for a gourmet meal but I said I'd prefer something more ordinary. 5 Ice tea is a refreshing drink on a hot day, and is probably better for you than soft drinks such as cola or lemonade. 6 Let me take you out to dinner on your birthday. Or would you prefer a home-cooked meal? I could make dinner for you at my place

4 The government will ___ talks with all ___ parties to try to end the strike. 5 Charles Ankram is to quit the ___ job of personal adviser to the President. He recently objected to a ___ decision to cut next year's health budget. 6 The government has ___ a campaign to clean up the countryside.

4- Hold talks, interested parties 5- Top job, controversial decision 6- Launched a campaign

أرغب في أن تؤدي هيو جاكمان الدور الرئيسي للبطل، بينما يمكن أن تحصل جينيفر لورنس على الدور الرئيسي للبطله. يمكن أن يلعب مايك دور محارب فايكنغ، وأود أن تلعب جودي دورًا شرفيا. أنا متأكد من أنها، كما هو الحال دائمًا ، ستقدم أداءً ممتازًا. حلمي هو صنع فيلم يتم ترشيحه لجائزة الأوسكار. بالطبع، أود أيضًا أن يلقى نجاحا كبيرا في شباك التذاكر، مع مقاعد ممتلئة حول العالم. I'd want the ___ ___ to be played by Hugh Jackman, while Jennifer Lawrence could have the___ ___ . mike could ___ ___ ___ ___ a Viking warrior and I'd like Judi to take on a___ ___ . I'm sure that, as always, she would give an excellent performance. My dream is to make a film that would be___ ___ ___ . Of course, I'd also like it to be an immediate___ ___ ___ , playing to full houses worldwide.

4- male lead female lead الدور الرئيسي للبطل للبطله 5- play the role of 6- cameo role (actor: brief appearance) دور شرفيّ 7- nominated for an Oscar 8- box-office hit

4- Big news stories do this. 5- The Minister outlined___ for a new university funding system. 6- I don't really read the newspaper, I usually just ___ through it. 7- There was an interesting news ___ in the local paper yesterday.

4-Break 5-Plans outline plansوضع خططا 6-Flick 7-Item item of news or news item news item n (story featured in the news) نبأ إخباري Did you see the news item about the discovery of a new planet?

"بدت متحمسة ، كما لو كانت تستطيع القفز والرقص في أي لحظة." "She looked excited, as if she could jump up and dance at any moment." What is the function of as if?

Adverbial clauses of comparison or manner describes how or in what manner something occurred or will occur, to what degree something occurred or will occur, or how something compares to something else. Some of the most often used subordinating conjunctions are like, as, as ... as, as if, the way, and than. Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

5 Give one advantage for a learner of English of doing homework. 6 What advice about keeping a vocabulary notebook would you give to someone starting to learn English? 7 What is the difference between further education and higher or tertiary education? 8 What would you expect to be the difference between the first draft of an essay and the final draft?

5 It helps you revise what you did in class. It gives you a chance to do extra things that you don't have time to do in class. 6 Write the words down in context, and revise what you've written down every few days or weeks. 7 Further education is less academic than higher or tertiary education. Students studying, say, car mechanics or secretarial skills are in further education whereas students studying, say, to be lawyers or doctors are in higher or tertiary education. 8 You'd expect a final draft to be better than a first draft, to be better organized, to have fewer spelling mistakes, and so on

يقود روجر الأوركسترا. وهو ألف اثنين من قطع الموسيقية. إذا كنت من محبي الموسيقى الكلاسيكية الحقيقيين، فوفر أموالك. Roger___ ___ ___ . he ___ two of the___ . if you're a real classical___ ___ , save your money.

5- conducts the orchestra يقود الفرقة الموسيقية 6- composed pieces ألف قطع الموسيقية 7- music lover مولع بالموسيقى To a true music lover, a live performance is the ultimate experience

6 There is no buyable housing for young people in this area; prices are ridiculously high. 7 New people have entered into the house next door. I haven't met them yet. 8 It's a very spatial apartment with a huge living room and a big kitchen. 9 The flat is accessible to rent from the first of March onwards. 10 My brother and his wife live in a windy old cottage.

6 There is no affordable housing for young people in this area; prices are ridiculously high. 7 New people have moved into the house next door. I haven't met them yet. 8 It's a very spacious apartment with a huge living room and a big kitchen. 9 The flat is available to rent from the first of March onwards. 10 My brother and his wife live in a draughty old cottage

Complete the collocations 7 I need to adopt a proper fitness programme and to s___ to it. I was in good s___ year ago but then I became a bit lazy. 8 Diseases which are i___ now will be beaten one day if scientists continue to make progress with drugs and genetic science. 9 My aunt was t___ ill when she was on holiday. Apparently, she was in e___ pain. Luckily she had travel insurance. 10 I believe in h___ eating and I try to do v ___ exercise every other day. 11 My doctor p___ me a new drug to a___ my backache. It worked! 12 I took a day off work yesterday. It was nothing serious, just a s___ cold.

7 stick; shape 8 incurable 9 taken; excruciating 10 healthy; vigorous 11 prescribed; alleviate 12 slight

حسنًا ، ماذا عن تناول مشروب غازي وكيس من رقائق البطاطس الآن ، وتناول وجبة غداء مناسبة في وقت لاحق؟ رقائق البطاطس سوف تفسد شهيتك فقط. انظروا ، هذا المطعم يبدو جيدًا ، كما أن قائمة الطعام المحددة بسعر معقول. هيا ندخل. Well, how about having a ___ ___ and a bag of crisps now, and a proper lunch later? Crisps will only___ ___ . Look, this restuarant looks good and the ___ ___ is___ ___ . Let's go in.

7- soft drink (non-alcoholic beverage) مشروب غير كحولي، مرطِّب We've got a choice of soft drinks for the kids, and punch for the grown-ups 8- spoil your appetiteيفسد شهيه 9- set menu A set menu is a menu with a specific set of meals to choose from. The price charged for each meal is the same. There is a single set menu, with four courses for $31. Our set menu is offered alongside the à la carte menu. 10- reasonably priced

What is the difference between Compound predicates vs. compound sentences

A compound sentences is made up of two independent clauses connected by a coordinating conjunction; each clause has its own subject. Even if the subjects relate to the same person or thing, there is a different predicate for each subject. For example: "John studies at Harvard, but he also works as a mechanic on the weekend." This is a compound sentence, which has two independent clauses with two subjects: John and he. Even though they talk about the same person, each subject has its own unique predicate—it is not a compound predicate or a compound subject

" الزهرة المنتقية حديثا جميله كما انها ناعمه." "The freshly picked flower is as beautiful as it is soft." What is the function of as as ?

Adverbial clauses of comparison or manner describes how or in what manner something occurred or will occur, to what degree something occurred or will occur, or how something compares to something else. Some of the most often used subordinating conjunctions are like, as, as ... as, as if, the way, and than. Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

" انه يغني وكانه يريد ان يكون نجم روك " "He sings like he wants to be a rock star." What is the function of like ?

Adverbial clauses of comparison or manner describes how or in what manner something occurred or will occur, to what degree something occurred or will occur, or how something compares to something else. Some of the most often used subordinating conjunctions are like, as, as ... as, as if, the way, and than. Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

"لقد اعتنق الأصدقاء ذوو الدموع كما كان الأشقاء المفقودون منذ زمن طويل." "The teary-eyed friends embraced as long-lost siblings would." What is the function of as ?

Adverbial clauses of comparison or manner describes how or in what manner something occurred or will occur, to what degree something occurred or will occur, or how something compares to something else. Some of the most often used subordinating conjunctions are like, as, as ... as, as if, the way, and than. Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

"لورين تمشي بثقة ، بالطريقة موديل تبختر علي المدرج." "Lauren walks confidently, the way a model struts on a runway." What is the function of the way?

Adverbial clauses of comparison or manner describes how or in what manner something occurred or will occur, to what degree something occurred or will occur, or how something compares to something else. Some of the most often used subordinating conjunctions are like, as, as ... as, as if, the way, and than. Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause "Tim is more nervous than Rhonda (is)."* (*In colloquial English, the final verb in an adverbial clause of comparison may be omitted. In this case, the sentence would become Tim is more nervous than Rhonda, in which the predicate verb is is implied. We also see verb omission in adverbial clauses containing the subordinating conjunctions before, after, and as ... as.)

"إذا تساقطت الثلوج الليلة ، فلن أعمل غدًا." "If it snows tonight, I'm not going to work tomorrow." What is the function of if ?

Adverbial clauses of condition describe the conditions necessary for specific actions or events to happen. This type of clause usually employs the subordinating conjunctions if, unless, whether or not, in the event, and provided. Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

"إنه دائمًا ما يفعل أشياء مجنونة سواءً كانت تعتبر آمنة أم لا." "He's always doing crazy stunts whether or not they're considered safe." What is the function of whether or not?

Adverbial clauses of condition describe the conditions necessary for specific actions or events to happen. This type of clause usually employs the subordinating conjunctions if, unless, whether or not, in the event, and provided. Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

"انهم سوف توافق علي طلبك شريطه ان تدفع المبلغ المناسب من المال ." "They'll approve your request provided you pay the appropriate amount of money." What is the function of provided?

Adverbial clauses of condition describe the conditions necessary for specific actions or events to happen. This type of clause usually employs the subordinating conjunctions if, unless, whether or not, in the event, and provided. Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

"في حاله حدوث إعصار، يجب عليك البقاء في الداخل". "In the event of a hurricane, you must stay inside." What is the function of In the event?

Adverbial clauses of condition describe the conditions necessary for specific actions or events to happen. This type of clause usually employs the subordinating conjunctions if, unless, whether or not, in the event, and provided. Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

"كايت لا تستطيع حضور رقصه المدرسة الا إذا سمح لها والداها ". "Kate can't attend the school dance unless her parents allow it." What is the function of unless ?

Adverbial clauses of condition describe the conditions necessary for specific actions or events to happen. This type of clause usually employs the subordinating conjunctions if, unless, whether or not, in the event, and provided. Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

"على الرغم من أن الشمس قد خرجت ، فالرياح شديدة البرودة." "Though the sun is out, the wind is very chilly." What is the function of the Though?

Adverbial clauses of contrast describes something that differs from or contrasts with an idea expressed in the main clause. Commonly used subordinating conjunctions include though, although, even though, whereas, and even if. Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause "Although she doesn't have much money, Wendy often goes traveling." "I do this job even though I hate it."

"الجدة والجد يريدون الذهاب إلى حيث يعيش أطفالهم ." "Grandma and Grandpa want to go where their children live." What is the function of where ?

Adverbial clauses of place describes where something has occurred or will occur. The most common subordinating conjunctions are where, wherever, everywhere, and anywhere. "I can go wherever I want to go." Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

"بيتر يجلب نظارته الشمسية في كل مكان يذهباليه" "Peter brings his sunglasses everywhere he goes." What is the function of everywhere?

Adverbial clauses of place describes where something has occurred or will occur. The most common subordinating conjunctions are where, wherever, everywhere, and anywhere. Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

"بما أن السماء تمطر ، ربما لا ينبغي لنا الذهاب إلى الحديقة اليوم". "As it is raining, we probably shouldn't go to the park today." What is the function of as ?

Adverbial clauses of reason or purpose describes why something has occurred or will occur. Common subordinating conjunctions are because, as, since, and so. Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

"ذهب إلى غرفته حتى يتمكن من ان يكون وحده". "He went to his room so he could be alone." What is the function of so ?

Adverbial clauses of reason or purpose describes why something has occurred or will occur. Common subordinating conjunctions are because, as, since, and so. Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

" انتظرت علي الشاطئ حتى غادرت السفينة ". "She waited on the shore until the ship departed." What is the function of until ?

Adverbial clauses of time describes when or for how long something has occurred or will occur. subordinating conjunctions include when, whenever, while, before, after, since, until, and once Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

" ساصل عندما يكون العشاء جاهزا" "I will arrive when dinner is ready." What is the function of when ?

Adverbial clauses of time describes when or for how long something has occurred or will occur. subordinating conjunctions include when, whenever, while, before, after, since, until, and once Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

" وقال انه سوف يذهب كلما قررت انه حان الوقت لمغادره ". "He said he'll go whenever you decide it's time to leave." What is the function of whenever ?

Adverbial clauses of time describes when or for how long something has occurred or will occur. subordinating conjunctions include when, whenever, while, before, after, since, until, and once Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

"الحيوانات لطيفة أثناء صغرها." "Animals are cute while they're young." What is the function of while ?

Adverbial clauses of time describes when or for how long something has occurred or will occur. subordinating conjunctions include when, whenever, while, before, after, since, until, and once Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

"قبل ان ترحل، دعني أعطيك قبله" "Before you leave, let me give you a kiss." What is the function of before ?

Adverbial clauses of time describes when or for how long something has occurred or will occur. subordinating conjunctions include when, whenever, while, before, after, since, until, and once Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

"لقد أحببتك منذ اليوم الذي قابلتك فيه" "I have loved you since the day I met you." What is the function of since ?

Adverbial clauses of time describes when or for how long something has occurred or will occur. subordinating conjunctions include when, whenever, while, before, after, since, until, and once Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

"يصحح المعلمون الأوراق بعد عودة الطلاب إلى منازلهم لليوم." "Teachers grade papers after the students go home for the day." What is the function of after ?

Adverbial clauses of time describes when or for how long something has occurred or will occur. subordinating conjunctions include when, whenever, while, before, after, since, until, and once Adverbial Clauses 1. group of words behaving as an adverb. 2. always contains subject and predicate 3. modify adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. 4. uses a subordinating conjunction to connect to the main clause

السفر الجوي السفر بالسكك الحديدية السفر إلى الفضاء السفر في الخارج السفر الدولي السفر الأجنبي السفر لرجال الاعمال الترفيه السفر عطله السفر السفر مجانا/رخيصه شركه سفريات/شركات صناعه السفر ترتيبات السفر خطط السفر نفقات السفر تكاليف السفر

Air travel Rail travel space travel overseas travel international travel foreign travel business travel leisure travel holiday travel free/cheap travel travel company/firm travel industry travel arrangements travel plans travel expenses travel costs noun (ACTIVITY) B1 [ U ] the activity of travelling: air/space travel business travel اننا نشارك في حب الأدب والطعام والسفر. We share a love of literature, food and travel. قدم عمله له الفرصة لكثير من السفر إلى الخارج. His work provided him with the opportunity for a lot of foreign travel. الكثير من سفري مرتبط بالعمل A lot of my travel is business related. لقد قابلت بعض الأشخاص المثيرين للاهتمام في اسفاري I've met some pretty interesting people in my travels وقد سددت له تكاليف السفر بين بيته ومكان عمله. He was reimbursed for the cost of travel between his home and workplace. وتوظف صناعه السياحة والسفر أكثر من 187,000 شخص في ولاية كارولينا الشمالية. The travel and tourism industry employs more than 187,000 people in North Carolina. قم بعمل نسخ من وثائق السفر المهمة مثل جواز سفرك ومسار رحلتك. Make copies of important travel documents like your passport and itinerary.

What is the difference between Adverbial clauses vs. adverbial phrases

An adverbial phrase is composed of two or more words functioning adverbially. Unlike an adverbial clause, it does not have a subject and a predicate. "Try to finish your summer reading list before school starts on Monday." (adverbial clause) "Try to finish your summer reading list before Monday." (adverbial phrase) Additionally, adverbial phrases often use prepositions instead of subordinating conjunctions: "I'll send the letters in a minute." "Heather can play tennis with such ease."

"The only one from her class to graduate with honors, Ms. Thomson now runs one of the largest businesses in the world." "الوحيدة من فصلها التي تخرجت مع مرتبة الشرف ، تدير السيدة طومسون الآن واحدة من أكبر الشركات في العالم." What is the function of The only one from her class to graduate with honors?

Appositives most commonly appear directly after the noun they identify However, we can also place an appositive before a noun when it serves to introduce a sentence. In this case, it does not need to be immediately adjacent to the noun. This adds emphasis to the information the appositive provides. Note that we can only use appositive phrases (as opposed to proper nouns functioning as appositives) at the beginning of sentences. "كلاسيكي حقيقي ، ألهم هذا الكتاب جيلًا من القراء الشباب." "A true classic, this book inspired a generation of young readers."

"كونها محافظة قوية ، وعدت سناتور نيويورك بإعادة تنشيط الصناعة في ولايتها". "A staunch conservative, the New York senator has promised to reinvigorate industry in her state." What is the function of A staunch conservative?

Appositives most commonly appear directly after the noun they identify However, we can also place an appositive before a noun when it serves to introduce a sentence. In this case, it does not need to be immediately adjacent to the noun. This adds emphasis to the information the appositive provides. Note that we can only use appositive phrases (as opposed to proper nouns functioning as appositives) at the beginning of sentences. "كلاسيكي حقيقي ، ألهم هذا الكتاب جيلًا من القراء الشباب." "A true classic, this book inspired a generation of young readers."

• "America's first president, George Washington, was born in the colony of Virginia." What is the function of George Washington?

Appositives that are made up of one noun or more without any determiners or modifiers are almost always proper nouns, which serve to name common nouns that appears before them • "Our cat, Scruffles, hates being left home alone." (The proper noun Scruffles provides a name for the common noun cat.) • "Your friend Jack is here to see you." (The proper noun Jack provides a name for the common noun friend.)

"لقد حاز الأستاذ جيريمي جونز على مدح أكثر من جيرمي جونز الروائي". "Jeremy Jones the professor has gained much more praise than Jeremy Jones the novelist ever did." What is the function of the professor the novelist

Appositives that are necessary for the sentence's meaning are known as restrictive appositives. These are often proper nouns, and they are integrated into the sentence without commas. Without the information the appositive provides, the sentence would be confusing and the reader would not know which restaurant the sentence is referring to We can also use appositive phrases restrictively when we are making a comparison between two descriptions of the same person

" المطعم الشهير جو يحصل علي آلاف من داينرز في اليوم." "The popular restaurant Joe's Place gets thousands of diners a day." What is the function of Joe's Place

Appositives that are necessary for the sentence's meaning are known as restrictive appositives. These are often proper nouns, and they are integrated into the sentence without commas. Without the information the appositive provides, the sentence would be confusing and the reader would not know which restaurant the sentence is referring to Other times, the sentence would still make logical sense, but the implied meaning changes slightly. Consider, for example, these two sentences: • "My brother lives in New York." • "My brother Michael lives in New York." Both sentences make sense. However, in the first example, it is implied that the speaker only has one brother, and he lives in New York. In the second example, it sounds like the speaker has specified his brother's name because he has more than one brother

نيل ارمسترونغ، أول شخص يمشي علي القمر ، كان طيارا في حرب الكورية ". • "Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the moon, was a pilot in the Korean War." What is the function of the first person to walk on the moon?

Appositives that are not essential to the meaning of the sentence are known as non-restrictive appositives. We set non-restrictive appositives apart from the rest of the sentence with commas. مسقط راسي، دنفر، لديه حديقة رائعه." • "My hometown, Denver, has a fantastic zoo." "طالب لامع وحريص ، تخرج من الكلية في سن ال 19." • "A brilliant and eager student, he graduated from college at the age of 19."

We look forward very much to seeing you again and to meeting your wife ___ /___ /___ . ونحن نتطلع كثيرا جدا لرؤيتك مره أخرى ولقاء زوجتك أيضا.

As well (as) meaning 'in addition' As well is an adverb which means 'also', 'too' or 'in addition'. We usually use as well at the end of a clause

. When they go to Austria, they like walking ___ /___ skiing. عندما يذهبون إلى النمسا ، انهم يحبون المشي وكذلك التزلج.

As well as is a multi-word preposition which means 'in addition to': She has invited Jill as well as Kate

كانت غاضبة جدا مع زوجها لدرجة أنها ألقت خاتم زفافها عليه". "She was so angry with her husband that she threw her wedding ring ___ him." Preposition

At If you throw something at someone, you want to hit them with it. This could be because you are angry with them

• "___ the delay, I was late to the parade." Preposition

Because of A preposition of reason or purpose describes why something has occurred or will occur. Common prepositions of reason or purpose include for, through, because of, on account of, and from

He weighs 160 pounds Or He is weighing 160 pounds

Besides the linking verb be and the verbs of the senses, we can use other verbs, such as weigh, depend, involve, owe, or consist, to describe the state or qualities of something. ✔ "He weighs 160 pounds." (correct) ✖ "He is weighing 160 pounds." (incorrect) ✔ "This report involves multiple sites across the world." (correct) ✖ "This report is involving multiple sites across the world." (incorrect) ✔ "John owes me 20 dollars!" (correct) ✖ "John is owing me 20 dollars!" (incorrect) ✔ "The book consists of research from several prominent scientists." (correct) ✖ "The book is consisting of research from several prominent scientists." (incorrect) Using the continuous form Some of these verbs can be dynamic or stative, depending on the context and the way they are used. When the verb is describing an attribute of the subject, it functions as stative verb (as we saw above). When the verb describes an action taken by the subject, though, it is functioning as an action verb, as in: • "He is weighing each bag before delivery." • "I am involving a number of people in this project."

"As far as ___ is concerned, insects are some of the most amazing creatures on the planet." "بقدر ما يتعلق الأمر علم الأحياء، والحشرات هي بعض من المخلوقات الأكثر إثارة للدهشة على هذا الكوكب." Viewpoint Adverbs

Biology Also we could use without any change in meaning : • adverb + "speaking" • "in terms of" + noun • "in" + adjective + "terms" • "from a" + adjective + "point of view" • "as far as" + noun + "is concerned"

علاقة تجارية علاقة عاطفية علاقات شخصية العلاقة الكيميائية علاقة العمل العلاقة المهنية علاقة ودية علاقة ودية علاقة جيدة علاقة وثيقة

Business relationship sentimental relationship personal relationship chemical relationship working relationship professional relationship cordial relationship friendly relationship good relationship great relationship علاقة متناغمة علاقة محكوم عليها بالفشل علاقة فاشلة علاقة مريرة علاقة سيئة علاقة عابرة علاقة غريبة a harmonious relationship a doomed relationship a failed relationship a bitter relationship a bad relationship a fleeting relationship a strange relationship أنا في علاقة دائمة مع أنا في علاقة حب مع لدي علاقة طويلة مع علاقة لمدة 10 سنوات تعزيز علاقة بناء علاقة I am in a lasting relationship with I am in a loving relationship with I have a standing relationship with a 10-year relationship nurture a relationship build up a relationship

لا أعرف سانتياغو جيدًا. نحن مجرد معارف غير رسميين I don't know Santiago well. We're just ___ ___

Casual acquaintances معرفه عابره • casual adj (clothing: informal) غير رسمي The casual feel of the room made him comfortable there. تصميم الغرفة غير رسمي وهذا ما جعله يرتاح فيها. Casual clothing is allowed at this job. يسمح للموظفين هنا بارتداء الملابس غير الرسمية. • casual adj (by chance) عابر عرضي Their meeting was casual, rather than planned. • casual dress n (informal clothing) ملابس غير رسمية The dress code for the event is casual dress. • acquaintance n (person known) (أشخاص) معارف أحد معارف، من معارف • acquaintance with [sth] n (knowledge of a subject) إلمام بشيء معرفة Sadly, my acquaintance with Spanish literature is rather limited. • acquaintance rape n (forced sex by [sb] known to victim) اغتصاب من قِبل شخص معروف للضحية • intimate acquaintance n (close friend) صديق حميم Emma is my intimate acquaintance • made his acquaintance(= first met him).FORMAL It was at the Taylors' party that I first made his acquaintance في حفلة تايلورز ، تعرفت عليه أولاً • on further acquaintance المزيد من التعارف(= knowing her a little more) FORMAL I wasn't sure about Darryl when I first met her, but on further acquaintance, I rather like her. C1 a person that you have met but do not know well: a business acquaintance أحد معارفه التجارية بروفيسور ستيفنز هو أحد معارفي المحترفين - هل سأقدمكم إليه؟ Professor Stevens is a professional acquaintance of mine - shall I introduce you to him? لقد قابلت مؤخرًا أحد معارف العمل القدامى ولم أتعرف عليه كثيرًا I recently met an old work acquaintance of mine and I hardly recognized him. آمل أن تنظر لي كصديق وليس مجرد معرفة I hope you'll consider me a friend and not just an acquaintance. انتشر الخبر بسرعة حول جميع أصدقائنا ومعارفنا The news quickly spread around all our friends and acquaintances

How do Compound Nouns modify noun phrases?

Compound nouns are created by modifying the head noun with a noun adjunct (a word that works together with the noun to give it a different meaning). Compound nouns can either be one word, two words, or two words joined by a hyphen. In every case, the noun adjunct adds to or changes the meaning of the head noun. The following sentences show an example of each type of compound noun: • "He ran to the doghouse." • "The bus station was busy." • "His ex-wife called him yesterday." Adjectives, articles, participles, possessive nouns, determiners, possessive pronouns, and compound nouns tend to appear before the noun in a noun phrase.

Critics review or criticize books and films watch or see television see or watch a film or program on television see a film at the cinema

Critics review books and films, NOT criticize them. To criticize a book or film means to say negative things about it. Remember that you watch television, NOT see television, but you can see or watch a film or program on television

"Walking down the road, the birds were singing." whats wrong with this sentence?

Dangling modifier A dangling modifier occurs when we don't clearly state the noun that is supposed to be modified by the participle. For example: Because the sentence does not state who was walking down the road, is seems that it was the birds, which probably is not the intended meaning. The sentence needs to be rewritten to correct the dangling modifier. For example: "Walking down the road, I heard the birds singing."

Situation: "I was living in Canada when I met you." (past continuous tense) Express wish

Desire: "I wish I had been living in America when I met you." (past perfect continuous tense) For past wishes, we go back in the past one tense further

Situation: "I'll miss my appointment because I left the house late." (past simple tense) Express wish

Desire: "I wish I had left the house earlier." (past perfect tense) For past wishes, we go back in the past one tense further

Situation: I had been working outside when you called. (present perfect continuous tense) Express wish

Desire: "I wish I hadn't been working outside when you called." (past perfect continuous tense) For past wishes, we go back in the past one tense further

Situation: "I can't speak French, but would like to." Express wish

Desire: "I wish I spoke French." When we use auxiliary verbs, we move these back a tense instead of the main verbs: "I wish I could speak French." We can also use the subjunctive mood within the same sentence as verbs in the indicative mood: "I can't speak French, but I wish I could."

Situation: "My assistant has been organizing the filing cabinet." (present perfect continuous tense) Express wish

Desire: "I wish he had been working on something more important." (past perfect continuous tense) for a wish about a Situation in the present, we use the past tense equivalent of the verb

Situation: Your son is always leaving his clothes lying around the bedroom floor. Express wish

Desire: "I wish he would pick up his clothes off the floor when I asked him to." or Desire: "I wish he picked up his clothes off the floor when I asked him to." When we talk about someone's continued behavior that we wish were different, we either use would + the desired verb, or simply the past tense of the verb

Situation: "It is raining outside." (present continuous tense) Express wish

Desire: "I wish it weren't raining." (past continuous tense) for a wish about a Situation in the present, we use the past tense equivalent of the verb

Situation: Your mother always whistles when she is in the house. Express wish

Desire: "I wish she wouldn't whistle in the house like that." or Desire: "I wish she didn't whistle in the house like that." In the examples above, both constructions of the subjunctive are acceptable, though the would construction is more conventional. If we want to imply that we find a certain behavior annoying, we tend to use the would construction

Situation: "He had started smoking again." (past perfect tense) Express wish

Desire: "They all wished he hadn't started smoking again." (past perfect tense—no further shift possible) For past wishes, we go back in the past one tense further

هل فكرت في أمك وكيف ستشعر حيال مغادرتك؟ إنها لا تفكر أبدًا إلى أي شخص سوى نفسها - إنها أنانية تمامًا! ___ ___ ___ ___ and how she's going to feel about you leaving? ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ - she's totally selfish!

Did you consider your mother She never considers anyone but herself 1. consider verb (POSSIBILITY) B1 to spend time thinking about a possibility or making a decision: [ + question word ] [ + -ing verb ] • consider (reflect on) يفكر في شيء فكر في تداعيات هذا الاكتشاف! Consider the implications of that discovery! • consider doing (think about doing [sth]) يفكر في شيء يفكر هنري في مزاولة رياضة. Henry is considering taking up a sport

خلال حياة مهنية ناجحة ، جمعت قدرًا كبيرًا من الثروة. العديد من النساء يضحون بمهن مثيرة للاهتمام من لعائلاتهم. تمكنت من الجمع بين الحياة الأسرية والوظيفي بنجاح. انتهت حياته السياسية عندما تبين أنه كان يقبل الرشوة.

During a successful business career, she accumulated a great amount of wealth. Many women sacrifice interesting careers for their family. She manages to successfully combine family life and a career. His political career ended when he was found to have been accepting bribes. Pursue a career Make a career have a career It is not easy to make a career in broadcasting. a brilliant a career successful a career distinguished career You should continue learning throughout your professional career. career n (profession) مهنة Many children want a career as a doctor. عندما يُسأل الأطفال عن المهنة التي يريدونها حين يكبرون، كثيرون يجيبون الطبيب. career n (progress in work) سيرة مهنية Martin had a long career at the company. كانت لمارتن سيرة مهنية طويلة في الشركة.

"___ ___ gives you a lot of extra energy." "تناول الخضروات يمنحك الكثير من الطاقة الإضافية."

Eating vegetables (gerund + object) Just like a normal noun, a gerund or gerund phrase can be the subject of a sentence. Because they act like nouns, gerunds can be used as the subject of a sentence, the subject complement of the linking verb be, the object of a preposition, or the object of a verb. They can also be used to form compound nouns

"I ran a mile down the road." "ركضت ميل أسفل الطريق." What is the function of the Prepositions phrase?

Even though the prepositional phrase down the road follows the noun mile, it actually describes the verb run. Here it is answering the question where: "Where did you run (a mile)?" "Down the road."

يعاني من الإجهاد يعانون من الإجهاد وفقا للمسح ، يعتقد أكثر من نصف مليون عامل أنهم يعانون من التوتر.

Experience stress suffer from stress According to the survey, over half a million workers believed they suffered from stress.

What are the subordinating conjunctions that establish (Any time or every time) relationship?

Finally, we use whenever to state that the time doesn't matter, or that two actions always happen together. For example: • "Call me whenever you get home." (Call me when you get home, but I don't mind when that is.) • "She cries whenever she sees a sad movie." (She cries every time she sees a sad movie.)

___ , this year has been one of the best years for the festival. من الناحية المالية ، كان هذا العام من أفضل سنوات المهرجان.


هو يعتبر حاليا أفضل رياضي بريطاني. نحن لا نعتبرها مناسبة لهذه الوظيفة. يعتبر قله الادب في بعض الثقافات ان تتحدث و فمك مليئًا بالطعام. ___ ___ ___ the best British athlete. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ for the job. ___ ___ ___ some cultures to speak with your mouth full of food.

He is currently considered We don't consider her to be right It is considered bad manners in 1. consider verb (SUBJECT/FACT) [ + question word ] C1 [ T ] to give attention to a particular subject or fact when judging something else: • consider (take into account) يأخذ بعين الاعتبار هل أخذت بعين الاعتبار عواقب هذا القرار على المدى البعيد؟ Have you considered the long-term consequences of this decision? 2. consider verb (OPINION) B2 to believe someone or something to be, or think of him, her, or it as something • consider (with a noun: judge) يعتبر شخصًا شيئًا تُعتبر شاني طالبة مجتهدة. Shani is considered a good student. أعتبر أن تصرفي في ذلك اليوم كان خطأ I consider my actions that day to be a mistake. Many . كثيرون يعتبرون "قداس الموت" أروع ما ألفه موزارت. consider Mozart's "Requiem" to be his masterpiece. • Consider (with an adjective: judge) يعتبر شخصًا/شيئًا شيئًا كثيرون اليوم يعتبرون العقاب البدني خطأ Many people today consider corporal punishment to be wrong

"We ended our game with the neighbors at once when we heard our parents calling." "لقد أنهينا لعبتنا مع الجيران في الحال عندما سمعنا آباءنا ينادون". What are the functions of the Prepositions phrases?

Here, two prepositional phrases occur one after the other. The first one, with the neighbors, describes the noun game, so it is adjectival. The second prepositional phrase, at once, describes the verb ended, even though it comes quite a bit later in the sentence. Because it describes a verb, it is an adverbial prepositional phrase

• "We ended our game with the neighbors at once when we heard our parents calling." "لقد أنهينا لعبتنا مع الجيران في الحال عندما سمعنا آباءنا ينادون". What are the functions of the Prepositions phrases?

Here, two prepositional phrases occur one after the other. The first one, with the neighbors, describes the noun game, so it is adjectival. The second prepositional phrase, at once, describes the verb ended, even though it comes quite a bit later in the sentence. Because it describes a verb, it is an adverbial prepositional phrase

أنا أعتبر نفسي محظوظًا بأنني أصبت بذراعي فقط في الحادث. هل تعتبره صديق لك؟ إنها تعتبر بأنها فعلت ما يكفي للمساعدة بالفعل. ___ ___ ___ ___ I only hurt my arm in the accident. ___ ___ ___ a friend of yours? ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ to help already.

I consider myself lucky that Do you consider him She considers that she has done enough 1. consider verb (SUBJECT/FACT) [ + question word ] C1 [ T ] to give attention to a particular subject or fact when judging something else: • consider (take into account) يأخذ بعين الاعتبار هل أخذت بعين الاعتبار عواقب هذا القرار على المدى البعيد؟ Have you considered the long-term consequences of this decision? 2. consider verb (OPINION) B2 to believe someone or something to be, or think of him, her, or it as something • consider (with a noun: judge) يعتبر شخصًا شيئًا تُعتبر شاني طالبة مجتهدة. Shani is considered a good student. أعتبر أن تصرفي في ذلك اليوم كان خطأ I consider my actions that day to be a mistake. Many . كثيرون يعتبرون "قداس الموت" أروع ما ألفه موزارت. consider Mozart's "Requiem" to be his masterpiece. • Consider (with an adjective: judge) يعتبر شخصًا/شيئًا شيئًا كثيرون اليوم يعتبرون العقاب البدني خطأ Many people today consider corporal punishment to be wrong

فكرت في التقدم للجامعة ، لكنني قررت في النهاية الذهاب إلى بولي المحلي. هل سبق لك التفكير في مهنة في قوة الشرطة؟ ___ ___ ___ ___ to university, but I eventually decided to go to the local poly. ___ ___ ___ ___ a career in the police force?

I considered applying Have you ever considered consider verb (POSSIBILITY) B1 to spend time thinking about a possibility or making a decision: [ + question word ] [ + -ing verb ] • consider (reflect on) يفكر في شيء فكر في تداعيات هذا الاكتشاف! Consider the implications of that discovery! • consider doing (think about doing [sth]) يفكر في شيء يفكر هنري في مزاولة رياضة. Henry is considering taking up a sport

Replace do or get The oldest daughter did a degree in Economics. She got her bachelor's degree last year and is now doing some research on taxation laws. The second one is doing a course at Newcastle University. She's doing History. She loves it, though she says she has to do far too many assignments. My youngest daughter is doing her school-leaving exams in the summer. She'll go to university next year if she gets good enough grades in her exams. She wants to do Sociology and then get a social work qualification. My daughters are all getting a much better education than I ever had.

I have three daughters. The oldest one studied for / took a degree in economics. She obtained / was awarded her bachelor's degree last year and is now carrying out / conducting some research on taxation laws in different countries. The second one is taking / enrolled on a course at Newcastle University. She's studying/taking history. She loves it, though she says she has to write far too any assignments. My youngest daughter is still at school. She's sitting/taking her school-leaving exams in the summer. She'll go to university next year if she receives / is given good enough grades in her exams. She wants to study/take sociology and then obtain/acquire a social work qualification. My daughters are all receiving a much better education than I ever had.

لقد تصرف الأطفال بشكل سيء لدرجة أنني فقدت أعصابي. The children behaved so badly that___ ___ ___ .

I lost my temper Temper B2 the tendency to become angry very quickly: She has a real temper. He's got a really bad temper • temper n (mood)مزاج Try to find out what temper the boss is in, before you ask for your pay rise. جرّب أن تعرف كيف هو مزاج المدير قبل أن تطلب منه زيادة راتب. • bad temper n (ability to get angry) مزاج سيئ Hannah has a temper; it's best not to upset her. • temper [sth] (moderate, mitigate) يلطّف يخفّف، يقلّل George's boss tempered her negative appraisal with a few positive comments. Karen's attraction to Brian was tempered by her knowledge of his criminal past. لطّفت مديرة جورج تقييمها السلبيّ بذكر بعض التعليقات الإيجابية. خفّ انعجاب كارين ببراين بعدما عرفت بماضيه الإجراميّ. • fiery temper n (tendency to be quick to anger) طَبْع سريع الغضب Davina was a typical redhead with a fiery temper. • lose your temper v (get angry) يفقد أعصابه، ينفعل Jeremy is so easily upset; he loses his temper over every little thing. • temper tantrum n (angry outburst) نوبة غضب

أود التأكيد على مدى أهمية أن يتعلم الناس اللغات الأجنبية. وأكد أن جميع الأشخاص المشاركين في البحث كانوا متطوعين. يمكنك استخدام المائل أو الأحرف الكبيرة للتأكيد على كلمة في قطعة من الكتابة. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ it is for people to learn foreign languages. He ___ ___ all the people taking part in the research were volunteers. You can use italics or capitals to ___ ___ ___ in a piece of writing.

I'd just like to emphasize how important emphasized that emphasize a word emphasize B2 to show that something is very important or worth giving attention to: [ + question word ] [ + that ] 1- emphasize that (say, repeat for clarity) يؤكد أكد أنه لا يريد البقاء في العمل هناك. He emphasized that he didn't want to stay working there. أكّد المدرّس على أهمية قراءة أسئلة الامتحان بانتباه. The teacher emphasized the importance of reading the exam questions carefully. 2- emphasize (stress, say more loudly) يشدّد رفع صوته ليشدّد كلماته. Raising his voice, he emphasized the words 1- de-emphasize (place less importance on [sth]) يقلّل من أهميّة شيء يتفّه من شي

"I hate being cold all the time. ___ ___ I lived in a hot country." "أنا أكره أن أكون باردًا طوال الوقت. لو كنت أعيش في بلد حار. " Express wish

If only To express a desire that is more fanciful, unrealistic, or that we consider to be ideal, we can use if only instead of I wish to add more emphasis to the desire. (Note that the subjunctive verb still goes back one tense in the past.) "If only I were rich—I would spend my whole life traveling." "We're spending two weeks in the French alps next month; if only I could ski!"

لنقل الأخبار السيئة كنت هادئًا إلى حد ما لأنني لم أشعر بأن لدي الكثير من الحكمة لنقله حول هذا الموضوع. إذا كان لدى الفيلم أي درس لنقله ، فلا ينبغي أن يهدف الآباء إلى تحقيق الكمال. to ___ the bad news I was rather quiet as I didn't feel I had much wisdom to ___ on the subject. If the movie has any lesson to___ , it's that parents shouldn't aim for perfection.

Impart • impart [sth] (knowledge: share) يمنح، ينشر Our aim is to impart practical knowledge about this subject. • impart [sth] to [sb] (knowledge: share with [sb]) (ينقل المعرفة) ينقل شيئًا لشخص • impart [sth] (secret: make known) يفشي شيئًا، يفصح عن شيء He refused to impart the secret of how he had met his partner. • impart [sth] to [sb] (secret: tell [sb]) (يفشي سرًّا) يفشي شيئًا لشخص impart : formal to communicate information to someone

Are you implying/inferring that the team cheated?

Implying When someone implies something, they put the suggestion into the message We imply something by what we say. We infer something from what somebody else says. The main difference between these two words is that a speaker can imply, but a listener can only infer

Correct the six collocation errors James and I are hoping to begin a family soon. We both want to get lots of children. Ideally, I'd like to have my first baby next year, when I'll be 32. My sister is waiting a baby now. It's coming next month. She's going to be a sole parent and it'll be hard for her to grow up a child on her own.

James and I are hoping to start a family soon. We both want to have lots of children. Ideally, I'd like to have my first baby next year, when I'll be 32. My sister is expecting a baby now. It's due next month. She's going to be a single parent and it'll be hard for her to bring up / raise a child on her own.

What is the Pronoun agreement when using correlative conjunctions?

Just as we have to take extra care with subject-verb agreement, we also have to be careful with pronoun agreement when using correlative conjunctions. 1- Two singular subjects When we join two singular subjects, we should use a singular pronoun. For example: • "Neither Mike nor Daniel found his shoes." • "Not only Jen but also Sara lost her book." Again, both ... and presents an exception. We normally use a plural pronoun with this correlative conjunction: • "Both Mike and Daniel found their shoes." Two plural subjects When we join two plural subjects, we should use a plural pronoun to refer back to them. For example: • "Neither Mike's friends nor Daniel's friends brought their shoes." • "I don't know whether the girls or the boys have had their breakfast." One singular subject and one plural subject When we join a singular subject and a plural subject, we run into the same problem that we had with subject-verb agreement. Again, the most widely accepted practice is that the pronoun should agree with whichever noun is closest to it. For example: • "Neither Mike nor his friends stated their opinion." (Their agrees with his friends.) • "Neither Mike's friends nor Mike stated his opinion." (His agrees with Mike.) As with subject-verb agreement, the other side of the argument is that if either of the subjects is plural, the pronoun should be plural. In this case, the second example above would be rewritten as: • "Neither Mike's friends nor Mike stated their opinion." Again, we can avoid the issue entirely by rewriting the sentence so that the plural subject is closest to the pronoun: • "Neither Mike nor his friends stated their opinion."

كارين خاطت رقعة غرين بيس على سترتها عندما كانت في الكلية. مصمم الرسوم البيانية خلق شعار جديد للشركة. العديد من مستخدمي وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي وضعوا شريطًا على شعارهم الشخصي لإظهار التضامن مع القضية. Karen sewed a Greenpeace ___ onto her jacket when she was at college. The graphic designer created a new ___ for the company. Many users of social media put a ribbon on their___ to show solidarity with the cause.

Patch Logo Avatars 1- symbol (emblem) 2- logo n (company symbol) 3- motto n (slogan, saying) شعار 4- slogan n (promotional phrase, motto) شعار 5- badge n (decorative patch, button) شعار شارة 6- patch n (fabric badge) (بشكل شارة قماشية) شعار 7- avatar n (computing: personal icon) (صورة أو كتابة) شعار Indian(فلسفة) تجسيد الآلهة 7- police badge n (emblem worn or carried by police) شعار الشرطة American policemen wear a police badge which bears a star. 8- shoulder patch n (emblem worn on upper sleeve) شعار يوضع على كم القميص The police officer had a newly designed shoulder patch on his shirt. 9- skull and crossbones n (symbol for poison) شعار السم The skull and crossbones on the bottle indicated that it contained poison

الأشخاص الذين يعانون من الكثير من التوتر قد يتعرضون للصداع وآلام بسيطة وصعوبات في النوم. اليوغا هي تقنية فعالة للغاية لمكافحةالتوتر. الضغوط واجهاد الوظيفة مرض مرتبط بالتوتر ___ ___ ___ ___ may experience headaches, minor pains, and sleeping difficulties. Yoga is a very effective technique ___ ___ ___ . ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

People under a lot of stress for combating stress the stresses and strains of the job stress-related illness stress noun (WORRY) B1 great worry caused by a difficult situation, or something that causes this condition: stress n (pressure, demands) توتر، ضغط نفسي، إجهاد، "" The stress of getting married can be overwhelming. يرتبط الاستعداد للزواج بضغط نفسيّ شديد.

• "He knows ___ experience how to deal with them." • "يعرف من التجربة كيفية التعامل معهم." Preposition

from A preposition of reason or purpose describes why something has occurred or will occur. Common prepositions of reason or purpose include for, through, because of, on account of, and from

• "He holds several postgraduate degrees." Or • "He is holding several postgraduate degrees."

Possession and attribution are static actions, not dynamic ones. Verbs that refer to ownership are considered stative and do not take the continuous form. For example: • "I have a large house." • "She owns three cars." • "That stereo belongs to me." • "They have a large family." • "She possesses a great wealth of knowledge." We often find some of these verbs used in the continuous forms, but their meanings are different and they are functioning as action verbs instead, as in: 1. "You're not holding on to the hammer tight enough!" (Hold means "to grip with one's hands" in this context.) 2. "He thinks that a ghost is possessing him." (Possess means "to gain control or power over" in this context.) 3. "She's having a baby in a few months." (Have means "to give birth to" in this context.) 4. "They're having a party next door." (Have means "to arrange or carry out" in this context.) However, if the verb is indicating possession or attribution, we cannot use it in a continuous form: ✖ "I am having a large house." (incorrect) ✖ "She is owning three cars." (incorrect) ✖ "That stereo is belonging to me." (incorrect) ✖ "They are having a large family." (incorrect) ✖ "He is holding several postgraduate degrees." (incorrect) ✖ "She is possessing a great wealth of knowledge." (incorrect)

1 Who do you have in your immediate family? 2 Do you have much contact with your distant relatives? If so, when? 3 Where did your parents first set up home? 4 Which would most children prefer to live in, and why, a stable home or a deprived home? 5 What collocation means the same as to be pregnant? 6 Can dysfunctional families also be respectable ones? 7 What can be put before the words wife and husband to indicate that they are no longer married to someone? 8 What is a more formal alternative for give custody?

Possible answers: 1 Just my husband and son. 2 No, I don't know much at all about my distant relatives. 3 In a small flat in London. 4 A stable home, where there are not likely to be sudden or unpleasant changes. A deprived home is one where living conditions are extremely poor. 5 to be expecting a baby 6 Yes, they can. A respectable family is one that outwardly conforms to social norms, but within its own private world, it may be dysfunctional. 7 ex- 8 grant custody

يمكن أن نسمع موسيقى الروك المفضلة الصاخبة لجيراننا عبر الجدران. We could hear our neighbors' favorite rock music ___ through the walls.

Pounding [dull, beating sound] pounding adj (sound: hammering) صاخب Inside, people were dancing to a pounding dance track. pounding rain

The company is relocating to new ___ . تنتقل الشركة إلى مقر جديد.

Premises noun [ plural ] مبان أماكن مقار the land and buildings owned by someone, especially by a company or organization

There is no smoking allowed anywhere on school ___ . لا يسمح بالتدخين في اي مكان في مبني المدرسة .

Premises noun [ plural ] مبان أماكن مقار the land and buildings owned by someone, especially by a company or organization

Hotdesking allows a company to have significantly smaller ___ . Hotdesking يسمح للشركة ان يكون لها أماكن أصغر بكثير .

Premises noun [ plural ] مبان أماكن مقار the land and buildings owned by someone, especially by a company or organization Of course, you pay more for premises with a central location

"The siblings finally ___ ___ after two days of fighting." Prepositional idiom

Prepositional idiom ?,, made up "make up" has two unrelated meanings: to create (something) through one's imagination, or to come to terms or settle an argument (with someone)

✔ "John sent me a letter." ✔ "John sent a letter to me."

Prepositions and indirect objects Some transitive verbs are able to take both direct objects and indirect objects (people or things that receive the direct object of the verb). If a verb is capable of taking an indirect object, that person or thing appears immediately after the verb and before the direct object. We can also place it after the direct object with the preposition to, in which case it is no longer a true indirect object but an adverbial prepositional phrase. For example: ✔ "John sent me a letter." (correct—indirect object) ✔ "John sent a letter to me." (correct—adverbial prepositional phrase) However, not all transitive verbs can take indirect objects. If a verb is unable to have a true indirect object, we have to put the person or thing receiving the direct object in a prepositional phrase with to. For instance: ✔ "I'll explain the problem to you." (correct) ✖ "I'll explain you the problem." (incorrect)

"I listened to the radio last night." "I listened the radio last night." "I'll wait for you." "I'll wait you."

Prepositions with intransitive verbs If we want to express a direct relationship between an intransitive verb and something that seems to be receiving its action, we often use a preposition. For example: If we leave out the prepositions to and for, we make the radio and you the objects of the intransitive verbs listen and wait, which is incorrect.

what is the point of Using participles as adjectives and in participle phrases?

Present and past participles can be used as adjectives or as part of a participle phrase. Participles allow us to condense two sentences into one, expressing ideas that would otherwise require relative clauses, subordinating conjunctions, etc., in a more economical way. For example: "She soothed the baby, who was crying." "She soothed the crying baby." "I was oblivious to the doorbell ringing because I was singing in the shower." "Singing in the shower, I was oblivious to the doorbell ringing." "We finally found James, who was hiding under the bed, after hours of searching." "After hours of searching, we finally found James hiding under the bed."

"___ ___ ___ proves to be an unpopular pastime among academics." "قراءة الأدب الرومانسي تثبت أنها هواية لا تحظى بشعبية بين الأكاديميين."

Reading romantic literature (gerund + adjective + noun) Just like a normal noun, a gerund or gerund phrase can be the subject of a sentence. Because they act like nouns, gerunds can be used as the subject of a sentence, the subject complement of the linking verb be, the object of a preposition, or the object of a verb. They can also be used to form compound nouns

الحد من التوتر تخفيف التوتر تخفيف التوتر سياسات العمل المرنة يمكن أن تقلل من الإجهاد.

Reduce stress Relieve stress ease stress Flexible work policies can reduce stress.

"I arrived at the airport late." "I arrived to the airport late."

Remember, we use to with motion verbs when we describe the movement from one location to another. Arrive, however, is considered a "static" verb, meaning it indicates no movement from point A to point B. In this case, we need to use the preposition at, which is used to indicate being in a location

مخاوف السلامة هي في صميم السياسات الفيدرالية الجديدة. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ of the new federal policies.

Safety concerns are at the core core noun (IMPORTANT PART) C2 the basic and most important part of something • core n (essential part) جوهر تعذر إيجاد حل لجوهر المشكلة، فبقي الجانبان في حالة حرب. The core of the problem remains unsolved, and the two sides continue to be at war. • core n as adj (central) أساسي يريدون توسيع أعمالهم دون أن يخسروا زبائنهم الأساسيين. They want to broaden their business without losing their core customers

"___ , my sister slept with the light on." "خائفة، أختي نمت مع الضوء على." Past participle

Scared When a participle or participle phrase occurs in the initial position, it is usually separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma

هل تم تعيين تاريخ/وقت للاجتماع حتى الآن؟ • Has a___ ___ been ___ for the meeting yet?

Set date/time set verb (FIX) to fix or make certain: وقد حدد سعر المنزل في €425,000. The price of the house has been set at €425,000.

لقد كانت ممزقة حول اتخاذ قرار مع من والديها ستعيش. ___ ___ ___ in two over having to decide which of her parents she would live with.

She was torn be torn in two (person: be conflicted) ممزق، في صراع

الريح ذرفت المطر وبللت السجادة. من الأفضل أن تمسح هذا النبيذ الأحمر الذي أسكبته قبل أن تمتصه السجادة. الدم قد نقع خلال كلا الضمادات. The wind had blown the rain in and ___ the carpet. You'd better wipe up that red wine you've spilled before it ___ ___ the carpet. Blood had ___ ___ both bandages.

Soaked soaks into soaked through C1 to make something very wet, or (of liquid) to be absorbed in large amounts • soak [sb/sth] (by rain) يبلل شيئًا/شخصًا The sudden downpour soaked the spectators. انهمر المطر بشكل مفاجئ وبلّل الجمهور. • soak [sth] up(absorb: liquid) يتشرب، يمتص You can use a sponge to soak up water.

"She asked seeing the landlord about the faulty stove." "She asked to see the landlord about the faulty stove." Which one is correct?

Some verbs, however, can only be followed by infinitives and not gerunds. In each example below, we can see how a gerund does not fit with the main verb: ✔ Infinitive (Correct) ✖ Gerund (Incorrect)

"They promised being quiet in the car." "They promised to be quiet in the car." Which one is correct?

Some verbs, however, can only be followed by infinitives and not gerunds. In each example below, we can see how a gerund does not fit with the main verb: ✔ Infinitive (Correct) ✖ Gerund (Incorrect)

. تروبي هي مدينة مترامية الأطراف مع حركة المرور كثيفه طوال اليوم. أبخرة العادم يمكن أن تكون كابوسا. ازداد حجم حركة المرور في السنوات الأخيرة ، وهدير الشاحنات والحافلات المتواصل يجعل من وسط المدينة مكانًا مزعجًا للغاية. الضواحي المريحة بعيدًا عن وسط المدينة تتناقض بشكل حاد مع احياء الأكواخ الفقيرة التي يراها المرء في طريقه إلى المطار. Triope is a ___ ___ with ___ ___ ___ ___ all day long. The___ ___ can be a nightmare. The ___ ___ ___ has increased in recent years and the ___ ___ of trucks and buses makes the city center an extremely noisy place. The ___ ___ away from the city center contrast sharply with the poor ___ ___ one sees on the way to the airport.

Sprawling city مدينة مترامية الأطراف spread over a large area (slightly negative adjective) sprawl⇒ v (lie, limbs spread) يستلقي Alex sprawled on the sofa, watching TV. sprawl v (area: extend, spread) يمتدّ The city sprawled in every direction. sprawl n (area: spread) امتداد From the top of the tower, Polly could see the city's sprawl beneath her. (of a city) covered with buildings across a large area, often ones that have been added gradually over a period of time: sprawling suburbs The sprawling medical school campus is on the grounds of a former naval academy. bumper-to-bumper traffic so many cars and so close that they are almost touching each other exhaust fumes ابخره العادم volume of traffic حجم حركة المرور incessant roar : very loud noise which never stops the roar of [sth] n (traffic, ocean, etc.: loud noise) هدير I sat on the edge of the cliff and listened to the ocean's roar. Karen couldn't hear what Jon was saying above the roar of the traffic Incessant adjective never stopping, especially in an annoying or unpleasant way: incessant rain/noise/complaints Synonyms ceaseless formal constant never-ending unceasing formal unremitting formal The region endured weeks of incessant rain. incessantly adverb Bob talks incessantly about their new baby. comfortable suburbs a place from which many people travel in order to work in a bigger town or city Shanty towns : very poor houses made of discarded materials on the edge of cities (e.g. tin, cardboard, plastic, etc.) B يوجد خارج المدن الكبرى عدد قليل جدًا من خطوط النقل المحلية ، لذلك يجب أن أقود السيارة إلى العمل. إنه طريق مزدحم للرحلات اليوميه ، لذا ينتهى بي المطاف عالقا في حركه المرور في معظم الأيام. Outside the big cities, there are very few___ ___ ___ , so I have to drive to work. It's a busy ___ ___ so I end up ___ ___ ___ most days. ?,, local transport links commuter route getting stuck in traffic

What are the Subordinating Conjunctions?

Subordinating conjunctions are used to create complex sentences containing one independent clause, or main clause, and one dependent, or subordinate, clause. The subordinating conjunction does two things: it introduces and subordinates the dependent clause (telling the reader that it's less important than the independent clause), and it explains what relationship it has to the independent clause. Consider the following example: • "I went to the supermarket. We were out of milk." Both of these sentences can stand on their own. However, there is no clear relationship between them. Instead, we can join them together with a subordinating conjunction, which would sound more natural: • "I went to the supermarket since we were out of milk." The subordinating conjunction since transforms the second clause from an independent clause into a dependent clause—it subordinates it. "Since we were out of milk" can no longer stand alone, but is dependent on the independent clause that it's now connected to. The word since also clarifies that the relationship between the two clauses is one of cause and effect, and it tells the reader that the independent clause, "I went to the supermarket," is more important.

"___ is an excellent form of exercise!" "السباحة هو شكل ممتاز من ممارسة!" (gerund only)

Swimming Just like a normal noun, a gerund or gerund phrase can be the subject of a sentence. Because they act like nouns, gerunds can be used as the subject of a sentence, the subject complement of the linking verb be, the object of a preposition, or the object of a verb. They can also be used to form compound nouns

يمثل الشعار الأولمبي خمس قارات وقد رسمت الشركة شعارها علي الجدران في غرفه الاستراحة . إنّ شعار الحمله هو "نعم، نحن نستطيع". حقيبة ظهر كريستينا كانت تحمل شارات ملونة عديدة. The Olympic ___ represents five continents. The company had their ___ painted on the walls in the break room. The ___ of the campaign is "Yes, We Can". Christina's backpack has a lot of___ ___ .

Symbol Motto Slogan colorful badges • symbol (emblem) • logo n (company symbol) • motto n (slogan, saying) شعار • slogan n (promotional phrase, motto) شعار • badge n (decorative patch, button) شعار شارة • patch n (fabric badge) (بشكل شارة قماشية) شعار • avatar n (computing: personal icon) (صورة أو كتابة) شعار Indian(فلسفة) تجسيد الآلهة 4- police badge n (emblem worn or carried by police) شعار الشرطة American policemen wear a police badge which bears a star. 5- shoulder patch n (emblem worn on upper sleeve) شعار يوضع على كم القميص The police officer had a newly designed shoulder patch on his shirt. 6- skull and crossbones n (symbol for poison) شعار السم The skull and crossbones on the bottle indicated that it contained poison

What are the definition of assignment? Synonyms ? Collocated verbs?

Synonyms: job , task , responsibility , work , mission , post , homework , duty , chore Synonyms: appointment , designation, induction , installation , delegation, placement , commission • assignment n (short task) مهمة His boss gave him three assignments to be completed by the end of the week. أعطاه مديره ثلاث مهمّات لينجزها قبل نهاية الأسبوع. • assignment n (work given to students) وظيفة مدرسية، درس • assignment n (position, longer term) وظيفة، مهمة تكليف, تعيين The sales manager moved to Chicago after his assignment there by the company. انتقل مدير المبيعات إلى شيكاغو بعدما قامت الشركة بتعيينه فيه His principal assignment is general maintenance. (continuing obligation) task • carry out/complete/finish an assignment • was given / sent on an assignment

___ , the country's economic problems are over, but ___ will be slow. ومن الناحية التقنية ، فان المشاكل الاقتصادية للبلاد قد انتهت ، ولكن الانتعاش سيكون بطيئا.

Technically Recovery Independent auditors have declared that the country's central bank is now technically bankrupt. وقد أعلن مراجعو الحسابات المستقلون ان البنك المركزي في البلاد أصبح الآن مفلسا من الناحية الفنية Technically speaking, your tea breaks are your employer's time rather than yours. من الناحية الفنية ، فإن فترات استراحة الشاي هي وقت صاحب العمل وليس وقتك.

"___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ shows you aren't ready to lead this company." إن تصرفك بشكل تافه للغاية بالمال يدل على أنك غير مستعد لقيادة هذه الشركة

That you act so frivolously with money (That you act so frivolously with money is the subject of the verb shows.) Noun clauses usually begin with the words that, how, if, and the "wh-" words—what, whatever, where, wherever, when, whenever, why, which, whichever, who, whom, whoever, whomever, whether, and whatever. Like all clauses, a noun clause contains a subject (sometimes represented by one of the words above) and a predicate (a verb and any additional information attached to it)

what are the Types of modifiers used to modify noun phrases?

There are many different types of modifiers that can be used in noun phrases to modify the noun in the phrase. Among these modifiers are adjectives, articles, participles, possessive nouns, possessive pronouns, determiners, relative clauses, infinitives, participle phrases, prepositional phrases, and compound nouns*.

جوهر القوى العاملة لدينا يأتي من الأسر المحلية. الرغبة في العدالة هي جوهر حججه. جوهر فلسفتها هو احترام الحياة. ___ ___ ___ comes from local families. A desire for justice is___ ___ ___ ___ ___ . The core of her philosophy is respect for life.

The core of our workforce at the core of his arguments core noun (IMPORTANT PART) C2 the basic and most important part of something • core n (essential part) جوهر تعذر إيجاد حل لجوهر المشكلة، فبقي الجانبان في حالة حرب. The core of the problem remains unsolved, and the two sides continue to be at war. • core n as adj (central) أساسي يريدون توسيع أعمالهم دون أن يخسروا زبائنهم الأساسيين. They want to broaden their business without losing their core customers

"Because of my operation, I had to cancel my flight." "بسبب عمليّتي، اضطررت إلى إلغاء رحلتي" What is the function of the Prepositions phrase?

The prepositional phrase because of my operation, which opens the sentence, is describing the verb cancel it is describing why the speaker had to cancel. An adverbial preposition can also be placed at different places in the sentence when modifying a verb, such as at the beginning

"I would like to buy some flowers in a glass vase." "أود شراء بعض الزهور في مزهرية زجاجية." What is the function of the Prepositions phrase?

The prepositional phrase here is in a glass vase in is a preposition describing the object a vase. Glass is a modifier of vase, appearing between the preposition and the noun that it modifies. The prepositional phrase in this sentence is adjectival because it immediately follows the noun that it describes (flowers), and it tells us what kind of flowers the speaker would like to buy

How do Possessive Determiners modify noun?

They indicate possession. However, they indicate possession by using a pronoun instead of a noun: • "His wife brought him his forgotten briefcase." • "Her shoe was untied." Adjectives, articles, participles, possessive nouns, determiners, possessive pronouns, and compound nouns tend to appear before the noun in a noun phrase.

وشدد التقرير على أنه من خلال التعامل بشكل استباقي مع قضايا تغير المناخ ، يمكن للشركات كسب صوت في سياسة التخطيط. أمضت المجموعة الكثير من وقتها في التأكيد على الحاجة إلى تخفيف عبء الديون عن أفريقيا. ___ ___ ___ by proactively dealing with climate-change issues, companies can earn a voice in planning policy. The group has spent much of its time ___ ___ ___ for debt relief for Africa.

The report stressed that stressing the need stress the importance stress the need

What is the Subjunctive Mood?

The subjunctive mood refers to verbs that are used to describe hypothetical or non-real actions, events, or situations. This is in comparison to the indicative mood, which is used to express factual, non-hypothetical information. We most commonly use the subjunctive mood to express desires or wishes; to express commands, suggestions, requests, or statements of necessity; or to describe hypothetical outcomes that depend on certain conditions.

✔ "I asked Jeff." (transitive) ✔ "I asked for Jeff." (intransitive) what is the difference ?

The verb ask can also be an intransitive verb in some instances, in which case we can use the preposition for: Be careful, though, because this changes the verb's meaning. When we use ask with just a person's name, as in the first example, it means to ask the person something, such as a question. When we ask for someone, it means we are requesting to see or speak to that person.

الفكرة الكاملة للدعاية هي جعل الناس يشترون الأشياء. The ___ ___ (= only purpose) of advertising is to make people buy things.

The whole idea of idea noun (PURPOSE) a purpose or reason for doing something غرض أو سبب للقيام بشيء ما The whole idea of budgeting is to control costs. والفكرة الكاملة للميزنه هي التحكم في التكاليف.

"Please get me a bag of ___ vegetables." "من فضلك أحضر لي كيس من الخضروات المجمدة ." Past participle

frozen When we form an adjective using the past participle, we don't imply action on the part of noun that it modifies. Instead, we describe a characteristic of that noun. "I picked up the broken bottle." (The bottle is broken.)

"___ ___ you should always wear a helmet on a bicycle." "يقولون أنك يجب أن ترتدي دائما خوذة على دراجة".

They say the third-person plural pronoun they can be used as an indefinite pronoun to refer to people in general. It is usually used in the form "They say . . .," as in "They say that drinking too often is bad for your health." However, this is considered very informal, and would be frowned upon in formal, professional, or academic writing

"While I was home for the summer after my first semester of college, I decided to work in a store to earn some extra cash." "بينما كنت في المنزل لفصل الصيف بعد الفصل الدراسي الأول من الكلية، قررت العمل في متجر لكسب بعض النقود الإضافية." What are the functions of the Prepositions phrases?

This sentence features four prepositional phrases, three of which occur in succession. The first is for the summer. It is functioning as an adverb to describe the verb phrase was home, specifying when the speaker was at home. (In this case it is describing a duration of time.) Even though the second prepositional phrase, after my first semester, seems to describe the first one, it is actually also describing the verb phrase to further clarify when the speaker was home. In this instance, you can reverse the prepositional phrases—"While I was home after my first semester for the summer"—and still have the clause make complete sense (even if it's not as clearly written). However, the third prepositional phrase, of college, is an adjectival prepositional phrase—it is describing the noun phrase my first semester, which is the object of the second prepositional phrase. Here, it serves to answer the question which (or even what kind) about the semester being discussed. As such, it is "tied" to that preposition: it would not make sense to place it elsewhere in the sentence. For instance, "While I was home for the summer of college after my first semester" does not make sense. The final prepositional phrase, in a store, is much easier to understand. It is an adverbial prepositional phrase modifying the verb work, and specifies where the speaker is going to work

"بينما كنت في المنزل لفصل الصيف بعد الفصل الدراسي الأول من الكلية، قررت العمل في متجر لكسب بعض النقود الإضافية." "While I was home for the summer after my first semester of college, I decided to work in a store to earn some extra cash." What are the functions of the Prepositions phrases?

This sentence features four prepositional phrases, three of which occur in succession. The first is for the summer. It is functioning as an adverb to describe the verb phrase was home, specifying when the speaker was at home. (In this case it is describing a duration of time.) Even though the second prepositional phrase, after my first semester, seems to describe the first one, it is actually also describing the verb phrase to further clarify when the speaker was home. In this instance, you can reverse the prepositional phrases—"While I was home after my first semester for the summer"—and still have the clause make complete sense (even if it's not as clearly written). However, the third prepositional phrase, of college, is an adjectival prepositional phrase—it is describing the noun phrase my first semester, which is the object of the second prepositional phrase. Here, it serves to answer the question which (or even what kind) about the semester being discussed. As such, it is "tied" to that preposition: it would not make sense to place it elsewhere in the sentence. For instance, "While I was home for the summer of college after my first semester" does not make sense. The final prepositional phrase, in a store, is much easier to understand. It is an adverbial prepositional phrase modifying the verb work, and specifies where the speaker is going to work

"___ ___ ___ ___ means adjusting to a completely different lifestyle." "العيش في المدينة يعني التكيف مع نمط حياة مختلف تمامًا."

To live in the city Because infinitives and infinitive phrases can function as nouns, it means that they can be the subject of a clause, the direct object of a verb, or a predicate noun

"___ ___ ___ ___ was her ultimate dream." "لدراسة الرياضيات في جامعة هارفارد كان حلمها النهائي."

To study mathematics at Harvard Because infinitives and infinitive phrases can function as nouns, it means that they can be the subject of a clause, the direct object of a verb, or a predicate noun "To err is human; to forgive is divine."

"The turkey, ___ to a crisp, was thrown in the garbage." "لقد تم إلقاء الديك الرومي المحترق في القمامة". Past participle

burnt Past participle phrase If we use the past participle, the noun being modified is either given a passive role in the action, or else is being described. the turkey is not the agent of the action but is being acted upon; it has been burnt by the oven or by the person cooking, and so it has a passive role

"كيف حال مشروعك الجديد؟" "انها تبدو واعدة جدا." أعلنوا بدء مشروع تجاري جديد. "How's your new ___ going?" "It's looking quite promising." They announced the start of a new ___ ___ .

Venture commercial venture 1. venture v (dare to go, do [sth] risky, say) يتجرأ، تكون له الجرأة يغامر بدخول ينطوي على خطر يقوم بشيء The children ventured into the abandoned house. The explorer ventured to unknown lands. The stuntman ventured an attempt at jumping over three buses on a motorbike. The young executive ventured that the boss's favourite client was cheating the company. تجرّأ المدير الشابّ على القول إنّ العميل المفضّل عند ربّ العمل إنما يغشّ الشركة. تجرّأ الأولاد على دخول البيت المهجور. غامر المستكشف بدخول أراضٍ مجهولة قام المجازف بمحاولة قفز فوق 3 حافلات على دراجة نارية 2. venture [sth] ( a guess) venture a guess يخمن Anyone who ventures a guess will be awarded a prize. يعتقد يخمن Mary's colleague ventured that her evident happiness was due to a new love in her life. قالت زميلة ماري إنها تعتقد أن سعادة ماري الجليّة إنما هي ناجمة عن حبّ جديد في حياتها. 3. venture [sth] (expose [sth] to risk) يجازف بشيء، يخاطر بشيء The businessman ventured his house as capital for his project. Lara ventured her life to help those infected by the virus. 4. venture n (risky activity) مغامرة، مجازفة Jane led a venture to cross the Sahara. خاضت جاين مجازفة بمحاولتها عبور الصحراء الكبرى. 5. venture n (risky commercial activity) (ينطوي على مجازفة) مشروع تجاري You should always make sure you know the risks associated with any venture you invest in. • business venture n (start-up business/business investment involving risk) الانطلاق بالعمل التجاري مغامرة تجارية Most business ventures in my town don't last longer than six months. • joint venture n (business: joint enterprise) مشروع مشترك، شركة • venture to say (dare say, be so bold as to say) يجرؤ على القول

I understand the issue Or I am understanding the issue

Verbs of mental cognition, such as understand, know, recognize,, or think, are generally used as stative verbs and do not take continuous forms. ✔ "I understand the issue." (correct) ✖ "I am understanding the issue." (incorrect) ✔ "She knows Janet very well." (correct) ✖ "She is knowing Janet very well." (incorrect) Some verbs of cognition can be stative or dynamic, depending on the context. If they can correctly be used in a continuous form, they are expressing a dynamic action. • "I consider my options before I make a decision." ✔ "I am considering my options before I make a decision." (correct—action verb) • "I consider myself a rational person." ✖ "I am considering myself a rational person." (incorrect—stative verb) • "They thought of an answer." ✔ "They were thinking of an answer." (correct—action verb) The stative verb understand, however, has some informal uses in which the continuous form is often considered acceptable, as in: • "I'm sorry, I'm not understanding your question." • Am I understanding you correctly?"

Just shut the door quickly or we're going to be late. فقط اغلق الباب بسرعة أو سنتاخر

We also use just to emphasise an imperative

What are the subordinating conjunctions that establish Similarities relationship?

We can use as to state that two ideas are similar. We can also use just as to add extra emphasis to this statement. • "It's pouring rain, as I thought it would." • "She was late again, just as we expected." • "He didn't turn up, as you told me he wouldn't." Note that the examples above flow better with a comma, even though the subordinating conjunction is not in the initial position.

نحن بحاجة نأخذ بنظر الاعتبار هذه القضية الخطيرة في مجملها. كنا لنصبغ المنزل بأنفسنا ، لكن عندما اخذنا بنظر الاعتبار التكلفة في الوقت والجهد ، قررنا الحصول على صباغ للقيام بذلك من أجلنا. ___ ___ ___ ___ this very serious issue in its totality. We were going to paint the house ourselves, ___ ___ ___ in time and effort, we decided to get a painter to do it for us.

We need to consider but when we considered the cost consider verb (SUBJECT/FACT) [ + question word ] C1 [ T ] to give attention to a particular subject or fact when judging something else: • consider (take into account) يأخذ بعين الاعتبار هل أخذت بعين الاعتبار عواقب هذا القرار على المدى البعيد؟ Have you considered the long-term consequences of this decision? • consider (with a noun: judge) يعتبر شخصًا شيئًا تُعتبر شاني طالبة مجتهدة. Shani is considered a good student. أعتبر أن تصرفي في ذلك اليوم كان خطأ I consider my actions that day to be a mistake. Many . كثيرون يعتبرون "قداس الموت" أروع ما ألفه موزارت. consider Mozart's "Requiem" to be his masterpiece. • Consider (with an adjective: judge) يعتبر شخصًا/شيئًا شيئًا كثيرون اليوم يعتبرون العقاب البدني خطأ Many people today consider corporal punishment to be wrong

نحن نسعى لممارسة الأعمال التجارية بطريقة أخلاقية. اجتماعات الموظفين عقدت في مواقع مختلفة. في فبراير ، استقال من مجلس الإدارة بعد أن منعه المنظمون من إجراء معاملات الأوراق المالية لمدة أربعة أشهر. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ in an ethical manner. Staff meetings ___ ___ in various locations. In February, he resigned from the board after regulators barred him from ___ ___ ___ for four months.

We seek to conduct business were conducted conducting securities transactions 1. conduct (meeting: lead) يعقد، يدير لم يرد أحد أن يدير الاجتماع، فأداره هو He conducted the meeting since nobody else wanted to. conduct verb (ORGANIZE) B2 to organize and perform a particular activity 3. conduct (carry out, perform [sth]) يُجري أجرى الموقع على الإنترنت دراسة استقصائية حول مالكي السيارات. The website conducted a survey of car owners. 4. conduct (manage, direct) يدير يدير أعماله بكفاءة تامة. He conducted his business efficiently

What are the subordinating conjunctions that establish (Cause) relationship?

We use as, because, and since interchangeably to state the cause of something. For example: • "The project was successful as you all worked very hard." • "The project was successful because you all worked very hard." • "The project was successful since you all worked very hard." Each of the three examples expresses the same causal relationship, although as is a bit more formal in tone than because or since.

What are the subordinating conjunctions that establish Condition relationship?

We use the subordinating conjunctions even if, if, as long as, in case, provided that, and providing when referring to a hypothetical situation. If is the most common conjunction for hypothetical sentences. We use it when one action is required for another to occur. • "I will buy you a pizza if you help me move my furniture." • "You should buy a new TV if you get a bigger apartment." As long as, provided, provided that, and providing all mean the same as if, but they emphasize the requirement of the conditional action. We can use them interchangeably: • "I will buy you a pizza as long as/provided you help me move my furniture." (I will only buy you a pizza if you help me.) • "You should buy a new TV providing/provided that you get a bigger apartment." (You should only buy a new TV if you get a bigger apartment.) We use even if when an outcome will occur despite a hypothetical action. For example: • "I will buy you a pizza even if you don't help me move my furniture." (I will buy the pizza anyway.) • "He's going to pass his test even if he doesn't study." (He will pass despite not studying.) We use in case to suggest a precaution against a hypothetical possibility. For example: • "I'm bringing an umbrella in case it starts raining." (I'm worried it might rain, so I'm bringing an umbrella.) • "She put her phone on silent in case it rang during the movie." (She was concerned her phone would ring in the middle of the movie, so she silenced it.)

What are the subordinating conjunctions that establish (Subsequently time) relationship?

When the action of the independent clause happens second in a series of actions, we use after: • "I went shopping after I finished work." (I finished work first, then went shopping.) • "He won first prize in a spelling bee after he started fifth grade." (He started fifth grade first, then won a spelling bee.)

What are the subordinating conjunctions that establish (Place) relationship?

When the dependent clause is related to a place, we use where and wherever, but they are not interchangeable. For most situations, we use where, as in: • "He lives where it's always sunny." (He lives in a place that is sunny.) • "Can we go where it's a little quieter?" (Can we go to a place that is quieter?) We use wherever to emphasize that we mean any or every place, rather than a specific location. For example: • "I want to go wherever it's quieter." (I want to go to any place quieter; I don't mind where.) • "He bikes wherever he goes." (He bikes to every place that he goes.)

What is the Subject-verb agreement when using correlative conjunctions?

When we join two subjects with a correlative conjunction, subject-verb agreement can be tricky. Luckily, there are some widely accepted rules to help us. 1- Two singular subjects In general, when we join two singular subjects using a correlative conjunction, the verb that follows should be singular. For example: • "Neither the plumber nor the electrician is here yet." • "Not only Mike but also Daniel is coming with us." One exception to this rule is when using both ... and. In this case, we use a plural subject: • "Both Mike and Daniel are coming with us." 2- Two plural subjects When we join two plural subjects, the verb that follows should also be plural. For example: • "Neither the plumbers nor the electricians are here yet." • "Not only Mike's friends but also Daniel's friends are coming with us." 3- One singular and one plural subject Sometimes, we join a singular subject to a plural subject. In this case, the majority of style guides state that the verb should agree with the noun that is closest to it. For example: • "Every day both the cat and the dogs wake me up." (Wake is plural because the dogs is plural.) • "Neither my cousins nor my mom likes swimming." (Likes is singular, because mom is singular.) However, there are also those who believe that if either of the subjects is plural, then the verb should also be plural. According to this preference, the second sentence above would require the plural form of the verb because the first subject, my cousins, is plural: • "Neither my cousins nor my mom like swimming." If this is confusing or you're not sure which style you should use, you can avoid the problem entirely by switching the order of the subjects so that the plural subject comes closest to the verb. In this way, we satisfy both styles: • "Neither my mom nor my cousins like swimming."

How to use Punctuation with correlative conjunctions?

When we use a correlative conjunction to join two independent clauses, we separate the two clauses with a comma, as in: • "Either your father will pick you up, or you'll get a ride home with a friend." • "Not only is she an award-winning singer, but she also runs track." • "She not only cleaned her room, but she also washed the dishes." We generally do not use commas when the two elements being joined are not independent clauses. For example: • "This house is both large and cozy." • "I want to paint the house either white or green." • "Neither James nor Mike enjoys playing basketball."

• "The committee elected him treasurer." What is the function of treasurer

When we use nouns as object complements, they serve to rename or re-identify the object of factitive verbs. • "Mrs. Fields named her late husband the executor of her estate." • "The coach made Timothy team captain." • "The school board appointed her superintendent." "All he wanted was to make his husbandhappy.

"___ ___ ___ ___ is fine with me." "أينما قررنا الذهاب ، فلا بأس معي."

Wherever we decide to go (Wherever we decide to go is the subject of the linking verb is.) Noun clauses usually begin with the words that, how, if, and the "wh-" words—what, whatever, where, wherever, when, whenever, why, which, whichever, who, whom, whoever, whomever, whether, and whatever. Like all clauses, a noun clause contains a subject (sometimes represented by one of the words above) and a predicate (a verb and any additional information attached to it)

"___ we stay home and eat a pizza, ___ we go out and watch a film, I'm sure we'll have a good time." "سواء بقينا في المنزل ونأكل البيتزا، أو خرجنا ومشاهدة فيلم، أنا متأكد من أننا سنمضي وقتا طيبا."

Whether or We also use whether / or to indicate that something will happen no matter which choice is made

What are the subordinating conjunctions that Expressing contrasts and concessions relationship?

While and whereas both express contrast. • "My brother worked really hard, while I didn't make much of an effort." • "I can't stand watching tennis, whereas I love watching basketball." While and whereas can be used interchangeably, but whereas is often considered more formal. Note also that, like with (just) as above, we use a comma between the clauses even though these subordinating conjunctions are not in the initial position. We use although, though, and even though to say that something occurred in spite of something else. Though and although are interchangeable, while even though adds extra emphasis. For example: • "I went to that restaurant though/although I was told it wasn't very good." • "I went to that restaurant even though I was told it wasn't very good."

"___ ___ would like to join us is more than welcome." "كلمن يرغب في الانضمام إلينا هو أكثر من موضع ترحيب."

Whoever indefinite pronoun that relates to people

"___ ___ ___ should sign up with their supervisor." "كل من يريد الذهاب يجب أن يشترك مع المشرف".

Whoever wants to go (Whoever wants to go is the subject of the phrasal verb sign up.) Noun clauses usually begin with the words that, how, if, and the "wh-" words—what, whatever, where, wherever, when, whenever, why, which, whichever, who, whom, whoever, whomever, whether, and whatever. Like all clauses, a noun clause contains a subject (sometimes represented by one of the words above) and a predicate (a verb and any additional information attached to it)

"___ ___ ___ allows me to spend more time with my family." "العمل من المنزل يسمح لي لقضاء المزيد من الوقت مع عائلتي."

Working from home (gerund + prepositional phrase) Just like a normal noun, a gerund or gerund phrase can be the subject of a sentence. Because they act like nouns, gerunds can be used as the subject of a sentence, the subject complement of the linking verb be, the object of a preposition, or the object of a verb. They can also be used to form compound nouns

"___ would think that the government would have thought of that already." "هل تعتقد أن الحكومة كانت ستفكر في ذلك بالفعل".

You indefinite pronoun that relates to people If one is writing something very formal or professional, then one might be better off using the indefinite pronoun one. If you're writing something a bit less formal, then you are probably just fine using the generic pronoun you

Complete the sentences with do, play or go in the correct form. You can judo! You can badminton! You can swimming! You can weight lifting! You can circuit training! You can table tennis! You can skateboarding! You can even darts! In fact, you can almost any sport you can think of.

You can do judo! You can do circuit training! You can play badminton! You can play table tennis! You can go swimming! You can go skateboarding! You can do weight lifting! You can even play darts! In fact, you can do/play almost any sport you can think of

عليك أن تأخذ بنظر الاعتبار عنصر الوقت عند التخطيط للمشروع بأكمله. إذا أخذت بنظر الاعتبار في مدة تعلمه للبيانو، فهو ليس جيدًا. دعونا نأخذ بنظر الاعتبار أحداث الأشهر الخمسة الماضية. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ when planning the whole project. ___ ___ ___ ___ he's been learning the piano, he's not very good. ___ ___ ___ the events of the last five months.

You've got to consider the time element If you consider how long Let us consider consider verb (SUBJECT/FACT) [ + question word ] C1 [ T ] to give attention to a particular subject or fact when judging something else: • consider (take into account) يأخذ بعين الاعتبار هل أخذت بعين الاعتبار عواقب هذا القرار على المدى البعيد؟ Have you considered the long-term consequences of this decision? • consider (with a noun: judge) يعتبر شخصًا شيئًا تُعتبر شاني طالبة مجتهدة. Shani is considered a good student. أعتبر أن تصرفي في ذلك اليوم كان خطأ I consider my actions that day to be a mistake. Many . كثيرون يعتبرون "قداس الموت" أروع ما ألفه موزارت. consider Mozart's "Requiem" to be his masterpiece. • Consider (with an adjective: judge) يعتبر شخصًا/شيئًا شيئًا كثيرون اليوم يعتبرون العقاب البدني خطأ Many people today consider corporal punishment to be wrong

1. What verb tense is used in the if clause for the second conditional? a) Past simple tense b) Past perfect tense c) Future simple tense d) Future perfect tense


1. Which of the following sentences contains an idiom that starts with a preposition? a) "He's going to end his addiction for good." b) "Wade went to a baseball game yesterday." c) "I made this card for my friend." d) "Our car broke down on the highway."


2. Which of the following sentences does not contain an idiom that starts with a preposition? a) "She stepped down from her position at the firm." b) "My cousins have so many things in common." c) "In general, summers become hottest around mid-July." d) "The circus troupe traveled from afar."


2. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? a) "Anthony, tired of failing his exams, started studying every night after school." b) "Anthony tired of failing his exams started studying every night after school." c) "Anthony, tired of failing his exams started studying every night after school." d) "Anthony tired of failing his exams, started studying every night after school."


3. Which of the following sentences does not contain a preposition paired with an adjective? a) "Ken has an obsession with skydiving." b) "It would be fun to go on a road trip this weekend." c) "She's upset about her computer breaking." d) "Is he satisfied with the new employee?"


What is the difference between an indefinite pronoun and an indefinite adjective? An indefinite pronoun stands alone; and indefinite adjective precedes a noun. An indefinite adjective stands alone; and indefinite pronoun precedes a noun. An indefinite adjective always modifies an indefinite pronoun. They are the same thing.


Which of the following sentences is correctly conjugated for a wish in the subjunctive mood? "I wish I weren't short." "I wish I wasn't short." "I wish I won't be short." "I wish I'm not short."


Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? "James, scared he was going to fail the test, stayed up all night studying." "James scared he was going to fail the test, stayed up all night studying." "James, scared he was going to fail the test stayed up all night studying." "James scared he was going to fail, the test stayed up all night studying."


كان لديهم أفكار كبيره ولكن تفتقر الدراية التجارية لتحويل فكره إلى منتج ناجح . They had ___ ___ but lacked the business know-how to turn an idea into a successful product.

great idea a suggestion or plan for doing something اقتراح أو خطه للقيام بشيء

رحله [الاعمال التجارية ، والترفيه ، والمدرسة] رحله قصيرة ، قصيرة ، عطله نهاية الأسبوع ، ثلاثه أيام رحله [العودة ، في اتجاه واحد ، جولة] رحله [أسبوعيه ، شهريه ، سنوية] إلى [خذ ، اذهب] رحله (إلى برشلونة) [اتخاذ] رحله أسفل [النهر ، القناة ، الطريق] الرحلة تستغرق ساعتين بواسطة [الطائرة ، السيارة ، العبارة] هل استمتعت برحلك ؟ رحله [أمنه ، ممتعه ، ممتعه] رحله إلى [الفضاء ، الماضي ، المستقبل] رحله إلى [الشاطئ ، القمر ، الريف]

a [business, leisure, school] trip a [short, brief, weekend, three-day, day] trip a [return, one-way, round] trip the [weekly, monthly, yearly] trip to [take, go on] a trip (to Barcelona) [take] a trip down the [river, canal, road] the trip takes two hours by [plane, car, ferry] did you enjoy your trip? have a [safe, enjoyable, pleasant] trip a trip into [space, the past, the future] a trip to the [beach, moon, countryside]

"She's been waiting to hear back from the office ___ yesterday." Prepositions

a continuous event originating from a specific point in the past

He has a ___ ___ for getting rich before he's 20. لديه مخطط مجنون ليصبح غنيا قبل ان يكون في العشرين

a crazy scheme for Scheme مخطط نظام noun an organized plan for doing something, especially something dishonest or illegal that will bring a good result for you خطه منظمه للقيام بشيء ، وخصوصا شيء غير شريفه أو غير قانونيه من شانها ان تجلب نتيجة جيده بالنسبة لك

علامة تجاريه للوجبات السريعة علامة تجاريه للسيارة علامة تجاريه محليه علامة تجاريه عالميه ماركات عالميه

a fast food brand a car brand a domestic brand a international brand a global brands

عيد الميلاد غالبًا ما يكون وقتًا حاسم لتجار التجزئة الأصغر. متحدث باسم الاتحاد ووصف محادثات الأجور المرتقبة بأنها حاسم ". قرار حاسمه صفقة حاسمه قضية حاسمه Christmas is often ___ ___ ___ ___ for smaller retailers. A spokesman for the union described the forthcoming pay talks as ___ ___ ___

a make-or-break time a make-or-break decision a make-or-break deal a make-or-break issue • make or break [sth] informal (cause success, failure) يقرّر نجاح أو فشل شيء That critic's reviews can make or break a new restaurant. آراء النقّاد هي التي تقرّر نجاح أو فشل أيّ مطعم جديد. • make-or-break adj informal (success or failure) حاسم، يتقرر به النجاح أو الفشل It is make-or-break time for the store after two years of declining sales. • make-or-break adjective (also make or break) used to describe a decision, event, or period of time that is very important because it can make something succeed or fail completely

لقد وضعت علامة على الخريطة حيث أعتقد أننا يجب أن نذهب للنزهة. ماذا تعني هذه العلامات في منتصف الطريق؟ I've put ___ on the map where I think we should go for a picnic. What do those___ in the middle of the road mean?

a mark reference point نقطه مرجعيه mark noun (SYMBOL) C1

أود أن أقدم زجاجة النبيذ هذه كدليل تقدير على كل العمل الذي أنجزته من أجلنا. كان العلم يرفرف في نصف الصاري كدليل وفاة الرئيس. I'd like to give this bottle of wine as ___ ____for all the work you've done for us. The flag was flying at half-mast to ___ __of the president.

a mark of appreciation mark the death mark noun (REPRESENTATION) C2 [ C ] an action that is understood to represent or show a characteristic of a person or thing or feeling: mark n (token) دليل، عربون This gift is a mark of my respect for you. mark n (indication) علامة، دليل His involvement in the project is a mark of real quality

خلع قبعته كدليل على احترام زوجها الميت. إنه دلاله رجل نبيل ان يقف عندما يدخل شخص ما الغرفة. He took off his hat as ___ ___ ___ for her dead husband. It's the ___ ___ ___ to stand up when someone enters the room.

a mark of respect mark of a gentleman mark noun (REPRESENTATION) C2 [ C ] an action that is understood to represent or show a characteristic of a person or thing or feeling: mark n (token) دليل، عربون This gift is a mark of my respect for you. mark n (indication) علامة، دليل His involvement in the project is a mark of real quality.

فكرة جديدة اقتراح رواية الحفاظ على الأغنام في الحديقة هو وسيلة جديدة لإبقاء العشب قصيرًا! Keeping a sheep in the garden is ___ ___ ___ of keeping the grass short!

a novel idea a novel suggestion novel way • novel adj (new, different) (غير عادي) غير مألوف جديد We all liked John's novel solution to the problem. أعجبنا حل جون الغير مألوف للمشكلة • novel adjective new and original, not like anything seen before novel idea n (original or clever suggestion) اقتراح بارع Watch TV tonight? Well, that's a novel idea.

أعتقد أن صديقا يدمر نفسه بالمخدرات. أشعر بشعور بالمسؤولية تجاهه. لقد كان دائمًا مخلصًا جدًا لي في الأوقات الجيدة والسيئة ، وهو جانب رائع من شخصيته. أشعر أنه يجب عليّ الاتصال بالشرطة أو الخدمات الاجتماعية ، لكنني لا أريد اتخاذ قرار سريع سأندم عليه لاحقًا. I think a friend is destroying himself with drugs. I feel a ___ of responsibility towards him. He has always been ___ loyal to me in good and bad times, which is a wonderful ___ of his personality. I feel I ought to contact the police or social services, but I don't want to make a ___ decision which I'll regret later.

a sense of responsibility towards fiercely loyal to me aspect of his personality. make a snap decision which I'll regret later

She went back to ___ ___ when her youngest child went to school. وعادت إلى العمل بدوام كامل عندما ذهب طفلها الأصغر إلى المدرسة .

full-time adjective, adverb (of work or education) done for the whole of a working week a full-time job Most children in the UK remain in full-time education until they are at least 16 years old. I'm a full-time student right now

معظم الحبوب المجففة تحتاج إلى نقع قبل طهيها. الاستحمام على ما يرام ولكن لا يوجد شيء مثل نقع طويل جيد في الحمام. Most dried beans need ___ ___ before they're cooked. Showers are all right but there's nothing like a good long ___ in the bath.

a soak soak noun [C] (MAKE WET) a period of time during which something is in liquid soak n (period of immersion) فترة نقع That pan needs a soak before you try to wash it up. soak (be left in liquid) ينتقع The casserole dish was hard to clean, so Ian left it to soak.

كان لدي لقاء غريب مع رجل فرنسي في طريقي إلى العمل. ممثلي خدمة العملاء يتم تدريبهم على التعامل مع اللقاءات مع العملاء الغاضبين I had ___ ___ with a French man on my way to work. Customer service representatives are trained to ___ ___ ___ angry customers

a strange encounter handle encounters with • encounter n (unexpected meeting) (مقابلة بالصدفة) لقاء، مصادفة كان لقاؤه بصديقته القديمة محرجًا. The encounter with his old girlfriend was awkward. • encounter n (combative meeting) صدام جُرحت مشاعر "بوب" و"جو" بعد الصدام الذي جرى بينهما. Bob and Joe's encounter left them both with hurt feelings. a meeting, especially one that happens by chance

صداقة قوية صداقة حقيقية صداقة ثابتة صداقة طويلة الامد صداقته مدى الحياة مع أنا صديق حميم معها إنه أحد أفضل أصدقائي إنه أحد أعز أصدقائي إنه أحد أصدقائي المقربين إنه أحد أقدم أصدقائي هو صديق موثوق به صديق مخلص صديق وفي

a strong friendship a true friendship a firm friendship a longstanding friendship his lifelong friendship with I am close friend with her He is one of my best friends He is one of my dearest friends He is one of my closest friends He is one of my oldest friends He is a trusted friend a loyal friend faithful friend اعتدنا أن نكون أصدقاء مقربين هو صديق جيد لي هو صديق لصديق لقد كان صديقا جيدا لي لهذا يوجد الاصدقاء أحتاج إلى صديق الآن أساعد صديقًا محتاجًا الصديق وقت الضيق حصلت على الدعم والتشجيع من صديقاتها نحن أصدقاء على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي لقد فقدت صديقا جيدا اكتشف من هم أصدقاؤك الحقيقيون لقد كنا أفضل الأصدقاء منذ الكلية يمكنني دائما الاعتماد على أفضل صديق لي we used to be close friends he is a good friend of mine he is a friend of a friend has been a good friend to me that's what friends are for I need a friend right now I help a friend in need a friend in need is a friend indeed she got support and encouragement from her friends we are friends on social media I lost a good friend find out who your real friends are we have been best friends since college I can always count on my best friend

He's probably ___ ___ losing the soccer match." ومن المحتمل أنه مستاء من خسارة مباراة كرة القدم". Preposition

about upset about

"He shot his arrow ___ the target." Preposition

above movement to a point higher than something else

technically ___ weapons الاسلحه المتقدمة تقنيا

advanced in a way that relates to the knowledge, machines, or methods used in science and industry Construction of the digital communications network will be technically challenging. بناء شبكة الاتصالات الرقمية سيكون تحديًا تقنيًا

Industrially ___ countries are ___ dependent on science and technology. وتعتمد البلدان المتقدمة صناعيا بشكل متزايد على العلم والتكنولوجيا.

advanced Increasingly

"I read magazines for advice ___ relationships." "قرأت المجلات للحصول على المشورة بشأن العلاقات." Preposition

advice on

"He's not ___ ___ me, he just isn't ready." "انه ليس ضد الزواج مني ، انه فقط ليس مستعدا". Preposition

against marrying Gerunds are used as the objects of prepositions to describe an action that modifies another action, thus creating adverbial prepositional phrases. These can occur at the beginning, middle, or end of the sentence

3. Identify the dependent clause or clauses in the following sentence: "Although I've saved up for a few years, I've never been able to afford buying a house, but we should be able to get a mortgage soon, providing my job remains secure." a) Although I've saved up for a few years b) I've never been able to afford buying a house c) we should be able to get a mortgage soon d) providing my job remains secure e) A & C f) B & C g) A & D h) B & D


كان لي مواجه مقلقه مع خنزير بري. سيكون هذا اللقاء هو أول لقاء بين قادة الأحزاب منذ الانتخابات. كان لدي لقاء مؤلم مع زوجي السابق الأسبوع الماضي. I had an ___ ___ ___ a wild pig. This meeting will be the first ___ ___ the party leaders since the election. I had ___ ___ ___ with my ex-husband last week.

alarming encounter with encounter between a bruising encounter • encounter n (unexpected meeting) (مقابلة بالصدفة) لقاء، مصادفة كان لقاؤه بصديقته القديمة محرجًا. The encounter with his old girlfriend was awkward. • encounter n (combative meeting) صدام جُرحت مشاعر "بوب" و"جو" بعد الصدام الذي جرى بينهما. Bob and Joe's encounter left them both with hurt feelings. a meeting, especially one that happens by chance

كان هناك ارتفاع مثير للقلق في معدل التضخم. There has been an___ ___ in the rate of inflation.

alarming rise alarming adjective C1 causing worry or fear Synonyms concerning formal not standard distressing disturbing troubling worrisome US formal or old-fashioned worrying alarming news زيادة خطيرة/مثيرة [سياسية] Alarming increase عدد متزايد/ متصاعد [سياسية] Alarming number alarming adj (news: disturbing) مُذعِر alarming adj (sight: frightening) مُرعِب

"Abby is an expert in changing tires." "Abby is an expert at changing tires."

all is right Some nouns are capable of combining with more than one preposition. In some of these cases, the meaning does not change no matter which preposition is chosen

"My opinion of her is the same as yours." "My opinion about her is the same as yours."

all is right Some nouns are capable of combining with more than one preposition. In some of these cases, the meaning does not change no matter which preposition is chosen

"The childhood friends rode their bicycles ___ the road." Preposition

along movement on a straight line or edge

This is a first step toward clarifying things, but there are still many ___ . هذه هي الخطوة الاولي نحو توضيح الأمور ، ولكن لا تزال هناك العديد من التباسات.

ambiguities ambiguity noun mystery, ambiguity, obscurity, uncertainty, vague الغموض لبس confusion (an example of) the fact of something having more than one possible meaning and therefore possibly causing confusion (مثال علي) حقيقة شيء وجود أكثر من معني واحد ممكن ، التالي ربما تسبب الارتباك

Be as precise as possible in your answer, so that there is no ___ . كن دقيقا قدر الإمكان في اجابتك، بحيث لا يوجد اي غموض.

ambiguity noun mystery, ambiguity, obscurity, uncertainty, vague الغموض لبس confusion (an example of) the fact of something having more than one possible meaning and therefore possibly causing confusion (مثال علي) حقيقة شيء وجود أكثر من معني واحد ممكن ، التالي ربما تسبب الارتباك

We wish to remove any ___ concerning our demands. ونود ان نزيل اي لبس فيما يتعلق بمطالبنا.

ambiguity noun mystery, ambiguity, obscurity, uncertainty, vague الغموض لبس confusion (an example of) the fact of something having more than one possible meaning and therefore possibly causing confusion (مثال علي) حقيقة شيء وجود أكثر من معني واحد ممكن ، التالي ربما تسبب الارتباك

there is some ___ in the Bible story, and it has been interpreted in different ways. tهنا بعض الغموض في قصه الكتاب المقدس، وانه تم تفسيره بطرق مختلفه .

ambiguity noun mystery, ambiguity, obscurity, uncertainty, vague الغموض لبس confusion (an example of) the fact of something having more than one possible meaning and therefore possibly causing confusion (مثال علي) حقيقة شيء وجود أكثر من معني واحد ممكن ، التالي ربما تسبب الارتباك

The law ought to be tightened to avoid any ___ . وينبغي تشديد القانون لتجنب اي لبس.

ambiguity noun mystery, ambiguity, obscurity, uncertainty, vague الغموض لبس confusion (an example of) the fact of something having more than one possible meaning and therefore possibly causing confusion (مثال علي) حقيقة شيء وجود أكثر من معني واحد ممكن ، التالي ربما تسبب الارتباك Is he now saying that he's in favour of going to war? His statement is full of ambiguity. Let me say this, to avoid any ambiguity, - I am not leaving my wife.

شاطئ يُجرف إلى الشاطئ كرة الشاطئ منزل على الشاطئ فوطة الشاطئ مظلة شاطئ على حافة الشاطئ، على الشاطىء كرسي شاطيء عربة شواطيء

an area of sand or small stones near the sea or another area of water such as a lake: • beach n (sand by sea) شاطئ The Isle of Wight has over sixty miles of beach. يمتدّ الشاطئ على جزيرة "وايت" أكثر من 100 كيلومتر. • beach (wash up onto beach) يُجرف إلى الشاطئ The whale beached on the Cornish shore. جُرف الحوت إلى شاطئ مقاطعة كورنوول. • beach ball كرة الشاطئ The children were playing with a beach ball. • beach house n (seaside chalet) منزل على الشاطئ She invited me to spend a week at her beach house. لقد دعتني لقضاء أسبوع في منزلها على الشاطىء. • beach towel n (towel used at beach) فوطة الشاطئ I lay down on my beach towel and soaked in the sun. • beach umbrella n (parasol) مظلة شاطئ I forgot to wear sunscreen, but at least I remembered my beach umbrella. • beach-front adj (on or at the edge of a beach) على حافة الشاطئ، على الشاطىء مباشرة They charge a high rent because it's a beach-front property. إنهم يطلبوا إيجار عالي لأن المنزل على الشاطىء مباشرة. • beach chair n (deck chair, foldout chair) كرسي شاطيء I unfolded my beachchair but it collapsed when I sat on it. • beach buggy n (vehicle used on sand) عربة شواطيء It was my first time driving a dune buggy out in the desert.

Modeling yourself on someone you admire is not the same as ___ all they say or do. تصميم نفسك على شخص تعجبك ليس مثل نسخ كل ما يقوله أو يفعله.

ape verb (COPY) قلد imitate, mimic, simulate to copy something or someone Because of snob appeal, high-priced American clothing stores ape British usage and call suspenders "braces."

"Brittany never apologizes ___ her behavior." "بريتني لا تعتذر أبدا عن سلوكها. " Preposition

apologize for

ولعها للمغامرة ولعها الجنسي غير المشبع لقد قرأت مقتطفات من الكتاب على الويب ، وشحذ شهيتي (= زاد اهتمامي به) her ___ ___ adventure his ___ ___ ___ I've read an excerpt of the book on the Web and it's ___ my appetite (= increased my interest in it).

appetite for insatiable sexual appetite whetted appetite noun (NEED) C2 the feeling of wanting or needing something: 1- appetite n (desire for food) شهية The new medication caused Harriet to lose her appetite. 2- appetite for [sth] (desire) (مجازي) ولع مولع بـ نهم Frank has an appetite for luxury cars and stereo equipment. فرانك مولعٌ بالسيارات الحديثة وتجهيزات الصوت المتقدمة. • lack of appetite n (absence of desire for food) فقدان الشهية I often suffer from a lack of appetite when the weather is very hot. Lack of appetite is a sign that your dog is sick

لا ترمي لب التفاح على الأرض! Don't throw your ___ ___ on the floor!

apple core core noun (CENTRE) C2 the hard central part of some fruits, such as apples, that contains the seeds core n (center of a fruit) لب لبّ الإجاص خيطيّ وقاسٍ. The core of a pear is stringy and tough

"كان نهج البروفيسور سميث في التجربة مبتكرا بشكل لا يصدق." "Professor Smith's approach ___ the experiment was incredibly innovative." Preposition

approach to

What are the Participles ?

are words formed from verbs that can function as adjectives or gerunds or can be used to form the continuous tenses and the perfect tenses of verbs. There are two participle forms: the present participle and the past participle.

• "The project was successful ___ you all worked very hard." •"كان المشروع ناجحاً لأنكم جميعاً عملوا بجد."

as We use as, because, and since interchangeably to state the cause of something. • "The project was successful because you all worked very hard." • "The project was successful since you all worked very hard." as is a bit more formal in tone than because or since

• "I will buy you a pizza ___ you help me move my furniture." (I will only buy you a pizza if you help me.) سأشتري لك بيتزا طالما / شريطة أن تساعدني في نقل أثاثي.

as long as/provided As long as, provided, provided that, and providing all mean the same as if, but they emphasize the requirement of the conditional action. We can use them interchangeably

Variable rate loans, ___ ___ ___ , have a variable interest rate. القروض ذات المعدلالمتغير ، كما يوحي الاسم ، لها سعرفائده متغير.

as something implies used to show that the name, etc. of something tells you something about it as the name implies يوحي //تنطوي/ يعني ضمنا verb to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly

لقد ظل يصرخ في وجهي، على الرغم من أنني اعتذرت". "He just kept shouting ___ me, even though I had apologized." Preposition

at When you shout to someone, you raise your voice to ensure that he or she can hear you. If, on the other hand, you shout at someone, you raise your voice because you are angry with him or her

"There's always a point ___ which trying to reason with him becomes futile." "هناك دائمًا نقطة تصبح فيها محاولة التفكير معه غير مجدية". Preposition

at Often, we use the preposition in conjunction with "which

"This is the age ___ which you are eligible for military service." "هذا هو العمر الذي تكون فيه مؤهلاً للخدمة العسكرية." Preposition

at Often, we use the preposition in conjunction with "which

"أنت الشخص الذي سرق حقيبتي!" صرخت ، مشيرةً إلى اللص. " "' You're the one who stole my bag!' she shouted, pointing ___ the thief." Preposition

at You can point to or at a person as well as an object If we point at someone or something, we draw attention to that specific person or thing Sometimes the difference between the two is very subtle, and we can use either preposition with little to no change in meaning. "He pointed at/to his watch and said, 'I must go. It's very late.'"

"Wear your seatbelt ___ ___ ___ ." "ارتداء حزام الأمان الخاص بك في جميع الأوقات." Prepositional idiom

at all times always

"She is the only one ___ ___ ." "إنها الوحيدة على خطأ." Prepositional idiom

at fault responsible for something bad; culpable

"___ ___ , she attempted to speak to everyone individually." "فيالبداية،حاولت التحدث إلى الجميع بشكل فردي." Prepositional idiom

at first in the beginning; initially

"Always keep your passwords close ___ ___ ." "احتفظ دائمًا بكلمات المرور الخاصة بك في متناول اليد." Prepositional idiom

at hand near in space or time

إن نقص التمويل الحكومي هو جوهر المشكلة. اليمينيون المتشددون ويمثل جوهر الحركة. The lack of government funding is ___ ___ ___ . Hardline right-wingers ___ ___ ___ .

at the core of the problem form the core of the movement core noun (IMPORTANT PART) C2 the basic and most important part of something • core n (essential part) جوهر تعذر إيجاد حل لجوهر المشكلة، فبقي الجانبان في حالة حرب. The core of the problem remains unsolved, and the two sides continue to be at war. • core n as adj (central) أساسي يريدون توسيع أعمالهم دون أن يخسروا زبائنهم الأساسيين. They want to broaden their business without losing their core customers

• "I'm ___ ___ his behavior." "أنا مصدومة من / من سلوكه." Preposition

at/by Most adjectives that take the preposition at can also take the preposition by. When combined with adjectives, these prepositions illustrate causes for specific reactions or emotional responses. By can be used in place of at only because these sentences require passive voice

"البعض ينظر\يعتبر القانون الجديد على أنه اعتداء على حقوقنا". "Some view the new law as an attack ___ our rights." Preposition

attack on view 1- C2 يعتبر ينظر to have a particular opinion or way of thinking about someone or something: · A reporter asked the minister how he viewed recent events. · She is viewed as a strong candidate for the job. · We view these latest developments with concern/suspicion/satisfaction. · If we view the problem from a different angle, a solution may become more obvious. 2- view verb (SEE) C2 يتفرج to watch something: There's a special area at the airport where you can view aircraft taking off and landing. Viewing figures (= the number of people watching) (= ) for the show were very low.

• I think she found him physically quite ___ but a bit shallow. أعتقد أنها وجدت له جسديا جذابة جدا ولكن قليلا الضحلة.


القدرة التنظيمية هي سمه أساسيه لمدير جيد . Organizational ability is an essential ___ for a good manager.

attribute noun C2 ميزة/ صفة مميزة feature, advantage, merit, characteristic, quality, attribute a quality or characteristic that someone or something has: الثقة بالنفس سمه نادره في عمر 17 عاما. Self-confidence is a rare attribute in a 17-year-old. لديها الخصائص الفيزيائية لتصبح سباح البطولة. She has the physical attributes to become a championship swimmer

ويمكن ان يعزي نجاحها إلى ثلاثه عوامل رئيسيه. Her success can be ___ to three main factors.

attributed Verb attribute sth to sth (ascribe) يعزو شيئًا إلى شيء To what do you attribute your early success as a singer? إلامَ تعزو نجاحكَ المبكر كمغنٍّ؟ to say or think that something is the result of a particular thing:

منذ فترة طويلة نسبت هذه الفكرة إلى كينز ، لكنه في الحقيقة لم يكن أول من فكر بها. This idea has long been ___ to Keynes, but in fact he was not the first to think of it.

attributed Verb attribute sth to sth ينسب ascribed , credit to (ascribe) يعزو شيئًا إلى شيء To what do you attribute your early success as a singer? إلامَ تعزو نجاحكَ المبكر كمغنٍّ؟ to say or think that something is the result of a particular thing:

"Get ____ the fire before you get burned." Preposition

away from movement farther from something

1. A complex-compound sentence requires at least one of which of the following? a) independent clause b) dependent clause c) coordinating conjunction d) semicolon


1. Participle phrases have the function of in a sentence. a) verbs b) adjectives c) adverbs d) nouns


1. What types of nouns are used as appositives without any modifiers? a) Common nouns b) Proper nouns c) Compound nouns d) Abstract nouns


1. Which of the following do relative clauses describe? a) verbs b) nouns c) adjectives d) adverbs


1. Which of the following verbs will not take a gerund as its object? a) deny b) neglect c) recommend d) love


2. Adjective complements usually occur with: a) attributive adjectives b) predicative adjectives c) demonstrative adjectives d) interrogative adjectives


2. True or false: All gerunds can be replaced by infinitives when they function as the objects of verbs. a) true b) false


2. Where does an indirect object usually appear in a sentence? a) Directly before its verb b) Between its verb and the direct object c) Directly after the direct object d) Anywhere


2. Which of the following sentences contains a prepositional verb? a) "I would be honored to give a speech." b) "He forgot about daylight saving time." c) "She had an allergic reaction to peanut butter." d) "Mitch has an obsession with comic books."


3. Which of the following modal verbs is most commonly used to create conditional sentences? a) can b) will c) do d) be


4. Identify the appositive in the following sentence: "Ask your sister Mary if she'd like to come to a movie on Saturday." a) sister b) Mary c) she d) a movie


5. Appositive phrases are most commonly . a) Restrictive b) Non-restrictive


True or False: Infinitives and gerunds are always interchangeable as direct objects of verbs. True False


Which auxiliary verb can we use when we express a desire about someone else's behavior in the subjunctive mood? will would could should


"Many students are ___ ___ due to the expense of higher education." "العديد من الطلاب مدينون بسبب نفقات التعليم العالي". Prepositional idiom

in debt owing money

لقد نفخت الغبار من الكتب I ___ the dust off the books.

blew off to force air out through your mouth يَنْفُخ I blew on my coffee to cool it. أتمنى ان لا تنفخي الدخان في وجهي I wish you wouldn't blow smoke in my face We brought in the birthday cake and watched Lisa blow out the candles blow noun (AIR) [ C usually singular ] an act of blowing: a blow on the trumpet It took him three blows to get all the candles out.

سوء السلوك سلوك ممتاز السلوك المشين النادي لديه قواعد سلوك صارمة.

bad conduct excellent conduct disgraceful conduct The club has a strict code of conduct. conduct noun conduct noun (BEHAVIOUR) 1. conduct n (Behaviour) سلوك، تصرف Your conduct is not acceptable. سلوكك هذا غير مقبول.

تستند الرواية أو الفيلم إلى قصة حقيقية. يتناول الكتاب / الفيلم موضوعًا. مشاهد الافتتاحية / الختامية لفيلم وفصول الافتتاحية / الختامية لكتاب. نتحدث عن بداية ونهاية كتاب / فيلم .إذا كان كل شيء يسير بشكل جيد للشخصيات الرئيسيه ، فإننا نقول أن الكتاب / الفيلم له نهاية سعيدة. قد توصي بكتاب / فيلم استمتعت به لصديق. إذا كان الكثير من الناس قد استمتعوا به، فانه موصى به بشدّة. a novel or film is___ ___ ___ . the ___ ___ ___ ___ a topic. ___ ___ ___ ___ of a film and the ___ ___ ___ ___ of a book. We talk about the ___ and ___ ___ ___ (NOT start and finish). If everything works out well for the___ ___ , we say that the book/film___ ___ ___ . You may ___ ___ ___ that you enjoyed to a friend. If a lot of people have enjoyed it, it is___ ___ ___ .

based on a true story book/film deals with opening/closing scenes opening/closing chapters beginning end of a book/film main characters has a happy ending recommend a book/film highly recommended

إنها تحمل تشابهًا لافتًا لأمها. هناك تناقض لافت بين ما يفعله وما يقول إنه يفعله. تعد المكتبة مثالًا رائعًا على الهندسة المعمارية الحديثة. هناك أوجه تشابه لافتة بين الحالتين. كان إنتاجهم من ماكبث هو الأداء الأكثر لفتا للنظر من أي وقت مضى She ___ ___ ___ to her mother. There's a___ between what he does and what he says he does. The library is a___ ___ of modern architecture. There are___ ___ between the two cases. Their production of Macbeth was the most ___ ___ ___ I've ever seen

bears a striking resemblance striking contrast striking example striking similarities visually striking performance Striking adjective B2 1- striking adj (remarkable, unusual) لافت للنظر The daughter's similarity to her mother was striking. كان شبه الفتاة بأمها لافتًا للنظر. 2- striking adj (impressive, noticeable) أخّاذ، رائع، مذهل Adele's striking beauty made men fall at her feet. كان جمال أديل الأخّاذ يجعل الرجال يرتمون عند قدميها. more attractive than usual: He's good-looking, but he's not as striking as his brother إنه ذو مظهر جيد ، لكنه ليس ملفت للنظر مثل أخيه

لقد رأيت سيارتهم هذا الصباح ولكن لم أستطع تحديد من كان يقود السيارة I saw their car this morning but couldn't make out who was___ ___ ___ .

behind the wheel We use behind the wheel to mean 'be the driver' (NB in this expression, wheel refers to the steering wheel):

"It is not uncommon to have a belief ___ a higher power." "ليس من غير المألوف أن نؤمن بقوة أعلى". Preposition

belief in

"The majority of children ___ ___ Santa Claus." "غالبية الأطفال يؤمنون بسانتا كلوز" Preposition

believe in

"The wallet belongs to that woman over there." "المحفظة تخص تلك المرأة هناك" Preposition

belong to To is commonly used with verbs and usually refers to direction (literal or metaphorical) or connections between people or things

"To make a sandwich, simply put something ___ two slices of bread." Prepositions

between something in the middle of two people or things

لم استمرت جانيت مع زوجها الخائن شيء غير مفهوم. Why Janet stayed with her cheating husband is ___ ___ -___ ___

beyond all understanding. • beyond all understanding adj (incomprehensible) يصعب فهمه، غير مفهوم، مبهم • beyond understanding adj (impossible to understand) يصعب فهمه Quantum theory was beyond Simon's understanding

كان هناك حمل زائد علي الدائرة الكهربائية والفتيل انفجر. There was an overload on the electrical circuit and the fuse___ .

blew If an electrical fuse blows, or if something electrical blows a fuse, the device it is in stops working because it is receiving too much electricity. مجفف شعري توقف عن العمل-اعتقد ان الفتيل قد انفجر My hairdrier's stopped working - I think the fuse has blown

عزفت آن بعض النوتات على البوق. Ann ___ a few notes on the trumpet.

blew to make a sound by forcing air out of your mouth and through a musical instrument يَنْفُخ He scored the winning goal just before the whistle blew The referee blew his whistle for half-time

"The boy ___ ___ when he realized he'd failed the exam." "انهار الولد عندما أدرك أنه فشل في الامتحان." Prepositional idiom

broke down "break down" has two unrelated meanings: to stop functioning due to a mechanical failure, or to start crying or become overwhelmingly emotional (about something)

عندما حصلت علي المال , انفقت كله في ليله خارج When I got paid I ___ it all on a night out.

blew on blow verb (SPEND) informal to spend a large amount of money, especially on things that are not really necessary لقد انفقت أول راتب لي في ليله مع أصدقائي I blew my first paycheck on a night out with my friends. BUSINESS to spend a lot of money on something that is not important or effective: Central Bank blew $900m of foreign-exchange reserves in the first two weeks of October alone.

عندما خرجت ، كان المطر يتدفق وأحدهم سد علي الطريق. وبعد ذلك ، أدركت أن عابر السبيل قد أخذ سترتي الواقية من المطر من المقعد الخلفي! When I came out, the rain was pelting down and someone had___ ___ ___ . Then to cap it all, I realized the hitchhiker had taken my waterproof jacket from the back seat!

blocked me in to put a vehicle so close to another vehicle that it cannot drive away: Another car had parked behind me and blocked me in

اتصل بي في اي وقت تحتاج للتنفيس عن نفسك Call me any time you need to ___ ___ some ___ .

blow off steam to do or say something that helps you to get rid of strong feelings or energy للقيام أو يقول شيئا ان يساعدك علي التخلص من مشاعر قويه أو الطاقة (release energy) ينفّس طاقته There was a play area where the kids could let off steam.

وقرر الموظف ان يبلغ عن صاحب عمله بشان المعاملات غير القانونية. The employee decided to ___ ___ ___ on his employer for the illegal transactions.

blow the whistle (on sb/sth) to tell someone in authority about something harmful or illegal that someone is doing (tell the truth about [sth]) يقول الحقيقة لو ان اثنين من موظفي الشركة لم يبلغو, لما أصبحت الفضيحة معروفه أبدا If two of the firm's employees hadn't blown the whistle, the scandal would never have become known.

خسارة وظيفته كانت ضربه قاسيه لثقته Losing his job was a severe ___ to his confidence.

blow to noun (BAD EVENT) C2 كارثة disaster, catastrophe, plague, blow مصيبة calamity, disaster, misfortune, catastrophe, blow an unexpected event that has a damaging effect on someone or something وجاءت وفاتها بمثابه ضربه رهيبه لوالديها. Her death came as a terrible blow to her parents. وجاءت الانباء علي انها ضربه ساحقه. The news came as a crushing blow. لقد فقد وظيفته لكن الأموال الفائضة ستخفف الضربة He's lost his job, but the redundancy money will cushion the blow. وقد وجهت أحدث الأرقام التجارية ضربه قاصمه لأمال الانتعاش الاقتصادي المبكر. The latest trade figures have dealt a severe blow to hopes of an early economic recovery. وجاءت الاخبار ضربه صادمه. The news came as a shocking blow. وقد أحدثت استطلاعات الراي الاخيره ضربه قاصمه للحزب. The latest opinion polls have administered a severe blow to the party.

ضربه حاده علي المعدة a sharp ___ to the stomach

blow to noun (HIT) C2 ضربة blow, strike, beating, stroke, shot, bang,hit a hard hit with a hand or a weapon The blow caught him on the bridge of his nose. لقد زرع ضربه علي فك خصمه He planted a blow on his opponent's jaw. قالت الشرطة إن الضربة التي وجهت إلى رأسها هي التي قتلتها. The police said that it was the blow that had been delivered to her head that had killed her. من الضربة على رأسه ، نهض ببطء شديد. شعر مشوش الذهن Feeling muzzy from the blow on his head, he got up very slowly. ماتت بعد ان تلقت ضربه علي راسها She died after receiving a blow to the head

الحفلة كانت جيده جدا لقد ادهشني The concert was so good, it ___ ___ ___ .

blow your mind (astound [sb]) يُدهش، يندهش Slang to find something very exciting and unusual When I heard about the revolutionary new cancer treatment, it blew my mind. Wait until you see the final scene of the movie--it's going to blow your mind!

كما جرت العادة الاخبار التلفزيونية تضخم القضية- هناك حقا لا شيء يدعو للقلق. As usual the TV news is ___ the issue ___ ___ ___ ___ - there's really nothing to worry about.

blowing blow something out of proportion (overdramatize) يبالغ، يضخم to make something seem more important or serious than it really is Sure, it seems like a lot of snow, but don't blow it out of proportion -- we usually have several inches in April. إنه يبدو كأن هناك كميات كبيرة من الثلج ولكن لا تبالغ فمن المعتاد أن يكون هناك عدة إنشات من الثلج في شهر ابريل.

كانت الرياح تهب بقوة كل دقيقة. The wind was ___ ___ every minute.

blowing harder تهب blew | blown blow verb (SEND OUT AIR) to move and make currents of air, or to be moved or make something move on a current of air الرسالة طارت وكان علي ان اركض بعدها The letter blew away and I had to run after it. A gale-force wind had blown the fence down. واقتلعت العاصفة الأشجار وأوقعت الاسوار. (wind: knock over) (الريح) يُوقع، يقلب واقتلعت العاصفة الأشجار وأوقعت الاسوار. The storm uprooted trees and blew fences down. Strong winds blew the ship ashore. كانت الرياح الخفيفة تهب. A light wind was blowing. (wind: knock over) (الريح) يُوقع، يقلب The wind blew over a garbage can (= pushed it down on its side).

كانت هناك صورة في الصحيفة لرجل تم تفجير ساقه. There was a picture in the paper of a man whose leg had been ___ off.

blown verb (DESTROY) to cause something to be destroyed by a bomb, technical failure, etc. The car was blown to bits. So many films nowadays involve everything being blown to smithereens فجر الانفجار المبنى في السماء. The explosion blew the building sky-high. blow sth sky-high to seriously damage something by making it explode

وقد تم تفجير سيارته إلى أشلاء. His car had been ___ to pieces.

blown verb (DESTROY) to cause something to be destroyed by a bomb, technical failure, etc. The car was blown to bits. So many films nowadays involve everything being blown to smithereens. The gas explosion blew a huge hole in the ground. The explosion from the gas leak blew all the windows out.

أعرف أن الأسبوع القادم رحلة عمل ، لكن يجب عليك القيام ببعض المعالم السياحية أيضًا. أقترح أن نأخذ رحلة ليوم واحد إلى كاخاماركا. انها حوالي ساعتين بالسيارة، ويمكن أن نأخذ رحلة بالقارب إلى الجزيرة وتناول الغداء هناك. نتطلع إلى رؤيتكم. رحلة آمنة. I know next week is a___ ___ , but you must do some sightseeing too. I suggest we take a ___ ___ to Cajamarca. It's about two hours by car, and we can take a ___ ___ to the island and have lunch there. Looking forward to seeing you.___ ___ .

business trip day trip boat trip Safe journey(said to someone who is about to make a journey)

"You must wake up ___ six o'clock tomorrow morning." Prepositions

by a specific point in the future before which an event must be completed

"I'm going to improve my health ___ ___ six miles every night." "سأحسن حالتي الصحية بالجري ستة أميال كل ليلة." Preposition

by running Gerunds are used as the objects of prepositions to describe an action that modifies another action, thus creating adverbial prepositional phrases. These can occur at the beginning, middle, or end of the sentence

2. Identify the dependent clause or clauses in the following sentence: "I'm going to see Shawna at the mall later; you can come with me, though I know you two don't get along." a) I'm going to see Shawna at the mall later b) you can come with me c) though I know you two don't get along d) A & B e) B & C f) A & C


2. Which of the following correctly completes this sentence using the third conditional? "If I had been earlier, " a) I would miss the train. b) I missed the train. c) I would not have missed the train. d) I would not be missing the train.


3. Choose the most correct relative pronoun or relative adverb to complete the following sentence: "The company, was acknowledged for its outstanding environmental efforts, more than doubled its profits over the past year." a) who b) whom c) which d) that


3. Identify the appositive in the following sentence: "Because of the recession, my son, a software engineer, had to move home when he lost his job." a) Because of the recession b) my son c) a software engineer d) had to move home


4. Which of the following sentences is correct? a) "Dr. Donnelly is excited for conduct the experiment." b) "Dr. Donnelly is excited with conduct the experiment." c) "Dr. Donnelly is excited about conduct the experiment." d) "Dr. Donnelly is excited to conduct the experiment."


4. Which of the following sentences uses an incorrect preposition? a) "He insisted on doing everything himself." b) "Haggis consists of meat, onions, oatmeal, and spices." c) "Consult a doctor if you suffer with bronchitis." d) "I don't really care for chocolate."


Which of the following sentences does not use a gerund? "His love of eating is going to lead to serious health problems." "One of the best things about spring is smelling all the flowers." "They had been driving for hours before they found a hotel." "We began shouting at the top of our lungs for the bus to stop."


"مهارات الكمبيوتر مطلوبة حقًا هذه الأيام." "Computer skills are really ___ ___ these days." Prepositional idiom

in demand desired; wanted; sought after (usually skills or products) in demand adj (popular, wanted, sought after) مطلوب، مرغوب Cheap accommodation is always in demand here.

إنه يأمل في الحصول على وظيفة في قوة الشرطة إنه يأمل في الحصول على وظيفة كضابط شرطة. عندما يتقاعد سيكون قادرًا على ان يتذكر مهنة رائعة He's hoping for a___ ___ the police force He's hoping for a ___ ___ a police officer. When he retires, he will be able to look back over a ___ ___

career in career as brilliant career career n (profession) مهنة Many children want a career as a doctor. عندما يُسأل الأطفال عن المهنة التي يريدونها حين يكبرون، كثيرون يجيبون الطبيب. career n (progress in work) سيرة مهنية Martin had a long career at the company. كانت لمارتن سيرة مهنية طويلة في الشركة.

فرص عمل الآفاق المهنية لقد توليت هذا المنصب الجديد لأنني شعرت أن مستقبل المهنة كانت أفضل بكثير.

career opportunities career prospects I took this new job because I felt that the career prospects were much better. career n (profession) مهنة Many children want a career as a doctor. عندما يُسأل الأطفال عن المهنة التي يريدونها حين يكبرون، كثيرون يجيبون الطبيب. career n (progress in work) سيرة مهنية Martin had a long career at the company. كانت لمارتن سيرة مهنية طويلة في الشركة.

stress verb (EMPHASIZE) إنه حريص على التأكيد على أن معايير السلامة في المختبر هي الأفضل في البلاد. أود فقط التأكيد على أهمية الأناقة والادب في هذه الوظيفة. He is ___ ___ ___ that the laboratory's safety standards are the best in the country. I'd just like to ___ ___ ___ neatness and politeness in this job. .

careful to stress stress the importance of • stress sth (emphasize) يؤكد على شيء، يشدد على شيء We stressed our desire to hire a manager with a lot of experience. أكدنا على رغبتنا في تعيين مدير ذي خبرة طويلة. B2 to give emphasis or special importance to something: [ + (that) ]

A: Charlie's found it hard to accept psychologically the fact that he's now divorced. B: Yes, he's found it hard ___ ___ with his new situation. A: Parker's problem is he can't laugh when people play jokes on him. B: No, it's true. He just can't ___ ___ can he? A: Well, Sara's behaviour last night certainly showed the truth about her. B: Yes, it certainly___ ___ ___ .

come to terms with يتقبل Take a joke يتحمل مزاحا Revealed her true character كشف عن حقيقته

"Students must discuss their proposals ___ ___ with their advisers." يجب على الطلاب مناقشة مقترحاتهم بتعمق مع مستشاريهم". Prepositional idiom

in depth thoroughly; comprehensively

تمكنت من الإمساك بالزجاج قبل ان يضرب الأرض I managed to ___ the glass before it hit the ground.

catch verb (TAKE HOLD) to take hold of something, especially something that is moving through the air للسيطرة على شيء ، وخاصة شيء يتحرك في الهواء We saw the eagle swoop from the sky to catch its prey. رأينا النسر ينقلب من السماء ليلتقط فريسته. Our dog ran past me and out of the house before I could catch it. He caught hold of my arm. We placed saucepans on the floor to catch (= collect) the drops of water coming through the roof. • Jenny stood with her feet slightly apart, ready to catch the ball. • He caught the rope and knotted it around a post. • She caught the ball in mid-air. • He caught me at the precise moment that I fainted. • She bought a net to catch butterflies. قذفته مفاتيح السيارة وصاح ، "امسك!" She tossed him the car keys and yelled, "Catch!" تسلل إلى أرض المعارض دون أن يدفع ، وأمل ألا يقبض عليه أحد. He sneaked into the fairgrounds without paying and hoped nobody would catch him.

إذا تم اكتشاف الفيروس في الوقت المناسب ، يمكن علاج معظم المرضى بنجاح. If the virus is ___ (= discovered) in time, most patients can be successfully treated.

catch verb (NOTICE) to discover, see, or realize something, especially someone doing something wrong لاكتشاف أو رؤيةأو تحقيق شيء ما ، وخصوصا شخص ما يفعل شيئا خاطئا :

ذهبت إلى المنزل في وقت مبكر للخاق علي بداية البرنامج I went home early to ___ the beginning of the programme

catch verb (BE IN TIME) to manage to be in time to see or do something: You'll have to run if you want to catch the post (= send a letter before the post has been collected)

كانت تشعر بالقلق من وصولها متأخراً جداً للحاق آخر حافلة في المنزل. She was worried that she'd arrive too late to ___ the last bus home.

catch verb (TRAVEL) to travel or be able to travel on an aircraft, train, bus, etc. He always catches the 10.30 a.m. train to work

• هل يمكن لشخص ما اللحاق بي علي آخر التطورات ؟ • Can someone ___ ___ ___ on the latest developments?

catch me up catch sb up on sth to give someone the latest news or information about something

• كنا نضايقه ، لكنه كان بطيئًا في فهم أننا نمزح. • We were teasing Jim, but he was slow to ___ ___ that we were joking.

catch on (UNDERSTAND) • الناس الأصغر سنا فهم على الفور. إن كبار السن هم الذين يحتاجون إلى الاقتناع. • Younger people catch on right away. It is older people that need to be convinced

• لماذا الأداة الإلكترونية أصبحت ذات شعبية كبيرة بسرعة؟ • Why did the electronic gadget ___ ___ so fast?

catch on (BECOME POPULAR) to become fashionable or popula اخترع نوع من خوذة الواقع الافتراضي، لكنه لم تصبح شعبية. • He invented a type of virtual reality helmet, but it never caught on. أصبح التداول عبر الإنترنت بطيئًا ليصبح شائعًا في هذا الجزء من البلاد. • Online trading has been slow to catch on in this part of the country

لقد امسك بها وهو يقرا رسائل محبته القديمة He caught her___ his old love letters.

catch reading [ + -ing verb ] verb (NOTICE) to discover, see, or realize something, especially someone doing something wrong لاكتشاف أو رؤيةأو تحقيق شيء ما ، وخصوصا شخص ما يفعل شيئا خاطئا :

لفتت سفينة في البحر انتباهه. A ship out at sea ___ his attention.

catch sb's attention, imagination, interest to make someone notice something and feel interested: • Her pictures caught my imagination

حاولت أن ألتقط عين النادل ، حتى نتمكن من الطلب. I tried to ___ ___ ___ ___ , so we could order.

catch the waiter's eye catch sb's eye to get someone's attention, especially by looking at them حركه مفاجئه لفتت انتباهي A sudden movement caught my eye. to be attractive or different enough to be noticed by someone كان اللون غير العادي من سترته هو الذي لفت انتباهي. It was the unusual color of his jacket that caught my eye I was looking around the store for a present for my mom, and this book caught my eye

• لأسباب غير معروفة بعد ، اشتعلت النيران في المصنع في وقت متأخر من مساء أمس. For reasons which are not yet known, the factory ___ ___ late yesterday evening.

caught fire catch verb (BURN) to begin to burn catch fire B1 to start burning

تم القبض على رجلين مسلحين وهما يحاولان عبور الحدود ليلاً. Two armed men were ___ ___ to cross the frontier at night.

caught trying Catch [ + -ing verb ] verb (STOP ESCAPING) to find and stop a person or animal that is trying to escape تم ممارسة ضغوط كبيرة على الشرطة للقبض على الإرهابيين في أقرب وقت ممكن. Great pressure was put on the police to catch the terrorists as soon as possible. كانوا سعداء لأنهم اصطادوا الكثير من الأسماك في ذلك اليوم. They were happy because they had caught a lot of fish that day. figurative I can see you're busy right now, so I'll catch you (= speak to you) later.

تباطأ النمو الاقتصادي إلى حد كبير بسبب ارتفاع أسعار الطاقة المستمر الذي يلقي بظلاله على التوقعات بالنسبة للاقتصاد العالمي Economic growth has slowed considerably as soaring energy prices continue to ___ ___ ___ for the world economy.

cloud the outlook the outlook for sth the outlook is/remains bleak/bright/uncertain, etc. This year's economic outlook remains uncertain. noun C1 [ S ] (FUTURE SITUATION) the likely future situation: 1- (mental attitude ,OPINION) نظرة، موقف Philip has a very positive outlook on life. لدى فيليب نظرة إيجابية جدًّا إلى الحياة. 2- (probable future) توقعات The current political outlook is worrying. التوقعات السياسية الحالية مثيرة للقلق. 3- (economic prospects) (اقتصادية) توقعات The country's economic outlook is improving. تشهد التوقعات الاقتصادية تحسنًا في البلد 4- (view) منظر، إطلالة The outlook from the balcony is stunning.

لقد وجد نيك صعوبة في تقبل مرضه. Nick has found it hard to ___ ___ ___ ___ his illness.

come to terms with يتقبّل شيئًا = accept something psychologically C2 • come to terms with [sth] (accept) يتقبّل شيئًا • to learn to understand and accept something: بذل القليل من الجهد لتقبل منتقديه. He made little effort to come to terms with his critics. • to gradually accept a sad situation, often the death of someone you love: اعتقد انه ما زال يتقبل موت زوجته I think he's still coming to terms with the death of his wife

استغرق الأمر عدة ساعات من المناقشة قبل أن يتمكنوا من التوصل إلى تفاهم. It took several hours of discussion before they could ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ .

come to/reach an understanding • understanding n (agreement) تفاهم The two nations reached an understanding on oil transport. توصلت الدولتان إلى تفاهم حول نقل النفط. • understanding noun (AGREEMENT) C1 [ C ] an informal agreement between people

"Scientists are trying to ___ ___ ___ a solution to climate change." "يحاول العلماء التوصل إلى حل لتغير المناخ". Prepositional idiom

come up with to think of, suggest, or develop (an idea)

"The boy ___ ___ his early curfew." "شكا الولد من حظر التجول المبكر". Preposition

complain about

كتب عن كل موضوع يمكن تصوره مصطفه على جدار واحد يمكن تخيل أن المستشفى قد ارتكب خط Books on every ___ subject lined on one wall. It's just ___ that the hospital made a mistake.أ.

conceivable it is just conceivable that.... (= possible although difficult to imagine) Synonym imaginable possible to imagine or to believe ممكن تصوره, ممكن, ممكن تخيله conceivable adj(possible to imagine)من الممكن، من الوارد It's conceivable that we'll run out of food next week.

"He's trying to ___ ___ his work." واضاف "انه يحاول التركيز على عمله". "I'm too tired to ___ ___ this assignment." "أنا متعب جدا للتركيز على هذه المهمة." Preposition

concentrate on, focus on

نحن نجري استطلاعًا لمعرفة ماذا يعتقد عملائنا عن خدمة الحافلات المحلية. كيف تختار ان تدير حياتك الخاصة هو شأنك الخاص! قالت إنها لا تريد محاميًا وستقوم بالدفاع عن نفسها. We are ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ what our customers think of their local bus service. How you choose to___ ___ ___ is your own business! She said that she didn't want a lawyer and was going to___ ___ ___ .

conducting a survey to find out conduct your private life conduct her own defence conduct verb (ORGANIZE) B2 to organize and perform a particular activity 3. conduct (carry out, perform [sth]) يُجري أجرى الموقع على الإنترنت دراسة استقصائية حول مالكي السيارات. The website conducted a survey of car owners. 4. conduct (manage, direct) يدير يدير أعماله بكفاءة تامة. He conducted his business efficiently

رأى المسرح كوسيلة لإجبار الناس على يأخذوا بنظر الاعتبار القضايا الاجتماعية والسياسية. He saw the theatre as a way of forcing people to___ ___ ___ ___ .

consider social and political issues consider verb (SUBJECT/FACT) [ + question word ] C1 [ T ] to give attention to a particular subject or fact when judging something else: • consider (take into account) يأخذ بعين الاعتبار هل أخذت بعين الاعتبار عواقب هذا القرار على المدى البعيد؟ Have you considered the long-term consequences of this decision? • consider (with a noun: judge) يعتبر شخصًا شيئًا تُعتبر شاني طالبة مجتهدة. Shani is considered a good student. أعتبر أن تصرفي في ذلك اليوم كان خطأ I consider my actions that day to be a mistake. Many . كثيرون يعتبرون "قداس الموت" أروع ما ألفه موزارت. consider Mozart's "Requiem" to be his masterpiece. • Consider (with an adjective: judge) يعتبر شخصًا/شيئًا شيئًا كثيرون اليوم يعتبرون العقاب البدني خطأ Many people today consider corporal punishment to be wrong

لا تتخذ أي قرارات قبل أن تفكر في الموقف. هل فكرت فيما ستفعله إذا لم تحصل على الوظيفة؟ Don't make any decisions before you've___ ___ ___ . ___ ___ ___ ___ you'll do if you don't get the job?

considered the situation Have you considered what consider verb (POSSIBILITY) B1 to spend time thinking about a possibility or making a decision: [ + question word ] [ + -ing verb ] • consider (take into account) يأخذ بعين الاعتبار هل أخذت بعين الاعتبار عواقب هذا القرار على المدى البعيد؟ Have you considered the long-term consequences of this decision? • consider (reflect on) يفكر في شيء فكر في تداعيات هذا الاكتشاف! Consider the implications of that discovery! • consider doing (think about doing [sth]) يفكر في شيء يفكر هنري في مزاولة رياضة. Henry is considering taking up a sport

نحن نفكر في بيع المنزل. انها تم التفكير فيها لهذا المنصب. أود بعض الوقت للنظر قبل اتخاذ قرار. We're ___ ___ the house. She's being ___ ___ the job. I'd like some time to consider before I make a decision.

considering selling considered for consider verb (POSSIBILITY) B1 to spend time thinking about a possibility or making a decision: [ + question word ] [ + -ing verb ] • consider (reflect on) يفكر في شيء فكر في تداعيات هذا الاكتشاف! Consider the implications of that discovery! • consider doing (think about doing [sth]) يفكر في شيء يفكر هنري في مزاولة رياضة. Henry is considering taking up a sport

"Pizza ___ ___ bread, cheese, and tomato sauce." "البيتزا تتكون من الخبز والجبن وصلصة الطماطم. " Preposition

consist of

الأنشطة الأساسية عمليات الأساسية المنتجات الاساسية الخدمات الأساسية إنهم يخفضون إنتاج بعض منتجاتهم الأساسية.

core activities operations core products core services They are cutting back production of some of their core products. core noun (IMPORTANT PART) C2 the basic and most important part of something • core n (essential part) جوهر تعذر إيجاد حل لجوهر المشكلة، فبقي الجانبان في حالة حرب. The core of the problem remains unsolved, and the two sides continue to be at war. • core n as adj (central) أساسي يريدون توسيع أعمالهم دون أن يخسروا زبائنهم الأساسيين. They want to broaden their business without losing their core customers

ستركز مفاوضات الوضع النهائي على القضايا الأساسية لعملية السلام. صلب العمل العمليات الأساسية الأنشطة الأساسية The final status negotiations would focus on ___ ___ ___ ___

core business core operations core activities the core issues of the peace process. core noun (IMPORTANT PART) C2 the basic and most important part of something • core n (essential part) جوهر تعذر إيجاد حل لجوهر المشكلة، فبقي الجانبان في حالة حرب. The core of the problem remains unsolved, and the two sides continue to be at war. • core n as adj (central) أساسي يريدون توسيع أعمالهم دون أن يخسروا زبائنهم الأساسيين. They want to broaden their business without losing their core customers

تشمل العمليات الأساسية للشركة الترفيه والطيران. المناهج الأساسية المواد الأساسية الدورات الأساسية The company's core operations include entertainment and aviation.

core curriculum core subjects core courses بيلاتيس هو جيد لتقوية العضلات البطن. Pilates is good for strengthening the___ ___ .?,, core muscles core n (muscles of torso, abdomen) عضلات البطن التمرين مناسب جدًّا لتقوية عضلات البطن. This exercise is a great way to tone your core. These exercises will develop your core strength

العملاء الأساسية العمال الأساسية القيم الأساسية لكي تحقق الشركة ميزة تنافسية ، من المهم أن يكون لديك قيم أساسية وهدف محدد بوضوح. السوق الأساسية الأعمال الأساسية

core customers core workers core values For a company to achieve a competitive advantage it is important to have core values and a clearly defined purpose. a core market a core business core noun (IMPORTANT PART) C2 the basic and most important part of something • core n (essential part) جوهر تعذر إيجاد حل لجوهر المشكلة، فبقي الجانبان في حالة حرب. The core of the problem remains unsolved, and the two sides continue to be at war. • core n as adj (central) أساسي يريدون توسيع أعمالهم دون أن يخسروا زبائنهم الأساسيين. They want to broaden their business without losing their core customers

إنهم يخفضون إنتاج بعض منتجاتهم الأساسية. القيمة الأساسية الاعتقاد الأساسي القضية الأساسية They are cutting back production of some of their ___ ___ .

core value core belief core issue core products core noun (IMPORTANT PART) C2 the basic and most important part of something • core n (essential part) جوهر تعذر إيجاد حل لجوهر المشكلة، فبقي الجانبان في حالة حرب. The core of the problem remains unsolved, and the two sides continue to be at war. • core n as adj (central) أساسي يريدون توسيع أعمالهم دون أن يخسروا زبائنهم الأساسيين. They want to broaden their business without losing their core customers

"I am ___ ___ ___ tickets to that new movie." "أنا أعتمد على الحصول على تذاكر لهذا الفيلم الجديد." Phrasal verb

counting on getting Just like they do with normal verbs, gerunds can also function as the object of phrasal verbs

من الواضح للغاية بالنسبة لي أننا بحاجة إلى جمع الأموال على وجه السرعة. It's ___ ___ to me that we need to raise money urgently.

crystal clear • crystal-clear, crystal clear adj (perfectly obvious) واضح كل الوضوح، جلي The chief executive spoke against the plan at length and in detail, making his opposition crystal clear to the meeting. • crystal-clear adj (easy to understand) واضح جدًّا، شديد الوضوح His explanation was crystal clear. C1 extremely clear: crystal clear water C2 very easy to understand: The evidence is now crystal clear. She made it crystal clear that she was in charge

كانت الرحلة بأكملها كابوسًا كاملاً. كنت فقط ذاهبا خمس دقائق على الطريق السريع عندما أحدهم كسر علي واضطررت ان اكبس المكابح بسرعة لتفادي وقوع حادث ، لكن ذلك كان مجرد بداية. The whole journey was a complete nightmare. I'd only been going five minutes on the motorway when somebody ___ ___ on me and I had to brake really quickly to avoid an accident, but that was only the start of it.

cut in • cut in (vehicle: move suddenly in front) (سيارة أمام شخص) تقتحم الطريق The vehicle cut in front of me. تلك السيارة اقتحمت الطريق أمامي. • cut in (interrupt [sb] speaking) يقاطع She cut in while I was speaking. Don't cut in when I'm talking. • cut [sb] in for [sth] (give [sb] a share) يعطي شخصًا حصة من شيء After she won the money, she said she would cut me in for some of it. • cut in line US, informal (jump a queue) يتسلل إلى منتصف الصف I get annoyed when people cut in line in front of me. • cut in two (slice into two parts) يقطع إلى نصفين The magician appeared to cut his beautiful assistant in two

أنا أعيش في الدنمارك والكثير من الناس يتنقلون بالدراجة هنا. لدينا شبكة دراجات هوائيه جيدة ومعظم الطرق لديها ممرات للدراجات منفصلة وهي آمنة للغاية. I live in Denmark and lots of people commute by bike here. We have a good ___ ___ and most roads have separate ___ ___ which are very safe.

cycle network cycle lanes

3. Identify the adjective complement in the following sentence: "Their huge cabin by the lake is sure to bring in lots of visitors." a) huge cabin b) by the lake c) in lots of visitors d) to bring in lots of visitors


ارتفاع مستويات التلوث يهدد بتوجيه ضربة لصناعة السياحة في الولاية والتي تبلغ قيمتها مليار دولار. Rising pollution levels threaten to ___ ___ ___ to the state's billion-dollar tourism industry.

deal a blow deal/deliver a blow (to sb/sth) something that causes serious problems or spoils your chances of success a major/devastating/bitter blow لقد عانينا من ضربه كبيره. We have suffered a major blow.

زيت القرطم منخفض في هذا النوع من الدهون التي تعتبر ضارة بصحة الناس. Safflower oil is low in the sort of fats that are ___ to be bad for people's health.

deemed deem verb formal C2 to consider or judge something in a particular way: (view as) يعتبر شيئًا/شخصًا شيئًا، يكون شيئًا في نظره deem [sb/sth] [sth] يصرّ جيرالد دائمًا على مقابلة حبيب ابنته ليرى إن كانا مناسبَين في نظره. Gerald always insists on meeting his daughter's boyfriends to see if he deems them suitable

وهي تعتبر حاليا أفضل رياضي بريطاني. She is currently ___ to be the best British athlete.

deemed deem verb formal C2 to consider or judge something in a particular way: (view as) يعتبر شيئًا/شخصًا شيئًا، يكون شيئًا في نظره deem [sb/sth] [sth] يصرّ جيرالد دائمًا على مقابلة حبيب ابنته ليرى إن كانا مناسبَين في نظره. Gerald always insists on meeting his daughter's boyfriends to see if he deems them suitable

يعتبر من الأخلاق السيئة في بعض الثقافات التحدث بفمك المليء بالطعام It is ___ bad manners in some cultures to speak with your mouth full of food

deemed deem verb formal C2 to consider or judge something in a particular way: (view as) يعتبر شيئًا/شخصًا شيئًا، يكون شيئًا في نظره deem [sb/sth] [sth] يصرّ جيرالد دائمًا على مقابلة حبيب ابنته ليرى إن كانا مناسبَين في نظره. Gerald always insists on meeting his daughter's boyfriends to see if he deems them suitable

وقد اعتبرت المنطقة الآن أمنه. The area has now been___ safe.

deemed deem verb formal C2 [ + obj + noun/adj ] to consider or judge something in a particular way: (view as) يعتبر شيئًا/شخصًا شيئًا، يكون شيئًا في نظره deem [sb/sth] [sth] يصرّ جيرالد دائمًا على مقابلة حبيب ابنته ليرى إن كانا مناسبَين في نظره. Gerald always insists on meeting his daughter's boyfriends to see if he deems them suitable

أي شخص لا يدفع رسوم التسجيل بحلول 31 مارس سيعتبر منسحبًا من العرض. Anyone not paying the registration fee by 31 March will be ___ to have withdrawn from the offer.

deemed to deem verb formal C2 [ + obj + to infinitive ] to consider or judge something in a particular way: (view as) يعتبر شيئًا/شخصًا شيئًا، يكون شيئًا في نظره deem [sb/sth] [sth] يصرّ جيرالد دائمًا على مقابلة حبيب ابنته ليرى إن كانا مناسبَين في نظره. Gerald always insists on meeting his daughter's boyfriends to see if he deems them suitable

ساعدت بالتأكيد في تعميق فهمي للوضع. إجابته أظهرت الافتقار التام لفهم السؤال. فهم بعض قواعد اللغة أمر أساسي لتعلم اللغة. It certainly helped to ___ ___ ___ of the situation. His answer demonstrated ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ of the question. ___ ___ ___ ___ is fundamental to learning a language.

deepen my understanding a complete lack of understanding Some understanding of grammar • understanding n (knowledge) معلومات، معرفة Most people's understanding of other countries is limited. لمعظم الناس معرفة قليلة عن البلدان الأخرى. • understanding n (limit of knowledge) علم I might be wrong, but it is my understanding that they are no longer dating. قد أكون مخطئًا ولكن على حد علمي ما عادا يتواعدان understanding noun (KNOWLEDGE) B2 knowledge about a subject, situation, etc. or about how something works

كان المدير التنفيذي في مزاج متحدي عندما دخلت قاعة مجلس الإدارة. The CEO was in a ___ mood as she entered the boardroom.

defiant adjective not willing to accept criticism or disapproval لا علي استعداد لقبول النقد أو الرفض defiant adj(resistant, rebellious)متحدّ، مصمّم على رأيه، معاند He was defiant to the end and never agreed to join us.

العديد من أمهات الأطفال الصغار ، المحرومين من التحفيز الذهني ، يصابون بالاكتئاب الشديد. سمعوا من رجل عن طفولته المحرومة في مؤسسة. حذفت جولة الأمير المناطق الأكثر حرمانًا في المدينة. تهدف هذه التدابير إلى مساعدة الأشخاص من خلفية محرومة. كطفلة ، لم أكن أنا وأختي نمتلك جهاز تلفزيون في المنزل ، لكنني لم أشعر بالحرمان بشكل خاص. Many mothers of young children, ___ ___ ___ , become quite depressed. They heard from one man about his___ ___ in an institution. The Prince's tour conveniently omitted the most___ ___ of the city. These measures are intended to help people from a___ ___ . As children, my sister and I didn't have a TV at home, but I didn't feel particularly deprived.

deprived of intellectual stimulation deprived childhood deprived areas deprived background deprived adjective C1 She had a deprived childhood She comes from a deprived background. a deprived area Synonym disadvantaged 1- deprived adj (underprivileged) محروم، مُعدَم، فقير (lacking) محروم He came from a deprived background but achieved great success. If you want more cake, then take my slice. I wouldn't want you to feel deprived. 2- deprived of [sth] adj +prep(not provided with [sth]) يحرم شيئاً، يحرم من شيء (having lost [sth]) يفقد شيئًا We were deprived of the opportunity to meet the author. Having had polio in his youth, he was deprived of the use of his legs for the rest of his life. I felt totally deprived of hope after a year of unemployment. 3- deprive [sb] of [sth] + prep (deny, take away) يحرم شخصًا من شيء Parents who deprive their children of affection often end up doing them lasting damage. • deprived area n (poverty-stricken place) منطقة محرومة، منطقة فقيرة The area of Mexico just south of the San Diego border crossing is a severely deprived area. • deprived child, children ( disadvantaged) أطفال محرومون This government has done nothing to alleviate the problems of deprived children.

إنه محافظ حتى النخاع. لقد صدمت حتى النخاع. He's a Conservative to the core. I was shocked to the core.

in every way: to an extreme degree: core n (soul) صميم النخاع إنه محافظ حتى الصميم He is a conservative to his very core

يملك الفندق كل ما قد ترغب فيه. The hotel had everything you could possibly ___ .

desire verb [ T not continuous ] formal C1 1- (WANT) to want something, especially strongly: أرغب فقط في أن أترك بسلام. I desire only to be left in peace. رغب wish, desire, want, choose, interest 2- (SEXUAL) to have a strong sexual attraction to someone desire [sb] (feel sexual longing for) يشتهي He says he loves her, but really he desires her. يقول إنه يحبها، ولكنه في الواقع يشتهيها ماذا تريد مني سيادتها ان افعل ؟ What does her Ladyship desire me to do/desire of me? الرئيس يرغب في مقابلة رئيس الوزراء الجديد. The president desires to meet the new prime minister. [ + to infinitive ]

لا يبدو أنهم يرغبون حقًا في التغيير. They don't really seem to___ ___ .

desire change verb [ T not continuous ] formal C1 1- (WANT) to want something, especially strongly: أرغب فقط في أن أترك بسلام. I desire only to be left in peace. رغب wish, desire, want, choose, interest 2- (SEXUAL) to have a strong sexual attraction to someone desire [sb] (feel sexual longing for) يشتهي He says he loves her, but really he desires her. يقول إنه يحبها، ولكنه في الواقع يشتهيها ماذا تريد مني سيادتها ان افعل ؟ What does her Ladyship desire me to do/desire of me? الرئيس يرغب في مقابلة رئيس الوزراء الجديد. The president desires to meet the new prime minister. [ + to infinitive ]

"My desire for success is more important than my desire ___ romance." "رغبتي في النجاح أهم من رغبتي في الرومانسية". Preposition

desire for

إنه جيد في ابتكار ألعاب لغوية يمكنك لعبها مع الطلاب في الفصل. شخصية الرسوم المتحركة سنوبي وتشارلي براون ابتكر بواسطه تشارلز شولتز. He's good at ___ language games that you can play with students in class. The cartoon characters Snoopy and Charlie Brown were ___ by Charles M. Schultz.

devising Devised • devise (invent idea, plan) يعدّ، يبتكر يدبّر The prisoner devised an escape plan. • Devise C2 to invent a plan, system, object, etc., usually using your intelligence or imagination

اللجنة تعد أجندة للمؤتمر السياسي القادم. بدأ في اعداد خطة لإحياء صناعة السيارات وتحسين ربحيتها. قادت فريقًا صغيرًا يعمل لسنوات لابتكار طريقة لإنشاء أمبير طاقة السيليكون لجيل سابق من الهواتف المحمولة. The committee is ___ an agenda for the upcoming political convention. He set about ___ ___ to revive the automaker and improve its profitability. She led a small team that worked for years to ___ ___ to create a silicon power amp for an earlier generation of cell phones.

devising devising a plan devise a way • devise (invent idea, plan) يعدّ، يبتكر يدبّر The prisoner devised an escape plan. • Devise C2 to invent a plan, system, object, etc., usually using your intelligence or imagination

we have followed the dictates of our consciousness and have done our duty. لقد اتبعنا ما يمليه وعينا وقمنا بواجبنا.

dictate noun formal an order that should be obeyed, often one that you give to yourself the dictates of conscience/common sense إملاءات الضمير /الحس العام

The party's change of policy has been dictated by its need to win back younger voters. تم تغيير سياسة الحزب بسبب حاجته لاستعادة الناخبين الشباب.

dictate to influence something or make it necessary للتاثير علي شيء أو جعله ضروريا The characteristics of the land dictate much of what can be built. وتملي خصائص الأرض الكثير مما يمكن بناؤه.

Why should anyone ___ ___ parents on how to raise their children? لماذا يجب علي اي شخص ان يملي علي الاباء كيفيه تربيه أبنائهم ؟ Phrasal verb

dictate to sb — phrasal verb to tell someone what to do I will not be dictated to like that!

The rules ___ that only running shoes must be worn on the track. تملي القواعد أنه يجب ارتداء أحذية الركض فقط على المسار الصحيح.

dictate[ + that ] verb (GIVE ORDERS) to give orders, or tell someone exactly what they must do, with total authority لإعطاء الأوامر ، أو إخبار شخص ما بالضبط ما يجب القيام به ، مع السلطة الكاملة

After ___ what is to be done, she then leaves her husband to do all the work! بعد إملاء ما يجب القيام به ، تترك زوجها بعد ذلك للقيام بكل العمل!

dictating question verb (GIVE ORDERS) to give orders, or tell someone exactly what they must do, with total authority لإعطاء الأوامر ، أو إخبار شخص ما بالضبط ما يجب القيام به ، مع السلطة الكاملة He shouldn't be allowed to dictate all the terms and conditions - it's supposed to be a democratic decision. لا ينبغي السماح له بإملاء جميع الشروط والأحكام - من المفترض أن يكون قرارًا ديمقراطيًا.

كانت عدة دقائق قبل أن يهدأ التصفيق. It was several minutes before the applause died down.

die down If a sound or activity dies down, it becomes quieter or less obvious

عاصفة متوقعة الليلة ، لكن الرياح والأمطار يجب أن تهدأ صباحًا. A storm is expected tonight, but the wind and rain should ___ ___ by morning.

die down to become reduced in strength If a sound or activity dies down, it becomes quieter or less obvious

مشجعو كرة القدم الذين واجهناهم بدو غير مؤذيين بدرجة كافية في طريقي إلى المحطة ، صادفت طفلاً صغيرًا يتسول. The football fans that we ___ seemed harmless enough. On my way to the station, I ___ a small child, begging.

encountered • encounter (meet unexpectedly) يصادف شخصًا، يلتقي شخصًا صدفةً التقى بحبيبته السابقة صدفةً في الحانة He encountered his ex-girlfriend at the bar. • encounter (military: meet in conflict) يواجه They encountered the enemy off the coast of Spain. encounter verb [T] (MEET) formal to meet someone unexpectedly

كانت هناك علامات قذرة على سراويلها حيث مسحت يديها. أصابعه قد تركت علامات على سطح الطاولة المصقول. هل كان لدى الشخص الذي هاجمك أي علامات مميزة ، مثل ندبة أو وحمه؟ يمكنك معرفة أي الجرو من الاخر من العلامات على فرائها. سوف تترك علامة. There were ___ ___ on her trousers where she had wiped her hands. His fingers had ___ ___ on the table's polished surface. Did your attacker have any___ ___ , such as a scar or a birthmark? You can tell which puppy is which from___ on their fur. it will leave ___

dirty marks left marks distinguishing marks the marks 1- mark (visible sign) (spot, scratch) B2 أثر، علامة -يخدش The falling chair left a mark on the wall. ترك الكرسيّ الذي وقع علامة على الجدار. The cat marked up the table leg with its claws. خدشت القطة رجل الطاولة بمخالب

في البداية ، كان الوزير يعارض زيادة الضرائب الطرق ، لكنه غير رأيه ، ويدافع عن الخطة. Initially, the minister was against increasing road tax, but he has now ___ ___ ___ and is defending the plan.

done a U-turn Doing a U-turn means changing direction, and it is used idiomatically when talking about politics

a ___ decline/drop/reduction in sth


In the desert, there's a ______ in temperature from day to night. في الصحراء هناك تغير جذري في درجة الحرارة من يوم إلى ليلة. adjective

drastic change (especially of actions) severe and sudden or having very noticeable effects drastic measures drastic changes/cuts in sth

The manufacturer will also report ___ turnover of £3.5m in the year to this month. كما ستقوم الشركة المصنعةبالإبلاغ عن انخفاض كبير في رقم الأعمال من 3.5مليون جنيه استرليني في العام إلى هذا الشهر. Adverbs

drastically drastically reduced

Participles are used to form . adjectives gerunds verb tenses A & B all of the above


"My favorite thing about being in Japan is ___ sushi." "الشيء المفضل حول وجودي في اليابان هو تناول السوشي ."

eating (eating complements thing) Like predicative adjectives, gerunds can act as subject complements after the linking verb be. In this case, the gerund acts as a kind of modifier that gives more information about the sentence's subject

"I enjoy ___ at restaurants, but Jenny prefers ___ at home." "أنا أستمتع بتناول الطعام في المطاعم، ولكن جيني تفضل الطبخ في المنزل."

eating Cooking Gerunds can also act as the direct object of some verbs

المباشرة في الحملة المباشرة في مهنة تخرجت في عام 1962 وباشرت في العمل كمدرس.

embark on a campaign embark on a career She graduated in 1962 and embarked on a career as a teacher. • embark (ship, plane: board) يركب، يصعد to go on to a ship or an aircraft The ship will be leaving in 30 minutes. We request that all passengers now embark. • embark on /upon formal (journey: start) يبدأ، ينطلق What should you take before you embark on a three-day hike? • embark on/upon (project: start) يباشر We had no idea what the project would involve when we embarked on it.

المباشرة في خطة المباشرة في البرنامج المباشرة في المشروع سنباشر في تنفيذ مشروع جديد في وقت لاحق من هذا العام

embark on a plan embark on a program embark on a project We're embarking upon a new project later this year • embark (ship, plane: board) يركب، يصعد to go on to a ship or an aircraft We embarked at Miami for our Caribbean cruise. The ship will be leaving in 30 minutes. We request that all passengers now embark. • embark on /upon formal (journey: start) يبدأ، ينطلق What should you take before you embark on a three-day hike? • embark on/upon (project: start) يباشر We had no idea what the project would involve when we embarked on it

يشمل علم اللغة مجموعة متنوعة من الموضوعات مثل علم الصوتيات والأسلوبيات. Linguistics ___ a diverse range of subjects such as phonetics and stylistics.

embraces verb (INCLUDE) C1 formal شمل/ تتضمن include, cover, involve, encompass, comprise, embrace اشتمل/ تحوي contain, embrace to include something, often as one of a number of things:

الجينز الضيق فقط سيبرز على أي وزن إضافي تحمله. سيُبرز الفستان حنايا جسمك بأحسن ما يكون. Tight jeans will only___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ . This dress will___ ___ ___ ___ .

emphasize any extra weight that you are carrying emphasize your curves perfectly to make something more obvious: 1- Emphasize (shape, etc.: accentuate) يبرز

متى واجهت هذه الصعوبات لأول مرة؟ يقال إن الجيش يواجه مقاومة كبيرة. When did you first___ ___ ___ ? The army is reported to be___ ___ ___ .

encounter these difficulties encountering considerable resistance • encounter verb(EXPERIENCE) B2 to experience something, especially something unpleasant • encounter (experience a problem) يتعرّض، يكابد تعرّض لمشاكل كثيرة في ذلك الموقع النائي He encountered many problems at the remote site

في طريقهم إلى المنزل ، واجهوا امرأة تبيع الزهور. لقد كانت ، كما يقول ، أكثر النساء عنفا التي واجهها كضابط منذ 13 عامًا. On their way home, they ___ a woman selling flowers. She was, he says, the most violent woman he had ___ in 13 years as an officer.

encountered • encounter (meet unexpectedly) يصادف شخصًا، يلتقي شخصًا صدفةً التقى بحبيبته السابقة صدفةً في الحانة He encountered his ex-girlfriend at the bar. • encounter (military: meet in conflict) يواجه They encountered the enemy off the coast of Spain. encounter verb [T] (MEET) formal to meet someone unexpectedly

"The students ___ ___ ___ may have a break." "الطلاب الذين أنهوا عملهم قد يحصلون على استراحة". Past participle

finished with their work if it occurs in the middle position and is essential to the meaning of the sentence, it should not be set apart by commas

واجهنا مشكلة في مضخة الوقود أثناء اختبارات السلامة. هذه هي المرة الأولى التي أواجه فيها عنصرية في العمل. We ___ ___ with the fuel pump during safety tests. This is the first time ___ ___ ___ ___ at work.

encountered a problem I have encountered racism • encounter verb(EXPERIENCE) B2 to experience something, especially something unpleasant • encounter (experience a problem) يتعرّض، يكابد تعرّض لمشاكل كثيرة في ذلك الموقع النائي He encountered many problems at the remote site

كانت كلوديا مستغرقه في كتابها لدرجة أنها لم تسمعني. Claudia was so ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ that she didn't hear me.

engrossed/absorbed in her book engrossed adj (absorbed: in reading, etc.) مستغرق في شيء Karen didn't even look up from her magazine when I said hello, she was so engrossed. 6. engrossed in [sth] adj + prep (absorbed, involved in) مستغرق في شيء Rosa doesn't notice anything when she's engrossed in a book

People are becoming far more aware of ___ issues. الناس أصبحوا أكثر وعيا ً بالقضايا البيئية Adjective


There is a need for energy policies that are environmentally sound. وثمة حاجة إلى سياسات للطاقة تكون سليمة بيئيا.


___ damaging chemicals المواد الكيميائية الضارة بيئيا Viewpoint Adverbs


"My sister, ___ , has fallen asleep on the sofa." "أختي ، المنهكة ، غفيت على الأريكة." Past participle

exhausted When the participle or phrase occurs in the middle position, and is not essential to the meaning of the sentence, it should be set apart from the rest of the sentence by two commas "James, hiding under the bed, was completely silent." "The turkey, burnt to a crisp, was thrown in the garbage."

لقد أعربت عن رغبة شديدة في أن تقدم لك She has expressed a ___ ___ to be introduced to you

expressed a keen desire to (enthusiastic wish) رغبة مُلحَّة desire noun B2 [ C or U ] 1- desire noun (WANT) a strong feeling that you want something: وهناك رغبه قويه في السلام بين الناس . There is a strong desire for peace among the people. رغبة desire, wish, willingness, inclination, lust وهو مدفوع حقا بالرغبة في مساعده الناس. He is genuinely motivated by a desire to help people. انه قمع رغبه مفاجئه في البكاء. He repressed a sudden desire to cry. ويبدو ان رغبته في السلطة السياسية لا تعرف حدودا. His desire for political power apparently knows no bounds My desires in life are few. 2- desire noun (SEXUAL NEED) [ U ] formal the strong feeling that you want to have sex with someone: sexual desire Beatrice was the object of Dante's desire. Synonym lust (DESIRE)

اعلن مضيف طيران: سيداتي سادتي ، سنهبط قريبًا في مطار دبلن. الرجاء ربط أحزمة الأمان. cabin attendant announced: Ladies and gentlemen, we'll shortly be landing at Dublin Airport. Please.

fasten your seatbelts flight attendant, cabin attendant (air steward, hostess) مضيف طيران شرحت مضيفة الطيران كيفية استخدام أقنعة الأكسجين. The flight attendant demonstrated how to use the oxygen masks.

لقد تردد قبل الاتصال بها ، خوفًا مما قد تقوله. He hesitated before calling her, ___ ___ what she might say.

fearful of adjective C2 formal (FRIGHTENED) fearful of [sth/sb] adj + prep خشية من شيء، خوف من شيء خشية من شخص، خوف من شخص frightened or worried about something: انها تخشي (ان) قد تفقد حضانة أطفالها . She's fearful (that) she may lose custody of her children. كان خائفا من القيادة في الشوارع الجليدية He was fearful of driving on the icy streets تعبير مخيف رد فعل مخيف مخاطر مخيفة a fearful expression a fearful reaction fearful dangers

علي الرغم من خوفها الاولي ، انهت ماريا رحلتها شاعره بالهدوء. Despite her initial___ , Maria ended her journey feeling calm.

fearfulness noun [ U ] the quality of being frightened or worried about something: fearfulness about the future كان هناك تخوف عام حول قدره الدولة علي الاعتناء بصحتنا وسلامتنا. There was a general fearfulness about the ability of the state to look after our health and safety. وكثير من هؤلاء الأطفال لا يصابون باعراض نفسيه علي الرغم من ارتفاع مستويات الخوف أو الإحباط. Many of these children do not develop psychiatric symptoms despite high levels of fearfulness or frustration

أشعر بأنني أذهب في مغامرة "I ___ ___ going on an adventure." Preposition

feel like

He's still financially ___ (= regularly receives money to live from) his parents. انه لا يزال يعتمد ماليا على والديه.

financially dependent on

a job that is financially ___ وظيفة مجزية ماليا

financially rewarding

The project is not financially ___ (= will not produce enough money). المشروع غير قابل للتطبيق من الناحية المالية

financially viable

قلب الصحيفة بسرعه لأنه لم يكن لديه الوقت لقراءتها بشكل صحيح He ___ ___ ___ ___ as he didn't have time to read it properly.

flicked through the newspaper • flick [sth] (flip with finger) (بإصبعه) ينقف Kate flicked the crumbs off the table. • flick through [sth] + prep (book, pages) (book: quickly skim) (look through rapidly) يقلّب شيئًا بسرعة، يمرّ على شيء بسرعة I spent hours on that report and he just flicked through it before dismissing it! • flip through [sth] + prep (TV channels: browse) يقلّب، يغير I spent ten minutes flicking through the TV channels and didn't find anything worth watching. • flick of [sth] n (quick movement) حركة سريعة Tim tossed the coin into the tin with a flick of his wrist. Mary's flick of her head was an unsuccessful attempt to get her hair out of her eyes

لم يكن لدينا أي خبرة في العمل قبل فتح المتجر ، لذلك كنا حقًا على الله. We had no business experience before opening the shop, so we were really ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ at first.

flying by the seat of our pants I had no idea how to do it - I was just flying by the seat of my pants. fly by the seat of your pants (informal) doing something difficult without much experience or ability

"Coach Brown is ___ ___ the football team." "المدرب براون هو المسؤول عن فريق كرة القدم. " Preposition


"The company felt ___ ___ the future." "شعرت الشركة بالأمل للمستقبل". Preposition

for For may also be used to emphasize someone's feelings toward a specific event, thing, or person. This combination follows the basic form feel/be + adjective + for + someone/something

"Marianne ___ ___ ___ her coworker." "ماريان تشعر بسوء لزميلها في العمل". Preposition

for For may also be used to emphasize someone's feelings toward a specific event, thing, or person. This combination follows the basic form feel/be + adjective + for + someone/something "Kyle is ______ his brother."

• "I'm so happy ___ them." (people) • "I'm so happy ___ the wedding." (thing/event) Preposition

for About In some cases, however, the prepositions are not interchangeable and can only be used to describe specific nouns or gerunds. For example, when paired with adjectives, with and for generally refer to people, whereas about usually refers to things, events, or gerunds

• "Everything I did was ___ you." Preposition

for A preposition of reason or purpose describes why something has occurred or will occur. Common prepositions of reason or purpose include for, through, because of, on account of, and from

"I could never lose admiration ___ you." Preposition

for Synonymous nouns typically employ identical prepositions. For example, when the noun respect is replaced with its synonyms (such as admiration or esteem), the preposition for remains the same

"هيرمان ينظف المنازل كعمل." "Herman cleans houses ___ ___ ."Prepositional idiom

for a living as an occupation do sth for a living to do something as your job or a way of making money: What does he do for a living? She writes a financial column for a living. للقمة العيش

"Is Desmond coming to the party tomorrow ___ ___ ?" "هل سيأتي ديزموند إلى الحفلة غدًا بالتأكيد؟" Prepositional idiom

for certain surely; definitely; positively

"I've decided to leave this city ___ ___ "لقد قررت مغادرة هذه المدينة إلى الأبد." Prepositional idiom

for good permanently or for an extended period of time

تم انتقاده لاجرائه التحقيق. He was criticized ___ ___ ___ ___

for his conduct of the inquiry. conduct noun (ORGANIZATION) formal the way in which an activity is organized and performed

"Please go to the waiting room ___ ___ ." "يرجى الذهاب إلى غرفة الانتظار الآن." Prepositional idiom

for now temporarily; for the time being

"Is this diamond ring ___ ___ ?" "هل هذا خاتم الماس للبيع؟" Prepositional idiom

for sale being sold; available to be purchased

انخفاض الطلب أجبرنا على تخفيض مجموعة واسعة من السلع على ، وأحيانًا بنسبة تصل إلى 30 في المائة. الأسهم في شركات الكهرباء تم تخفيضها بعد الإعلان عن ضريبة الطاقة الجديدة. Low consumer demand has ___ ___ ___ ___ a wide range of goods, sometimes by as much as 30 percent. Shares in the electricity companies were ___ ___ following the announcement of the new energy tax

forced us to mark down marked down mark sth down (REDUCE) to reduce the price of something, usually in order to encourage people to buy it: • mark down (give lower grade to) يخفض علامة فشخصاً The teacher marked my paper down because I misspelled so many words. • mark down (reduce price of) يخفض السعر The store marked down the Christmas merchandise in January

"Her transition ___ vegetarian to vegan wasn't difficult." (She started as a vegetarian and ended as a vegan.) "Her transition ___ vegetarian from vegan wasn't difficult." (She started as a vegan and ended as a vegetarian.) "لم يكن انتقالها من نباتي إلى نباتي أمرًا صعبًا." (بدأت كخضروات وتنتهي كنبات نباتي). "لم يكن انتقالها إلى نباتي من نباتي أمرًا صعبًا." (لقد بدأت كعنصر نباتي وتنتهي كنباتي.)

from To the meaning changes entirely when a different preposition is substituted

تشير بعض الدراسات إلى أن العاملين في الصناعة النووية أكثر عرضة للإصابة بالسرطان من عامة الناس. Some studies show that workers in the nuclear industry are more likely than the ___ ___ to get cancer.

general populace the populace noun [ S + sing/pl verb ] formal جماهير masses العامة commonalty the ordinary people who live in a particular country or place بدا الأمر كما لو أن سكان المدينة بأكملهم قد تحولوا إلى العرض. It seemed as if the town's entire populace had turned out for the parade

ما هي العلامة التي حصلت عليها في امتحان الأحياء؟ كان لدى ماتيلدا علامات جيدة جدًا للغة الإنجليزية على مدار العام. حصل علامات كاملة What mark did you___ in the biology exam? Matilda's had very ___ marks in/for English throughout the year. scored ___ marks

get Good full mark n (grade) درجة، علامة-ضع علامة على شيء He received a low mark in Spanish. The teacher marked the students' essays with the scores they had earned. Synonym grade

"They don't seem to ___ ___ ___ each other." "لا يبدو أنهم ينسجمون مع بعضهم البعض." Prepositional idiom

get along with to have a good or friendly relationship with someone

رتبنا لبعض الدروس الخصوصية في المنزل لجعله يسرع مع الأطفال الآخرين في فصله. قبل أن نبدأ الاجتماع ، سأنقلك إلى آخر التطورات. We arranged for some home tutoring to ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ the other children in his class. Before we start the meeting I'm going to ___ ___ ___ ___ the latest developments.

get him up to speed with bring you up to speed with • up to speed (know the current situation) مواكب للأحداث • up to speed C1 If you are up to speed with a subject or activity, you have all the latest information about it and are able to do it well/ performing at a desirable level

استغرق الأمر مني بعض الوقت لأواكب الاحداث بعد الانفلونزا It took me a while to ___ ___ ___ after the flu.

get up to speed • up to speed (know the current situation) مواكب للأحداث • up to speed C1 If you are up to speed with a subject or activity, you have all the latest information about it and are able to do it well/ performing at a desirable level

كنا فقط على استعداد للمغادرة عندما قال بن إنه كان لديه شيء مهم لإخبارنا به. We were just ___ ___ ___ leave when Ben said he had something important to tell us.

getting set to set adjective (READY) [after verb ] ready and prepared

هل يمكنك تقديم التزام بتوفير الأموال؟ أود أن أشكر الموظفين لإظهارهم هذا الالتزام. Can you ___ ___ ___ that the money will be made available? I'd like to thank the staff for having___ ___ ___

give a commitment shown such commitment. make a commitment to نلتزم • commitment n (promise) التزام، تعهد He made a commitment to stay at that job for another year. التزم بالبقاء في هذه الوظيفة لمدة عام آخر The government reaffirmed its commitment to the peace process. The company has failed to honor its commitments. • commitment issues(difficulty in relationships) صعوبة في الارتباط، صعوبة في الالتزام My last boyfriend and I broke up because I wanted to get married, but he had commitment issues. • prior commitment(previous engagement, [sth] already scheduled) ارتباط سابق I was unable to attend the birthday party due to a prior commitment. • total commitment n (devotion, pledged involvement) تعهد تام His total commitment to the war effort was admirable

كل هذا المشي أعطاني شهية. لن اتناول أي شكولاتة، شكراً. سوف تفسد شهيتي. ليس لدي الكثير من الشهية. جميع الأطفال لديهم شهية صحية / جيدة (= يأكلون كثيرًا). لقد حصلت على شهية كبيره. سوف تفسد شهيتك لتناول العشاء إذا كان لديك كعكة الآن All that walking has ___ ___ ___ ___ . I won't have any chocolate, thanks. It will ___ my appetite. I haven't ___ ___ ___ an appetite (= I am not hungry). The children all have ___ ___ appetites (= they eat a lot). She's got a hearty appetite. You'll ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ if you have a cake now.

given me an appetite spoil got much of healthy/good spoil your appetite for dinner noun C1 1- appetite n (desire for food) شهية The new medication caused Harriet to lose her appetite. 2- appetite for [sth] (desire) (مجازي) ولع مولع بـ نهم Frank has an appetite for luxury cars and stereo equipment. فرانك مولعٌ بالسيارات الحديثة وتجهيزات الصوت المتقدمة. • lack of appetite n (absence of desire for food) فقدان الشهية I often suffer from a lack of appetite when the weather is very hot. Lack of appetite is a sign that your dog is sick

يضيء ضوء الليل في زاوية غرفة نوم الأطفال. A nightlight ___ dimly in the corner of the children's bedroom.

glow verb [ I ] C2 to produce a continuous light and sometimes heat: هذه المادة مشعة لدرجه انها تتوهج في الظلام This substance is so radioactive that it glows in the dark. 1- glow n (light) ضوء Peter read a book by the glow of a small lantern. قرأ بيتر كتابًا على ضوء قنديل صغير. 2- glow n (skin: healthy radiance) لمعان، بريق Kate's skin always had a nice glow to it. كانت بشرة كيت دائمًا تصدر لمعانًا جميلاً. 3- Glow v (give light) يضيء، يشعّ The stars glowed brightly in the night sky. أضاءت النجوم مُبرقةً في سماء الليل. 4- glow v (person: be exuberant) يشرق وجهه Rachel glowed when she found out that she got the job. أشرق وجه ريتشيل عندما عرفت أنها قد حصلت على الوظيفة. 5- glow v (person: be radiant) يتورد You can tell Sara is pregnant; she's glowing. 6- glow with [sth] v + prep (radiate: pride, health) يتألق Alisha glowed with pride as the gold medal was presented to her daughter. 7- glow n (color: richness) تألق، توهّج The red paint had a warm glow to it.

توهج النار the ___ of the fire

glow of noun [ S ] C2 (LIGHT) continuous light and/or heat that is produced by something: النيون تنبعث منها توهج احمر مميزه. Neon emits a characteristic red glow. 1- glow n (light) ضوء Peter read a book by the glow of a small lantern. قرأ بيتر كتابًا على ضوء قنديل صغير. 2- glow n (skin: healthy radiance) لمعان، بريق Kate's skin always had a nice glow to it. كانت بشرة كيت دائمًا تصدر لمعانًا جميلاً. 3- Glow v (give light) يضيء، يشعّ The stars glowed brightly in the night sky. أضاءت النجوم مُبرقةً في سماء الليل. 4- glow v (person: be exuberant) يشرق وجهه Rachel glowed when she found out that she got the job. أشرق وجه ريتشيل عندما عرفت أنها قد حصلت على الوظيفة. 5- glow v (person: be radiant) يتورد You can tell Sara is pregnant; she's glowing. 6- glow with [sth] v + prep (radiate: pride, health) يتألق Alisha glowed with pride as the gold medal was presented to her daughter. 7- glow n (color: richness) تألق، توهّج The red paint had a warm glow to it.

شعروا بتوهج من الفخر كما شاهدوا ابنتهم جمع الجائزة. They felt a ___ ___ ___ as they watched their daughter collect the award.

glow of pride glow noun [S] (FEELING) a positive feeling: شعرت توهج دافئ من الرضا. She felt a warm glow of satisfaction. يبدو أن وهج الرومانسية قد تلاشى. The glow of romance seemed to have worn off 1- glow n (light) ضوء Peter read a book by the glow of a small lantern. قرأ بيتر كتابًا على ضوء قنديل صغير. 2- glow n (skin: healthy radiance) لمعان، بريق Kate's skin always had a nice glow to it. كانت بشرة كيت دائمًا تصدر لمعانًا جميلاً. 3- Glow v (give light) يضيء، يشعّ The stars glowed brightly in the night sky. أضاءت النجوم مُبرقةً في سماء الليل. 4- glow v (person: be exuberant) يشرق وجهه Rachel glowed when she found out that she got the job. أشرق وجه ريتشيل عندما عرفت أنها قد حصلت على الوظيفة. 5- glow v (person: be radiant) يتورد You can tell Sara is pregnant; she's glowing. 6- glow with [sth] v + prep (radiate: pride, health) يتألق Alisha glowed with pride as the gold medal was presented to her daughter. 7- glow n (color: richness) تألق، توهّج The red paint had a warm glow to it

كانت وجوه الأطفال متوهجة بالإثارة. The children's faces were ___ ___ excitement.

glowing with Glow C2 to look attractive because you are happy or healthy, especially with eyes that are shining: عادوا من أسبوعهم على الشاطئ ، متوهجة بالصحة. They came back from their week at the beach, glowing with health. توهج خديه بعد التمرين. His cheeks glowed after the workout 1- glow n (light) ضوء Peter read a book by the glow of a small lantern. قرأ بيتر كتابًا على ضوء قنديل صغير. 2- glow n (skin: healthy radiance) لمعان، بريق Kate's skin always had a nice glow to it. كانت بشرة كيت دائمًا تصدر لمعانًا جميلاً. 3- Glow v (give light) يضيء، يشعّ The stars glowed brightly in the night sky. أضاءت النجوم مُبرقةً في سماء الليل. 4- glow v (person: be exuberant) يشرق وجهه Rachel glowed when she found out that she got the job. أشرق وجه ريتشيل عندما عرفت أنها قد حصلت على الوظيفة. 5- glow v (person: be radiant) يتورد You can tell Sara is pregnant; she's glowing. 6- glow with [sth] v + prep (radiate: pride, health) يتألق Alisha glowed with pride as the gold medal was presented to her daughter. 7- glow n (color: richness) تألق، توهّج The red paint had a warm glow to it.

"Will your family go through with the move to Texas?" "هل ستمضي عائلتك في الانتقال إلى تكساس؟" Prepositional idiom

go through with to undertake or complete (usually an undesirable or difficult action)

أمضى وقتًا أطول بكثير في الذهاب إلى الحفلات والبقاء طوال الليل أكثر من الدراسة ، وكان مدرسه يشعر بالقلق من أنه صار يتصرف بطريقه غير مقبوله. He spent much more time going to parties and staying out all night than studying, and his tutor worried that he had___ ___ ___ ___ .

gone off the rails خَرَجَ (القِطارُ) عَنِ الخَطّ go off the rails تصرف بطريقة غير مقبولة او غريبة go off the rails informal to start behaving in a way that is not generally acceptable, especially dishonestly or illegally: He went off the rails in his first year at university.

• كان لديهم جدال وبطريقة ما تورطت في ذلك. They were having an argument and somehow I ___ ___ ___ ___ it

got caught up in get caught up in sth C2 to become involved in something, often without wanting to so involved in an activity that you do not notice other things: I was so caught up in my school work, that I didn't realize what was happening with my sister. caught up in something To be caught up in something also means to be involved in an activity that you did not intend to be involved in: He got caught up in the demonstrations and got arrested.

رحب بنا الأستاذ بشكل رسمي جداً. (not welcome) The professor ___ us very formally.

greeted · greet (welcome guests, customers) يرحّب بشخص While Mary goes to greet the guests, Fred finishes setting the table for dinner. بينما تذهب "ماري" لترحّب بالضيوف، ينتهي "فريد" من إعداد الطاولة للعشاء. · greet (say hi) يحيّي شخصًا، يسلّم على شخص In this small town, strangers greet you in the street. في هذه البلدة الصغيرة، يسلّم عليك الغرباء في الشارع.

"This new flavor of ice cream has really ___ ___ me." "هذه النكهة الجديدة من الآيس كريم نمت حقا على لي." Prepositional idiom

grown on to eventually become liked by

لقد كنت اخرج مع نفس الناس إلى نفس الأماكن لسنوات وانا فقط سئمت من ذلك. I've been going out with the same people to the same places for years and I've just grown ___ ___ it.

grown weary of C2 سأم مضجر tedious, boring, uninteresting, weary ممل dull, tiresome, monotonous, weary bored with something because you have experienced too much of it:

"كنت معتاداً على عاده عض أظافري" "I used to have a ___ ___ biting my fingernails." Preposition

habit of

كان لديها رغبه حارقه/قويه للعودة إلى بلدها الأصلي قبل وفاتها. She had a ___ ___ to go back to her home country before she died.

had a burning/strong desire to desire[ + to infinitive ] noun B2 [ C or U ] 1- desire noun (WANT) a strong feeling that you want something: وهناك رغبه قويه في السلام بين الناس . There is a strong desire for peace among the people. رغبة desire, wish, willingness, inclination, lust 1. وهو مدفوع حقا بالرغبة في مساعده الناس. He is genuinely motivated by a desire to help people. انه قمع رغبه مفاجئه في البكاء. He repressed a sudden desire to cry. ويبدو ان رغبته في السلطة السياسية لا تعرف حدودا. His desire for political power apparently knows no bounds 3- desire noun (SEXUAL NEED) [ U ] formal the strong feeling that you want to have sex with someone: sexual desire Beatrice was the object of Dante's desire. Synonym lust (DESIRE)

أعلم أن لدي ميل إلى ان احمل ضغينة، لكنني لا أستطيع أن أنسى شيئًا سيئًا قامت به أحد الأصدقاء لي مؤخرًا. لديها خط من الأنانية ولا تهتم أحيانًا بكم مره اذت مشاعري. أجد صعوبة متزايدة في الحفاظ على أعصابي معها. ولكن ربما يكون من الأفضل أن أفقد أعصابي وأعلمها كيف أشعر حقًا؟ I know that I ___ a tendency to ___ a grudge, but I just can't forget something bad a friend did to me recently. She has a selfish ___ and doesn't care sometimes how much she ___ my feelings. I am finding it increasingly hard to ___ my temper with her. But perhaps it might be better to ___ my temper and let her know how I really feel?

have a tendency to bear a grudge selfish streak hurts my feelings keep my temper lose my temper

هل لديك اي فكره عما يبدو عليه ؟ Do you ___ ___ idea ___ what he looks like?

have any idea Of Idea noun (KNOWLEDGE) an understanding, thought, or picture in your mind: فهم، فكر، أو صوره في عقلك: have an idea of vi(have some notion, understanding of)يَعْرِف، يعلم، يَفهم Do you have an idea of how many people will be coming to the party? هل تعرف عدد الأشخاص الذين سيأتون إلى الحفل؟

انا بالتاكيد ليس لدي رغبه في إنجاب الأطفال . I certainly ___ ___ ___ to have children.

have no desire (Desire for) desire noun B2 [ C or U ] 1- desire noun (WANT) a strong feeling that you want something: وهناك رغبه قويه في السلام بين الناس . There is a strong desire for peace among the people. رغبة desire, wish, willingness, inclination, lust 1. وهو مدفوع حقا بالرغبة في مساعده الناس. He is genuinely motivated by a desire to help people. انه قمع رغبه مفاجئه في البكاء. He repressed a sudden desire to cry. ويبدو ان رغبته في السلطة السياسية لا تعرف حدودا. His desire for political power apparently knows no bounds 2- desire noun (SEXUAL NEED) [ U ] formal the strong feeling that you want to have sex with someone: sexual desire Beatrice was the object of Dante's desire. Synonym lust (DESIRE)

مثلها مثل جميع العاملين في النادي الصحي ، كان لديها توهج صحي للشباب ولياقتهم البدنية. Like all the staff at the health club she had the ___ ___ of the young and fit.

healthy glow glow noun [S] (SKIN) C2(LOOK) the fact of your face feeling or appearing warm and healthy: a red or warm look: وجهها له توهج طبيعي وصحي . Her face has a natural, healthy glow. 1- glow n (light) ضوء Peter read a book by the glow of a small lantern. قرأ بيتر كتابًا على ضوء قنديل صغير. 2- glow n (skin: healthy radiance) لمعان، بريق Kate's skin always had a nice glow to it. كانت بشرة كيت دائمًا تصدر لمعانًا جميلاً. 3- Glow v (give light) يضيء، يشعّ The stars glowed brightly in the night sky. أضاءت النجوم مُبرقةً في سماء الليل. 4- glow v (person: be exuberant) يشرق وجهه Rachel glowed when she found out that she got the job. أشرق وجه ريتشيل عندما عرفت أنها قد حصلت على الوظيفة. 5- glow v (person: be radiant) يتورد You can tell Sara is pregnant; she's glowing. 6- glow with [sth] v + prep (radiate: pride, health) يتألق Alisha glowed with pride as the gold medal was presented to her daughter. 7- glow n (color: richness) تألق، توهّج The red paint had a warm glow to it.

"Have you ___ ___ this new TV show?" "هل سمعت عن هذا البرنامج التلفزيوني الجديد؟" Preposition

hear of

للقاح يتم الترويج له بشكل كبير من قبل الشركة المصنعة لها. الدليل تم تصميم لتعزيز مبيعات منتجاتهم المالية. The vaccine is being ___ ___ ___ its maker. The guide has been designed to ___ ___ ___ their financial products.

heavily promoted by promote sales of promote verb (ENCOURAGE) B2 to encourage people to like, buy, use, do, or support something 1- promote (advertise) يروّج لشيء تروِّج إعلانات الراديو لمنتجات مختلفة. Radio commercials promote various products. 2- promote (foster, encourage) يشجّع على شيء تشجِّع الهيئات الرسمية على استخدام حزام الأمان في السيارة. Officials try to promote the use of seat belts

أعباء العمل التي لا يمكن السيطرة عليها يمكن أن تكون مصدرا للتوتر. Unmanageable workloads can be a source of stress.

heavy workloads workload noun [ C ] كمية العمل، حمل العمل the amount of work to be done, especially by a particular person or machine in a period of time: a heavy/light workload وهم يواجهون أعباء متزايدة. They face increased workloads. My workload is particularly heavy this week.

يشكو المعلمون دائمًا من عبء العمل الثقيل. Teachers are always complaining about their ___ ___ .

heavy workloads workload noun [ C ] كمية العمل، حمل العمل the amount of work to be done, especially by a particular person or machine in a period of time: a heavy/light workload وهم يواجهون أعباء متزايدة. They face increased workloads. My workload is particularly heavy this week.

والديها لا يوافقان على العلاقة كانت علاقتهم في انحدار هل أنت مرتبط؟ لقد خرجت للتو من علاقة صمدت علاقتهم الكثير من المصاعب العلاقة محكوم عليها بالفشل من البداية علاقتنا هي المهنية بحته علاقتنا المهنية البحتة يجب أن تكون هناك علاقة بين الادله

her parents don't approve of the relationship their relationship was on the decline are you in a relationship? I have just come out of a relationship their relationship has withstood hardships the relationship was doomed from the beginning our relationship is strictly professional our relationship is purely professional there must be a relationship between the clues العلاقة بين الأطباء والمرضى العلاقة بين المعلمين والطلاب العلاقة بين الأحداث لديه علاقة غير صحية بالمال قضايا العلاقة مشاكل العلاقة مخاوف العلاقة تقديم المشورة العلاقة the relationship between doctors and patients the relationship between teachers and students the relationship between the events he has an unhealthy relationship with money relationship issues relationship problems relationship fears relationship counseling

"James, ___ under the bed, was completely silent." "كان جيمس ، المختبئ تحت السرير ، صامتًا تمامًا". Present participle

hiding Present participle phrase If we use the present participle in a phrase, we give the clause an active meaning. In other words, the noun being modified is the agent of the action. "Singing in the shower, I was oblivious to the doorbell ringing." (I was singing.)

ووجد التقرير أن معاملته لموظفيه كانت "غير متسقة مع المستوى العالي للسلوك المتوقع من كبار المسؤولين التنفيذيين". التحالف اعتمد قواعد طوعية للأخلاقيات ومعايير لسلوك العمل. The report found that his treatment of his staff was "inconsistent with the ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ". The coalition adopted a voluntary code of ethics and standards for ___ ___ .

high standard of conduct expected of senior executives business conduct conduct noun conduct noun (BEHAVIOUR) 1. conduct n (Behaviour) سلوك، تصرف Your conduct is not acceptable. سلوكك هذا غير مقبول.

ومن المتوقع أن تصل الفضيحة إلى عناوين الصحف غدًا. كانت الفضيحة هي عنوان الصفحة الأولى في جميع الصحف. The scandal is expected to ___ ___ ___ tomorrow. The scandal was the ___ ___ ___ in all the newspapers.

hit the headlines تصل إلى عناوين الصحف. be headline/front-page news Any story about the Royal Family will be headline/front-page news in Britain. front-page headline عنوان الصفحة الأولى

نحن فقط بحاجة إلى ربط المقطورة على السيارة وبعد ذلك يمكننا أن نذهب. We just need to ___ the trailer on the car and then we can go.

hitch on/to verb (FASTEN) [ T usually + adv/prep ] ربط link, connect, bind, fasten, hitch, hook ,attach to fasten something to another thing by tying it with a rope or using a metal hook The horses were hitched to a shiny, black carriage

الفكرة وراء اليانصيب هي لجمع المال لأسباب وجيهة . The idea ___ the lottery is to raise money for good causes.

idea behind noun (PURPOSE) a purpose or reason for doing something غرض أو سبب للقيام بشيء ما

فكرة اللعبة هي التخلص من جميع البطاقات الخاصة بك بأسرع ما يمكن. The ___ ___ the game is to get rid of all your cards as soon as you can.

idea of idea noun (PURPOSE) a purpose or reason for doing something غرض أو سبب للقيام بشيء ما

انا لا أحب فكره الحياة حتى الآن بعيدا عن عائلتي I don't like the idea ___ living so far away from my family.

idea of + v.ing noun (KNOWLEDGE) an understanding, thought, or picture in your mind: فهم، فكر، أو صوره في عقلك:

الدكتور ليتش يطرح فكره انه من المستحيل ان يفسد الطفل. Dr Leach puts forward the idea ___ it is impossible to spoil a child.

idea that noun (BELIEF) a belief or opinion الاعتقاد أو الراي

"The man who is dressed in a T-shirt and jeans is ___ ___ the CEO." "الرجل الذي يرتدي تي شيرت والجينز هو في الواقع الرئيس التنفيذي." Prepositional idiom

in fact really; actually

"دعونا نضع خزانه أمام النافذة." "Let's put the dresser ___ ___ ___ the window." Prepositions

in front of امام something situated before something

هناك مشهد جنسي في الفيلم الذي علي ما يبدو لم يترك شيئا إلى الخيال There's a sex scene in the film which apparently ___ ___ ___ ___ imagination (= shows sexual parts of the body very clearly).

imagination الخيال Noun B1 the ability to form pictures in the mind: My younger son has a very vivid (= active) imagination. I can never make up stories, I have absolutely no imagination لسبب ما ، استحوذت القصة على اهتمام الجمهور For some reason the story captured/caught the imagination of the public (= made them very interested). لا يمكن بأي حال من الخيال وصفها بأنها مدينة جميلة. It couldn't by any stretch of the imagination be described as a beautiful city. (= it is certainly not a)

From what she said, the ___ was that they were splitting up. مما قالته ، كان المعنى الضمني هو أنهم كانوا ينقسمون.

implication [ + that ] noun an occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly مناسبه عندما يبدو انك توحي شيئا دون القول مباشره تضمين inclusion, implication, implying

implication noun a suggestion of something that is made without saying it directly: The ___ was that the workers and management had already reached an agreement. كان المعنى الضمني هو أن العمال والإدارة قد توصلوا بالفعل إلى اتفاق.

implication [ + that ] noun an occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly مناسبه عندما يبدو انك توحي شيئا دون القول مباشره تضمين inclusion, implication, implying

It's not yet clear what the ___ of the new legislation will be for small businesses. وليس من الواضح بعد ما هي الآثار المترتبة علي التشريع الجديد بالنسبة للاعمال التجاريةالصغيرة.

implications noun the effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the future الآثار/ انعكاسات/ التداعيات/ تبعات/ مضاعفات effects, impacts, consequences reflections, implications, repercussions

What are the ___ of his report? ما هي الآثار المترتبة علي تقريره؟

implications of noun the effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the future الآثار/ انعكاسات/ التداعيات/ تبعات/ مضاعفات effects, impacts, consequences reflections, implications, repercussions

What are the ___ of the new law? ما هي الآثار المترتبة علي القانون الجديد ؟

implications of noun the effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the future الآثار/ انعكاسات/ التداعيات/ تبعات/ مضاعفات effects, impacts, consequences reflections, implications, repercussions

I detected an of the way he was treated. اكتشفت انتقادا ضمنيا للطريقة التي عولج بها.

implied criticism يوحي //تنطوي/ يعني ضمنا verb to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly

Her statement ___ a lack of confidence in the management of the company. بيانها يعني عدم الثقة في إدارة الشركة.

implies Imply (formal) to involve something or make it necessary عنى mean, denote

I'm not ___ anything about your cooking, but could we eat out tonight? انا لا المح اي شيء عن طبخك لكن هل يمكننا الأكل الليلة ؟

implying يوحي //تنطوي/ يعني ضمنا verb to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly

Are you ___ that I'm fat? هل تلمحين باني سمين؟

implying imply[ + (that) ] يوحي //تنطوي/ يعني ضمنا verb to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly

• What's the best way of ___ for people who are physically handicapped? ما هي أفضل طريقة لتحسين الوصول إلى المسرح للأشخاص المعاقين جسديا؟ •

improving theatre access

"Beth starts school ___ August." Prepositions

in months, years, and specific times of day

"I would rather work on the project ___ the afternoon." Prepositions

in months, years, and specific times of day

"___ 2008, the U.S. held a presidential election." Prepositions

in months, years, and specific times of day

"The rice is ___ the cabinet." Prepositions

in enclosed spaces

"Angela will arrive ___ ___ ." أنجيلا ستصل في دقيقة واحدة." Prepositional idiom

in a minute very soon

"Sue paid for her gift ___ ___ " "سو دفعت ثمن هديتها مقدما." Prepositional idiom

in advance ahead of time; before

"This textbook explains World War II ___ ___ ." "هذا الكتاب يفسر الحرب العالمية الثانية باختصار." Prepositional idiom

in brief concisely; in a few words

اقتحم اللصوص المنزل في وضح النهار. Thieves had broken into the house ___ ___ ___ .

in broad daylight If a crime is committed in broad daylight, it happens during the day, when it could have been seen and prevented: in broad daylight adv (openly, in full public view) في وضح النهار، أمام الناظرين They were selling drugs in broad daylight.

"We always buy toilet paper ___ ___ "نحن دائما نشتري ورق التواليت بكميات كبيرة." Prepositional idiom

in bulk in large amounts

• "I'm bringing an umbrella ___ it starts raining." (I'm worried it might rain, so I'm bringing an umbrella.) •"أنا أحضر مظلة في حال بدأ المطر." (أنا قلق من أنه قد تمطر، لذلك أنا جلب مظلة.)

in case We use in case to suggest a precaution against a hypothetical possibility

• "She put her phone on silent ___ it rang during the movie." (She was concerned her phone would ring in the middle of the movie, so she silenced it.) انها وضعت هاتفها على الصمت في حال رن خلال الفيلم ". (كانت قلقة من أن يرن هاتفها في منتصف الفيلم، لذلك قامت بإسكاته.)

in case We use in case to suggest a precaution against a hypothetical possibility

وتباع القسائم بزيادات قدرها 10 يورو من الحد الأدنى للشراء من 20 يورو إلى 200 يورو كحد أقصى. The vouchers are sold in ___ of €10 from a minimum purchase of €20 to a maximum of €200.

in increments of sth increment الزيادة increase, increased, growth, rise, excess,boost العلاوة allowance, premium, bonus noun one of a series of increases

نتائج الشركة تتماشى مع توقعات سوق الأوراق المالية. نحن نسعى لزيادة الأجور التي تتماشى مع التضخم. The company's results are ___ ___ ___ stock market expectations. We're seeking a pay rise that's ___ ___ ___ inflation.

in line with • be in line with [sth] figurative (correspond to) يتماشى مع شيء، يتوافق مع شيء Our operating procedures are in line with state requirements. • in line with sth C2 similar to, or at the same level as something

• "Our boss asked us to take detailed notes ___ ___ ___ nothing would be forgotten." (formal) • "طلب منا رئيسنا تدوين ملاحظات مفصلة حتى لا ينسى شيء" (رسمي)

in order that We use in order that, so that, and so to give a reason. They are interchangeable in meaning but differ in formality. Compare the following sentences: • "Our boss asked us to take detailed notes so that nothing would be forgotten." (neutral) • "Our boss asked us to take detailed notes so nothing would be forgotten." (less formal)

"I love history in general, but I would like to learn more about European history ___ ___ ." "أنا أحب التاريخ بشكل عام، ولكن أود أن أعرف المزيد عن التاريخ الأوروبي على وجه الخصوص." Prepositional idiom

in particular especially

"Oftentimes, the most talkative people are ___ ___ quite shy." "في كثير من الأحيان، فإن الناس الأكثر ثرثارة هي في الواقع خجولة جدا." Prepositional idiom

in reality really; actually

"In school we are learning about the American Revolution." Identify parts of the sentence

in school — adverbial prepositional phrase acting as a modifier of the present participle learning are — finite auxiliary verb used with the present participle learning to create the present continuous tense learning — present participle (a type of non-finite verb) used with the auxiliary finite verb are to form the present continuous tense about the American Revolution — prepositional phrase functioning as the direct object of the present participle learning Note that adverbs (which can be single words, adverbial phrases, or even adverbial clauses) that modify elements of the predicate do not always appear after the subject. It's quite common for certain adverbs to appear at the beginning of a sentence to add emphasis to the information Notice that the adverbial prepositional phrase in school is still part of the predicate, even though it appears at the beginning of the sentence before the subject. This is because it modifies the participle learning, which is part of the predicate

على الرغم من أن المدير العام مسؤول بشكل رسمي ، إلا أن الجميع يعلم أن نائبه متحكم بزمام الامور Although the general manager is officially in charge, everyone knows his deputy is really___ ___ ___ ___ .

in the driving seat We talk about someone being in the driving seat to mean that they are in control of the situation: be in the driving seat UK (US be in the driver's seat)

عانت المنطقة أسابيع من الأمطار المستمرة. The region endured weeks of ___ rain.

incessant adjective never stopping, especially in an annoying or unpleasant way: incessant rain/noise/complaints Synonyms ceaseless formal constant never-ending perpetual unceasing formal unremitting formal incessantly adverb [ not gradable ] Bob talks incessantly about their new baby.

إذا كنت في وضعك ، فسيكون ميلي هو البحث عن وظيفة أخرى. If I were in your situation, my ___ would be to look for another job.

inclination noun (FEELING) C2 [ C or U ] [ + to infinitive ] a feeling that you want to do a particular thing, or the fact that you prefer or are more likely to do a particular thing: 1- (tendency) ميل She has an inclination to argue when she's tired. لديها ميل للجدال عندما تكون متعبة. 2- (person: disposition) مزاج، نزعة He's of a rather melancholy inclination.

انا اميل إلى الاتفاق معك. I'm ___ to agree with you.

inclined adjective C2 [ after verb + to infinitive ] be inclined to agree, believe, think, etc. likely or wanting to do something: توم يميل إلى ان يكون كسول. Tom is inclined to be lazy. لا يبدو ان أحدا يميل للمساعدة. No one seemed inclined to help

سيحصل معظم الموظفين علي زيادةسنوية. Most staff will receive an annual increment. (a regular increase in the amount that someone is paid)

increment الزيادة increase, increased, growth, rise, excess,boost العلاوة allowance, premium, bonus noun one of a series of increases

ستحصل علي زيادات سنوية في الراتب كل شهر سبتمبر. You will receive annual salary___ every September.

increment الزيادة increase, increased, growth, rise, excess,boost العلاوة allowance, premium, bonus noun salary increment pay increment one of a series of increases

ووعد العمال بزيادة راتبين إضافيين في السنه. Workers were promised two ___ pay increases a year.

incremental التزايدي تدريجية gradual, progressive, gradually, progressively الإضافية additional, extra, supplementary adjective

"Many are voicing their concerns." "الكثيرون يعبرون عن مخاوفهم ".

indefinite pronouns that can refer to both things and people. Try to see if you can figure out which each is referring to by the information in the sentence

"___ came to the service, in the end." "قليل جاء إلى الخدمة ، في النهاية."

indefinite pronouns that can refer to both things and people. Try to see if you can figure out which each is referring to by the information in the sentence

He has an ___ background (= he has worked in industry).لديه خلفية صناعية Adjective

industrial industrial output الانتاج الصناعي industrial expansion التوسع الصناعي an industrial landscape/nation

. I think we must infer/imply from what they said that they believe we should reapply for the job. اعتقد اننا يجب ان نستنتج من ما قالوا انهم يعتقدون اننا يجب ان تتقدم للحصول علي وظيفة.

infer In order to underline this difference, infer is used with the preposition from When someone infers something, they take the suggestion out of the message We imply something by what we say. We infer something from what somebody else says. The main difference between these two words is that a speaker can imply, but a listener can only infer. When someone implies something, they put the suggestion into the message: Are you implying that the team cheated? We don't use infer to refer to what someone has said: Are you implying that I cheated? Not: Are you inferring that I cheated?

I ___ ___ her expression that she wanted to leave. استنتجت من تعبيرها انها أرادت الرحيل

inferred from [ + that ] verb formal to form an opinion or guess that something is true because of the information that you have لتكوين راي أو تخمين ان هناك شيء صحيح بسبب المعلومات التي لديك استنتج Conclude, deduce دل Indicate, denote, استدل infer, deduce

كل رياضي كبير لديه الرغبة الجامحة في الفوز Every great athlete has an ___ ___ to win.

insatiable desire (constant need or want) رغبة يصعب إشباعها desire noun B2 [ C or U ] 1- desire noun (WANT) a strong feeling that you want something: وهناك رغبه قويه في السلام بين الناس . There is a strong desire for peace among the people. رغبة desire, wish, willingness, inclination, lust وهو مدفوع حقا بالرغبة في مساعده الناس. He is genuinely motivated by a desire to help people. انه قمع رغبه مفاجئه في البكاء. He repressed a sudden desire to cry. ويبدو ان رغبته في السلطة السياسية لا تعرف حدودا. His desire for political power apparently knows no bounds My desires in life are few. 2- desire noun (SEXUAL NEED) [ U ] formal the strong feeling that you want to have sex with someone: sexual desire Beatrice was the object of Dante's desire. Synonym lust (DESIRE)

أنوي الإقلاع عن التدخين بدءًا من يوم غد I ___ to give up smoking, starting tomorrow.

intend to do [sth] (plan) ينوي

"Be careful not to in___ ___ the conference upstairs." "يجب الحرص على عدم التدخل في المؤتمر في الطابق العلوي. " Preposition

interfere with

Most of the scientists ___ were medically ___ . معظم العلماء المشاركين كانوا مؤهلين طبيا.

involved Qualified

• "I hope everything is/are alright; I would hate if it wasn't." • "آمل أن يكون كل شيء على ما يرام ؛ كنت أكره إذا لم يكن الأمر كذلك ".

is Many pronouns that refer to more than one—e.g., everything, everyone, much, etc.—are considered singular. This is because, grammatically, they function as a single unit (like the collective nouns team, group, collection, etc., which are made up of multiple people or things). As a result, they must take a singular verb and have agreement with the rest of the text. "Everyone is invited."

"Not only Mike but also Daniel ___ coming with us." "ليس فقط مايك ولكن أيضا دانيال قادم معنا."

is In general, when we join two singular subjects using a correlative conjunction, the verb that follows should be singular

العمل في غرفة الطوارئ في مستشفى كبير هو عمل مرهق للغاية. Working in the emergency room of a major hospital ___ ___ ___ work.

is highly stressful stressful adjective

هذا المال مخصص لإغاثة ضحايا الإعصار. This money ___ ___ for hurricane relief.

is intended intend [sth] for [sth/sb] (designate) يخصص شيئًا لشيء/لشخص

: مجموعتها الأخيرة من العمل لا ترقى إلى مستوى التطلعات. أخبرني أستاذي أن عملي لا يصل إلى المستوى المطلوب. Her latest batch of work just___ ___ ___ ___ ___ . My teacher told me that my work___ ___ ___

isn't up to the mark wasn't up to the mark. up to the mark adj (acceptably good) رفيع المستوى good enough

الخبر الرئيسي في الأخبار اليوم هو الزلزال الذي وقع في مدينة بروسكفا. The main ___ ___ ___ today is the earthquake in Broskva City.

item of news or news item news item n (story featured in the news) نبأ إخباري Did you see the news item about the discovery of a new planet?

بالأمس كان يعاني من أعصاب ما قبل الزفاف ، لكنه بدا اليوم هادئًا وسعيدًا عندما هو وجاد تم عقد قرانهما. Yesterday he was suffering from pre-wedding nerves, but today he looked calm and happy as he and Jade were___ ___ ___ .

joined in matrimony be joined in marriage/matrimony formal to become a married couple in an official ceremony matrimony n (marriage) زواج، قران، نكاح حالة شخصية ضرب من العاب الورق Many couples feel more connected after matrimony than before it.

هل كانت رحلة متعبة من سيول إلى لوس أنجلوس؟ Was it a tiring ___ from Seoul to Los Angeles? في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع الصيفية اعتدنا على الذهاب في رحلة تخييم On summer weekends we often used to go on camping___ .

journey Trip هل تستخدم شركه خاصه لترتيب سفر العمل لموظفيك ؟ Do you use a special firm to arrange business travel for your staff? هل تقوم باجراء ترتيبات السفر الخاصة بك ام ان السكرتيرة تفعل كل شيء ؟ Do you make your own travel arrangements or does your secretary do it all? آمل أن تكون رحلتك في موعدها غدًا. رحلة آمنة. نراكم في المطار. I hope your flight is on time tomorrow. Safe journey. See you at the airport.

Many people suffer from some form of mental illness during their lives. لقد عملت ملاحظه ذهنيه لعنوانها I made a ___ note of her address (= I will try to remember it).

mental picture adjective [ before noun ] relating to the mind, or involving the process of thinking: The family has a history of mental disorder. A doctor was asked about the mental state of the prisoner Stress can affect both your physical and mental health.

وجدت أنه من الصعب الحفاظ على أعصابي مع حدوث الكثير من الأشياء الخاطئة. I found it hard to ___ ___ ___ with so many things going wrong.

keep my temper keep your temper C2 to succeed in staying calm and not becoming angry: be in a bad, foul, etc. temper سأبقى بعيدًا عنها إذا كنت أنت - إنها في مزاج سيئ\متعكر I'd stay away from her if I were you - she's in a foul temper. • temper n (mood)مزاج Try to find out what temper the boss is in, before you ask for your pay rise. جرّب أن تعرف كيف هو مزاج المدير قبل أن تطلب منه زيادة راتب. • bad temper n (ability to get angry) مزاج سيئ Hannah has a temper; it's best not to upset her. • temper [sth] (moderate, mitigate) يلطّف يخفّف، يقلّل George's boss tempered her negative appraisal with a few positive comments. Karen's attraction to Brian was tempered by her knowledge of his criminal past. لطّفت مديرة جورج تقييمها السلبيّ بذكر بعض التعليقات الإيجابية. خفّ انعجاب كارين ببراين بعدما عرفت بماضيه الإجراميّ. • fiery temper n (tendency to be quick to anger) طَبْع سريع الغضب Davina was a typical redhead with a fiery temper. • lose your temper v (get angry) يفقد أعصابه، ينفعل Jeremy is so easily upset; he loses his temper over every little thing. • temper tantrum n (angry outburst) نوبة غضب

"I can't keep up with celebrity gossip." "لا أستطيع مواكبة القيل والقال المشاهير. " Preposition

keep up with to stay up to date; to stay informed about

هل يجب أن أتحدث عن الأمور الشخصية لأقرب زميلي في العمل؟ انها ليست جيدة جدا في الحفاظ على الأسرار ولديها مخيله واسعه جدا. إنها تعد دائمًا بعدم إخبار الآخرين، لكنني لست متأكدًا من أنها تفي دائمًا بكلمتها. Should I talk about personal matters to my closest colleague at work? She is not very good at ___ secrets and she has a very ___ imagination. She always promises not to tell other people, but I'm not sure she always ___ her word.

keeping secrets vivid imagination. keeps her word

ستكون السمة الرئيسية للخدمة الجديدة هي المرونة. A ___ ___ of the new service will be flexibility.

key attribute Essential attribute attribute noun C2 ميزة/ صفة مميزة feature, advantage, merit, characteristic, quality, attribute a quality or characteristic that someone or something has: الثقة بالنفس سمه نادره في عمر 17 عاما. Self-confidence is a rare attribute in a 17-year-old. لديها الخصائص الفيزيائية لتصبح سباح البطولة. She has the physical attributes to become a championship swimmer

The group is expanding its___ ___ north of the border. ويقوم الفريق بتوسيع علاماته التجارية الرئيسية إلى الشمال من الحدود .

key brands ?,,brand ماركة العلامة التجارية noun (PRODUCT) a type of product made by a particular company

"They say the festival should ___ ___ around noon." "يقولون إن المهرجان يجب أن يبدأ حوالي الظهر". Prepositional idiom

kick off to begin

خلال كلمته ، ركز بشكل خاص على حرية الصحافة. During his speech, he ___ ___ ___ on the freedom of the press.

laid particular stress • stress sth (emphasize) يؤكد على شيء، يشدد على شيء We stressed our desire to hire a manager with a lot of experience. أكدنا على رغبتنا في تعيين مدير ذي خبرة طويلة. stress noun (EMPHASIS) C1 emphasis هناك تشديد مستمر على المكانه في هذا المجتمع There's constant stress on status in this community

الكاتدرائية تهيمن علي المناظر الطبيعية لأميال حولها. The cathedral dominates the ___ for miles around.

landscape surrounding countryside المناطق الريفية المحيطة familiar landscape gentle landscape a landscape with nothing extreme or threatening about it open fields uninterrupted by woods or houses bleak landscape rocky mountains جبال صخرية 1- landscape n (rural scenery) منظر طبيعي وقفنا عند قمة الجبل لنتأمل بالمنظر الطبيعي. We stopped at the top of the mountain to admire the landscape. 2- landscape n (painting of a rural scene) لوحة لمنظر طبيعي اشترينا لوحة لمنظر طبيعي في المزاد العلني الفني. They bought a landscape at the art auction. 3- landscape [sth] (design and plant for improved appearance) يجري تنسيقًا للمنظر الطبيعي يجري تنسيقًا للحديقة My parents are going to landscape the front of their new house. سيجري والداي تنسيقًا للمنظر الطبيعي أمام بيتهما الجديد. 4- landscape gardening n (garden design) تصميم الحدائق I know nothing at all about landscape gardening - I'll have to hire a professional. 5- landscape painter n (artist who depicts natural scenery) رسام طبيعي John Constable is one of England's most popular landscape painters.

بعض الآباء يناقشون الأشياء مع أطفالهم بدلاً من فرض رأيهم. Some parents talk things through with their kids instead of simply ___ ___ ___ ___

laying down the law. to tell people what they must do, without caring about their opinions We said we would lay down the law, we lay down the law talk through C2 to discuss all the details of something, often before making a decision: It is very important to try and talk all the issues through so that they can be dealt with in an appropriate manner

انها المغني الرئيسي في فرقة روك. أحد إخوتها يعزف على الغيتار الرئيسي وشقيقها الآخر هو عازف لوحة المفاتيح ، لذلك هي فرقة عائلية حقيقية. She's ___ ___ in a rock band. One of her brothers plays ___ ___ and her other brother is___ ___ , so it's a real family band.

lead singer lead guitar a keyboard player

It became the ___ ___ of specialty coffee in asia. انها بيكلي العلامة التجارية الرائدة من القهوة المتخصصة في اسيا.

leading brand ?,,brand ماركة العلامة التجارية noun (PRODUCT) a type of product made by a particular company

"It was ___ ___ me to assume I was right." "كان من السخف أن أفترض أنني كنت على صواب". Preposition

of silly of

"That's very ___ ___ you." "هذا ذكي جدا بالنسبة لك." Preposition

of smart of

"He demanded that they ___ the room at once." وطالبهم بمغادرة الغرفة في وقت واحد.

leave Expressing Commands, Suggestions, Requests, and Statements of Necessity When we express actions that we demand, suggest, or request that someone else take, or describe something that must be the case, we use the base form of the verb—that is, the infinitive form without the word to "I recommend that she study harder next time." (suggestion) The biggest difference between the subjunctive and indicative mood in this case is that the verb does not change according to who is taking the action. For instance, it is she study, the audience be, and we be in the subjunctive, while it would be she studies, the audience is, and we are in the indicative mood.

يترك أثرًا(بصمه) في شيء/شخص لا يزال الإعصار يترك بصماته على مراكز قطاع المنازل المهجورة والمنازل الفارغة. The hurricane continues ___ ___ ___ on abandoned strip malls and empty houses.

leave your mark on [sth/sb] (make an impact) يترك أثرًا في شيء/شخص يترك الاباء بصماتهم علي أبنائهم. Parents leave their mark on their children.

العداء من نيجيريا سبق كل المتسابقين الآخرين. منذ سن مبكرة جدًا ، سبق يوسف دائمًا نظرائه. The sprinter from Nigeria ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ From a very early age, Joseph has always ___ ___ ___

left all the other runners behind. left his peers behind. • leave [sb/sth] behind (get ahead of) يتقدّم شخصًا/شيئًا، يسبق شخصًا/شيئًا • leave [sb] behind (perform better) يتفوّق على شخص

"السترات االمتروكه(المنسيه) سيتم التبرع بها. " "Jackets ___ ___ will be donated." Past participle

left behind if it occurs in the middle position and is essential to the meaning of the sentence, it should not be set apart by commas

تدور أفلام وحيدا في المنزل حول صبي متروك عندما تذهب عائلته في إجازة. لم أجد حتى وصلت إلى المطار حيث وجدت أنني نسيت جواز سفري. The Home Alone movies are about a boy who is ___ ___ when his family goes on vacation. It wasn't until I got to the airport that I found I had ___ ___ ___

left behind left my passport behind. لقد عدت الطلاب على متن الحافلة، للتأكد من عدم ترك شخص ما في الحديقة She counted the students on the bus, to be sure someone did not get left behind at the zoo • left behind adj (abandoned) متروك، منسيّ • leave [sth/sb] behind (fail to bring) ينسى شخصًا/شيئًا، ينسى جلب شخص/شيء، يترك شخصًا/شيئًا في

"I was in such a hurry I didn't notice my jacket___ ___ ." "كنت في عجلة من أمري لم ألاحظ سترتي تركت على الطاولة." Past participle

left on the table If the participle or phrase occurs in the final position immediately after the noun that it modifies, it doesn't need a comma

"The ___ you know, the better." " كلما قلت معرفتك ، كلما كان ذلك أفضل".

less indefinite pronouns that only apply to things "Is there something you'd like to say?" "I don't care what I eat, so just order me anything."

"I feel like I've ___ ___ my parents." "أشعر أنني خذلت والديّ" Prepositional idiom

let down to disappoint

• "Neither my mom nor my cousins ___ swimming." • "لا أمي ولا أبناء عمي يحبون السباحة."

like Sometimes, we join a singular subject to a plural subject. In this case, the majority of style guides state that the verb should agree with the noun that is closest to it. For example: • "Every day both the cat and the dogs wake me up." (Wake is plural because the dogs is plural.) • "Neither my cousins nor my mom likes swimming." (Likes is singular, because mom is singular.) However, there are also those who believe that if either of the subjects is plural, then the verb should also be plural. According to this preference, the second sentence above would require the plural form of the verb because the first subject, my cousins, is plural: • "Neither my cousins nor my mom like swimming." If this is confusing or you're not sure which style you should use, you can avoid the problem entirely by switching the order of the subjects so that the plural subject comes closest to the verb. In this way, we satisfy both styles

I'm particularly interested in the ___ development of young children. انا مهتم بشكل خاص بالتطور اللغوي للأطفال الصغار.

linguistic connected with language or the study of language متصلة باللغة أو دراسة اللغة

Silicon Valley has become one of the most ___ diverse places in America. أصبح وادي السيليكون واحدة من الأماكن الأكثر تنوعا لغويا في أمريكا.


يجب أن تثبت للممتحنين أن لديك أكثر من فهم حرفي للنص. الأكاديميون الذين يجلسون في الأبراج العاجية لا يفهممون ما هو مهم للناس العاديين You need to demonstrate to the examiners that you have more than a ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ . Academics sitting in ivory towers have___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ .

literal understanding of the text no understanding of what is important for ordinary people • understanding n (knowledge) معلومات، معرفة Most people's understanding of other countries is limited. لمعظم الناس معرفة قليلة عن البلدان الأخرى. • understanding n (limit of knowledge) علم I might be wrong, but it is my understanding that they are no longer dating. قد أكون مخطئًا ولكن على حد علمي ما عادا يتواعدان understanding noun (KNOWLEDGE) B2 knowledge about a subject, situation, etc. or about how something works

"As I've gotten older, I've realized that I know very ___ ." "مع تقدمي في السن ، أدركت أنني أعرف القليل جدًا."

little indefinite pronouns that only apply to things "Is there something you'd like to say?" "I don't care what I eat, so just order me anything."

Your Cloths looked like ___ ___ . (regularly used and comfortable)

lived in regularly used and comfortable تستخدم بانتظام ومريحه I like a room to look lived in.

"Parents are always yelling at their kids to get___ the furniture." Preposition

off movement down or away from something

قدمت تينا شكوى إلى قسم الموارد البشرية. قدمت الولايات المتحدة احتجاجًا رسميًا ضد اعتقال المراسلين الأجانب. Tina ___ ___ ___ with the human resources department. The US ___ ___ ___ against the arrest of the foreign reporters.

lodged a complaint lodged a formal protest lodge [sth] (register complaint, appeal) (شكوى) يتقدّم بشيء to make an official complaint about something

قال محامون الليلة الماضية إنهم سيقدمون طعنا في الحكم. Lawyers said last night that they would be ___ ___ ___ ___ against the sentence.

lodging an appeal lodge [sth] (register complaint, appeal) (شكوى) يتقدّم بشيء to make an official complaint about something

كنت سعيدا لرؤية ابن عمي المفقود منذ فتره طويلة I was happy to see my ___ cousin

long-lost adjective [ before noun ] used to refer to a relation, friend, or object that you have not seen for a long time

" وفقًا للتقاليد القديمة الراسخه ، يجب عليّ الآن إلقاء خطاب ، لكن سيكون قصيرًا للغاية according to___ ___ ___ , I now have to make a speech, but it'll be very short

long-standing tradition

نصحتنا أن ننظر إلى الخارج لمزيد من المشاريع التجارية المربحة. هناك العديد من المشاريع المشتركة بين الشركات الأمريكية واليابانية She advised us to look abroad for more ___ ___ ___ There are many ___ ___ between American and Japanese companies

lucrative business ventures. joint ventures Venture n C2 a new activity, usually in business, that involves risk or uncertainty: 1. venture v (dare to go, do [sth] risky, say) يتجرأ، تكون له الجرأة يغامر بدخول ينطوي على خطر يقوم بشيء The children ventured into the abandoned house. The explorer ventured to unknown lands. The stuntman ventured an attempt at jumping over three buses on a motorbike. The young executive ventured that the boss's favourite client was cheating the company. تجرّأ المدير الشابّ على القول إنّ العميل المفضّل عند ربّ العمل إنما يغشّ الشركة. تجرّأ الأولاد على دخول البيت المهجور. غامر المستكشف بدخول أراضٍ مجهولة قام المجازف بمحاولة قفز فوق 3 حافلات على دراجة نارية 2. venture [sth] ( a guess) venture a guess يخمن Anyone who ventures a guess will be awarded a prize. يعتقد يخمن Mary's colleague ventured that her evident happiness was due to a new love in her life. قالت زميلة ماري إنها تعتقد أن سعادة ماري الجليّة إنما هي ناجمة عن حبّ جديد في حياتها. 3. venture [sth] (expose [sth] to risk) يجازف بشيء، يخاطر بشيء The businessman ventured his house as capital for his project. Lara ventured her life to help those infected by the virus. 4. venture n (risky activity) مغامرة، مجازفة Jane led a venture to cross the Sahara. خاضت جاين مجازفة بمحاولتها عبور الصحراء الكبرى. 5. venture n (risky commercial activity) (ينطوي على مجازفة) مشروع تجاري You should always make sure you know the risks associated with any venture you invest in. • business venture n (start-up business/business investment involving risk) الانطلاق بالعمل التجاري مغامرة تجارية Most business ventures in my town don't last longer than six months. • joint venture n (business: joint enterprise) مشروع مشترك، شركة • venture to say (dare say, be so bold as to say) يجرؤ على القول

أضاءت المكتبة بفعل التوهج المضيء لأجهزة الكمبيوتر المحمولة. The library was lit by the ___ ___ of laptops.

luminous glow Adjective (BRIGHT) مضيء luminous, shining, radiant, illuminating مشرق vivid, agleam, shiny producing or reflecting bright light, especially in the dark: luminous clothing Synonyms aglow literary lambent literary يعكس المكياج الضوء ويمنح البشرة توهجًا مضيئًا. The make-up reflects light and gives the skin a luminous glow. تم تشريب القماش بالطلاء المضيء الذي يضيء أثناء سيره. The fabric was impregnated with luminous paint which glowed as they marched

He could not resist the ___ of great riches. لم يستطع مقاومة إغراء الثروات العظيمة.

lure noun إغراء temptation, tempted, lure, entice, seduced, tempting شرك the quality or power that something or someone has that makes it, him, or her attractive the lure of fame the lure of power the lure of money

The university hopes to ___ a new coach with an attractive salary package. تامل الجامعة في جذب مدرب جديد مع حزمهرواتب جذابة.

lure verb [ T ] إغواء/ استدراج/ جذب/ أغريت Seduce/attract to persuade someone to do something or go somewhere by offering them something exciting

I don't understand the ___ ___ ___ . انا لا افهم إغراء الشهرة

lure of fame noun إغراء temptation, tempted, lure, entice, seduced, tempting شرك the quality or power that something or someone has that makes it, him, or her attractive the lure of fame the lure of power the lure of money

He had ___ his victim to a deserted house. كان قد جذب ضحيته إلى منزل مهجور.

lure to verb [ T ] إغواء/ استدراج/ جذب/ أغريت Seduce/attract/entice/tempt to persuade someone to do something or go somewhere by offering them something exciting

She was ___ into the job by the offer of a high salary. تم إغرائها في الوظيفة من خلال عرض راتب مرتفع.

lured into verb [ T ] إغواء/ استدراج/ جذب/ أغريت Seduce/attract to persuade someone to do something or go somewhere by offering them something exciting

"I ___ ___ a fairy tale to tell my children at bedtime." "لقد صنعت حكاية خرافية لأخبر أولادي في وقت النوم". Prepositional idiom

made up "make up" has two unrelated meanings: to create (something) through one's imagination, or to come to terms or settle an argument (with someone)

في أيام التضخم المفرط ، كنا نسارع إلى السوق حالما يتم الدفع لنا ونشتري سلعنا الأسبوعية قبل ان يزداد سعرها. أسهم شركات البيع بالتجزئة ارتفعت بسبب الأخبار التي تشير إلى ارتفاع إنفاق المستهلكين الشهر الماضي. In the days of hyperinflation, we would rush to the market as soon as we were paid and buy our weekly groceries before they were___ ___ . Shares in retail businesses were ___ ___ on the news that consumer spending rose last month.

marked up • mark [sth] up (increase price) (أسعار) يرفع شيئًا Hotels mark up their prices whenever there is a national holiday

لم نتمكن من اجراء الحجز; جميع الفنادق محجوزة بالكامل . We couldn't ___ a reservation; all the hotels were ___ booked.

make Fully بما أن لدي أرجل طويلة ، فأنا عادة ما أطلب مقعدًا في الممر في رحلة طويلة ، ولكن في الرحلة إلى نيويورك كان لدي مقعد في النافذة وحصلت على منظر رائع لمانهاتن عند وصولنا ، رغم أنني لم أكن لدي الكثير من غرفة الساق. As I've got long legs, I usually ask for an aisle seat on a long flight, but on the flight to New York I had a window seat and I got a great view of Manhattan as we came in, even though I didn't have much leg-room. من المقرر فقط أن يكون لدينا حوالي نصف ساعة في دبي ، لذلك آمل ألا نفوت رحلة الاتصال الخاصة بنا. We're only scheduled to have about half an hour in Dubai, so I hope we don't miss our connecting flight. يبدو أنهم يتمتعون بالترفيه على متن الطائرة على نحو أفضل بكثير ؛ لديهم أحدث الأفلام ويمكنك لعب ألعاب الفيديو. They seem to have much better in-flight entertainment on that airline; they have the latest films and you can play video games.

يؤشر على شيء، يعلّم على شيء

make a mark on [sth] (write, draw or paint) يؤشر على شيء، يعلّم على شيء اشر علامة علي الرصيف ليوضح أين يستدير. He made a mark on the pavement to show where to turn.

قصة درامية من هذا القبيل ستصدر عناوين الصحف في جميع أنحاء العالم. A dramatic story like that will ___ ___ world-wide.

make headlines تتصدر عناوين الصحف

يمكنك صنع الموسيقى بعدة طرق ، لا تحتاج إلى أن تكون موسيقيًا مدربًا للاستمتاع بالموسيقى على أكمل وجه. You can ___ ___ in lots of ways, You don't need to be a ___ ___ to enjoy music to the full.

make music trained musician

اجتماعات حاسمه محادثات حاسمه المفاوضات الحاسمة كل مقابلة تحضرها هي موقف حاسم. Each interview that you attend is a ___ ___ ___ .

make-or-break meetings make-or-break talks a make-or-break negotiations make-or-break situation • make or break [sth] informal (cause success, failure) يقرّر نجاح أو فشل شيء That critic's reviews can make or break a new restaurant. آراء النقّاد هي التي تقرّر نجاح أو فشل أيّ مطعم جديد. • make-or-break adj informal (success or failure) حاسم، يتقرر به النجاح أو الفشل It is make-or-break time for the store after two years of declining sales. • make-or-break adjective (also make or break) used to describe a decision, event, or period of time that is very important because it can make something succeed or fail completely

The ___ includes tough ___ to tackle road congestion and ___ pollution. ويتضمن البيان تدابير صارمة لمعالجة ازدحام الطرق والتلوث البيئي.

manifesto Measures Environmental

وأنا أكمل كل مهمة أضع علامة عليها. As I complete each task I___ ___ ___

mark it off mark sth/sb off If you mark off things or people that are on a list, you record that you have dealt with them

يخطط، يرسم خطط، يرسم، يحدد

mark off (delineate, outline) يخطط، يرسم خطط المنطقة المراد تبليطها وإيجاد المركز. Mark off the area to be tiled and find the center. to separate an area by putting something around it: Police had marked off the area where the body was found. mark out (delineate, define) يخطط، يرسم، يحدد mark sth out to show the shape or position of something by drawing a line around it: الحيوانيات تحدد أراضيها مع مجموعه متنوعة من الإشارات البصرية ورائحة. Animal mark out their territory with a variety of visual and scent signals He'd marked out a volleyball court on the beach with a stick. mark [sth] (indicate) يحدّد حدّد النص الذي يلزم درسه. Mark the text to be studied.

أقيم تمثال لإحياء الذكرى المئوية لميلاد الملحن. جبال الأورال تمثل الحدود بين أوروبا وآسيا. A statue was erected to___ ___ of the composer's birth. The Ural mountains ___ ___ between Europe and Asia.

mark the bicentenary mark the boundary mark noun (REPRESENTATION) C2 [ C ] an action that is understood to represent or show a characteristic of a person or thing or feeling: mark n (token) دليل، عربون This gift is a mark of my respect for you. mark n (indication) علامة، دليل His involvement in the project is a mark of real quality. تأكد ان لا تترك اثرا على الجدران أثناء تحريك الأثاث. السجاد الداكن لن يترك اثرا بسهولة كما الفاتح. Make sure you don't ___ ___ ___ while you're moving the furniture around. A dark carpet won't ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ .?,, mark the walls mark as easily as a light one mark (visible sign) (spot, scratch) B2 أثر، علامة -يخدش The falling chair left a mark on the wall. ترك الكرسيّ الذي وقع علامة على الجدار. The cat marked up the table leg with its claws. خدشت القطة رجل الطاولة بمخالب mark verb (DAMAGE/MAKE DIRTY) C1 to make a mark on something or someone

الانتخابات الحرة الأخيرة تمثل الخطوة التالية في تقدم البلاد نحو الديمقراطية. حضر العديد من الدبلوماسيين مراجعة بحرية كدلاله بالذكرى السنوية لنهاية الحرب. The recent free elections ___ ___ ___ in the country's progress towards democracy. Many diplomats attended a naval review to ___ ___ ___ of the end of the war

mark the next step mark the anniversary mark noun (REPRESENTATION) C2 [ C ] an action that is understood to represent or show a characteristic of a person or thing or feeling: mark n (token) دليل، عربون This gift is a mark of my respect for you. mark n (indication) علامة، دليل His involvement in the project is a mark of real quality

Under the current ___ ___ , you need 90 percent to get an A. في اطار نظام العلامات الحالي ، تحتاج 90 في المئة للحصول علي A.

marking scheme Scheme مخطط نظام noun an officially organized plan or system a training scheme /housing scheme /play scheme مخطط التدريب / مخطط السكن / مخطط اللعب a pension scheme/savings scheme نظام التقاعد / مخطط الادخار

لا أستطيع أن أفهم عقلية الناس الذين يؤذون الحيوانات. I can't understand the ___ of people who hurt animals.

mentality noun C1 a person's particular way of thinking about things: إنه يأمل في أن الروابط الوثيقة بين بريطانيا وبقية أوروبا إلى تغيير العقلية البريطانية تجاه الأجانب. He hopes that closer links between Britain and the rest of Europe will change the British mentality towards foreigners. Synonym: mindset نحتاج إلى إنهاء عقلية بطاقة الائتمان هذه والبدء في العيش في حدود إمكانياتنا. We need to end this credit-card mentality and start living within our means

إنه لأمر غير عادي مدى صعوبة تغيير عقلية الجمهور والصحافة. It's extraordinary how hard it is to change the ___ of the public and the press.

mindset noun [ U ] a person's way of thinking and their opinions: to have a different/the same mindset الممولون الأمريكيون لديهم عقلية مختلفة تمامًا عن عقليتنا. American financiers have a very different mindset from ours. Synonyms: Mentality , outlook

وقالت ان هاريس أساء تفسير تعليقاتها. She said Harris had ___ (misunderstand, misinterpret )her comments.

misconstrue verb formal (interpret incorrectly) يسيء تفسير شيء، يسيء فهم شيء Please don't misconstrue my words. to form a false understanding of the meaning or intention of something that someone does or says: وقد أسيء تفسير حذرهم علي انه جبن. Their caution was misconstrued as cowardice. Synonyms misinterpret misunderstand misconstruction is the noun واشتكي جونسون من ان أقواله أسيء تفسيرها. Johnson complained that his statements were misconstrued

عندما نعيد النظر في اللوائح ، أدركنا أننا أساءنا تفسيرها. When we re-examined the regulations, we realized that we had ___ them.

misinterpret verb [ T ] C2 to form an understanding that is not correct of something that is said or done: My speech has been misinterpreted by the press. Synonym misconstrue formal

إذا كانت المريضة غير صادقة ، فقد يؤدي ذلك إلى سوء تفسير ما هو الخطأ فيها. If a patient isn't honest, that can lead to ___ of what is wrong with her.

misinterpretation noun C2 تفسير خاطئ misconstruction the act of forming a wrong understanding of something that is said or done, or an example of a wrong understanding: البيان غير واضح ومفتوح لسوء التفسير The statement is unclear and open to misinterpretation (= could easily be misinterpreted) وهو ليس مسؤولا عن اي أخطاء أو تفسيرات خاطئه في هذا المقال. He is not responsible for any errors or misinterpretations in this essay

وقال التقرير ان الأخطاء حدثت بسبب سوء تفسير القانون. The report said mistakes happened because of a ___ of the law.

misinterpretation noun C2 تفسير خاطئ misconstruction the act of forming a wrong understanding of something that is said or done, or an example of a wrong understanding: البيان غير واضح ومفتوح لسوء التفسير The statement is unclear and open to misinterpretation (= could easily be misinterpreted) وهو ليس مسؤولا عن اي أخطاء أو تفسيرات خاطئه في هذا المقال. He is not responsible for any errors or misinterpretations in this essay

"Most of the puzzle pieces have disappeared, ___ ___ so many years." "اختفت معظم القطعاللغز، في غير محله بعد سنوات عديدة ." Past participle

misplaced after when it occurs in final position but not immediately after the noun that it modifies, it does need a comma

إذا كنت تعتقد أن مشكلات النقل هذه يمكن حلها عن طريق إنشاء المزيد من الطرق ، فأنت تسيء فهم طبيعة المشكلة تمامًا. If you think that these transport problems can be solved by building more roads, you completely ___ the nature of the problem.

misunderstand verb سيء الفهم to think you have understood someone or something when you have not: أخبرته انني ساقابله هنا لكن ربما أساء فهمه وذهب مباشره إلى المطعم I told him I'd meet him here, but perhaps he misunderstood and went straight to the restaurant أعتقد أنها أسيء فهم ما قصدته. I think she misunderstood what I meant

"I always ___ ___ the twins when I see them— one of these days I'll learn to tell them apart." "دائمًا ما أخلط بين التوائم عندما أراهم - في أحد هذه الأيام ، سأتعلم التمييز بينهما." Prepositional idiom

mix up "mix up" has two similar meanings: to confuse, or to or assemble something out of order

"Someone must have ___ ___ the photo albums, because these pictures are all out of order." "يجب أن يكون شخص ما قد خلط ألبومات الصور، لأن هذه الصور كلها خارج النظام." Prepositional idiom

mixed up "mix up" has two similar meanings: to confuse, or to or assemble something out of order

___ , you're right, but in practice I don't think it would work. من الناحية الأخلاقية ، أنت على صواب ، لكن في الممارسة العملية لا أعتقد أن ذلك سيكون ناجحًا.

morally based on principles that you or people in general consider to be right, honest, or acceptable

For a teacher to hit a child is not just morally wrong but also___ . إن ضرب المعلم للطفل ليس خطأً من الناحية الأخلاقية فحسب ، بل إنه غير قانوني أيضًا.

morally Wrong illegal based on principles that you or people in general consider to be right, honest, or acceptable

الحب الأمومي حب الأب الحب الأبوي حب رومانسي الحب الجسدي الحب الاول حب عميق ل حب عميق ل حب حقيقي ل حب حقيقي ل أعلن حبه لي حبه لا يموت لها حبي لك لن يموت أبدا

motherly love paternal love fatherly love romantic love physical love first love a deep love for a profound love for a genuine love for a true love for he declared his love for me his undying love for her my love for you will never die feel the love share the love spread the love I fell in love with her we fall in love instantly we fall in love at first sight it was love at first sight I fell in love with a coworker there's not much love lost between them

يساعدك إذا أمكنك ان تترقى بضع درجات في سلم المهنة قبل أن تأخذ اجازه لإنجاب طفل. لقد توليت هذا المنصب الجديد لأنني شعرت أن فرص العمل كانت أفضل بكثير. جودي هي ميالة للمهنة للغاية It helps if you can ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ before taking time off to have a baby. I took this new job because I felt that the___ ___ were much better. Judith is very ___ ___

move a few rungs up the career ladder career prospects career-minded career B1 move up (be promoted) يترقى Sarah moved up and is now a sales manager. career n (profession) مهنة Many children want a career as a doctor. عندما يُسأل الأطفال عن المهنة التي يريدونها حين يكبرون، كثيرون يجيبون الطبيب. career n (progress in work) سيرة مهنية Martin had a long career at the company. كانت لمارتن سيرة مهنية طويلة في الشركة.

"Gerald struggled to ___ ___ after losing the tennis match." "جيرالد كافح للمضي قدما بعد أن خسر مباراة التنس." Prepositional idiom

move on to stop focusing on the past and continue with one's life

"There is still ___ to be done." "لا يزال هناك الكثير الذي يتعين القيام به."

much indefinite pronouns that only apply to things "Is there something you'd like to say?" "I don't care what I eat, so just order me anything."

هذا الخبر زي العسل Did you hear? Sam and Debbie just got engaged! Oh, fantastic! That's___ ___ ___ .

music to my ears زل بردا و سلاما على أذنه؛ زي العسل؛ له وقع الموسيقى

لقد كان مذنبا بالمحسوبية والفساد. He was guilty of___ ___ ___

nepotism and corruption . nepotism noun formal disapproving the act of using your power or influence to get good jobs or unfair advantages for members of your own family

المذيع التلفزيوني: لقد وصلت الأخبار للتو من وقوع زلزال. TV newscaster: News has just come in of an earthquake.

news comes in اخبار وصلت للتو • come in (enter, go indoors) يدخل Please come in; the door is open. تفضّل ادخل، الباب مفتوح. • come in (be available) يصل The shipment of parts did not come in, so we will not be able to fill that order. • come in (finish race: in nth place) يحلّ في مرتبة I don't care if I win the race, I just don't want to come in last. • come in (become involved) يأتي دوره We need expert advice, and that's where you come in. • come in contact with (be exposed to: [sth] harmful) يتعرض لـ، يتألم من I phoned the doctor as soon as I found out I had come in contact with someone who had Swine Flu. come in handy informal (prove useful) يفيده يحتاج إليه I always keep paper clips in my wallet; you never know when they'll come in handy. أحتفظ دائمًا بمشابك ورق في محفظتي، فلا أحد يعرف متى سأحتاج إليها. • come in peace (have no hostile intent) يأتي في سلام When they invade they will undoubtedly say "We come in peace."

• "Megan was afraid___ the thunderstorm." • "Megan was scared ___ the thunderstorm." • "Megan was terrified___ the thunderstorm."

of Synonymous adjectives generally take the same prepositions. For example, when the adjective afraid is replaced with its synonyms scared and terrified, the preposition of stays the same

"No one can deny the positive impact ___ France." (France has a positive influence.) "No one can deny the positive impact ___ France." (Something positively affects France.) "لا يمكن لأحد أن ينكر التأثير الإيجابي لفرنسا." (فرنسا لها تأثير إيجابي.) "لا يمكن لأحد أن ينكر التأثير الإيجابي على فرنسا". (شيء إيجابي يؤثر على فرنسا.)

of on the meaning changes entirely when a different preposition is substituted

"It was smart ___ him to go on vacation." • "It was stupid ___ him to go on vacation." كان من الغباء منه أن يذهب في عطلة. " Preposition

of Like synonymous adjectives, the majority of antonymous adjectives use the same prepositions

"Are you ___ ___ airplanes?" "هل أنت خائف من الطائرات؟" "الطفل المسكين كان خائفا من سريرها. " "The poor baby was terrified ___ her crib." Preposition

of afraid of, frightened of, scared of, terrified of

"It is thoughtful ___ passengers to thank their drivers." "إنه مراع من المسافرين أن يشكروا سائقيهم". Preposition

of kind of, nice of, sweet of, thoughtful of

"I am so ___ ___ doing laundry every week." "Olivia confessed that she is ___ ___ dating Mike." "لقد سئمت من القيام الغسيل كل أسبوع." "أوليفيا اعترفت بأنها تعبت من مواعدة مايك" Preposition

of sick of, tired of

"Sam is ___ ___ dogs." "سام يخاف من الكلاب" "العديد من الأطفال خائفون من المهرجين. " "Many kids are frightened of clowns." Preposition

of afraid of, frightened of, scared of, terrified of

"How kind ___ you to come early." "That was nice ___ your sister to treat us to dessert." "It's very sweet ___ John to send a gift." Preposition

of kind of, nice of, sweet of, thoughtful of

"How ___ ___ that man to wear sunglasses inside." "كم هو غريب أن يرتدي هذا الرجل النظارات الشمسية في الداخل." Preposition

of odd of, strange of

"Mom told me she is ___ ___ my accomplishments." "أمي أخبرتني أنها فخورة بإنجازاتي" Preposition

of proud of

"I thought it ___ ___ her to interrupt me." "اعتقدت أنه من الوقاحة لها أن يقاطعني". Preposition

of rude of

المكاسب تعوض الخسائر. The gains ___ the losses.

offset verb [ T ] C2 تعوض compensate, offset يقابل meet, corresponds, matched, meets, offset, correspond to balance one influence against an opposing influence, so that there is no great difference as a result. التكلفة الإضافية للانتقال إلى العمل من الضواحي تقابلها إيجارات أرخص. The extra cost of commuting to work from the suburbs is offset by cheaper rents ENVIRONMENT, SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY to pay an amount of money when you do something, for example travelling by air, that produces a lot of harmful waste products. The money is used to do something that protects against climate change, such as planting trees When we are forced to travel by air, we always check the box to choose to offset our flights.

يتم تعويض التكلفة الإضافية للسفر إلى العمل عن طريق انخفاض أسعار المنازل هنا. The extra cost of travelling to work is ___ by the lower price of houses here.

offset + Preposition verb C2 تعوض compensate, offset يقابل meet, corresponds, matched, meets, offset, correspond to balance one influence against an opposing influence, so that there is no great difference as a result. التكلفة الإضافية للانتقال إلى العمل من الضواحي تقابلها إيجارات أرخص. The extra cost of commuting to work from the suburbs is offset by cheaper rents

وقوبل سعر منتجات البنزين بانخفاض في أسعار السيارات. The price of petrol products was ___ by a decline in motor vehicle prices.

offset+ Preposition verb C2 تعوض compensate, offset يقابل meet, corresponds, matched, meets, offset, correspond to balance one influence against an opposing influence, so that there is no great difference as a result. التكلفة الإضافية للانتقال إلى العمل من الضواحي تقابلها إيجارات أرخص. The extra cost of commuting to work from the suburbs is offset by cheaper rents ENVIRONMENT, SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY to pay an amount of money when you do something, for example travelling by air, that produces a lot of harmful waste products. The money is used to do something that protects against climate change, such as planting trees When we are forced to travel by air, we always check the box to choose to offset our flights.

فقد تدريجيا الاتصال مع جميع معارفه القديمة. He gradually lost contact with all his___ ___ .

old acquaintances Casual acquaintances معرفه عابره • casual adj (clothing: informal) غير رسمي The casual feel of the room made him comfortable there. تصميم الغرفة غير رسمي وهذا ما جعله يرتاح فيها. Casual clothing is allowed at this job. يسمح للموظفين هنا بارتداء الملابس غير الرسمية. • casual adj (by chance) عابر عرضي Their meeting was casual, rather than planned. • casual dress n (informal clothing) ملابس غير رسمية The dress code for the event is casual dress. • acquaintance n (person known) (أشخاص) معارف أحد معارف، من معارف • acquaintance with [sth] n (knowledge of a subject) إلمام بشيء معرفة Sadly, my acquaintance with Spanish literature is rather limited. • acquaintance rape n (forced sex by [sb] known to victim) اغتصاب من قِبل شخص معروف للضحية • intimate acquaintance n (close friend) صديق حميم Emma is my intimate acquaintance • made his acquaintance(= first met him).FORMAL It was at the Taylors' party that I first made his acquaintance في حفلة تايلورز ، تعرفت عليه أولاً • on further acquaintance المزيد من التعارف(= knowing her a little more) FORMAL I wasn't sure about Darryl when I first met her, but on further acquaintance, I rather like her. C1 a person that you have met but do not know well: a business acquaintance أحد معارفه التجارية بروفيسور ستيفنز هو أحد معارفي المحترفين - هل سأقدمكم إليه؟ Professor Stevens is a professional acquaintance of mine - shall I introduce you to him? لقد قابلت مؤخرًا أحد معارف العمل القدامى ولم أتعرف عليه كثيرًا I recently met an old work acquaintance of mine and I hardly recognized him. آمل أن تنظر لي كصديق وليس مجرد معرفة I hope you'll consider me a friend and not just an acquaintance. انتشر الخبر بسرعة حول جميع أصدقائنا ومعارفنا The news quickly spread around all our friends and acquaintances

• "May I finish my homework on your computer?" Prepositions

on A preposition of instrument or device is used when describing certain technologies, machines, or devices. These prepositions are by, with, and on. Typically, by refers to methods of transportation, whereas with and on describe the use of machines and other devices

• "The employees refused to work ___ ___ their low pay." • "رفض الموظفون العمل بسبب انخفاض أجورهم". Preposition

on account of A preposition of reason or purpose describes why something has occurred or will occur. Common prepositions of reason or purpose include for, through, because of, on account of, and from

"Bruce works out ___ ___ four times a week." بروس يعمل في المتوسط أربع مرات في الأسبوع." Prepositional idiom

on average usually; typically; normally

"The ship will depart once everyone is ___ ___ ." "ستغادر السفينة بمجرد أن يكون الجميع على متنها." Prepositional idiom

on board located on a ship, train, or airplane

"Most people prefer to watch movies ___ ___ ." "معظم الناس يفضلون مشاهدة الأفلام عند الطلب." Prepositional idiom

on demand immediately available when asked for or requested

"A famous painting is now ___ ___ at the museum." "لوحة مشهورة معروضة الآن في المتحف. " Prepositional idiom

on display being shown, showcased, or exhibited

"A building was ___ ___ yesterday." "مبنى كان يحترق بالأمس" Prepositional idiom

on fire in flames; burning

"Do you have a notepad on hand?" "هل لديك المفكرة في متناول اليد؟" Prepositional idiom

on hand available, accessible

"Liz left without us ___ ___ ." "غادر ليز بدوننا عن قصد." Prepositional idiom

on purpose intentionally; deliberately

"The hat you wanted is ___ ___ at the mall." "القبعة التي أردتها للبيع في المركز التجاري" Prepositional idiom

on sale being sold, especially at a reduced price

"The buses seem to be ___ ___ today." "يبدو أن الحافلات في موعدها اليوم". Prepositional idiom

on schedule functioning as planned or scheduled

"Alfred never arrives ___ ___ ." "ألفريد لا يصل أبدا في الوقت المحدد." Prepositional idiom

on time at the planned or expected time (e.g., of arrival)

"My main responsibility here is ___ the forklift." "مسؤوليتي الرئيسية هنا هي تشغيل رافعة شوكية."

operating (operating complements the noun responsibility) Like predicative adjectives, gerunds can act as subject complements after the linking verb be. In this case, the gerund acts as a kind of modifier that gives more information about the sentence's subject

"There are a few ___ that still need to be collected." وقال "هناك عدد قليل من الآخرين التي لا تزال بحاجة إلى أن تجمع".

others indefinite pronouns that can refer to both things and people. Try to see if you can figure out which each is referring to by the information in the sentence

"Get ___ that cave before the bear comes back!" Preposition

out of movement ending outside something

"Teresa has been acting ___ ___ ___ lately." تيريزا كانت تتصرف خارج الشخصية في الآونة الأخيرة Prepositional idiom

out of character contrary to one's personality

"هذه الطابعة معطلة." "This printer is ___ ___ ___ ." Prepositional idiom

out of order not functioning or working properly; temporarily broken or unusable (usually referring to machinery) out of order adj(not functioning)معطل، لا يعمل خارج الخدمة The furnace is out of order, so I've called a repairman.

الفرن عاطل عن العمل ، لذلك اتصلت بمصلح. لقد أسقطت مخطوطي والآن أصبحت جميع الصفحات غير صالحة. ملاحظات الأستاذ قد عفا عليها الزمن وكان يواجه مشكلة في إلقاء محاضرته. The furnace is___ ___ ___ , so I've called a repairman. I dropped my manuscript and now the pages are all ___ ___ ___ . The professor's notes had got ___ ___ ___ and he was having trouble giving his lecture.

out of order adj (not functioning) معطل، لا يعمل خارج الخدمة out of order adj (jumbled) غير مرتّب get out of order (be jumbled) يصبح غير منظم put out of order (cause to malfunction or break) يلخبط

"Perms have been ___ -___ ___ for decades." "بيرمز كانت خارج النمط لعقود." Prepositional idiom

out of style not fashionable or hip

"He showed up at our house ___ ___ ___ "لقد ظهر في منزلنا بشكل غير متوقع." Prepositional idiom

out of the blue without prior indication; unexpectedly

"His methods are ___ ___ ___ "طرقه خارجة عن المألوف". Prepositional idiom

out of the ordinary unusual; not normal

"Your request is ___ ___ ___ ." "طلبك غير وارد." Prepositional idiom

out of the question impossible or unlikely; unreasonable

"Most of my friends are unfortunately ___ ___ ___ ." "معظم أصدقائي مع الأسف خارج العمل." Prepositional idiom

out of work unemployed

صديقي لديه شخصيه ودوده و اجتماعيه ،و حس الفكاهة كبير. إنه ذكي للغاية ولديه عقل حاد. الرجل المثالي. كنا معًا الآن لمدة عام ، وأنا أحبه كثيرًا ، لكنني لم أحبه بعد الآن. هل يجب أن أكون صريحا بقسوة وأقول له؟ My boyfriend has a really friendly, ___ personality and a great ___ of humor. He's ___ intelligent and has a ___ mind. The perfect man. We've been together now for a year, and I like him a lot, but don't love him anymore. Should I be ___ honest with him and tell him?

outgoing personality great sense of humour. Highly intelligent razor-sharp mind brutally honest

توقعات اليوم هو غائم وجاف في البداية مع زخات المطر في وقت لاحق توقعات الاقتصاد قاتمه The ___ ___ today is cloudy and dry at first with showers later The ___ ___ the economy is bleak.

outlook noun C1 [ S ] (FUTURE SITUATION) the likely future situation: 1- (mental attitude ,OPINION) نظرة، موقف Philip has a very positive outlook on life. لدى فيليب نظرة إيجابية جدًّا إلى الحياة. 2- (probable future) توقعات The current political outlook is worrying. التوقعات السياسية الحالية مثيرة للقلق. 3- (economic prospects) (اقتصادية) توقعات The country's economic outlook is improving. تشهد التوقعات الاقتصادية تحسنًا في البلد 4- (view) منظر، إطلالة The outlook from the balcony is stunning.

من أعلى البرج ، كانت اطلاله المدينة تحبس الانفاس. From the top of the tower, the ___ over the city was breathtaking.

outlook noun C1 [ S ] (FUTURE SITUATION) the likely future situation: 1- (mental attitude ,OPINION) نظرة، موقف Philip has a very positive outlook on life. لدى فيليب نظرة إيجابية جدًّا إلى الحياة. 2- (probable future) توقعات The current political outlook is worrying. التوقعات السياسية الحالية مثيرة للقلق. 3- (economic prospects) (اقتصادية) توقعات The country's economic outlook is improving. تشهد التوقعات الاقتصادية تحسنًا في البلد 4- (view) منظر، إطلالة The outlook from the balcony is stunning.

من أعلى البرج ، كانت اطلاله المدينة تحبس الانفاس. From the top of the tower, the outlook over the city was breathtaking.

outlook noun C1 [ S ] (FUTURE SITUATION) the likely future situation: 1- (mental attitude ,OPINION) نظرة، موقف Philip has a very positive outlook on life. لدى فيليب نظرة إيجابية جدًّا إلى الحياة. 2- (probable future) توقعات The current political outlook is worrying. التوقعات السياسية الحالية مثيرة للقلق. 3- (economic prospects) (اقتصادية) توقعات The country's economic outlook is improving. تشهد التوقعات الاقتصادية تحسنًا في البلد 4- (view) منظر، إطلالة The outlook from the balcony is stunning.

شعرت برغبة عارمة في اخبار شخص ما عما حدث. She felt an ___ ___ to tell someone about what had happened.

overwhelming desire desire noun B2 [ C or U ] 1- desire noun (WANT) a strong feeling that you want something: وهناك رغبه قويه في السلام بين الناس . There is a strong desire for peace among the people. رغبة desire, wish, willingness, inclination, lust وهو مدفوع حقا بالرغبة في مساعده الناس. He is genuinely motivated by a desire to help people. انه قمع رغبه مفاجئه في البكاء. He repressed a sudden desire to cry. ويبدو ان رغبته في السلطة السياسية لا تعرف حدودا. His desire for political power apparently knows no bounds My desires in life are few. 2- desire noun (SEXUAL NEED) [ U ] formal the strong feeling that you want to have sex with someone: sexual desire Beatrice was the object of Dante's desire. Synonym lust (DESIRE)

أنا خجولة بعض الشيء مع أناس جدد ، لكن ليس خجولًا بشكل مؤلم ، لكن في بعض الأحيان أعتقد أنني أعطي انطباعًا بأنني غير ودي. كيف يمكنني إقناع الناس بأنني رفقه طيبه وجديرة بالتعرف؟ I'm a little shy with new people, though not ___ shy, but sometimes I think I ___ the impression that I'm unfriendly. How can I convince people that I'm good ___ ___ and worth getting to know?

painfully shy give the impression good company

"Simply having a passion ___ writing doesn't necessarily mean you will become a best-selling author." "ببساطة وجود شغف للكتابة لا يعني بالضرورة أنك سوف تصبح المؤلف الأكثر مبيعا." Preposition

passion for

"Who's going to pay ___ these tickets?" "من سيدفع ثمن هذه التذاكر؟" Preposition

pay for

ما هي المهارات والسمات الشخصية اللازمة للنجاح ؟ What are the skills and ___ ___ needed for success?

personal attributes a positive/negative attribute attribute noun C2 ميزة/ صفة مميزة feature, advantage, merit, characteristic, quality, attribute a quality or characteristic that someone or something has: الثقة بالنفس سمه نادره في عمر 17 عاما. Self-confidence is a rare attribute in a 17-year-old. لديها الخصائص الفيزيائية لتصبح سباح البطولة. She has the physical attributes to become a championship swimmer

نحتاج إلى مجتمع يرحب بالناس من جميع المعتقدات الدينية. We need a society which welcomes people of all ___ ___ .

persuasion Noun C2 [ C ] a particular set of beliefs, especially religious ones: 1- (enticement) إقناع، اقتناع With a little persuasion, your mother might agree to give you a loan. 2-(tendency) معتقد ديني، رأي طائفة/ المذاهب الدينية People of all religious persuasions are welcome. سوف تساعدك - تحتاج فقط إلى بعض الإقناع اللطيف. She will help you - she just needs a little gentle persuasion

استغرق الأمر الكثير من الإقناع لإقناع اللجنة بمزايا الخطة الجديدة. It took a lot of ___ to convince the committee of the advantages of the new plan.

persuasion Noun C2 [ U ] (CHANGING IDEAS) persuade verb persuasive adjective the action of persuading someone or of being persuaded: (enticement) إقناع، اقتناع With a little persuasion, your mother might agree to give you a loan. (tendency) معتقد ديني، رأي طائفة سوف تساعدك - تحتاج فقط إلى بعض الإقناع اللطيف. She will help you - she just needs a little gentle persuasion


physically adverb (REAL) in a way that relates to things you can see or touch or the laws of nature

• Police work is______ and stressful. • عمل الشرطة يتطلب جهدا بدنيا ومجهدا. •

physically demanding

Special holidays are available for physically ___ people (= those lacking the full use of part of their body). تتوفر عطلات خاصة للمعاقين جسدياً/ المعاقين

physically handicapped/disabled

"You shouldn't ___ ___ your little brother." "يجب أن لا تضايق أخيك الصغير". Prepositional idiom

pick on to tease; to make fun of or bully

شركه صناعه الادويه لديها مشكلات في الإنتاج ، لكن اي من منافسيها لم يستغلو الامكانيات The drug maker is having problems with production, but none of its competitors have ___ ___ the slack.

pick/take up slack to make a business, industry, or economy operate more effectively by doing the work that someone else has stopped doing but that still needs to be done: لجعل الأعمال التجارية أو الصناعة أو الاقتصاد تعمل بفعالية أكبر عن طريق القيام بالعمل الذي توقف عن القيام به شخص آخر ولكن لا يزال يتعين القيام به More business investment would pick up the slack in the economy. المزيد من الاستثمارات التجارية ستستغل الامكانيات في الاقتصاد to do the work that someone else has stopped doing but still needs to be done للقيام بالعمل الذي توقف عن القيام به شخص آخر ولكن لا يزال يتعين القيام به: If Sue gets a job, Mike will have to take up the slack at home.ياخذ زمام الامور With our best player injured, other players have to pick up the slackيقبل التحدي

انطلقت مرة أخرى ، زدت السرعة وقدت بضعة أميال قبل أن ينفجر الإطار البالي! لذلك، قمت بتغيير الإطار ، الذي كان نصف ساعة أخرى مهدره. I set off again, ___ ___ ___ and drove a couple of miles before the worn tire___ ___ ! So, I changed the tire, which was another half hour wasted.

picked up speed (get faster) يُسْرِع، يَزِيد سُرْعَتَه blew out= suddenly burst

"Do you ___ ___ attending the concert tomorrow?" "هل تخطط لحضور الحفل غدا؟" Preposition

plan on

في انقلاب كبير من الاتجاات السابقة ، والناس يعودون إلى سولت ليك سيتي. In a significant ___ of earlier trends, people are moving back to Salt Lake City.

reversal noun a complete change of direction, order, or position

ناس الناجحون غالبا ما يقللون من إنجازاتهم لتجنب ان يبدوا المتغطرسين." "Successful people often ___ ___ their achievements to avoid sounding arrogant." Prepositional idiom

play down to make something seem less important than it truly is · play [sth] down informal (minimize significance of) يقلل من أهمية شيء In my job interview I played down my previous failures and emphasized my successes. · play down the importance of [sth] (minimize significance of) يقلل من أهمية شيء، ينتقص من أهمية شيء We are trying to play down the importance of standardized tests in our school.

لعب الأطفال مزحة علي المعلم بالاختباء تحت مكاتبهم قبل ان تاتي إلى الغرفة. The children ___ ___ ___ the teacher by hiding under their desks before she came into the room.

played a joke on play a joke/trick lay a joke on someone (also play a trick on someone) to deceive someone for amusement or in order to get an advantage: She loves to play jokes on her friends. NOT make a joke/trick

يجب أن تلعب الحكومة دورًا بارزًا في تعزيز حقوق الإنسان. المنظمة تعمل مع الشباب لتعزيز الوعي بمخاطر ممارسة الجنس غير المحمي. الفرقة تجول حاليًا للترويج لألبومها الجديد. The government should be ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ human rights. The organization is working with young people to ___ ___ ___ the dangers of unprotected sex. The band are currently touring to___ ___ ___ .

playing a more prominent role in promoting promote awareness of promote their new album promote verb (ENCOURAGE) B2 to encourage people to like, buy, use, do, or support something 1- promote (advertise) يروّج لشيء تروِّج إعلانات الراديو لمنتجات مختلفة. Radio commercials promote various products. 2- promote (foster, encourage) يشجّع على شيء تشجِّع الهيئات الرسمية على استخدام حزام الأمان في السيارة. Officials try to promote the use of seat belts

العنف المنزلي يلعب دوراً في تدمير العديد من الأسر. لعبت خبرته المالية دورا رئيسيا في تطوير مطار مدينة لندن. Domestic violence ___ ___ ___ the destruction of many families His financial expertise ___ ___ ___ ___ London City airport's development.

plays a role in played a major role in play a role in (act a part in) يلعب دوراً play a key/major/important role/part (in sth) (also have a key/major/important role/part to play (in sth)) to have a lot of power or influence in a particular situation

اعترف الجهل عندما وجدوا الحزمة في حقيبته. He ___ ignorance when they found the package in his suitcase.

pleaded plead ignorance formal to say that you do not know about something

كان علي ركبتيه، يتوسل للرحمة /المغفرة. He was on his knees, ___ for mercy/forgiveness.

pleading plead for verb (REQUEST) ترافع/ مناشدة/يحتج to make an urgent, emotional statement or request for something لتقديم بيان عاجل أو عاطفي أو طلب لشيء

Some people think that "fireman" is a sexist term, and prefer the politically correct term "firefighter". يعتقد بعض الناس أن "رجل الإطفاء" هو مصطلح جنسي ، ويفضلون المصطلح الصحيح سياسيا "رجل إطفاء".

politically correct Someone who is politically correct believes that language and actions that could be offensive to others, especially those relating to sex and race, should be avoided. A politically correct word or expression is used instead of another one to avoid being offensive

ستكون هذه المناسبة بمثابة اختبار لقدرات عضو مجلس الشيوخ على الإقناع The occasion will be a test of the senator's ___ ___ ___

powers of persuasion (= his ability to persuade people). persuasion Noun C2 [ U ] (CHANGING IDEAS) the action of persuading someone or of being persuaded: (enticement) إقناع، اقتناع With a little persuasion, your mother might agree to give you a loan. (tendency) معتقد ديني، رأي طائفة سوف تساعدك - تحتاج فقط إلى بعض الإقناع اللطيف. She will help you - she just needs a little gentle persuasion

إذا حضرت النشرات ، فمن الأفضل توزيعها في النهاية حتى يركز الجمهور عليك وليس على النشرات If you___ ___ , it's better to give them out at the end so the audience focuses on you, rather than the handouts.

prepare handouts إعداد النشرات 1. handout (information sheet) نشرة، منشور ورقة معلومات a document given to students or reporters that contains information about a particular subject: • The handout says you have to register online. The secretary ensured there were enough copies of the handout for everyone who would be attending the meeting. • On page two of your handout you will find a list of the books that I have referred to during the lecture. • I've listed some useful reading material on the handout. • At the beginning of term, we got handouts to read about all the different clubs and activities. 2. Handout ([sth] given to beggar) حسنة، صدقة The street was lined with homeless people seeking handouts. 3. handouts (benefits, financial aid) إعانة something such as food, clothing, or money that is given free to someone who has a great need for it: • I'm not interested in government handouts - all I want is a job. • Even working people sometimes need handouts to make ends meet. 4. give a handout vi (give financial aid) يدعم مالياً 1. give out [sth] (distribute, supply) يوزع شيئًا to give something to each of a number of people: • They're giving out free tickets to the circus. • The teacher gives out the worksheets to the students. 2. give out (bodily organ: fail or machine) (أحد أعضاء الجسم) يتوقف عن العمل If a machine or part of your body gives out, it stops working: • His heart finally gave out and he died. • After years of heavy drinking, his liver finally gave out. • At the end of the race his legs gave out and he collapsed on the ground. • The batteries are likely to give out soon

غرين بيس تعمل على تعزيز الوعي بالمخاطر التي تهدد كوكبنا اليوم. من المعروف منذ فترة طويلة أن التمارين المنتظمة تعزز الصحة الجيدة الشاملة Greenpeace works to___ ___ of the dangers that threaten our planet today. It has long been known that regular exercise ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ .

promote awareness promotes all-round good health (all-around = comprehensive) promote verb (ENCOURAGE) B2 to encourage people to like, buy, use, do, or support something 1- promote (advertise) يروّج لشيء تروِّج إعلانات الراديو لمنتجات مختلفة. Radio commercials promote various products. 2- promote (foster, encourage) يشجّع على شيء تشجِّع الهيئات الرسمية على استخدام حزام الأمان في السيارة. Officials try to promote the use of seat belts

المدينة تحاول ان تفقد صورتها الصناعية والترويج لها كمركز سياحي. قص الشجيرات في الخريف سيساعد على تعزيز النمو في الربيع The city is trying to lose its industrial image and___ ___ ___ ___ ___ . Cutting the bush back in the autumn will help ___ ___ in the spring.

promote itself as a tourist center promote growth promote verb (ENCOURAGE) B2 to encourage people to like, buy, use, do, or support something 1- promote (advertise) يروّج لشيء تروِّج إعلانات الراديو لمنتجات مختلفة. Radio commercials promote various products. 2- promote (foster, encourage) يشجّع على شيء تشجِّع الهيئات الرسمية على استخدام حزام الأمان في السيارة. Officials try to promote the use of seat belts

شركات الإعلان يجب علىها دائمًا التفكير في طرق جديدة للترويج للمنتجات. المعهد يهدف إلى تعزيز فهم السياسة والثقافة في العالم العربي. Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to___ ___ . The Institute is intended to ___ ___ of the politics and culture of the Arab world.

promote products promote an understanding نظره\فهم prospective 1- promote (advertise) يروّج لشيء تروِّج إعلانات الراديو لمنتجات مختلفة. Radio commercials promote various products. 2- promote (foster, encourage) يشجّع على شيء تشجِّع الهيئات الرسمية على استخدام حزام الأمان في السيارة. Officials try to promote the use of seat belts

إذا لم تتم ترقيتي خلال العامين المقبلين ، فسوف أقوم بتغيير الوظائف. لقد تم ترقيتها للتو إلى مندوب مبيعات كبير. If I'm not ___ within the next two years, I'm going to change jobs. She's just been___ ___ senior sales rep.

promoted promoted to promote verb (RAISE) B1 Opposite demote promote (employee: give higher position) يرقّي يريد المدير أن يرقِّيني إلى منصب إداري. The director wants to promote me to management

• "You should buy a new TV ___ ___ you get a bigger apartment." (You should only buy a new TV if you get a bigger apartment.) يجب عليك شراء تلفزيون جديد يوفر / شريطة أن تحصل على شقة أكبر. (يجب عليك فقط شراء جهاز تلفزيون جديد إذا كنت تحصل على شقة أكبر.)

providing/provided that As long as, provided, provided that, and providing all mean the same as if, but they emphasize the requirement of the conditional action. We can use them interchangeably

المكان الذي أردنا فيه الزواج قد ألغى حجزنا. ذلك أدى بالفعل إلى سحب البساط من تحت أقدامنا ، لأنه فات الأوان لإيجاد مكان آخر. The venue where we wanted to get married has cancelled our booking. This has really___ ___ ___ ___ ___ , as it's too late to find somewhere else.

pull the rug from under sb's feet (also pull the rug out from under sb) to suddenly take away help or support from someone, or to suddenly do something that causes many problems for them

We put $20,000 ___ ___ the business, but we're unlikely to see any return for a few years. وضعنا رأسمال قدره 20.000 دولار في الأعمال ، لكن من غير المرجح أن نرى أي عائد لبضع سنوات.

put capital into capital noun (MONEY) راس المال money and possessions, especially a large amount of money used for producing more wealth or for starting a new business المال والممتلكات ، وخاصه كميه كبيره من المال المستخدمة لإنتاج المزيد من الثروة أو لبدء اعمال تجاريه جديده

لقد حاولت دائمًا وضع الآخرين أولاً وعدم التفكير بنفسي. أعتقد أنه يجب ألا ينفذ صبرك مع أصدقائك ، ولكن إذا بدا أن شخصًا ما يستمتع بجعلك اضحوكه أمام أشخاص آخرين ، هل ما زالت قواعد الصداقة هذه سارية؟ I have always tried to ___ others first and not to think of myself. I believe you should not lose your ___ with your friends, but if someone seems to enjoy ___ a fool out of you in front of other people, do those rules of friendship still apply?

put others first lose your patience with making a fool out of you

"لا يجب عليها أن تتحمل مزحات شقيقها بعد الآن." "She shouldn't ___ ___ ___ her brother's pranks anymore." Preposition

put up with to tolerate put up with [sb/sth] (tolerate) يسكت على يحتمل يتسامح مع، يتساهل مع · I will not put up with your whining anymore. Go to bed this minute! · I don't know why she puts up with him. · I can put up with the house being messy, but I hate it if it's not clean. · He's so moody - I don't know why she puts up with him. · They have a lot to put up with (= they have a lot of difficulties). · I don't know how he puts up with their constant complaining. · I can't put up with a leaky freezer. · I put up with her tantrums for 30 years.

الركض يضع الكثير من الضغط على مفاصل ركبتك. Jogging ___ ___ ___ ___ your knee joints.

puts a lot of stress on stress noun (FORCE) a force that acts in a way that often changes the shape of an object

لقد عمل بجد للغاية في البداية ، لكن بعد بضع سنوات ،استنفذ طاقته وفقد الاهتمام في دراسته. He worked extremely hard at first, but, after a couple of years, he ___ ___ ___ ___ and lost interest in his studies.

ran out of steam lost energy or interest

لقد ناقش رد فعله على النتائج" "He discussed his reaction ___ the results." (noun) لقد ناقش كيف كان رد فعله على النتائج "He discussed how he reacted ___ the results." (verb) Preposition

reaction/reacted to For many words, the prepositions used with nouns are the same prepositions used with those nouns' associated verb forms

لقد عانينا من بعض الانتكاسات الطفيفة. We have suffered a couple of minor___ (setbacks).

reversal noun C2 a problem or failure The business suffered several reversals when it first entered the Asian market. The resignation of the CEO represents a significant reversal for the company

أمضى المهندسون عدة أشهر في تحسين البرنامج. لم ننته من تحسين الخطة بعد. Engineers spent many months ___ ___ ___ . We haven't finished ___ ___ ___ yet.

refining the software refining the plan C2 to improve an idea, method, system, etc. by making small changes 1- refine (oil, flour, etc.) يصفي يكرّر This factory refines flour. هذا المصنع يكرّر الطحين. 2- Refine • (process: improve) يحسّن • (work, etc.: improve, polish) يحسّن، يصقل • (manners, taste: improve, polish) يصقل شيئًا، يحسّن شيئًا

معتقداته ، السياسية والدينية ، يبدو أنها تنشطه. His beliefs, both political and religious, seem to ___ him.

reinvigorate verb (PERSON) يجدد نشاط، يجدّد حيويّة to make someone feel healthier, and more energetic again: أعاد المدير تنشيط موظفي المبيعات من خلال تقديم مكافآت لأعلى البائعين. The manager reinvigorated the sales staff by offering bonuses to the highest sellers.

يمكن لأسعار الفائدة المنخفضة أن تنشط إنفاق المستهلكين وسوق الإسكان المتعثر. Lower interest rates could___ consumer spending and the struggling ___ ___ .

reinvigorate housing market verb (ACTIVITY) يجدد نشاط، يجدّد حيويّة to make something stronger, or more exciting or successful again

الأطفال بحاجه إلى معلم يستطيع ان يتصل بهم The kids need a teacher who can ___ ___ them.

relate to someone/something to understand and appreciate someone or something لفهم وتقدير شخص أو شيء "Malcolm thought people should learn to live together." "I can relate to that."

The country's great influence in the world is disproportionate to its ___ small size. التأثير الكبير للبلاد في العالم غير متناسب مع حجمها الصغير نسبياً.

relatively adverb نسبيا relatively good, bad, etc. quite good, bad, etc. in comparison with other similar things or with what you expect He's a relatively good squash player. There was relatively little violence

مكالمات الهاتفية رخيصه نسبيا، مع مزيج من الحزم الشهرية وخدمات الدفع المسبق . Phone calls are___ ___ , with a mix of monthly packages and pay-as-you-go services.

relatively cheap relatively cheap/inexpensive relatively low/high/weak relatively easy/simple relatively new/recent relatively large/small

It is ___ ___ for newcomers to pick off the most lucrative business and ignore the rest. من السهل نسبيًا على القادمين الجدد اختيار الأعمال الأكثر ربحًا وتجاهل البقية.

relatively easy adverb نسبيا relatively good, bad, etc. quite good, bad, etc. in comparison with other similar things or with what you expect He's a relatively good squash player. There was relatively little violence

Relatively speaking, it's a fairly poor country. من الناحية النسبية ، إنه بلد فقير إلى حد ما.

relatively speaking said when you are judging one thing in comparison with other things

• تصريحاته جعلتني أفكر. • His___ ___ ___ ___ .

remarks set me thinking set sb/sth doing sth to cause someone or something to start doing something: • The thunderstorm set the radio crackling

"The report ___ fast food made people more aware of the number of calories they consume." "التقرير عن الوجبات السريعة جعل الناس أكثر وعيا من عدد السعرات الحرارية التي يستهلكونها." Preposition

report on

إنها تحمل تشابهًا ضعيفًا لأختي. إنه يحمل أكثر من تشابه عابر للشاب مارلون براندو. طفلهما يحمل تشابهًا قويًا مع جده. إنها تحمل تشابهًا لافتًا لأمه She bears ___ ___ to my sister. He bears more than a ___ ___ to the young Marlon Brando. Their baby bears a ___ ___ to its grandfather. She bears a ___ ___ to her mother.

resemblance noun C2 family resemblance between bear no resemblance to close resemblance a faint resemblance passing resemblance strong resemblance striking resemblance 1- resemblance n (physical likeness) تشابه، شبه The resemblance between Stephanie and her sister is remarkable. 2- resemblance to [sb] n (physical likeness to [sb] else) شبه لشخص The first time I met Graham, I was struck by his resemblance to his father. 3- resemblance to [sth] n (similarity) تشابه Burmese food has a resemblance to Thai food. • bear no resemblance to [sth/sb] (be totally unlike) يختلف تماماً، لا يشبه The boy bears no resemblance to his father or his other brother. الصبي لا يشبه والده أو أخيه.

كان هناك تشابه عائلي واضح بين جميع الإخوة. هذه الأسعار لا تشبه تلك التي رأيتها مطبوعة في الصحيفة. كلا الطفلين يشبهان والدهما بشدة. There was a clear ___ ___ ___ all the brothers. These prices ___ ___ ___ ___ the ones I saw printed in the newspaper. Both children bear a very ___ ___ to their father.

resemblance noun C2 family resemblance between bear no resemblance to close resemblance a faint resemblance passing resemblance strong resemblance striking resemblance 1- resemblance n (physical likeness) تشابه، شبه The resemblance between Stephanie and her sister is remarkable. 2- resemblance to [sb] n (physical likeness to [sb] else) شبه لشخص The first time I met Graham, I was struck by his resemblance to his father. 3- resemblance to [sth] n (similarity) تشابه Burmese food has a resemblance to Thai food. • bear no resemblance to [sth/sb] (be totally unlike) يختلف تماماً، لا يشبه The boy bears no resemblance to his father or his other brother. الصبي لا يشبه والده أو أخيه.

"لم تعط أي رد على السؤال الذي طرحته عليها". "She gave no response ___ the question I'd asked her." Preposition

response to

فشل دانيال في دعمها كشف بالتاكيد شخصيته الحقيقية. Daniel's failure to support her has certainly ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

revealed his true character. كشف عن شخصيته الحقيقية opposite = conceal/hide your true character اخفى شخصيته الحقيقية

وطالب بعكس القرار/السياسة السابقة He demanded a reversal of the previous decision/policy.

reversal of noun C2 the act of changing or making something change to its opposite There has been a reversal of the decision to reduce staff in HQ. The company has recently experienced a reversal of fortune.

كانت إشارات المرور بطيئة للغاية في التغيير وكان من حولي السائقون قليلي الصبر يتدفقون. The traffic lights were very slow to change and all around me impatient drivers were___ ___ .

revving up [make a car's engine work faster while the car is not moving] rev [sth] up, rev up [sth] informal (engine, etc.) (محرك) يسرّع دوران شيء Is it necessary to rev up your engine quite so loudly?

"After he won the jackpot, his hometown witnessed a sharp rise ___ sales of lottery tickets." "بعد أن فاز بالجائزة الكبرى، شهدت مسقط رأسه ارتفاعا حادا في مبيعات تذاكر اليانصيب". Preposition

rise in

نظرت إلى أعلى عندما حلقت بصخب طائرة فوقها. She looked up as a plane ___ overhead.

roared verb C2 [ I ] to make a long, loud, deep sound 1- roar (n,v) (sound made by a lion) The lion's roar could be heard throughout the jungle. 1- roar v (traffic: make loud noise) ( (في ضجة السير) يُدوي The cars roared down the street roar, the roar of [sb] n 2- (person, group: loud utterance) صخب، صراخ , هتاف The team was encouraged by the roar of the crowd. كان الشارع مليئًا بالأولاد الصاخبين صعودًا وهبوطًا على دراجاتهم النارية The street was full of boys roaring up and down on their motorbikes. 3- roar at [sb] + prep (person: yell, shout) يصيح يصرخ When Brian's boss discovered his mistake, she roared at him to come into her office. [ + speech ] "Stop that!" he roared. 4- roar, the roar of [sth] n (traffic, ocean, etc.: loud noise) هدير I sat on the edge of the cliff and listened to the ocean's roar. وارتفع سحابه من الغبار في الهواء عندما حلقت بصخب السيارة . A cloud of dust rose in the air as the car roared past.

فنان الراب ايقاع سريع rap artist up-tempo

rock music in which rhymed lyrics are spoken played at a fast beat

"There's room ___ one more person at this table." "هناك مجال لشخص واحد آخر على هذه الطاولة." Preposition

room for

نشرت صحيفة ديلي تايمز مؤخرًا قصة عن علاقة غرامية بين نجم موسيقى الروك الشهير والسياسي. The Daily Times recently ran a story about an affair between a famous rock star and a politician

run a story [publish a story] نشرت قصة

"His new ___ ___ were already covered in mud." "لقد كانت أحذية الركض الجديدة مغطاة بالفعل بالطين".

running shoes Gerunds can be paired with regular nouns to become compound nouns These are distinct from gerund phrases, where the noun is functioning as the object of the gerund, as in our previous example of "Eating vegetables is good for your health." They should not be confused with present participles that are functioning as adjectives. Though they look quite similar, adjectival present participles imply action on the part of the noun being modified. "She soothed the crying baby." (The baby is crying). "The speeding car crashed into the tree." (The car was speeding.)

هل شاهدت جوائز الموسيقى الليلة الماضية؟ وكانت المؤدية الأخيرة جعلت الجميع يبكي. نعم رأيتها. انها حقا غنت بقلبها(بحماسه). Mark: Did you see the music awards last night? That last performer had everyone in tears. Lars: Yes, I saw her. She really.

sang her heart out sing (one's) heart out يغني بكل حماسه To sing with great zeal or enthusiasm, to the fullest extent of one's ability. I was surprised when that shy little girl got up on stage and sang her heart out

كان بحاجه لإرضاء رغبته في الانتقام . He needed to ___ ___ ___ for revenge.

satisfy his desire for desire noun B2 [ C or U ] 1- desire noun (WANT) a strong feeling that you want something: وهناك رغبه قويه في السلام بين الناس . There is a strong desire for peace among the people. رغبة desire, wish, willingness, inclination, lust وهو مدفوع حقا بالرغبة في مساعده الناس. He is genuinely motivated by a desire to help people. انه قمع رغبه مفاجئه في البكاء. He repressed a sudden desire to cry. ويبدو ان رغبته في السلطة السياسية لا تعرف حدودا. His desire for political power apparently knows no bounds 5- desire noun (SEXUAL NEED) [ U ] formal the strong feeling that you want to have sex with someone: sexual desire Beatrice was the object of Dante's desire. Synonym lust (DESIRE)

The ___ is devised for young people in the 15 - 20 age band. تم إعداد هذا المخطط للشباب في الفئة العمرية 15-20 عامًا.

scheme Scheme مخطط نظام noun an officially organized plan or system a training scheme /housing scheme /play scheme مخطط التدريب / مخطط السكن / مخطط اللعب a pension scheme/savings scheme نظام التقاعد / مخطط الادخار

a management training ___ خطه للتدريب الإداري

scheme Scheme مخطط نظام noun an officially organized plan or system a training scheme /housing scheme /play scheme مخطط التدريب / مخطط السكن / مخطط اللعب a pension scheme/savings scheme نظام التقاعد / مخطط الادخار

ابتكروا مخططا للاحتيال على الحكومة بالملايين من الدولارات They devised a ___ to defraud the government of millions of dollars.

scheme [ + to infinitive ] verb to make clever, secret plans that often deceive others defraud [sb]⇒ vtr(cheat out of money)يغش، يخدع ينصب على Every year, thousands of elderly people are defrauded.

There's a new ___ in our town for recycling plastic bottles. هناك مخطط جديد في بلدتنا لأعاده تدوير الزجاجات البلاستيكية.

scheme for Scheme مخطط نظام noun an officially organized plan or system a training scheme /housing scheme /play scheme مخطط التدريب / مخطط السكن / مخطط اللعب a pension scheme/savings scheme نظام التقاعد / مخطط الادخار

For months he had been ___ ___ prevent her from getting the top job. لعدة أشهر كان يخطط لمنعها من الحصول على الوظيفة العليا.

scheming to [ + to infinitive ] verb to make clever, secret plans that often deceive others

A great deal of ___ ___ is being performed in this area. يتم إجراء قدر كبير من البحث العلمي في هذا المجال.

scientific research Scientific studies have proved the theory false. وقد أثبتت الدراسات العلمية أن النظرية كاذبة.

He approaches everything very scientifically. انه يقترب من كل شيء علميا جدا. Adverbs

scientifically in a careful way and using a system or method scientifically proven

علامة كشط، خدش، علامة خدش

scuff mark n often plural (scratch mark, scrape) علامة كشط، خدش، علامة خدش كان هناك خدش اسود علي بلاط الارضيه البيضاء. There was a black scuff on the white floor tile

"Did you search ___ the missing piece yet?" "هل بحثت عن قطعة المفقودة حتى الآن؟" Preposition

search for

He owns a ___ of industrials across the US and___ . يمتلك سلسلة من الصناعات في جميع أنحاء الولايات المتحدة وخارجها.

series Beyond Industrials: a company whose main business is producing goods

اترك الهلام في الثلاجة ليصلب. • Leave the jelly in the fridge to ___

set If a liquid or soft material sets, it becomes firm or hard: • Don't walk on the concrete until it has set

هل نذهب الآن - هل الجميع مستعدون؟ Shall we go now - is everyone ___ ?

set adjective (READY) [after verb ] ready and prepared

وضع إناء من الزهور علي الطاولة. He ___ a vase of flowers on the table.

set verb (POSITION) put , place [ T usually + adv/prep ] to put something in a particular place or position: يقع المخيم في وسط غابه الصنوبر . • The campsite is set in the middle of a pine forest. • Our house is set back from the road

لماذا أنت مصمم ضد الذهاب إلى الكلية؟ Why are you so ___ against going to college?

set be set against sth to be determined not to do something: ان تكون مصممه علي عدم القيام بشيء: إنهم متعارضون مع خطط إغلاق المستشفى المحلي. They are dead set against the plans to close the local hospital. (= strongly opposed to)

• طقم بروش مرصع بالياقوت واللالئ a brooch ___ with rubies and pearls

set set into sth/ set with sth If a precious stone is set in/into a piece of jewellery, or a piece of jewellery is set with a precious stone, the stone is fixed firmly to the piece of jewellery: a gold ring with a diamond set into it

كنت عينت على العمل على إزالة الغبار من أرفف الكتب. I was ___ to work dusting the bookshelves.

set set sb to work to give someone work to do

المحافظ يريد وضع حدود للإنفاق. The governor wants to ___ spending limits.

set verb (ESTABLISH) to establish a pattern or example to follow لإنشاء نمط أو مثال للمتابعة Parents should try to set a good example. She set a new world record at the Wannamaker Games

جلسنا علي الشاطئ وشاهدنا غروب الشمس . • We sat on the beach and watched the sun set.

set verb (SUN) (of the sun, moon, or planets) to go down below the horizon (= the line at which the earth seems to join the sky): • غروب الشمس تلقي بظلالها الطويلة على العشب. • The setting sun cast long shadows across the lawn

والداي يقولان انه يجب ان أكون في المنزل بالوقت المحدد • My parents say I have to be home by a ___ time.

set adjective (SAME) always the same, never changing

• They first met on the ___ of "Star Wars".

set noun (FILM/PLAY) the place where a film or play is performed or recorded, and the pictures, furniture, etc. that are used: • a movie set • a stage set • a set designer

To get rid of mice, ___ a trap - or get a cat.

set verb (ARRANGE) to arrange or adjust something so it is ready to work or be used ضبط شيء لذلك فهي جاهزه للعمل أو يمكن استخدامها I've set the clock to daylight savings time. My job is to set the table before dinner

مهدت محادثات نهاية هذا الأسبوع بين الزعيمين الطريق للتوصل إلى اتفاق سلام. This weekend's talks between the two leaders have ___ ___ ___ for a peace agreement to be reached.

set the scene/stage (also the scene/stage is set) used to mean that conditions have been made right for something to happen, or that something is likely to happen

الاباء يجب ان يكونو مثالا يحتذى به لاطفالهم • Parents should ___ a good ___ to their children.

set Example مثالا يحتذى تكون قدوه verb (ESTABLISH) to establish or decide something: • The school has been criticized for failing to set high standards for its students. • The committee has set new limits on spending. • Lewis has set a new world record. • The court's decision has set a legal precedent. • Parents should set a good example to their children. • He's set himself the goal/target of making his first million by the time he's 30 · (as an example) كمثال · follow [sb]'s example (do the same as [sb] else) يحذو حذو I'm going to follow Maria's example and spend more time working with the community. · good example n (model for others) مثل أعلى، قدوة As a teacher, it is important to set a good example for your students. · make an example of [sb] v expr (punish [sb] in public to deter others) يجعله عِبْرة لِغَيْره Whenever I misbehaved in class the teacher made an example of me by keeping me behind after school. · typical example n (classic case) حالة كلاسيكية The textbook describes a typical example of a progressive tax structure.

هل حددوا موعدا نهائيا لتقديم الطلبات ؟ Have they___ ___ for applications?

set a deadline set to arrange or decide on something set a date/time Have you set a time for the next meeting? set a price/rate Individual franchises set their own prices set a limit (on sth) The government has set new limits on spending. The state should look for a better way to set annual salaries

. هاجمها المهاجم بسكين Phrasal Her attacker ___ ___ her with a knife.

set about sb to attack someone

بعد نصب الخيمة ، شرعت في اشعال النار. After putting up the tent, she ___ ___ making a fire

set about something set about doing [sth] to begin to do or deal with something يشرع، يبدأ set about, start, commence, proceed, set upon بدأ start, begin, set, launch, commence Julius set about arranging his collection of butterflies

من السهل التعلم ، لكن معظم الناس يعارضون عقولهم. It's easy to learn, but most people just have their minds ___ ___ it.

set against (contrast with) يتعارض مع This amount of money looks very small if you set it against what we spend each year on marketing. set someone against someone/something to cause a person or group to oppose another or to be opposed to something

الفروق بين الأجيال الآن حرضت أفراد الأسرة ضد بعضها البعض. Generational differences have now ___ family members ___ each other.

set against set [sb] against [sb/sth] (cause to oppose [sb] or [sth]) يجعل شخصًا ينقلب على شخص/شيء Please don't set him against me by spreading rumors that I talk about him behind his back.

الأخبار المالية الجيدة وضعت لهجة متفائلة لهذا العام. The good financial news___ ___ ___ for the year.

set an optimistic tone set the tone (for something) to establish a particular mood or character for something لإنشاء مزاج أو شخصيه معينه لشيء The governor's speech set the tone for the whole conference

أفكارها الأصلية تميزها عن الطلاب الآخرين. Phrasal Her original ideas ___ her ___ from other students.

set apart set [sth] apart 1- (distinguish, make different) يميز، يفرق Stein's intelligence sets him apart from other soccer players. 2- (reserve, put aside) يخصص The family set one bedroom apart for use by guests. set someone/something apart to show someone or something to be different or special ميز distinguish, differentiate, recognize, identify, set apart, characterize فصل separate, detach, disconnect, break, set apart

كنت بحاجة إلى عملية ثانية ، مما سبب انتكاسه لي حقًا. I needed a second operation, which really ___ me___ .

set back 1- set [sb] back + adv (hinder progress of) يجعل شخصًا يتراجع، يؤخّر شخصًا • It really set me back when I lost my job. 2- set [sb] back [sth] + adv (cost: a certain sum) يكلّف شخصًا شيئًا • This repair work is likely to set me back more than £500 3- set [sth] back + adv (schedule for later) يؤخر شيئًا، يؤجل شيئًا The boss set the meeting back to give people more time to complete their reports. We can set the appointment back a few days if you can't make it tomorrow. 4- set back adj + adv (positioned further back, recessed) يكون في الخلف، يكون في البعيد When you look at the garden you'll see that the birch tree's set back against the fence. set back someone/something to delay or stop the progress of someone or something

ضبط المنبه 7 صباحًا. He ___ the alarm ___ 7 a.m.

set for verb(GET READY) to get something ready so that it comes into operation or can be used: Will you set the table (= put plates, knives, forks, etc. on it ready for use), please?

بعد سنوات في السجن ، تم إطلاق سراح الرجال الذين أُدينوا خطأً في التفجير After years in prison, the men who had wrongfully been found guilty of the bombing were finally ___ ___ .

set free [ + adj ] verb (CONDITION) to cause something or someone to be in the stated condition or situation: المدير الجديد قد وضعت الكثير من التغييرات في الحركة في ادارتنا . • The new director has set a lot of changes in motion in our department

لقد وضع هدفًا وهو جعل مليونه الأول بحلول الثلاثين من عمره. • He's ___ himself the ___ of making his first million by the time he's 30

set goal Set target verb (ESTABLISH) to establish or decide something: • The school has been criticized for failing to set high standards for its students. • The committee has set new limits on spending. • Lewis has set a new world record. • The court's decision has set a legal precedent. • Parents should set a good example to their children. • He's set himself the goal/target of making his first million by the time he's 30

إنها وضعت نصب عينيها على أن تصبح أول رئيسة للولايات المتحدة. She ___ ___ ___ on becoming the first woman president of the United States.

set her sights يضع عينه على يفكر في I've set my sights on a new flat panel TV for my birthday this year. set your sights on something to decide on a goal that you want to achieve or something you want to have to decide to achieve something: جيني) وضعت نصب أعينها). علي الفوز بالمسابقة Jenny has set her sights on winning the competition

وقد انتقدت المدرسة لفشلها في وضع معايير عاليه لطلابها. • The school has been criticized for failing to ___ ___ for its students.

set high standards set verb (ESTABLISH) to establish or decide something: • The school has been criticized for failing to set high standards for its students. • The committee has set new limits on spending. • Lewis has set a new world record. • The court's decision has set a legal precedent. • Parents should set a good example to their children. • He's set himself the goal/target of making his first million by the time he's 30

"قصة الجانب الغربي" تقع في مدينة نيويورك في أواخر الخمسينيات. • "West Side Story" is ___ in New York City in the late 1950s.

set in If a story, film, etc. is set in a particular time or place, the action in it happens in that time or place verb (POSITION) put , place [ T usually + adv/prep ] to put something in a particular place or position: يقع المخيم في وسط غابه الصنوبر . • The campsite is set in the middle of a pine forest. • Our house is set back from the road

إذا كنت قد ارتكبت خطا، الأمر متروك لي تصحيحه If I've made a mistake, then it's up to me to___ ___ ___ (= correct it).

set it right verb (CONDITION) to cause something or someone to be in the stated condition or situation: المدير الجديد قد وضعت الكثير من التغييرات في الحركة في ادارتنا . • The new director has set a lot of changes in motion in our department

ووضعت اللجنةقيودا جديده علي الانفاق. The committee has ___ new ___ on spending.

set limits verb (ESTABLISH) to establish or decide something: • The school has been criticized for failing to set high standards for its students. • The committee has set new limits on spending. • Lewis has set a new world record. • The court's decision has set a legal precedent. • Parents should set a good example to their children. • He's set himself the goal/target of making his first million by the time he's 30

عادة ما أضبط ساعتي بحلول الوقت على الكمبيوتر. I usually ___ my watch ___ the time on the computer.

set my watch by verb(GET READY) to get something ready so that it comes into operation or can be used: Will you set the table (= put plates, knives, forks, etc. on it ready for use), please?

اشترينا تشارلز وماندي مجموعه من أدوات المائدة كهديه زفاف . • We bought Charles and Mandy a ___ ___ cutlery as a wedding present.

set of set noun (GROUP) a group of similar things that belong together in some way دائما ما احتفظ باداه في مؤخره سيارتي • I always keep a tool set in the back of my car. • قال الطبيب إنه لم ير هذه المجموعة المعينة من الأعراض من قبل. • The doctor said that he hadn't seen this particular set of symptoms before. نحن بحاجه إلى وضع مجموعه جديده من الأولويات . • We need to establish a new set of priorities a number of objects or pieces of equipment needed for a particular activity, especially playing a game: • a chess/train/chemistry set

يعتقد ان المبني أضرمت فيه النيران عمدا. • It is believed that the building was set on fire deliberately.

set on fire Set alight Set ablaze verb (CONDITION) to cause something or someone to be in the stated condition or situation: المدير الجديد قد وضعت الكثير من التغييرات في الحركة في ادارتنا . • The new director has set a lot of changes in motion in our department

انطلق الكثير من الشباب لتغيير العالم. So many young people ___ ___ to change the world.

set out to begin to carry out a plan of action: خطط plan, scheme, program, design, set out 1- set out (start a journey) ينطلق They set out for London early the following day. 2- set [sth] out (lay out, arrange) يرتّب، ينسّق 3- set [sth] out (present) يقدّم، يعرض 4- set out to do [sth] (intend) ينوي فعل شيء، يعتزم فعل شيء He set out to mend the fences, but ran out of wire before he was halfway done. set out to do [sth]

لقد انطلقوا ليكتشفوا علاجا للسرطان They ___ ___ to discover a cure for cancer.

set out to C2 [ + to infinitive ] انطلق go, set out, start to start an activity with a particular aim/to start a journey وقد انطلق ليصبح الرئيس التنفيذي He set out to become chief executive. لا انوي إزعاجه - يبدو أن ذلك يحدث. I don't set out to annoy him - it just seems to happen. انطلق لسحق كل أعدائه. He set out to crush all his enemies. 1- set out (start a journey) ينطلق They set out for London early the following day. 2- set [sth] out (lay out, arrange) يرتّب، ينسّق 3- set [sth] out (present) يقدّم، يعرض 4- set out to do [sth] (intend) ينوي فعل شيء، يعتزم فعل شيء He set out to mend the fences, but ran out of wire before he was halfway done. set out to do [sth]

انطلقت بهدف أن تصبح أصغر فائز على الإطلاق في البطولة. She ___ ___ with the aim of becoming the youngest ever winner of the championship.

set out with C2 انطلق go, set out, start to start an activity with a particular aim/to start a journey انطلق بعض الأشخاص بنية متعمدة لإدارة أعمالهم الخاصة ، بينما يتعثر آخرون فيها. Some people set out with the deliberate intention of running their own business, others stumble into it. 1- set out (start a journey) ينطلق They set out for London early the following day. 2- set [sth] out (lay out, arrange) يرتّب، ينسّق 3- set [sth] out (present) يقدّم، يعرض 4- set out to do [sth] (intend) ينوي فعل شيء، يعتزم فعل شيء He set out to mend the fences, but ran out of wire before he was halfway done. set out to do [sth]

I had to set him ___ about what really happened.

set someone straight (correct, clarify [sth] for) يصحّح to tell someone the true facts about a situation that the person had not understood I used to think that NY was the capital of America until my friend Paul set me straight (and told me it was Washington)

مهدت استقالته الطريق لأزمة الشركة. His resignation ___ ___ ___ for a company crisis.

set the scene for set the scene to describe a situation where something is about to happen: First, let's set the scene - it was a dark, wet night with a strong wind blowing

والادله الجديدة تمهد السبيل لمحاكمه طويلة ومثيره للاهتمام. The new evidence ___ ___ ___ for a long and interesting trial.

set the stage (for something) السبيل تمهد to make it possible for something else to happen لجعل من الممكن لشيء آخر ان يحدث

• قام هاري بتعيينهم لطلاء الجدران. • Harry ___ them ___ ___ painting the walls.

set them to work to give someone a particular task to do: • [ + two objects ] We set the kids the task of clearing the snow from the drive

يبدو انه من المقرر ان يصبح بطل العالم مره أخرى هذا العام. • He looks ___ ___ become world champion again this year.

set to [ after verb ] likely or in a suitable condition [ بعد الفعل ] من المحتمل أو في حالهمناسبه:

الأطفال يصرخون في الغرفة المجاورة حقا يضعون أسناني علي الحافة The kids screaming in the next room really ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

set your teeth on edge to annoy you very much

وقد حدثت انتكاسه طفيفه/مؤقته في خططنا. There has been a slight/temporary ___ in our plans.

setback noun [ C ] something that happens that delays or prevents a process from developing experienced setback suffered a setback

يعمل مدرس العلوم دائمًا على تعيين الكثير من الواجبات المنزلية. My science teacher always ___ a lot of homework.

sets verb (GIVE WORK) (US assign) to give someone a piece of school work or homework to do: • What books have been set for this term? • [ + two objects ] What homework have you been set for the holidays?

A: She always has very high expectations of both herself and her children. B: Yes, she always___ . A: Max started screaming and stamping his feet when I tried to put him to bed. B: Well, two-year-olds often___ .

sets high standards for herself Throw tantrums انتابته نوبه غضب

بعد ذوبان الشوكولاته، ضعه جانبا ويخفق البيض. After melting the chocolate, ___ ___ ___ and beat the eggs.

sets it aside set aside something (SAVE) to save for a particular purpose set [sth] aside or set aside [sth] 1-(put to one side) يضع شيئًا جانبًا I set aside my work to check on the baby. Set your pencils aside and read through the test first. 2- (disregard temporarily) يتجاوز، يتخطى Set your fears aside and jump into the water.

Media attention has ___ recently onto environmental issues. وقد تحول اهتمام وسائط الإعلام مؤخرا إلى القضايا البيئية. Verb


الطقس في الطريق على ما يرام ، ونحن نتوقع رحلة سلسة إلى ستوكهولم اليوم. The weather en route is fine, and we anticipate a ___ ___ to Stockholm today.

smooth flight The opposite is a bumpy flight رحلة وعرة

إذا ساءت الأمور ، فلا توجد آليات لتخفيف الضربة. If things go wrong, there are no mechanisms to___ ___ ___ .

soften/cushion the blow to make the bad effects of something seem to be not as bad as they could have been: (soften impact) يخفّف شيئًا، يخفّف من شيء soften the blow (also cushion the blow) to make a bad situation less serious: He lost his job, but he has enough money in the bank to soften the blow. soften the blow to make a difficult experience less unpleasant: I put my arm around her before I gave her the bad news to try to soften the blow.

يجب أن نبني قراراتنا على حقائق صلبة ، وليس على الميول والحدس. We should be basing our decisions on ___ , not ___ and hunches.

solid facts , inclinations inclination noun (FEELING) C2 [ C or U ] [ + to infinitive ] a feeling that you want to do a particular thing, or the fact that you prefer or are more likely to do a particular thing: 1- (tendency) ميل She has an inclination to argue when she's tired. لديها ميل للجدال عندما تكون متعبة. 2- (person: disposition) مزاج، نزعة He's of a rather melancholy inclination. Synonyms desire (WANT) persuasion (BELIEFS) tendency willingness wish (WANT) Tony has a strong inclination toward the arts.

"She's hoping ___ /___ - will help her with her work." "إنها تأمل أن يساعدها شخص ما في عملها".

somebody/someone indefinite pronoun that relates to people

"Can you hear the sound ___ birds chirping?" "هل يمكنك سماع صوت زقزقة الطيور ؟" Preposition

sound of

"English majors can choose to ___ ___ creative writing or literature." "يمكن لتخصصات اللغة الإنجليزية اختيار التخصص في الكتابة الإبداعية أو الأدب". Preposition

specialize in specialize (have a field of expertise)يتخصّص It's ok to start university without deciding on a major, but sooner or later you need to specialize. specialize in [sth] (study [sth] as main subject)يتخصص في شيء Tina decided she wanted to specialize in education. (be an expert)يتخصّص في شيء As a lawyer he specialized in trademark law. تخصّص في فرع قانون العلامات التجارية كمحامٍ. specialize in doing [sth] Pediatricians are doctors who specialize in treating children. أطبّاء الأطفال هم أطبّاء تخصّصوا في معالجة الأطفال.

The ___ car crashed into the tree." "اصطدمت السيارة المسرعة بالشجرة". Present participle

speeding How to use present Participle As adjectives? When we form an adjective using the present participle, we imply action on the part of the noun being modified. For example: "She soothed the crying baby." (The baby is crying)

سيكون عليك إنفاق ثروة صغيرة على الرسوم القانونية إذا قررت رفع دعوى للحصول على تعويض. You'll have to ___ ___ ___ in legal fees if you decide to sue for compensation.

spend a small fortune a small fortune informal a large amount of money Getting the car fixed will cost a small fortune

خمس طائرات تكدست فوق المطار في انتظار الحصول على إذن بالهبوط. Five planes were ___ ___ over the airport waiting for permission to land.

stacked up=[flying over an airport at different heights waiting to be told they can land] stack [sth] up (arrange in a pile) يكدّس، يكوّم I stacked up all the books on my table. stack up informal, figurative (accumulate)

"A prominent political figure recently ___ ___ in response to a scandal." "شخصية سياسية بارزة في الآونة الأخيرة تنحى ردا على فضيحة ". Prepositional idiom

step down to resign or retire from a position

بعد نهاية الشوط الأول ، الفريق تحسن وتمكن من تسجيل ثلاثة أهداف. After half-time, the team stepped up a gear and managed to score three goals.

stepped up a gear If we go/ move/ step up a gear, we start to work or play more effectively or quickly than before

كل هذا التوتر في العمل بدأ يجره إلى أسفل. يتصرف الناس غالبًا بطريقة غير عقلانية عندما يكونون تحت الضغط. All that ___ ___ ___ had begun to drag him down. People often ___ ___ when they are under stress.

stress at work behave irrationally stress n (pressure, demands) توتر، ضغط نفسي، إجهاد، "" The stress of getting married can be overwhelming. يرتبط الاستعداد للزواج بضغط نفسيّ شديد.

ادارة الاجهاد الحد من التوتر ضغوط العمل الإجهاد في مكان العمل الإجهاد المهني

stress management stress reduction work stress workplace stress occupational stress

المقابلات دائما توترني. Interviews always ___ ___ ___ .

stress me out stress sb out to make someone feel very nervous and worried • stress out informal (be tense and anxious) يكون مجهَدًا، يكون متوترًا Alex has an exam tomorrow and he's really stressing out

لقد توصلوا إلى استنتاجات مختلفة لافت للنظر حول ما ينبغي القيام به. منظر جميل لافت للنظر They came to ___ ___ ___ about what should be done. a ___ beautiful landscape

strikingly different conclusions strikingly strikingly adverb

براين ثابت الدعامات إلى المنضده لتعزيزه. Brian fixed ___ to the table to strengthen it.

strut noun [ C ] (SUPPORT) a strong rod, usually made from metal or wood, that helps to hold something such as a vehicle or building together a support for a structure such as an aircraft wing, roof, or bridge

"She finds tourists very irritating, and she hates being treated as ___ when she travels." "تجد السياح مزعجة للغاية ، وتكره معاملتها على هذا النحو عندما تسافر".

such indefinite pronouns that only apply to things "Is there something you'd like to say?" "I don't care what I eat, so just order me anything."

من غرفتي ، أنظر إلى المناطق الريفية المحيطة. إنه مختلف تمامًا عن مناظر الطبيعة المألوفه التي أراها من نوافذ المنزل. في المنزل ،هو منظر طبيعي لطيف مع حقول مفتوحة. هنا منظر طبيعي قاتم مع وجود جبال صخرية على بعد. From my room I look out over the ___ ___ . It's very different from the ___ ___ I see from the windows at home. At home it's a ___ ___ with ___ ___ . Here it's a ___ ___ with___ ___ in the distance.

surrounding countryside المناطق الريفية المحيطة familiar landscape gentle landscape a landscape with nothing extreme or threatening about it open fields uninterrupted by woods or houses bleak landscape rocky mountains جبال صخرية 1- landscape n (rural scenery) منظر طبيعي وقفنا عند قمة الجبل لنتأمل بالمنظر الطبيعي. We stopped at the top of the mountain to admire the landscape. 2- landscape n (painting of a rural scene) لوحة لمنظر طبيعي اشترينا لوحة لمنظر طبيعي في المزاد العلني الفني. They bought a landscape at the art auction. 3- landscape [sth] (design and plant for improved appearance) يجري تنسيقًا للمنظر الطبيعي يجري تنسيقًا للحديقة My parents are going to landscape the front of their new house. سيجري والداي تنسيقًا للمنظر الطبيعي أمام بيتهما الجديد. 4- landscape gardening n (garden design) تصميم الحدائق I know nothing at all about landscape gardening - I'll have to hire a professional. 5- landscape painter n (artist who depicts natural scenery) رسام طبيعي John Constable is one of England's most popular landscape painters.

التربة في هذا الجزء من العالم ليست غنية بما يكفي لمد عدد كبير من السكان بالقوت. حصاد هذا العام لا يكفي لمد عدد متزايد من السكان. بالقوت The soil in this part of the world is not rich enough to_____ _ ___ . This year's harvest is insufficient to _ ___ ___

sustain a large population sustain a growing population. C2 to keep alive • sustain (food, water: nourish) يمدّ شخصًا بالقوت The vegetable garden provided enough food to sustain the whole family. كانت حديقة الخضراوات تنتج ما يكفي من الطعام لمدّ كامل العائلة بالقوت.

"You appear ___ ___ ___ ." "يبدو أنك على حق."

to be correct A direct object is a person or thing that directly receives the action of the verb in a clause. An infinitive that acts as the object of another verb is sometimes known as a verb complement. Remember that intransitive verbs do not take direct objects, so you will only find infinitives used as the objects of transitive verbs

الاقتصاد يبدو مستعد للحفاظ على نموه في العام المقبل. أنه يبدو يجد صعوبة في الحفاظ على العلاقات مع النساء. المجلس وافق على أن معدلات النمو لا يمكن أن تستمر إلى أجل غير مسمى. The economy looks set to ___ ___ ___ into next year. He seems to find it ___ ___ ___ with women. The board accepted that the growth rates ___ ___ ___ ___

sustain its growth difficult to sustain relationships could not be sustained indefinitely. sustain verb (CONTINUE) C2 to cause or allow something to continue for a period of time • sustain (continue at same level) يحافظ على شيء The runner is off to a good start, but can she sustain that pace?

كانت مدعومة بقوة إيمانها الديني. حبّ عائلتي وأصدقائي دعمني خلال محنتي. وطوال هذه المحنة ،كان مدعوما بالايمان بأنه سيصل إلى المنزل. She was ___ ___ ___ of her religious faith. The love of my family and friends ___ ___ ___ Throughout the ordeal, he ___ ___ ___ ___ that he would get home.

sustained by the strength sustained me through my ordeal. was sustained by the belief • sustain verb [T] (SUPPORT) to support emotionally: • sustain (support, take the weight of) يحمل The air currents sustained the bird's weight in the air. تحمل التيارات الهوائية وزن الطائر في الجوّ.

نتيجة لانسكاب النفط ، تكبدت بيبي خسائر فادحة. الميناء تعرض لأضرار جسيمة في العاصفة. As a result of the oil spill, BP ___ ___ ___ ___ . The port ___ ___ ___ in the storm.

sustained heavy losses sustained severe damage • sustain verb [T] (SUFFER) formal to suffer or experience, especially damage or loss • sustain (suffer: an injury) (يعاني إصابة) يُصاب The footballer had to abandon the game after he sustained an injury

أصيبت بجروح متعددة في الحادث. معظم المباني اصيبت الحد الأدنى من الأضرار التي لحقت بالزلزال. الشركة تكبدت خسائر فادحة هذا العام. She ___ ___ ___ in the accident. Most buildings ___ ___ ___ ___ in the earthquake. The company has ___ ___ ___ this year

sustained multiple injuries sustained only minimal damage sustained heavy losses • sustain verb [T] (SUFFER) formal to suffer or experience, especially damage or loss • sustain (suffer: an injury) (يعاني إصابة) يُصاب The footballer had to abandon the game after he sustained an injury.

السياسي اليميني أكد أن الهجرة كانت سبب كل هذه المشاكل. القاضي ايد قرار المحكمة الأدنى. The right-wing politician ___ ___ ___ was the cause of all these problems. The judge ___ the decision of the lower court.

sustained that immigration sustained • sustain that (argue, maintain) يؤكد • sustain (affirm, uphold) يؤيد شيئًا، يوافق على شيء

تنازلت إيزابيلا عن كبريائها واعترفت بأنها كانت مخطئه. Isabella ___ ___ ___ and admitted that she was wrong.

swallowed your pride تنازل عن كبريائك \دس على كرامتك = she did it even though it was embarrassing for her swallow your pride C2 to decide to do something although it will make you feel embarrassed or ashamed: He was forced to swallow his pride and ask if he could have his old job back

"لدي تعاطف عميق معه". "أنا أتعاطف معه بشدة. " "I have deep sympathy ___ him." "I deeply sympathize ___ him." Preposition

sympathy for sympathize With in some cases changing a noun into its verb form alters the preposition

يمكنك مزامنة (أو مزامنة أكثر رسمية) لملفات الموسيقى الموجودة على الكمبيوتر مع هاتفك. يمكنك أيضًا بث الموسيقى من الإنترنت أو من جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك إلى غرف أخرى في منزلك إذا كان لديك المعدات المناسبة .You can ___ '(or, more formal synchronize)the music files on your computer with your phone. .You can also ___ music from the Internet or from your computer to other rooms in your home if you have the right equipment.

sync :have exactly the same files and data on more than one device Stream :play music in real time from one source to another

العمل هو السبب الثالث الأكثر شيوعا للتوتر. أنظمة الملاحة عبر الأقمار الصناعية تعمل على التخلص من الضغط أثناء القيادة Work is the third most frequent cause of stress. Satellite-navigation ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ driving

systems take the stress out of a cause of stress be under stress cause (sb) stress source of stress take the stress out of sth

لحسن الحظ ، يمكن للمعلم ان يتحمل المزاح ولم يعاقبهم. Fortunately, the teacher could take a joke and didn't punish them.

take a joke يتحمل المزاح = didn't mind a joke being played on her to laugh when someone says something funny about you and not be offended or to be able to laugh at jokes or tricks about you: What's the matter? Can't you take a joke? Don't be mad - can't you take a joke?

سحب الرجال على الحبال لتشديد الركود The men pulled on the ropes to ___ ___ ___ ___ (= to tighten them).

take up the slack slack noun (NOT TIGHT) the fact that something is too loose هناك الكثير من الركود في هذه الحبال. There's too much slack in these ropes.

"He talked ___ the manager for more than an hour." Preposition

talk to To is commonly used with verbs and usually refers to direction (literal or metaphorical) or connections between people or things

بسبب عقبه تقنيه طفيفه الحفل سيبدا نصف ساعة في وقت متاخر. Due to a slight ___ ___ ,the concert will be starting half an hour late.

technical hitch hitch noun عقبة obstacle, hurdle, hitch, stumbling block, block a temporary difficulty that causes a short delay or a difficulty or troubling fact esp. in a situation that is generally positive: أخيرًا حصلت على عرض عمل بدا مثاليًا - العقبة الوحيدة كانت الراتب المنخفض. I finally did get a job offer that sounded perfect - the only hitch was the low salary The taping at Channel 4 went off without a hitch (= perfectly)

He is not___ from his own electorate to do anything___ . إنه ليس تحت ضغط من ناخبيه لفعل أي شيء جذري. adjective

under pressure drastic (especially of actions) severe and sudden or having very noticeable effects drastic measures

ابتليت شركة الطيران بالعقبات الفنية ونقص الموظفين. The airline has been plagued by ___ ___ and staff shortages.

technical hitch hitch noun عقبة obstacle, hurdle, hitch, stumbling block, block a temporary difficulty that causes a short delay a legal/technical hitch or a difficulty or troubling fact esp. in a situation that is generally positive: أخيرًا حصلت على عرض عمل بدا مثاليًا - العقبة الوحيدة كانت الراتب المنخفض. I finally did get a job offer that sounded perfect - the only hitch was the low salary The taping at Channel 4 went off without a hitch (= perfectly)

It was a ___ brilliant performance. كان أداء رائعا من الناحية الفنية.

technically in a way that relates to practical skills and methods that are used in a particular activity

___ , the country's economic problems are over, but ___ will be slow. ومن الناحية الفنية، فإن المشاكل الاقتصادية في البلد قد انتهت، ولكن الانتعاش سيكون بطيئا. Adverbs

technically Recovery according to an exact understanding of rules, facts, etc

وهناك ميل إلى ارتفاع معدل البطالة في الصيف. There is ___ for unemployment to rise in the summer.

tendency for noun [ C ] C1 [ + to infinitive ] If someone has a tendency to do or like something, they will probably do it or like it: Synonyms ميل tendency, inclination, slope, propensity اتجاه direction, trend, bearing, way, orientation, tendency نزعة tendency, trend, predisposition, disposition, strain inclination (FEELING) persuasion (BELIEFS) If there is a tendency for something to happen, it is likely to happen or it often happens 1. (inclination, habit) نزعة، ميل She has a tendency to stammer when she's tired. عندها ميل إلى التأتأة حين تكون تعبة. 2. (political leaning, bias) (في السياسة) ميل His right-wing tendencies became obvious in the speech. تجلّت ميوله اليمينيّة في خطابه. 3. (wind, current: direction) (الريح، التيار) اتجاه 4. have a tendency to do [sth] (do [sth] habitually) يعتاد على أمر ما Be careful of the dog- she has a tendency to steal food from your plate. 5. natural tendency (automatic inclination) ميول طبيعي Parents have a natural tendency to worry about their children.

هناك توجه متزايد إلى اعتبار المال أكثر من جودة الحياة. There is a growing ___ to regard money more highly than quality of life.

tendency for noun [ C ] C1 [ + to infinitive ] If there is a tendency to do something, it starts to happen more often or starts to increase: Synonyms ميل tendency, inclination, slope, propensity اتجاه direction, trend, bearing, way, orientation, tendency نزعة tendency, trend, predisposition, disposition, strain inclination (FEELING) persuasion (BELIEFS) If there is a tendency for something to happen, it is likely to happen or it often happens 1. (inclination, habit) نزعة، ميل She has a tendency to stammer when she's tired. عندها ميل إلى التأتأة حين تكون تعبة. 2. (political leaning, bias) (في السياسة) ميل His right-wing tendencies became obvious in the speech. تجلّت ميوله اليمينيّة في خطابه. 3. (wind, current: direction) (الريح، التيار) اتجاه 4. have a tendency to do [sth] (do [sth] habitually) يعتاد على أمر ما Be careful of the dog- she has a tendency to steal food from your plate. 5. natural tendency (automatic inclination) ميول طبيعي Parents have a natural tendency to worry about their children. أحيانًا ما يتم تخريب أفضل نوايانا بسبب ميلنا الطبيعي إلى الأنانية. Our best intentions are sometimes subverted by our natural tendency to selfishness.

ميله إلى المبالغة معروف جيدا. His ___ to exaggerate is well known.

tendency to noun [ C ] C1 [ + to infinitive ] If someone has a tendency to do or like something, they will probably do it or like it: Synonyms ميل tendency, inclination, slope, propensity اتجاه direction, trend, bearing, way, orientation, tendency نزعة tendency, trend, predisposition, disposition, strain inclination (FEELING) persuasion (BELIEFS) 1. (inclination, habit) نزعة، ميل She has a tendency to stammer when she's tired. عندها ميل إلى التأتأة حين تكون تعبة. 2. (political leaning, bias) (في السياسة) ميل His right-wing tendencies became obvious in the speech. تجلّت ميوله اليمينيّة في خطابه. 3. (wind, current: direction) (الريح، التيار) اتجاه 4. have a tendency to do [sth] (do [sth] habitually) يعتاد على أمر ما Be careful of the dog- she has a tendency to steal food from your plate. 5. natural tendency (automatic inclination) ميول طبيعي Parents have a natural tendency to worry about their children.

"I don't expect you ___ ___ ___ ___ ." "لا أتوقع منك أن توافق على قراري."

to approve of my decision Certain verbs do not make sense with only a direct object, especially when that direct object is a person. More information is required about the object's relationship with the verb to form a complete thought. This extra information is known as the object complement. An infinitive can also act as an object complement, which is word or group of words that describe, rename, or complete the direct object of the verb "Janet's father wants her to go to Harvard." "I would like the boss to see these reports."

التوقعات الاقتصادية التوقعات المالية توقعات التداول التوقعات طويلة الأجل التوقعات على المدى القصير توقعات متوسطة الأجل التوقعات المتشائمة توقعات غير مؤكدة توقعات إيجابية

the economic outlook financial outlook trading outlook the long-term outlook short-term outlook medium-term outlook gloomy outlook uncertain outlook positive outlook ?,, ?,,outlook noun C1 [ S ] (FUTURE SITUATION) the likely future situation: 1- (mental attitude ,OPINION) نظرة، موقف Philip has a very positive outlook on life. لدى فيليب نظرة إيجابية جدًّا إلى الحياة. 2- (probable future) توقعات The current political outlook is worrying. التوقعات السياسية الحالية مثيرة للقلق. 3- (economic prospects) (اقتصادية) توقعات The country's economic outlook is improving. تشهد التوقعات الاقتصادية تحسنًا في البلد 4- (view) منظر، إطلالة The outlook from the balcony is stunning.

شاطئ، ساحل يابسة الشاطئ الشمالي خارج الحدود

the land along the edge of a sea, lake, or wide river: • shore n (section of land bordering water) شاطئ، ساحل Karen stood on the shore watching the people swimming in the lake. وقفت كارين على الشاطئ وشاهدت الناس السابحين في البحيرة. • shore n (land not water) يابسة The sailor was glad to be back on shore. سرّ الملاح بعودته إلى اليابسة. • north shore n (land at water's north edge) الشاطئ الشمالي The waves hit the north shore. • offshore adv (in coastal waters) في البحر The island's too far off shore to swim to from the beach. • off shore adv (outside national boundaries) خارج الحدود

وأراد ان يبيع بعضا من منازلهالمؤجرة، ولكن الاقتصاد الراكد في المنطقة أوقفه He wanted to sell some of his rental homes, but___ ___ ___ stopped him.

the region's slack economy slack Business adjective (NOT ACTIVE) showing little activity; not busy or happening in a positive way

I was disappointed not to get the job, but it's not that important in the great ___ ___ ___ خاب املي في عدم الحصول علي الوظيفة ، لكنها ليست مهمة في المخطط العظيم للأشياء

the scheme of things (= when all things are considered). the way things are organized or happen in a particular situation, or the way someone wants them to be organized

تعمل الآن المزيد من النساء بدوام كامل ، مع كل الضغوط والاجهاد التي تجلبها. ثقافة مكان العمل هي عامل مهم في مستويات التوتر. More women are now working full-time, with all ___ ___ ___ that brings. Workplace culture is an important factor in ___ ___ ___ .

the stresses and strains levels of stress

• "Neither Mike nor his friends stated ___ opinion." •"لا مايك ولا أصدقاؤه أعلنوا رأيهم."

their When we join a singular subject and a plural subject, we run into the same problem that we had with subject-verb agreement. Again, the most widely accepted practice is that the pronoun should agree with whichever noun is closest to it. For example: • "Neither Mike nor his friends stated their opinion." (Their agrees with his friends.) • "Neither Mike's friends nor Mike stated his opinion." (His agrees with Mike.) As with subject-verb agreement, the other side of the argument is that if either of the subjects is plural, the pronoun should be plural. In this case, the second example above would be rewritten as: • "Neither Mike's friends nor Mike stated their opinion." Again, we can avoid the issue entirely by rewriting the sentence so that the plural subject is closest to the pronoun

"Both Mike and Daniel found ___ shoes." "كل من مايك ودانيال وجدوا أحذيتهم. "

their both ... and presents an exception. We normally use a plural pronoun with this correlative conjunction

انتابت الطفل نوبة غضب عندما لم أشتري له أي حلويات. The child ___ ___ ___ when I wouldn't buy him any sweets.

threw a tantrum انتابته نوبة غضب throw a tantrum = behaved in a very uncontrolled manner throw a fit/tantrum • to experience and show a strong feeling of anger, especially suddenly: My mother threw a fit when she saw what a mess we'd made of her kitchen. • tantrum n (child: fit of rage) (لدى الأطفال) نوبة غضب It's important not to give in if your child has a tantrum

"The 80s were a ___ big hair was considered fashionable." الثمانينات كانت في وقت كان فيه الشعر الكبير يعتبر عصرياً. Relative adverbs

time when

"Henry is ___ ___ everyone." "هنري ودود للجميع. " "Was she ___ ___ you?" "هل كانت جيدة لك؟" "You should always be ___ ___ others." "يجب أن تكون دائمًا لطيفًا مع الآخرين". "Mrs. Roberts was ___ ___ the cashier." "السيدة روبرتس كانت لطيفة لأمين الصندوق. " Preposition

to friendly to, good to, kind to, nice to

"I am ___ ___ a new book that's coming out soon." "أنا متحمس لكتاب جديد سيصدر قريبا." Preposition

to excited about

"The couple was ___ ___ the waitress." "كان الزوجان وقحا تجاه النادلة." Preposition

to mean to, rude to, unfriendly to

"My brother went ___ Europe with his friends." Preposition

to movement with a specific aim, direction, or destination

تعزيز النمو تعزيز الأعمال التجارية تعزيز التنمية تعزيز الكفاءة تشجيع الابتكار تعزيز التجارة تعزيز المنافسة تعزيز الديمقراطية تعزيز التنوع

to encourage the existence or development of something: promote growth promote business promote development promote efficiency promote innovation promote trade promote competition promote democracy promote diversity promote verb (ENCOURAGE) B2 to encourage people to like, buy, use, do, or support something 1- promote (advertise) يروّج لشيء تروِّج إعلانات الراديو لمنتجات مختلفة. Radio commercials promote various products. 2- promote (foster, encourage) يشجّع على شيء تشجِّع الهيئات الرسمية على استخدام حزام الأمان في السيارة. Officials try to promote the use of seat belts

blow up "Demolition workers ___ ___ an old building to make room for a new mall." "عمال الهدم فجروا مبنى قديما لإفساح المجال لمول جديد". Prepositional idiom

to explode; to detonate or make explode

"We barely manage___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ." "بالكاد نجحنا في الخروج من المنزل طوال الليل".

to get out of the house for the night A direct object is a person or thing that directly receives the action of the verb in a clause. An infinitive that acts as the object of another verb is sometimes known as a verb complement. Remember that intransitive verbs do not take direct objects, so you will only find infinitives used as the objects of transitive verbs

"We hope ___ ___ ___ ___ ." "نأمل ان نذهب في المستقبل القريب".

to go in the near future A direct object is a person or thing that directly receives the action of the verb in a clause. An infinitive that acts as the object of another verb is sometimes known as a verb complement. Remember that intransitive verbs do not take direct objects, so you will only find infinitives used as the objects of transitive verbs

"I'm not going unless you agree ___ ___ ___ ." "أنا لا أذهب ما لم توافق على الذهاب معي."

to go with me A direct object is a person or thing that directly receives the action of the verb in a clause. An infinitive that acts as the object of another verb is sometimes known as a verb complement. Remember that intransitive verbs do not take direct objects, so you will only find infinitives used as the objects of transitive verbs

"I started running___ ___ ___ ." "بدأت بالركض لتحسين صحتي".

to improve my health We can also use infinitives as adverbs to modify the main verb in a sentence, describing a reason why an action is, was, or will be done. Infinitives used in this way are often known as infinitives of purpose

"He demanded ___ ___ ___ ___ ." "طلب التحدث إلى المدير."

to speak to the manager When we use reported speech, we often use infinitives as the direct object of a "reporting verb" to express what was said or asked in the past "He asked to help us fix the car." "She said not to answer the phone." "They offered to take me to the airport." "I promised to buy her a diamond ring."

"Please be quiet; I'm trying ___ ___ ." "الرجاء الهدوء؛ أحاول الدراسة. "

to study A direct object is a person or thing that directly receives the action of the verb in a clause. An infinitive that acts as the object of another verb is sometimes known as a verb complement. Remember that intransitive verbs do not take direct objects, so you will only find infinitives used as the objects of transitive verbs

أخذت القصة تطورًا مفاجئًا اليوم مع تقارير إعلامية تفيد بأن الطبيب قد استقال. The story ___ a surprise ___ today with media reports that the doctor had resigned.

took twist أخذت تطورًا مفاجئًا منعطفا noun (CHANGE) a change in the way in which something happens: The incident was the latest twist in the continuing saga of fraud and high scandal in banks and stock brokerages. 1. twist n (physical: curve) منعطف • Ada came to a twist in the road that seemed to take her back in the direction she'd come from; she was sure she was lost. • سلكت أيدا منعطفًا في الطريق أعادها كما يبدو إلى الاتجاه الذي أتت منه، فأدركت أنها ضائعة. 2. twist n (coil, distortion) انفتال، تفتّل • There was a twist in the hosepipe, preventing the water coming through. • لم يكن الماء يخرج من الخرطوم بسبب انفتال فيه 3. twist n (in story) (في أحداث قصة) تطوّر مفاجئ • I hate it when people give away the twist at the end of a film. 4. twist n (of ankle, elbow) التواء • It was a bad twist and the doctor told Ben not to use the arm for a few days at least. 5. twist n (tangle, knot) تشابك There was a twist of wires behind the TV. 6. plot twist n [sth] unexpected (في حبكة قصة) مفاجأة The movie had a very interesting plot twist at the end

The supermarket's own label range has now surpassed a number of ___ ___ ___ . وقد تجاوزت مجموعه الملصقات الخاصة بالسوبر ماركت الآن عددا من العلامات التجارية الأكثر مبيعا .

top selling brands well-known brand العلامة التجارية المعروفة a popular brand علامة تجاريه شعبيه top-selling brand العلامة التجارية الأعلى مبيعا

"Laughing, she threw up her hands and ran ___ the park." Preposition

toward(s) movement closer to something (*Toward and towards are interchangeable. In formal American English, "toward" is preferred.)

أستمتع بركوب الدراجات، وغالبًا ما يكون أسرع ، خاصةً عندما يكون هناك ازدحام مروري على الطرق الرئيسية المؤدية إلى كوبنهاغن. I enjoy cycling and it's often quicker, especially when there's ___ ___ on the main roads into Copenhagen.

traffic gridlock gridlock n (vehicles: traffic jam) ازدحام مروري There was a huge accident, so we were stuck in a gridlock for over an hour.

Class sizes will increase under the new scheme. ستزداد احجام الصفوف في اطار المخطط الجديد.

under scheme Scheme مخطط نظام noun an officially organized plan or system a training scheme /housing scheme /play scheme مخطط التدريب / مخطط السكن / مخطط اللعب a pension scheme/savings scheme نظام التقاعد / مخطط الادخار

سأحصل على بعض كتيبات السفر اليوم ويمكننا البدء في التخطيط لعطلتنا. I'll get some ___ brochures today and we can start planning our holiday. توم في رحلة عمل طوال الأسبوع. Tom is away on a business ___ all week. إنها رحلة صعبة اثناء الليل إلى الجبال لكنها تستحق ذلك. It's a rather difficult overnight ___ to the mountains but it's well worth it.

travel Trip Journey أفضل ترتيب عطلتي بدلاً من استخدام وكيل سفريات. I prefer to arrange my holidays myself rather than use a travel agent. يوم السبت ذهبنا في رحله نهاريه إلى قلعه قديمة مثيره للاهتمام. On Saturday we went on a day trip to an interesting old castle.

ويشمل السعر السفر والاقامه ولكن وجبات الطعام اضافيه. The price includes ___ and but meals are extra .

travel , accommodation travel noun (ACTIVITY) B1 [ U ] the activity of travelling: air/space travel business travel اننا نشارك في حب الأدب والطعام والسفر. We share a love of literature, food and travel. قدم عمله له الفرصة لكثير من السفر إلى الخارج. His work provided him with the opportunity for a lot of foreign travel. الكثير من سفري مرتبط بالعمل A lot of my travel is business related. لقد قابلت بعض الأشخاص المثيرين للاهتمام في اسفاري I've met some pretty interesting people in my travels وقد سددت له تكاليف السفر بين بيته ومكان عمله. He was reimbursed for the cost of travel between his home and workplace. وتوظف صناعه السياحة والسفر أكثر من 187,000 شخص في ولاية كارولينا الشمالية. The travel and tourism industry employs more than 187,000 people in North Carolina. قم بعمل نسخ من وثائق السفر المهمة مثل جواز سفرك ومسار رحلتك. Make copies of important travel documents like your passport and itinerary.

إذا كنت تريد وكيل سفر جيدًا ، يمكنني أن أوصي بـ Atlas World. انهم متخصصون في سفر رجال الأعمال. If you want a good___ ___ , I can recommend Atlas World. They specialize in___ ___ .

travel agent business travel specialize (have a field of expertise)يتخصّص It's ok to start university without deciding on a major, but sooner or later you need to specialize. specialize in [sth] (study [sth] as main subject)يتخصص في شيء Tina decided she wanted to specialize in education. (be an expert)يتخصّص في شيء As a lawyer he specialized in trademark law. تخصّص في فرع قانون العلامات التجارية كمحامٍ. specialize in doing [sth] Pediatricians are doctors who specialize in treating children. أطبّاء الأطفال هم أطبّاء تخصّصوا في معالجة الأطفال.

كلارا ، هل قمت بترتيبات سفرك لمؤتمر المبيعات حتى الآن؟ Clara, Have you made your ___ ___ for the sales conference yet?

travel arrangements

حصلت على بعض كتيبات السفر مع تفاصيل رحلات التخييم. تريد أن تلتقي لتناول طعام الغداء للنظر إليها؟ أحدهم في تشيلي ، لكنها رحلة طويلة أثناء الليل من العاصمة للوصول إلى هناك ، لذلك ربما ينبغي لنا أن ننظر أقرب إلى المنزل؟ I got some ___ ___ with details of___ ___ . Want to meet for lunch to look at them? One of them is in Chile, but it is a long ___ ___ from the capital to get there, so maybe we should look nearer home?

travel brochures camping trips overnight journey (during the night) أثناء الليل The trip from York to Newcastle takes about an hour by train. We're going on a trip to___ take a trip round/around ___ . It's a ten-mile trip from ___ to the ___ . three-week trip to ___ . business trip school trip a camping/shopping trip go on/make/take a trip She always flies business class when she goes on trips to the US. a part of a journey to or back from a place: the outward/return trip The trucks are being loaded for the return trip.

"___ ___ page 46 for a diagram of the procedure." "انتقل إلى الصفحة 46 للحصول على مخطط للإجراء." Preposition

turn to To is commonly used with verbs and usually refers to direction (literal or metaphorical) or connections between people or things

"I'm sure your diary will ___ ___ somewhere." "أنا متأكد من مذكراتك سوف تظهر في مكان ما." Prepositional idiom

turn up to (re)appear; to be found

نجاح المحادثات تدور حول ما إذا كان كلا الجانبين على استعداد لتقديم بعض التنازلات The success of the talks ___ whether both sides are ___ to make some concessions

turns on . willing adjective B1 be willing (to do sth) to be happy to do something if it is needed: قلت انك بحاجه لمتطوع -حسنا ، انا مستعد You said you needed a volunteer - well, I'm willing. 1- (voluntary) مستعد I'm willing to cook dinner tonight. أنا مستعدة لطهو العشاء الليلة. 2- (compliant) متأهب، مذعن، مستجيب When the president decided to go to war, the country was willing. مستعد ready, prepared, willing, all set راغب willing, interested إنه غير مستعد للتنازل عن أي من قوته. He is not willing to concede any of his power. انهم بحاجه إلى مساعد الذي هو علي استعداد للبقاء لمده سته أشهر. They need an assistant who is willing to stay for six months

لقد كان يتوقعها أن تشعر بالرعب ، لكنها كانت في الواقع متفهمه جدا. He had expected her to be horrified, but she was actually very___ .

understanding • understanding adj (sympathetic, compassionate) متعاطف، متفهم He is so understanding with his employees. إنه متفهم جدًا مع موظفيه. • understanding adj (tolerant, accepting) متفهم Sorry for the delay, and thank you for being so understanding. أعتذر على التأخير، وأشكركم على تفهّمكم. • Understanding adjective B2 An understanding person who has the ability to know how other people are feeling, and can forgive them if they do something wrong

الطريق تلوى وانعطف لأكثر من ميل. جلست هناك بعصبية تلف الحلقه حول إصبعها. انها لفت رأسها (مستديرة) حتى تتمكن من رؤية ما كان يحدث. لف الحبل بإحكام حول هذا العمود هناك The path ___ and turns for over a mile. She sat there nervously ___ the ring around on her finger. She ___ her head (round) so she could see what was happening ___ the rope tightly round that post over there

twist verb twist verb (TURN)C2 to turn something, especially repeatedly, or to turn or wrap one thing around another: How do I get the top off this bottle?" "Push it down and twist it anti-clockwise." We twisted the pieces of wire together. 1. twist [sth](wind, twine, coil) يفتل، يلفّ (turn, rotate) يدير شيئًأ، يبرم شيئًا • Helen took hold of a lock of her hair and twisted it around her finger. • أمسكت هيلين بخصلة من شعرها وأخذت تفتلها حول إصبعها. • Dan twisted the cap of the jar to undo it. 2. twist [sth] (distort meaning) يحرّف • Don't try to twist things; you know that isn't what I meant! • لا تحاول تحريف الأمور! أنت تعرف أني لم أقصد هذا. 3. Twist (turn) يتلوّى، يتمعّج • The road twisted through the mountains. تلوّت الطريق بين الجبال 4. twist [sth] (ankle, elbow) يلوي Elizabeth has twisted her ankle, so she can't play football tonight.

مسار مع العديد من التقلبات والمنعطفات a tight bend: a path with many ___ and turns

twist Noun 1. twist n (physical: curve) منعطف • Ada came to a twist in the road that seemed to take her back in the direction she'd come from; she was sure she was lost. • سلكت أيدا منعطفًا في الطريق أعادها كما يبدو إلى الاتجاه الذي أتت منه، فأدركت أنها ضائعة. 2. twist n (coil, distortion) انفتال، تفتّل • There was a twist in the hosepipe, preventing the water coming through. • لم يكن الماء يخرج من الخرطوم بسبب انفتال فيه 3. twist n (in story) (في أحداث قصة) تطوّر مفاجئ • I hate it when people give away the twist at the end of a film. 4. twist n (of ankle, elbow) التواء • It was a bad twist and the doctor told Ben not to use the arm for a few days at least. 5. twist n (tangle, knot) تشابك There was a twist of wires behind the TV. 6. plot twist n [sth] unexpected (في حبكة قصة) مفاجأة The movie had a very interesting plot twist at the end.

أعطت الغطاء لفه اخرى للتأكد من أنه كان ضيقًا. She gave the cap another ___ to make sure it was tight.

twist noun (TURN) an act of twisting something: an Elvis-style twist of the hips 1. twist n (physical: curve) منعطف • Ada came to a twist in the road that seemed to take her back in the direction she'd come from; she was sure she was lost. • سلكت أيدا منعطفًا في الطريق أعادها كما يبدو إلى الاتجاه الذي أتت منه، فأدركت أنها ضائعة. 2. twist n (coil, distortion) انفتال، تفتّل • There was a twist in the hosepipe, preventing the water coming through. • لم يكن الماء يخرج من الخرطوم بسبب انفتال فيه 3. twist n (in story) (في أحداث قصة) تطوّر مفاجئ • I hate it when people give away the twist at the end of a film. 4. twist n (of ankle, elbow) التواء • It was a bad twist and the doctor told Ben not to use the arm for a few days at least. 5. twist n (tangle, knot) تشابك There was a twist of wires behind the TV. 6. plot twist n [sth] unexpected (في حبكة قصة) مفاجأة The movie had a very interesting plot twist at the end.

ولكن بالنسبة للتطور القاسي للمصير /الثروة، يمكنه الآن ان يدير اعماله الخاصة . But for a cruel ___ of fate/fortune, he could now be running his own business. There's an unexpected twist in/to the plot towards the end of the film.

twist n. a complicated situation or plan of action: the twists and turns of fate It has proved very difficult to unravel the twists and turns and contradictions of the evidence. 1. twist n (physical: curve) منعطف • Ada came to a twist in the road that seemed to take her back in the direction she'd come from; she was sure she was lost. • سلكت أيدا منعطفًا في الطريق أعادها كما يبدو إلى الاتجاه الذي أتت منه، فأدركت أنها ضائعة. 2. twist n (coil, distortion) انفتال، تفتّل • There was a twist in the hosepipe, preventing the water coming through. • لم يكن الماء يخرج من الخرطوم بسبب انفتال فيه 3. twist n (in story) (في أحداث قصة) تطوّر مفاجئ • I hate it when people give away the twist at the end of a film. 4. twist n (of ankle, elbow) التواء • It was a bad twist and the doctor told Ben not to use the arm for a few days at least. 5. twist n (tangle, knot) تشابك There was a twist of wires behind the TV. 6. plot twist n [sth] unexpected (في حبكة قصة) مفاجأة The movie had a very interesting plot twist at the end

أنت تتلاعب بكلماتي-هذا ليس ما قلته علي الإطلاق You're ___ my words - that's not what I said at all.

twisting twist verb (CHANGE) C2 disapproving to change information so that it gives the message you want it to give, especially in a way that is dishonest: يوضح هذا التقرير كيف أنها حرفت الحقيقة للمطالبة بالنجاحات حيث لم يكن موجودًا في الواقع. This report shows how she twisted the truth to claim successes where none, in fact, existed. twist [sth](wind, twine, coil) يفتل، يلفّ (turn, rotate) يدير شيئًأ، يبرم شيئًا • Helen took hold of a lock of her hair and twisted it around her finger. • أمسكت هيلين بخصلة من شعرها وأخذت تفتلها حول إصبعها. • Dan twisted the cap of the jar to undo it. 2. twist [sth] (distort meaning) يحرّف • Don't try to twist things; you know that isn't what I meant! • لا تحاول تحريف الأمور! أنت تعرف أني لم أقصد هذا. 3. Twist (turn) يتلوّى، يتمعّج • The road twisted through the mountains. تلوّت الطريق بين الجبال 4. twist [sth] (ankle, elbow) يلوي Elizabeth has twisted her ankle, so she can't play football tonight.

المؤلفون ممتنون للدعم المستمر للمحررين في لندن ونيويورك. The authors are grateful for the ___ ___ support of the editors in London and New York.

unceasing adjective formal continuing and unlikely to stop or become less: Synonyms ceaseless formal incessant never-ending unremitting formal

لقد تعرضت لضغوط كبيرة مؤخرًا وبدأت في التعرّف على ذلك. وقد دفعه التوتر الشديد إلى حافة الانهيار العصبي. يبدو أنها تنمو على الضغوط. She's been ___ ___ ___ ___ recently and it's starting to tell. ___ ___ had driven him to the brink of a nervous breakdown. She seems to ___ ___ ___ .

under a lot of stress Extreme stress thrive on stress

• "You can borrow my jacket ___ I need it." (You must stop using it when I need it.) • "يمكنك استعارة سترتي حتى أحتاج إليها." (يجب أن تتوقف عن استخدامه عندما كنت في حاجة إليها.)

until To state that one action stops when another one begins, we use until • "He ran track until he moved here." (He stopped running track when he moved here.)

Well, officially I am on holiday this week, but I'm just catching ___ on some reports I have to finish. حسناً، رسمياً أنا في عطلة هذا الأسبوع لكنني فقط أتابع بعض التقارير التي يجب أن أنهيها


"When you use a fireplace, smoke goes ___ the chimney." Preposition

up movement heading up

لقد استخدمت منزلها كضمان للحصول علي قرض She used/put up her house as ___ for a loan.

used/put up as collateral collateral noun [ U ] (SECURITY FOR DEBT ) valuable property owned by someone who wants to borrow money, that they agree will become the property of the company or person who lends the money if the debt is not paid back: use sth as/put sth up as collateral ويشعر مستشارو الديون بالقلق إزاء الاتجاه نحو استخدام المنازل كضمانات ضد الديون. Debt counsellors are concerned by the trend towards using houses as collateral against debt. 1- (money) ضمان، ضمانة Greg used his car as collateral for the loan. 2- collateral adj (additional, accompanying) جانبي 3- collateral adj (of common ancestor) يعود لسلالة واحدة، يعود لنفس السلالة يشترك بالأصل The two plants are believed to be collateral species. 4- collateral n (common ancestor) متحدر فرعي، متحدر غير مباشر The collaterals in line for the throne are missing. a collateral branch of the family

عندما انطلقنا إلى الغابة ، شعرنا كما لو كنا نغامر في المجهول. لقد ابدت رأي بتردد على أن المشروع سيكون مكلفاً للغاية، لكن الرئيس تجاهلها. أراد ان يغامر في البرية الجبلية في الريف. ارتفع إجمالي قيمة استثمارات المشروع إلى 5.6 مليار دولار As we set off into the forest, we felt as though we were venturing into the unknown. She tentatively ventured the opinion that the project would be too expensive to complete, but the boss ignored her. He wanted to venture into the mountainous wilderness of the countryside. The total value of venture investments increased to $5.6 billion

venture verb formal C2 1. venture v (dare to go, do [sth] risky, say) يتجرأ، تكون له الجرأة يغامر بدخول ينطوي على خطر يقوم بشيء The children ventured into the abandoned house. The explorer ventured to unknown lands. The stuntman ventured an attempt at jumping over three buses on a motorbike. The young executive ventured that the boss's favourite client was cheating the company. تجرّأ المدير الشابّ على القول إنّ العميل المفضّل عند ربّ العمل إنما يغشّ الشركة. تجرّأ الأولاد على دخول البيت المهجور. غامر المستكشف بدخول أراضٍ مجهولة قام المجازف بمحاولة قفز فوق 3 حافلات على دراجة نارية 2. venture [sth] ( a guess) venture a guess يخمن Anyone who ventures a guess will be awarded a prize. يعتقد يخمن Mary's colleague ventured that her evident happiness was due to a new love in her life. قالت زميلة ماري إنها تعتقد أن سعادة ماري الجليّة إنما هي ناجمة عن حبّ جديد في حياتها. 3. venture [sth] (expose [sth] to risk) يجازف بشيء، يخاطر بشيء The businessman ventured his house as capital for his project. Lara ventured her life to help those infected by the virus. 4. venture n (risky activity) مغامرة، مجازفة Jane led a venture to cross the Sahara. خاضت جاين مجازفة بمحاولتها عبور الصحراء الكبرى. 5. venture n (risky commercial activity) (ينطوي على مجازفة) مشروع تجاري You should always make sure you know the risks associated with any venture you invest in. • business venture n (start-up business/business investment involving risk) الانطلاق بالعمل التجاري مغامرة تجارية Most business ventures in my town don't last longer than six months. • joint venture n (business: joint enterprise) مشروع مشترك، شركة • venture to say (dare say, be so bold as to say) يجرؤ على القول

"The cat had no interest in the poor dog___ ___ ." "لم يكن القطة مهتمة بالكلب المسكين يهز ذيله." Present participle

wagging its tail If the participle or phrase occurs in the final position immediately after the noun that it modifies, it doesn't need a comma

نريد التأكيد على مدى حرصنا عند تقييم مخاطر الائتمان. من المهم التأكيد على أن التماسك الاقتصادي والاجتماعي يمثل أولوية سياسية للاتحاد الأوروبي. مع نمو الإنترنت ، لا يمكنني التأكيد على أهمية قيام الشركات الجديدة بالعمل بسرعة في تسجيل العلامات التجارية. We ___ ___ ___ careful we are when assessing credit risk. ___ ___ ___ ___ economic and social cohesion is a political priority of the European Union. With the growth of the Internet, I ___ ___ ___ it is for new businesses to act fast in registering trademarks.

want to stress how It is important to stress that cannot stress how important

تم ابتكار المظلة ببراعة لطيها في جيبك. هذا البرنامج تم إعداده للشباب في الفئة العمرية 15-20 عامًا. The umbrella ___ ___ ___ ___ to fold up into your pocket. ___ ___ ___ for young people in the 15 - 20 age band.

was ingeniously devised The scheme is devised • devise (invent idea, plan) يعدّ، يبتكر يدبّر The prisoner devised an escape plan. • Devise C2 to invent a plan, system, object, etc., usually using your intelligence or imagination

"Do you mind ___ my seat for me while I go to the bathroom?" "هل تمانع مراقبة مقعدي لي أثناء ذهابي إلى الحمام؟"

watching Gerunds can also act as the direct object of some verbs

انتقاداته هي ( كلام) غير صحيح تماما. قد تكون مجرد تخمن ، لكنك لست بعيدًا عن الحقيقه. His criticisms are ___ ___ ___ . You may only be guessing, but you are ___ ___ ___ ___ .

way off the mark not far off the mark off the mark not correct

"I love swimming." "I love to swim." Which one is correct

we can use either the infinitive or the gerund. Most of the time, there is no difference in meaning when we substitute the infinitive for the gerund. This is especially true for stative verbs

"I think the pain medicine is starting to ___ ___ ." "أعتقد أن دواء الألم بدأ يزول." Prepositional idiom

wear off to lose effectiveness; to stop having an effect

كانت تعلم أنها يجب أن تستمر في الجري ، لكن التعب الشديد والإرهاق قد تجاوزها. She knew she should keep running, but intense fatigue and ___ overtook her.

weariness noun [ U ] تعب fatigue, tiredness, weariness, lassitude إرهاق overwork, overstrain, weariness great tiredness: 30 ساعة أو أكثر من التدريب البدني المكثف قد يسبب بعض الإجهاد أو التعب. 30 hours or more of intense physical training might induce some stress or weariness He could not sleep despite his extreme weariness. There was a note of weariness in her voice.

الأطفال ارهقوني من أسئلةهم ومطالبهم المستمرة. Children ___ me with their constant questions and demands.

weary Verb formal to make someone feel tired: · weary adj (tired) مُرهَق، تعِب The weary children went to bed. · weary adj (suggesting tiredness) ملئه التعب، ينم عن التعب John gave a weary sigh. تنهد جون تنهيدة ملئها التعب · weary of [sth/sb] vi + prep (tire) يسأم من، يملّ من I'm starting to weary of crime dramas. The TV schedules are full of them! · weary (tire) يُتعب شخصًا، يرهق شخصًا The housework wearied Jane; she wished she could afford to hire a cleaner. · grow weary of [sth/sb] (become tired) يرهق I grew weary of my ex-boyfriend's constant criticism, so I dumped him.

اعتقد انه متعب قليلا بعد رحلته الطويلة I think he's a little ___ after his long journey.

weary adjective C2 مرهق fatigued, tired, exhausting, exhausted, tiring, weary متعب tired, tiring, tiresome, weary منهك exhausted, tired, weary very tired, especially after working hard for a long time: اجلس واسترح قدميك المرهقتين Here, sit down and rest your weary legs Even my brain is weary tonight!

• She is a physically ___ teenager with the ___ ___ ___ of a four-year-old. • • هي مراهقة متطورة جسديًا تتمتع بمستوى عاطفي وعقلي لطفل عمره أربع سنوات. •

well-developed emotional and mental level

عزف بعض الألحان المعروفة. أغانيه دائما قوية على اللحن. هل يمكن أن تلعب اللحن بالنسبة لي؟ He played a few___ ___ ___ . His songs are always ___ ___ ___ . Could you ___ ___ ___ for me?

well-known melodies strong on melody play the melody melody نغمه C2 a tune, often forming part of a larger piece of music

انا لست متزوجا-من أين حصلت علي هذه الفكرة I'm not married - where did you get that idea ( synonym ?)

what made you believe that? ?,, ما الذي جعلك تصدقين ذلك ؟ idea noun (BELIEF) a belief or opinion الاعتقاد أو الراي

"It's your money, so buy ___ you like." "إنها أموالك ، لذا اشتر ما تريد".

whatever indefinite pronouns that only apply to things "Is there something you'd like to say?" "I don't care what I eat, so just order me anything."

• "She cries ___ she sees a sad movie." (She cries every time she sees a sad movie.) • "تبكي كلما رأت فيلما حزينا". (تبكي في كل مرة ترى فيها فيلما حزينا.)

whenever we use whenever to state that the time doesn't matter, or that two actions always happen together. For example: • "Call me whenever you get home." (Call me when you get home, but I don't mind when that is.)

• "Can we go ___ it's a little quieter?" (Can we go to a place that is quieter?) • "هل يمكننا الذهاب إلى مكان أكثر هدوءًا قليلاً؟" (هل يمكن أن نذهب إلى مكان أكثر هدوءًا؟)

where When the dependent clause is related to a place, we use where and wherever, but they are not interchangeable. For most situations, we use where

• "I can't stand watching tennis, ___ I love watching basketball."

whereas While and whereas both express contrast. While and whereas can be used interchangeably, but whereas is often considered more formal. Note also that, like with (just) as, we use a comma between the clauses even though these subordinating conjunctions are not in the initial position

• "I want to go ___ it's quieter." (I want to go to any place quieter; I don't mind where.) • "أريد أن أذهب إلى أي مكان أكثر هدوءًا." (أريد أن أذهب إلى أي مكان أكثر هدوءًا ؛ لا أمانع أين).

wherever We use wherever to emphasize that we mean any or every place, rather than a specific location

"I don't know ___ the white paint ___ the green paint is better." "أنا لا أعرف ما إذا كان الطلاء الأبيض أو الطلاء الأخضر هو أفضل."

whether Or We use whether / or to express doubt between two possible options. Whether has the same meaning as if in this regard

"Hire ___you think would be the most appropriate for the job." "استأجر من تعتقد أنه الأنسب للوظيفة."

whomever indefinite pronoun that relates to people

إذا كنت على استعداد للسفر في الليل ، يمكنك الحصول على تذكرة أرخص بكثير. If you're ___ to fly at night, you can get a much cheaper ticket.

willing adjective B1 be willing (to do sth) to be happy to do something if it is needed: قلت انك بحاجه لمتطوع -حسنا ، انا مستعد You said you needed a volunteer - well, I'm willing. 1- (voluntary) مستعد I'm willing to cook dinner tonight. أنا مستعدة لطهو العشاء الليلة. 2- (compliant) متأهب، مذعن، مستجيب When the president decided to go to war, the country was willing. مستعد ready, prepared, willing, all set راغب willing, interested إنه غير مستعد للتنازل عن أي من قوته. He is not willing to concede any of his power. انهم بحاجه إلى مساعد الذي هو علي استعداد للبقاء لمده سته أشهر. They need an assistant who is willing to stay for six months

عليك أن تكون على استعداد لرؤية وجهات نظر الآخرين. You have to be ___ to see other people's points of view

willing adjective B1 be willing (to do sth) to be happy to do something if it is needed: قلت انك بحاجه لمتطوع -حسنا ، انا مستعد You said you needed a volunteer - well, I'm willing. 1- (voluntary) مستعد I'm willing to cook dinner tonight. أنا مستعدة لطهو العشاء الليلة. 2- (compliant) متأهب، مذعن، مستجيب When the president decided to go to war, the country was willing. مستعد ready, prepared, willing, all set راغب willing, interested إنه غير مستعد للتنازل عن أي من قوته. He is not willing to concede any of his power. انهم بحاجه إلى مساعد الذي هو علي استعداد للبقاء لمده سته أشهر. They need an assistant who is willing to stay for six months

طوال حياته المهنية ، أظهر استعداده لتقديم تنازلات Throughout his career he has demonstrated a ___ to compromise.

willingness noun B2 [ + to infinitive ] the quality of being happy to do something if it is needed: إنها تظهر استعدادها للعمل بمبادرة منها. She shows a willingness to work on her own initiative. استعداد ready, readiness, willingness, preparation, predisposition رغبة desire, wish, willingness, will, inclination 1- (eagerness, enthusiasm) رغبة، استعداد The teacher was pleased by his students' willingness to learn. كان المدرّس سعيدًا برغبة تلاميذه في التعلّم. 2- (readiness)استعداد يريد، يرغب Sarah indicated her willingness to leave immediately. أظهرت أنها تريد المغادرة فورًا. رسالته تثبت استعداده للمساعدة. His letter proves his willingness to help. هذه المشاكل يمكن حلها. إنها مجرد مسألة استعداد. These problems can be solved. It's just a question of willingness

إن رغبة الناس في المشاركة قد أثارت إعجاب منظمي الحدث. The ___ of people to get involved has impressed the organizers of the event.

willingness noun B2 [ + to infinitive ] the quality of being happy to do something if it is needed: إنها تظهر استعدادها للعمل بمبادرة منها. She shows a willingness to work on her own initiative. استعداد ready, readiness, willingness, preparation, predisposition رغبة desire, wish, willingness, will, inclination 1- (eagerness, enthusiasm) رغبة، استعداد The teacher was pleased by his students' willingness to learn. كان المدرّس سعيدًا برغبة تلاميذه في التعلّم. 2- (readiness)استعداد يريد، يرغب Sarah indicated her willingness to leave immediately. أظهرت أنها تريد المغادرة فورًا. رسالته تثبت استعداده للمساعدة. His letter proves his willingness to help. هذه المشاكل يمكن حلها. إنها مجرد مسألة استعداد. These problems can be solved. It's just a question of willingness

"بعض الناس لا يرغبون في شيء سوى الشهرة. " "Some people wish ___ nothing but fame." Preposition

wish for · wish for [sth] (desire, long to have) يرغب في شيء، يتوق إلى شيء I've always wished for a better life for my family. · Be careful what you wish for. ([sth] desirable may have drawbacks) كن حذرا مما تتمنى

"If you're having trouble ___ the assignments, consult your teacher." "إذا كنت تواجه مشكلة مع المهام، استشر معلمك." Preposition

with Generally, nouns combined with the preposition "with" point to relationships and connections between two or more things. "I noticed a small problem with the story you submitted." "Her close relationship with her sister is enviable."

• "She opened the locked door ___ an old key." Prepositions

with A preposition of instrument or device is used when describing certain technologies, machines, or devices. These prepositions are by, with, and on. Typically, by refers to methods of transportation, whereas with and on describe the use of machines and other devices

"Julie is obsessed ___ that movie." (adjective) "جولي مهووسة بذلك الفيلم"(صفة) Preposition

with We can also examine the prepositions used with associated nouns, as the same prepositions are often used with the adjective forms as well. "Julie has an obsession with that movie." (associated noun)

"I'm ___ ___ this traffic." "أنا منزعج من هذه الحركة. " Preposition

with annoyed with, fed up with

"Taylor was ___ ___ moving to Chicago." "تايلور كان راضيا عن الانتقال إلى شيكاغو. " "I'm fine ___ having to rewrite the introduction." "أنا بخير مع الاضطرار إلى إعادة كتابة المقدمة." "Are you sure you're OK ___ this?" "هل أنت متأكد من أنك موافق مع هذا؟" Preposition

with content with, fine with, OK with

"Molly seems ___ ___ her performance." "تبدو مولي محبطة من أدائها." Preposition

with disappointed with, displeased with

• "Dad is angry ___ Elizabeth." (person) • "Dad is angry ___ Elizabeth's sneaking out." (gerund) Preposition

with About In some cases, however, the prepositions are not interchangeable and can only be used to describe specific nouns or gerunds. For example, when paired with adjectives, with and for generally refer to people, whereas about usually refers to things, events, or gerunds

"She's ___ ___ having to clean toilets all day." "لقد سئمت من الاضطرار إلى تنظيف المراحيض طوال اليوم." Preposition

with annoyed with, fed up with

"It's hard not to be ___ ___ long lectures." "من الصعب عدم الشعور بالملل من المحاضرات الطويلة. " Preposition

with bored with

"The boy's parents are ___ ___ his behavior." "والدا الصبي مستاءان من سلوكه" Preposition

with disappointed with, displeased with

"We are very ___ ___ the number of donations we received." ونحن سعداء جداً بعدد التبرعات التي تلقيناها". Preposition

with pleased with

كان جيلنا نشأ على اساس أن العلم يعني التقدم. Ours was a generation brought up ___ ___ ___ that science meant progress.

with the understanding understanding noun (BELIEF) something that you have reason to believe: [ + that clause ]

Student: What do I have to do if I want to leave the course? Teacher: If you want to___ ___ ___ , you have to go to the College Office.

withdraw from the courseانسحب من الدورة

وضعت ثيابها القديمة في كيس وتبرعت بها. عندما تخبر نكتة ، لا يمكنك تكشف عن الجُزء المُضْحِك حتى النهاية She put her old clothes in a bag and gave them away. When you tell a joke, you can't give away the punch line until the end.

• give [sth] away (make a gift) يهب شيئًا، يتبرع بشيء • give [sth] away (reveal) يكشف شيئًا يفشي شيئًا • punchline, punch line n (tagline of a joke) الجُزء المُضْحِك He was terrible at telling jokes because he always forgot the punchline. لم يكن يعرف إلقاء النكات لأنه كان دائمًا ينسى الجزء المضحك.

استمر الصعود الثابت لأرباح الشركة دون حدوث أي عراقيل خلال 26 ربعًا مثيرًا للإعجاب The steady ascent of the company's profits continued ___ ___ ___ for an impressive 26 quarters.

without a hitch go (off) without a hitch to happen successfully without any problems: To the bride's relief, the wedding ceremony went off without a hitch. hitch noun عقبة obstacle, hurdle, hitch, stumbling block, block a temporary difficulty that causes a short delay or a difficulty or troubling fact esp. in a situation that is generally positive: أخيرًا حصلت على عرض عمل بدا مثاليًا - العقبة الوحيدة كانت الراتب المنخفض. I finally did get a job offer that sounded perfect - the only hitch was the low salary The taping at Channel 4 went off without a hitch (= perfectly)

"The ___ ___ are very poor here." "ظروف العمل سيئة للغاية هنا."

working conditions Gerunds can be paired with regular nouns to become compound nouns These are distinct from gerund phrases, where the noun is functioning as the object of the gerund, as in our previous example of "Eating vegetables is good for your health." They should not be confused with present participles that are functioning as adjectives. Though they look quite similar, adjectival present participles imply action on the part of the noun being modified. "She soothed the crying baby." (The baby is crying). "The speeding car crashed into the tree." (The car was speeding.)

"So many adults ___ ___ getting older." "الكثير من البالغين يقلقون بشأن التقدم في السن". Preposition

worry about

"Dean wrote ___ his day in his journal." "دين كتب عن يومه في مذكراته. " Preposition

write about

ليس لديك ادني فكره كم كنت محرجه You have no idea ___ embarrassed I was.

you have no idea how ليس لديك فكرة said for emphasis when you are describing how good or bad an experience is. قيل للتأكيد عند وصفك لمدى تجربة جيدة أو سيئة.

العلامة التجارية المعروفة علامة تجاريه شعبيه العلامة التجارية الأعلى مبيعا

العلامة التجارية المعروفة a popular brand علامة تجاريه شعبيه top-selling brand العلامة التجارية الأعلى مبيعا

You do /play/ go gymnastics, judo, weightlifting, aerobics, yoga, wrestling, circuit training, archery, athletics You do /play/ go games, badminton, billiards, hockey, bowls, rugby, golf, (table) tennis, cricket, baseball, chess, darts, cards, dominoes You do /play/ go fishing, skiing, bowling, cycling, skateboarding, surfing, snowboarding, hang-gliding, climbing, hill walking, sailing, jogging, swimming

• Do You can also say you go to aerobics/judo/yoga/karate - this means that You do activities. (NOT make or practise activities) If you are a serious sportsperson, you will certainly practise your sport, but that has a specific meaning, which is to do something again and again in order to get better at it, in other words to train. If you are a footballer you might practise taking a penalty, for example. • play • go

• "My father, one of the toughest lawyers in the state, always wanted me to follow in his footsteps." • "كان والدي ، أحد أقوى المحامين في الولاية ، يرغب دائمًا في أن أتبع خطاه". What is the function of one of the toughest lawyers in the state?

• It is also very common to use noun phrases as appositives to provide more descriptive identifying information about a noun; • modify both common and proper nouns. • usually begin with the articles the, a, and an While it is most common to use the articles the, a, and an, we can also use indefinite pronouns (such as one or some) to begin an appositive phrase, as in: • "The scientists, some of the most respected in their fields, collaborated on a paper on the dangers of climate change." " العلماء، وبعض من الأكثر احتراما في مجالاتها، وتعاونت علي ورقه عن مخاطر المناخ تغيير ".

"The office, an old Georgian building, badly needed repairs." " المكتب، مبنيجورجي قديم، بحاجه ماسه إلى إصلاحات." What is the function of an old Georgian building ?

• It is also very common to use noun phrases as appositives to provide more descriptive identifying information about a noun; • modify both common and proper nouns. • usually begin with the articles the, a, and an. (In the appositive phrase, the head noun building is modified by the article an and the adjectives old and Georgian.) "Janet Smith, a former student of mine, is joining the faculty next spring." (In the appositive phrase, the head noun student is modified by the article a, the adjective former, and the prepositional phrase of mine.)

عائلتي لديها أذواق المختلفة في الموسيقى. أختي نيكي تحب الموسيقى الكلاسيكية ، عمي بن عاشق للموسيقى شعبيه وأبي يحب موسيقى الجاز. أنا أحب ار اند بي والهيب هوب. أنا حتى اؤلف قليلا من الراب بنفسي!! My family all have different ___ in music. My sister Niki loves___ ___ , my uncle Ben's a ___ fan and my father loves___ . I like ___ and___ ___ .i even compose a bit of ___ myself!

• Tastes • classical music: not classic • folkموسيقى شعبيه • Jazz • R&B • hip-hop :a style of popular music where the words are spoken rather than sung • rap: the words spoken in hip-hop music(can also be a verb)

"I would like to buy some flowers in a glass vase." "أود شراء بعض الزهور في مزهرية زجاجية." What is the function of the Prepositions phrase?

• The prepositional phrase here is in a glass vase • in is a preposition describing the object a vase. • Glass is a modifier of vase, appearing between the preposition and the noun that it modifies. • The prepositional phrase in this sentence is adjectival because it immediately follows the noun that it describes (flowers), and it tells us what kind of flowers the speaker would like to buy

علامة الجمال مقياس، معيار، أساس لتقييم أداء وحمة، شامة

• beauty mark n (beauty spot, mole) علامة الجمال واحدة من أشهر علامات الجمال تلك التي على خد مارلين مونرو الأيسر. One of the most famous beauty marks is the one that Merlyn Monroe had on her left cheek. • benchmark n (standard of excellence) مقياس، معيار، أساس لتقييم أداء هذا المطعم هو المعيار الذي أقيس على أساسه أداء سائر المطاعم This restaurant is the benchmark against which I measure all other restaurants. • birth mark n (patch of dark, red skin) وحمة، شامة إنها تخجل من الوحمة الموجودة على رقبتها. She is really self-conscious about the birth mark on her neck.

تحتوي المنطقة على مناظر خلابة - الجبال والمنحدرات والبحيرات القلعة تسيطر على المنظر الطبيعي لأميال حولها. يمكنك الانتقال بسرعة من صخب المدينة إلى الريف الهادئ The area has some ___ ___ - mountains, cliffs, lakes. The castle dominates the landscape for miles around. You can quickly go from the hustle and bustle of the town to the tranquil countryside.

• breathtaking scenery [extremely striking and beautiful views] يخطف الأنفاس مبهر، أخاذ The view from the top of the Sydney Harbor Bridge is breathtaking. المنظر من أعلى جسر ميناء سيدني يخطف الأنفاس. • dominate the landscape [can be seen from a long way away] • peaceful/tranquil countryside [formal]

معرض الوظائف مجال الوظيفة الهدف المهني إنجاز مهني سلم المهني وكالة توظيف تغيير وظيفة طموح وظيفي، هدف مهني الخطة الوظيفية، الخطة المهنية تغيير وظيفي

• career fair n (recruitment event) معرض الوظائف • career field n (area of work) مهنة، مجال الوظيفة • career goal n (professional ambition or aim) الوظيفة المرغوبة، الهدف المهني • career high n (greatest work achievement) إنجاز مهني • career ladder n figurative (advancement in a job) سلم المهني، سلم الإرتقاء الوظيفي ترقية Peter works a lot of overtime in hopes that he can climb the career ladder quickly. • career management n (recruitment and training service) وكالة توظيف • career move n (change of profession) تغيير مهنة، تغيير وظيفة After working for years as a journalist, Linda decided on a career move and went back to school. If you do an MBA degree, it could be a good career move that helps you to get a promotion. • career objective n (professional ambition, goal) طموح وظيفي، هدف مهني • career plan n (outline of professional goals) الخطة الوظيفية، الخطة المهنية • career switch n (change of trade or profession) تغيير وظيفي

ساحل خفر السواحل ساحل العاج خط ساحلي

• coast n (land by the sea) (أرض بجانب البحر) ساحل There are fine beaches on the coast. هناك شواطئ جميلة على الساحل. • Coast Guard n خفر السواحل This country's coast guard provides various maritime services. • Ivory Coast n (country in West Africa) ساحل العاج The Ivory Coast is officially known as the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire. • coastline n (contour of coast) خط ساحلي Norway has one of the world's most interesting coastlines.

حسن التمييز حسّ الموضة يتصرف بتعقل يكون منطقيًّا الحس الموسيقي شعور متجدّد لا يكون منطقياً، لا يعقل شعور بالمسئولية

• common sense (practical thinking) منطق حسن التمييز He's an educated man, but he doesn't have much common sense. • fashion sense (instinct for what is stylish) حسّ الموضة حسّ الأناقة She has an innate fashion sense that allows her to spot the latest trends. • good sense n (sensible judgement) الذوق العام It is good sense to take the time to carefully consider the available options. • have the sense of (be as sensible or practical as) يتصرف بتعقل He doesn't have the sense of a five-year-old. I think you finally have the sense of it. • make sense v (be logical) يكون منطقيًّا It makes sense to book train tickets in advance because they are cheaper. • musical sense n (natural aptitude or feeling for music) الحس الموسيقي Her musical sense was so terrible she couldn't sing even simple children's songs. • new sense n (renewed feeling) شعور متجدّد After recovering from cancer, I had a new sense of the beauty of the world. • not make sense (be illogical) لا يكون منطقياً، لا يعقل غير منطقي Ainsley was drunk and what he was saying was not making sense. • sense of duty n (feeling of responsibility) شعور بالمسئولية The volunteer continued her work only out of a sense of duty.

أنا أعيش في مدينة سكنيه خارج طوكيو وهناك شبكة حافلات وسكك حديدية جيدة جدًا هنا. المشكلة هي ، إنها مزدحمه حقًا - القطارات المكتظة طبيعية. I live in a ___ ___ ___ outside Tokyo and there's a very good ___ ___ ___ here. The trouble is, it's really busy -___ ___ __are normal.

• commuter town A commuter town is a populated area that is primarily residential, rather than commercial or industrial. People who live in commuter towns usually work in other places. • bus and rail network • overcrowded trains

أسافر حوالي ساعة في كل رحلة في قطار رحلات يوميه مزدحم وغالبًا ما يصعب الحصول على مقعد. تذكرةتي الموسمية باهظة الثمن لأنني مضطر دائمًا للسفر في وقت الذروة. I travel about an hour each way on a crowded ___ ___ and it's often difficult to get a seat. My ___ ___ is very expensive because I always have to travel at___ ___ .

• commuter train • season ticket • peak time the time when most people want to go somewhere (opp. off-peak)

ساعدت رسوم الازدحام في لندن على تقليل حركة المرور وتحسين جودة الهواء ، برامج بناء الطرق الخاصة بنا تهدف إلى تخفيف الاختناقات في المناطق الرئيسية. The ___ ___ in London has helped to reduce traffic and improve ___ ___ and our road-building programs have aimed to ___ ___ in key areas.

• congestion charge a charge for vehicles which enter a specific zone within a city • air quality • alleviate bottlenecks

نحاول تخفيف الازدحام المروري في المدن الكبرى من خلال تقييد استخدام السيارات الخاصة وتشجيع برامج مشاركة السيارات وخطط نظـــام الوقوف والركوب. we are trying to ___ ___ ___ in big cities by restricting private car use and encouraging ___ ___ ___ and___ ___ ___ .

• ease traffic congestion reduce traffic jams • car sharing programs • park-and-ride schemes a place in or near a town or city where you can park your car cheaply and take a bus or other form of public transport into the centre: It's easiest to leave your car in the park-and-ride. the system of leaving your car in a park and ride area and taking public transport to the city centre: Use park-and-ride wherever possible. the park-and-ride system

لكن بالنسبة للركاب الذين يواجهون زيادة بنسبة 10 في المائة في أسعار الخدمات التي تتأخر باستمرار أو لا تعمل على الإطلاق ، تلك السياسة لا يبدو أن تعمل But for commuters ___ ___ ten percent ___ in fares for services which are constantly ___ ___ or not at all, that policy doesn't seem to be working.

• facing a ( smt: number ) hike expecting a quick increase • running late run late informal (be behind schedule) يتأخر I'd love to stop and talk to you, but I'm running late for an important meeting with my boss

أخي الأكبر مولع في فرقة البيتلز وموسيقى الستينيات الأخرى. والدتي تحب الموسيقى التصويرية للفيلم، لكنني أجدها ممله. هناك نوع واحد من الموسيقى التي لا أستطيع تحملها وهو الموسيقى المسجله التي تحصل عليها في محلات السوبر ماركت والمطارات ، انها تدفعني إلى الجنون My older brother ___ ___ The Beatles and other___ ___ . My mother loves film ___ but l just find them uninteresting. One type of music I can't stand is the ___ ___ you get in supermarkets and airports-it drives me crazy!

• is into be into [sth] slang (enjoy, like) مولع في شيء Sabina is really into jazz music. Rob isn't into football. interested in and enthusiastic about • 60s music • Soundtracks • canned music: (recorded background music) موسيقى مسجّلة

إنها تعزف الجيتار، لكنها لا تقرأ الموسيقى. إنها تعزف ارتجاليا. لديها أذن موسيقية. يمكنها ان تنتقي لحن على أي أداة تقريبًا. إنها موسيقي موهوبه للغاية. She plays the guitar, but she doesn't___ ___ . She___ ___ ___ . She's got a___ ___ . She can ___ ___ ___ on almost any instrument. She's a very___ ___ .

• read music • plays by ear play [sth] by ear (music: not follow a score) يعزف ارتجالياً I read music well, but I have a hard time playing by ear. He's amazing, he never learned to read music, he just plays by ear. يمكنني قراءة النُوَت المسوسيقية جيداً، لكن من الصعب عليّ أن أعزف ارتجالياً • good ear • pick out a tune • talented musician

المسافرون اليوميون الذين يقودون أيضًا يبدو أنهم يواجهون صعوبات متزايدة ، مثل إغلاق الطرق والتحويلات التي بدورها تتسبب في طوابير مرور طويله وجعلت حركة المرور راكده. Commuters who drive also seem to be facing increasing difficulties, such as ___ ___ and detours, which in turn cause ___ ___ and___ ___ ___ ___ .

• road closures detour n (indirect route) (في الطريق) تحويلة The highway is closed, so we'll have to take a detour. • lengthy tailbacks :long queues of traffic tailback n UK (long traffic jam) ابور المرور Several people were late for work because of the tailback • bring traffic to a standstill stop (traffic) completely

الثقة في الحكومة في الحضيض. وصلت الأسعار إلى الحضيض. كانوا يبيعون البضائع بأسعار منخفضة. لقد وصلت معدلات موافقة الرئيس إلى الحضيض. Confidence in the government is at ___ ___ . Prices have reached ___ ___ . They were selling the goods at ___ ___ prices. The president's approval ratings have hit ___ ___ .

• rock bottom n (lowest point) حضيض Dave was at rock bottom when his girlfriend left him. rock bottom noun informal (LOW) the lowest possible level • rock-bottom prices informal (extremely low costs) أسعار متدنية I don't know how they make any money with such rock-bottom prices

لقد بدا وكأنه شخص جيد، لكنه في الواقع كان فاسدًا حتى النخاع. ليس هناك نهاية للمحسوبية والفساد: الحكومة فاسدة حتى النخاع. He seemed to be a good person, but in reality he was ___ ___ ___ ___ There's no end to nepotism and corruption: the government's ___ ___ ___ ___ .

• rotten to the core adj (person: wicked) (مجازي: شخص سيء) فاسد حتى النخاع سيء جدًا، شرير • rotten to the core adj (system: corrupt) (مجازي: نظام فاسد) فاسد حتى النخاع

لقد علقنا في حركة المرور البطيئة لمدة ساعة في طريقنا إلى المطار. كان هناك سيل من حركة المرور خارج غرفتنا طوال الليل. We were stuck in ___ ___ ___ for an hour on our way to the airport. There was a ___ ___ ___ outside our room all night.

• slow-moving traffic • a stream of visitors/traffic a stream of visitors حشد من الناس Stream suggests continuous movement

بعد الحادث تباطأت حركة المرور ثم توقفت أخيرًا. After the accident the traffic ___ ___ ___ and then finally ___ ___ ___ .

• slowed to a crawl 1. crawl figurative (time: go slowly) يمضي ببطء، يسير ببطء، يمرّ ببطء While I was at school, time seemed to crawl. كنت أشعر بأن الوقت يمرّ ببطء وأنا في المدرسة. 2. crawl figurative (vehicle: move slowly) يسير ببطء، يتحرك ببطء The traffic is crawling; I'm going to be very late to work. The old car crawled along, smoke billowing from its engine. يتحرك السير ببطء شديد، سأتأخر على عملي. سارت السيارة القديمة ببطء شديد فيما سحابة دخان تنبعث من محركها. 3. crawl n figurative (slow pace) بطء شديد At rush hour, traffic slows to a crawl. في ساعة الزحمة، يتحرك السير ببطء • came to a standstill come to a standstill (vehicle, process: stop) يتوقف We made an emergency landing, and as soon as the aircraft came to a standstill we evacuated through the emergency doors

How does Determiners modify noun?

are words that reveal the amount of a noun in a sentence: • "There are five bananas." • "Several iguanas were on the tree." Adjectives, articles, participles, possessive nouns, determiners, possessive pronouns, and compound nouns tend to appear before the noun in a noun phrase.

طارت حفنة من الأوراق عندما فتحت الباب. A handful of leaves blew in when I opened the door.

blow in (be swept in by the wind)تذرفه الرياح

What is the Gerunds?

A gerund is the "-ing" form of a verb when it functions grammatically as a noun in a sentence. Gerunds are identical in appearance to present participles, but they are not used to form tenses of the verb or provide adjectival information. Gerunds can either stand alone, or they can take a noun (the object of the gerund) and/or modifier(s) to form a gerund phrase.

Match the beginning of each sentence on the left with its ending on the right. 1 It is a sprawling . 2 It is full of upmarket . 3 There was bumper-to-bumper 4 I get asthma from the terrible exhaust . 5 I live in a residential . 6 Some of the more deprived . 7 The main street in town . 8 The main street is lined 9 On the outskirts are some industrial . 10 The streets were strewn . traffic all the way to the airport runs from the castle to the river zones and some large supermarkets. with shops and cafés city covering an enormous area with litter area but work in the city centre areas are not far from the city centre. fumes in the city centre shops, which are too expensive for me

1 It is a sprawling city covering an enormous area. 2 It is full of upmarket shops, which are too expensive for me. 3 There was bumper-to-bumper traffic all the way to the airport. 4 I get asthma from the terrible exhaust fumes in the city centre. 5 I live in a residential area but work in the city centre. 6 Some of the more deprived areas are not far from the city centre. 7 The main street in town runs from the castle to the river. 8 The main street is lined with shops and cafés. 9 On the outskirts are some industrial zones and some large supermarkets. 10 The streets were strewn with litter.

Match the two parts of these collocations. 1 apply for cousin 2 get separation 3 estranged custody 4 nuclear home 5 provide for wife 6 distant family 7 set up your family 8 trial a divorce

1 apply for custody 5 provide for your family 2 get a divorce 6 distant cousin 3 estranged wife 7 set up home 4 nuclear family 8 trial separation

1 Unfortunately, the speaker used lots of big___ ___ , which was really distracting. 2 Try to vary your___ ___ Don't speak on the same level all the time as it can be boring. 3 The professor was very knowledgeable about her subject but she used a lot of technical terms which the___ ___ of university students were unlikely to understand.

1 hand gestures 2 tone of voice 3 target audience

Replace the words in brackets in each sentence with one word which collocates with the underlined word. 1 It's a beautiful town and the countryside (which is all around it) is even more beautiful. 2 The tower (is the most important and visible thing on) the landscape. From the top of the tower, you get a view (which allows you to see a very wide stretch) of the surrounding area. 3 There are lovely beaches (with very few people on them). 4 We traveled through some scenery (which was extremely exciting and beautiful). 5 From the windows of our villa, we had views (which were continuous, without any obstacles,) of the lakes and mountains.

1 surrounding countryside 2 dominates the landscape; panoramic view 3 secluded beaches 4 breathtaking scenery 5 uninterrupted views

1 What might prevent you from sleeping in a house near a busy motorway? 2 Exhaust fumes will get worse if what increases? 3 What is the opposite of a restaurant which is good value? 4 What kind of area with poor, home-made houses could certainly be called a deprived area? 5 If an area is very interesting historically, what may it officially be called? 6 What is another way of saying an expensive restaurant? 7 What do we call blocks of flats which have many storeys, perhaps 20 or more? 8 What adjective could be used about an attractive and perhaps slightly unusual old building?

1 the incessant roar of the traffic 2 (the volume of) traffic 3 an over-priced restaurant 4 a shanty town 5 a conservation area 6 a pricey restaurant 7 high-rise flats 8 quaint

"Terrified after watching a scary movie, my father had to comfort my little sister." whats wrong with this sentence?

A misplaced modifier can occur when there is more than one noun in the sentence. If we don't place the participle close enough to the noun that it modifies, it may seem that it modifies another noun. In the above sentence, the participle phrase terrified after watching a scary movie is supposed to modify my little sister. However, since my father appears closer to the participle phrase, it seems it is the father that is terrified. The sentence should be rewritten to correct the misplaced modifier. For example: "My father had to comfort my sister, terrified after watching a scary movie." or "Terrified after watching a scary movie, my sister had to be comforted by my father." or "My sister, terrified after watching a scary movie, had to be comforted by my father."

What is the noun clause?

A noun clause is a type of dependent clause that is able to function grammatically like a noun in a sentence. As such, it serves to name a person, place, or thing. Because of this, noun clauses can perform all the roles that a normal noun would fill in a sentence: they can act as the subject, a direct or indirect object, a predicate noun, an adjective complement, or the object of a preposition.

• "I don't expect you to approve of my decision." What is the function of to approve of my decision?

An infinitive or infinitive phrase acts as an object complement by describing the intended or desired action of the direct object. For example: • "She's forcing me to work through the weekend." • "We need you to make a few more copies." • "Janet's father wants her to go to Harvard." • "I would like the boss to see these reports." • "He persuaded me to marry him." • "They taught me to work the photocopier." in reported speech to express what someone said to or asked of someone else. "He asked me to help him." • "She told me not to answer the phone."

"I read it in the newspaper." "I saw it on the newspaper." "I saw it on TV." "I saw it in TV."

Another pair of similar prepositions is in and on, which can both be used to describe the medium by which something is seen. We use in when we are talking about something appearing in printed media, while on is used to talk about something appearing on televised or digital media.

• We came across him lying in the yard." What is the function of lying in the yard

Gerunds and gerund phrases as object complement • "My mother noticed the baby walking by himself." • "I can't believe the bosses caught you napping." • "We heard their dogs barking at the wind."

Correct the eight collocation errors Doyouwanttogivegreatpresentationswhichgiveanimpactontheaudience?Firstly, make sure that your slides are easy to watch. Don't an unusual or small font. Also, don't have too much text on each slide. Keep them simple so people can take your argument. Use pictures or examples to carry your ideas to life. You can also use cake charts or bar tables to show figures or data more clearly. Finally,repeatyourbigpoints several times to make sure the audience has understood your message

Do you want to give great presentations which have/make an impact on the audience? Firstly, make sure that your slides are easy to read. Don't use an unusual or small font. Also, don't have too much text on each slide. Keep them simple so people can follow your argument. Use pictures or examples to bring your ideas to life. You can also use pie charts or bar charts to show figures or data more clearly. Finally, repeat your key points several times to make sure the audience has understood your message.

A friend says that she wishes she was rich. You wish for the same thing, and you think that a lot of other people do as well. you say:

Don't we all... Use "Don't we all..." in this situation: Someone talks about something that they wish for: "I wish..." You wish for the same thing, and you think that a lot of other people do as well. The meaning of the phrase is something like "Yes, I wish for that too, but it's just a dream. It's not likely to come true." For example: A: I wish I could meet a guy who's responsible and doesn't act like an immature child. B: Don't we all. Don't we all. (Sometimes people will repeat this phrase.)

• "The excitement of the day got the kids way too hyper." What is the function ofway too hyper

Factitive verbs also take adjectives and adjective phrases as their object complements. But whereas a noun that functions as an object complement will rename a direct object, an adjective serves to describe or modify the direct object. Like all object complements, adjectives must follow the direct object they are describing. If they come before it, they are simply acting as attributive adjectives, which are not necessary to complete the meaning of the sentence. • "The jury judged the defendant not guilty." • "She deemed him worthy of her love."

You're in charge of a meeting at work. You say this to get the meeting started. Hey guys. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ?

How's it going guys In English, there's not a really good word for addressing a group of people. If you're talking to one person you say "you": How are you? But there's some disagreement about what to say to a group of people. English speakers use different expressions depending on the region and dialect, but one common expression is "guys". For example, at a restaurant with a large group of friends you can say: Hey guys, are you ready to order? "Guys" technically means a group of men, but it's usually OK to use it for mixed groups of men and women, or even for groups of all women. In very formal situations, avoid calling a group of people "guys". Instead, use a phrase like "everyone": Everyone, thank you for coming. Hey (name) You say "hey" to people who you know when you first see or speak to them: Hey Boris. "Hey" is the same as "Hello" but more casual. How's it going? There are basically two meanings to the phrase "How's it going": Hello. How are you? If someone who you know asks "How's it going?" while walking past you or working on something busily, it's similar to saying "Hi". You can respond with: Hey, how's it going? Good morning. Fine, thanks! If you're sitting down with someone and they ask "How's it going?", then they're trying to start a conversation. You should answer the question and add some other information or questions: A: How's it going? B: Not bad. I've been so busy this week, though. It's crazy. How are you doing? "How's it going?" is an abbreviation for "How is it going?". This phrase is a little casual, but it's OK in a lot of different situations. If you want to sound more formal, you can say "Hello" to greet a person, or "How are you?" to start a conversation.

لست بعيدا عن دائره الخطر حتى الان بشكل لا يمكن تصوره i am not out of the woods yet, by any stretch.

If you say that something is not true or possible by any stretch of the imagination, you are emphasizing that it is completely untrue or absolutely impossible. [emphasis] Her husband was not a womanizer by any stretch of the imagination. لا يمكن تصور زوجها كزير نساء

How do Infinitives modify noun?

Infinitives modify the noun by providing a verb phrase that helps elaborate on and provide clarification of the noun: • "He was the person to contact if you wanted pastries." • "She was the one to ask." Relative clauses, infinitives, participle phrases, prepositional phrases, and compound phrases tend to appear after the noun in noun phrases.

What is the difference between Present participial clauses and gerunds?

It's often easy to confuse present participles for gerunds because they look identical and operate in very similar ways. For instance, the present participles of verbs can be used to create dependent clauses that modify the rest of the sentence. "Singing in the shower, I was oblivious to the doorbell ringing." (I was singing.) "Having seen the movie before, I wouldn't want to see it again." Although they look quite similar, these clauses function like an adjective, whereas the gerund phrases we looked at above act like nouns functioning as the subjects of their sentences. Remember that a gerund or gerund phrase functions as a noun—if the sentence still makes grammatical sense after the word or phrase is replaced by a normal noun, then we are dealing with a gerund; if it does not make sense after being replaced by a normal noun, then it is a present participle.

What are the different Subject Forms?

Only that which has the grammatical function of a noun can be the subject of a clause. This is because it is someone or something that is capable of performing or "controlling" the action of the verb. nouns "Computers can process numbers very quickly." noun phrases "A boy I know owns a motorcycle." pronouns "Someone ate this cake!" gerunds "Swimming is great exercise." gerund phrases "Traveling the world has been my lifelong dream." infinitives "To err is human; to forgive is divine." infinitive phrases "To fall in love can be both wonderful and tragic." noun clauses "Whoever knows the truth should come forward." dummy pronouns "There is nothing we can do for him now."

What is the participle phrases?

Participial phrases (sometimes known as participial clauses) are groups of words that contain a participle and function as adjective phrases.

How do Participle Phrases modify noun?

Participle phrases modify the noun by providing a group of words with a present or past participle that works like an adjective to modify the noun: • "The man waving his hand for a taxi was being ignored." • "The geese flying overhead formed a V shape." Relative clauses, infinitives, participle phrases, prepositional phrases, and compound phrases tend to appear after the noun in noun phrases.

How do Prepositional Phrases modify noun?

Prepositional phrases are used in noun phrases to provide unique, distinguishing, or specifying information about the noun being modified: • "The train at the station had twenty-seven cars." • "The snow on the field was white." • "A cat with white whiskers just walked by." Relative clauses, infinitives, participle phrases, prepositional phrases, and compound phrases tend to appear after the noun in noun phrases.

What are the Prepositions?

Prepositions are used to express the relationship of a noun or pronoun (or another grammatical element functioning as a noun) to the rest of the sentence. The noun or pronoun that is connected by the preposition is known as the object of the preposition. Some common prepositions are in, on, for, to, of, with, and about, though there are many others

How do Relative Clauses modify noun?

Relative clauses (also known as adjective clauses) express a quality of the noun just like adjectives do. However, adjective clauses contain a subject and a verb: • "The car that drove up the street turned left." • "The light that was left on was very bright." Relative clauses, infinitives, participle phrases, prepositional phrases, and compound phrases tend to appear after the noun in noun phrases.

We decided to paint my room bright pink." What is the function of that they painted this room?

Relative clauses are dependent clauses that are introduced by relative pronouns. Like adjectives, relative clauses serve to describe the noun that they follow; for this reason, they are often called adjective clauses. • "Do you know someone who can work the photocopier?" • "I hate the color that they painted this room." • "I found an apartment that is big enough for both of us." • "He is a friend whose generosity knows no bounds."..

"The Nile is the longest river in the world." "The Nile is the longest river of the world."

Remember that of relates to belonging, while in refers to being inside or within someplace. We speak about countries and things being in the world, not of the world. On the other hand, when we describe someplace to which a person or thing is native, we use of and not in. For example: ✔ "He is a citizen of Greece." (correct) ✖ "He is a citizen in Greece." (incorrect) ✔ "The gray wolf of North America is a beautiful creature." (correct) ✖ "The gray wolf in North America is a beautiful creature." (incorrect)

رويال افنيو تمتد من الشمال إلى الجنوب، ومصطفه بالمحلات التجارية. خلفها، تمتلئ الشوارع بالحانات الحيوية والنوادي العصرية. مقاهي الرصيف والمحلات التجارية في ساحة لونا هي ممتعة ولكن مكلفة جدا. _ ___ ___ from north to south and is___ ___ ___ . Behind it, the streets are full of ___ ___ and ___ ___ . The ___ ___ and shops of Luna Square are pleasant but very expensive.

Royal Avenue runs o run [sth] (traverse) يمتد عبر شيء The mountain range runs over half the country تمتد سلسلة الجبال عبر أكثر من نصف البلاد o run (travel) يمتد The highway runs along the valley. يمتد الطريق السريع على طول الوادي o run (extend) يمتد The cable runs between the walls. يمتد السلك ما بين الجدران · lined with shops ومصطفه بالمحلات التجارية · lively bars lively adj (event, place) حيوي، مفعم بالحيوية There was a lively party at the end of the street that kept the neighbors awake. كانت حفلة حيوية تقام في آخر الشارع بحيث أبقت الجيران مستيقظين. · fashionable clubsالنوادي العصرية · pavement cafés o a restaurant with tables and chairs outside on the pavement or on a street where vehicles do not normally go

تروبي هي مدينة مترامية الأطراف مع حركة المرور كثيفه طوال اليوم. أبخرة العادم يمكن أن تكون كابوسا. ازداد حجم حركة المرور في السنوات الأخيرة ، وهدير الشاحنات والحافلات المتواصل يجعل من وسط المدينة مكانًا مزعجًا للغاية. Triope is a ___ ___ with ___ ___ ___ ___ all day long. The___ ___ can be a nightmare. The ___ ___ ___ has increased in recent years and the ___ ___ of trucks and buses makes the city center an extremely noisy place.

Sprawling city مدينة مترامية الأطراف spread over a large area (slightly negative adjective) sprawl⇒ v (lie, limbs spread) يستلقي Alex sprawled on the sofa, watching TV. sprawl v (area: extend, spread) يمتدّ The city sprawled in every direction. sprawl n (area: spread) امتداد From the top of the tower, Polly could see the city's sprawl beneath her. (of a city) covered with buildings across a large area, often ones that have been added gradually over a period of time: sprawling suburbs The sprawling medical school campus is on the grounds of a former naval academy. bumper-to-bumper traffic so many cars and so close that they are almost touching each other exhaust fumes ابخره العادم volume of traffic حجم حركة المرور incessant roar : very loud noise which never stops the roar of [sth] n (traffic, ocean, etc.: loud noise) هدير I sat on the edge of the cliff and listened to the ocean's roar. Karen couldn't hear what Jon was saying above the roar of the traffic Incessant adjective never stopping, especially in an annoying or unpleasant way: incessant rain/noise/complaints Synonyms ceaseless formal constant never-ending unceasing formal unremitting formal The region endured weeks of incessant rain. incessantly adverb Bob talks incessantly about their new baby.

How to use Nouns phrases as subjects, objects, and complements?

Subject The subject of a sentence is the noun or noun phrase that is doing the action of the verb: • "The green bowling ball rolled down the lane." Object Objects are the noun or noun phrase that receives the action of the verb. They are the things that something happens to, as opposed to the things causing the action: • "He rolled the green bowling ball down the lane." Complement Complements are words or phrases that are necessary to make the sentence's subject or predicate complete. Subject complements are words that follow a linking verb and describe the subject of the sentence. Object complements are words that modify the direct or indirect object of the verb. Here are examples of both: Subject Complement • "He was a man who owned green bowling balls." (The noun phrase follows the linking verb was and modifies the subject he.) Object Complement • "He painted the bowling ball a greenish color." (The noun phrase follows and modifies the direct object bowling ball.) • "The club elected the man their president." (The noun phrase follows and modifies the direct object the man.)

Your friend asked you to pass her a book. You say this as you hand it to her.

There you go. You say "There you go" when you're giving or handing a person something: A: Can you pass me a napkin? B: There you go. More generally, you use it when you're doing something for another person. For example, say "There you go" when: you stand up to let someone sit down you've finished tying someone's necktie for them you clear a space on the kitchen counter for someone to set a hot dish on You can also say "Here you go" in the same way. There are no absolute rules for when to use one or the other, but I would use "Here you go" if I brought something to them from far away, and "there you go" if I'm sitting in one place and handing them the object.

How can we identify direct object in a sentence? By asking which questions?

We can identify the direct object by asking the question Whom? or What? about the verb. The part of the sentence that answers that question is the direct object. "The dog chased its tail." Question: The dog chased what? Answer: its tail "Mary reads a new book every week." Question: Mary reads what? Answer: a new book "I asked Jonathan on a date." Question: I asked whom? Answer: Jonathan

what are the Functions of correlative conjunctions just as ... so

We use just as ... so to indicate that the two elements being joined are similar. Usually, just as begins an independent clause, and so is followed by a second independent clause. Traditionally, the clause after so should be inverted, as in: • "Just as I love films, so does my brother love sports." • "Just as Americans love baseball, so do Europeans love soccer." • "Just as French is spoken in France, so is English spoken in England." However, it's also common (especially in informal writing and speech) for this structure to occur without inversion, as in: • "Just as I love films, so my brother loves sports." • "Just as Americans love baseball, so Europeans love soccer." • "Just as French is spoken in France, so English is spoken in England."

what are the Functions of correlative conjunctions whether ... or

We use whether ... or to express doubt between two possible options. Whether has the same meaning as if in this regard. For example: • "I don't know whether the white paint or the green paint is better." • "He's not sure whether he'll be able to attend the game or not." We also use whether ... or to indicate that something will happen no matter which choice is made. For example: • "Whether we stay home and eat a pizza, or we go out and watch a film, I'm sure we'll have a good time." • "I'm going to help you whether you like it or not."

Use expression when someone has an unusual expression or makes a strange noise. You ask this to find out the reason for the action.

What are you (doing something) about? Use this expression when someone has an unusual expression or makes a strange noise. You ask this to find out the reason for the action. What are you smiling about? What are you frowning about? What are you barking about?

"My brother is good at English." (correct) "My brother is good in English." (incorrect)

When we describe how well someone does something, we often use the verb phrase is good followed by the preposition at. However, if we use the verb phrase does well, we usually use the preposition in, which can lead to a confusion between the two. When we are talking about a particular subject, we use is good at, but if we're talking about a particular setting, we use does well in.

"My sister does well in school." (correct) "My sister does well at school." (incorrect)

When we describe how well someone does something, we often use the verb phrase is good followed by the preposition at. However, if we use the verb phrase does well, we usually use the preposition in, which can lead to a confusion between the two. When we are talking about a particular subject, we use is good at, but if we're talking about a particular setting, we use does well in.

What is the Parallel Structure when Using correlative conjunctions?

When we use correlative conjunctions, it's important to use parallel structure, especially in formal writing. Parallel structure requires both elements that are joined by the correlative conjunction to be equal. For example: • "This house is both large and cozy." (Two adjectives are joined.) • "Let's either go swimming or go shopping." (Two verb phrases are joined.) • "Either your father will pick you up, or you'll get a ride home with a friend." (Two independent clauses are joined.) Using correlative conjunctions to join non-parallel structures is considered incorrect. For example: ✖ "It was both a long movie and boring." (Incorrect—a noun phrase is joined with an adjective phrase.) ✖ "I'm not sure whether the white paint or painting it green would be better." (Incorrect—a noun phrase is joined with a verb phrase.) ✖ "Either your father will pick you up or a friend." (Incorrect—an independent clause is joined with a noun phrase.) Although the sentences above may be heard in everyday speech, they are considered incorrect.

What is the Structure and punctuation of subordinating conjunctions?

When we use subordinating conjunctions to join two clauses, it doesn't matter which clause comes first: the subordinating conjunction may appear either at the beginning or in the middle of the new sentence. Therefore, the following two sentences are both correct: • "I went to the supermarket since we were out of milk." • "Since we were out of milk, I went to the supermarket." Note that if when we place the subordinate conjunction in the middle of the sentence, as in the first example, we normally don't need a comma. On the other hand, when we place the subordinating conjunction at the beginning of the sentence, as in the second example, we normally do need to use a comma.

After paying for our travel costs, we barely ___ even.

broke break even (not make profit or loss)يرد رأس المال، يخرج بلا ربح ولا خسارة to have no profit or loss at the end of a business activity: After paying for our travel costs, we barely (= only just) broke even. Unfortunately, my business just managed to break even last year. I made a bad investment, but I broke even.

When we were students we got ___ on very little money.

by There is tremendous pressure on families trying to get by without health insurance. · get by (cope, manage) يتدبّر أموره، يسيّر أموره Between taxes and the high cost of living I make barely enough to get by. · get by on (survive on) يدبّر أمره بشيء، يسيّر أموره بشيء The older couple had learned to get by on their small retirement income. · get by in (make oneself understood in: a foreign language) يُفهم فلاناً بلغة أجنبية My French is really hopeless so I was glad to discover that I could get by in simple English in Paris.

How does Adjectives modify the noun phrase?

by expressing a certain quality of the noun: • "Bright stars shine in the sky." • "Big cities are loud." Adjectives, articles, participles, possessive nouns, determiners, possessive pronouns, and compound nouns tend to appear before the noun in a noun phrase.

Camilla: Is it just historical facts, then? Matthew: No, the main people are two brothers who have different opinions this divides their family. In the first chapters they're happy and do everything together, but by the last chapter they have become enemies. Matthew: Well, it certainly doesn't finish in a happy way, but I liked it, and it's recommended very much by all the critics. Camilla: So, a book with a pleasant start and a sad finish.

central characters opening chapters closing chapter have a happy ending highly recommended pleasant beginning and a sad end(ing).

لضواحي المريحة بعيدًا عن وسط المدينة تتناقض بشكل حاد مع احياء الأكواخ الفقيرة التي يراها المرء في طريقه إلى المطار. The ___ ___ away from the city center contrast sharply with the poor ___ ___ one sees on the way to the airport.

comfortable suburbs a place from which many people travel in order to work in a bigger town or city Shanty towns : very poor houses made of discarded materials on the edge of cities (e.g. tin, cardboard, plastic, etc.)

Yesterday was the ___ ___ I met my husband for lunch بالأمس كان اليوم الذي قابلت فيه زوجي على الغداء Relative adverbs

day when

بالقرب من البحيرة ، هناك منزل قديم تحول الى انقاض منذ حوالي مائة عام. يقع في منظر طبيعي جميل ، وتحيط به الحقول المفتوحة. Near the lake there is an old house that ___ ___ ___ about a hundred years ago. It stands in a lovely landscape, surrounded by ___ ___

fell into ruin open fields

البشرة الجميلة بشرة شاحبة بشرة بيضاء البشرة الداكنة بشرة بنية بشرة أفريقية آسيوية بشرة صحية بشرة متوهجة البشرة محمره من الشمس بشرة واضحة بشرة غليظه او خشنه بشرة ناعمة بشرة ناعمة

fine complexion pale complexion white complexion dark complexion brown complexion an African, Asian complexion a healthy complexion glowing complexion tanned complexion clear complexion rugged complexion soft complexion smooth complexion

سلكنا ممرًا على طول النهر لنحو ثلاثة كيلومترات. على بعد، كانت هناك جبال مغطاه بالثلوج. We ___ a footpath along the river for about three kilometers. In the distance, there were ___ ___ ___

followed snow-covering mountains.

"I believe you, ___ (because) you have never lied to me before." "أنا أصدقك ، لأنك لم تكذب أبداً من قبل."


"He didn't come to the party, ___ لم يأت إلى الحفلة ، لأنه شعر بالمرض ".

for he felt sick

We can ___ ___ with four computers at the moment, but we'll need a couple more when the new staff arrive.

get by to be able to live or deal with a situation with difficulty, usually by having just enough of something you need, such as money: How can he get by on so little money? · get by (cope, manage) يتدبّر أموره، يسيّر أموره Between taxes and the high cost of living I make barely enough to get by. · get by on (survive on) يدبّر أمره بشيء، يسيّر أموره بشيء The older couple had learned to get by on their small retirement income. · get by in (make oneself understood in: a foreign language) يُفهم فلاناً بلغة أجنبية My French is really hopeless so I was glad to discover that I could get by in simple English in Paris.

ا كان قد هددها بالطلاق ، لكنني لم أعتقد أبداً أنه سيفعله He'd threatened to divorce her but I never thought he'd ___ ___ ___ it.

go through with sth to do something unpleasant or difficult that has already been agreed or promised: He'd threatened to divorce her but I never thought he'd go through with it. The company has decided not to go through with the takeover of its smaller rival.

والدتي لها وجه مدبب وأنف مستقيم My mother has a more ___ ___ and a ___ ___ .

pointed face straight nose.

Your young child shows you a picture he drew of a flower. You say this to encourage him. Wow, ___ ___ ___ !

good for you This phrase is used to praise small children. It means "you did a good job". However, when this phrase is used toward an adult, it can seem insulting. It sounds patronizing, like you are suggesting that the person you say it toward is a little kid. "Good for you" can also seem like a rude way of saying "I don't care." For example, you might say it if someone you don't like is bragging about something: A: I was the class president of my university. B: Good for you. Wow! "Wow!" expresses excitement. You say it when someone tells you something or shows you something. You can use "wow" to express a variety of emotions about the thing you're being told or shown: it's interesting and exciting you want to encourage the person, especially a child you can't think of anything else to say

He was driving so fast I had to ___ ___ tight whenever he turned. كان يقود سيارته بسرعة واضطررت إلى التمسك بقوة كلما استدار. Prepositions

hang on (HOLD) to hold or continue holding onto something

لقد قررت نقل الأسرة إلى ألاسكا للحصول على وظيفة جديدة؟ أليس لدي رأي في الموضوع؟ كلنا متساوون هنا ، لذلك يجب أن يكون لكل شخص رأي. You've decided to move the family to Alaska for a new job? Don't I ___ ___ ___ ___ the matter?We're all equals here, so everyone should ___ ___ ___

have a say (in something) To have an active and participatory role in making or influencing a decision about something. The best thing about working for a smaller company is that it finally feels like everyone has a say in how it should operate. to be involved in making a decision about something: When he's 18, he'll begin to have a/some say in the running of the family business. The employees had little/no say in the restructuring of the company.

بعد العمل طوال الأسبوع ، أنت تستحق ان ترتاح قليل. After working all week, you deserve to ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

put your feet up to relax and do very little: After working all week, you deserve to put your feet up.

قامت ليندا ببعض الاستثمارات الحكيمة في البورصة وهي الآن تجني الارباح Linda has made some wise investments in the stock market and now she is ___ the rewards

reap the benefit of [sth] (profit)يحصد فوائد شيء If you practice the piano every day, you'll soon reap the benefit of all your hard work. reap the rewards ة(benefit, profit)يجني أرباحًا the [company, business, investors] reaped [large, significant, substantial] profits reap the [rewards, benefits, profits, prize] reaped the [rewards] of her [efforts, hard work, determination]

"صادفناه ملقيا في الفناء". "We came across him ___ ___ in the yard."

lying For certain factitive verbs, gerunds can also act as object complements. Object complements function by renaming or reclassifying a direct object, or by stating what the direct object has become or is doing. Gerunds can only function as object complements that state what the direct object is or was doing "My mother noticed the baby walking by himself."

I can't believe the bosses caught you __ _. لا أصدق أن الرؤساء أمسكوا بك غاف

napping For certain factitive verbs, gerunds can also act as object complements. Object complements function by renaming or reclassifying a direct object, or by stating what the direct object has become or is doing. Gerunds can only function as object complements that state what the direct object is or was doing "My mother noticed the baby walking by himself.

لا مانع من الذهاب إلى السينما بمفردي. تعلمت بريدجيت ربط حذائها بنفسها عندما كانت في الثالثة من عمرها. I don't mind going to the movies ___ ___ ___ . Bridget learned to tie her shoes ___ ___ ___ when she was three.

on your own 1- alone 2- If you do something on your own, you do it without help from anyone else

Bridget learned to tie her shoes on her own when she was three.

on your own alone: on your own If you do something on your own, you do it without help from anyone else:

والدي لديه وجه مستدير وشارب متدلي.. أختي الصغرى أشبه والدي. لديها وجه بيضاوي وأنف مقلوبة. My father has a ___ ___ and a ___ ___ . My younger sister is more like my father. She has an ___ ___ and an ___ ___ .

round face droopy moustache: long and hanging down heavily oval face: shaped like an egg upturned nose

والدي لديه وجه مستدير وشارب متدلي.. أختي الصغرى أشبه والدي. لديها وجه بيضاوي وأنف مقلوبة. My father has a ___ ___ and a ___ ___ ___ . My younger sister is more like my father. She has an ___ ___ and an ___ ___

round face droopy moustache: long and hanging down heavily oval face: shaped like an egg upturned nose

كل مساعديها كانوا يدبرون مكيده ضدها All her assistants were ___ ___ her.

scheming against scheme verb to make clever, secret plans that often deceive others scheme⇒ vi(plot, plan)يدبر مكيدة The officials schemed against the president. Jim's colleagues were scheming to have him removed from his job. دبر الموظفون مكيدة ضد الرئيس. كان زملاء جيم يدبرون مكيدة ليؤدوا إلى فصله عن العمل.

Correct the underlined collocation errors A chain of snowy mountains runs down the east of the country. The Wass River, the country's biggest, dances slowly from the northern mountains to the sea. Even in summer it is a sour landscape, with its dark, stony mountains and its cold streams. But for me it is the family landscape of my childhood and I am happy that the government has decided to guard this environment. It is a dramatic set which is a lot worth visiting for anyone who likes spectacle views.

snow-covered mountains River winds/flows slowly bleak landscape rocky mountains the familiar landscape of my childhood protect this environment. It is a dramatic setting that is well worth visiting for anyone who likes spectacular views.

Complete this collocation for countryside. 1- adjective meaning 'beautiful because it has not been changed or damaged by people' 2- adjective meaning 'lying around it' 3- adjective meaning 'peaceful, quiet' 4- verb meaning 'damage something so badly that it no longer exists or cannot be used'

unspoiled tranquil destroy

هي جسديًا مراهقة ناضجه جيدا مع مستوى عاطفي وعقلي لطفل عمره أربع سنوات. physically, She is a ___ teenager with the ___ ___ ___ of a four-year-old.

well-developed developed adj(person, animal: mature)مكتمل النمو When developed, this breed stands almost a meter tall. develop (grow, mature)ينضج Many girls start to develop when they are 11 or 12. فتيات كثيرات يبدأن بالنضج بعمر 11 أو 12 سنة. emotional and mental level

"May, ___ ___ ___ , is my favorite month of the year." مايو، عندما تزهر الزهور، هو الشهر المفضل لدي من السنة". Relative adverbs

when flowers bloom

"Paris, ___ ___ ___ , is the most beautiful city in the world." "باريس، حيث أريد أن أعيش، هي أجمل مدينة في العالم." Relative adverbs

where I want to live

"The blue house on the corner, ___ ___ ___ ___ , is the house I want to buy." "البيت الأزرق في الزاوية، حيث يلعب هؤلاء الأطفال، هو المنزل الذي أريد شراءه." Relative adverbs

where those kids are playing

"I'll always remember the river ___ to swim." سأتذكر دائما النهر حيث تعلمنا السباحة". Relative adverbs

where we learned

أفق المدينة هو مزيج رائع من القديم والجديد ، والمدينة نفسها لديها الكثير من الشوارع المزدحمة الضيقة المرصوفة بالحصى. المدينة القديمة منطقة محمية ولديها الكثير من المباني القديمة الجذابة التي يعود تاريخها إلى مؤسسة المدينة في القرن السادس عشر. The ___ ___ is a wonderful mix of old and new, and the city itself has a lot of busy, narrow ___ ___ . The old town is a ___ ___ and it has a lot of ___ ___ ___ dating back to the city's foundation in the 1500s.

· city skyline skyline n (silhouette of buildings) خيال المباني في الأفق The skyline of the city was impressive at night. skyline n (horizon) أفق، خط الأفق A dark figure appeared on the skyline. · cobbled streets made of a regular pattern of stones cobbled adj (made of stones)حَجَرِيّ- مُغَطَّى بالحصى It's hard to walk on cobbled streets in high heels. من الصعب السَيْر على طريق مُغطَّى بالحصى وأنتِ ترتدين حذاءً بكعب عالٍ. · conservation area منطقة محمية · quaint old buildings attractive because of being unusual and especially old-fashioned quaint adj (old-fashioned but charming) قديم وجذاب What a quaint thatched cottage! quaint adj (strange, curious) غريب Dorothy had rather quaint manners; she clearly wasn't used to refined company.

بعض المناطق الداخلية للمدينة هي أرض قاحلة في المناطق الحضرية وتشكل خطراً إلى حد ما على الزوار. في الواقع ، أصبحت بعض الشوارع مناطق محظورة فيها جرائم عالية. الشوارع مليئة بالقمامة وهناك العديد من المباني المتهالكة. هناك بعض المناطق المحرومة حول وسط المدينة مع مشاكل اجتماعية ضخمة. المناطق الصناعية التي تقع على حافة المدينة رمادية وملوثة. Some of the ___ ___ are an and are___ ___ somewhat dangerous for visitors. In fact, some streets have become___ ___ , with high crime. Many streets are ___ ___ ___ and there are numerous run-down buildings. There are some ___ ___ round the city centre with huge social problems. The ___ ___ which lie on the edge of the city are grey and polluted.

· inner-city areas a city area which is empty and in a bad condition · urban wasteland أرض قاحلة في المناطق الحضرية · no-go areas مناطق محظورة where the police and other authorities are afraid to enter · strewn with litter مليئة بالقمامة 1- strew [sth]⇒ (scatter) ينثر The performers strewed candy at the end of the show. 2- strew [sth] over [sth], strew [sth] across [sth] vtr + prep often passive (scatter/ spread [sth] over) ينثر شيئًا على شيء,متناثر Wine bottles and dirty dishes were strewn across the lawn. Her clothes lay strewn on the floor. Glitter was strewn across the banquet table. 3- strew [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep often passive (cover with [sth] scattered) يغطي شيئًا,مليئ The parade route was strewn with trash The park was strewn with litter after the concert. · Deprived areas المناطق المحرومة not having the things that are necessary for a pleasant life, e.g. enough money, good living conditions · industrial zones

بينما تقود سيارتك إلى المدينة، سيتم استبدال الشوارع التي تصطف على جانبيها الأشجار في المناطق السكنية قريبا بالشقق الشاهقة في المدينة الداخلية. ثم تأتي المباني المهيبة للبرلمان والدوائر الحكومية As you drive into the city, the ___ ___ ___ of the ___ ___ are soon replaced by the ___ ___ ___ of the ___ ___ . Then come the ___ ___ of the Parliament and government departments.

· tree-lined avenues الشوارع التي تصطف على جانبيها الأشجار · residential areas المناطق السكنية · high-rise flats high-rise (multi-story block of flats, building etc.) مبنى شاهق، ناطحة سحاب (tall apartment building) عمارة عالية · inner city central part of a city where poorer people live and where there are often social problems أحياء فقيرة في المدينة Schools in inner cities are often blighted by violence and low academic achievement. · imposing buildings imposing adj (impressive, grand) فخم، مهيب، جليل The CEO's imposing voice boomed loudly across the board room.

يحتوي الشارع على العديد من المتاجر الراقية ، ونوعا ما غالي الثمن ، وأحيانًا مطاعم بأسعار مبالغ فيها ، ولكن ليس بعيدا منه هو منطقة جيو. حيث ستجد المطاعم التي تقدم قيمة جيدة وأجواء مريحة أكثر Dora Della Street has a lot of ___ ___ and rather ___ , sometimes ___ ___ , but not far away is the GeoSea district, where you'll find restaurants which offer ___ ___ and a more ___ ___

· upmarket shops for people with expensive tastes o upmarket, adj (area, etc.: expensive) غنيّ The Sullivan lived in an upmarket area of the city. o upmarket, adj (luxury) فاخر، ممتاز These handmade chocolates are an upmarket product. o upmarket, adv (towards great exclusivity) فاخر راقٍ They were once known for their low prices, but now they are trying to move upmarket. That neighborhood has really gone upmarket since we visited it last. · pricey expensive , in a negative sense · overpriced restaurants مطاعم أسعارها مبالغ فيها · good value قيمة جيدة good value n (well worth the price) ما يستأهل سعره · relaxed atmosphere relaxed adj (not tense: atmosphere) (جو: غير متوتر) هادئ Everyone at the reunion was getting on well and the atmosphere was relaxed.

What is the functions of Infinitives?

· used to express an action as a concept, rather than what is being done or performed by the subject. · In this way, they can function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs—that is, nearly any role in a sentence except that of a main verb. · Infinitives can stand on their own to complete these functions, or they can work together with their own predicates (any additional information that modifies or completes them) to form infinitive phrases. · Infinitive phrases function as a nouns, adjectives, or adverbs as a single, holistic unit.

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