Vocabulary Unit 10-12 Review

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Unit 12 Word 16 - Subversive (Adjective; Noun)

(Adjective) Intended to undermine or ovverthrow; (Noun) One who advocates or attempts to undermine a political system. - Synonyms: Traitorous, A revolutionary - Antonyms: Patriotic, Loyal, True-blue

Unit 12 Word 17 - Synthetic (Adjective; Noun)

(Adjective) Made or put together by people; (Noun) Something artificial. - Synonyms: Artificial, Ersatz - Antonyms: Natural, Genuine

Unit 10 Word 1 - Adept (Adjective; Noun)

(Adjective) Thoroughly skilled; (Noun) An expert. - Synonyms: (Adjective) Masterful, Proficient - Antonyms: (Adjective) Clumsy, Unskilled, Novice

Unit 11 Word 15 - Reek (Noun; Verb)

(Noun) An unpleasant smell; (Verb) To give off unpleasant smells, to give a strong impression. - Synonyms: (Noun) Stench, (Verb) Stink, Smell - Antonyms: Perfume, Fragrance, Bouquet

Unit 10 Word 14 - Mire (Noun; Verb)

(Noun) Mud, wet or swampy ground, a tough situation; (Verb) To get stuck. - Synonyms: (Noun) Swamp, Bog, Slough

Unit 10 Word 9 - Exploit (Verb)

(Verb) To make use of, develop, or to make improper use of for personal profit; (Noun) A feat or deed. - Synonyms: (Verb) Turn to advantage, Misuse

Unit 11 Word 13 - Recoil (Verb; Noun)

(Verb) To spring back or shrink; (Noun) The act of springing back. - Synonyms: (Verb) Flinch, (Noun) Kickback - Antonyms: Advance, Proceed, Gain Ground

Unit 11 Word 20 - Statute (Noun)

A law. - Synonyms: Rule, Enactment

Unit 11 Word 5 - Depreciation (Noun)

A lessening in value, a belittling. - Synonyms: Cheapening, Lowering - Antonyms: Increase, Appreciation, Enhancement

Unit 11 Word 17 - Rivulet (Noun)

A small stream. - Synonyms: Creek, Rill

Unit 12 Word 2 - Autocratic (Adjective)

Absolute in power or authority. - Synonyms: Domineering, Dictatorial, Bossy - Antonyms: Democratic, Egalitarian, Lenient

Unit 12 Word 4 - Blasphemy (Noun)

An act, utterance, or writing showing contempt for something sacred. - Synonyms: Curse, Profanity, Imprecation - Antonyms: Veneration, Devotion, Respect

Unit 10 Word 16 - Preamble (Noun)

An introduction to a speech or piece of writing. - Synonyms: Opening, Prologue, Preliminary - Antonyms: Ending, Closing, Epilogue

Unit 10 Word 3 - Bleak (Adjective)

Bare, dreary, dismal - Synonyms: Grim, Cheerless, Gloomy, Desolate - Antonyms: Rosy, Cheerful, Sunny, Promising

Unit 12 Word 13 - Lithe (Adjective)

Bending easily, limber. - Synonyms: Flexible, Pliant, Lissome - Antonyms: Rigid, Inflexible, Taut

Unit 11 Word 19 - Staccato (Adjective)

Detached or disconnected in sound or style. - Synonyms: Abrupt - Antonyms: Continuous, Flowing

Unit 12 Word 11 - Irreverent (Adjective)

Disrespectful. - Synonyms: Profane, Imious, Sacrilegious - Antonyms: Awed, Respectful, Devout, Pious

Unit 10 Word 13 - Languid (Adjective)

Drooping, without energy, or sluggish. - Synonyms: Lazy, Listless, Slack, Lethargic - Antonyms: Lively, Energetic, Vigorous, Enlivening

Unit 11 Word 3 - Concise (Adjective)

Expressing much in a few words. - Synonyms: Brief, Succinct, Terse, Pithy - Antonyms: Wordy, Verbose, Long-Winded, Prolix

Unit 10 Word 15 - Obtrusive (Adjective)

Forward, undesirably prominent, or thrust out. - Synonyms: Brash, Conspicuous, Protruding - Antonyms: Reserved, Deferential, Recessed

Unit 11 Word 8 - Enlightened (Adjective)

Free from ignorance and false ideas, posessing sound understanding. - Synonyms: Knowing, Aware, Cultivated - Antonyms: Ignorant, Unaware, Untaught

Unit 10 Word 19 - Skeptical (Adjective)

Inclined to doubt or slow to accept something as true. - Synonyms: Suspicious, Incredulous - Antonyms: Believing, Credulous, Gullible

Unit 10 Word 8 - Erroneous (Adjective)

Incorrect or containing mistakes. - Synonyms: Mistaken, Fallacious, All wrong - Antonyms: Accurate, Correct, Exact, Unerring

Unit 12 Word 8 - Humane (Adjective)

Kind or merciful. - Synonyms: Sympathetic, Compassionate - Antonyms: Cruel, Merciless, Unfeeling, Brutal

Unit 10 Word 10 - Extemporaneous (Adjective)

Made up or delivered on the spur of the moment. - Synonyms: Spontaneous, Off-the-cuff - Antonyms: Planned, Prepared, Practiced

Unit 12 Word 18 - Temperate (Adjective)

Mild, moderate. - Synonyms: Composed, Balanced, Mellow, Fair - Antonyms: Immoderate, Extreme, Excessive

Unit 10 Word 12 - Invincible (Adjective)

Not able to be defeated or unbeatable. - Synonyms: Unconquerable, Indomitable - Antonyms: Vulnerable, Surmountable

Unit 12 Word 12 - Laborious (Adjective)

Not easy, requiring hard work, or hardworking. - Synonyms: Arduous, Difficult, Strenuous - Antonyms: Easy, Effortless, Facile

Unit 11 Word 11 - Proponent (Noun)

One who puts forward a proporsal or one who supports a cause or belief. - Synonyms: Supporter, Advocate, Exponent - Antonyms: Opponent, Critic, Foe, Adversary

Unit 12 Word 6 - Concerted (Adjective)

Planned or performanced in cooperation with others. - Synonyms: Cooperative, Combined - Antonyms: Unorganized, Unilateral, Diffused

Unit 12 Word 19 - Venomous (Adjective)

Poisonous, spiteful, or mean. - Synonyms: Nasty, Malicious, VIrulent, Malevolent - Antonyms: Harmless, Innocuous, Benign

Unit 10 Word 18 - Rugged (Adjective)

Rough, irregular, severe, stern, strong, or stormy. - Synonyms: Rocky, Blunt, Harsh, Hardy, Tough - Antonyms: Smooth, Flat, Soft, Mild, Tender

Unit 11 Word 1 - Brevity (Noun)

Shortness. - Synonyms: Terseness, Pithiness - Antonyms: Verbosity, Prolixity

Unit 12 Word 20 - Wily (Adjective)

Sly, shrewd, or cunning. - Synonyms: Tricky, Artful, Foxy, Cagey - Antonyms: Dull-witted, Dense, Straightforward

Unit 10 Word 6 - Diminutive (Adjective)

Small or smaller than most others of the same type. - Synonyms: Undersized, Miniature, Tiny, Compact - Antonyms: Oversized, Gigantic, Huge, Enormous

Unit 11 Word 4 - Demure (Adjective)

Sober or serious in manner, modest. - Synonyms: Shy, Sedate, Seemly, Decorous - Antonyms: Forward, Assertive, Immodest

Unit 12 Word 5 - Brawny (Adjective)

Strong or muscular. - Synonyms: Broad-shouldered, Strapping, Burly - Antonyms: Slight, Frail, Puny

Unit 12 Word 1 - Appreciable (Adjective)

Sufficient to be noticed or measurement. - Synonyms: Detectable, considerable - Antonyms: Slight, Trivial, Inconsequential

Unit 12 Word 14 - Maltreat (Verb)

To abuse, or to use roughly or crudely. - Synonyms: Misuse, Mistreat, Harm - Antonyms: Coddle, Pamper, Indulge

Unit 10 Word 4 - Chide (Verb)

To blame or scold. - Synonyms: Upbraid, Reprimand, Rebuke, Chastise - Antonyms: Approve, Praise, Compliment

Unit 10 Word 17 - Render (Verb)

To cause to become, to perform, to deliver officially, or to process or extract. - Synonyms: Present, Furnish, Submit, Make, Effect

Unit 11 Word 2 - Comport (Verb)

To conduct or bear oneself, to behave, or to be in agreement. - Synonyms: Agree, Concur

Unit 12 Word 15 - Ponder (Verb)

To consider carefully or reflect on. - Synonyms: Ruminate, Contemplate

Unit 11 Word 10 - Garble (Verb)

To distort in such a way as to make unintelligible. - Synonyms: Jumble, Confuse, Misrepresent - Antonyms: Elucidate, Articulate

Unit 12 Word 7 - Contend (Verb)

To fight, struggle, or to compete or to argue. - Synonyms: Battle, Vie, Maintain, Assert - Antonyms: Yield, Acquiesce, Submit, Relinquish

Unit 10 Word 7 - Emancipate (Verb)

To free from slavery; to release or liberate. - Synonyms: Set loose, Unchain, Unfetter - Antonyms: Enslave, Snare, Chain, Shackle

Unit 10 Word 2 - Aspire (Verb)

To have ambitious hopes or plans, strive toward a higher goal, desire earnestly, to ascend. - Synonyms: Yearn, Aim for, Soar

Unit 11 Word 6 - Deteriorate (Verb)

To lower in quality or value, to wear away. - Synonyms: Worsen, Decline, Degernate, Debase - Antonyms: Fix up, Enhance

Unit 10 Word 11 - Impair (Verb)

To make imperfect, damage, or harm. - Synonyms: Injure, Disable, Cripple, Enervate - Antonyms: Improve, Strengthen, Promote

Unit 11 Word 14 - Recoup (Verb)

To make up for or regain. - Synonyms: Recover, Retrieve - Antonyms: Lose, Default, Forfeit

Unit 11 Word 9 - Forestall (Verb)

To prevent by acting first. - Synonyms: Hinder, Thwart, Preclude, Ward off - Antonyms: Welcome, Accept, Allow, Submit

Unit 12 Word 3 - Blanch (Verb)

To remove the color from, to make or turn pale, to parboil. - Synonyms: Bleach, Drain, Wash out, Go white - Antonyms: Color, Dye, Infuse, Blush, Flush

Unit 11 Word 12 - Quaver (Verb)

To shake, tremble, or to trill. - Synonyms: Vibrate, Shiver, Quake, Palpitate

Unit 11 Word 18 - Squander (Verb)

To spend foolishly or waste. - Synonyms: Misspend, Dissipate - Antonyms: Save, Economize, Hoard

Unit 11 Word 7 - Divulge (Verb)

To tell, reveal, or to make public. - Synonyms: Disclose, Impoart, "Leak" - Antonyms: Hide, Conceal, Cover Up, Secrete

Unit 12 Word 10 - Intolerable (Adjective)

Unbearable. - Synonyms: Insufferable, Outrageous - Antonyms: Pleasant, Pleasing

Unit 10 Word 20 - Slipshod (Adjective)

Untidy in dress, personal habits, etc. or general carelessness or sloppiness. - Synonyms: Messy, Untidy, Slovlenly, Slapdash - Antonyms: Tidy, Neat, Orderly, Careful

Unit 11 Word 16 - Relentless (Adjective)

Unyielding, harsh, or without pity. - Synonyms: Stern, Merciless, Persistent - Antonyms: Merciful, Accommodating, Indulgent

Unit 12 Word 9 - Illustrious (Adjective)

Very famous or distinguished. - Synonyms: Eminent, Renowned, Prominent - Antonyms: Unknown, Obscure, Nameless

Unit 10 Word 5 - Despicable (Adjective)

Worthy of scorn or contemptible. - Synonyms: Low, Cheap, Sordid, Detestable - Antonyms: Praiseworthy, Commendable

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