Volume 1

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Which update is used to cancel an extension?


What must you ensure is complete prior to submitting documentation for UGT?

That the trainee meets all mandatory requirements as defined in AFECD, applicable CFETP, AFJQS, and duty position requirements.

What did the BLSDM force shaping program outline?

How manpower reductions were accomplished to ensure the Air Force met force reduction requirements and maintained mission capability.

What is the commander, or equivalent, and staff agency chief responsible for?

Implementing the information security training program, developing supplemental training tools, and assessing the health of their programs on a continuous basis.

In what capacity do master sergeants primarily function?

In superintendent, craftsman, supervisory, and management capacities.

What does the Issues Team (AF/A11) provide?

Independent analytical support directly to AF/A1 on all issues affecting Air Force members and their families.

What could happen if no control measures are placed on classified materials?

Information could fall into the wrong hands and give the enemy an unfair advantage.

What actions do you take once an individual completes reenlistment paperwork and brings it to you?

Perform a quality check and make any required corrections with the member's acknowledgement.

Which directorate is the information technology focal point for AFPC and provides lifecycle management and sustainment of personnel data and records management systems for active duty, guard, and reserve personnel?

Personnel Data Systems.

Which directorate exercises centralized authority for planning and executing all military and civilian personnel management programs supporting Personnel Services Delivery Transformation?

Personnel Services.

Who may grant access to classified information?

Personnel who have authorized possession, knowledge, or control of classified informati

What type determinations does AFMA make?

Those concerning manpower requirements to execute wartime and home-station capabilities supporting Air Force CONOPS.

How does the MAJCOM monitor the effectiveness of the MPS and CSS programs?

Through periodic staff assistance visits

What is the strategy of the AF OJT training program?

To develop, manage, and execute training programs providing realistic and flexible training producing a highly skilled, motivated force capable of carrying out all tasks and functions in support of the AF mission.

How is MAP6, Enhancements Quality Check, utilized?

To ensure that reenlistment codes, assignment availability codes and promotion eligibility codes are compatible.

What is AEFC's responsibility?

To execute the AF battle rhythm by centrally managing the scheduling and sourcing forces to meet combatant commanders' requirements.

As a supervisor, what are you primarily responsible for in the training program?

To explain trainees' relationship of training to career progression and to plan a program that outlines specific short-term, mission-related goals for the trainee and to advise and assist Airmen to reach longrange career objectives.

What was the goal of consolidation during Phase II of the MSS transformation?

To further consolidate into four flights.

Why were MAPs designed?

To help identify potential database errors and assist with database integrity issues.

What is the AF's policy on classified material and unclassified controlled information?

To identify, classify, downgrade, declassify, mark, protect, and destroy classified information and material consistent with national policy.

What are the specific responsibilities of a master sergeant?

To merge subordinates' talents, skills, and resources with other teams' functions to most effectively accomplish the mission and continue developing their leadership and management skills.

What are the specific responsibilities of a senior master sergeant?

To merge their subordinates' talents, skills, and resources with other teams' functions to most effectively accomplish the mission also and to continue developing their leadership and management skills in preparation for expanded responsibilities and higher leadership positions.

What was the force support squadron (FSS) expected to do because of the transformation?

To perform its mission and provide excellent customer service at home base, for remote sites, and at one or more deployed locations.

What is the mission of HQ AFPC?

To provide Air Force commanders, military members and civilian employees world-class personnel operations.

What is the mission of the AFRC?

To provide citizen Airmen in defense of the US and to protect its interests through air and space power.

What is the focus of IHT?

To provide real world training to better acquaint participants with field related equipment, systems, and personnel administered programs.

What was the goal of the MSS transformation during Phase I?

To realign each MSS organization by consolidating seven flights into five at the three test bases.

What are PSM responsibilities?

To retain the certified copy of TRs for six months after the last day of the action month and must send the original of all DJMS Data Change TRs to DFAS within six workdays after the end of the month.

What is your responsibility as a supervisor if a trainee is having difficulty with upgrade training?

To schedule and conduct supervised training sessions.

What are the career development element reenlistment and extension responsibilities?

To update the appropriate DJMS transaction, extend the enlistment on all members, and ensure reenlistment and extension actions are completed correctly and in a timely manner.

What product is considered our main standard product?

Transaction register

What does the DJMS Rejects TR show?

Transactions that affect pay and was submitted by the MPS that rejected at DFAS.

What reasons will the Department of State courier system be used?

Transporting classified material through or within countries hostile to the United States or any foreign country that may inspect it. Transporting top secret material to an installation serviced by diplomatic pouch. Personnel can find out if they are serviced by diplomatic pouch through their local military postal office.

How many missions does the ANG have?

Two, a federal and a state mission

What are the seven steps to effective communication?

(1) Analyze purpose and audience. (2) Research your topic. (3) Support your ideas. (4) Organize. (5) Draft. (6) Edit. (7) Fight for feedback.

What are the six rules to e-mail communication?

(1) Be clear and concise. (2) Watch your tone. (3) Be selective about the message you send. (4) Be selective about who receives your message. (5) Check your attachments and support material. (6) Keep your e-mail under control

What are the common types of evidence used to support your ideas?

(1) Definitions, (2) Testimonials. (3) Statistics. (4) Facts. (5) Explanations.

List the principles of good communication

(1) Focus. (2) Organization. (3) Clarity. (4) Understanding. (5) Support.

List the five main responsibilities of PERSCO.

(1) Personnel Accountability. (2) Personnel Reporting. (3) Preparation of Movement. (4) Force Sustainment. (5) Personal Support.

Why would you develop a Master Training Plan (MTP)?

To complete all work center duty position requirements.

How many directorates make up HQ AFPC?


List two responsibilities of the Air Staff.

(1) Preparing for the employment of Airmen by recruiting, organizing, supplying, equipping, training, servicing, mobilizing, demobilizing, administering, and maintaining the Air Force to assist executing any power, duty, or function of the SECAF or CSAF. (2) Investigating and reporting on the efficiency of the Air Force and its preparation to support military operations by combatant commands. (3) Preparing detailed instructions for executing approved plans and supervising the execution of those plans. (4) Coordinating the actions of organizations of the Air Force as directed by the SECAF or the CSAF.

What are some tips to consider for having success with your audience?

(1) Rank, strive to be candid, direct, and respectful to everyone. (2) Jargon, do not overestimate the knowledge and expertise or talk down to them. (3) Be inclusive, represent diversity in message in presentations. (4) Tone, be careful "how" something is said or written. (5) Courtesy, be polite and put aside anger, criticism or sarcasm. (6) Make it personal, use pronouns to create rapports, show concern and keep readers involved. (7) Be positive, give praise and acknowledge acceptance before improvements and criticism in form of questions and so forth.

Who uses MAPs and how are they used?

These are used in-house as a self-assessment tool to determine, and to help address, any areas that might have potential problems.

What are the specific responsibilities of a chief master sergeant?

They must epitomize the finest qualities of a military leader, and bring substantial operational and occupational experience as well as strong institutional skills to their organizations and all assigned tasks to develop subordinates deliberately.

Describe the specific responsibilities of the technical sergeant

They often are their organizations' technical expert and must also continuously strive to develop further as technicians, supervisors, and leaders through on- and off-duty professional development opportunities. In addition, they assume responsibility for their subordinates' development and the effective accomplishment of all assigned tasks.

What does the third position, combined with the first two positions, of an AFSC stand for?

A number identifying the career field subdivision.

What does the first position of an AFSC stand for?

A number identifying the career group.

What is a field operating agency (FOA)?

A subdivision of the Air Force directly subordinate to a HQ USAF functional manager.

What are the different titles commensurate with skill levels?

Apprentice, journeyman, craftsman, and superintendent

What must couriers ensure when using laptops to hand-carry classified information?

Ensure both laptop and disks are prepared properly.

Where is the AEFC located?

At Randolph AFB, Texas.

Where is the AFRC located?

Robins AFB, Georgia.

Who administers the Air National Guard?

The National Guard Bureau.

Name three factors to consider during the risk assessment process.

1) The environment in which the material will be hand carried. (2) The sensitivity of the information. (3) The availability of authorized facilities for storing the classified during overnight layovers at the TDY location.

Approximately how many personnel work for the ANG?


How many personnel, flying units, and associate units belong to AFRC?

74,000 officer/enlisted members serve 37 flying wings equipped with their own aircraft and seven associate units sharing active duty aircraft and four space operations squadrons sharing active duty satellite control missions.

What type agency is the AEFC and who is it aligned under?

A DRU assigned under AFPC

What AFI, chapter, and table explain the AFSC breakdown?

AFI 36-2101, Chapter 1, Table 1.1.

What will you need to do before updating a reenlistment or extension in the DJMS?

Access the MMPA file to pull a "T18" product.

What does the File Monitor TR reflect?

Actions that need to be taken to ensure MILPDS contains accurate, timely data.

Which two centers consolidated to form HQ AFPC?

Air Force Military Personnel Center and Air Force Civilian Personnel Management Center.

What does classification structure consist of?

Air Force specialty codes (AFSC), prefixes, suffixes, SDIs, RIs, and SEIs.

Which directorate is responsible for executing the AEF?

Air and Space Expeditionary Force Operations

What does the second position of an AFSC stand for?

An alpha character identifying the career field.

Why were the MAP spreadsheets designed?

As a baseline tool to aid in cleaning up and maintaining the MILPDS data base.

How is communication defined by Webster's Dictionary?

As the exchange of ideas, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, or writing.

Who does the MAJCOM act as the functional OPR for?

Base-level MPS/MPSs and CSSs.

Why are laptops a high risk?

Because of their commercial value.

What must trainees make every effort to do?

Become qualified to perform in their Air Force specialty.

How does the Executive Services team (AF/A1Z) provide support to the AF/A1?

By providing administrative support to AF/A1 by managing workflow and tracking correspondence, administering and monitoring security and safety programs, managing personnel programs, maintaining unit-level records, controlling non-appropriated fund allotments, and overseeing purchase of supplies and equipment

How did the transformation of the squadron structure begin?

By testing different mission support squadron (MSS) configurations and integrating the ongoing Services (SVS) transformation efforts.

What actions are considered strictly prohibited when utilizing control measures?

Collecting, obtaining, recording, or removing, for any unauthorized use whatsoever, of any sensitive or classified information, is strictly prohibited.

What does an effective training program require?

Commander and supervisory involvement at all levels.

List the specific programs and policies for which AF/A1D has responsibility.

Commander's Support Program, Compensation Policies, Community Support Programs, Airmen Development, Academic Development and Skills Development Programs, Assignment and Classification Policy, and Officer Development and Commissioning Programs in support of the United States Air Force Academy, and the Air Force Officer's Accession and Training Schools

List the security program responsibilities required of you as a supervisor.

Conduct and/or ensure personnel receive training as required by AFI 31-401, document training when required and ensure credit is given for course completion or briefing attendance, as appropriate; and establish criteria, evaluate, and rate employees on their performance of security responsibilities.

What does the DJMS Miscellaneous TR reflect?

DJMS transactions received from DFAS of a miscellaneous nature such as an expired ETS, confirmations, and AUTODIN discrepancies.

What does the DJMS data change TR reflect?

Data on transactions flowing to DFAS plus the source document identification code.

What action is specifically an important part of accessions?

Date tracking, another way to help ensure integrity of the personnel data system.

What is the name of the office with the office symbol of AF/A1?

Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower and Personnel.

What are the responsibilities of AFPOA?

Designs, develops, and tests personnel processes, systems, and technologies to deliver streamlined and improved personnel services. They provide insight into AF's investment in human capital through strategic analysis, and measure and manage the outcome of improved service delivery and efficient investment in human capital through an effective performance management system.

List the specific programs and policies for which AF/A1X is responsible.

Development of Personnel Strategic Plans, Doctrine, and Legislation, Performance Management, NSPS Program Management (Civilian Policy, Design, implementation, and Workforce Relations), PSD Implementation (Program Integration, Organizational Transformation, and Shared Services Organization Development), Human Resource Process Design/Re-design, System Requirements Determination, Technology Planning & Integration, and Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) data collection and analysis.

What is the responsibility of the ANG during peacetime?

During peacetime, the combat-ready units and support units are assigned to most Air Force MAJCOMs to carry out missions compatible with training, mobilization readiness, and contingency operations

Which update is used to report a reenlistment or extension to DFAS?


Which update is used to cancel N7 projections when the action has not consummated?


What does the 7-skill level (craftsman) identify?

Enlisted personnel who have gained a high degree of technical knowledge in their AFSC and have acquired additional supervisory capability through training and experience.

What does the 9-skill level (superintendent) identify?

Enlisted personnel who, through experience, training, and performance, have shown a high degree of managerial, supervisory, and sometimes technical ability to fill positions requiring broad, general knowledge.

What are supervisors responsible for during an initial security orientation?

Ensuring their cleared personnel are knowledgeable of their security responsibilities relating to their jobs and the organization's mission within 90 days of assignment to the unit or before they access classified information, whichever is shorter.

List the responsibilities of the AFRC Directorate of Personnel

Establishes, manages, and directs command personnel programs, plans, policies and procedures pertaining to all military and civilian personnel assigned in support of the AFRC mission; directs the administration and management of HQ USAF directed and command unique personnel programs, systems, and activities; and ensures professional and continuing education programs are offered to Reservists.

How many approaches are used to research your topic?

Five; review the purpose and scope of project; assign a deadline; ask the boss; determine what is known; and determine where to find information.

What is AF/A1P responsible for communicating to AF/A1?

For developing objectives, performing analysis, and developing force management policies to effectively shape and balance the AF's Total Force workforce (Active, Guard, Reserve, and Civilians).

What are the names of the flights that comprise the force support squadron (FSS)?

Force Development, Manpower and Personnel, Airman and Family Services, Sustainment Services, and Community Services.

Which directorate is the Air Force focal point for Missing in Action/Prisoner of War programs, members reported missing, captured and imprisoned, and members placed in an absent without leave/deserter status?

Force Operations

What is the most common mistake when sending an e-mail?

Forgetting to attach any/all attachments.

List the three FOAs.

Headquarters Air Force Personnel Center (HQ AFPC); Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA); and Air Force Personnel Operations Agency (AFPOA).

Which agency is directly above the MAJCOM?

Headquarters Air Force.

Describe the specific responsibilities of the staff sergeant.

Highly skilled technicians with supervisory and training responsibilities who must continuously strive to further development as technicians, supervisors, and leaders through on- and off-duty professional development opportunities. They are also responsible for their subordinates' development and the effective accomplishment of all assigned tasks.

What information is included in your work center orientation?

Information pertaining to what the trainees' duties entail; duty hours and shifts; safety requirements found on the AF Form 55; the time and training requirements for upgrade and/or qualification training; and the responsibilities of the trainee, task certifier, and the supervisor.

What are the names of the subordinate units that make up AF/A1?

Issues Team (AF/A1I), Executive Services (AF/A1Z), Directorate of Airman Development and Sustainment (AF/A1D), Directorate of Manpower and Organization (AF/A1M), Directorate of Force Management Policy (AF/A1P), and Directorate of Plans and Integration (AF/A1X).

What are the benefits of IHT?

It is an exceptionally cost-effective method of developing personnel and providing adequate training on-site to save time and unnecessary transportation.

How do security personnel use JAMS?

It is used by adjudicative personnel only and provides capabilities such as case management, distribution, adjudication decisions, adjudicative history and summary, due process, and future ability for each CAF to access investigative reports electronically from the investigative providers.

List the different training program components.

Job knowledge, proficiency, and experience.

List three trainee responsibilities.

List any three of the following: (1) Actively participate in all opportunities for upgrade and qualification training. (2) Comprehend the applicable CFETP requirements and career path. (3) Obtain and maintain knowledge, qualifications, certifications, and appropriate skill level. (4) Budget on- and off-duty time to complete assigned training tasks, particularly within established time limits. (5) Request assistance from the supervisor, trainer, and UTM when having difficulty with any part of the training. (6) Acknowledge and document task qualification upon completion of training, understand their deployment/UTC, and home station requirement

What does MAP12A identify?

Members below the grade of MSgt with more than 18 years TAFMS, and within 2 years of their DOS.

Which agency is directly below the MAJCOM?

Numbered Air Force.

How often should MAPs be produced?

On a monthly basis, at a minimum.

What form is highly utilized by the USAF to take phone messages?

Optional Form 363.

What program imposed an additional 1,882 cut in authorizations on the personnel community?

PBD 720

What responsibilities does the Chief of Staff, United States Air Force (CSAF) perform?

Presides over the Air Staff and performs his duties under the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of the Air Force (SECAF) and is the principle advisor to the SECAF on Air Force activities.

List some common occurrences of IHT.

Readiness training, PERSCO training, JQS training, guidance on implementing new programs and services, preparation for inspections, and new, innovative ways to improve current procedures.

What were the three reasons for integrating manpower, personnel, and services (MP&S)?

Reduce overhead, achieve efficiencies, and maximize customer service in response to the new service delivery model.

What is considered a prerequisite for obtaining access to classified information?

Signing the SF 312, Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement.

When you acquire information on electronic transmission and physical transportation, who should you contact?

Supporting COMSEC manager.

The File Monitor is divided into what two parts?

Suspense and notification

Which update is used to correct a member's Master Military Pay Account (MMPA) TOE?


How many MAJCOMs does the Air Force have? List them.

The 10 MAJCOMs are listed below: (1) Air Combat Command (ACC), Langley AFB, VA. (2) Air Education and Training Command (AETC), Randolph AFB, TX. (3) Air Force Material Command (AFMC), Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. (4) Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC), Robins AFB, GA. (5) Air Force Space Command (AFSPC), Peterson AFB, CO. (6) Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC), Hurlburt Field, FL. (7) Air Mobility Command (AMC), Scott AFB, IL. (8) Pacific Air Force (PACAF), Hickam AFB, HI. (9) United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE), Ramstein ABS, GE. (10) Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC), Barksdale AFB, LA.

What is the CAFSC based on initially?

The AFSC that the member is classified into at the time of enlistment or during basic training.

What information is included in the initial evaluation?

The AFSC, duty position (including core and home station training tasks); deployment/UTC requirements; CDC requirements; formal/informal training requirements, such as skills, knowledge, or classroom instruction; other local or unique training requirements; and supervisor and trainee responsibilities as outlined in governing directives, such as AFI 36-2101, and the CFETP.

What is JPAS?

The Department of Defense (DOD) personnel security clearance and access database that facilitates personnel security management for the DD Central Adjudication Facilities (CAF), security managers, and offers both non-sensitive compartmented information (SCI) and SCI functions.

Who activates the ANG during a national crisis?

The President of the United States

What information must be included when requesting authority to grant access outside of the executive branch?

The person's name, SSAN, date, place of birth, and citizenship; place of employment; name and location of installation or activity where the person needs access: level of access required; subject of information the person will access; full justification for disclosing classified information to the person; and comments regarding benefit(s) the United States Government may expect by approving the request.

What does the success and quality of a trainee's training greatly depend upon?

The relationship between you, the trainer, and the trainee.

When can access be granted to classified information?

When required for mission essential needs and when the individual has the appropriate clearance eligibility, has signed an SF 312, and has a need to know the information.

When does a VAM reject code appear?

When the E6 update was input prior to 120 days before the projected date of enlistment or the date of enlistment is more than 1 year from the current date.

When does an RDJ reject code appear?

When the reenlistments clerk updates a reenlistment or extension, but does not include the obligated service

Within how many days must the sender trace unacknowledged receipts?

Within 30 days for material sent within the CONUS and within 45 days for material sent outside of the CONUS.

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