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We would expect to associate sexual exploration with what segment of the life course?

young adulthood

In a Western culture, what agent of socialization is most likely to be an increasing influence in your life as you get older?

your career

Bullying is a pervasive problem, one that sociologists and psychologists alike have studied in depth. While it has often seemed that bullying is a dyadic process, which happens between two individuals, more recent work has focused on the ways in which larger cohorts play a role. More recent studies have shown that bullying is a group process and that a "ringleader" enlists the aid of helper children to accomplish his or her goal. This is a powerful example of the

role of peer groups as socialization agents.

What did sociologist Charles Cooley argue was taking place in people's minds when he developed the concept of the looking-glass self?

seeing ourselves reflected back from others

Nonviolent crimes include all of the following except:

sexual assault

Which type of household tends to have the lowest incomes of all forms of family?

single parent households

What system of stratification is commonly used in capitalist societies?

social class

Consider the types of relationships you have with people of different racial and ethnic groups (neighbor, work colleague, close friend, spouse or partner). Sociologists use these relationships (and people's attitudes toward them) to measure

social distance.

Social roles can be defined as:

social expectations for a person in a given position

What does Pierre Bourdieu call the tendency of social class to be passed down from one generation to the next and consequently remain relatively stable over time?

social reproduction

The belief that individuals adopt the social roles in which they are placed ignores the idea that:

social roles rarely reflect societal consensus


social setting

The division of society into groups arranged in a social hierarchy is called

social stratification.

Toys and other products for children are overwhelmingly gender-typed and tend to emphasize differences between male and female attributes. Hasbro, the manufacturer of the classic Easy-Bake Oven, recently introduced a gray, black, and blue oven in response to a parent campaign calling for the toy company to make toys in more neutral colors to appeal to both boys and girls. This example demonstrates that

society is changing and stark gender divides are beginning to fade.

Hydropaths created _____________ in order to cure their patients.

special bath houses

A woman has her Ph.D. in child development, yet she continues to work as a low-paid preschool aide. This is an example of

status inconsistency.

How would you characterize changes in women's labor force participation over the twentieth century?

steadily increased

advantages and disadvantages for living in a stepfamily

stepparents must overcome stereotypes, confusion about how to address stepfamily members can cause hurt, difficulties with disciplining children, complex financial and legal issues concerning children from previous marriages, distribution of economic resources can be unequal, dealing with half siblings

What do sociologists call the practice of judging others based on preconceived generalizations of the group?


Consider the major theoretical perspectives we've routinely explored throughout our text. Which perspective is likely to explore the ways in which poverty serves a purpose in society by ensuring that even the "ugly" jobs get done?

structural functionalism

Manny believes that religion gives meaning to his life. He believes that religion helps him understand the most fundamental questions about life and existence. Manny understands religion through which sociological lens?

structural functionalism


temporary gathering of people in a public place


tendency to enforce a high degree of conformity, creating a demand for agreement

When Irish immigrants arrived in the United States in large numbers in the mid-nineteenth century, they faced discrimination and poverty. By 1960, John F. Kennedy, an Irish American, was elected president. This is an example of assimilation, the process by which

the distinction between immigrants and mainstream society is gradually reduced


the entire way of life of a group of people (including both material and symbolic elements) that acts as a lens through which one views the world and is passed from one generation to the next.

The Chicago School of American Sociology emphasized the importance of _____.

the environment in shaping people's behavior and personalities

Dependent Variable

the factor that is predicted to be changes.

Independent Variable

the factor that is predicted to cause change.

social control

the formal and informal mechanisms used to increase conformity

C. Wright Mills identifies the small and unified group of people who occupy the highest positions of the major economic, political, and military institutions and exercise tremendous influence in American social life as:

the power elite.

Cultural Relativism

the principle of understanding other cultures on their own terms, rather than judging or evaluating according to one's own culture.


the principle of using one's own culture as a means or standard by which to evaluate another group or individual, leading to the view that cultures other than one;s own are inferior.

What is social reproduction?

the process of perpetuating values, norms, and social practices, which leads to structural continuity

Informed consent is _____.

the right of a research subject to know he or she is participating in a study


the rules and guidelines regarding what kind of behavior is acceptable. (laws, rules for sports, commandments, constitution)

play stage

the second stage in Mead's theory, children pretend to play role of the particular or significant other


the systematic or scientific study of human society and social behavior.

What is reactivity?

the tendency of research subjects to change their behavior in response to being studied

Kingsley Davis identified four main reasons why men use prostitution. Not among these is:

they wish to demonstrate their sexual prowess

social identity theory

thinking and feeling like a representative of the group

As of the writing of the text, active euthanasia is illegal in the U.S.


Automobile commuters in Los Angeles spent the equivalent of a full workweek each year stuck in traffic.


Black women have a higher rate of abortion than white women.


C Wright Mills argued that men endure troubles in a historical and social context:


Cannabis use can lead to respiratory problems


Children who do not fit the gender mold are often ostracized.


Cohabitation increases the chance for divorce.


Different states may define what "highly qualified" teacher means.


Elder abuse is a serious problem in the U.S.


Girls are inherently more passive than boys.


Large-scale theories are often called macro theories.


Learning gender roles continues throughout childhood.


Men are more likely than women to play the lottery.


Men benefit more from marriage than women.


Sentencing patterns for crack cocaine trafficking have been described as racist.


The U.S. outspends all countries on earth in military spending.


The Uniform Crime Reports are compiled by the FBI.


Unmarried women have a higher rate of abortion than married women.


We'll never know the exact number of elder abuse incidents because many cases go unreported.


Worldwide literacy rates are higher for men than for women.



two-person social group


type of secondary group (university, restaurant)

Questioning the reasons why people choose to attend college and the importance of a college degree is an example of _____.

using the sociological imagination

particular or significant other

views and expectations of a particular role that a child learns

The Chicago School

was a group of influential members of the fledging sociology department at the university. responsible for the first new major branch within the discipline.

W.E.B Dubois

was a notable pioneer in the study of race relations as a professor of sociology at Atlanta University and one of the most influential African American leaders of his time. Was a founding member of the NAACP.

Karl Marx Theory

was the basis of communism. He criticized Capitalism.


was the pioneering sex researcher in the 1940s that suggested that human sexuality was more diverse than previously assumed

saturated self

we are exposed to many sources and points of views that shape us

dual nature of the self

we experience self as both subject and object, "I" and "me"

Organic solidarity is:

when the institutions of society function together as a whole and provide avenues for specialization

role conflict

when we have two or more roles with contradictory expectations

Quantitative Research

work with numerical data, that is, they translate the social world into numbers that can be manipulated mathematically.

Max Weber

"Elective affinity of ideas": Ideas can change history; Wrote "Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism"


"Normlessness"; used to describe the alienation and loss of purpose that result from weaker social bonds and an increased pace of change

W.I. Thomas

"The definition of the situation"; If we believe something is true, it is true in its effects

Diane Vaughn

"Uncoupling"; Divorce is a process of gradual/slow separation over time; They become less and less involved in each others lives

Thomas theorem

"if people define situations as real, they are real in their consequences"


"normlessness" loss of purpose and motivation

looking-glass self

(Charles Cooley) we all act like mirrors to each other, reflecting back an image of ourselves

Sociology is the study of _____.

-What seems natural or normal to a given group of people -Human society -How groups interact with one another

Erica believes that abortion is wrong while other people in her culture think it's right. What is course term is this an example of?

. A belief

Globally, how many people are homeless? How many are hungry?

1 billion people worldwide are homeless and hungry.

Children begin with ____ speech which becomes ____ speech which is a ____ structure

1-word; 2-word; Pivot structure (Example: "Bob go"); Children develop nouns; etc. in a sequence

What sociologists study when looking at a school shooter case:

1. Exposure to violent material (acting violently, difficult to determine if this is a correlation or a cause; violent media provides lessons as to how to carry out an act; desensitizes people to the pain of others and they become more willing to do the violent act) 2.I f people have been marginalized

describe the cycle of violence

1. tension building - catering him or staying out of the way. 2. acute battering incident - thoughtful and gentle and also brutal and hostile towards abuser. 3. calm "honeymoon" phase - man begs for forgiveness

Urban sprawl is currently taking over farmland at a rate of _________ acres per year.

1.2 million

Children begin speaking at ___ years old


How many women worked in manufacturing in Malaysia in 1970? In 1980?

1000 in 1970, and 80,000 in 1980.

The average age when prostitutes first have sex is:


The majority of crime behavior is perpetrated between the ages of:


In 2007, there were ___________ child fatalities due to neglect or physical abuse.


The largest migration to the United States occurred:


During what period did the baby boom occur in American history?


The baby boom refers to births in the United States in which years?


The period for which the median age for brides was the lowest was the:


Sarah, a U. S. citizen, was working in Argentina when she met and married Marcos. When Sarah's job was transferred back to the United States, Marcos was able to immigrate because of the

1965 amendments to the Immigration and Nationality Act

Across the country, how many unmarried Black women are there for every employed, unmarried Black man?


How much more likely is it that a Black man will be unemployed compared to a White man?

2 times

The age group with the highest rate of abortions is:


What percent of the world's population are members of the consumer society?

27 percent of the world's population, or 1.7 billion people.

As of 2006, the cost of raising a child until the age of 17 was:


Today, there are 13 babies born for every 1,000 people in the United States. This compares to __________ babies for every 1,000 people in 1900.


At roughly what age can children successfully start playing team sports, according to Mead?

7 years

Children learn _____ of grammar by age ____ without understanding it

80%; 4.5

What is the female-to-male earnings ration for 2016?



A collection of people who have a shared attribute, goal, or purpose

How would sociologists distinguish a group from a crowd?

A crowd doesn't necessarily feel a shared identity


A family system in which each person has only one spouse.

Reference Group

A group in which we want to be


A group of 2


A group of 3


A group of people believed to share common descent, based on perceived innate physical similarities.


A group of people with a common cultural identification, based on a combination of language, religion, ancestral origin, or traditional practices.


A group within a society that is differentiated by its distinct values, norms, and lifestyle

Counter Culture

A group within a society that open rejects and/or actively opposes the values or norms of the society

Secondary Group

A larger, less intimate group with which we share a purpose

Instrumental Leader

A leader which is task or goal oriented


A legal doctrine that lasted until the late nineteenth century, under which wives were incorporated into their husbands' citizenship.

Participant Observation

A method associated with ethnography where the researcher both observes and becomes a member in a social setting

Content Analysis

A method of research to identify and study specific variables in a text, image, or media message


A norm ingrained so deeply that even thinking about violating it evokes strong feelings of disgust


A personal outlook that puts family obligations first, before individual well-being.


A political system based on state ownership or control of principle elements of the economy in order to reduce levels of social inequality


A position that carries a particular set of expectations

People who associate with each other on a regular basis for no other reason than to spend time together are usually members of:

A primary group

minority group

A racial or ethnic group that occupies a subordinate status in society

What does the term social structure refer to?

A regularity or pattern in people's behavior and relationships


A research method based on questionnaires that are administered to a sample of a target population

What is an example of material culture?

A soccer ball

What would a sociologist be more likely to study?

A sociologist would be more likely to study nurture.

Master Status

A status that seems to override all others in our identity

Achieved Statuses

A status which we choose


A system of beliefs, attitudes, and values that directs a society and reproduces the status quo of the bourgeoisie

Random Sample

A type of probability sampling in which every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected

What is shoe size an example of?

A variable

companionate marriage

A view of marriage as a companionship, a friendship, and a romance, rather than as a practical platform for cooperation and survival.

7. In the United States, most people define themselves as: a. middle class b. upper class c. lower class d. no specific class


9. The behaviors, customs, and norms associated with a class are known as: a. class traits b. power c. prestige d. underclass


Materialist concept

About what is in whose best interest; Karl Marx


Adult socialization that requires the replacement of previously learned values and norms with different ones

There are 50 countries listed in the United Nations comparative analysis of poverty. What continent are most of these countries located?


Sociological understanding of suicide:

Age, race, gender, religion, social class, region, marital status


Almost all children are emotionally impacted by divorce, but after 3 years they are okay; neotraditionalism; Poorer people have more matricentrical families


An abstract proposition that explain the social world and make predictions about the future

companionship family

An ideal type of family characterized by the mutual affection, equality, and comradeship of its members.

In Émile Durkheim's study Suicide, he reported that suicide rates went up when the economy slumped but they also increased when the economy boomed. Which of Durkheim's concepts explains why both positive and negative economic conditions could increase suicide rates?


Which of the following contributors to the development of sociology argued for the importance of identifying scientific laws that govern human behavior?

Auguste Comte

Extended Family

Aunt, Grandparents, etc.

Traditional Authority

Authority based in custom, birthright, or divine right

Legal-rational Authority

Authority based in laws, rules, and procedures, not in the heredity or personality of any individual leader

Charismatic Authority

Authority based in the perception of remarkable personal qualities of a leader

1. A sociologist who focuses on the way that multinational corporations headquartered in core nations exploit the local workers in their peripheral nation factories is using a _________ perspective to understand the global economy. a. functional b. conflict theory c. feminist d. symbolic interactionist


18. When Karl Marx said workers experience alienation, he meant that workers: a. must labor alone, without companionship b. do not feel connected to their work c. move from one geographical location to another d. have to put forth self-effort to get ahead


4. France might be classified as which kind of nation? a. Global b. Core c. Semi-peripheral d. Peripheral


9. Faith has a full-time job and two children. She has enough money for the basics and can pay her rent each month, but she feels that, with her education and experience, her income should be enough for her family to live much better than they do. Faith is experiencing: a. global poverty b. subjective poverty c. absolute poverty d. relative poverty


Which film in my master's thesis featured integrated products like, Toyota, Pepsi-Free, and Calvin Klein underwear?

Back to the Future

Darren works in the kitchen of a restaurant. What dramatically analysis term would apply to the kitchen?



Biological; Male or female

Grandparents play a particularly prominent role in raising children in families of which racial/ethnic background?


According to the freedom house report there are eight countries judged to have the worst records of Political Rights and Civil Liberties. What are the eight countries?

Burma(Myanmar), Cuba, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan

According to Emile Durkheim, what impacts higher suicide rates among certain categories of people?

Certain categories of people have lower social integration.

How did universities change in the 1900s?

Changed from a trade orientation to a service orientation.


Characteristics a person is supposed to have; Social identity (roles you play, how others see you, imposed on you by others) v. Self identity (how you imagine yourself--self-esteem, etc.--difficult to see sometimes)


College-educated people have children in relationships; Lower divorce rate

What is a factor that is held constant to test the relative impact of the independent variable called?

Control variable

Herbert Spencer

Convinced no one should intervene in the evolution of society (social Darwinism)

social construction

Created in interaction with others who participate in agreeing to your behavior in that situation

What do sociologists call it when cultures that were once distinct become increasingly similar?

Cultural leveling

Clashes over values in the United States, especially as represented by liberals and conservatives in the mass media, have been termed:

Culture wars

Liberal Version of the Feminist Theory

Current lesser/lower treatment is a hangover from previous societies; Example: The pay gap

13. Which graphic concept best illustrates the concept of social stratification? a. Pie chart b. Flag poles c. Planetary movement d. Pyramid


15. Dependency theorists explain global inequality and global stratification by focusing on the way that: a. core nations and peripheral nations exploit semi-peripheral nations b. semi-peripheral nations exploit core nations c. peripheral nations exploit core nations d. core nations exploit peripheral nations


19. Conflict theorists view capitalists as those who: a. are ambitious b. fund social services c. spend money wisely d. get rich while workers stay poor


3. A sociologist working from a symbolic interaction perspective would: a. study how inequality is created and reproduced b. study how corporations can improve the lives of their low-income workers c. try to understand how companies provide an advantage to high-income nations compared to low-income nations d. want to interview women working in factories to understand how they manage the expectations of their supervisors, make ends meet, and support their households on a day-to-day basis


3. Which of these systems allows for the most social mobility? a. Caste b. Monarchy c. Endogamy d. Class


What problems were connected with the need for a shift towards imperialism? What were the consequences of imperialism?

Economic competition, political and military conflict, nationalism, racism and Xenophobia.

Rational Choice

Economist model; People are rational and calculate benefits in relation to costs; People want to maximize benefits and minimize costs; Exchange Theory: Exchanges between two people has benefits and costs to the interaction and people want to maximize the benefits; Sociologists do not assume that people are rational

Robbins traces the patterns of relationships (capitalist, laborer, consumer relations) in three stages. What are the stages?

Emergence of the capitalists, market externalities, and resistance to these externalities.


Emile Durkheim; Looked at suicide records over time and found patterns to write this work

One of the most striking contrasts in restaurants is between the demeanor of cooks and servers. Cooks are, by tradition often, loud, vulgar, insensitive, boorish, and rude (I know now everyone is--I was a cook too). Servers, on the other hand, are paid to be nice, pleasant, and courteous. What is the part of the server's job called that does not apply to a cook?

Emotion Work

Social Interaction

Erving Goffman

Conservative Family

Family in decline; 43% divorce rate; Delaying marriage; 50+% of unmarried couples live together now; number of children live in a single-family situation has increased; Divorced living standard goes down for women but up for men

Which of the following is a dysfunction of sports?

Fan Violence

Children learn language (faster/slower) than adults

Faster; Due to natural ability to absorb it

Karl Marx

Father of conflict theory

Auguste Comte

Father of sociology; French; Did not do much studying sociology

Which wave of feminism focused on gaining the right to vote for women, known as the suffrage movement?

First wave

How did trading companies change the lives of the Cherokee?

Gender norms, dependent on demands of white man.


General statement how some parts of the world fit together and how they work

Play Stage

George H. Mead; A child can initially only play one role at a time

Audience Segregation

Goffman's Dramaturgical Approach; Different performances in different situations; We make sure these do not collide

Performance Teams

Goffman's Dramaturgical Approach; Groups of people that work together to create a particular presentation


Goffman's Dramaturgical Approach; If you mess up on your role, you offer this; an explanation for a bad performance

High Self Monitor

Goffman's Dramaturgical Approach; When one is sensitive to reactions of others and crafts themselves to fit it; These people read people very well

Front Region

Goffman's Dramaturgical Approach; Where you are engaged in impression management

Back Region

Goffman's Dramaturgical Approach; Where you prepare/rest from impression management


Goffman's Dramaturgical Approach; this is offered before an interaction; Example: "I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but..."--Signals that you are going to hurt their feelings

Meaningful Non-Adherance

Goffman; Example: Refusing to shake hands sends messages rejection and violates social norms of interactions

Focused Encounter

Goffman; These conversations are bracketed (has a beginning and an end) and are choreographed (you know when you can and cannot talk through cues like eye contact, breaks, and words like "goodbye")

W.E.B Dubois

He was the founding father of the NAACP in 1909. accused of being a communist by McCarthy. first African American to earn a PhD from Harvard.

Which of the following categories do the ballet and symphony belong?

High culture

Erving Goffman theorized social life as a kind of con game in which we work to control the impressions others have of us. What did Goffman call this process?

Impression management

Mechanical Solidarity

In agricultural societies (small towns) people's bonds are based on shared traditions, beliefs, and experiences

Organic Solidarity

In industrial societies (big cities) people's bonds are based on differences in tasks performed, individual rights, and interdependence


Increasing connection between countries economically, culturally, and politically; Economic example: US stocks drop and Japanese stocks drop; Cultural example: US movies are global; Political example: Trouble in the Middle East impacts oil prices

Which of the following is true of the sociological imagination?

Individual problems may be social problems.

The early sociology theorists often differed in their analyses of social behavior and social institutions. Nevertheless, Auguste Comte, Émile Durkheim, Karl Marx, and Max Weber strove to explain the new relationships that emerged as an outgrowth of the:

Industrial Revolution

How are informal norms different from formal norms?

Informal norms are implicit and unspoken.

Facial Expressions

Innate; When these are unclear, people rely on the ability to interpret body language; Darwin argues this; Blind people show same _____ as sighted people; Same across cultures; We can fake these; We can tell what is fake but cannot tell which emotion is being hidden

How is institutional discrimination different from individual discrimination?

Institutional discrimination is more systematic and widespread.

Manifest Functions

Intended; often positive functions

In his workplace, Aden feels trapped by bureaucratic rules. What is this concept by Weber known as?

Iron Cage

The psychological understanding of suicide is flawed because:

It does not explain suicide in relation to the statistics; Example: Where one lives

Why is intermarriage the "litmus" test of racial and ethnic difference?

Its frequency allows the measurement of the integration of two groups

Preoperational Stage

Jean Piaget; 2-7 years old; Children reflect on their behavior; Do not understand concepts like numbers, volume (conservation--taller amount of liquid is greater volume), weight (bigger=heavier), speed

Concrete Operational Stage

Jean Piaget; 7-12 years old; Children think in concrete steps; Example: Children say the Pledge of Allegiance but do not understand that they are pledging to the country, not the flag

Formal Operational Stage

Jean Piaget; >12 years old; Children have the ability to think abstractly; Piaget believed that not everyone makes it to this stage because it requires a specific education

Sensory/Motor Stage

Jean Piaget; birth-2 years old; Child does not reflect on their behavior; Example: Building a tower out of blocks--they just stack them and not think about how to make it stay up; Object permanence

Which early theorist saw class conflict as the main source of social change?

Karl Marx

Wal-Mart is the largest retailer in the world. Where is it starting to dominate and transform markets? What are the opportunities and the problems created by Wal-Mart's rapid growth?

Latin America and South Asia, it is causing problems by taking away from small business.

Expressive Leader

Leader concerned with maintaining emotional harmony and relational harmony within a group

We think of time in a _____ sense

Linear; This is because of the language we use (going forward, in the future)


Living off of domesticated plants

Divorce and the Functionalist Theory

Loss of functions (family used to make clothes and farmed); Now everything is done outside of the household and family; We do not eat together/cook much anymore; The family is a fragile institution now because of the loss of functions it once had

How does Karl Marx differentiate between members of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie?

Members of the bourgeoisie own the means of production, while the proletariat possess only their own labor.

When considering consumption, what did 19th century America emphasize?

Moderation and self-denial, people were expected to save money.

Which of the statements about deviance is false?

Most acts that are deviant in one place are deviant everywhere

In 2003 the U.S. Army discovered Saddam Hussein hiding in a "spider hole" under a small building in his hometown, Tikrit. The army had tracked him to that location not by looking for him directly, but rather by creating a large "map" that displayed all the members of his family and tribe, showing their links to other people. Starting with just four names, the map allowed army intelligence to zero in on a small number of people whose relationships with Hussein made it more likely that they would know where he was. The search for Saddam Hussein demonstrated the practical application of:

Network Analysis


Never ending process; This grants people the ability to manipulate society; Example: Children use language to manipulate situations to gain something--Seeing one child hit another, Ask "Did you hit them?", They say "No", Manipulate situation so they do not get punished

In 2006, New York City announced that it was moving forward with a plan to allow transgender residents to change the sex listed on their birth certificates if they had lived in their adopted gender for at least two years; no physiological change or medical authorization would be required. How is New York City defining gender?

New York is separating gender from sex.


No two cultures are the same

Romantic Love

Not always the basis for marriage (arranged marriages are not based on this concept; some marry due to property/wealth); This concept developed in the Middle Ages where love affairs stemmed from arranged marriages; This concept is a social construct that fits our kind of society; This dies and becomes companion love


Ordinary conventions of everyday life, not strictly enforced


Organization of of social activities by time and space; Example: Lounging in living room at night and having people over during the day; Time is now universal (recent social invention--clocks); Example: Classroom during the day and a studying room at night


People see their lives as hopeless; Example: Slaves kill themselves

Akina assumes the role of her mother, father, and doctor, but she cannot take on more than one role at a time yet. Which of Mead's stages is she in?


Today, the term "third world" is often used to describe developing countries in terms of what?

Political Rights, Gross National Income, Human Development, Poverty, and Press Freedom.

What are the consequences of crises in peripheral countries?

Poverty, hunger, environmental devastation.

Coercive Power

Power that is backed by the threat of force

What explanation does functionalism have for prejudice and discrimination today?

Prejudice and discrimination help to increase group cohesion.

What are the sources of cheap labor? What are the benefits and problems with cheap labor?

Prison Population, slave labor, and unemployed people.

What model was used to develop the first factories?


Theories of Learning

Reinforcement Theory; Classical Conditioning

__________ in northern industrial cities meant that poverty was ________ in communities with a majority of Black residents when good-paying blue collar jobs were eliminated by corporations.

Residential segregation; concentrated

Sebastian has created a survey to measure alienation. He is in the process of testing the survey, and he has discovered that it has good reliability but bad validity. What does this mean?

Respondents taking the survey get the same results when repeated, and it does not measure alienation well.


Ruling class; Owners of the means of production; Karl Marx


Secondary groups designed to perform tasks efficiently; characterized by written rules, formal written communication, hierarchy, impersonality

Emile Durkheim suggested that, in traditional societies, people were bound together through mechanical solidarity. What was the basis of these sorts of bonds?

Shared traditions and similar experiences


Shares most of the culture but differs in some ways; Example: Gullah

Which country has the shortest life expectancy?

Sierra Leonne

Children go from the (significant/generalized) other to the (significant/generalized) other

Significant; Generalized

What were the characteristics of America in the 19th century?

Simple household items and clothing, money supply very limited, money was invested in farming tools.

Language Learning

Skinner (Believed that learning language is no different than any other learning and it is learned through reinforcement--Reinforce sound behavior) v. Chomsky (Believed that learning language is an innate cognitive process by being exposed to speech; language learning is distinct from other learning types--Hear, process, and generate)

What were the characteristics of businesses in 1400?

Small businesses, that were family organized.

The transformation of culture and social institutions over time refers to:

Social Change

Consequential Strangers

Someone that has power over you that you do not know

What are the core responsibilities of the Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank), International Monetary Fund (IMF), and General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)?

Stabilizes currency exchanges between countries, funds countries to meet short-term financial needs, makes loans for development projects.

Master Status

Status that influences all of the statuses a person has; Can be ascribed or achieved; Example: Ministers/Priests are expected to be welcoming and the perfect parent and citizen, people use a different language around this person (this is an achieved status); Example: Women's clothing is "marked" (it sends a message while men's clothing is more neutral because gender is a _____ status)

Which of the following theories views society as a whole unit, made up of interrelated parts that work together?

Structural functionalism

The Three Major Sociological Approaches

Structural-Function Social-Conflict Symbolic-Interaction


Studies society and the institution they belong to

Emile Durkheim

Suicide; Used records and data over time and found patterns

You have been asked to respond to a series of statements mailed by a researcher. What type of method is this researcher using?



Tendency to believe your culture is the right one, normal, and all others are wrong and immoral; Example: The idea that people in poor countries must be unhappy because they don't have what the U.S. has; Example: Native Americans v. Europeans in the 1500s and 1600s

Emile Durkheim

Tested his propositions with data; Looked at suicide records when writing his work on it; Data-based; Focused on social facts (Social influences outside of the individual, i.e. family; Trends impacting people, i.e. baby boomers: More people in school, competition in college and the workforce); Suicide was based on bonds between people; Mechanical vs. organic solidarity

In "The Saints and the Roughnecks" William Chambliss followed two groups of high school students. The Saints were boys from middle-class homes, while the Roughnecks were from lower-class homes. What would you expect Chambliss to have found using conflict theory as a theoretical perspective?

The Roughnecks were judged much more harshly for their deviance

According to the notes, what would be the best example of a society?

The United States

Which country has the greatest foreign debt?

The United States with 2.3 trillion in debt.

What is the sociological imagination?

The ability to understand the connections between biography and history, or the interplay of the self and the world


The acquisition of a new culture and language.

Max Weber believed that as the Industrial Revolution progressed, society became increasingly rationalized. How did he define rationalization?

The application of economic logic to all aspects of social life

Social Bonds

The bonds between people

separate spheres

The cultural doctrine under which women were to work at home, to make it a sanctuary from the industrial world in which their husbands worked for pay.


The entire way of life of a group of people, material and non-material


The mate selection process in which couples begin a relationship with supervised contact in public, then proceed to additional dates in the woman's home and then to marriage if the parents approve.

Ascribed Statuses

The status which you have no control over (e.g. age, race)


The study of society

What did the researchers find in the Minnesota Twin Family Study?

They found support for nature and nurture.

Since the nineteenth century, what has happened to children?

They lost economic value and gained emotional value

How does the Wizard of Oz and Disney affect consumerism?

They promote consumption at all ages and rationalize capitalism.

Structural-Function Approach

This approach is known for its view of society as a complex system. Parts working together to promote stability. (Macrosociology)

Sociological perspective

Understanding human behavior by placing ut within broader social content


Unintended consequences

Figure 3.3 shows that ___________ are gradually declining as a proportion of the U.S. population, while ___________ are becoming a larger proportion.

Whites; Latinos

Who is protected by "truth-in-lending" laws?

Women and minorities.

In the opening pages of The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan wrote about a problem that "lay buried, unspoken, for many years in the minds of American women." What was this problem?

Women experienced dissatisfaction with traditional gender roles.

Amy's parents immigrated to the United States from China and have started adopting more American norms and values. What is this called? a. Assimilation b. Institutional discrimination c. Genocide d. Pluralism Amy's family is assimilating or adopting more of US culture, their new culture.



a behavior, trait, or belief that violates a norm and causes negative reactions

High Culture

a culture that distinguishes a society's elite.

What is a moderating variable?

a factor that affects the relationship between the independent and dependent variables

Control Variables

a factor that is held constant to test the relative impact of dependent variables.


a group of people who shape their lives in aggregated and patterned ways that distinguish their group from other groups.

Institutional Review Board

a group of scholars who meet regularly to review the research proposals of their colleagues.

A social institution can be described as _____.

a group of social positions, connected by social relations, that perform a social role

Sociological Imagination

a quality of mind that allows us to understand the relationship between our individual circumstances and larger social factors.

James and Natasha identify as African American. Reflecting a dominant pattern for African Americans, they have children together and are not married. Sociologists might explain their family structure as reflecting

a response to economic challenges and lack of opportunity

On college campuses, binge drinking is:

a rite of passage

Nuremberg Code

a set of moral and ethical guidelines for performing research on human beings.

Karl Marx'd Idea of a Utopia

a socialist economy.

Patriarchy can be defined as:

a society in which women are dominated by men

Which of the following is an example of a panel survey?

a study of 1,000 high school seniors who are then contacted every two years for a ten-year period to participate in a follow-up survey

According to your textbook, what do all religions have in common?

a system of beliefs and rituals that establish a relationship between the sacred and the profane

In Europe prior to the formation of the United States, what was the principal role of marriage?

a system of property and labor cooperation

A paradigm is:

a theoretical framework


a violation of a lawful norm

According to the text, the lottery is:

a voluntary tax

Social identity is _____.

a way that individuals define themselves in relation to groups they are a part of or groups they choose not to be a part of

What is a criticism of Kohlberg's study on moral development?

a. He only studied boys and ignored girls. b. It may not apply to all societies. c. All people in the U.S. don't move to postconventional stage.


ability of one to act freely and independently


ability to control actions of others


abstract propositions about how things are as well as how things should be.


accept society's approved goals but not society's way to reach them

id, ego, superego

according to Freud, the three interrelated parts that make up the mind id consists of basic inborn drives ego is the realistic part of the mind the superego(the conscience and the ego-ideal) and represents internalized demands of society

positive deviance

actions considered deviant at the time but are later heroic

expressions of behavior

actions we use to express our feelings of the situation

According to the text, the area of the world with the least literate people is:


Harriet Martineau is significant to sociologists today for insisting that an analysis of society must include:

all of society's members, including women

Jews share a common cultural identification that includes a combination of language, religion, ancestral origin, and/or traditional practices. According to your textbook, Jews are most accurately described as

an ethnic group

What would a symbolic interactionist say is involved in nearly all social interactions?

an exchange of symbols

total institution

an institution in which individuals are cut off from the rest of society


an owner

The Code of Hammurabi was a(n):

ancient written legal system

Means of Production

are anything that could create more wealth: money, property, factories, other types of businesses.

Sociologist Arlie Hochschild (1983) found that many workers in modern industrial countries

are required to display socially acceptable emotions at work.


are the ordinary conventions of everyday life. (standards of dress and rules of etiquette)

Karl Marx differs from Émile Durkheim in that Marx:

argued that social change is caused by economic influences as opposed to values and ideas

social loafing

as more individuals are added to a task, each one takes it easier

According to Émile Durkheim, sociologists must study social facts, which are:

aspects of social life that shape our individual actions and exercise a coercive influence on us

3 patterns of native american indians family life

assimilated - group that has accepted western culture and work values. traditionalist - desire to follow traditional indian lifestyles and values. dysfunctional - may be drug dependent or abusive

G. William Domhoff found that prerequisites for membership in the elite class include:

attendance at an exclusive prep school

Which of the following data collection methods are commonly used in social research?

audit study, surveys, interviews

charismatic authority

authority based on personal qualities in a leader

traditional authority

authority by birthright or divine right

Anna is learning to categorize the system of stratification in different countries in school. In the country she learning about, the country is stratified based only on birth. Which of the following is true? a. The country is an example of the class system and an open system. b. The country is an example of the caste system and an closed system. c. The country is an example of the caste system and an open system. d. The country is an example of the class system and an closed system. A system based only on birth (and not, say, individual achievement) is a both a closed system and a caste system.


Generally speaking, what has happened to social distance between most races in the U.S. over time? a. The social distance has stayed the same. b. The social distance has decreased. c. The social distance has increased. d. There is no social distance in the U.S. In general, social distance is decreasing in the U.S. as more people feel comfortable with people of other races.


In Case 1, a teacher discriminates against her racial minority students. In Case 2, banks across the U.S. are less likely to give minorities loan when compared with Whites, despite everything else (like their incomes) being equal. Which of the following is true? a. Both cases are examples of institutional discrimination b. Case 1 is an example of individual discrimination; Case 2 is an example of institutional discrimination c. Both cases are examples of individual discrimination d. Case 1 is an example of institutional discrimination; Case 2 is an example of individual discrimination


In country X, rewards are distributed based on merit. What is this concept known as? a. Status consistency b. Meritocracy c. Plutocracy d. Oligarchy


Which of the following is a characteristic of new slavery? a. High purchase cost b. Glut of potential slaves c. Long-term relationship d. All of the above. In new slavery, or modern slavery, there is a glut of slaves with a low purchase cost and typically short-term relationships.


In general, married people tend to __________ than single people.

be happier

According to containment theory, why do people commit crimes?

because they lack inner controls

hidden curriculum

behaviors students learn over the course of their schooling (hard work, discipline)


being in presence of others

Aging is a combination of

biology, psychology, and social processes.

Weapons of mass destruction include all of the following except:


Which of the following elements describe feminist approaches to social research?

both A and C (observing female and male behaviors that traditional social scientists have not thought significant; engaging in research that may bring about policy changes to help improve women's lives)


bullying over internet

The scholarly view that Black families are resilient and adaptive understands Black family structure as a

cause of persistent poverty...reaction

what are 3 conditions that increase the possibility of child abuse in the family?

child labor, sexually exploited, and poor homes

Two people walking on a city sidewalk quickly glance at each other and then look away as they pass. Erving Goffman called this type of interaction:

civil inattention

According to Karl Marx, throughout history social change has been sparked by _____.

class conflict

What do sociologists call awareness of our own and others' class statuses?

class consciousness

In modern societies, the transition from teenager to young adult is most easily recognized by

common benchmarks of adulthood.

According to Jean Piaget, the ability to understand things from a different perspective does not take place until the

concrete operational stage, between ages 7 and 11.

Which of the following is an example of a quantitative research method?

conducting a survey of people's reading habits

social ties

connections between individuals

social network

connections between social ties (family, friends)

Amber is conducting research on employment discrimination against Hispanics. She searches through newspapers to document instances of discriminatory language toward Hispanics. What type of research is Amber conducting?

content analysis

In your caregiver role for the eighty-year-old retired kindergarten teacher, you come to understand her better over time. Seeking ways to help her be a happier person, you now suggest that she consider teaching a short class on cooking to the other residents. For sociologists, this is a good example of __________ theory.


The text lists three kinds of terrorists. All of the following are listed except:


white collar crime

crime committed by a high-status person

property crime

crimes with no violence

violent crime

crimes with violence

Popular Culture

culture that is widespread among a society's population.

In 2012, Florida teenager Trayvon Martin was killed by George Zimmerman, a community watch patrolman. The case promoted fierce debates over gun control in the media. A sociologist might describe these debates as

culture wars.


culture within a culture.

Erica earns less than $25,000 a year, and she does seasonal work. She has some high school education. What social class does she likely belong to? a. The upper class b. The upper-middle class c. The working class d. The working poor The working poor make income in this range, often do seasonal work, and have some high school education. See page 189.


In the short clip by Dove, which of the following is the main message? a. All people should receive the same wages. b. They are trying to get the audience to by soap by showing US cultural values. c. Dove is trying to sell its new software package. d. Our perceptions of beauty are distorted by the media.


Marco is reading a story about a woman in the U.S. raised on welfare that writes a novel and makes millions of dollars. What is this an example of? a. Structural social mobility b. Laziness c. Downward social mobility d. The American dream


People in the U.S. tend to agree that some work is more important to society than other work. What is this ranking known as? a. Occupational legacy b. Occupational value c. Occupational hierarchy d. Occupational prestige Occupational prestige is how some work is considered more valuable by society than other work.


What percentage of the global income does the wealthiest 20 percent of the global population receive? a. 20% b. 60% c. 40% d. 80%


What term refers to the reality that we all have multiple identities that intersect to make us who we are? a. Stereotypes b. White privilege c. Discrimination d. Intersectionality Intersectionality refers the reality that we all have multiple identities that intersect to make us who we are.


Who is more likely to be responsible for the second shift? a. Men, women, and children are equally responsible for the second shift. b. Men c. Children d. Women After paid labor in the workforce is completed, women are more likely to complete the labor in the home.


Why do women live longer than men on average? a. Higher levels of testosterone may make men more aggressive. b. Higher levels of estrogen may protect women may protect women from certain types of disease. c. Gender roles may make men less likely to seek help than women. d. All of the above. The textbook mentions all three as reasons that women may live longer than men.


capital punishment

death penalty

In many cultures, a rite of passage designed to mark a transition from childhood to adolescence or adulthood exists as a formalized event or series of events. Such rituals are designed to

designate the transition into adulthood.

Sociology is distinct from other academic disciplines in its attempt to _____.

detect patterns in how different societies handle or respond to similar phenomena

The ___________________ is the standard classification of mental disorders used by mental professionals in the United States.

diagnostic and statistic manual of mental disorders

In colonial America, Christian doctrine supported the legal concept of coverture, and wives

did not have a legal existence, but were incorporated into their husband's citizenship.

nature vs. nurture debate

discussion on roles of genetics and socialization in determining behaviors and traits

What did Max Weber believe people would experience more of as the dehumanizing features of bureaucratic processes became increasingly prevalent in society?


Among the positive features of urban renewal are all of the following except:

displacing low income individuals

3-4 types of relationship behaviors between ex-spouses described by Constance Ahrons

dissolved duos - move away (no children) fiery foes - 1 move away and see children less angry associates - still angry, resentful, still argue cooperative colleagues - work together, support each other

Jean Piaget's theory of child development is based on the:

distinct stages of cognitive development

Justin enters a clothing store and a security guard immediately notices him and follows Justin's actions on a security monitor. Justin is aware of the security guard's actions and adjusts his own behavior to avoid potential confrontation with the security guard. This is an example of which sociological concept?

double consciousness

achieved status

earned through individual effort

__________________ is a cause of war when conquest is seen as being easy for one side.

easy victory

According to Karl Marx, what social relations matter most in a capitalist system?

economic relations

What is the central means by which modern society transmits knowledge, values, and expectations to its members?


impression management

effort to control impressions we make

A falling fertility rate means that children have fewer siblings and that child-parent relationships have become more __________ over several generations.

emotionally close

role-taking emotions

emotions like sympathy or embarrassment we feel for others

Proponents of "English Only" laws say that these laws:

encourage assimilation

Lin marries someone from inside his cultural group. Which term best applies to this situation?


In The Mismeasure of Women, social psychologist Carol Tavris argues that there is nothing "universal and nonvarying . . . in the natures of men and women." If you agree with her, you would have to reject the concept of:


When Charles and Kim visit Great Britain, Charles quickly decides to NOT drive the rental car because he perceives the drivers as strange and weird and he wants nothing to do with them. Kim, on the other hand, is excited about driving the car. She looks forward to learning how to do things differently than in the United States. In this example, Charles is experiencing _____ while Kim is experiencing _____.

ethnocentrism; cultural relativism

In the animation video, the author mentions that Black men are much more likely to marry outside their race than are Black women. Marriage outside one's group is known as


Which of the following is an example of an application of midrange theory?

exploring the role of churches in rural areas

Max Weber

expressed a pessimistic view of social forces, such as work ethic, that shaped modern life. Interested in the shift from a more traditional society to a modern industrial one. Invoked the term empathetic understanding to describe how a social scientist should study human action: with a kind of scientific empathy for actors' experiences, intentions, and actions. Weber proposed that modern industrialized societies were characterized by efficient, goal oriented, rule governed bureaucracies. Referred to the iron cage of bureaucratic rules as the image of people trapped by their industrious way of life.

expressions given

expressions that are verbal and intended

A majority of U.S. states allow same-sex civil unions.


Couples who cohabitate as a substitute for marriage are likely to be married 5-7 years later.


Gender and sex are identical concepts.


In colonial America women had as many rights as men.


The United States is among the top five in terms of college completion.


The first step of social science research is to form a hypothesis.


Women are more likely than men to drop out of school at an early age.


In contrast to modern societies, a person's lifelong position in most premodern societies was mostly determined by the:

family into which a person was born

According to Daniel Patrick Moynihan's 1965 report, what was the main cause of poverty for the Black population?

family structure

5 reasons women stay in abusive relationships

fear, guilt, need for support ($ and child), homelessness, and blaming themselves

preparatory stage

first stage in Mead's theory of development of self, children mimic others

how do families with both parents working handle child care?

flextime - changing arrival and departure times or getting additional child care


focus is on logical procedures and rules

Childhood has been an important part of human society in all cultures

for about a hundred years.

group cohesion

force that binds a group together

In the dramaturgical perspective, what do we call the region in which we deliver our public performances?


Jenny thinks that society is like system of interrelated parts where actions in one area affect other areas. Jenny's ideas are in line with:


Which theoretical perspective perceives moral consensus within society as imperative for social integration?


Which sociological perspective explores how society is structured and maintains order?


Religious groups that emphasize literal interpretation of sacred texts are called:



group an individual feels rivalry toward

All of the following are the effects of depressants except:


what can parents do to reduce the negative effects of divorce on children?

have open communication, reassurance they love and care, and emphasis that the kids are not responsible

The number-one killer of women in the United States is:

heart disease

Auguste Comte is credited with coining the term "sociology," largely through the development of a theory of human thinking called positivism. What does positivism attempt to do?

identify laws that describe the behavior of a reality

Since 1900, life expectancy has increased around the world. This is mostly due to:

improved living conditions

secondary deviance

in labeling theory, the deviant identity or career

primary deviance

in labeling theory, the initial act that causes one to be labeled deviant

A simple random sample is defined as a sample:

in which every member of the population has a chance of being included

self-fulfilling prophecy

inaccurate belief that altering the situation makes it accurate

ascribed status

inborn status, difficult to change

In which of the following factors is the disparity between Black men and White men the greatest?

incarceration rate

Earnings by education show:

income rises with education until someone reaches the doctoral level

why did divorce rates increase in 1970s and decline in 1990s?

increase because of wars and decline because of economic depressions - people stay together fearing no money

In 2007, the percentage of women who were incarcerated:


We can argue that elevating marriage to the status of a true love relationship, instead of a relationship based on tradition and economic necessity, might contribute to a(n) __________ acceptance of divorce.


As men and women achieve higher levels of education, the income gap between them:


What contributed to the decline of courtship in the process of mate selection?

increasing freedom for young adults

According to the sociological perspective, people's behavior is:

influences by the social context

The exploitation of a minority group within the dominant group's political borders is called:

internal colonialism.

An individual who has an abnormal chromosomal makeup and mixed or indeterminate male and female sex characteristics is called



is a concept whose value changes from case to case.


is a relationship between variables in which a change in one direction produces a change in another.


is consistency of a question or measurement tool.

Culture War

is often used to describe the clashes that arise as a result. (tea party movement)

Which country spends the smallest share of its GDP on the military?



judging other based on generalizations

According to social learning theory, why do people commit crimes?

learn to commit crimes from their friends

role exit

leaving a role we will no longer have

secondary groups

less intimate, relationships usually organized a specific goal, temporary

What is the relationship between industrial change and Black family structure in the past 40 years?

manufacturing opportunities declined and marriage rates declined

During the 1960s and after, __________ increased the independence of middle class and more educated women, while __________ increased the independence of poor women.

market forces; state forces

Growing family diversity has come from which type of household becoming less common?

married couple

Who is likely to earn the higher salary?

married heterosexuals

The hidden curriculum of schools includes all of the following except:

mathematical skills

When the land between cities becomes completely filled with people, houses, and businesses, we call this a


Under the ideology of separate spheres, what two things were separated?

men at work and women at home

why has the number of dual earner couples increased in the last 30 years?

middle aged people paying basic necessities - food, rent, utilities, and transportation, paying childs college and saving for retirement and helping aging parents

From 1638 to the end of the trans-Atlantic slave trade in 1807, the marriages of enslaved Africans were not legally recognized and children were the property of the slave owner. In this context,

most slaves married and most children lived with both parents.

The ideal of objectivity means that a researcher:

must try to adopt a stance of personal neutrality toward the outcome of the research

George has recently graduated with a bachelor's degree. So has Louise. He is apt to be earning:

nearly $20,000 more

The hallucinogens have been known to cause:

nerve damage

As a form of social interaction, the exchange of information and meaning through facial expressions, gestures, and movements of the body is called:

nonverbal communication

The area where child soldiers are least likely to be found is:

north america

what areas does the black population reside?

northern cities to work in factories - moved away from slavery. moved as families into the ghetto

What kind of families was generally represented in 1950s television shows?


expressions given off

observable expressions that can be unintended or intended

In ancient times, prostitution was:

often associated with temples

Action Research

overall approach to knowledge and inquiry, concerned with forging a direct link between intellectual knowledge and moment to moment personal and social action

The meritocracy argument suggests that:

people get ahead according to merit


people in same category


people living in one way outside society

tertiary deviance

person labeled deviant rejects and redefines it

According to Charles H. Cooley, people develop a sense of self through:

personal interactions with others

Human capital includes all of the following except:

physical location


places we prepare for performances

In the early nineteenth century, Native Americans, who had survived clashes with the U.S. Army, were forcibly removed to reservations. This is an example of:

population transfer.

3 positives and 3 negative effects of divorce on children

positive - better for children then remaining in family with conflict, better relationships with parents, adjust and function well overtime negative - anger, sadness, low grades, life stress, blame themselves, behavior problems

____________ is the ability to carry out your will and impose it on others.


coercive power

power that is by threat

The belief that all Irish are drunks is an example of:



presenting yourself as a member of a different group than you belong to

The most concentrated period of socialization is referred to as:

primary socialization


proletariats being unable to directly benefit from the fruits of their own labor.


protect society from criminals (prison)

When compared with other nations, the United States:

ranked 37th overall

Forms of reintegrative shaming include all of the following except:

registration of sex offenders


reject society's approved goals and means and create their own

In the modern West, we associate death with old age because we have

relatively long life spans.


replacing past learned norms and values with new ones as transitioning in life


research method in which you collect data by producing written records of observations.

Existing Sources

research method that uses original data used in research.


research method which is face to face, information seeking conversations to gather information directly from research subjects.


research method which uses questionnaires that are administered to a sample of respondents selected from a target population.

Structured sentencing attempts to:

restrict judicial discretion


right to hold power

Betty Friedan's book The Feminine Mystique was part of the:

second wave of feminist thinking

In social research, the term "protected populations" refers to _____.

segments of the population that a researcher may need special approval to study

"Aging in place" refers to:

seniors remaining in their own homes

Culture Shock

sense of disorientation that occurs when you enter a radically new social or cultural environment.


set of behaviors expected because of status


setting that helps establish particular meaning

Marcus is a rich business owner from the U.S. On his vacation, he decides to go to Amsterdam and visit a prostitute. Marcus is engaging in:

sex tourism

What does Jean Baudrillard call an image in the media that people can no longer distinguish from the reality that it is supposed to represent?


The homicide rate is lowest in which of the following countries?


Émile Durkheim suggested that mechanical solidarity created the

social bonds that held agrarian societies together.

virtual communities

social groups with interactions through technology

agents of socialization

social groups, institutions, and individuals

Sociologists often speak of two types of identity, which are:

social identity and self-identity

Systems and structures that persist over time and help organize group life are called:

social institutions.

Children learn the ways of their elders, and the values, norms, and behaviors of a society are perpetuated, which is known as:

social reproduction

Children learn the values, norms, and social practices of their culture. This process is defined as:


The fact that the U.S. government has changed the Census categories for race every decade is a good example of how race and ethnicity are

socially constructed

feeling rules

socially constructed norms regarding the appropriate feelings and display of emotion

3 types of child custody arrangements

sole - 100%/visitation joint - 50%/50% split - 1 child mom/1 child dad


stealing minor items in small amounts over and over

role strain

stress when there are contradictory expectations within one role

how do stepfamilies differ from first families?

structure is more complex, more stress and conflict, stepfamily integration takes years, less cohesive than nuclear family, continuous transitions and adjustments instead of stability, stepfamily members often have unrealistic expectations, no shared family history, loyalty conflicts, difficulties with sexual boundaries

Harold Garfinkel developed "ethnomethodology," which is the:

study of folk or lay methods people use to make sense of what others say and do

Jessica says, "It's not a social problem if it doesn't apply to me." Jessica's statement is an example of:



such as traffic signal, price tag, sheet of music, or product logo are something designed to meaningfully represent something else.

The country in which people are the oldest when they first get married is:


"Gender is socially constructed and maintained in our everyday lives. Gender is something we 'do' on a daily basis." This statement most likely comes from which perspective?

symbolic interactionism

Examining the interactions between people with a focus on how the people talk, dress, and use body language is an example of which theory?

symbolic interactionism

What school of social thought insists that all social structures, including systems of stratification, are built out of everyday interactions?

symbolic interactionism

Sociological Perspective

taking a sociological approach or thinking sociologically.

In Schooling in Capitalist America, Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis argued that schools train a labor force in the skills and attitudes necessary for the health of a modern economy. What are these skills and attitudes?

taking orders and performing repetitive tasks

The homicide rate is highest in:

the US

Theory of Social Imagination

the ability to understand the intersection between biography and history or the interplay between self and world. (As social ties Increase, the chances of suicide Decrease.)


the accuracy of a questions or measurement tool.

Theoretical Approach

the basic image of society that guides thinking and research.

Sexism is:

the belief that one sex is superior to the other

Aaron has recently moved to the United States and lives in an ethnic enclave. Among the three main reasons that immigrants cluster in ethnic enclaves are all of the following except:

the desire for diversity

The fact that schools teach children to obey authority would be considered a part of

the hidden curriculum.

Lisa has a White mother and a Black father, but when asked to self-identify her race, she chooses Black, not White or mixed. This reflects which of the following (choose all that apply)?

the history of the "one-drop" rule/ the fact that people tend to apply the same identities to themselves as others apply to them.... the social construction of race /the fact that people tend to apply the same identities to themselves as others apply to them....the history of the "one-drop" rule

Goffman's Dramaturgy

the idea that life is like a never-ending play in which people are actors.

Which of the following was a focus of Max Weber's research?

the influence of cultural ideas and values on social change and individual behavior

Which of the following best explains the decline in marriage among African Americans in the last several decades?

the lack of suitable marriage partners available for women

The term "socialization" refers to:

the lifelong process by which people learn the norms, values, and beliefs of their culture.

primary groups

the people who are most important to us (family)


the set of shared beliefs that a group of people consider to be worthwhile or desirable in life. (what is good or bad, right or wrong, ugly or beautiful)

Of the following nations, ___________ is the nation with the lowest life expectancy.

the united states

Drug abuse is defined as:

the use of drugs despite adverse consequences

Negative Coorelation

the variables change in the opposite direction (as one increases, the other decreases or visa versa)

Positive Coorelation

the variables change in the same direction (both increasing or both decreasing)

C. Wright Mills

theorist who was responsible for sociological imagination.

Students are getting better grades in college because:

they are experiencing grade inflation

According to the Rand Corporation, what is true about mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenders?

they are inefficient expensive

Wendy Chapkis concluded from her interviews with prostitutes that:

they were engaged in emotional labor

Experimental Method

this research method closely resembles the scientific method.

Which "cause for war" is best described by the attacking country believing that they must attack because of an impending danger?



three-person social group

In 2008, the media paid special attention to the Caylee Anthony case. Why was this so?

to boost ratings

___________ was the largest city in the world in terms of population as of 2000.


What is the most extreme form of authoritarianism called?


Harriet Martineau

translated Comte into English and wrote their own book, "Society in America

Between the early 1900s and the 1990s, women's labor force participation


A high salary is an extrinsic value of a job.


A prosecuting attorney can change an attempted rape charge into an assault charge merely by looking at the evidence.


Among high-school seniors, whites use marijuana more than African Americans.


Girls are more emotionally sensitive than boys.


Isolation from society can cause criminal behavior.


Which social class is the smallest in number?


If you teacher asks you to think creatively and critically about your place in your nation, he or she is asking you to:

use your sociological imagination

Opium addiction was:

useful for the british in purchasing chinese products

According to Cohen's book, family wage refers to the

wage necessary for a male earner to provide for his wife and children

Consciously or unconsciously, a person may use impression management to influence other people's reactions to them. An example of this is:

wearing a business suit to a community business meeting


where performances take place

According to researchers Tony Brown and Chase Lesane-Brown, race socialization

will become increasingly important for future cohorts of young people.

The lower age of marriage in the 1950s and the growing economy pushed employers to change their policy of hiring

women only if they were single.

In 1937, anthropologist George Murdock found that:

women perform tasks such as farming and construction as often as men

Qualitative Research

work with non-numerical such as text, written field notes, interview transcripts, photographs, and tape recordings.

The first wave of the women's movement:

worked to win the right to vote for women

Social research that tries to engage a nonacademic audience and influence society is often referred to as _____.

public sociology


punishment that emphasizes retaliation or revenge as crime goal


punishment trying to reform criminals


punishment with threat of harsh penalties

who is most likely to remarry by race, age, children, education, and social class?

race - whites age - younger children - 0 or 1 education - high school degree social class - poor

If we are to have a truly egalitarian society, citizens must recognize the racist history of the United States and the social conditions that perpetuate contemporary inequalities. To do this, one must develop:

race consciousness.

One of the more powerful factors contributing to the difficulties of aging for African Americans in the United States is


_______ identities and categories reflect perceptions about physical similarities that are assumed to be innate.


Rose is often told she "looks Latina," and in fact, her grandparents came to the United States from Mexico. This is an example of

racial Ethnicity

Prejudice that asserts members of one race are inferior to another is called:


Contemporary American Indians who live on reservations or other tribal lands are often socially isolated and poor, social conditions that may contribute to higher (choose all that apply)

rates of suicide/rates of diabetes and alcoholism


real, personal, different identity

describe 4 characteristics of successful stepfamilies

realistic expectations, adults let children mourn their losses, adults form a united front - teat kids fairly, adopt step-parenting role slowly, develop their own rituals, and develop positive relationships between different households

Audience segregation allows people to:

reconcile their role in one part of life with their role in another part of their social world


refer to norms that are widely observed and have great moral significance. (prohibition of theft, murder, rape)

in-group orientation

rejection of judgments or prejudice and new standards that value their group identity are created

According to Karl Marx, the most important factor in social life is a person's:

relationship to the means of production.

A thermometer that consistently gives readings that are five degrees cooler than the actual temperature is _____.

reliable but not valid

Terrorism comes in waves. Which describes the "current wave"?


What played the fundamental role in developing the capitalistic outlook, according to Max Weber?

religious values

Nation A has an average standard of living when compared with the world as a whole. How would sociologists classify Nation A? a. High-income country b. Second-world country c. First-world country d. Middle-income country A sociologist would use the terminology middle-income country rather than second-world.


differential association theory

(Edwin Sutherland) we learn to be deviant through our interactions with others who break rules


(Erving Goffman) social life is analyzed by similarities to theatrical performance

psychosexual stages of development

(Freud) four stages of development of the self between birth and adulthood


(George Ritzer) describing the spread of rationalization and the increases in efficiency and dehumanization

labeling theory

(Howard Becker) deviance is not inherited, determined by social

Which of the following is a major element of social class as noted by Weber? a. Prestige b. Wealth c. Power d. All of the above


Industrialization and the ideology of separate spheres __________ economic equality between husbands and wives, and __________ advantage grew.

decreased; husbands'

The loss of manufacturing jobs in Northern cities contributed to high rates of urban poverty in Black neighborhoods, leading to a breakdown of support systems. What is the term used to describe this shift from an economy based on manufacturing to one based on service and other forms of labor?


What contributed to the Black "retreat from marriage"?


In Tamil Nadu, a state in the southern part of India, there is a practice known as thalaikoothal, in which an older person is put to death by his or her family. The process itself is simple, involving a ritual oil bath and imbibing of tender coconut water. In sociology, this practice would be consistent with what particular theoretical approach to aging?

disengagement theory

José and Maria came to the United States from Mexico with their parents. They quickly learned English, but their parents struggle and also want to continue to speak Spanish at home in order to maintain their culture. This is an example of

dissonant acculturation

___________ is the first stage of a movement where people become aware of a problem and begin to notice that others feel the same way.


Bohannans 6 stages of divorce

emotional, legal, economic, co-parental, community, and psychic

The literacy rate is highest in:


Anna wants to know if more children bully others when authority figures like parents and teachers aren't around. She designs a research study where one group of children have authority figures present and another group does not have any authority figures present. She's going to use a hidden camera to record how the children act in the setting and count the number of times that children are bullied in each environment. What type of research method is this?


A study by the Rand Corporation found that minimum sentences for drug offenders are an efficient use of tax dollars.


Alcohol can lead to lung disease


All 50 of the United States have lotteries.


State-funded nursing homes generally provide better service than private ones.


When individuals fail to see the ways they are oppressed by the social system in which they live, Karl Marx calls it:

false consciousness.

Maria, a Latina immigrant, set aside her dreams of continuing her education in order to work to send money to her family in her country of origin. This is an example of the cultural trait of


In a television cartoon for school-age children that features a caped superhero, we might expect that the advertising shown during the commercial breaks would include

fast racing cars, video games, and outdoor construction toys.

Characteristics of the urban underclass include all of the following except:

female unemployment

Your friend Allison is concerned with the messages that young girls and boys receive about careers that are suitable for them from their elementary school teachers. Based on Allison's position, it is likely that she is a(n) _____.


A study of adolescent prostitutes in Taiwan found all of the following except:

few reported being sexually abused

Julie Bettie wrote her ethnography Women without Class: Girls, Race, and Identity to examine the role of race and class in the lives of girls in California's Central Valley. She did most of her work at a high school, hanging out with and talking to students, but she felt very self-conscious about writing down her observations where the girls could see her, so she often ducked into a bathroom stall to write. What do ethnographers call her written observations?


When Coy Mathis, a transgender girl, was six years old, she was not allowed to use the girls' bathroom in her school. Instead, she was allowed to use the gender-neutral restroom in the teacher's lounge. In 2013, Coy's parents successfully sued the school district to allow Coy to use the main girls' bathroom in the school. They argued that their daughter was entitled to the same rights as other girls and that making her use a special bathroom could make her subject to teasing and bullying. This example illustrates the idea that

gender is socially constructed and is part of a complex process of socialization.

According to George Herbert Mead, the socialization process occurs in three stages: the I stage, the me stage, and the:

generalized other stage

The children of divorce are more likely to:

get divorced themselves

Nan wants to become a nurse. She is trying to decide what she will need to do to become one. She has learned that she must:

go to nursing school

In order to furnish themselves with cadavers for dissection, colonial medical students often resorted to:

grave robbing


group that one identifies with and feels loyalty toward

reference group

group that provides standards for self evaluation (family)

The Nuremburg Code

guidelines are established for performing research that will protect human subjects from injury

The presence of these appliances __________ the average number of hours per week that nonemployed women spent on household tasks.

had little effect on

The crime index is made of eight offenses. These include all of the following except:

hate crimes

Certain factors make men more or less "marriageable." Identify which factors make a man more "marriageable."

having a job/being college-educated/being young

Scott believes that "English Only" laws are harmful to immigrant populations. Which of the following is least likely to be one of his arguments against these laws?

having a new language allows immigrants to assimilate more quickly

The pattern of high educational achievement and intergenerational living by Asian Americans may be explained by cultural traditions, but also by

highly educated professional parents who provide models and opportunities for their children

what groups make up the Hispanic population? Asian American population? and the Arab population? in the US

hispanic - mexican and latino, devote life to having and raising children asian - east and south asia, highly educated importance on 2 parent homes arab - middle east, marraige endogamous, arranged marriages

Among the racial categories that the U.S. Census uses are all except:

hispanic or latino

Beth and Kathryn were married in Massachusetts. If we wish to distinguish the characteristics of different types of married couples, we could refer to this marriage between two people of the same gender as


Which of the following occupations ranks higher in occupational prestige?


According to George Herbert Mead, children develop a sense of self by

imitating the actions of other people.

Does poverty increase, decrease, or have no effect on individuals' likelihood of getting married?


Midlife, or "middle age," is a generally recognized part of our life course, and its recognition is due to

increases in overall life expectancy.

Randy wants to know if having a college degree affects the likelihood of having a job. In this example having a college degree is a(n) _______________________ variable.


Dr. Lui plans to research the relationship between breast-feeding and preschool success. In this research, breast-feeding is the

independent variable.

Current examples of institutional discrimination include all of the following except:

individual acts of bigotry

deviance avowal

individual self identifies as deviant

According to the textbook, the decline of the name Mary in the United States represents the rising trend of what attitude?



individuals who give up on achieving society's goals but still operate according to society's approved means

Among the causes of childhood obesity are all of the following except:

indoor sports

Behavior that is oriented toward self-interest is often called:

instrumental or rational action


is a relationship between variables in which they change together.

Material Culture

is any physical object to which we give social meaning; art and artifacts, tools and utensils, machines and weapons, clothing and furniture, buildings and toys.

All of the following are problems with Social Security except:

it provides the same level of coverage to all citizens

Among the reasons to legalize marijuana is:

it will reduce the profit of organized crime

Max plans to go to college. He more likely to complete college if he lives in which country?


Which country has the longest life expectancy?


Which country has the most deadbeat dads?


Which of the following countries has the lowest rate of incarceration?


Among the top six nations with the highest college participation are:


In industrialized societies, older people (age sixty-five and older) tend to

lack authority within the family and society as a whole.

The book cites _________________ as the most important reason why poor people have poorer health.

lack of access

Reports and accounts of what are termed "feral children" have existed for hundreds of years. A child is discovered living with animals, in the wild or, in some cases, deliberately hidden away, isolated from all contact with other human beings. These children, when reintegrated with the larger society, experience difficulty. What is missing from their experience that is an essential contributor to their socialization?


The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis suggests that:

language can structure our perception of reality.

expressive leadership

leadership concerned with maintaining harmony within group

instrumental leadership

leadership that's task or goal oriented

Symbolic interactionism

(Micro) views symbols, things to which we attach meaning, as the basis of social life.

Blacks who live heterosexual lives but who engage in homosexual behavior are said to be:

living the down low


looks at society on a grand scale.


looks at society on a smaller scale.

Criticisms of the Concept of Culture

1. Where does one culture begin and another ends in a globalized world? (Due to social media and transmission--There is no clear line because cultures are no longer isolated) 2. Complex societies are multicultural (Many languages are spoken and many religions are practiced; American culture is the most diverse) 3. Can be used as a political weapon (Means of oppressing culture; Right and wrong cultures; Example: Apartheid: View that blacks were village people and should be kept out of urban areas; Example: Assimilation of Native Americans to make them "real Americans")

The state with highest incarceration rate is:


Globally, how many children aged 5-14 are engaged in child labor?

158 million children worldwide.

How many babies out of every thousand are born intersex?


When did the U.S. Census begin identifying multiple-race identities?


Globally, how much was spent on public and private consumption in 1998? How much in 1900?

24 trillion in 1998, in 1900 it was barely 1.5 trillion.

The United States incarcerates _________ percent of the world's prisoners.


In 1880s $___ was invested in advertising in the United States. In 2006 $___ was invested.

30 million in 1880, and 152 billion in 2006.

About what percentage of Americans ages sixty-five and older go online, according to a 2012 survey?

53 percent

what percent of women are in the work force full time today and have children under age 6?

59% of women are employed and 70% of women with children under 6 years old are employed

How much more likely is it that a Black man will be incarcerated than a White man?

6 times

One important consequence of the disparity in marriage rates among African Americans compared to other racial/ethnic groups in the United States is that more Black children grow up with a single mother. Nationwide, 35.7 percent of children are born to a single mother compared to __________ among Black children.

67.8 percent

social class alter the way children are raised?

low - face more child abuse, have more health problems, infants less likely to get daily stimulation, can't afford extracurricular middle/high - better schools and health care, can provide opportunities such as camp, music lessons and sports, talk and stimulate infants more

2 macro , 2 micro, and 2 demographic reasons for divorce

macro - wars, technology, more liberal divorce laws, increased societal acceptance micro - conflict and abuse, early age of marriage, drug and alcohol problems demographic - social class, income, parental divorce, presence of children

embodied status

made by physical characteristics

emotion work (emotional labor)

maintaining and displaying a bright, happy demeanor

Treating addiction as a medical disorder:

makes drug addiction a sickness

When they were instituted in the early twentieth century, programs like Social Security and Aid to Dependent Children promoted marriage by

making women who were never married or who divorced ineligible.


A family system in which one person has more than one spouse, usually one man and multiple women.

According to the Uniform Crime Report, murder is most likely to be committed by:

A friend or relative

What are the three main categories used to measure human development?

A long and Healthy Life, knowledge, and a decent standard of living.

nuclear family

A married couple living with their own (usually biological) children and no extended family members.

Which of the following describes the deductive approach to research?

A researcher starts with a theory, forms a hypothesis, makes observations, and then analyzes the data to confirm, reject, or refine the original theory.


A smaller group who are representative of a larger group in an interview

11. One flaw in dependency theory is the unwillingness to recognize _______. a. that previously low-income nations such as China have successfully developed their economies and can no longer be classified as dependent on core nations b. that previously high-income nations such as China have been economically overpowered by low-income nations entering the global marketplace c. that countries such as China are growing more dependent on core nations d. that countries such as China do not necessarily want to be more like core nations


12. Social stratification is a system that: a. ranks society members into categories b. destroys competition between society members c. allows society members to choose their social standing d. reflects personal choices of society members


13. If a sociologist says that nations evolve toward more advanced technology and more complex industry as their citizens learn cultural values that celebrate hard work and success, she is using _______ theory to study the global economy. a. modernization theory b. dependency theory c. modern dependency theory d. evolutionary dependency theory


16. Unlike Davis and Moore, Melvin Tumin believed that, because of social stratification, some qualified people were _______ higher-level job positions. a. denied the opportunity to obtain b. encouraged to train for c. often fired from d. forced into


2. A ____________ perspective theorist might find it particularly noteworthy that wealthy corporations improve the quality of life in peripheral nations by providing workers with jobs, pumping money into the local economy, and improving transportation infrastructure. a. functional b. conflict c. feminist d. symbolic interactionist


2. What factor makes class systems open? a. They allow for movement between the classes. b. People are more open-minded. c. People are encouraged to socialize within their class. d. They do not have clearly defined layers.


6. Slavery in the pre-Civil War U.S. South most closely resembled a. chattel slavery b. debt bondage c. relative poverty d. peonage


what factors amount for the increase in the percentage of african american families that are headed by females?

male unemployment, child out of wed-lock, high divorce and separation rate

The No Child Left Behind law:

mandated that teachers be highly qualified

California's Three Strikes law is an example of:

mandatory sentencing

My hypothesis is that as marriage age increases, then people are more likely to divorce. What is the independent variable in this example?

marriage age

uniform crime report (UCR)

measure of crime in the US, produced by the FBI

The three branches of government established in the early years of the United States are the executive, legislative, and judicial. More recently however, there is a growing belief that we have established a fourth branch of government. What does this refer to?


According to the author, all of the following are forms of elder abuse except:


Biological Bases of Socialization

Absence of instincts in humans--Some animals have innate behaviors (cats cleaning themselves--learning in social situations is limited); Humans do not have these innate behaviors so there is not anything limiting humans from learning behaviors; A large amount of out behavior is learned through socialization; Humans are derivatively social and need human interaction (compare to feral children that lack interaction and, in turn, do not develop social, linguistic, or behavioral skills); Feral children: the question arises concerning their behavior--Did they have issues before the neglect and did the neglect exacerbate these issues? OR Did these issues stem from the situation?

Chicago's Community Organizing and Family Issues Group sent community members trained in sociological research to ask other parents about barriers to preschool enrollment. Based on their findings, they developed an outreach and public awareness campain. What type of research is this an example of?

Action research


Actions that are intended

Social Network

All groups to which an individual belongs

Who is considered to be a "founding father" of sociology?

All three: Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber

If we apply our sociological imagination to sex, gender, and sexuality, we would most likely argue:

Although biological differences exist between men and women, what we make of those differences is socially constructed and has change throughout time and place.

Example of Marx's theory

American Civil War: Was about slavery--Elite owned slaves (not the majority of SC's population); Farmers were the majority but did not own slaves; It was not in the majority of SC's population to fight in the Civil War because slavery did not concern them; Churches told them they had to defend the South; This was against their own views but they were under false consciousness; They ended up fighting against their own interests

Robin Williams discusses American values that are central to our way of life. Which of the following is true based on his ideas?

Americans value material comfort.

How does a person come to possess an achieved status?

An achieved status is earned.

racial ethnicity

An ethnic group perceived to share physical characteristics.

Total Institution

An institution where individuals are cut off from the rest of society so that their lives can be controlled to strip away previous roles and identities to create new ones

Out Group

Any group an individual feels opposition, rivalry, or hostility toward

personal front

Appearance, manner, style of dress, gender, race, age


Applying the scientific approach to the social world

Who studied emotional labor?

Arlie Hochschild

Beth feels no sexual attraction. What category does she belong to?


Negative Reward

Aspect of Operant Conditioning; Example: Clean room for car keys

Positive Punishment

Aspect of Operant Conditioning; Example: Shocking a rat in order to achieve a behavior like playing basketball; Example: Getting sunburn reinforces the idea to use sunscreen

Positive Reward

Aspect of Operant Conditioning; Increases behavior

Negative Punishment

Aspect of Operant Conditioning; Taking a reward away


Attempts to study the social world by looking at social institutions, focuses on industrialized societies, and looks at extreme factors that influence people

Sexual orientation is divided into three key categories. Which of the following is not one of those categories?


1. What factor makes caste systems closed? a. They are run by secretive governments. b. People cannot change their social standings. c. Most have been outlawed. d. They exist only in rural areas


10. Which of the following scenarios is an example of intergenerational mobility? a. A janitor belongs to the same social class as his grandmother did. b. An executive belongs to a different class than her parents. c. An editor shares the same social class as his cousin. d. A lawyer belongs to a different class than her sister


11. Occupational prestige means that jobs are: a. all equal in status b. not equally valued c. assigned to a person for life d. not part of a person's self-identity


14. If a sociologist points out that core nations dominate the global economy, in part by creating global interest rates and international tariffs that will inevitably favor high-income nations over low-income nations, he is a: a. functionalist b. dependency theorist c. modernization theorist d. symbolic interactionist


17. Which statement represents stratification from the perspective of symbolic interactionism? a. Men often earn more than women, even working the same job. b. After work, Pat, a janitor, feels more comfortable eating in a truck stop than a French restaurant. c. Doctors earn more money because their job is more highly valued. d. Teachers continue to struggle to keep benefits such as health insurance


4. Which person best illustrates opportunities for upward social mobility in the United States? a. First-shift factory worker b. First-generation college student c. Firstborn son who inherits the family business d. First-time interviewee who is hired for a job


7. Maya is a twelve-year-old girl living in Thailand. She is homeless, and often does not know where she will sleep or when she will eat. We might say that Maya lives in _________ poverty. a. subjective b. absolute c. relative d. global


Justin decides to conduct research for a class project by recording and assessing how people choose where to sit on a public bus. Which type of sociology is this?


The examination of everyday human social interactions on a small scale describes _____.


To say that the shift to market work contributed to women's independence within their families as well as from their families is to say that

more women had less work to do within the home, and because they had their own income, they were freer to live outside of a marriage relationship.

A paradigm shift is a major break in the assumptions that are used to understand the world. For social scientists, what causes a paradigm shift?

new data forcing a new way of looking at the world

Reinforcement Theory (AKA Behavioral Theory)

B.F. Skinner; Outcome of behaviors mold the behaviors; not cognitive/understanding; Operant conditioning (create a new S-R pattern through reinforcement); Example: Training mice to play basketball

Why do you think marriage rates tend to be so low among Black women?

Black women have fewer potential mates due to a number of social factors

Which racial/ethnic group do you think has the lowest marriage rates?


Ascribed Status

Born with this type of status; Example: monarchy, race/ethnicity, being a woman/man

How is a subculture different from a counterculture?

Both are distinct from mainstream culture, but a counterculture actively opposes important aspects of the mainstream

How is a subculture different from a counterculture?

Both are distinct from mainstream culture, but a counterculture actively opposes important aspects of the mainstream.

What do Marxism and feminism have in common?

Both focus on inequalities and conflict as central features of modern societies.

Chodorow Theory

Boys define their gender as masculine against girls; They are what a girl is not; "Girls do not do this so I do it because I am a boy"; Easy for girls to learn gender identity because of all of the women around them (mother, teachers, etc.); Boy's definition of what a boy is = negative because they identify against girls; Negative identification

Herbert Brumer

Broke symbolic interactionism into 3 parts: 1. We respond to the meaning, not the reality of things (Example: Eating brain, finding out it is brain after eating it, feeling sick after finding out) 2. We learn meanings through interactions (social norms teach these) 3. We handle these meanings through an interpretive process--use context to determine meanings (Example: Someone winking--meaning is interpreted through social context; Example: Asking someone to study--they could be wanting to study or be wanting to hang out--you know which it is if there are textbooks out when you arrive)

10. In a U.S. town, a mining company owns all the stores and most of the houses. It sells goods to the workers at inflated prices, offers house rentals for twice what a mortgage would be, and makes sure to always pay the workers less than needed to cover food and rent. Once the workers are in debt, they have no choice but to continue working for the company, since their skills will not transfer to a new position. This situation most closely resembles: a. child slavery b. chattel slavery c. debt slavery d. servile marriage


12. One flaw in modernization theory is the unwillingness to recognize _________. a. that semi-peripheral nations are incapable of industrializing b. that peripheral nations prevent semi-peripheral nations from entering the global market c. its inherent ethnocentric bias d. the importance of semi-peripheral nations industrializing


14. The GNI PPP figure represents: a. a country's total accumulated wealth b. annual government spending c. the average annual income of a country's citizens d. a country's debt


15. The basic premise of the Davis-Moore thesis is that the unequal distribution of rewards in social stratification: a. is an outdated mode of societal organization b. is an artificial reflection of society c. serves a purpose in society d. cannot be justified


5. Which statement illustrates low status consistency? a. A suburban family lives in a modest ranch home and enjoys a nice vacation each summer. b. A single mother receives food stamps and struggles to find adequate employment. c. A college dropout launches an online company that earns millions in its first year. d. A celebrity actress owns homes in three countries.


8. Structural mobility occurs when: a. an individual moves up the class ladder b. an individual moves down the class ladder c. a large group moves up or down the class ladder due to societal changes d. a member of a family belongs to a different class than his or her sibling


On any given day, within ten minutes of waking up, you probably depend on more than 100 strangers to provide electricity, water, natural gas, weather forecasts, and other services. According to Durkheim, this interdependence gives rise to:

organic solidarity.

The idea of a sociological imagination originated with:

C. Wright Mills

Sociological Imagination

C. Wright Mills; Stepping outside of taking social reality for granted; Connecting your observations and experiences to large scale trends and social processes--Globalization

Psychological understanding of suicide:

Chemical imbalance, depression

Which major city has the greatest disparity between the number of employed, unmarried Black men and the number of unmarried Black women?


Be familiar with the term kinderculture.

Childhood is socially constructed.

generalized other

Children begin to understand standards common to a social group

feral children

Children who have grown up in the wild (little-human contact)

In 1400 what two countries were the controllers of wealth?

China and India were the controllers of wealth.

What country was the first major "global trader"?

China was the first major global trader.

What did Karl Marx think the lower classes needed to develop in order to end their oppression?

Class consciousness

Situationally Inactive

Code switching (switching between different dialects/elements of language for different audiences; makes one more adaptable)

Auguste Comte

Coined the term sociology. Focused on positivism (applying the scientific approach to the social world)

Be familiar with the terms: commodities (C), money (M), labor power (lp), means of production (mp), and production (P). How do they interact in a precapitalist, capitalist, and fully developed capitalist society?

Commodities are capital or consumer goods, money is a medium of exchange in a society, labor power is the work that is needed to take a raw material and turn it into another commodity, means of production is raw materials used to make other commodities, and production is the process of turning raw materials into a commodity.

Karl Marx

Conflict theorist; How struggle/division exists in society; Class conflict: Bourgeoisie vs proletariat; materialist concept of history: Struggles drive history rather than religion, etc. in a capitalist society (feeding, sheltering yourself drives history); Bourgeoisie has power which creates an ideology that justifies their actions; Workers suffer from false consciousness--They are persuaded/convinced to work against their own interest and work to support the ruling class's interests; In a time of industrialization, he saw misery stemming from industrialization (long hours, low wages, dangerous); Ruling class has control--Ruling ideas justify the ruling classes actions; Anticipated a revolution where the proletariates would rise up and get rid of the ruling class which would get rid of private property and social classes and lead to a communist society; Utopic view

Operant Conditioning

Creating a new S-R pattern through reinforcement; Reward selective behaviors in order to condition; Example: Potty-training; Example: Teaching a mouse to play basketball; Example: Teaching a dog to sit; Rewarding a behavior is better than punishing it (Punishment teaches avoidance--It is easier to substitute a behavior than to avoid it; Example: Beating a dog for peeing in the house teaches it to run away from you rather than to teach it to go outside); Reward/punishment should be immediate; After a behavior is established rewards should be given randomly; Must control rewards/punishments in an environment (Example: Kid is acting out in class, teacher calls him out, student is happy because he wants the attention, teacher is rewarding him--not punishing him like she meant to do/thought she was doing)

Today it is possible to travel all over the world, especially if you visit major metropolitian areas, without ever having to eat anything but McDonald's. This is an example of:

Cultural leveling

When exposed to a new culture in her travels, Dara finds that people stand quite close to one another. However, she realizes that the people there are correct to do so within their own cultural framework. What is this an example of?

Cultural relativism

Personal Space

Culturally relative; E.T. Hall determined what is appropriate in certain situations: 1. Intimate (family, relationship): 0-1.5 feet 2. Personal (friends): 1.5-4 feet 3. Social (strangers): 4-12 feet 4. Public (giving a speech): >12 feet; This is egg-shaped

What is the entire way of life that is passed down from one generation to the next?


What is the definition of "culture"?

Culture is the entire way of life of a group of people, and it acts as a lens through which we view the world.

Which configurations listed would NOT be considered a nuclear family?

orphanage staff and a child living together full time

5. In the past, the United States manufactured clothes. Many clothing corporations have shut down their U.S. factories and relocated to China. This is an example of: a. conflict theory b. OECD c. global inequality d. capital flight


6. Based on meritocracy, a physician's assistant would: a. receive the same pay as all the other physician's assistants b. be encouraged to earn a higher degree to seek a better position c. most likely marry a professional at the same level d. earn a pay raise for doing excellent work


8. Mike, a college student, rents a studio apartment. He cannot afford a television and lives on cheap groceries like dried beans and ramen noodles. Since he does not have a regular job, he does not own a car. Mike is living in: a. global poverty b. absolute poverty c. subjective poverty d. relative poverty


group dynamics

patterns of interaction between groups and individuals

Social Security, a government mandate, is funded through:

payroll taxes

social influence

peer pressure


people who share physical location but do not have lasting social relations (crowds)

According to the American Medical Association, what is the relationship between health insurance and health?

people without health insurance tend to live sicker and die younger

Divorce's Impact on Children

Devastating in the first 4 years of child's life; 20% of children have troubled lives; Kelly and Walterstein

Grammar in Children

Different in children and adults; Example: "I goed to the store"--They operate on a rule

Semantics in Children

Different in children and adults; Example: All 4-legged animals are dogs

Affective Leader

Directs group towards morales and has a psychological concern (Example: Mom)

Task Leader

Directs the group towards accomplishing goals (Example: Dad)

Christian traditions that included monogamous marriage and required a women to be faithful to her husband and a man to economically support his wife and children were written in secular laws that enforced "monogamous morality." Which of these are examples? Choose all that apply.

Diverse family arrangements, and not only the nuclear family, were recognized by the villagers.

Conflict theorists believe that arguments over values and beliefs have their roots in:

Division between urban and rural populations.

According to Durkheim, what do industrial societies establish that creates social solidarity and stability?

Division of Labor

A famous monologue from Shakespeare's As You Like It begins: All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts Which theory of social life could be seen as taking its inspiration from these lines?


Goffman created the idea of dramaturgy. What is true of dramaturgy?

Dramaturgy is a theatrical metaphor that looks at how we strategically present ourselves to others.


Durkheim; Analyzes social groups make of parts; These parts function together for the continuance of the whole; Groups usually develop a leader in order for the parts to work together well for the sake of the whole; Task leader v. Affective leader--Groups often develop both types of leaders because it is difficult for one person to be both types; Groups work best when they have a leader; Manifest v. Latent functions

Ernesto is a Cuban American living near Miami in South Florida. Which of the following statements about Ernesto is correct?

Ernesto's ethnicity is Cuban

A person who criticizes an Amish farmer (because he tills his fields with horses) as "backwards" or "primitive" is exhibiting:


In many cultures, the "squat toliet" where one squats rather than sits, is still the most common type of bathroom facility. Americans are often shocked when they encounter these toliets, seeing them as hopelessly disgusting. This attitude is an example of:


Interaction Vandalism

Ethnomethodology; Homeless man tries to talk to a woman but she ignores him and doesn't respond; Gives person with no power some power; Example: Telemarketing--Violates social order as they keep talking when you try to hang up--They refuse to take the hint that the conversation is over

Cultural Misunderstanding

Example: Personal space and how it differs across cultures; Not everyone is familiar with what it is like in other cultures

Exchange Theory

Exchanges between two people has benefits and costs to the interaction and people want to maximize the benefits

Divorce and the Symbolic Interactionist Theory

Expectations of marriages has changed; There is a rise of companionate marriages (lack of love--more of a friendship); Expressive individualism (purpose of life is to fulfill yourself--emotional growth--it does not tie people together but is more individual)


Expected behaviors and characteristics that go along with a status; Example: Mother status: patient, compassionate roles

Aidan wants to know if the presence of a police officer in the room will change student class discussion about illegal drugs. He divides the students into two groups. His first group has a police officer in the room. The second group does not have a police officer in the room. What type of research method is Aidan completing?


What agent of socialization is thought to be the most important?


Deep Acting

Facial expressions; Manipulating emotions; Example: Think about a dead puppy to make yourself cry at a funeral

Feeling Rules

Facial expressions; You are supposed to act/feel a certain way at certain events (happy at a party, sad at a funeral); Occupations depend on these (kindergarten teachers are supposed to be happy)

Liberal Family

Family in transition; Divorce rate has decreased since 1980; Return to earlier pattern (less divorce, older marriages); For middle class, cohabitation is a stage in dating; 2% of children are not living with one biological parent (fewer orphans); Most women recover (66% of women remarry)

In the chapter, the author describes how changes in family life are linked to four overarching historical changes. What is one other reason, in addition to declining fertility, why more women work in the labor force now than in the past?

Fewer functional tasks are completed at home, which moves women's work out of the household.

Sociologists have long been interested in family change. Looking back to prehistory, what conclusions can we draw about the stability of family arrangements?

Flexible and extended family living arrangements have only emerged in the past four decadesNOT CORRECT

Feminist Theory

Focuses on roles of women within a society, Liberal Version v. Radical Version

positive and negative effects of female employment on marriage and family patterns

positive- increase in income, women get decision making power, and equal gender roles negative - size decrease, need for outside care, and hard time finding time for family time

In 2005 the Northwestern University women's lacrosse team won a NCAA championship and was invited to the White House to recieve congratulations from the president. Controversy erupted after their visit, when the official photograph revealed that several team members were wearing flip-flops. Despite the outcry, the athletes took the criticism in stride, talking about it on the Today Show and auctioning the offending footwear for charity. Given the reaction and the team's response, what sort of norm did the athletes break by wearing flip-flops to the White House?


Jane Addams

Founder of the Hull-House (where immigrants could stay until they got on their feet)

Example of Functionalist Leaders

Friendships: Task leader says "We are doing..." while the Affective leader says "I hope they didn't hurt your feelings by that. Let's just have a good time by doing..."

How do Fads/Fashions begin?

From elites or from people at the bottom; Milan or the slums


Garfunkle; People use methods to create a sense of order; Disturbs social order to make social order obvious--Violate social norm to see how people react and reestablish social order; Example: Etcetera Principle: People fill in gaps in a conversation to maintain order--We speak in fragments so people fill in the blanks to make sense of it; People are driven to make sense of social interactions and when it does not make sense we bring people over to make sense out of it for us; Example: Paying a bill with foreign money and pretending not to understand the problem; Interactional Vandalism (homeless man trying to talk to a woman that does not want to talk)

Civil Religion

Generalized holidays that allow everyone to focus on and ties everyone together; Example: Christmas--Everyone celebrates, stores have sales that everyone takes part in, anyone can identify with it due to its general symbols; Example: Thanksgiving--Majority of population has nothing to do with pilgrims but we all participate

Significant Other

George H. Mead; Child first sees themselves from the point of view of an important caregiver

Generalized Other

George H. Mead; Child then considers how people in general would see their actions

I v. Me (Reflexive Self)

George H. Mead; The "I" is the child's impulse and the "Me" is the child reflecting on themselves from the point of view of another; The "Me" thinks about how an action would be perceived by another; Example: "I" wants to hit someone, "Me" reflects and does not hit someone; The "I" and the "Me" are in constant communication

What is the sociological term for signs people make with their bodies?


Low Self Monitor

Goffman's Dramaturgical Approach; People with this do not read people well

Discrepant Roles

Goffman's Dramaturgical Approach; Some people do not fit into an audience/performance team; Example: Girl knows the joke her friend is about to tell a group of people but she laughs as if she has never heard it--She acts as a part of the audience but is really part of the performance team--She does not quite fit

Impression Management

Goffman's Dramaturgical Approach; manipulation of our appearances to present ourselves as a particular person; Example: Job interviews

Civil Inattention

Goffman; Acknowledging someone's presence but ignoring them immediately after; Operates in some situations but not all; Example: Standing in a line or walking down a street

Dramaturgical Approach

Goffman; Observe life as if it were on a stage

Unfocused Encounter

Goffman; Respond to someone but not through a direct exchange; Example: Walking around someone

Max Weber

Had controversial disagreements with marx and defined religion as a central force in social change. Also advocated that sociological research should be value free

Modes of Adaptation

How people make a living in an environment; Hunting and gathering (foraging; hunting animals and gathering berries); Pastoralism (making a living by herding animals, living off of animal products); Agriculture (domestication of plants); Industrialization

Culture is useful in understanding...

How society and people operate in the world; It influences how people respond; Culture is always changing

The looking-glass self explains:

How we develop a self-concept based on our perceptions of others' judgments of us.

Self Identity

How you imagine yourself; Difficult for others to see sometimes; Example: Self-esteem

Elective affinity of ideas

Ideas can change history; Max Weber


Ideas of a society are not what happens the majority of the time

How many maquiladoras (assembly plants) were there in 1960? How many were there in 1999? How many people in Mexico were employed in a maquiladora in 1999?

In 1960 there were virtually none, in 1999 there were over 4,000 employing over 1 million.

Often times a person is faced with inequality because of their race or class or gender. If a person happens to be lower status, female and black that person is faced with multiple areas of discrimination, making their lives even more difficult. This is known as:


Which of the following statements best characterizes microsociology?

It is an approach that examines interactions between individuals and the ways those interactions reflect larger patterns within a society.

What is the prime directive of the culture of capitalism?

It must maintain economic growth at all times.

How does colorblindness contribute to racial inequalities?

It perpetuates racial inequalities by making subtle forms of racism difficult to recognize and therefore difficult to address.

How has the Kinsey Scale of Sexuality helped us to better understand sexual orientation?

It supports the idea that human sexuality exists as a highly diverse continuum over the lifetime of any individual.

Classical Conditioning

Ivan Pavlov; Introduction of a new stimulus to existing S-R pattern; Example: Pavlov's Dogs Experiment: Ring a bell (Stimulus) and Salivation (Response)--dependent on presence of food;

Who is thought to be the father of the social conflict approach?

Karl Marx

_______________ suggested that capitalism breeds conflict between the rich and poor.

Karl Marx

Conflict Theory

Karl Marx; Analyze society by groups struggling for scarce resources; Power is essential; Wilard Waller's Principle of Least Interest (Person in a relationship with least interest has greater power--Love)

Hunting and Gathering

Killing animals and picking berries; Bulk of diet was gathered by women

The 4 K's

Kirche, küchen, kinder, und kleider (church, cooking, children, and clothes)

Harriet Martineau

Known for her translations of Comte's ideas into English

Which of the following is not a depressant?


What are the 19th century characteristics of the working class?

Labor Mobility, segmentation, discipline, and resistance.

What are the disadvantages of ethnography?

Lack of replicability

Strong Version

Language determine thought

Weak Version

Language influences thought

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis (Language Relativity Hypothesis)

Language influences thought; Strong Version (language determines thought) v. Weak Version (language influences thought)

Culture = _______

Language; Culture (culture rules, subculture) = Language (grammar rules, semantics/meanings, syntax)' Dialect within the same language

Organic Solidarity

Larger societies; Division of labor creates mutual interdependence; Example: People working in stores--Without people producing, killing, packaging, transporting, etc., we would not have chicken to eat--We depend on workers to do this for us; Produces civil religion (Generalized holidays that allow everyone to focus on and ties everyone together; i.e. Christmas, Thanksgiving)

When a neighborhood includes just a few poor families, those families can rely on friends and neighbors for support. Which of the following happened as a result of the deindustrialization of northern cities and the concentration of urban poverty (choose all that apply)?

Local churches lost members and financial support/Funding for schools declined

Which of the following statements best describes the approach taken by macrosociologists?

Macrosociology examines large-scale social structure to see how it affects individual lives.


Making a living by herding animals; Living off of animal products (milk, cheese)

Match the theoretical perspective to the statement that best describes its ideas about social roles and the aging process.

Many of the problems of aging are produced by stratification and the routine operation of social institutions. (Answer: Social conflict) older individuals make choices that reflect both the opportunities and the constraints facing them. (Answer: Life course) Society needs to find roles for older persons consistent with advanced age. (Answer: Functionalist)

How were luxuries transformed into necessities?

Marketing and advertising, reconfiguration of social class, revolution in spiritual and intellectual values.


Marriage and reproduction outside one's distinct group.


Marriage and reproduction within a distinct group.


Marriage between members of different racial or ethnic groups


Marriage between two people of the same sex.


Married to 1 person

Means of Production

Marx; Anything that can create more wealth (e.g. money, factories, property, businesses etc.)


Marx; People where unable to directly benefit from their own labor

What is a pencil an example of?

Material culture

Which of the "founding fathers" of sociology put forth the idea that sociologists should examine social behavior from the perspective of those engaging in the behavior?

Max Weber

"Protestant Ethic and Spirit of Capitalism"

Max Weber; Argued that religious ideas created capitalism (Marx would argue the opposite); Denies themselves the pleasures of life for spiritual/greater reasons: Catholics--nuns, priests---This element of religion applies to anyone (no drinking, dancing, etc.); Predestination: belief that someone is born going to Heaven or Hell because God knows everything; Vocation: a calling--Catholics--God calls someone into priesthood--God calls everyone to do what they do (teacher, etc.)--You want to work hard because God called you and to prove you are good; Highlights the idea that Protestantism created capitalism--Work hard to earn money to give to the Church


Max Weber; Modern societies are _____; a calculation of means to ends--society is organized by this; Example: Football season ended in a season but now it never ends (training year round, calculated process to achieve a particular end); Example: Love (online dating--computer matches people up, achieved by a statistical analysis); Example: Education system (goals to meet with measurable results); Weber believed this would lead to an "iron cage"

I and Me

Mead I is the spontaneous, active, and creative part of ourselves that is somewhat less socialized Me is the conforming part of ourselves, more socialized and more reliant on others

Symbolic interactionism argues that people act toward things on the basis of their meaning. According to this perspective, how does meaning arise?

Meaning is negotiated through interaction with others


Means of enforcing norms

Post-Modernist Theory

Media images; Grand narratives have been broken down; Society is created by media (fleeting facts and stories); Concern is on a story for a few days and then gone out of the media; News is now entertainment; The grand narrative (what people used to focus their lives on--religion, etc.) is gone now; Example: School shootings are in the news for a few days and then forgotten once they are out of the media

Radical Version of the Feminist Theory

Men are oppressors and women are oppressed; Power struggle (Marxist)

Gilligan's Theory

Men operate on ethics (more abstract; right v. wrong); Women operate on fairness (what is the outcome, what will happen)

In the structural-functionalist view from the 1950s, what role were men expected to have?

Men were expected to take on an instrumental role.

Famous Sociology Majors

Michelle Obama, Ronal Reagan, MLK Jr., Kal Penn

Blended Family

Mom and her kids, Dad and his kids, and Mom and Dad's kids; Complex; Most recent form of family

Matricentric Family

Mom and kids; Men come in and out of their lives; Fastest growing type of family in terms of percentages

Guttmann argues: "other than love and fear there is probably no more powerful motivating force in our lives than ________"



More than one husband; Least common form of marriage; Often a woman marrying a set of brothers


More than one wife; Most common form of marriage among cultures; associated with the labor force (more wives = more children = more people to work the land)

In America, a married man who has several mistresses is violating a _______________, but if he is married to more than one woman at the same time he is violating a _________.

More; Law

What did Max Weber mean when he said that modern people are trapped in an "iron cage"?

Most aspects of life are increasingly controlled by rigid rules and rationalization.

What does Max Weber mean when he says that modern people are trapped in an "iron cage"?

Most aspects of life are increasingly controlled through rigid rules and rationalization.

Bureaucracies are characterized by secondary relationships. Since bureaucracies dominate modern society, the implication is that:

Most interactions in our lives are impersonal and focused on specific activities for achieving goals

Esther is performing a statistical analysis and finds a relationship between her two variables, hours playing video games and college GPA. As hour playing video games increases, college GPA decreases. What is this idea called?

Negative correlation


No two people have the same concept/idea of culture


Norms (social values), Values (general idea of what is good and right), beliefs, and material products unique to a group of people; Developed to counter dominant thinking of the time (racism); People were biologically different (racial categories among people); Darwin (Indian group living primitively--Inferior race to Europeans; ___is learned and not innate


Norms that carry a greater moral significance and are more closely related to core values of a culture

School Shootings Debate

Not a gun issue, it is "just our culture"; Culture is becoming an excuse to not take action/responding to the problem


Observing one's own behavior

Secondary Socialization

Occurs whenever a person changes social positions in a society; Example: Having a child socializes the parents; Socialization never ends--It continues throughout one's life; Example: We get socialized in high school and in a job--We act according to what we are doing

In lecture, a new occurrence was discussed in which elites (based on occupation) now enjoy both popular and high culture. What are these elites called?


According to labeling theory, why were none of the pseudopatients in David Rosenhan's "On Being Sane in Insane Places" discovered?

Once a person has been labeled "mentally ill" it is very hard for anyone to see past the label.

Beginners Mind

Open and receptive to experience. Opposite of expert's mind, which is filled with facts, projections, assumptions, opinions, and explanations that it cant learn anything new.


Owners; the capitalist class who own the means of production and employ wage workers

Nuclear Family

Parents and their children

Where was the first department store opened?

Paris, called Bon Marche.

For his research project, Aidan wants to know how people involved in activism behave. He decides to get involved in People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals to see how the activists act in their natural environment. He goes to meetings and rallies planned by PETA over several years. What type of research method is Aidan completing?

Participation Observation

Example of Marx's theory

Patriarchy in Christianity: Adam was created first in God's image; Eve ate the apple and women became subservient to men; this is used to justify women as a subservient class under men; Women are working in the man's interests

Why might future generations of older people suffer from social isolation more than older people today?

Patterns of family structure patterns are changing.

Negative facts

People deny these; Example: Smoking can kill them

Which of the following is NOT an aspect of American culture that supports its patriarchal structure?

People in the media presenting feminists in a positive light

What is an example of counterculture?

People involved in the Civil Rights movement and Goths

Society is founded on three groups: capitalist, laborer, and consumer. What role does each play in the culture of capitalism?

People play all three roles at some point in their lifetime.

Primary group

People with which we are closest and most intimate

Wilard Waller's Principle of Least Interest

Person in a relationship with the least interest has the most power; Example: Love--It becomes a game to get the other person to fall in love/commit first--The other person can then exploit them because the other person is more committed; 2 people struggling over resources by a power struggle

Why people out West have a higher suicide rate:

Physical isolation

George H. Mead

Play Stage (a child can only play one role at a time); Significant other (children first see themselves from an important caregiver's point of view) v. Generalized other (children then consider how people in general would see their actions); I (impulse) v. Me (reflecting on oneself from the point of view of another)

What are the consequences of maquiladoras?

Poor working conditions, low wages, and loose environmental regulations.

Nicky wants to eat a cookie, but it doesn't belong to her. It is right for her to steal it because she wants it. Which stage of Kohlbergs is Nicky at?


How is prejudice different from discrimination?

Prejudice is an attitude; discrimination is an action.

Surface Act

Pretend you are happy at a party when you really are not happy; Acting; Facial expressions; We can tell what is fake but cannot tell which emotion is being hidden

Expressive Individualism

Purpose of life if to fulfill yourself; Emotional growth; It does not tie people together; More individual

How did the fashion industry influence the culture of capitalism?

Pushed new and up to date styles, used celebrities to market.

Hillary is using the scientific method and statistics to research her topic. What type of methods is she likely using?


Which of the following are reasons that race is socially constructed and not biologically given (choose all that apply)?

Racial categories vary from one culture to another/Racial categories have been fairly consistent over time.

Divorce and Conflict Theory

Relationships between men and women are a power struggle; "Rule of thumb"--men used violence, husband was head of the household; Women have struggled to gain equality; Divorce is not bad because women free themselves from oppressive rule

In The Elementary Forms of Religious Life, Émile Durkheim argued that religion was a powerful source of social solidarity. Why?

Religion reinforced collective bonds and cultivated shared moral values.

_______________ identified that every action in society has manifest and latent functions.

Robert Merton

A traffic cop has pulled over a speeder, only to discover that she has stopped a close friend. The police officer is torn, because her professional obligations demand that she punish the speeder, but her personal obligations suggest that she should give a friend a break. What is this called?

Role conflict

A high school football coach is worried about how he should handle his roster. On the one hand, it's his job to try and win as many games as possible, which means playing the best players; on the other, his contract also requires that he try to allow every member of the team to meaningfully participate. The tension he feels is called:

Role strain

A high school football coach is worried about how he should handle his roster. On the one hand, it's his job to try to win as many games as possible, which means playing the best players; on the other hand, his contract also requires him to try to allow every member of the team to meaningfully participate. The tension he feels is the result of:

Role strain

Social Identity

Roles you play; How others see you; Imposed on you by others

Gender Interactions

Rules reinforce male dominance; Eye contact: men can look at women; Touch: men can touch women more; Interruption (changing subject): men do this more than women; Emotion: women can display this more; Performance in language: troubles talk (explaining an opinion, etc.)

What is it called when a researcher wants to know what percentage of Wake Tech students smoke cigarettes but surveys a smaller, representative group of Wake Tech students?


Mechanical Solidarity

Small societies; Common way of life and beliefs; Example: People in a small town all live on farms--Same life structure

Durkheim would have said that white males kill themselves because of...

Social expectations

Erving Goffman

Social life as a ritual; Rituals include: 1. Civil inattention (acknowledging a person's presence but ignoring hem soon after; Example: "Dimming the lights"--looking down when you pass someone on the street to avoid eye contact) 2. Unfocused encounter (Respond to someone but not through a direct exchange; Example: Walking around someone) 3. Focused encounter (Bracketed--Has a beginning and an end; Choreographed: You know when you can and cannot talk through cues like eye contact, breaks, and words like "goodbye") 4. Dramaturgical Approach (Observing social life as if it were on a stage


Social position; Examples: teacher, father, husband


Social; Varies by culture; Role and characteristics males and females are supposed to have in a society; Changes over time

Body Language

Socially specific (not inborn); Examples: Facial expressions, clapping, talking with your hands

Conflict theory

Society is viewed as composed of groups competing for scares resources

Chris is examining the broad stream of social and historical events that have occurred over the past 50 years and pondering the impact these events have had on her own life. Chris is using:

Sociological imagination

W. E. B. Du Bois

Sociologist and first African American to earn a Ph.D from Harvard and one of the founders of the NAACP

Concept of Suicide

Sociologists (like Durkheim) would look at how society leads someone to do something; Rate is higher in men but women attempt more often; Rates are higher for whites and Native Americans than African Americans; Age groups 45-64 & 75+ have highest rates; Current rate is 12.6%; Western US has highest rate; While depression may play a role, it does not explain these statistics; Durkheim looked at records over time and found patterns (race, age, religion, etc.) and argued that this concept is a product of social relations (everyone has a hard time but our ties to each other are what keeps us going); When these ties are severed, we have no reason to continue---The greater the isolation, the greater the potential

Which of the following describes a difference between sociology and psychology?

Sociology focuses on social structures and group interactions, while psychology focuses on the urges, instincts, and mind of the individual.


Stated that culture defines what is what, what can be, and how one should feel about it, and what one should do about it; Example: Not catching lobsters in Belize--Must be cursed--Goes to someone to remove the curse--Begins to catch lobsters

Achieved Status

Status gained through actions; Example: professor--Stayed in school for pHD, prisoner

The sociological theory (or theoretical perspective) that believes society is a stable system of structures, each of which contributes to the equilibrium of the whole is ______; the sociological theory that focuses on how our behaviors are dependent upon the ways we interpret, make sense of, and define ourselves, others, and social situations is _________.

Structural functionalism; Symbolic interactionism

Jean Piaget

Studied child development; studied the stages of cognitive development and believed that they are loosely tied to their age; 4 main stages: Sensory/Motor Stage, Preoperational Stage, Concrete Operational Stage; Formal Operational Stage; Children cannot advance to the next stage until they are ready to do so; Children need an rich environment; Children are active learners and are motivated to teach themselves; Children are egocentric (Example: Boy has 2 brothers, Asked how many brothers one of his brothers has, says "1"---he cannot imagine being in his brother's shoes); Symbolic thought increases over time


probably the most significant component of culture, is what has allowed to fully express ourselves as human beings.

Code Switching

Switching between different dialects/elements of language for different audiences; Makes one more adaptable

What approach is a micro-level approach?

Symbolic Interaction

Which social theory focuses on micro-level interactions?

Symbolic interactionism


Systematic used to obtain knowledge and the knowledge obtained by methods


The ability to control the actions of others


process in which a society, culture, or group teaches individuals to become functioning members. Also the process by which one learns values and norms of a group

when it comes to learning, what is the term for type of thinking students should want?

The beginner's mind

Nurture Shock

The best way to socialize people; Praise effort v. intelligence; Praising effort more successful than praising intelligence; One can always try harder (effort), but students that are praised for their intelligence feel like they no longer have to try as hard because they already "won the game"

When Elton Mayo did his now classic experiment on worker productivity, he found they could increase productivity by changing variables in a work environment, but also that changing back variables also increased productivity. What did he conclude was the true cause of the increase in productivity?

The effect of being studied


The ending of a marriage; Increased in industrialized societies; Rate is 43%; College educated people have a lower rate; Associated by social class; Women initiate it more often


The gradual reduction of ethnic distinction between immigrants and the mainstream society.

In Group

The group that one identifies with and feels loyalty towards

stem family

The household formed by one grown child remaining in the family home with his or her parents.

Cultural Relativism

The idea that any culture's practices are acceptable for them; Some things cultures do can be ethically wrong; Example: Nazis killing Jews; Example: Men in other cultures beating their wives; We must: 1. Understand why the practice exists and 2. Apply/don't apply it universally

Symbolic Culture

The ideas associated with a culture, including ways of thinking and behaving

Cultural Imperialism

The imposition of one culture's beliefs and practices on another culture through media and consumer products rather than by military force


The individual's conscious, reflexive experience of a personal identity separate and distinct from other individuals

Primary Socialization

The learning of basic skills associated with being fully human; Example: learning to speak, not to bite people; Example: Parents socialize their children


The legitimate right to wield power

social distance

The level of acceptance that members of one group have toward members of another group


The mate selection process in which young adults spend time with a variety of partners before making a long-term commitment.

The Indie rock band the Halo Benders once sang: "Part enviroment And part heredity What we're born with And what's been fed to me" What issue is being referenced in this song?

The nature vs. nurture debate

Material Culture

The objects associated with a culture, such as tools, machines, utensils, buildings, and artwork; any object to which we give a social meaning

baby boom

The period of high birth rates in the United States between 1946 and 1964.

Cultural Relativism

The principle of understanding other cultures on their own terms, rather than judging or evaluating according to one's own culture

Cultural Leveling

The process by which cultures that were once unique and distinct become increasingly similar

Which of the following statements about the process of socialization is true?

The process is reciprocal: society shapes the individual and the individual shapes society.

False Consciousness

The proletariats were convinced by the bourgeoisie to work against their own interests; Karl Marx


The rules and guidelines regarding what kinds of behaviors are acceptable

Group Cohesion

The sense of solidarity or loyalty that individuals feel toward a group to which they belong


The set of behaviors expected from a particular status position


The set of shared beliefs that a group of people consider to be worthwhile or desirable in life

Kenyatta is studying sports using a sociological theoretical approach, and her hypothesis is that racial minority players are disadvantaged and placed into less important positions with fewer rewards. Which approach would this hypothesis make the most sense for?

The social-conflict approach


The tendency to enforce a high degree of conformity among members, creating a demand for unanimous agreement

How are the terms "gender" and "sex" different?

The term "sex" refers to the biological differences between males and females, whereas the term "gender" refers to the socially constructed behavior of men and women.


The things that flow through social ties


The twofold process in which a society, culture, or group teaches individuals to become functioning members and the individuals learn and internalize the values and norms of the group

Durkheim found that as ties to the community increase, the chances of suicide for a category of people decrease. What is an example of this?

The wealthy are more likely to commit suicide than the less wealthy, on average.

What are the consequences of spirit possessions in Malaysia?

The whole factory gets shut down.

Today, how many cars are there in the United States?

There are as many cars as there are persons with drivers licenses.

A survey of readers in Christian Living Today reported that 98% of average Americans pray at least twice daily. What might be wrong with this conclusion?

There is a problem with the generalizability of the sample

Since, the 1980s, what is the pattern of names given to baby girls?

There is increasing diversity, with the most common names becoming less prevalent

What is the relationship between social class and race, ethnicity, gender, and age in the United States today?

These multiple dimensions of status and inequality intersect to shape who we are and how we live—a concept known as intersectionality.

Why do so many factories hire young girls between the age of 16 and 24?

They are better able to concentrate on routine work and they are easier to train and stick with the job longer.

Why do people use impression management?

They are sensitive about how others see them

Krober and Kluckholm

They believe that culture is patterned (themes and central values--individualism); Example: Clothing--For us, clothing is individual and for others, clothing shows group unification; Example: Marriage--We pick who we want to marry while other cultures have arranged marriages; Explicit v. Implicit--Personal space is implicit; They focused on symbols and images (transmitted)--Flags, cross, Elvis Presley; Culture is distinctive (The combination of culture makes it unique to you; Artifacts; Culture has a core of traditional values; Culture produces behavior and is a product of behavior

Symbolic-Interaction Approach

This approach is known for its view that society is created from our everyday interactions. (Microsociology)

Social-Conflict Approach

This approach is known for seeing society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change. (Macrosociology)

Companion Love

This develops when romantic love dies; The obsession and idealization of the other person fades; The relationship becomes more real once this concept is established

Idea of a Teenager

This term came into use in the 20th century; Young children worked and were not isolated from their family; Today, there is an isolation because they spend so long in school, etc.; Most cultures do not have this concept

Socialization is the process of learning to be human. It begins at birth and continues (until):

Throughout the course of life

Which third world country has the lowest Gross National Income (GNI)?


What are the consequences of secondary industry expansion?

Transfer of jobs abroad, widened the gap between primary and secondary labor in US.

The industrial revolution transformed the relationship between human beings and the world they lived in.


With a sociological imagination, one sees personal troubles, such as divorce, in terms of larger public issues


4 workplace policies that would benefit dual earner and single parents families

US family leave policies are terrible, family and medical leave act - up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave, with health benefits, after birth of child, for sick family member or own illness

Cognitive Theories

Understanding, developmental theories; Stages of learning (children); Concepts, not behaviors; Example: Numbers--Children counting in different languages--They don't have the concept of numbers but can count (behavior)

Latent Functions

Unintended; often negative (dysfunctions); Example: War on Drugs: Arresting people for drug use actually increased prison populations, helped create cartels, and increased minority populations in prison for a small crime; Example: Killing Hussain: Iran became more powerful as a result (U.S. threat); Example: roadwork/construction creates traffic and congestion


Uses the scientific method to test a hypothesis

Functional analysis

Views society as a whole unit, made up of interrelated parts that work together.

You are doing a research project on the effects of contemporary media. If your hypothesis is that "watching violence on television causes an increase in violent behavior," then what are your variables?

Violence on television and violent behavior

Which of the following American sociologists applied Durkheim's theory of anomie to explain African American crime rates?

W. E. B. DuBois

"The definition of the situation"

W.I. Thomas; If we believe something is true, then is true in its effects

Which of the following is a norm in the United States?

Walking on the right side of the sidewalk

Emile durkhiem

Wanted to get sociology recognized as a separate academic discipline and famous for his suicide studies

Compulsion for Proximity

Wanting to have face-to-face meetings/conversations/interactions with people; More information can be gathered in person (facial expressions, tone, body language)

Anticipatory Socialization

We socialize ourselves; When a person begins to change themselves they fit into a role they want in the future; Can be wrong; Example: Pre-med students in college wear scrubs ; Example: High school seniors wear clothes from a college to anticipate how college students act


We use ____ to cover uptake moral issues that surrounds them; This is an example of the weak version; "Collateral Damage" = Killing people without intention; "Downsizing" = Firing people; "No code/Slow code" = Letting someone die

Modern Perspective

Weber influence (symbolic interactionism--meanings); Herbert Brumer (broke symbolic interactionism into 3 parts)


Weber; The application of ecological logic to all spheres of human activity

Iron Cage

Weber; pessimistic description of modern life, in which we are caught in bureaucratic structures that control our lives through rigid rules

Egoistic Suicide

When a person isolates themselves and they break the ties; Examples: Age and race

Fantastic Drama

When children make up games that they will not be in the future; Involves more creativity; They make rules as to what characters can do, etc.

Anticipatory Drama

When children play what they can be in the future (doctor, teacher, etc.)

Cultural Diffusion

When cultures exchanged material and non-material culture

Anomic Suicide

When social ties are broken; Family falls apart; Can be caused by economic issues

Altruistic Suicide

When someone is so invested in the group they give their life to the group's cause; Example: Terrorism

According to Karl Marx, how is class consciousness, or revolutionary consciousness, developed?

When the lower classes come to recognize how society works and challenge those in power

Role Strain

When there are contradictory expectations in one role

Role Conflict

When two or more rolls have contradictory expectations

What does the culture of capitalism help us socially construct?

Who we are and what behaviors or norms we are expected to follow.

According to Chapter 2, what impact did women's entry into the labor market have on their home lives?

Women had the option to leave an unhappy marriage or cohabit with a partner without the security of a marriage contract.


Workers; those who have no means of production and must sell their labor power to live


Working class; Karl Marx

What major social event immediately precipitated (came before) the baby boom?

World War II

Did Gramsci write while in prison?


In the twentieth century, has increasing labor force participation among women always been associated with decreasing fertility rates?

Yes; when more women work, fewer babies are born.NOT CORRECT

Carrie does not feel sexual attraction. What term reflects this idea? a. Asexuality b. Bisexuality c. Homosexuality d. Heterosexuality


John thinks that the man sitting beside him on a bus is African American due to his skin tone. Which of the following course concepts best reflects this thought by John? a. Race b. Ethnicity c. Racism d. Discrimination


What is the main purpose of the Ted Talk that you watched by Zeynep Tufekci? a. She is concerned that algorithms may be used to control peoples lives. b. She is excited to see social media being used to help people who are discriminated against. c. She is concerned that human beings are watching too much television. d. She is excited to see that beauty standards are changing.


Which of the following is an example of the term gender? a. Talking to baby boys and girls differently b. Chromosomes c. Primary sex characteristics d. Secondary sex characteristics Gender relates to what a culture attaches to the biological. Therefore, talking to baby boys and girls differently is the best example. The other three relate to the concept of sex.


While I don't give individualized extra credit, here is an extra credit for the class. Please, select A for your bonus. It will be embedded in your test score. A. Select this choice "A" to receive your bonus. B. Don't pick this one.


Who is more likely to have to have a health care crisis? a. Those at the bottom of the social class ladder b. Those at the top of the social class ladder c. Those in the middle of the social class ladder d. Everyones's chances are the same of having a health care crisis


criminal justice system

a collection of social institutions

Most sociologists argue that gender is a social construction, and they acknowledge the possibility that binary male-female categories are not the only way of classifying individuals. This perspective is called:

a constructionist perspective

Which of the following demonstrates the increased likelihood that adults will spend more of their lives outside marriage than in the past?

a higher percentage of adults living with no relatives


a plan or original idea.


a position in a social hierarchy

Wright Mills

a sociologist who wrote a book (and created a concept) called the sociological imagination

What is a hypothesis?

a theoretical statement about explaining the relationship between two or more variables.


a worker

Suppose you have a part-time job working with residents of an assisted-living facility. One of the people you help care for is an eighty-year-old retired kindergarten teacher, whose morale is very low following the death of her husband. You suggest that she consider going out for walks with the other residents in hopes it will lift her spirits. For sociologists, this is a good example of __________ theory.


discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being a 2 worker family

advantage - raise family standard of living, relieves pressure of 1 primary provider, good role models for children, children less needy and more independent disadvantage - role overload, health risks, decreased productivity, and increased tardiness

Angela is addicted to crack cocaine. Her doctor explains that one of the long-term effects of crack cocaine is:


definition of the situation

agreement with others about what is going on in circumstance, allows us to control our actions

Postmodern theorists argue that _____.

all phenomena have multiple meanings and no one meaning can be more valid than another

Which religion has not encouraged warfare at some point in its history?

all religious groups have

In America, hospitals evolved from:


Nonmaterial Culture

also know as symbolic culture, reflects the ideas and beliefs of a group of people. Can be as specific as a rule or custom. (driving on the right side of the road in the US)

master status

always relevant and affects all other statuses we have

According to Émile Durkheim, the rapid process of social change gives rise to many social difficulties that he linked to:



another kind of subgroup, differ from a subculture in that its norms and values are often incompatible with or in direct opposition to the mainstream. (hippies or computer hackers)


any physical or social attribute that devalues a person or group's identity

In what kind of political systems do governments deny ordinary citizens representation by and control over their own government?


legal-rational authority

authority based in laws and rules

Mildred and Richard Loving married in 1958 in Virginia. They were not of the same race. What is the romantic, sexual, or marital relationship between people of different races called according to the text? a. Individual discrimination b. Miscegenation c. Institutional discrimination d. Double consciousness Miscegenation is the romantic, sexual, or marital relationship between people of different races called according to the text.


Nathan is a man who is supportive of feminism because he thinks women should be treated fairly and can see how men's lives are also constrained by sexism, while Luke is a man who thinks that feminism has created privilege for women, generally harming men. Which categories do these men belong to according to the textbook? a. Nathan is a part of the men's rights movement while Luke is a part of the pro-feminist men's movement. b. Nathan is a part of the pro-feminist men's movement while Luke is a part of the men's rights movement. c. Both men are a part of the feminist movement. d. Both Nathan and Luke dislike women. Nathan is a part of the pro-feminist men's movement while Luke is a part of the men's rights movement. The pro-feminist men's movement supports feminism while the men's rights movement sees feminism as harmful to them.


Roughly, how many people are living in the world today? a. 324 billion b. 7 billion c. 7 million d. 324 million


Veronica Mars feels poor when compared with her rich classmates in high school. Veronica has her basic needs met and makes considerably more than $1.00 per day. What concept is illustrated in this example? a. Absolute poverty b. Relative poverty c. Deprived poverty d. None of the above. Veronica Mars is comparatively poor, but she has all her basic needs met. This is relative poverty.


What court case began segregation in 1896? a. Citizens United b. Plessy versus Ferguson c. Brown versus Board of Education d. Thomas versus North Carolina


What is an example of factors that promote sex trafficking? a. Economic equality b. Globalization of capital c. Less male demand for prostitution d. All of the above.


What is the term for the social organization where female dominate males? a. Patriarchy b. Matriarchy c. Gerontocracy d. All of the above. Matriarchy means rule by women or where females dominate males. In reality, societies are patriarchies.


Which of the following is one of the basic principles of stratification? a. Stratification is simply a reflection of individual differences. b. Social stratification carries over from generation to generation. c. Social stratification does not involve beliefs. d. All of the above. The only accurate statement was that social stratification carries over from generation to generation.


Which of the following statements on inequality is true? a. There is equal social inequality within nations and between nations. b. There is greater inequality between nations rather than within them. c. There is no inequality. d. There is greater social inequality within nations than between them.


Who coined and developed the term intersectionality in the 1980s? a. Peggy McIntosh b. Kimberle Crenshaw c. Harriet Martineau d. Arlie Hochschild


cooling the mark out

behaviors that help avoid embarrassment (civility or tact)

What is the meaning of the term reflexivity with regard to social research?

being aware of the effects that researchers have on the processes and relationships they are studying

Violent crimes include all of the following except:


influential power

by persuading

After the category of "white, non-Hispanic", which racial/ethnic category is the next greatest in terms of percentage of population? a. American Indian or Native American b. Asian c. Hispanic or Latino d. Black or African American


At birth, doctors notice that a baby's sex characteristics are neither exclusively male or exclusively female. What category does this baby belong to? a. Gender b. Sex c. Intersexed d. Transgender Intersexed is the term that refers to individuals who are neither exclusively male or exclusively female.


In nation A, there is a hierarchy based on religion. People of one religion have better access to education and health care, for example. What is this concept called? a. Sexism b. Social class c. Social stratification d. Racism Social stratification occurs when there is a hierarchy based on categories like gender, race, or religion. Some people have better access to resources based on the categories that they belong to.


In the United States, on average, how many cents do women earn to a man's dollar? a. 61 cents b. 71 cents c. 81 cents d. 91 cents e. 101 cents


Steven was not hired at a particular company because the employer believed that African Americans do not work hard. How would you describe what happened to Steven? a. Cultural relativism b. Genocide c. Discrimination d. Stereotypes Due to the fact that Steven wasn't hired, what happened was discrimination. Remember discrimination is about behaviors towards someone, while stereotypes is about a belief about a category of people. Stereotypes often lead to discrimination.


What country was traditionally an example of the caste system? a. The United States b. France c. India d. All of the above.


What is true of the one-drop rule? a. The one-drop rule was created in Europe. b. The one-drop rule only goes two generations back. c. The one-drop rule defined who is Black or African American. d. All of the above are true.


Where are many low income nations found? a. North America b. Western Europe c. Africa d. None of the above


According to Karl Marx, the modern era is shaped primarily by:


According to conflict theory, why do people commit crimes?

capitalism breeds egoism and self serving behavior

According to the text, what had a significant impact on the emergence of the dating system in the early to mid-twentieth century?


A questionnaire with a set of predetermined responses is


If you are in the Netherlands and you want to legally smoke hash, you should go to a:



collection of people who interact with each other

Consider the different theoretical perspectives explored throughout the text. Which theoretical perspective might be used to explore the social patterns perpetuating overrepresentation of African American and Hispanic males in prisons?

conflict theory

Monique believes that religious practices such as prohibiting women from becoming priests promote inequality. Monique understands religion through which sociological lens?

conflict theory

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