Water Operator Class D Study Guide

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A non-transient non-community water system (NTNCWS) is?

A public system that regularly serves at least 25 of the same persons more than 6 months of the year.

A "community" water system is described as?

A public water system that has a potential to serve at least 15 service connections on a year round basis or serves at least 25 individuals on a year round basis.

Definition of Confined Space Entry

A space that is large enough and so configured (designed) that an employee may enter and do work; it has limited or restricted means of entry or exit; it is not designed for continuous occupancy

Definition of Standpipe Storage

A tank resting on the ground with a height greater than its diameter and a total height that is higher than 80 feet above the highest service connection

EPA Chemical Risk Management Requirements apply to what entities

Any Private, municipal or industrial entity with 2500lbs or more of Chlorine

Reports by Surface water systems must be received by the TCEQ at this location


The federal agency that impacts the water industry


Coatings that contact potable water must be approved by 1 of these


Who needs to be involved in safety programs


Wat are the three keys to good customer relations

Everything the utility does is PR; Customers are entitles to courteous treatment; Every employee is a PR person

Heavy Exposure to Chlorine can be


Those who work in the public water industry have a responsibility to meet standards created by these types of government entities.

Federal and State

Gravel pack

Fine gravel placed around the well screen

How do you disinfect a faucet that you are going to collect a water sample from?

Flame it or Use a chemical

Fluorosilic acid, Sodium silicofluoride, sodium fluoride - purpose

Fluoride addition, prevents tooth decay

Chlorinator Rooms with more than 1 open 150lb cylinder must have

Forced air ventilation

Which is more reactive: Chloramine or Free Chlorine

Free Chlorine

Pumping rates are usually expressed as:

GPM (gallons per minute)


Gallons per minute

This type of Chlorination is typically used in large plants (water systems)

Gas Chlorination

this type of valve is used to turn off sections of a system / main


When a pump is installed this type of valve is installed at its discharge and sometimes at its suction

Gate Valve

Storage that is less than 80 feet above the highest service connection

Ground Storage

Types of systems that are not required to compile monthly reports

Ground Water & Surface Water that serve less than 100 connections

Fecal Coliform in a sample indicates that

Intestinal waste is in the sample

Water is essential to

Life and health

What 2 chemicals are used to adjust pH or alkalinity?

Lime and soda ash

Bacteriological Samples must be ___________________ of the system


Calcium Hypochlorite is normally used by this size of system

SMALL water systems

Sodium hypochlorite disinfection is normally used by this type of system

SMALL water systems

The most important federal law impacting the water utility industry is the

Safe Drinking Water Act

Raw Water

Surface water or ground water prior to treatment

The point of collection must be: (4 things)

Sanitary; no overhanging plants; no insect nests; no leaky faucets

TCEQ requires all storage tanks to have

Screened Vents; Locked Hatches; A dust proof cover; Overflows with hinged flaps and entry ports

Plant intakes must have

Screens & Grates to minimize the amount of debris entering the plant


Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus

Maximum Allowable Slope

The degree of slope that overcomes collapsing pressure

Changes in water levels or the amount of water produced/pumped from a well can show

a drop in the water table; screen stoppage; damage to the pump

Changes in water levels or the amount of water produced/pumped from a well can show 3 things

a drop in the water table; screen stoppage; damage to the pump

As a pipe goes into the trench you need to swab it with

a hypochlorite solution

impervious layer

a layer of rock that water cannot enter

Pipe must be bedded with

a minimum of 4 inches or 1/4 the pipe diameter of tamped sand or gravel

Entities that are not required to follow OSHA have this

a moral obligation to proved a safe workplace

After evaluation, confined spaces are designated as

a permit required space or a non-permit required space

Define c-factor

a pipe's coefficient of roughness or rating for interior wall smoothness; (how smooth the interior of the pipe is)

A water system with ground storage is allowed to have

a pressure tank capacity of 20 gallons per connection, or elevated storage.

Grounds and Landscaping must have

a program to facilitate cleanliness and to improve the appearance of plant sites

Another word for Maximum allowable slope

angle of repose

angle of repose

another name for maximum allowable slope

if a potable ladder or stars are not used in an elevated space you must use an

anti-fall line

1000 feet

The distance that boat ramps, docks and fishing peirs must be away from a water intake

Friction Head

The force needed to overcome resistance in pipe and fittings

The preferred method of preventing cross connections is

an air gap

Cone of Depression

an area around a water table well that is dewatered by pumping

Sanitary control easement

an area around a well that is secured from property owners and recorded in the county courthouse deed records

Zone of pressure reduction

an area around an artesian well that is dewatered by pumping

Sanitary control easement

an area round a well that is secured from property owners and recorded in the county courthouse deed records

Where does Fecal coliform live?

The intestines of Humans and warm-blooded animals

if a sample container that is given to the lab is completely full what will happen?

The lab will reject it

The hydrologic cycle is?

The movement of water between the earth and atmosphere


The process of adding fluoride to water to help prevent cavities

The primary purpose of the Water Utility Industry

The production and delivery of safe drinking water to consumers

Common Intestinal disorders related to waterborne diseases (11 names)

Typhoid; Cholera; Paratyphoid; Legionnaires' disease; Bacillary dysentery; Polio; Amoebic dysentery; Giardiasis; Hepatitis; Cryptosporidiosis; Gastroenteritis; and others

You know: the number of gallons; You want to know: the weight of the water; What equation do you use?

Weight(lbs) = gallons * 8.34

PVC must be approve by and have

approved by the NSF and have an ASTM pressure rating of at least 150 psi or a standard dimension ratio of 26

A filter must be backwashed when head loss is

approximately 6 to 10 feet

Groundwater occurs below the earth's surface in water-bearing formations called:


Grounds should be sloped

away from the tower or tank

Equipment that should be stored at the Service Center

backhoes; pumps; air compressors

Water from a new well should not be used until what analysis

bacteriological samples for three successive days show NO cloriforms

Water from a new well should not be used until what happens?

bacteriological samples for three successive days show NO coliform

Excessive nitrates in drinking water can cause

blue baby syndrome in infants

Typical cross connections include

bottom connections to stock tanks; lawn-sprinkling systems; faulty pump installations; piping from a private well connected to a house with city water; pump priming

When cave-ins occur they start from the

bottom of the hole

how is a cleanout designed to be used

by inserting a cleaning tool

water softening removes

calcium and magnesium

Hardness is caused by

calcium and magnesium and other minerals

operation of a curb stop or meter stop valve

can be operated from the meter box

Detention Time in Days =

capacity in gallons / flow rate gpd

Detention time in Hours =

capacity in gallons / flow rate gph

Detention time in Minutes =

capacity in gallons / flow rate in gpm

Where should sand traps be installed and inspects

car washes and other places where sand is likely to enter the sewer

Accidents can be avoided because they are

caused and do not just happen

For years, TX has more deaths due to this than any other state


The most common pump in the Water utility field

centrifugal pump

When we take a bacteriological sample we are primarily sampling for


Repeat samples are used to determine this type of compliance

coliform MCL compliance

A Positive Bacteriological Sample means that:

coliform was found

A Negative Bacteriological Sample means that:

coliform was not found

During pumping bubbles caused by cavitation do this

collapse and cause a mechanical chock

Quality water has low amounts of 5 things. What are they?

color, turbidity, solids, taste, odor

When filling out a sample collection form the form must be filled out


Public wells must be provided with 4 things. What are they?

concrete sealing block; meter; screened vent; sampling faucet

Public wells must be provided with a

concrete sealing block; meter; screened vent; sampling faucet

The exterior and interior coating of storage tanks must be inspected for

corrosion protection

Screened vents are made of

corrosion resistant material

Exposure to Chlorine causes severe

coughing and Tissue damage

Customers are entitled to

courteous treatment & answers to questions about water

the result of a volume calculation is expressed in

cubic units

volume is expressed AS

cubic units

inspect shoring when


Working in the water and wastewater field is


As Head increases Pump capacity and efficiency


Artesian wells are

deep wells

Artesian wells are (depth)

deep wells

Suffers can be many things. Name 4.

departments to call for service; explanations of utility policy; a history of the utility; tips on water conservation

how do you convert from gpm to gpd

divide the gpm by 1440; gpm/1440

the chlorine institute's recommendation when using ammonia to locate chlorine leaks

do no use household ammonia

storage tank inspections must be



does not conduct electricity; does not allow electricity to flow

Hot Repair

doing a repair without turning off the water/valves

Name 2 problems that vacuums in wells can cause

drawing of contaminants into the well; restriction of the free flow of water to the well pump

the quality water standard of public water supplies is


Motor controls should be kept free of this

dust and corrosion

Ownership Signs must be at

each production, storage and treatment site

excavation practices for a leak

excavate below the pipe on both sides; dig one side deeper than the other; keep ditch water out of the line

ladders used as a trench exit must

extend at least 3 feet above the top of the excavation; be secured; be within 25 feet laterally (side to side) of anyone in the excavation

a positive displacement meter cannot over-register due to

external influence or internal wear

If everyone does not participate in a safety program, the program will


Good treatment of employees includes 3 primary things

fair wages; benefits; safe working conditions

What are 2 problems caused by over-pumping include

falling water levels; subsidence

Total Coliform group(type) bacteria includes

fecal and non-fecal coliform

OSHA is a (federal, state) law?


how do you convert from feet to inches

feet * 12

head units of measure

feet or psi

How do you convert from yards to feet


How do you convert from feet to yards


How do you convert from feet to miles


Completed wells must be protected by

fences or locked well houses

Total Suspended Solids (TSS) can be removed by


one of the most important purposes of a public water supply

fire fighting

important uses for fire hydrants

fire fighting, flushing, bleeding air from mains

Types of pipe joints may be

flanged, mechanical,push-on, welded, threaded, gasket material

Name7 factors that effect sedimentation

floc weight, floc size, floc shape, water temperature, detention time, water velocity, short circuiting

After disinfecting a line and before putting it into service you must

flush the line

The chain link fence around a site must be

flush to the ground (no gap between it and the ground)

After action is taken on a complaint the employee should do this to to make sure everything is satisfactory(OK).

follow up with a phone call, post card or e-mail

Name 3 things that can prevent a pump from turning backward

foot valve; check valve; ratchet

The flocculation process

forms larger particles that settle more readily

Flushing of dead end mains brings in

fresh chlorinated water

acidic on the pH scale is (number range)

from 0 to 7

basic on the pH scale is

from 7 to 14

Gas should be withdrawn from a cylinder from this location

from the top of the cylinder

The depth that a main is buried depends on

frost lines; surface load; obstructions

How do you convert from square feet to square inches

ft(2) = ft(2)* 12(2)

How do you convert cubic yards to cubic feet?

ft(3) = yd(3) * 27


gallons per day


gallons per hour

Normal Pumping rate unit of measure

gallons per minute


gallons per minute

A Cylinder apparatus inlet valve allows

gas to enter the apparatus

The most common type of isolating valve

gate valve

Types of controlling valves

globe, diaphragm, rotary

An attractive work environment results in

good employee morale

The annual system water quality report can build what

goodwill and trust with the customer

How do you convert from gpd to gph

gpd / 24

How do you convert from gph to gpd

gph * 24

How do you convert from gph to gpm

gph / 60

pumping rates are usually expressed as


How do you convert from gpm to gpd

gpm * 1440

How do you convert from gpm to gph

gpm * 60

Flow velocity is effected by

grade, gpm, pip material (c-factor), Pipe diameter

Calcium Hypochlorite is used in these forms

granular and power

wastewater is moved through the collection system by using....

gravity and lift stations

Elevated storage must meet the same general requirements as

ground storage

MSDSs contain

hazardous product information

Artesian aquifers are overlaid by an

impervious layer of rock

Most work area accidents on streets and highways are caused by

improper warning signs or barricades


in a row without interruption


in a row without interruption

When does TCEQ allow backflow prevention devices

in certain situations; if properly located, maintained, & inspected

To be effective in drinking water chlorine must be

in it at all times

Chlorinator equipment and Chlorine Containers must be stored

in separate areas

Parallel water and sewer lines must be laid

in separate ditches

Disinfectant Residual must be in the water when the water is (where - 2)

in storage; being transported through the system

When a pump is installed A check valve is installed

in the discharge line

Where does non-fecal coliform primarily live?

in the soil

How do you convert from square inches to square feet

in(2) = in(2)/12(2)

Area is usually expressed in

inches, feet, yards, or miles

how do you convert from inches to feet


The presence of these in a system should cause concern

indicator organisms

OSHA applies to these types of businesses

industrial, manufacturing, private businesses

Pathogens are present only if the person is


Name 3 parts of a cylinder apparatus

inlet valve; rotameter; ejector

Cavitation occurs where in a pump

inside the pump volute or casing

Reports for Ground Water Systems must be kept for...

inspection or review but are not required to mail them in

Cavitation in a pump is caused by

insufficient pressure on the suction side of the pump

This protects operators from shock during pump operations or maintenance

insulating mats

Bends in lines must be braced or blocked against

internal thrust

Some bacteria live and grow in the _______.


Waterborne or water carried pathogens live and grow in the

intestines of infected people

Repeat samples that are removed from your record are not


If the water is red but not corrosive the cause may be

iron bacteria

In a Galvanized storage tank walls that are above the waterline is or is not protected from corrosion

is not

A corporation stop operation

it cannot be operated from the ground's surface, because it is buried under ground

Calcium Hypochlorite will explode if any of these 3 things happens

it contacts oil; contacts organic material; gets too hot

Water is considered hard when

it exceeds 100 mg/L of calcium carbonate

Hot repairs are preferable because

it keeps the leak under pressure

The abbreviation for pound


lbs hypochlorite =

lbs pure CL2(chlorine) / decimal percentage hypochlorite

mg/L =

lbs/day / (mgd*8.34)

A rotameter measures gas in

lbs/day or grams/hour

What is the formula for the area of a rectangle?

length * width

Turbidity limits

less than or equal to .3 NTU

Dissolved solids limits

less than or equal to 1000 mg/L

Color level should be

less than or equal to 15 units

Taste and Color Limits

less than or equal to 15 units

Nitrates Limits

less than or equal to 20mg/L as nitrogen

Ground Water is located

located below the earth's surface (underground)

Storage fills when demand is


Factors that make water more corrosive

low Ph; dissolved oxygen; dissolved salts; free chlorine; low hardness; high velocity; high temperature; low alkalinity; sulfate reducing bacteria

TCEQ Special Precautions are required when the system experiences: (4 items)

low distribution pressure; Water outages; Repeated unacceptable microbiological samples; Failure to maintain adequate chlorine residuals

Items that must be disinfected before returning them to service

mains; service lines; meters; valves

The result of Reducing Agent reactions is

matter is destroyed/deactivated the disinfection power is reduced or destroyed

Organic matter includes

matter that is alive or once was alive

The results of a bacteriological sample from a newly filled tank is in if it is positive what is done

more samples are taken until 2 consecutive samples are negative; if this cannot be done the disinfection must be repeated

According to the TCEQ, future water supplies will be

more scarce

Elevated storage is required for systems with

more than 2500 service connections

Excessive amounts of fluoride may cause

mottling/staining of teeth

The quick way to convert from gpd to mgd

move the decimal to the left 6 spaces

the quick way to convert from mgd to gpd

move the decimal to the right 6 spaces

Common filter problem

mud balls

How do you convert form gpd to gpm

multiply the gpd by 1440/gpd*1440

Disinfection Equipment Capacity must be how much?

must be 50% greater than the highest expected demand dosage at any time


natural outcrops where an aquifer reaches the surface

Most bacteria are __________________ for life.


Prior to putting line into service you must have

negative bacteriological samples; 1 for each 1000 feet of main

If a storage tank does not have a 30" diameter access opening, you must provide one at this time

next major maintenance

Are Indicator Microorganisms pathogens?


Advantages of keeping a leak under pressure

no service interruption; reduced risk of contamination; reduces air in the main; ensures the repair holds under service

travel trailer spaces, Hotel and motel rooms, service stations are examples of this type of water systems

non-community water systems

mechanical retrieval devices allow for

non-entry rescue

Asbestos-cement pipes in Texas

not allowed for new construction in potable water systems

Lead limits for solders and flux

not more than 0.2% lead

Lead limits for pipe and fittings

not more than 8% lead

Disinfection destroys disease-causing microorganisms called


Storage begins to empty during ____________ demand


feet square is used to describe this geometric function


a cleanout is not designed for

personnel entry

This is required whenever a water line changes direction

pipe bracing

Class 100 pipe

pipe that is pressure rated up to 100 psi

methods of controlling corrosion

pipe with protective linings or coatings in the inside; install anodes in storage tanks; eliminate different metals that cause galvanic corrosion; treat the water with chemicals

Corrosion damages

pipes and water tanks

Employees should be kept informed of utility...

plans and policies


polyvinyl chloride

types of water meters

propeller; compound; magnetic; positive displacement meter;

mud balls can be prevented by

proper backwashing

the purpose of the well casing and cementing is to

protect the well from collapse and surface contamination

An important part of public relations is to

provide courteous treatment to customers

You know: feet above ground(height); You want to know: psi; What is the calculation?

psi = height * .433

When an MCL is exceeded what is required by the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act?

public notification

after completing the repair the clean-up process is important to

public relations

Drawdown =

pumping level - static level; the difference between static level and pumping; always a positive number

Pure Chlorine at room-temperature has this odor

pungent odor

Water is never found in nature with this characteristic


Trench exits can be

ramps or ladders

Pressure surges are caused by

rapid flow changes

Calcium Hypochlorite is produced by

reacting chlorine with LIME

Sodium hypochlorite is produced by

reacting chlorine with SODIUM HYDROXIDE and WATER

In order to be useful, a Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) must be 3 things. List them

readily available; Stored away from the Chlorinator room; inspected regularly

an example of apparent color

red water caused by oxidized iron

All public water systems are required to employ certified operators even if the system only

redistributes treated water bought from another source

The purpose of a well's gravel pack is to

reduce pumping sand

The purpose of the well screen is to

reduce/keep sand out of the well

Ground storage is generally constructed of

reinforced concrete or steel

Pressure surges can result in

severely damaged mains

If a tank is wholly or partially underground it cannot be near potential contaminants, including:

sewer lines, septic tank drain fields, animal lots areas that flood

Primary components of a collection system

sewer pipe, cleanouts, grease traps, sand traps, vent pipes, siphons, manholes, lift stations

Water table wells are usually (depth)


Primary parts of a fire hydrant

shoe, main valve, traffic coupling, barrel, bonnet or cap, operating nut, pumper nozzle; weep holes

Cave-in protection can be

shoring; shielding; sloping

clean motors prevent

short circuits

Maintenance crews can provide this to protect the public

signs and barriers


sinking of the land

A screen's mesh size is determined by 3 things. What are they?

size of the aquifer material; size of the gravel in the gravel pack; type of well development

A pH of 7.8 is

slightly Basic

A pH of 6.5 is

slightly acidic

Flushing of dead end mains reduces

slime and scale build up; red water complaints

shoring is not necessary if the walls are

sloped to the maximum allowable slope

Coagulants cause

small particles in water to clot together forming floc

Hypochlorinators are typically used in this size of plant or water system

small plants (water systems)

Sample Containers contain

sodium thiosulfate

Sodium carbonate (soda ash) - purpose

softening, removal of heavy metals, aid to coagulation, pH and alkalinity adjustment

The Maximum Allowable slope is determined by

soil conditions

The maximum allowable slope is determined by

soil type

Three forms of water

solid(ice); liquid(water); water(vapor/gas)


the amount of suspended matter such as clay, silt, organic matter and microorganisms in water


the force the pump works against

Nature's way of recycling water

the hydrological cycle

The process of nature recycling water is called

the hydrological cycle

If a sample is not received by the lab within 30 hours

the lab rejects it

define outfall sewer

the line that carries the sewage to treatment

Trihalomethanes and Haloacetic Acids may cause problems with (4 health related items)

the liver; kidneys; central nervous systems; increase cancer risks

MSDSs are supplied by

the manufacturer

Hydrological cycle

the natural exchange of water between the earth and atmosphere

Chlorine is highly irritating to what parts of the body

the nose and throat

The number of repeat samples needed is determined by

the number of monthly samples normally required

Distances from mains are measured from

the outside of the pipe

Distances from water mains are measured from

the outside surface of the pipe

area is expressed AS

squared units

The most common type of pump motor

squirrel cage induction

define service line

starts at the property and extends to the property line where it joins a lateral

Who is not required to follow OSHA regulations?

state entities, municipal entities, public schools, most federal employers

When using trench boxes workers must

stay inside of the box

Elevated storage is usually made of


Sample Containers must be


Bacteriological Samples must be collected in:

sterile containers.

Disinfection kills pathogens without


If subsidence or soil cracks occur in your shoring you need to

stop work; correct the problem

Pipe selection is based on

strength, carrying capacity, durability, ease of installation, availability, soil conditions, cost

The most common type of deep well pumps (2)

submersible & vertical turbine

These must be prevented from entering storage tanks

sunlight, dust, birds, insects, rain

Turbidity can be a major problem in

surface water

Methods of developing a well

surging; overpumping; jetting; backwashing

Name for methods of developing a well

surging; overpumping; jetting; backwashing

Solids that can be removed by filtering


Apparent Color

suspended in water; can be filtered out

This type of public system is not required to compile monthly reports

systems that serve less than 100 connections OR purchase treated water

Delinquent payment notices should be (4 things)

tactful and tasteful; mailed in an envelope; businesslike

algae; bacteria; organic matter; gases; and chemicals give what to water

taste and color

Chloramine can cause this

taste and odor

Problems that are commonly solved by flushing

taste, odor, red water, dirty water

an example of true color


Average water use depends on these 5 things

temperature; rainfall; cost; supply; economic level

Reports for Surface water systems must be received by the TCEQ by

the 15th of the following month

Ground water is tapped by


static head

when there is no water flow or no pumping (the water is not moving through the pump)

Dynamic head

when there is water flow or pumping (the water is moving through the pump)

where are cleanouts installed

where there may be a stoppage such as between the house line and the city lateral

Results of required tests, measurements or analysis must be reported

within 10 days following its completion

When shields or trench boxes are use workers must stay

within the shield or box

OSHA regulates (makes rules for)

workplace safety

Elements of a safety program

written policy; supportive administration; trained employees; safety inspections; accident review; record keeping

How do you convert cubic feet to cubic yards?

yd(3) = ft(3)/27

The EPA requires community water systems to The water system must provide customers with a report on the system's water quality how often?


The exterior and interior of ground, elevated, standpipe and pressure tanks must be inspected how often?


Positive samples may be removed from your record (yes, no)



the piece of pipe material cut from a main when a tap is made.

The minimum number of bacteriological samples required is based on

the population served (number of people); State and federal Agencies

the process of Coagulation and flocculation is

the process of using chemicals to clot particles together

Chlorination is the most important process in

the production of potable water

who is responsible for installing a house service line?

the property owner

Circle of influence

the top area around a well that is dewatered by pumping

Where should the cylinder apparatus on a gas cylinder be?

the top of the tank

Safety programs must start with

the top official

Give 3 reasons that water plant facilities should be kept neat and clean

to indicate a professional attitude; to keep public support; to keep confidence in the water quality

Purpose of a check valve

to prevent water from flowing backwards

What are the three objectives of water treatment

to protect the public health, to supply an aesthetically pleasing product and to protect consumer property

Purpose of a sewer use ordinance

to protect the system from injurious industrial wastes.

Purpose of developing a well

to remove drilling mud and loose sand

When repairing a main, crews should be supplied with

tools; repair materials; maps of the distribution system; pipe location equipment; safety equipment; traffic control devices; first aid supplies

When collecting a water sample DO NOT:

touch the inside of the container or cap

Elevated storage is supported above ground on/by a


Toxic gases are monitored with a

toxic sensor

When identifying gases check 3rd for


Confined space rescuers must be

trained in confined space rescue; available before an entry occurs; able to respond in an appropriate amount of time

These may be used instead of shoring or sloping

trench boxes

True or False, Ground Storage must be painted


True or False, Ground storage must be disinfected


Most ground water is relatively free of


chemically water is made up of

two atoms hydrogen; one atom oxygen

coliforms are

types of organisms


underground water-bearing formation yielding useful quantities of water

9 out of 10 accidents are caused by

unsafe acts of the person injured or someone else

A pump turning backward can cause

unscrewing of the drive shaft coupling; damage to the pump or pump motor if the pump suddently starts

Jet pumps

used in shallow wells when the amount of water delivered is small

Distribution systems must meet standards for

water quality; quantity of water; pressure; fire protection

The exterior and interior of ground, elevated, standpipe and pressure tanks must be inspected by who?

water system personnel or a contracted service

Potable water

water that is free of disease-causing organisms, has a chlorine residual and is safe for human consumption

Operators should keep records of 5 types of things

water usage; system pressure; sample results; repairs; amount of chlorine used

Cavitation causes this to form

water vapor bubbles

When entering a permit required space personnel must

wear a harness and be attached to a retrieval line

Meter readers can be ambassadors of goodwill by doing these 5 things

wearing identifying clothing; being neat and courteous; Teaching customers how to read their meter; Explaining utility policies such as delinquent notices or disputed readings; Taking care or property

The taller the water column is the more of this

weight and thus pressure

Public water systems are either

"Community" or "Non-community" water systems

In the case of a Non-Acute Violation, the notification must include the words

"Possible Health Concern"

A sample must be received by the lab within:

30 hours

Backwashing should expand the filter by

30 to 50%

In texas the rule for main depth is

30 to 60 inches below the ground; the top of the pipe must have at least 24 inches of cover

A storage tanks access opening should measure

30" diameter

Sewage Pumping Stations must be this many feet away from a well


Sewage Wet Wells must be this many feet away from a well


Wastewater Drainage Ditches must be this many feet away from a well


Chlorine withdrawal Maximums for Ton Containers using pressure transmission

336 lbs/day (based on air temp of 70)

OSHA's maximum allowable slope for Type C soil

34 degrees or 1 1/2 : 1 horizontal run to vertical rise

OSHA's maximum allowable slope for Type A soil

34 degrees or 3/4:1 horizontal run to vertical rise

The states minimum normal operating pressure

35 psi

A well sample for physical and chemical analysis must be taken after

36 hours of pumping

Trench exits are required for a depth of

4 feet or more

A water system without ground storage must have a pressure tank capacity of

50 gallons per connection

Required Capacity for Disinfection of Potable (drinkable) water

50% greater than the highest expected dosage

Animal Feed Lots must be this many feet away from a well


Irrigation With Sewage Effluents must be this many feet away from a well


Sewage Treatment Plants must be this many feet away from a well


Solid Waste Disposal Sites must be this many feet away from a well


Dosage required to return a line to service, quickly.

500mg/L for 30 minutes

Dosage for new mains

50mg/L or more of chlorine for at least 24 hours

1 mile = ? feet


How many feet are in a mile?


Flock must be allowed to settle for a minimum of

6 hours

What is the minimum length of time that a well disinfection solution needs to remain in the well

6 hours

The smallest diameter pipe allowed for a city main

6 inches

the minimum size and grade of a gravity flow sewer line on city right-of-way

6 inches and 0.50 percent

A sample container cannot be any older than

6 months

neutral on the pH scales is


How many gallons are in a cubic foot?


1 cubic foot = ? gallons

7.48 gallons

In the case of an Acute Violation, the public should be notified within this amount of time

72 hours

Lead limit on pipe and fittings


Steps 8 through 10 of the Bacteriological Sample Collection Process

8. Fill the sample container; 9. Fill out the form; 10. Send the sample and form to the laboratory

1 gallon = ? lbs (pounds)

8.34 pounds

A gallon of water weighs

8.34 pounds

How much does a gallon of water weigh?

8.34 pounds

Chlorine withdrawal Maximums for Ton Containers using vacuum transmission

8lbs/day per degree F

Mains must be this many feet away from sewers and manholes


Water mains must be no closer than this, in all directions, from sewers and manholes.

9 feet

OSHA's maximum allowable slope for Stable Rock

90 degrees or 0 horizontal run to vertical rise

Under the Surface Water Treatment Rules what NTU must be

<= 0.3 NTU in at least 95% of measurements taken each month; No sample can exceed 1 NTU;

general formula for Detention Time

= capacity in gallons / flow rate

formula for the volume of a rectangular box or cube

= length * width * depth

The volume of an object in gallons

= volume in cubic feet * 7.48

Cross Connection

A physical connection between a public water system and an unknown or questionable supply, a source that may contain contamination, water treated to a lesser degree.

If you encounter chlorine do these 4 things

1. keep your mouth closed; 2. avoid deep breathing; 3. keep your head high; 4. quickly leave the area

A water line ditch should be this wide

12 inches wider than the pipe

1 day (24 hours) = ? minutes


How many minutes are in a day?


Septic Drainage Fields must be this many feet away from a well


UNDERGROUND Fuel Storage Tanks must be this many feet away from a well


Size of Sanitary control easement

150 feet around the well

Name 3 Common Chlorine shipping containers

150lb Cylinders; Ton containers; 90-ton Railroad cars

The size of mesh on storage tank screened vents

16 or finer

Cylinder pressure Relief Plugs melt at

160 degrees

Pure Chlorine at room-temperature weighs

2 and 1/2 (2.5) times more than air

In the case of an Acute Violation, the notification must include the words

"Serious Health Concern"

formula for the area of a circle

"pi"R"squared" or 3.14*radius*radius

How do you convert decimal to %

% * 100; or shift the decimal point 2 places to the right

How do you convert % to decimal

%/100; or shift the decimal point 2 places to the left

What is the Action level for Lead? (by the Lead and Copper rule)


Maximum Chlorine level when water is going from the water system to a ground source

.11 mg/l

Chlorine limit for water that is going on a watershed

.11 or less

Each foot of heighth on elevated storage produces this psi


What is the psi for 1 foot of water column?


1 foot of water column = ? psi

.433 psi

What is the acceptable Fluoride range in water?

.7 to 1.0 mg/L

The pH scale ranges from

0 to 14

What is the Copper sulfate dosage range for Algae Bloom control

0.1 to 0.5

Minimum Free Chlorine Residual

0.2 ml/L

Lead limit on solders and flux


Minimum Chloramine Residual

0.5 mg/L

Repeat samples are taken at 3 different locations. Name them.

1 from the point where the positive sample was taken; 1 from within 5 connection upstream from the positive point; 1 from within 5 connection downstream from the positive point

Chlorine withdrawal Maximums for 150lb Cylinders using vacuum transmission

1 lb/day per degree F

1 mg/L of water equals

1 ppm by weight

Before entering a room that contains Chlorine Gas 5 the employee should...(there are 5)

1. Be trained and prepared; 2. Wear a fresh air supply; 3. have standby help; 4. Have repair Equipment; 5. Wear a safety harness and life line

The first 3 Bacteriological Sample Collection Process (there are a total of 10)

1. Determine the number of samples required; 2. Develop a written sample-siting plan; 3. Obtain Sample Containers

Acute Violation Notification Procedure (2 things)

1. Telephone TCEQ immediately; 2. Notify the public within 72 hours

What is the Action level for Copper? (by the Lead and Copper rule)

1.3 mg/L

the Gap on Storage Tank Overflow covers cannot be more than


Percentage of public water systems that use surface water

1/4 or 25%

Chemical analysis records are kept for

10 years

Written documentation relating to sanitary surveys conducted are kept for

10 years after the survey is completed

When elevated storage is required it must have this minimum capacity

100 gallons per connection

Boat Ramps, Marinas, Docks, Fishing Piers must be this distance away from a water plant intake

1000 feet

What is the acceptable Oxygen Range for confined spaces?

19 to 22

optimum oxygen range

19.57 to 21.5

minimum flow velocity required to keep transported solids in suspension

2 feet per second (FPS)

A Class D Water Operator License is valid for how long?

2 years

the rim of the storage tank entry port must have a lid with this to prevent rain from entering

2" overlap

How many feet of water column produce 1 psi?


1 psi = ? feet of water column

2.31 feet

Low distribution levels occur when the pressure drops below:

20 psi

TCEQ pressure minimums for Distribution Systems

20 psi even in emergencies; 35 psi during normal operations

When planning a collection system you must consider what the population will be _____ years into the future.

20 to 25

All activities within this distance of a Plant intake are limited

200 ft.

Required storage capacity when storage types include more than ground storage

200 gallons per connection

Required storage capacity when the only type of storage is ground storage

200 gallons per connection

How many feet are in a cubic foot?


What is done if a sample has coliform in it?

3 repeat samples are taken

A Class C Water Operator License is valid for how long?

3 years

Records about action taken to correct violations of primary drinking water regulations are kept for

3 years after last action taken

Maximum Chloramine Residual

4 mg/L

Maximum Free Chlorine Residual

4 mg/L

The rim of the Storage Tank Entry port must extend at least

4" above the tank

Steps 4 through 7 of the Bacteriological Sample Collection Process (there are a total of 10)

4. Obtain Routine samples from designated; sites; 5. Flush the service line; 6. Test the chlorine residual; 7. Flame or disinfect the faucet

Chlorine withdrawal Maximums for 150lb Cylinders using pressure transmission

42lbs/day (based on air temp of 70)

OSHA's maximum allowable slope for Type B soil

45 degrees or 1:1 horizontal run to vertical rise

OSHA requires cave-in protection for excavation of this depth

5 feet or more

A copy of Consumer Confidence reports (EPA Required)must be kept for

5 years

Bacteriological analysis records are kept for

5 years

Documentation of a variance or exemption granted is kept for

5 years after its expiration

How do you calculate 5 to the 3rd power on a calculator


Livestock must be this many feet away from a well


Septic Tanks must be this many feet away from a well


Storm Sewers must be this many feet away from a well


Tile or Concrete Sewers must be this many feet away from a well


When planning a collection system you must consider capacity needed ________ years into the future.


Sewers must be kept at least this far from a well

50 feet

Zone of No Sewers

50 feet around a well

A NON-ACUTE Risk violation occurs when

A routine TOTAL Coliform sample is positive THEN A repeat TOTAL coliform sample is positive


A type of sloping done by cutting stair steps in the trench wall while maintaining the Maximum allowable slope

Distribution system components must meet these specifications


Organization that covers backflow device standards


The interior of storage tanks must meet these specifications


Ground Storage must be maintained according to

AWWA Standards

The most effective treatment for taste and odor

Activated Carbon Adsorption

To obtain a license, an individual must the requirements of the TCEQ...

Administration of Occupational Licenses and Registrations.

Gases such as methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide are reduced by


Polyelectrolytes - purpose

Aid to coagulation

The only method approved by the TCEQ for protection against a sewage cross connection is the:

Air Gap

A positive fecal coliform water sample is considered


Risk of disease is


What 3 chemicals can be used to disinfect a faucet?

Alcohol; Hydrogen peroxide; Bleach; Allow extra contact time

Do these things when storms are expected

Alert personnel; check communications; fill gasoline tanks; check emergency equipment; fill storage tanks; isolate elevated storage; restock repair clams; restock calcium hypochlorite; review emergency procedures

Sterilization kills what microorganisms?


Name 3 chemicals that are Coagulants

Alum, Ferrous sulfate, Ferric chloride


American Society for Testing and Material

Job training for water utility operators is available through these 3 organizations

American Water Works Association, Texas Engineering Extension Service, Texas Water Utilities Association

Common Types of Reducing Agents

Ammonia; Iron; Manganese; Hydrogen Sulfide; Bacteria; Organic Compounds

How do you calculate the amount left after a percentage of the original amount is removed (Amount left)? For example: "10% of 30lbs is used, how much is left?"

Amount left = starting amount - (starting amount * (%/100); or Amount left = starting amount - How Much

Non-community water system

Any public water system that is not a community system

Reducing Agent

Matter that reacts with chlorine

Liquid Chlorine is

Pure, liquefied, gas chlorine

Lakes may be low in

Bacteria and Organic Matter

Rivers may be high in

Bacteria and Organic Matter


Bringing Water into contact with air

pumping level

water level with the pump running

The chemical symbol for Chlorine is

CL2 (the 2 is a subscript)

Before notifying the public about a violation you


What protects a will from collapses and surface contamination?

Casing and Cementing

static level

water level without the pump running

When a pump is installed this type of valve is installed at its discharge

Check Valve

Free Chlorine

Chemically uncombined

How are suspended particles removed from the water during treatment?

Chemicals are mixed with the water in a rapid mix zone. The chemicals cause particles in the water to clot together or coagulate to form floc.

Combined Residual


This disinfectant is weaker than free chlorine, but less reactive and longer lasting


Which is stronger: Chloramine or Free Chlorine


Which last longer: Free Chlorine or Chloramine?


In Texas all public water systems must have

Chlorination facilities

Name 3 Alternative Disinfectants

Chlorine Dioxide; Ultraviolet Light; Ozone


Chlorine combined with Ammonia


Cleans the filter

Means of Protecting Storage Tanks from corrosion

Coatings; Cathodic protection; water conditioning; Galvanizing(but not for elevated tanks)

Chlorine Residuals are measured using this type of equipment (3)

Colorimeter; Bench top Spectrophotometer; Titration (multiple types)

When identifying gases check 2nd for


These two things are used to control Algae Blooms

Copper sulfate and approved algacides

Pure Chlorine when wet is (3 things)

Corrosive; a strong oxidizer; does not burn


Cuts trench walls to the angle that overcomes collapsing pressure

type of pump used in water wells

Deep-well Turbine centrifugal pump

Artesian Aquifer

Deep aquifer

Galvanizing process

DC current travels through strips of aluminum or other metal suspended in the tank, then through the water. This electroplates the walls above the waterline

Hydrochloric (HCL) Acid AND Hyperchlorous(HOCL) Acid ARE


This chemical is added to water when testing Chlorine Residuals


Storage Facilities equalize _______________ on the water supply


another name for REDUCING AGENTS


Dosage =

Demand + Residual

Waterborne Diseases (definition)

Diseases transmitted by unsafe water

Residual =

Dosage - Demand

Demand =

Dosage - Residual

Dosage =

Dosage = Demand + Residual

Pipe Material may be made of

Ductile iron; cast iron; steel; (AC)asbestos-cement; Concrete; PVC; copper

The most specific indicator of intestinal contamination

E. Coli

Two major Auquifers in Texas

Edwards & Ogallala

The key requirement of the Texas Hazard Communications Act

Employees must have access to MSDSs


Environmental Protection Agency

You must have this when TCEQ Chemical Risk Management Requirements apply to you

Evacuation Procedures Established

Name 2 Chlorine resistant microorganisms

Giardia, Cryptosporidium

Pure Chlorine at room-temperature looks like

Greenish-Yellow gas

Clear Well

Ground storage at a surface water treatment plant receiving the treated water

A Class D water operator license/certificate is only valid for this type of system.

Ground water systems with less than 250 connections

The chemical symbol for water


Chemical Characteristics of water

Hardness; pH; Solids; Gases

Categories of Confined space hazards

Hazardous Atmospheres (bad air); engulfment; chemical; mechanical; electrical; biological; radiological

The Texas Hazard Communications Act requires employers to provide information about

Hazardous chemicals that are in the workplace

Chlorinator Rooms must have this kind of vents

High level and Low level screened vents

To detect a Chlorine leak

Hold an open bottle of 10% Ammonium Hydroxide (ammonia and water) under the suspect point (where you think the leak is)

How do you calculate a percentage of some known amount (How Much)?; for example 10% of 200mg/l

How much = known amount * (%/100)


Hydrochloric (HCL) Acid

Chlorine and Water makes these two acids

Hydrochloric (HCL) Acid; Hyperchlorous(HOCL) Acid


Hyperchlorous(HOCL) Acid

What type of organisms do we test for?

Indicator Microorganisms

What happens when you add DPD to water

It reacts with Chlorine and turns the water pink

The common name for Sodium Hypochlorite

Liquid Bleach

Bleach is not

Liquid Chlorine

List 4 ways to reduce the pumping of sand

Lowering the gpm pump rate; Cycling the pump less; Installing sand separation devices; Correcting problems such as loss of gravel pack

Ways to reduce sand pumping

Lowering the gpm pump rate; Cycling the pump less; Installing sand separation devices; Correcting problems such as loss of gravel pack

In the case of a Non-Acute Violation, the public should be notified by these two types of media

Mail or Newspaper


Material Safety Data Sheet


Maximum Contaminate Level

Customers have the most contact with

Meter Readers

Ground water usually contains less of these than surface water


Surface water usually contains more of these than ground water


Indicator Microorganisms

Microorganisms that indicate that the water may contain pathogens; The total coliform group of bacteria

Surface water is low in

Minerals, Gases & Dissolved Solids

Entities that are not required to follow OSHA may use

OSHA as guidelines for their safety program

Name 3 types of equipment used by Hypochlorinators

Mixing tank; Water; Chemical pump

submersible & vertical turbine

Most common type of deep well pumps


Municipal Utility Districts

OSHA stands for

Occupational Safety and Health Act

Calcium Hypochlorite must be approved by this organization


The sodium hypochlorite must be approved by the


Turbidity is measured in this unit



National Sanitation Foundation

Rules for reusing pipe

No pipe used for any purpose other than drinking water may be used in a potable supply


Non-transient Non-community Water System

Contamination types allowed INSIDE/WITHIN 50 feet of a well


Non-Acute Violation Notification Procedure

Notify the public within 14 days

You know: cubic feet; you want to know: how many gallons are in it; What equation do you use?

Number of gallons = cubic feet * 7.48

Federal law that regulates workplace safety


To flush the service line you:

Open the faucet fully

When identifying gases check 1st for

Oxygen content


Parts per million

The Safe Drinking Water Act establishes these 4 national safety and quality standards

Physical, Chemical, Bacteriological, Radiological

This type of meter is normally used for low flows

Positive Displacement Meter

Name the three types of Test Results

Positive Negative Unsuitable for Analysis


Pounds per Square Inch

The most important responsibility of Water Utility personnel is to

Provide water that is safe for all purposes


Public Relations

The relationship between you and the customer

Public Relations

cities, municipal utility districts,rural water supply corporations mobile home parks, campgrounds are examples of:

Public Water Systems

Static Level =

Pumping Level - Drawdown Level

When cleaning up after an installation or repair you need to

REPLACE (paving, sidewalks & driveways); RESTORE (lawns, trees, shrubs); NEVER (promise residents what is not utility policy)

In the case of an Acute Violation, the public should be notified by these two types of media

Radio & TV

Common Filter

Rapid Sand Filter

Pure Chlorine in liquid form looks like

Reddish-yellow (amber) color

MUDs; Rural Water Supply Corporations; Drainage Districts; Ground Water Conservation Districts; Subsidence Districts and River Authorities -- These are what type of agencies and what do they impact?

Regional and local agencies that impact the water utility industry

Description of a public water system

Regularly serves at least 25 individuals daily at least 60 days out of the year.Services at least 15 service connections.

The Safe Drinking Water Act does this

Sets MCLs for drinking water

Two chemicals that are used by Hypochlorinators

Sodium hypochlorite OR Calcium hypochlorite

Polyphosphates (calgon)- purpose

Stabilization, prevents red water

Examples of entities that are ruled by the Texas Hazard Communication Act

State, county, municipal

Pumping level =

Static level + Drawdown

This type of pump motor is used when 100HP or more is required

Synchronous motor

Administers water operator licensing


The state agency that regulated drinking water in Texas and administers the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act


Taste and Odor Units


Pure Chlorine at room-temperature is __________ to living things


Repeat Sample Procedure

Take a total of 3 samples all on the same day; repeat the process for 4 consecutive days

Name the 5 physical characteristics of water

Temperature; Turbidity; Color; Taste and Odor


Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Where to get information about setting up a safety program

Texas Department of Health; Texas Municipal League; Libraries

The Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices is from the

Texas Department of Transportation in Austin

The Texas State law that governs employers who are not bound to OSHA

Texas Hazard Communication Act

The official name of the Right to Know law

Texas Hazard Communication Act

Workers should be trained in traffic control from the

Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

The Texas Hazard Communication Act defines the rules for

Texas employers who are not bound to OSHA


The amount of chemical applied in mg/l or ppm


The amount of chemical remaining after reacting with demand


The amount of chemical used up by reducing agents


The area of runoff of a surface water source

Discharge Head

The vertical distance between the water supply and the free discharge

Suction Head

The vertical distance that the water supply is above the pump's centerline

Suction Lift

The vertical distance that water is raised from a supply to the pump's centerline

How do you know when you are finished flushing the service line?

The water temperature changes - indicating that the water is from the main line


water moving through the soil

This must not happen to bacteriological samples during the sampling process.

They must not be contaminated.

Total Dynamic Head (equation)

Total Dynamic Head = Total Static Head - Friction Head

Chloramine is measured as

Total Residual

Total Residual Calculation

Total Residual = Free Chlorine Residual + Chloramine (combined chlorine) residual

The Parts of the hydrologic cycle

Transpiration; precipitation; evaporation; infiltration (percolation); condensation

byproducts of chlorination

Trihalomethanes THMs; Haloacetic Acids HAAs

To much Chlorine residual results in the production of these 2 cancer causing chemicals

Trihalomethanes or Haloacetic Acids

5 things that effect Coagulation

Turbidity, pH, Temperature, Alkalinity, Chemical dosage


U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Storage provides for these three things

Uniform pumping rates (control pressure on flow surges); supplies water for fire fighting (adequate pressure); provides time for disinfection (effective chlorination)

How long do you flush the service line?

Until the water coming out is from the main line

Surface water

Water above ground, but not in the air

How a positive displacement meter works

Water flows through the meter chamber which cases a disk inside to wobble. The wobbling disk causes a spindle and magnet to rotate. The rotation of the magnet is transmitted through the wall of the meter to a second meter. That operates the register.

TCEQ definition of Elevated Storage

Water stored at least 80 feet above the highest service connection that provides the state minimum normal operating pressure of 35 psi

Components of the Texas Hazard Communication Act

Written Program; Posted "Notice to Employees"; Personal Protection Equipment; Hazardous material training; MSDSs; Employee rights protection; State notification of chemical injuries

An ACUTE Risk violation occurs when any of these 3 things occur

You submit greater than or equal to 40 samples a month and > 5% are positive; You submit less than 40 samples a month and > 1 sample are positive; OR A positive FECAL coliform sample is followed by either a positive FECAL or TOTAL coliform sample

TCEQ Chemical Risk Management Requirements apply to this type of container

a 1 Ton Container (or more)of Chlorine or Ammonia is within a 1/4 mile of a residential or higher development

This must be done after a storage tank is filled (after construction or maintenance)

a bacteriological sample is taken (sample for coliform)


a build up of minerals on a surface; caused when water repeated comes in contact with the surface


a buildup of oxidized iron, calcium carbonate or other chemicals in mains


a coagulant used in water treatment

Calcium Hypochlorite must be stored in this type of place(environment)

a cool place

In small water systems the operator is often

a meter reader, repair crew and pump operator; the highest paid employee; a college graduate

In small water systems the operator is often (3 job titles, and 2 characteristics)

a meter reader, the repair crew, the pump operator, the highest paid employee, a college graduate.

When fecal coliform is found in a sample there is ______________ of disease

a risk

Repeat Samples are taken when

a routine sample is positive

Pumps are lubricated with

water or oil

coliforms are

a type of organism

A mechanical retrieval device must be attached to the retrieval line when entering

a vertical entry of 5 feet or more

Close laid pipe with

a watertight plug

Chlorinator Rooms -- Housing must be

above ground

Water bills should be 4 things

accurate; itemized; neat; legible

To disinfect after making a water tap

add 1 teaspoon(t)of Sodium Hypochlorite at the TAP end and at the METER at the end marked "IN"

To soften hard water

add lime; this reacts with the hard water to remove calcium and magnesium, causing the water to "soften"

We soften water by

adding lime or by exchanging ions (an atom or group of atoms)

Two techniques used to remove calcium and magnesium

adding lime; exchanging ions

Used to remove calcium and magnesium

adding lime; exchanging ions

Pressure requirements are important because

adequate pressure prevents contaminated water from being drawn into the system

Corrosiveness is reduce by

adjusting the pH

Corrosiveness is reduced by

adjusting the pH

Water treatment processes may include:

aeration, screening, chemical oxidation, coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection

the only method approved by the TCEQ for protection against cross connections with sewage

air gap

the preferred method of preventing a cross connection

air gap

Copper sulfate (blue stone)- purpose

algae control

Safety programs must extend to

all employees

A cylinder ejector allows this

allows chlorine to pass into the water supply

How much thrust is there against a closed 6 inch valve at 60 psi

almost 1700 lbs (pounds)

If the appropriate solution is held under a chlorine leak this happens

ammonium chloride will appear as white smoke

factors that impact centrifugal pump selection

amount of water to be pumped; Force (head) that the pump works against; type of material to be pumped; cost; availability; pump efficiency

public notification is required by the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act when

an MCL is exceeded

Most Microorganisms ___________ pathogens. (are, are not)

are not

Valves or check valves (are or are not) safe between a potable and unknown water supply

are not

square feet is used to describe this type of geometric calculation


Area of a rectangle

area = Length * width * height

area of a circle

area = pi*r(2)

Deep wells are usually

artesian aquifers

How should customer complaints be treated?

as legitimate and investigated as soon as possible

chlorine leaks should be repaired in this amount of time

as soon as possible

How much water goes into a sample container?

at least 100 ml but not completely full

Trenches for a 6-inch or larger pipe must be

at least 18 inches wide; 12 inches wider than the pipe diameter

Spoil banks must be this far from an excavation

at least 2 feet

storage tank inspection documentation must be kept for how long?

at least 5 years

What dosage is required to disinfect a well

at least 50 mg/l of chlorine

Under the Surface Water Treatment Rules what percent of Giardia cysts must be inactivated or removed?

at least 99.9%

Under the Surface Water Treatment Rules what percent of viruses must be inactivated or removed?

at least 99.99%

Water is supplied to a centrifugal pump by

atmospheric pressure (suction lift) or Weight of the water (suction head)

AWWA backflow prevention device standards cover devices such as

atmospheric vacuum breaker; double check valve assemblies; reduced pressure devices

when a vertical entry of 5 feet or more is made the retrieval line must be

attached to a mechanical retrieval device

employees can avoid accidents with the right

attitude & training

The annual system water quality report should be

attractive; easy to understand

Storage's place in the treatment and distribution process is

before distribution and after production

define later line

belongs to the city and is tapped into a submain or main

Chlorine storage temperature

between 50 and 140 degrees

To maintain pump efficiency you should

check the pumps efficiency periodically by measuring the pumps performance against the manufacturer's specifications

Water department employees are exposed to these types of safety hazards

chemicals; high voltage; traffic; excavations; deep water; animal bites; confined spaces

A mechanical chock caused by pump cavitation does this

chips metal away from the impeller or casing

List 4 chemicals commonly used in disinfection

chloramine, ozone, chlorine dioxide, chlorine

Sodium thiosulfate neutralizes the

chlorine residual

Critical safeguards for distribution systems

chlorine residual; adequate pressure; bacteriological sampling; cross connection control

Flushing of dead end mains removes

chlorine-reducing materials

Examples of community water systems

cities, municipal utility districts,rural water supply corporations, mobile home parks, campgrounds

Pump rooms should be kept


Pressure surges can be caused by

closing a hydrant valve too fast

Aluminum sulfate (alum)- purpose


Ferric Chloride - purpose


Ferrous sulfate - purpose


Sodium aluminate - purpose


Hazards that are especially dangerous to water utility operators

confined space entry; excavation and trenching; chemical handling; traffic

Traffic control must not do this to motorists

confuse them

Do not lay suction lines in

contaminated areas

Adequate water pressure in the system prevents this

contaminated water from being drawn into the system.

Pump sanitation protects pumps from


Employees should guard the water supply and facilities from these three things.

contamination, vandalism and terrorism

how do you convert from gpm to mgd

convert gpm to gpd then convert gpd to mgd

how do you convert from mgd to gpm

convert mgd to gpd then convert gpd to gpm1440;

How are samples cared for during transport?

cooled using ice

How do you convert from gpd to gpm


Galvanic corrosion occurs when

different metals such as copper and steel are connected

When identifying gases use a

direct reading instrument

Potable water is free of

disease causing organisms

The purpose of well disinfection is to

disinfect the pump gravel and screen

After construction or maintenance tanks must be:


basic federal and state standards state that Water must be:

disinfected, delivered at adequate pressure, and be ample in quantity.

Public water systems are required to compile a monthly report showing


The most important treatment process is


the treatment process which destroys disease-causing organisms


Solids that cannot be removed by filtering


True color

dissolved in water; cannot be removed by filtering

Ground water usually contains more of these than surface water

dissolved minerals and gases

Surface water usually contains less of these than ground water

dissolved minerals and gases

Define "Circumference"

distance around a circle

Most water pumps use this type of power

electric (electric motors)

Always put on a self-contained breathing apparatus before

entering a room with a known chlorine leak

How often should ground water be sampled for chemical analysis?

every 3 years

When planning construction to the following:

guard excavations with barricades and warning signs; notify public of any traffic disruptions;

Corrosion may cause water to contain

harmful amounts of lead, copper or other metals

Rapid Sand Filter media

has several layers of different sized media

If EPA Chemical Risk Management Requirements apply you must

have a Chemical Risk Management Program

Define "Radius"

have the diameter of a circle

List 5 characteristics of Hydrogen Sulfide

heavier than air; colorless; flammable; toxic; has a rotten egg odor

You know: psi; You want to know: height; What is the calculation?

height(ft) = pressure(psi) * 2.31

Jar Tests

help the operator determine which chemical and how much to apply

Pump efficiency is affected by:

high suction lift; worn impellers; clogged impellers; high discharge head

Tuberculation cleaning methods

high-pressure water; pigs or swabs; chemicals

Name 3 Common gases found in water

hydrogen sulfide; carbon dioxide; methane

Gases that are toxic (poisonous) long before being combustible

hydrogen sulfide; carbon monoxide

pressure tank storage

hydropneumatic tanks; cylindrical and horizontal to the ground; Air mechanically compressed against the water surface provides pressure

Employers are responsible for evaluating confined spaces. They must...

identify confined spaces then determine their hazards

Where should grease traps should be installed and inspected

kitchens, garages and restaurants...

The number 1 cause of death in a confined space is

lack of oxygen

parallel lines of water ansd sewer must be

laid in separate ditches

Name 5 methods of controlling taste and odor problems

lake destratification, algae control, aeration, chemical oxidation, activated carbon

Pretreatment includes 7 processes. What are they?

lake destratification, control of algae, debris removal, presedimentation, aeration, chemical oxidation, activated carbon adsorption

A rotameter does this

measures the gas moving through the cylinder apparatus

Combustible (explosive) gases

methane, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, oxygen

DPD unit of measure


chemicals in water are measured in


Dosage unit of measure

mg/L or ppm

lbs/day =

mgd * 8.34 * mg/L

How do to convert from miles to feet



milligrams per liter

Pumping rate unit of measure in very large pumps

million gallons per day


million gallons per day

Color in water can result from

mineral or organic matter

length of time for well disinfection solution to remain in well

minimum of 6 hours

Common pump problems

misalignment of pump and motor; foreign matter in the impeller; air leaks in the suction; the pump turning backward; water hammer

How often are ground water systems are required to compile reports?


When a pump is installed Gate Valves must be installed

on the pump's discharge and if there is a positive suction head on the pump suction

Confined space rescuers do no have to be


How often do dead end mains need to be flushed?

once a month

How often should surface water be sampled for chemical analysis?

once a year

Under the Surface Water Treatment Rules systems serving less than 500 persons my reduce turbidity sampling to?

once per day

Never leave laid pipe with an

open end.

What kind of matter is a reducing agent?

organic or inorganic (all types)

cloriforms are


coliforms are


A Chlorinator room's fan switch must be located

outside the room

Sodium hydroxide or soda ash is used to adjust


Calcium hydroxide (lime) - purpose

pH adjustment, softening, aid to coagulation

Ground Storage: No lead is allowed in the

paint, coatings, wax

Pump room walls, floors and equipment should be



part per million

Most common meter for residential use

positive displacement meter

This type of meter is very accurate at low flow

positive displacement meter

this type is meter is usually used in low flow situations

positive displacement meter

maintain this on a pump whenever possible to prevent a vacuum from occurring

positive suction head

Valves or check valves are not safe between

potable and unknown water supplies


pounds per square inch

Calcium Hypochlorite is a

powerful Oxidizer



Water Hammer is caused when

pressure surges (closing a hydrant or valve to fast, turning off a pump to fast)

controlling valves regulate

pressure, flow rate, direction

Name the 8 treatment required by the TCEQ for all surface water.

pretreatment, pre-disinfection, taste and odor control, coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, covered storage, and terminal disinfection

Shields and trench boxes do not

prevent a cave-in

Gasket material should be treated to

prevent bacterial growth

It is important that the utility have a sense of this (attitude)

pride and professionalism

If a storage tank does not have a 30" diameter access opening, it must have

primary roof access of at lease 30" diameter

Developing a well

process of flushing out a well

MSDSs state/describe

product hazards; precautions

Activated carbon - purpose

removal of tastes, odor, organics

The purpose of developing a well is to

remove drilling mud and loose sand

Flocculation helps to

remove impurities in the water

Filtering is the final step in

removing suspended matter and chlorine resistant microorganisms

A positive sample may be removed from your record when

repeat samples are negative AND the system(you) explains why the positive sample was not representative

Monitoring is required when

required routine or repeat samples are not submitted

Name the three places that surface water comes from.

rivers; lakes; reservoirs

Corrosion effects on water quality

rust color; taste problems

The plant operator is responsible for making the water

safe to drink and use

A sample-siting plan assures that

samples are taken from active Representative services

An abandoned well must be


floc must be allowed to settle in

sedimentation basins

When identifying gases do not rely on

sense of smell; sense of sight; cockroaches

Stuffers are

sent to customers in billing statements

Galvanic corrosion can be prevented by

separating different types of metal with an dielectric (non-conducting)material

Maintenance crews can warn customers of

service interruptions

Before construction, the utility must submit engineering plans to

the AWWA

When an MCL is exceeded public notification is required by

the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act

another name for the Texas Hazard Communication Act

the Right to Know Law

The best source of help for a Chlorine Leak

the Supplier

Formula for the volume of a cylinder

the area of the circle * the depth/height/length of the cylinder


the casing that encloses the impeller on a centrifugal pump

The quantity of water that a formation yields depends on

the depth, thickness, drawdown and permeability of the formation


the dissolving of metal

Define "Diameter"

the distance through the center of a circle

Distribution systems are composed of

water mains; service lines; meters; valves; hydrants; pressure booster stations

the most important feature of the well screen is

the size of the openings (mesh size)

Cave-ins are likely when

the soil is wet; spoil banks are too close to the trench; traffic or machinery vibrations loosen the soil

The results of a bacteriological sample from a newly filled tank is in if it is negative what is done

the tank is put into service

Distribution system components should not affect

the taste, odor or quality of water

Ownership signs must include

the utility name and an emergency phone number

Corporation stop

the valve that connects the service line to the main. It is buried when the hole is backfilled.

Curb Stop or Meter Stop

the valve that connects the service line to the meter

Before starting a water lubricated pump make sure

the water line is on

Employees should guard what

the water supply and facilities

The water system must notify the TCEQ when (5 items)

there is a change or alteration of the system; a new facility to be build; water supply health hazards; change in water quality; change in water source

A water system is required to have ground storage if

they have 50 or more connections

When filling a sample container you open the faucet how far?

to a pencil-sized stream of water

The Purpose of a well vent

to allow the casing to breathe as water levels change when the pump cycles

purpose of well disinfection

to disinfect the pump gravel and screen

purpose of vent pipes

to improve gravity flow and dissipate gases in sewer lines.

purpose of inverted siphons

used where the sewer must cross under an obstruction (below the hydraulic gradient); stream, highway, railroad tracks...


uses timbers or hydraulic wedges and sheeting to prevent cave-ins


using timber, plywood or commercial devices to support an excavation

The employee should listen to special requests and look for ways to oblige the customer within

utility policy

Cavitation creates a


Well Vent

vacuum breaker

This prevents a pump motor from overheating


Name two parts of forced air ventilation equipment

vents; fan

the life/service of a pump can be increased by careful attention to

voltage; connections; bearings; motor ventilation; short cycling; overload prevention

Volume of a cylinder (tower, anything long and with a circular end)

volume = Area of the circle (end) * Length(height,depth...); volume = (pi*r(2))* heighth

volume of a square or rectangle

volume = length * width * height;

water meters measure...

water flow into and out of treatment plants, into the distribution system; to customers

closing a hydrant valve (or any valve for that matter) causes a

water hammer

The purpose of well disinfection is not to disinfect the

water in the aquifer

pumping level

water level with the pump ringing

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