WB test notes

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Studies on TV viewing habits found that:

-Children can develop musculoskeletal problems from extended time watching TV and using the computer


- A term used generally to include microscopic viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi

Stress factors

- Can be caused by personal or professional issues. High expectations, low compensation, lack of opportunities for advancement, lack of resources

Aerobic (cardiovascular) fitness

- Exercise that makes your heart beat faster and blood to pump more quickly through your body

From the following list, which behaviour(s) do(es) not contribute to your health?

-- Talking to your coworkers about how angry you are at your supervisor rather than discussing it with your supervisor -- Strict dieting

What are 4 major ways to reduce the risk of back injury, as stated in the textbook?

--Bend knees --Bring object close to body --Keep back straight --Use back supports when sitting --Carry child on your front, not on hip and use both arms

The communicable diseases that female educators need to be aware of in terms of avoiding first contact during the first trimester of pregnancy are

--CMV, rubella, and chickenpox

Defense mechanisms in our body

--Help keep germs from "taking over" and cause disease --Include your skin, hair follicles and nasal hair --Include mucus from the mucous membranes, tears from the eye, and stomach secretions

List 4 areas of health policies that directors should be implementing to promote the staff's well-being

--Immunization --Lifting properly --Ratios --Workplace injury reports --Skills complement one another --Conflict resolution --Mental health recognition

In analyzing the program's indoor environment, identify a reasonable suggestion which could help prevent muscular-skeletal problems

--Make use of built-in steps under the change table for toddlers to climb up and down (assisted by an adult)

Antibodies relate to germs/illness in the following way

--Our body's immune system produces antibodies specific to the germs which enter our body

The following is true about educator's well-being in ECE programs

--Physical, emotional, and social aspects of staff health are all important to consider


--Results from our body actively forming antibodies against the specific disease's antigen --Requires more than one dose for measles, mumps, and rubella

What are the 4 individual lifestyle choices your text describes that can have positive or negative effects on our health?

--Smoking --Nutrition -- Sleep --Exercise/physical activity --Drugs/Alcohol --Rest --Stress

Good lifting techniques include

--Stand in front of what you are going to lift and is as close to it as possible --Look ahead before straightening your knees after lifting to avoid twisting

Which of the following statement(s) about germs is/are true

--Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites are germs --Germs may lie on surfaces for a week

The following strategy will help manage your stress in a professional ECE environment

--You evaluate situations as they arise, and decide whether you can handle it on your own or would benefit from support by others

The following statement is true about indicators of illness

-A change in a child's behaviour is a reliable indicator of illness

The following statement is false in regards to greening an outdoor environment

-A green outdoor environment offers fewer options for children of varying needs and abilities than a non-green space

When implementing physical activity with preschoolers, none of the following statements are true

-Adult guided activities can include games that help preschoolers learn when to stop and listen to the leader -Whenever possible, educators should provide preschoolers with access to outdoor play spaces - Introduce new physically active games with patience so that preschoolers have time to practise and master the new skills -Educators consider preschoolers' natural activity patterns, which are typically spontaneous and intermittent

The program's exclusion policy should state that children will not be able to attend the program when

-An illness prevents the child from participating in routine activities -A child poses an increased risk of infecting other children or educators

What are the most common allergens which can result in asthmatic episodes?

-Animal dander -Pollen -Dust mites -Feces

When talking with the toddler and parent at drop-off in the morning the educator will

-Ask the parent how well the child slept last night -Ask the parent to complete the program's infant and toddler daily report form before she/he leaves for work

What is one way to reduce the increase of antibiotic-resistant bacteria?

-Avoid taking antibiotics unnecessarily

Documentation of children's signs and symptoms of illness

-Can be helpful to the child's parents and physician -Needs to be objective, clear, and concise

Dieting or restricting food:

-Can produce a vicious cycle of unhealthy eating patterns -Contributes to a lowered basal metabolic rate, slowing down bodily functions

ECE programs should do the following to ensure that specific children are not exposed to food allergens

-Carefully follow licensing guidelines for peanut-free environments -Inform all staff of children with allergies; review menus and talk with parents -Post an allergy list in the kitchen and eating areas

Parents or educators would seek immediate medical attention if the child had any of the following signs or symptoms

-Changes in breathing; pain or difficulty swallowing; stiff neck; rash with fever

In a positive eating environment:

-Children's rights are respected; they are encouraged to develop their five senses in enjoying foods The following describes toddler nutrition -Toddlers have growth spurts that affect their interest in eating

When implementing physical activity on a one-to-one basis with an infant, the following statement is false

-Compare the infant's development with another child

What can result when a young child has several episodes of diarrhea or vomiting?



-Describes the person with the infection

Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide is:

-Designed to be flexible enough to include most foods -Available in a number of languages which also highlights culturally specific foods

Identify observations of children's patterns that may suggest why a child is overeating (gaining weight resulting in obesity)

-Eats because of emotions (boredom, comforting)

Select the food(s) that present a high risk for food-borne illnesses

-Eggs -Cream fillings

When menu planning, educators should consider

-Eliminating foods that can cause potential choking

When implementing physical activity with toddlers, the following statement is false

-Ensure that the toddlers are expected to stay involved with the activity you are facilitating

When giving medication to a child, the following considerations are important

-Ensure that you have the right child; medication; dosage; time; and route

Remember the following points when giving medication to children

-Explain to the child what you are going to do and how she/he can cooperate

All additives are unnecessary and questionable


All plastic products intended for children's use have undergone stringent testing before being put into the Canadian marketplace


Because neither preschoolers not school-agers are at a formal-operational level of thinking, they are not able to have a role in developing safety rules


Children with darker pigmented skin will be adequately protected from the sun by sunscreen with an SPF of less than 15


Early childhood settings are designed to be risk-free environments for children


Educators should increase the number of adults supervising an activity when it is developmentally inappropriate


Having four or more rules for an activity decreases the level of supervision required for children


If educators are able to find time, they may wish to conduct a playground safety check before the children go outside


Ingredients are listed in increasing order by weight (the first ingredient is the smallest amount)


Irradiated food products in Canada do not need to be labelled


Pesticides are regulated by the Federal Government and are therefore not a concern re: toxicity for humans


Providing nutritional information on the label is voluntary on the part of the manufacturer


Rules are the #1 way to ensure children's safety


Someone arrives to pick up the child from the centre, but she is not on the parent's written list. Educators can release the child to her if the child appears happy to see her


The legal definition of a food additive includes sugars, salt, and vitamins


The national injury prevention strategy eliminates the discrepancy between provinces and territories in children's safety (booster seat laws)


The term accident is used rather than injuries because most of the time they are due to fate


The use of non-nutritive sweeteners prevents or fights obesity


When an activity is developmentally inappropriate for a group of children, rules will play a significant role in preventing injuries


When children eat foods with non-nutritive sweeteners they are less likely to develop a "sweet-tooth"


When preschoolers are eating, educators keep in mind that:

-Food jags, dawdling and fear of new foods are issues that tend to diminish during the preschool years unless adults have paid a lot of attention to these behaviours -They have a genuine interest learning about others and food provides opportunities to do this -Preschoolers like to take initiative, and therefore serving themselves provides a developmentally appropriate opportunity to do so.


-Generally means choosing a plant-based way of eating -Includes a range of options -Requires an understanding of how to complement protein to obtain a complete protein

Links of the Transmission Chain

-Germ -Host -Vehicle of transmission -New host


-Is a chronic (or long-term) medical condition which makes breathing difficult -Results in sticky mucus building up on the mucous membranes in the lungs' airways -Varies in severity and is diagnosed when children have recurring episodes of wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath

What is/are observation(s) of children's patterns that may suggest why a child is under eating (losing weight)

-Level of physical activity uses more food energy than they are eating -Not active, resulting in lack of appetite -Eats less than the recommended daily servings, especially from milk products and meat and alternative food groups, resulting in not getting enough fat

Ways that educators can promote healthy beverages in the ECE program would not include:

-Making it clear with your pizza lunch and pop fundraisers that this is an exception

When implementing physical activity with school-agers, the following statement is false

-Most school-agers are not ready to problem solve the rules of the games

What is a fever?

-Natural defensive mechanism to fight infections

Are ear infections infectious? Elaborate

-Not infectious. Ear infections are in the middle part of the ear

Which of the following can cause our body's temperature to rise

-Over dressing -Physical exercise -An infection

One toddler has diarrhea in the program. How can the educator stop the spread of germs

-Pay stricter attention to hand washing and diapering routines -Take extra care for food handling -Ensure all children are wearing clothes over diapers -Exclude child after school episode of diarrhea

The following can cause severe allergic reactions

-Peanuts -Eggs -Bee and wasp stings The following is true with regard to anaphylactic shop -Anaphylactic shock affects the entire body, and the person may die if emergency action with adrenaline (EpiPen) does not occur immediately

What are the 5 rights for administering medication?

-Right child -Right dose -Right medication -Right time -Route (how to administer it)


-Should always be treated with fever-reducing medication

Developing for six-week rotations menus, one for each season, has the following advantage(s)

-Takes advantage of availability and lower costs of seasonal foods -Provides a way of introducing new foods, balancing with familiar foods -Avoids ever having the same meal twice

The following statement(s) about school-age nutrition is/are true

-Their developmental need for mastery and accomplishment suggests that cooking experiences (preparing food) can be very positive for school-age children

With regard to young children and dietary fats, we must keep in mind that:

-They need more fat and energy in their diet for brain development and rapid growth -Skim products are inadequate because they do not provide the concentrated source of calories needed -Children need to eat small amounts of food throughout the day since their small stomachs tend to fill up quickly -Children should be encouraged to eat healthy foods when hungry and to stop eating when they are full

With regard to preschoolers' needs for energy, we must keep the following in mind:

-They need to eat small amounts of food throughout the day because their small stomachs tend to fill up quickly -They should be encouraged to eat healthy foods when hungry and to stop eating when full

Educators should eat meals with children because:

-They serve as role models for appropriate behaviour for the children

What is the purpose of documenting health observations?

-To share valuable information to parent and doctor

A date must appear on all foods that will spoil within 90 days (except meat)


A recommended daily intake (RDI) based on body weight has been set by the Canadian government for most sweeteners


An appropriately designed indoor play area for preschoolers minimizes the need for safety rules


Canada Consumer Product Safety Act has improved product safety for Canadians


Current evidence suggests that with normal use artificial sweeteners do not pose a health risk


Food additives are listed towards the end of a product's list of ingredients


Food additives that enhance the shelf life of the food are called preservatives


Generally, the more processed the food, the more additives are used


Injuries are the leading cause of death for Canadian children


It's better to have fewer rather than more rules


Labelling of genetically modified foods is mandatory if there is a health or safety issue


Nutrition claims on labels are regulated by Health Canada's criteria to prevent misleading claims by food manufacturers


Often low-nutritive processed foods often use artificial colours to be attractive to children


Organic farming is not 100% pesticide free


Over the past 10 years, the primary reason for the reduction of childhood injury-related hospitalizations and death is successful public changes


Power struggles with children often result when they lack autonomy


Successful public policy makes environments safer for all children


Suffocation is the number one cause of injury-related deaths for children under one year old in Canada


The sale and use of walkers are illegal in Canada


There are many adults and children, for example diabetics, who may use non-nutritive sweeteners due to necessity


There is evidence that hormone-disrupting chemicals used in the manufacturing of plastics can leak into foods and beverages


While foods absorb small amount of radiation, irradiated foods are not radioactive


When caring for infants and toddlers with diarrhea, an educator will:

-Try to ensure that a child with diarrhea doesn't become dehydrated Pinkeye: -Can be caused by bacteria which then requires and antibiotic treatment for 24 hours

Hand washing according to the text books

-Turn on warm running water -Wet your hands and use soap -Rub your hands vigorously for 10-15 seconds -Wash all surfaces, including the backs of hands and between fingers -Rinse your hands well under running water for 5-10 seconds -Dry your hands well with a paper towel. Turn off the taps with a single-use paper towel

The statement below is not a requirement for role modelling physical activity to children

-Understand the importance of indoor physical activity for children's long-term lifestyle

What are common symptoms of asthma?

-Wheezing -Coughing -Shortness of breath

When should a child be excluded for pinkeye?

-When the child's eye turns red and pussy (very contagious) 24 hours on antibiotics


A weak form of a disease is injected into the body, allowing the antibodies to destroy it and usually resulting in lifelong immunity

Workplace environment issues-

Air quality, noise level, use of pesticides and herbicides outdoors, plastics can impact children and staff

Balanced lifestyles-

Finding a way to live and work with a healthy mind and body

Vehicles or transmission-

How germs spread from one host to another, through air or by direct/indirect contact

Antimicrobial Resistance-

Products or drugs that are used to eliminate germs. Over the years the germs have become more resistant to them


Refers to the way the job can be altered to fit the person performing it, not the other way around

Universal precautions-

Safe procedures and rules that protects all from unnecessary exposure to potentially harmful organisms (germs)


The emergence and global spread of a new influenza A virus subtype, leading to substantially increased morbidity and mortality rates

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