We Are All Made of Molecules

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What does FUBAR stand for?

"Effed Up Beyond All Recognition"

What did Stewart yell when he heard that his mom was pregnant?


In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," how much did Jared tell Stewart he was owed for his destroyed phone?

$400 (225)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," how old was Stewart when his mother died?

11 (2)

How old was Stewart when they adopted his cat?

12 (page 3)

How old is Stewart at the time of the beginning of the novel?

13 (page 2)

In the book We are all made of molecules, how old is Ashley?

14 (page 7)

In the book We are all made of molecules, in what room is Mathletes?

222 (page 91)

In the book We are all made of molecules, in what room is 9th grade English?

305 (page 35)

In the book We are all made of molecules, how many kids are in Stewart and Ashley's English class?

33 (page 35)

How excited does Stewart hope that Ashley is that he's moving in with her?

65% (page 6)

How old was Stewart when he and his dad bought his mom a mug that said "WORLD'S BEST MOM"?

7 (page 2)

In the book We are all made of molecules, how old was Stewart when his parents were told he was gifted?

7 (page 29)

In the book We are all made of molecules, of what percentage is Stewart excited to move?

89.9% (page 5)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what gift does Michael give Ashley for Christmas?

A Desigual skirt

In the book We are all Made of Molecules, What does Caroline leave for Stewart as a welcome gift?

A box Purdy chocolates and a note (14)

In the book We are all Made of Molecules, What does Caroline leave for Stewart as a welcome gift?

A note and a box of Purdy chocolates (14)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what did Caroline leave in Stewart's new room as a welcome gift?

A note and a box of Purdy's chocolates (14)

In the book We are all made of molecules, what 3 items does Stewart originally choose to take to his new home?

A painting, ceramic figures, and afghans (page 15)

What does Stewart say less-scientific people call the molecules of a person floating around in the air?

A person's vibe (page 5)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what objects does Stewart bring into his new house?

A purple and green reading chair, his mother's ceramic figurines, afghans his mother made, and one of his mother's paintings

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what does Stewart tell us he as always wished for?

A sister (1)

In the book We are all made of molecules, what had Stewart always wanted before he moved?

A sister (page 1)

When was Stewart's final session with his therapist?

A week before the book starts, right before Stewart moves in with Caroline and Ashley (page 4)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," when did Stewart's dad begin dating again?

A year after Stewart's mom died (4)

When did Stewart's dad start dating again?

A year after his mom died (page 3)

How long after they found out about Stewart's mom's cancer did it take for her to die?

A year and three months. (page 1)

When did Stewart's parents buy the house he spent most of his childhood in?

A year before Stewart was born (page 5)

Who did Stewart's dad sell the house to?

A young couple with a baby (page 5)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what disease did Stewart's mother have?

Cancer (2)

In the book We are all made of molecules, of what did Stewart's mom die?

Cancer (page 2)

Who did Stewart's dad start dating?

Caroline Anderson (page 3)

In the book We are all made of molecules, what is the name of Jared's housekeeper?

Consuela (page 169)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," when Ashley goes over to Jared's house one night, he attempts to go too far with her. Who ultimately intervenes?

Consuela, his housekeeper (169)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," who owned the garage Schrodinger was found in?

Cosmo (235)

Who is Stewart's therapist?

Dr. Elizabeth Moscovich

Who is Stewart's therapist?

Dr. Elizabeth Moscovich (page 3)

In the book We are all made of molecules, what is the name of Stewart's therapist?

Dr. Elizabeth Moscovich (page 65)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what is the name of Stewart's therapist?

Dr. Elizabeth Moskovich (3)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what is the ritual at dinner?

Everyone holds hands and says "truly thankful"

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what word was spray painted on the lanehouse?

F$gg&t (213; quizlet wouldn't let me save the actual term :))

What does Ashley call her family?


In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," how does Ashley describe her family?

FUBAR -- effed up beyond all recognition

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what does Ashley have a talent for?

Fashion (109)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what does Ashley call Phoebe and Violet?

Feeble and Violent (81)

What does Stewart say his cat needs him for? (Three things)

Feed him, cuddle him, and scoop his poops (page 3)

What things does Stewart list off that his cat can't do to replace his mom? (Four things)

Have good conversations, make his favorite from-scratch chicken fingers, give him back tickles, or kiss his forehead at night. (page 3)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," why was Jared thrown out of his private school?

He attacked a fellow student who was gay

What did Stewart's good spatial abilities allow him to do with his Lego birthday present when he was 10?

He could build it without instructions. (page 1)

Other than potentially losing his mom's vibe, what else makes Stewart anxious about moving?

He doesn't know how Ashley feels about it. (page 6)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," why does Stewart tell us he wants to go to the nearby high school instead of Little Genius Academy?

He felt he needed to work on the ungifted parts of himself -- specifically, his social skills

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what is Stewart's ritual that he performs under the afghan?

He is breathing in his mom's molecules (119)

In the book We are all Made of Molecules, Why is Stewart in ninth grade classes?

He is gifted and the counselor bumped him up a grade to keep him academically stimulated. (34)

How did Stewart hear his parents' conversation about his potential sibling?

He listened through the heating vent. (page 1)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what did Stewart do to Jared in the gym?

He pulled down Jared's gym shorts and underpants in front of the basketball game crowd (225)

Who did Stewart compare Caroline Anderson too?

He said she was like Schrödinger, for his dad. (page 3)

How does Stewart explain Ashley ignoring him when he tries to talk to her?

He says she's hard or hearing or maybe just shy (page 4)

What does Stewart call him and his dad when they were both being sad all the time?

He says they were Sad Squared. (page 4)

What did Stewart initially think of his therapist?

He thought she was bad because she said that everyone would always be a little sad and he thought she should cure him. (page 3)

What did Stewart think about the "WORLD'S BEST MOM" mug?

He thought there was only one in the world and that it was made especially for his mom. (page 2)

Why did Stewart want a sister?

He wanted a perfect quadrangle, with X chromosomes on one side and Y on the other. (page 1)

In the book We are all Made of Molecules, Why did Stewart want to transfer to Borden instead of staying at Little Genius Academy?

He wanted to work on his social skills

What big news did Ashley's father tell her mother?

He was gay

What was Stewart doing when he heard his mom say that she thought she was pregnant?

He was in his room, building a giant Lego spaceship. (page 1)

What does Stewart worry about what will happen to his mom's vibe when they're gone?

He worries about where it will go. (page 5)

How does Stewart feel about Ashley and Caroline making them become a quadrangle?

He would much rather be a triangle with his mom still alive, but he wants to look on the bright side, so he's excited to get a sister (page 6)

How does Stewart feel about moving in with Ashley and Caroline?

He's 89.9% happy with it. (page 4)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," who spends the night in Ashley's room the night of the New Year's Eve party?

Her dad (209)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," why did Ashley's parents divorce?

Her father came out as gay (9)

What happened with Caroline's marriage?

Her husband left around the time Stewart's mom died (page 4)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what do Ashley's parents do?

Her mother is a TV new anchor, and her father works in advertising. (8)

How does Stewart feel sometimes when he sees Caroline and his dad looking at each other lovingly?

His stomach hurts because he thinks about how his mom would be getting his dad's google-eyes (page 4)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," who was actually stealing Stewart's figurines?


In the book We are all Made of Molecules, Who does Ashley like until the party at her house?


In the book We are all Made of Molecules, Who is allergic to cats?

Jared (129)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," who does Stewart name as responsible for the graffiti?

Jared Mitchell (215)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," who does Ashley discover is dating Jared after the holiday break?

Lauren (217)

In the book We are all Made of Molecules, Who is dating Jared after the holiday break?

Lauren (217)

What did Stewart get for his fifth birthday?

Lego police car

What was 10.1% of Stewart's feelings about moving?

Less positive emotions, like anxiety and guilt (page 5)

What was the name of Stewart's old school?

Little Genius Academy

In the book We are all made of molecules, what was the name of the school that Stewart attended before he moved?

Little Genius Academy (page 35)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what school club did Stewart decide to join?

Mathletes (105)

In the book We are all Made of Molecules, What school club did Stewart join with Phoebe?

Mathletes (105)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," prior to her parents' divorce, where did Ashley's family travel to each spring?

Maui (Hawaii)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what is the name of Phil's love interest?

Michael (113)

In the book We are all Made of Molecules, What is the name of the guy Phil is interested in?

Michael (113)

Where do Stewart and his dad go to see a ball game?

Nat Bailey Stadium (page 3)

What is Caroline's job?

News anchor (page 4)

Where did Stewart and his dad live before they moved?

North Vancouver (page 4)

How did Stewart's mother die?

Ovarian cancer

What type of cancer did Stewart's mom die from?

Ovaries (page 1)

In the book We are all Made of Molecules, Who spends the night on Ashley's floor the night of the New Year's party?

Phil (209)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," who does Stewart have a crush on?


In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what is Ashley's idea for helping Stewart stay safe from Jared?

Protection squads (238)

Where did Stewart and his dad adopt Schrödinger from?

SPCA (page 3)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what did Stewart lose to the party?

Schrodinger, his cat

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," who does Stewart say he needs?

Schrodinger, his cat

What is the name of Stewart's cat?


In the book We are all Made of Molecules, What is the name of Stewarts cat?

Schrödinger (3)

In the book We are all made of molecules, what is the name of Stewart's cat?

Schrödinger (page 3)

What is Stewart's cat named?

Schrödinger (page 3)

Where did Ashley get the saying FUBAR from?

She got it from her part time friend Claudia

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," why does Ashley scream during the new blended family's first dinner together?

She learns that Stewart will be transferring to her school (21)

How does Steward describe the effect Caroline has on his dad?

She lets him put his sad on hold for longer periods of time. (page 3)

What did Stewart's therapist do with him when he said 10.1% of his feelings about moving were less positive?

She made a list of all his negative emotions with him and then assured him that it was perfectly normal. (page 5)

How does Dr. Elizabeth Moscovich help Stewart accept Caroline?

She says that he can't live in the past. Caroline makes his dad happy, which is good. (page 4).

Why did Stewart realize that his therapist was actually a very good one?

She tells it like it is. (page 3)

What does Ashley do whenever Stewart tries to talk to her?

She walks away or turns up the volume on the TV. (page 4)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," Ashley states she has to wait two more years to get "unconstipated". what does she mean by this?

She wants to be emancipated from her parents.

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what did Stewart's mom do for a living?

She was a family counselor (131)

What part of the equilateral triangle did Stewart's mom occupy?

She was the base. Without her, they collapsed in on each other. (page 2)

In the book We are all made of molecules, what is Stewart sometimes called behind his back?

Spewart (page 17)

What is the male narrator's name?

Stewart (page 1)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what happened to Jared's phone at the party?

Stewart takes it after he discovers Jared taking photos of Ashley's undergarments. Stewart then throws it in the street, where it is squished by a bus. (207)

What game does Steward kick Alistair's butt at?

Stratego (page 3)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," Stewart is angry with Ashley for all the turmoil her party and behavior has caused. What does he call her?

Stupid and a coward (219-220)

In the book We are all Made of Molecules, Who is the author?

Susan Neilson (cover)

In the book We are all made of molecules, what is the name of the author?

Susin Nielsen (cover)

In the book We are all Made of Molecules, What does Ashley tell the school as revenge for Lauren telling everyone that Stewart is her brother?

That Lauren stuffs her bra (40)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what is Stewart's signature move as a mascot?

The Worm (142)

What does Stewart compare his mom's vibe following them to Caroline's to?

The animals that walked hundreds of miles to find their owners in The Incredible Journey (page 6)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," where did Ashley's father move to?

The lanehouse on her family's property ( 10)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what does Stewart say he cannot bring with him to the new house?

The mosaic stepping stones that line the backyard path, the flowers his mother planted, or her molecules, which he says are throughout the house

What are Stewart and his dad not bringing from their house to Caroline's? (Three things)

The mosaic stepping-stones his mom made in the backyard; the flowers she planted; her molecules floating around in the air (page 5)

In the book We are all made of molecules, of what team is Darren a part?

The rugby team (page 243)

How did Stewart and Ashley find out about the fact that they were moving in together?

Their parents told them separately. (page 4)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," how was the house damaged by the party?

There was a hole in the foyer wall, the carpets were filthy, Caroline's iPad was stolen, and $200 of liquor was gone.

How does Stewart describe his family with his mom (in terms of shapes)?

They are an equilateral triangle. (page 2)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," Stewart and his father are moving into Caroline and Ashley's house in what city?

They are leaving North Vancouver for Vancouver (5)

How did Stewart and his dad handle the year his mom was sick and the year after she died?

They avoid talking about it. They did their best, but it was hard because a third of their family was missing. (page 2)

How was Stewart's mom's and Caroline's relationship?

They both liked each other (page 4).

How does Stewart see that Caroline and his dad love each other?

They both look at each other with google-eyes. (page 4)

What does Stewart think is most important about Caroline and his dad?

They both love each other. (page 4)

How did Caroline and his dad meet?

They both worked in the newsroom for ten years and when they became single, they began noticing each other. (page 4)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what happens at Ashley and Stewart's house on New Year's Eve?

They have a few friends over, but this quickly evolves into an out of control party.

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," how did the parents meet?

They have worked together in a newsroom for the past 10 years (4). Leonard Inkster is the producer, and Caroline Anderson is a TV news anchor.

What did Stewart's parents say when he said he wanted a sister?

They said he was the perfect child and they didn't want another one. (page 1)

In the book We are all Made of Molecules, How did Leonard and Caroline know each other before they were together?

They worked at the news channel together (4)

Where are Stewart and his dad moving?

They're moving in with Caroline and Ashley. (page 4)

What does Stewart say he needs his cat for? (Two things)

To talk to and to sleep by his head at night so he doesn't feel alone. (page 3)

In the book We are all made of molecules, what does Stewart have for lunch the first day he eats with Violet and Pheobe?

Two egg salad sandwiches, one apple, one banana, one juice box, two Babybels, and six Oreos (page 106)

In the book We are all made of molecules, what word does Ashley continue to misplace with "emancipated?"

Unconstipated (page 7)

Where do Caroline and Ashley live?

Vancouver: on 22nd between Cambie and Main. (page 4)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what new name do Ashley and Stewart agree on for the protection squad?

We Are All Made of Molecules (245)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what gift did Stewart give to his mother on her last Mother's Day?

a Dopey figurine (140)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," who is Stewart's cat named after

a scientist (66)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," who is Ashley's new love interest?

a sophomore rugby player named Darren (243)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what object does Ashley destroy in Stewart's room?

a spaghetti and marshmallow model of the Eiffel Tower

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what did Stewart give Phoebe for Christmas?

a unicorn brooch

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what was Stewart's punishment for draping JAred?

a week's suspension

What did Stewart get for his tenth birthday?

an enormous Lego spaceship

What shape did Stewart describe his family as before his mom died?

an equilateral triangle

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," which essay does Ashley have to re-do to make up for her plagiarism?

an essay on the novel "To Kill A Mockingbird"

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what colors do the protection squads wear?

blue and purple (242)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what is Jared allergic to?

cats (129)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what is Phil's hobby?

cycling (57)

In the book We are all Made of Molecules, What hobby had Phil recently taken up?

cycling (57)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," how old was Stewart when his mom went back to work?

eight (131)

In the book We are all Made of Molecules, How old was Stewart when his mom went back to work?

eight (131)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what is Lenny's hobby?

fencing (72)

In the book We are all Made of Molecules, What is Leonard's hobby?

fencing (72)

What does Ashley call Stewart?


In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what was Stewart's project?

he was building an electric bike

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," where did Stewart, Phil and Ashley find Schrodinger?

in a garage, pinned between an old car and a stack of lumber (235)

What does Ashley describe her mother as?


In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what word do Lauren and Ashley use to describe geeks?

tragic (75)

In the book We are all Made of Molecules, What word does Ashley accidentally say instead of emancipated repeatedly?

unconstipated (7)

What is Caroline's daughter's name and age?

Ashley and 14 (page 4)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," describe the relationship between Ashley and her best friend Lauren.

Ashley is friends with Lauren to make herself feel better about her appearance.

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," Ashley plans to get revenge on Lauren by spilling what secret?

Ashley plans to tell the school that Lauren stuffs her bra, as revenge for Lauren telling the school that Stewart is Ashley's new brother. (40)

In the book We are all Made of Molecules, Why did Ashley's parents get a divorce?

Ashley's dad is gay (9)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what does Jared want Stewart to do for the school's athletic department?

Be the new school mascot -- Borden Bulldogs (112)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," why does Stewart think of the change room as the low point of his first day at Borden?

Because he had to shower, and an older student pulled down his shorts (46)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what is the name of Stewart and Ashley's school?

Borden Secondary (33)

In the book We are all Made of Molecules, What is the name of Stewart and Ashley's school?

Borden Secondary School (33)

In the book We are all made of molecules, what is the name of the school that Ashley attends?

Borden secondary school (page 41)

In the book We are all made of molecules, what color is Stewart's hair?

Brown (page 17)

What are the three thing Stewart choose to keep from their move?

1. the afghan blankets has mother knitted 2. big, over-stuffed green-and-purple chair 3. his mother's collection of ceramic figures

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what is Stewart's best friend named?


Who is Stewart's best friend?

Alistair (page 3)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what shape does Stewart compare his family to?

An equilateral triangle (2)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what object did Alistair suggest Stewart buy to protect himself in the locker room?

An old wrestling uniform (94)

In the book "We Are All Made of Molecules," what happens to Stewart during lunch on his first day at Borden?

An older student spills gravy on Stewart's shirt, and Stewart then flees the cafeteria to hide under the stairwell.

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