Web Dev Foundations

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What is the attribute of the HTML <a> tag that may have value as a Uniform Resource Locator?

"href" The <a> tag is used to create a hyperlink, and the attribute can have URL as a value is "href"

What is the functional purpose of HTML in web design?

Browsers decode HTML to render a webpage

Which test is designed to detect the automated systems used by spammers?


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in other media. It saves a lot of work, it can control the layout of multiple webpages at once.

What is the common approach to provide database connectivity to websites?

MySQL relational DBMS and PHP interface

Which HTML5 tag attribute should be supplied for an input field in a web form if submitted to server?


Which term describes the process of adding a pair of tags within another pair of tags?


Which method type securely send form data that requires additional processing by the CGI script?


Which type of editor is used to develop HTML and CSS files?


Which input tag type value is used to create a group of mutually exclusive options?


Which two form elements should use the same name for groups of related elemetns?

Radio, Checkbox

What is the difference between web page responsiveness and efficiency?

Responsiveness is about the correct display of a web page in different devices, while efficiency is about the smooth display of a web page

MPEG Audio Layer-3(MP3)

MPEG is an organization that develops standards for encoding digital audio and video, and is associated with standards for multimedia file compression

Which phase of the web page life cycle is concerned with deprecated hyperlinks?


Application Server

Runs specific programs and delivers output. An application server is not required for every website created.

Why is it important to select an appropriate web page title for your website?

Search engines, like Google, base search indexing on the web page title

What is the purpose of CSS standard?

Simplifies the definition of styles in web pages

Web page efficiency

The time it takes for a web page to be effectively rendered by the browser

Which laws enforce rules and regulations over web pages around the world?

There are no laws covering the rules and regulations over the WWW

Database Management System (DBMS)

software intended to manage structured data storage, update, backup, and retrieval. ADBMS is implemented on a server and can be accessed through scripting languages like JavaScript, PHP, and others.


the HTML element that encompasses the whole document

<h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>:

the HTML headings of the web page main text that follow specific text formatting and also provide text structure


the HTML page body that encompasses the text to be displayed by the browser


the HTML page header information


the HTML paragraphs of the web page text that hold the regular text

<!DOCTYPE html>:

the document type declaration is mandatory and informs the browser which version of HTML is being used. The value html indicates HTML, version 5. A declaration is a statement that informs the browser of the information needed to correctly handle the elements within. In other words, the declaration tells the browser how to decode the tags that will follow.


the element that represents ordered lists where Arabic numerals are the default <ol> <li>Coffee</li> <li>Tea</li> <li>Milk</li> </ol>


the single tag to create a line break (remember that HTML does not take blank spaces or line breaks into account for display)


web page location as a filename and/or path

Which options are usual style properties of the HTML5 tag <img>?

"width" and "height". These define the dimensions of the displayed image

Waterfall Model

-Requirements Analysis: Where the goals and objectives for the web page are identified -Design: where the web page is planned -Implementation: Where the actual web page is developed -Testing: Where the implementation is verified -Deployment: where the web page is made available -Maintenance: Where the web page code may require patches or adjustments

Which 3 options are requirements for web page accessibility?

1. All images must provide text-based descriptions 2. All non-text content, including Java applets, must provide text-based alternatives. 3. All forms must be easily readable by screen reading technology.


1. HTML Documents are all in plain text 2. Web browsers only do what you tell them to do 3. Structure is added to elements with tags 4. Tags must be nested properly 5. Attributes can add function or meaning to elements HTML was designed to DISPLAY data

Which two statements accurately describe the differences between HTML and XML?

1. HTML can tolerate simple syntax mistakes, while XML does not accept any syntax mistakes 2. HTML is display language, while XML is data storage language

XML Syntax

1. documents must contain one root element that is the parent of all other elements 2. All elements must have a closing tag. In XML it is illegal to omit the closing tag. 3. Tags are case sensitive. Opening and closing tags must be written with the same case 4. All elements must be properly nested within each other 5. Attribute values must always be quoted 6. XML does not truncate multiple white spaces

Which option indicates a correctly formatted comment for an HTML file?

<!--this is a comment-->

Which HTML5 tag is self-closing?


Which HTML Tag is used to indicate the first heading level in a web page


Which two tags are containers for other tags?

<head> and <body>

Which tag is a valid form field for exclusive use in HTML5?

<input type="email">

Which markup should be used to link a CSS document to a web page?

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="theme.css">

Which markup should be added to a form to create a drop-down list that allows users to select with three selectable options?

<select multiple> <option value="item1">item1</option> <option value="item2">item2</option> <option value="item3">item3</option>

Which HTML tag is used in tables to specify a cell within a non-header row?

<td> is used for table cells within a non-header row.

Markup Language

A computer languages that uses tags to define elements within a document. It is human readable. The most popular markup languages are HTML(webpage) and XML (used for storing structured data)


A file system object that organizes data within the file system of a storage device

GUI(graphical user interface)

A type of user interface through which users interact with electronic devices via visual indicator representations

An organization has users which run older versions of Internet Explorer. Which action should be done to ensure that the web page content is visible in all browsers?

Add JavaScript code to HTML documents and create a new CSS rule

OGG Vorbis compressed audio file(OGG)

Allows users to stream and alter high quality digital multimedia files...and is a native format to Apple

API-Application programming interface

An API is a software artifact that serves as an intermediary between two programs that need to pass information between each other, in which the parameter passage format is predefined.

Which legal concern relates to fair use during the website planning?


What is a common concern when deciding the outsource level for a website?

Cost, Security, and Support

Which statement describes the relationship between Dynamic HTML(DHTML) and the Document Object Model (DOM)?

DHTML utilizes a collection of technologies, including the DOM to control the overall appearance and function of a webpage.

What is the primary purpose of the DOM?

Defines documents' logical structure and how they are accessed and manipulated


Defines the location of stored data within the file system of a storage device

Given all the usual outsource options for your website, which third-party service will always be needed?

Domain name server

Which two methods are used to apply Cascading style Sheets(CSS)?

Embedding an internal style sheet in an HTML page AND Linking an HTML page to an external style sheet

Which two actions should be used to address users with visual impairments?

Ensure that pages support screen-reader apps AND provide text descriptions for images

Which multimedia technology did popular video sharing sites replace with Motion Picture Experts Group (MP4) to address security concerns?


Which request method should be used in a form to append parameters into a query string?


What feature is used to provide tailored access to third-party applications when creating a web page?

Graphical user Interface-A GUI allows the end user to interact with third-party applications without encountering any of the internal complexity of the GUI

Which area of computer science improves creativity to offer a better end user experience with a website

HCI-Human Centered Interaction

HTML comment Tags

HTML comments are not displayed in the browser but they can help document your source code. The syntax is: <!--Write your comment here -->


HTML element that informs the page title to be used by the browser to be displayed over the window or tab displaying the web page

Which kind of approach provides security needed for e-commerce web pages?

HTTPS protocol


Hypertext Transfer Protocol allows access to hypertext documents through the use of a unique URL (uniform resource locator) HTTP: is the protocol definition

During which phase of the web page lifecycle are HTML and CSS files coded?


Which HTML tag provides elements for acquiring information from the end user in a web form?

Input and Button tags

The Document Object Model (DOM)

Is an application programming interface (API) that defines a way to access and manipulate documents, as well as their logical structure. DOM can be considered a container of data that is a variety of formats. Programmers can use the DOM API to create, edit, and add content to XML and HTML documents.

Waveform Audio File Format (WAV)

Is an audio format used to store sound data

Dynamic HTML (DHTML)

Is an umbrella term for enhancements providing animation, interactivity, and dynamic updates in pages. DHTML capabilities include: Automatic adjustment of font and sizes and colors. Absolute positioning, new document content, granular control over animation, audio and video

What happens when an end user clicks on a submit button element of a web form?

It collects the information of the input tags (values entered by the user) and issues a "post" command that will be handled by a script program


It is a collection of data stored in one unit, managed by the file system of a storage device

What happens to data entered into a web form after the Reset button is selected?

It is cleared and the form fields are set to their default values


Its purpose is to store documents and organize data within the file system of a storage device

Which language is most commonly used as a client-side scripting language in web development?


What happens when a site visitor views a web page that uses a font unavailable on the visitor's computer?

The browser's default font will be displayed


The domain name: a sequence of host machine names preceded by a double slash and separated by periods. Domain names are not case sensitive

<dl> (description list)

The element that defines lists where the items are preceded by a defined HTML element <dl> <dt>Coffee</dt> <dd>- black hot drink</dd> <dt>Milk</dt> <dd>- white cold drink</dd> </dl>


The element that represents unordered lists where bulleted items are the default Ex: <ul> <li>coffee</li> <li>tea</li> </ul>

Which characteristic of XML indicates it is an extensible markup language

The set of XML tags is unlimited


The tag defines a section in a document inline


The target attribute specifies where to open the linked document. The target attribute can have one of the following values: _self - Default. Opens the document in the same window/tab as it was clicked _blank - Opens the document in a new window or tab _parent - Opens the document in the parent frame _top - Opens the document in the full body of the window


This tag defines a section that is intended to aggregate multiple lines into a block that follows a similar style

Domain Name System (DNS)

Translates a domain name into numerical addresses, making it possible for a user to access a website by typing the domain name rather than the website's actual address


Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol is the general internet data exchange

Database server

Used for storage and retrieval of data, delivers structured DBMS and unstructured data (files. A database server is not required for every website created

Which attribute should be used to add default text to an input tag of type text?


Which graphical image type scales without losing image quality?


How do vector-based graphics differ from rasterized ghraphics?

Vector-based graphics are based on components of the image instead of pixels


XML is a markup language that is used to structure and format any kind of data and has multiple purposes, such as: Data Storage Data Retrieval Data mining Dara processing XML does not do anything it is just information wrapped in tags, it was designed to carry data


a web page complying with all HTML standards is likely to be displayed correctly in every browser Example: web page complies with all HTML commands instead of relying on the browser's tolerance with HTML syntax


a web page is less prone to errors if it can be clearly read Example: web page code limits the HTML statements to one per line


a web page with the correct use of its elements is likely to display correctly regardless of the window or screen size Example: web page code uses relative dimensions instead of specifying sizes in pixels


a well-designed web page is easy to adapt Example: web page code includes comments to help locate portions of the HTML code


an HTML tag to display a change of context, usually displayed as a horizontal line


an HTML tag to modify the weight of text relative to surrounding text, which usually is equivalent to a bold font face

Which HTML5 element is used to draw graphics on a web page?


External CSS definition:

defines styles in a separate file that is referred as a link in a header on an HTML. When using external CSS files, the browser must download the HTML file first, then the CSS files. The primary advantage of this is that it allows for design elements to be applied across multiple HTML files.

Internal CSS definition

defines styles within style tags in the header of an HTML file. Works well when the CSS styles will be applied to all elements within the HTML file

Inline CSS definition

defines the style attribute within each HTML tag. Works well when CSS styles will be applied to specific sections of an HTML file, rather than the entire file.

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