Week 2, Day 6 - 질문 (question)
질문 있나요?
Do you have any questions? (cuter verb ending)
그 질문에는 대답하고 싶지 않네요
I don't want to answer that question. (surprise/wonder verb ending)
질문 있어요
I have a question
질문이 좀 이상한 것 같아요
I think the question is a little bit strange
그 질문은 나중에 개인적으로 대답할게요
I will answer that question later in private
질문이 있으면 손을 들어 주세요
If you have any questions, please raise your hand
모르는 게 있으면 바로바로 질문해 주세요
If you have something that you don't know, please ask me immediately
대답하기 참 어려운 질문이네요
It's such a difficult question to answer. (surprise/wonder verb ending)
질문 하나 해도 될까요?
May (Shall) I ask you a question?
먼저 제 질문에 답해 주세요
Please answer my question first
개인적인 질문은 하지 말아 주세요
Please don't ask any personal questions
질문은 발표가 끝난 다음에 받겠습니다
We will take questions after the presentation is finished. (formal verb ending)
난처한 질문
awkward question
어려운 질문
difficult question
개인적인 질문
personal question
날카로운 질문
sharp question; penetrating question
바보같은 질문
stupid question
질문에 대답하다
to answer a question
to ask a question
이상한 질문
weird question