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Upon his death, Alexander reputedly left his vast kingdom to

"the most powerful."

What does "the Socratic method" refer to?

A manner of teaching that features relentless questioning

Which of the following was one of the educational traditions of Golden Age Athens?

A mentor-protégé relationship whereby a male adolescent would learn from an older man by accompanying him in the course of his public functions, athletic exercises, and social interactions

The term Helot was used to designate which of the following?

A slave in Sparta who was of Greek origin

What did the Roman generals Sulla (c. 138-78 B.C.E.), Pompey (106-48 B.C.E.), and Julius Caesar (100-44 B.C.E.) have in common?

A willingness to embroil Rome in civil wars to secure their own personal wealth and power

Who was Aristotle's most famous pupil?

Alexander the Great

Where was the Hellenistic world's most impressive court, in terms of scholarship, learning, and library resources?


What was Plato's Academy in Athens, established around 386 B.C.E.?

An informal group of individuals who studied philosophy, mathematics, and theoretical astronomy

Aristotle is renowned as the first scientist to attempt to collect and classify all available information on which of the following?

Animal species

The term Diaspora describes the experience of those Jews who

lived outside the Jewish homeland but still followed Jewish law.

As a result of Solon's reforms, council members who prepared the agenda for the assembly were chosen by


Socrates was the first philosopher in ancient Greece to

make ethics and morality the main focus of his teachings.

During the Roman Republic, the political career of a patrician typically consisted of

military service and selection to, in succession, the offices of quaestor, aedile, praetor, and consul.

Greeks in search of a personal religion that addressed both life on earth and the afterlife joined

mystery cults such as the cult of Demeter

Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.) rejected Plato's metaphysics, maintaining instead that explanations of the nature of reality must be based on

observation and the exercise of common sense.

To consolidate its power on the Italian peninsula, republican Rome often required conquered neighboring peoples to

provide military aid in times of war.

A number of Hellenistic women wrote epigrams, which were

short poems originally engraved on tombstones to commemorate the dead.

The Roman concept of authority was based on the belief that

society had to be hierarchical to be just.

The chastity of the Vestal Virgins was meant to

symbolize the security and stability of the Roman family and by extension the Roman republic itself.

Important discussions about politics, philosophy, and social matters often took place at drinking parties for upper-class Greek men called


Athens's wealth during the Golden Age largely derived from

taxes on trade and Delian League dues.

How did Zoroastrianism view the world?

As an arena of war between the good Ahura Mazda and the evil Ahriman—a war in which human beings must align themselves with truth and purity to avoid falling into hell

Where and when was the bloodiest loss in all of Roman military history, one that resulted in the deaths of more than thirty thousand Romans?

At Cannae in 216 B.C.E., during the Second Punic War

What political view did Plato and Aristotle share?

Athenian democracy was a bad form of government because it did not restrict decision making to the most educated and moderate citizens.

How did a Hellenistic king increase Roman power in 133 B.C.E.?

By bequeathing his entire Asia Minor kingdom to Rome

How did the general and politician Gnaeus Pompey shatter Roman tradition?

By demanding and receiving a consulship long before he had reached the legal age

How did wealthy Greek elites in the Hellenistic kingdoms contribute to the common good?

By donating money for public works projects, food, and medicine

Which term did the Greeks use to denote astronomers?


Tyrants in Archaic Greece were most likely to do which of the following?

Cultivate the goodwill of the people through public works projects and other policies that favored the interests of the masses

Which of the following best describes ancient Greece's natural resources?

Greece had a mountainous, rocky terrain that was suitable for the cultivation of olives, grapes, and barley but little else.

Though non-Greeks came to occupy important positions in the administration of the Hellenistic kingdoms, they were rarely admitted to the highest rungs of Hellenistic society because

Greeks and Macedonians saw their culture as superior to the local cultures.

How did Gaius Marius's military conquests and election as consul represent a turning point in the Roman republic?

He came from the equites class and not the patrician class, and his armies were more loyal to him than to the republic.

What change in Athens's democracy did Cleisthenes implement by about 500 B.C.E.?

He established a ruling council of Five hundred individuals chosen annually by lottery and representing the demes in proportion to the size of their populations.

How did the fifth-century Sophist Protagoras offend many Athenians?

He insisted that absolute truth did not exist because every issue had two irreconcilable sides.

How did Alexander the Great rule the territories he conquered?

He left existing governmental units in place

What factor enabled Julius Caesar to triumph in the civil war that lasted from 49 to 45 B.C.E.?

He wielded immense popular support, and his army remained loyal even in the most difficult of times.

Patria potestas referred to the right of the father to hold formal power over which of the following?

His children and his slaves

Which of the following demonstrates the importance of Jews in the Hellenistic world?

King Ptolemy II's order that the Hebrew Bible be translated into Greek

During the Neo-Babylonian Empire, the Chaldeans rebuilt the great temple of their chief god,


Which form of family life was the general rule in ancient Greece?

Monogamy, in which men were permitted only one wife

What basic tenet did Plato hold fast to throughout his long career, despite the fact that his thinking continued to evolve and never constituted a unified system?

Moral values are universal and absolute, not relative.

By the 350s B.C.E., which city-state's endless war making and collaboration with the Persians caused so much strife that the weakened Greek city-states could not fend off the Macedonians?

NOTT Thebes

Which Athenian dramatist satirized the Sophists for making "the weaker argument the stronger"?

NOTTT Sophocles

What enraged the Roman consul Sulla just before his campaign against King Mithridates VI in Asia Minor?

NOTTT The other consul, Marius, was put in charge of a more important and potentially more lucrative campaign in Gaul.

The First Triumvirate of Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar formed in 60 B.C.E. when

NOTTT the three men joined forces for an assault on Egypt.

How did Greek settlement in the eastern Mediterranean abroad influence the development of Greek culture during the Archaic Age (c. 750-500 B.C.E.)?

NOTTTT It introduced the Greeks to the Hebrew concept of monotheism and altered Greek religion.

Which of the following best describes the condition of the poorer local populations in Hellenistic kingdoms?

NOTTTT Most free adults worked in or near the large cities, producing manufactured goods for the royal armies, while slaves cultivated the bulk of Hellenistic agricultural produce.

Why did Hellenistic science rarely produce practical results?

NOTTTT The Romans conquered the eastern Mediterranean just as Greek scientists were beginning to achieve significant breakthroughs—and cut off Greek science at the bud.

In which of the following areas did Rome not seek to emulate Greece?

NOTTTTT Architectural design and style

When the Greeks began writing again about 800 B.C.E., they adopted and adapted an alphabet they received from the


What did the term plebiscites originally refer to?

Resolutions passed by the Plebeian Assembly

How did the status of wealthy Roman women differ from that of most Greek women in the Classical Age?

Roman women had a slightly higher status, since they not only managed their households but also were able to play an indirect but important role in politics.

What activity was most central in the lives of Paleolithic peoples?

Searching for food

What did initiates into Greek mystery cults generally hope to obtain?

Secret knowledge and divine protection

Magna Graecia ("Great Greece") was the name the ancient Greeks used to describe which region?

Southern Italy and Sicily, sites of some of the largest and most powerful overseas Greek settlements, including Naples and Syracuse

What did the Athenians do that so enraged the Persian king Darius I?

The Athenians aided the Greek Ionian city-states in their uprising against their Persian overlords.

Why do historians consider the Greek victory over the far more numerous Persians during the great Persian invasion of 480-479 B.C.E. to have been truly remarkable?

The Greeks so valued their political freedom that they joined forces to preserve it.

The development of agriculture and the domestication of animals were key elements in which of the following?

The Neolithic Revolution

The tale of Romulus and his men kidnapping the Sabine women illustrates which of the following?

The Roman tradition of absorbing different peoples into its citizen body, a practice that helped make Rome a world power

The tale of the rape of Lucretia reflects which of the following?

The belief that this outrage led the morally virtuous Romans to overthrow the monarchy and establish a republican government

What environmental change is believed to have led to a radical change in the nomadic Paleolithic way of life?

The climate in certain Near East regions became milder and wetter, resulting in increased fertility of the land.

Why were Assyrian women unlikely to rise to positions of political power?

The pursuits most admired by the Assyrian elite were warfare and hunting, which were exclusively male occupations.

Athens's return to economic health benefited from which of the following?

The reconstruction of the Long Walls, which connected the city with the port and protected trading vessels and shipbuilding

Why did so many farmers sink into debt or lose their land in the latter years of the Roman republic?

The small-scale farmers who made up the bulk of the army were taken away from their land and livestock by military campaigns for so long that their farms failed.

Which of the following was proposed by Thales and Anaximander?

The universe was governed not by the gods' wishes but by unchanging laws of nature

How were the violent deaths of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus a turning point in the history of the Roman republic?

Their deaths broke with the traditional taboo against political violence and introduced factions into Roman politics.

What farsighted leader convinced the Athenians to invest their resources of precious metals in the navy and later led Athens during the great Persian invasion of Greece?


How did the Neolithic peoples living between and around the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers produce abundant food despite infrequent rainfall and soaring temperatures?

They developed an extensive system of irrigation.

Why did the Roman aristocrats create a republican system of government and not a monarchy?

They had come to believe that it was necessary to share power between adult male citizens.

What was the main tactic used by the plebeians to force the patricians to make political and economic concessions?

They pressured the patricians by periodically refusing to perform military service.

What was the most common reason for men to seek public office in the early Roman republic?

To achieve status and glory through service to the republic

What did Roman morality primarily emphasize?

Virtue, faithfulness, and respect

What did the covenant established between Yahweh and the Israelites require the Israelites to do?

Worship Yahweh as their only god and live according to his laws

Which four events were included in the original Olympics?

Wrestling, jumping, running, and throwing

Most early Paleolithic societies were characterized by a form of organization in which

all men and women had a roughly equal say in making important decisions.

Freed slaves in the Roman republic could not hold elective office or serve in the army,

but their children possessed citizenship without any limitations.

Hellenistic sculpture differed from sculpture of the classical era in that it was more likely to

depict suffering and emotional individuals

Upon conquering foreign regions, neo-Assyrian kings

deported many of the conquered peoples to Assyria to work as slaves on building projects.

Aristophanes' comedy Lysistrata (411 B.C.E.) portrayed women seizing the initiative and acting aggressively against men in order to

end the Peloponnesian War and restore ordinary life

Until the conquests of Philip II and Alexander, the Greeks regarded the Macedonians as

uncivilized barbarians.

In Greek tragedies, leading characters, usually the high and mighty, suffered a reversal of fortune because of hubris, a Greek term for

violent arrogance

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